Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 21, 1905, Image 4

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    No Poison in Chamberlaina Cough j mWTPWasai
A Diiust.oua Calamity.
iVnc Journal Wantsf, , , ' , , ,
- . . yTJrW- ' .. , i u ...i i. A KM It Im h I UitroiiM etil.iiult , . v lion ! .. H
Sf7:'.m'Z lfN,.;vS..,itl. V), I.a.l I Notkimdrthte homl - K... ,1 , U,..-ulo have,r
u i ..I Mil ii1,M-,Mii:li $ wtll b khivm1 t the rte of tf w ,.,.,,,, v,.f ..... W ,.x,,.t tl.ln
Th Sum t Thiuf K,J ft Con
lonii (."ill .icscriU-s. the rtliw
" , h-i with fcmaie tM-ak-
, . - i- under Hit; catv of
,. who his had snectnl
the .,,.-..l .( n.-li ",r,',:,1,,i
11 HIM" 1-1111' n... -- - .
,.r :.. Ir. U. V. l'toive to i.4
l,,H Millli'll Were noma
thro-ml. I'-'iiopn.v a'.1
' .:.r,. hc.l.-len.iin-d tod.-v,.te
i,'! il to M.i.iv and tv-arch till he i l 1li
iiiihIii ini'K that
market. ut r the entire
( ti iii 1 nil .xie that tlii'.v
m.ik i-utiivlv trev front all
This i-xifiitioii
list t !. ixrrrrJrrr
.livlaivil . OK s A1.;1M Hm.UsI IMvmoutli i
Tl.i'V tmllil ni voiir .limsi lvi or
it ml t-.tiv h.-ti.l ti ho. .lixilii
.1. II. IVlllW'tHlf K
son More; :
I .
poisons, i ... ii w :...t i;.... ...iistlimlloii. rt.
j, I i l.,;,.V ll"t K I III hetts, IM . II. iui'in,
i ii.iiii.m . tin " i .
t'.niiili Ki'IiuhIv. in:....' ov i u- hi- r
U-rlain Mlirini- I'onti'ai.y. I
Moin.. Iowa. I . S. A. Tito "'l;,u1';: KKKS1I !AON VM I.AKP.-WV r
..(all nanolirs milk. tlii" nMil.'-lx r"r v
th.-sal-Man.nt that, an U- t.a.i: -ll...K tl.e UhI ....l... t ..I tln r
iii.lli U will, a fivliittt "f wtirit.v i ,;.in ami Ur.l Ht the xitnio l.riitu :.
that auv imitlii'i- an kIv' it to l"'r ! --t-rn imiI. A ill .onvinov
liitl,- t hamU-rlalii oi.uii Uvt
,1 if tiiir Miii. nu, .rIlllMlv )s iv,vall.v iiv..iiiiiii.'i'.i , . - -
tn,: : , tv.n. '.o v, Iiv itn uiaK.-rs lor ooucim. -. . , " - -i"-
;,, ,.im.( a ii iik i'""; ,.,,,,11, nil,! wh.Hil'inu ruuuli.- I Hen.f ot our Imm cumt tmnis.
1;r,';''n,. a......S.ts. tvn..Mv Ik f..r al- I.y 1. V. A. la. ..son. I ,,21(f F.n:K A Mom...
! rivt. i :.' .. . . .
. lain M..xatlvi nn.l xlo.ii
r t liiiinlH-i'H sioina. I.
TiiMftn w'.it to I'.' Il"'1 iniilriil. .iioiii;"
ml i-olniHt. yrt tail. I i-nonnl.
an. I al,- for i-l.ll.liv.i nn.l wltnoiii
that t.-tiil'l.1 uill'lnu ho common to
tinarantii-.l at immt n..'uat vc." nay It. S. Wi-lmtcr
tin. I I). I". o., r.loia,t)nlM.lo.'" Tor
V. jal.'.lv l. I'. A.laniHon.
a a & iT4 4 4 n 4 n 4 ifft 4 4 4 1T4 n
. .. .. . 74
I Vic fiuccct I
Kino Wilms, Liquors. .'ijjmH, 0
I)rat! iinl Hollloil lieiT.
j '
jf Sood Milliard Uadfo in. Connection
Ii n :, i! V
(. : -
t l i'
iiliu- h in 'I
,," I Mil'
""t ; . - f-llHltl
tru.-;. .1. ni'ti'
0 II jui-.l'.iiii"
,-.! . ur.l ii
(!,! nViii V'
:il virlii
mi.mI :r
nun-;. '
, ,v!in'i
r. us lr
! i,ii
l!iu,' . t'inth
tl. n,tiiiiiit
of tlll'SO ll'
Notice For Pvibltoation. uttii-f .n The IV.ll.s. awti,
; i
Noii.v i h-n-ly llmt !' fo.loit.f
"Tin- tn-aii'iir o"- '
til li.-lV," lll.MllJ.I "i. ,i't,
..'liini.' li.' !!.."..."-
til- i.i !i.-i'ini'Ct. !' f i "
II, hi I.. iK.'t "
I'iih.'ii Si.. San I is"'
in.' ! "
i.i ',.n. II. f"n
I r, ,i mm II
Mi'j,''l.v "''' a n " 1 1
m ii.. i'i-r. 'l.v
tB'llli-IV SMIK '"I '
f..l...i - k'll l-
a ilr.-9l !iwtor Rook f-'re.
to lr i;. . rii-ri-.'.
,-r t ;. : : i-.iT smi li' HI
,,,v ,.t I. iv ims n-r..' t
, ;, now : iiamftl spttlrr ImM none.' m ."- ,
' f h; ..lami 4ii,i that vil.t lixr WIlllH'i
KOIl SAI.K On tfix'l milk cm, nlmitt
Aiilv at tlim ottLi tor
.:.., t.l
111 !' ' .. ,
Nom i.iUt, Hd. (ll.,'ur iHiornialion jruv. .IM-'-'S
. .iirlil niN-mil
I ilisl H'-o...l
ilM.I 111.' um il I V ss. r
1 :i..,', iMi.t.l liiti'-'y
,i, vtu-n nv,, ..I V.'l :
fl, K'-a ' .'. ,
iluii four tiH'i.t If I y i
, J t -W!.:i.l V'li " tili'li-. I
wi-ll ni.,1 mimiw. " I : '
t.i .. for sour Irtiwrt
i.u.,-n "
ni:.l.' Kfore th t ounty l.-.k t , ri-ok
Coumv. at rrinCMlim V'l-riin. m lVvi-m-
U-r -.'Sth. l!V, vu: John . I
I'riTifvillc. t'n-(,Mii. II. K
i-cnt i:iii'-
X. Y.. tn .!
vd-i a fri"'
S'liM- Mi-ill.
Clntli-covoml sumns.
. T . 1 1
ii, l;,.r.T l'!i :f a ri i,
v!, ':.:'l u'.-st UxUv tor Um usho'
Aeiii-ai wouioa.
Notice of Mating.
Notiif in licivliv v'iven that there
h' hell at the court limise in rrmeville.
Oro,!on, on Tnelay thel'ml of January.
1m;, at tl e hour of 2 o'.-l. k p. m. t"
ail .lay, the annual nuetiiitf of tin-
V.i t r Urem l.ivet'K"V sri'l Asrionl
titral ass.H-iKtio.1 for the pnri-weol elect
ips rart of .lim-torf. All (.nl-r:lx
nf ol.wk are re-iu. te.l to !e present r
m-n.I their j.rosie? to some one liere to
U' voie.1 for them. Pute.i fliin tith .lay
of lec. lfO-'i. T. H. I.awh i i tt. prep'ii.
M. K. Bim.s. si''y.
Timlx r l.a.iil. Art :.
Noticje for Publication.
l"nit.ii State- Land ttii-e.
The l.aHe, l.riy.m. t. tolr VC.
N",,tioe is her. hy given tliat in ronipli-an.-e
with the provir-Wini "f the art of ,
press of .lime , 1T, entitle.! "At. act for
the ale of tintWr lanis in the States. I
California, Oregon. N'.-vaoa. ami Washing-I
tun Territory." as vvt. niitil In all til. J
Puhlie Land stJle- hy a. t of Angu.-t 4.
ISIri Perley KlWrt tierouhl. "f Portlan-I, !
county of Mintn-iiiiali, stale .1! Oregon. J
has t Iliac day tille.1 in this off. re his w.iri: : No. 271, for the purchase oi l
thePWj; of Ser. No. I.', in Tnwn-hip S.
I-.' South Range No. L K. W. M., ami will
offer pnxif to show that the laiel -oulit i- j
more valuahle for Us titnln-r or -tone than
for agricultural purposes, ami to eslahli-h
his rlaini to sai'l lan.l tx f.iri' Hon P. Kea,
I". S. .'.imiuissioner, at his office in
Ma.lra.1. Oretron; 011 '.he ltli !' of Ke!
ruary, l!i.
lie intuit as -it m-sses : Honanl W
Turner, ami William l..ak. of Ma-lra.
I'. O. 1'arlier. anHfe.irLr- II., of A--h-woo'l,
Any an i all ersous elaiiuiug adversely
the alMiviMiesrriiie.1 lan-ls arc ri-iiuesteil to
tile their claims in this .irti. e on or before
said lttth day 'f I ehruary. l'.i;.
Mi. iuki. T, Kegi-t.-r.
.well, of
No. !H:', for
the WT NK.i, mnl X SK'. s". It lp.
IS Soutb, K.i.igr l'i K.. W. M.
H .,ii,... tin- foiliinir witnesses to
prove lii- eonlinuoiis rvi-ienre up.Ui an.l !
cultivation of -ai.l lan.l. via: 1
James lYo-c. John 1. UKollrlte. John
Kilter, v'latvnre M.1"allister, alt of rrine
ville. Oreir)U .
MlfllAKI.T. XOI.AX. Register,
TimKr Act June X l'Ts.
Notice for Publieatiou.
I'tiiteJ States, l-aml Ollice.
The Dalles, ()rgo.i. July VV.
Noti.v is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the art of Congr?s
of June S. lsTs entitle.! "An art for the
.l. of .iniher Ian.! in the state- of Cali
fornia. Oregon. Xevaila. ami Washington
Territory." a-esten.hs! to all the Puhlie States hy a. t of August I. W'J.
Martha A. Mitchell of Untie, county of
SilverlK.w State of Montana, has t hi- .lay
lihsl in this ore her -worn statement
No. yH . f"i tl"' piireha-e of the X K' ,X V. ' .
S'j XK', .v --K'; N W el s.r No. :f.', in
Town-hip Xo. U Range X,. I!' K., W.
M.ati.t will otVer proof to show that tin
lan.l sought is, inure valuahle f. r it- timber
or -tour than f.r aiiricu'lur.l purs.srs.
ati-l t- c-ta'.li-!. hi- ciaiiu said lan.l
hefore the Register an.l U.i-eiver at The
lalles Oregon, on the Jtl. -lav f K'-hru-
ary. l'.i
She name- a- witnees: J aim's
Heath, of Prinevil'.e. Or-i;.
Heath, "f Putt
ch. II, "f Seattle
The Biggest,
Most Complete
1. I.oui-e I!. j
Montana lultoi M it-1
Washington. Thonia- II. J
SAI.K Mi) a. nsM lwrl laml.
title ja-rfiN-t: 40 acivH n' for lov;
l.Kiacn for cultivation:
iuclicK water fnv ami n-rH-t ual.
Tract convciii.-nt to tiinla-r. In..iitv
of S. J. Nkwsoxi. rrin- ill.'. rc. ol-
rK SAI.K 1J KcuiKtcnil
cows. 2 K.-ii. Ilei-cfor.1 bulls. For
sale or will (or uraile cattle,
ycarllus or ciilv.-s in-t.'rn-l. Will
vxcliatijrc one lii.ll for another rvais
tcnnl Hercfor.1. t attle can U- urn
at A. Zcll ranch. I mile east of IVInc-
vill.-. oralm-sH. It. 1-. .n.i.. rnne-
vil!c. 01-
LOST: Monivram fountain pen.
Kinder please return same to this office
and receive reward.
In the flinstmas Lake Valley.
Uuiii-Hiiteeil to N- ioo.l wheat ami
Alfalfa lan.l. Almmlan.-c of water
can le wee 1 ire I from 12 to 2" fe't.
P.yi.-on t'.vi.Y- Silver Lake. trcii Hi.
Han's Unreasonableness
is often as n-al as woman's, lint
Thus. S. Austin. Mr. of the "Kccuh-ll.-an."
"t Ia'sx veil worth, linl.. was
not unrvasonalrte when he n-fnsjil to
allow the doctors to oicrate oil his
w if.-, for female trouble, 'Instead."
hesavs. "we conch). led to try I'.lir-
trit- P.itleiM. My wife was then so
sick, she could hardly leave her lied,
and live pliysieans had failed t re
. relieve her. After taking Kl.i trir
Hitters, slie was iM't-fii tly em-ed. and
can now icrforiii all her household
duties." Tem
plcton's and l. I'. Adainson's drug;-
g:isls. )ii ic
The Cheapest
Line of iJ-"
In the County
Cn B Stsrn and
Bought at the Store of
fwK v 11 1 v 1 ri iT.ui
77: V ;
..a . J ? y J - J ft
,U .J .J .. ,
c deception
rtoiiu nntuAnn Prinovlllo and ShanlUo
Leaves Slianiko, t . n. Arrives at Princvillc ft . m.
Leaves rrineville t p. m. Arrive at Slianiko I a. m.
First Class Accommodations
Powell &
ToiiMirial. Artists-
SMITH .fr CI.KKK, I'Moi'Minou
Donicsticiiul Imported Liqtioi
and (dinars
!-.. ij. -. ,HrH ' tH m t j H " t i t ft
coti.N rkv ohdi-us soi.ici ii;d
I'osl Ollice Box '..'
rinr ir yr ir. ir. yr. innir .
r 1
lis 1 Y,
It T
if B
I ft
Mitchell, "f Pome. Montana.
Any and all persons elai miiig adversely j
ii. .i-.v-lei riU-.l an- n-uie-ted 1,1
1.1, (
lile their claim- in this office on or!
U-fore said sth day of February, Pl.
MtclOKl. T. N..I Register. X.jfoW SlOOUt
Sale of
Contest Notice.
IH'liai tmeiit of the lliti-Mor
I'.iil.'.l state- I-uid oiljee.
The Dalles, iin cun. Nov. 17." 1!."..
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
filed in this office by Sarah P. ..lenn, con
testant, acdin.-t H..n.i'-tfad Kntry No.
744H, made June 2. 1!U. for S.WK1,'.
S'.jSW '.4 , set ion S. tott Diliip 17 south, of
range mil east of Willamette meridian, by
Thomas Caton, contf-lee, in winch il is
alleged that said Thomas t'atuii ha- wholly
abandoned said land and lias failed to
reside upon, settle or cultivate the -am.' in
any manner or establish a re-ii nice upon,
or in any way improve said land for more
than live years last pa-t and ha- been uls
sciit from the -ame (iurine all that time;
that said aii-enee was not due to his em
ployment in the army, navy or marine
corps of the rnited state-in lime of war.
fcaid partic- are hereby nntihed to appear
respond and oiler evidence touching -aid
allegation at in o'clock a. m. on January "1,
lOWi, before .1. J. Smith, county clerk, at
his ollice in Prineville, Oregon, and that
final hearing will he lu ld at l'i o'clock a.
111. on January 1. i:l. U'fnre liie Register
and Receiver at the l uitcd Slates Land
Office in The Dalles, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper
affidavit, filed October 0. llffi, set forth
facts which show that after due diligence
personal service of this notice can not
be made, it is hereby ordered and directed
that such notice lie given by due and I
proper publication.
MICUAI'L T. X0I.AX. Register
Notice of Admin.strators
Real Property. j
Notice i- hereby given, that in per-uancr '
of an order of the County Court for ('rook.
County. Oregon, ma.b and enter, d on tin ;
4th day of Ow.. l' in the matter of the 1
paruwr-hip e-tate of Win. 11. ijuiiin ;
Son. the undersicne'l the administrator of
said partner-hip e-tate will from and after ;
the ith day of January, proceed to
-e! at private -ale for ea-tt. ail the right. I
title and interest of the partnership of Wm. J
H.iiinn .-on also all the right, title!
and iiitere-t t William H. ui u.-1
c ax-d. had in the -aid prcmi-es at the
time of his death and all the right, title!
and interest the said e-tatfc ha-- acipiired j
other than or in addition to that cf the
said William H. 'jiiinn at the time nf hi- ;
dealh in and to all that certain real estate 1
descrii-' I as f..llos. to-wit: The S..nth
half ol the X-.rthwest .juarter and the
N'rtrth half l the .jutliwe-t .piarter of j
Section Thirty Five and the Soiitln-a-t i
nuarter of section Thirty Four
Tow nship Twelve, S nth of Rang.
Kast of W. M. in Ci k 1 ounty. Oregon. ,
Dated this 7th dav of l.c. I'ti:,.
Aduiini-tratorof the e-tate of the part
nership of Wm. II. 12'iinu A. s.m.
When in need of Lum
ber, Shingles, Mould
ing, Doors, Windows
or (llass see
Shipp & Perry
Tor Priees on Them.
j 1 . .. :'. 11 ."I. ---1
k. Jk. Jk. Jk JUiJt Jk. Jk. Jli Jk.k JtLlt. J
Scnoral SSiacksmithing
1 r.n .
r nr,yr xrpr ir..innnriifiniir.v.innr,r.iMnr.u.irtnr,.i
N K A T I. Y Al 1'noMI-fl.V ' lloMC
WllK.N IT H IhiMC Itv J i
ftobcrt 7oorc
Satisfaction Will He Guaranteed
Winter fieadiny?
ail in -
Fift.-.-ii ;
During the long evening-"of
Fall and Winter nearly everyone
feels the need of something to read
and to supply thi- want we have
made arrangements with the put
li-liers of the Weekly origoiiiau,
the Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal,
of Portland, ' Madame", and The
American Farmer, of Indianapolis,
Indiana, ami The Town and Coun
try Journal, of I.os Angel.--, Cal
ifornia, by which we can club their
paper- with the ('RooK Cot'NTY
Jol'RXAh at a price which is
within reach. of all. Following is
the lilieral clubbing rate we have
to otter you :
Town and Country Journal -The
A mericaii Farmer - - - -Crook
County Journal - . - -
1 on
1 01
1 :
ItciiJ Livery Transfer ('.oinpuny
Stock boanleil by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. Kenieniber us when in
rrineville. K.m: IU: sox.viu.i:. We lmve
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
g tF" Kun in Connection with tin- Bond Livery Stables
Notice to Creditors.
Kstatc of James IS. MarUregnr,
signed James
ileeeased :
i- i- hereby given by the under
adminislratrix of the estates of
li. MadircKor. decea.-ed. to all
having claim- agam.-t said ue-
ea-iv. to exlirilt tnclll Willi Hie liecc-.-ai j
vouchers, within six inontlis from the
hue hereof M the un.iersigued at tne
..ffi.eoi'M.R. Kliiott in Prineville, Ore
gon. M . K. Ki.i.ior r
Administratrix of the Kstatc of James li.
Mac' iregor, .Iccett.-ed.
lat.-d Ihi- Uth day of Oct.. 1 !..
Our clubbing rate for all tnree
papers, ---------
'.Madame" -------
Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal
Weekly Oregmiian . -
Crook County Journal - - -
Our spe.-i
a! (dubbing offer
$3 50
1 50
1 On
1 50
- 1 Ml
- 1 fld
$5 50
4 OO
County Court of the State
In the County Court of the State ot
Oregon, for flu; County of Crook:
In the matter of the estate of 1
James ii. MacOn-gor, dcreasedi
To John S. Madiregor and ll heirs of
.lame- P,. M act iregor, unknow n, Kreeting:
hi the name of the State of Oregon, you
I are hereby cited and reninred to appear in ;
i ti e County Court of the State of Oregon. '
for the (.'ounty of Crook, at the courtroom ,
there.. f. at Prineville in tiie County of
! Crook, on Tuesday, the 'Jnd day ot .lanu-;
! arv, I!!, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of I
I that dav, then and 1 here to show cause, if;
i any exist, w hy an order of sab- should not j
b- made of the southeast ipiarter of section i
lificeii in township nineteen south, of
range twelve east of Willamette meridian, ;
111 Crook county, Oregon, at private sale,;
1 the said property belonging to the estate
j of James II. Mad iregor, deceased.
,Viine-s, the Hon. W. A. ilell, Judge of i
! the County Court of the State of Oregon, j
j for t he County of Crook with the seal of
! said Court affixed, this -1tth day of Novem
; her. A. I. 1!".
, . 1 Attest: S
( , 1 .1. .1. SMITH, Clerk.
We can furnish all six of the
papers mentioned in the above
lists- $9 00 worth of the best pub
lications for
Crook County Journal
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy is a Specific,
' Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It cloanses, Boot lies, heals, and protects the
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold la th Head quickly.
Restores the Senses of Taste and Hmell.
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs,
"I Thank The Lord!"
cried 1 1 ii 11 1 if 1 ii Plant, of Little Hock,
Ark., "for th" relief 1 irol from i'.uck
Icn's Arnic-i Salve. It cured my
fearful runiiiiiK Hori-H, which uolhiiiK
else would Ileal, inid from which I
liml suffered for ' years." It ist it
marvelous healer for ruts, liiirns and
A no lied iuto the nostrils and absorbed.; u-oinirfo. (ium-antii-il nt .1. If. Tem-
Larjje Size, SO cents at Druggist, or by .! ,,.,. all(1 .vianisoiFs li-u
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wrrn St., New York.
Aiiiuially, to till the new positions created
li) liailroai and TeleKraph Companies. We
want Young Men and Ladles of good hubUs
We furnish lt per cent of the operators
and .Station Asent in Ainerieii. Our six
schools arc I he truest exclusive Telegraph
Schools is riiK wori.ii. Kwablished yearn
and endorsed by all leading Railway Offi
cials. We execute h fiVI bond to every student
to furnish biin or her a position paying
from $Hi to V a month in Htates east of the
Koeky MoiiiUhIiis. or from f7" to IWO a
month in Suites west of the Koekics, IMMK-
Students can eater at hii- time. No va
eHtbuis. For full particulars regarding any
nf our Schools write dlrecl to our executive
ollice h dim-iimrti, O. Catalogue free.
The Morse School of Telegraphy
Cincinatti, Ohio.
Atlanta, Oa.
Texarkana, Tex.
Bufta o, N. Y.
LjiCretie, Wi.
8an Francltco, Cal
jfeenderson cf Pollard
Country Orders Solicited
Wines and
Finest Cigars
- In Stock
First Door South of the Foindexter Hotel
O'Tfcil brothers
guer Jout
Fin Wines, Liquors and Cigars, , also
Solo Agents for Hop Gold. Deer and
the Famous Napa Soda
IFciaqall-sr Trade Solicited.
I The Opera Saloon
BEDELL MOSES, Proprietors! .
In The (ilaze Half' ' . ,
A First Class House
in livery Respect
Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines
and Cigars .
Meat, Vegetables, Produce! Shctniko Warehouse Co.
A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, I'ork,
Hacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on hnnd at the
City meat Market
At The Old Stand
Prineville, Oregon
Agency for McCall's Patterns. Price 10 and 15cts.
. k A JV . A rffcjfl. A A A iCk
We have "ninny beautiful deHigiiH in
Fall and Winter Hats.The winter
BtylcH are gracionnly varied lieeoniinR
nesH M the keynote. But come and nee.
J The mont tdiarrnin hatH of the HeaHon
are in evidence, including the nmall
Togues, Turhnns and Maxine Klliot.
Orders taken for Corsets and Ladies
Fashional.le Tailor Made Suits
T 1 O UK n 11 rKIINL VlL.Lt.
laylor & mcv,auisier oregon
mwi . .AG
WW V Ur "W IF F "W wvvir-B-TT-" v T 3
AL- -A. JRv lm. MM SCMT w..Mm mm. mm mm. w.. jmm. ."-. - .mmm
Shaniko, Oregon
General Storage, Forwarding
Commission Merchants
Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, BarbedWire,
Nails, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, PlaHter, SJSulphur,
Wool and (train, Sacks and Twine, drain and Feed.
Agents for Wasco Warehouse Milling Co's. "White
River" and "Dalles Patent" Flour. Highest price
paid for Hides and Pelts.
Special Attention in 'paid to Wool (trading and
Baling for Eastern. Shipments.
Stock Yards with all the latest and best facilities
for Handling Stock. , .... ;
Tlfark Qour Soods in Care of
"S. W. Co." 1
' -r & X.'.-Wr S.'i-taW j-- HtCAjnU jl