r c B LOQ71L MENTION 1 F. W, tiKlav. Nuilth, of Crook whu In town ' Rotlt f USE MADRAS FLOUR T. J. LfHcli Ntlv In lll-fl-lV r. Ira welv U TuimiIn.V. to III MADRAS FLOUR. llmrUm IJoyil of lt ini wmm In i u City till WM'k on IhinIimwm. Jerry (miner and wft from Mmlm Moiuln.r nnl (;, M. Mull wmi In thn city from IIiIIhw MoihU.v. I. K. Mtcffn of Hit- Jourmil wt-nt iV'tuI TucwiIhv on buNliifHN. J A (lit Hlmrp t-aiiin upfront Mm I ran Molality itiu U nmihIIiik tlw In town. Hirto-MtvVfim nnil wifx cnuie up from MmlruH Monitiiy. Mr. HtrvciiK cnniw for turdli-nl tn-m incut. K. K. (Mytoo, tlif ltiilluw ni.-r-rlmnt wh In town on biiNlnitw Mntunlny, Oinrliw M. l.Uu-r wnit lining Ihim Iuomm lu town from IiIm rum h up the OcIhjco Tucwtiiy. nr. t N. biiwunlH whm i-nlliil to Kuplt lnt Tuurmlty Ut Ktt-nl Mrn, Imutc Mill. Mr. Mill Ih liuprorlnx, Mr.nndMm.r. II. Krlt knou of IViul M-nt fitw ilnyn In tlti city Hit WM-k, rrturnliiK Iioiiii- WiMlmixIny ifputy nlMTIn J. H. Knilih wint to IU-ihI thin luoruliiic on ollliinl IiumI turn to Ik nliwnt wvrnl rtnyn. ". W. Tliortithwnltf, who linn i houitHil iicnr Tutuiilo, wah nt temllnjc to mutter in town Tucmlnv mil WxlmwUy. A. It. I.IIHtWlllMl, of AmIimoihI Im MfilliiK o 'w ilnyn In the tliy. Inform im Hint I lie On-ut ttVuiem LiuutM-r f'o'n. mill m Unit pltof which ! Im IdTii HUptTliitcriili-nl IiiihcIommI ilown for tli winter, mimI t but Im Im litre atprwwnl iiricotlnlhiK for another mill. With rvury Id cttiit i:li purrlmMi at KMhoiiI A Kxil"r'ofciiinly, Uiy, nht or ilKm, vuta i Rivrn in tin dull con tent. On Jmmgry I, 1WM1 the little Klrl having tli lil(jlit nu in Iter iM vote will rxlv tlx elfnt 12.A0 lnl in the how aliulow Inolulnlv free. jji . Mien Mny Ik'Ile Itei! depulycouuty Cleric, hit ((one to liend to renin In Maori time. P. U. Ihmk la iumIhiIuk lo the otllce U u rln lur tilimmt-. D. 1 Adamson & Co. Unique Papostry Holiday Ooods I l'rincvillc, Oregon 1 W. K. Klnic etnrtiil to Slmulko WiilmtiJrt,v to inm-t Mre. KIuk niul tiM-lr ilnuuliier, who nn on tliclr wny home from nn eiti riihsi ntny lu 1'orilniul. It. H. CnMilemitn, who t'Hiiie from Ik-mi MevernJ wet-kn iiko, euflcrlim from n mnilKiinut vixm' of typhoid, hM m-ovenil nod In rnpldly regain Inn lite lieiiiih, jiilnnil Nate WuriwelliY returned home from i'ortlitnd thin wiek to HM!ttd the ClirUtuiHJi liolidiiya. TtM-y :-riattudlJi the Hill Military Acud- oy In thnt rlty. I. H. Mnlien wut In from Riilph ruriily'a nluvp ranch on (Mked rlvt-r Tuiwday and WediiMulay triuu. actinic bualtiitM and jp'MInK u atock of icoodltw for the (lirlHtinna celebrn tlon the lio.va will have there. 11. -'. Kill, auperlliteudetit of the iKxchutea Telephone ComiMtny, warn over from IWnd .Miimlay, I.Miklnn vr t lie telephone line let ween I'rlm. vlUe nod itend. He reMir(i4 that Bend had ipilte a aiiow fall Monday. All ciwh chevka on our premium offer dated from J dim- lnt, 05, muut lie lu by Jan. 1m(. wi. f the deli-ed amount la not reiu hed we will kItc a credit for the nmoiiiit returned. No idierka honorwl nfter thla date. J. K. Htkwant & (!o. 1). P. Adamson & Co. TOYS, DOLLS HOLIDAY OOODS Princvillc, Oregon iii 1. Adamson & (lo. JEWEL SETS I Holiday Ooods K iiiiwiiiiv, iivkwii n Hev. II. M. HI reel, of HtNtera, wna III town Nntiirdny, oil biialneHH. lie haa eoinpoaed and eopyiiKht4d a a.m:, entitled "The Voter' Hotiif" and Iiiim had aeveral hundred coplea of It printed. The worda arv net to the milMle of the aaeriMl moiik "When theUolllMcalliil I'p Yonder I'll lie Tlnre." MMtln Cick County Cattla mtn't AiMcUtiua. Uiven (hut Hieifj of tulwr Wax IrniH-, r'M'L 1'oinily I'ul tlemena imwrln-fj tloll Will llnlll II Hpi'lhl IlllftlllX ut I'llnevllle. Nalurduy lai-. .it). All llieiiiliel'M nn' riijiieMleil to la here without fail ua luioriaut IiuhIim-mm la to la traiiMn tl. H. '. Itartrnui, fiin-nl Miiperviaor of koeehnrif , will lw here to allot ranve In the Oua-ode reai-rve. Mii-Hiik railed at 10 a. m. aharp. , (',. :. Dunham, Htry. Miim iivei-; t:. M. Willy waa lu I'rlnevllle laat nluht on hla way to Nhaniko after a load of freluht. He haa dlapoMsl of hla raui li at the Itln Meadowa on the IX-whutea mid haa aeeunil a deaert Claim tietirChHatiiiaa Lake which he la now buay developliiK. He Intend to thoroughly teat the poaaltillltle of ifrowlim alfalfa on hla new land. In order to make room for my new irooda now ou the way my holiday atoek of toya, cnmllea and niila numt Ko at any prlee. Thla Im the laat week of holiday aul. You will lluil my atta'k of toya emuplelv nuil attractive and the eaudlea and iiuta frrtdi and aweet. Come lu and Imv a bl; lot at low prlcea. I. Mil IIKI.. Ha Mm th tahool at lo a. in. Ilev. Mltehell will deliver a chlldreu'M ('hrtatuiaa nddreaMat II. 'l'be . Medio dlMt MMiple are luvliiil to meet with ua for Chrlatlau Kndeavor at fl::U)and for rhun-h aen lee at "::W. Aa the auhjei't waa loo big for laat Kabbath eTiiln both iiiIiiIhUth will aH'itk on How and Why the Saviour waa iinpnien. Aa niwa.va, nil are cor dlally luvlled to be preaent. t:o. 1 The committee lu ehnrne of the ('hrlatmaa tree for Hie P. A. A. C. and Iadlea' Annex niiuHt that all pre. aeiiia that are tit la put on the trt-e be at the hall and In the hauda of the committee by 3::u Sntunlay after noon in order to nvclve proiier at ten Hon. All memlici'M of the two oiKanlxatlona and their famlHea ure Invlti'd to take part. The exert-lae will Ih oH!iied tN::w p. m. I). I. Adamson & ( BRUSH SETS Holiday Ooods Priinvi 1 1 (IriHion m mm w w i Vf II j Hev: J. T. Moore, will preaeli next Sunday morning ami eveuliiK at the Union Church. Sunday kIiooI at 2:.'t0 p. iu., Chrlatlau Kndeavor at 6:341 p. m. The mnrnliiK eermou will Ik? "Chrlatmna Sermon." The anl- Jivt for the evening aermon will la the current topic In I'rlnevllle Church clnk-a, vlt: "Will IlaptlMta, Metho dlata and Preabyterlaua la' hiivihI?" The pitMtora of the MothoilUt and PreMbyterliMl churchea with their conKrcKiitioiia are eordlally liivlti-d to come and take an equal jinrl iu th diMC'UHMlou of the evenlnit topic. Everybody welcome to all the rvleea. A M-Htioii Ih Mm Clreiilnted In Prlnevllle for the Miniature of real deiita rc(ueatln; that the matter of the aUite purchaalnu: the old Mt. Hood and Itarlow toll road from the Pneitlc Coaat Abalract, Huaranty & Truat Company forfU-l.OOO and made a atate hi;hwny aboliHliliiK the tolla be submitted to the voter of the stale at the next general elivtlon In June. In the petition It la aet forth that the highway la much uaed in ci'OmhIuk from Wiaterii to Euatcrn Oregon and that It would U a great advantage ti atockmcn eapivlally to abollah the toll. Thla road croaaca the Cnacadoa about 3T niilea aouth of The Dallca. ai ttug bualneaa In Hie i lly tuitn v Charle Hianlioroiiiih from IVnd today. At Hie MethiMllat i liureh Miinday iiiortilng the piiMtor will preaih a Chrlatmaa aennon. Hnldect: "The Manger and the Cnwa." At night theioiign-giiHoii will worahlp at the ITeabyterlan ehureh. Tlie parly of Oregon KiiMteru rail wayaurveyora whleii haa Ut n work ing la-tween Kedmoud and lleud la now caiiiNi at liend and have the grade atakea aet to within all inilea of that point. W. J. Ilightower. of Hie Hlgh- tower-Hmlili an w mill eomiiany at Tumalo, leave thla we-k on a trip l tin' atale of Waahliigton, where hla wife and daughter are now re- aiding. Irving lU-cd the young man who waa acrioualy Injured In u powderex- j ploalon while working ut conatnu Hon ou the Arnold ditch about alx m Ilea aoutb of I lend ut week la alowly recovering. One of IiIm eyea wa deatroytil and he received' other aerloua though Hot In la I lujurlca. Conatructloii work on Hie Central Oregon canal of the I). I. & p. com puny haa laeu compleU-d to the old liver fail and wuter la now flowing throtiKh the canal and down the ancient waterway. J.C. Iewla who haa had charge of thla brunch of the compuiiy'a work haa clow-d down oratlon there. t olonel F. Smith la In town from the Columbia Southern Irrigating Company' tracla In Hie Tumalo bllalu. He ban been auarvlalng aur veya Winch are la-lug inatle irepara tory to the coiiHtruc Hon of aevernl n-aervolra at the hendgate of the main canal. The tvaervolra will la' Uaed for Htorlllg water lo la uaeil during I he ailiiuiler aeilMoii. Mr. and Mra. Henry Wluilnin, of Culver, were in the city Wediicadnr. and n tiirneil home today. Mr. Win IIOIII ih oi i ne opinion I llllt IIUIfHH aonie Iniprovemeiit la made In iriuiK- IMirlatioti fncllltlea witliiu tin xt few year that the dinner who have la-en rnlMlng wheat will have to change to feeding cattle and liojra or amne kind of priMluct that Im cap able of furulalilug itM own Iin'oiiio ttou to uiarkei. MARRIED. S. I. Peril val of Mad raa and Miaa Shell Mclteynolda of liend were niar rfed Tmwday, Deci-iulaT 1, at the home of Itcne Went at the latter place. The bride Ih one of liond'a popular.voting women and the gromu la a well known young man of aler ting qualitiia, now nianiigiug the Mit clru rionts-r. Notict of Kxaminatiuna. Kighth grade exuiuinatioiiH will Im held on February 1 and 2; May 17 ami IS; June 14 and 15: Septemla-r 'it and .l!S. Kxanilnatloua for county paiera will be held on February 14. l.'xind Ki. Kxauilnatlona for atate pacrM will 1m held ou Fed run ry 14, 15, Itiand 17. Teachera with piilla who exiiect to take examination in February muat report. Peraons who haven't neceaaary i)ax-r and expect to teach thla coming Hiiing ahould be mire to coiiie up for examination In Febru ary iih no U'glnner will la-allowed Biaxial examination except iu ensea of absolute iicceMHlty and other whoae MrmltH exiire will uot lie allowed to take HMclal examination for renewal except in case of iiIiho lilte iMveHHlty. Se pagv 'ii Orcgou School I .aw. ('. II. Din win in k. County Superlnteudeiit. . This in the shortest day of the year. The shortest day for the head of the family will lie Decem ber 2. Notk to Stockm. There will ! a meet iii if the Crm.k County Stockmen' AhmmIhiIoii at the Cnurtlioii-e iu l'rinvill )e-ember '.), at which lima Fureat Huperviwir H. C. liiirtrum of the mxitheru divinion Caa cad Foret Reserve will be prenenl aiel attend to tlie alloting of range for the coming year, and other important bind-! lien. MiwtiiiK will Im calle.1 in the ciicuit courtroom at 2 o'clock p. in. All member ar riwpjeatnd to bu preaent. KilCiied by T. II. l.irl.i.iMTr., (114 2K . ' preaident. D. 1. Adamson & Co. Hand Painted China HOLIDAY GOODS l'rinevillc, Oregon 4 ,,Hi4 ,,i, 14, ,, Loat Information Wanted. Inforinaliuii u wantiii conrfruin the wlit-real mt of one Harmon N. Knxiey who in about Sfi yvr olil, b fret in ln-indi weixht alul HW iM.iiniU, tiud dark hair. hit fi f. deep "UiikfTi in liu liiraii. When lat nt-cn lie wore a rlw aolt hat. ilark wool com. overaiU ami heavy milieu. He wna laitt wfiilriviii)f ii four horw u-ain frrnu The Dullm, (irvKon, aliout .Sovemlier 15, 1. Ills tram cflinl-te.l of one buy hone with Ktar in liireheiul, oho hav mure, with nmll flriM in r.ii-i-, line l,,,r-i. Hi-iirhl over !JI Ikiuii.Is. The a.lt-r were u tlea-liitlen uray mare. hrninliHl Alt nn. i iiiiiiiteil on riKlit ilioulclt-r ami It on left Millie ami a mall hliick !imr hniii.l not known, lltx wniion wu Stinlehaker make :1 inch akein, with xi.iilxmritii. cxiciiriiin hwl. wairon lows. ami wan i-on n-.l uio. canvaa ami hail the nnnie, "Uml.ll.on ,V loliiison, Hinliri'lire. i.lulm." niiinte.i on the lidehoar.i. Hi, wuifon w;i loa.leil with llii'aJ, (iiaint, wimhint; inwiiine, ; IkxI.UiiK, liicluren, ciiiiiieii fruit, one inin , ul-lle, one wuliiau'R Maildle.two tnl,le ami ther meniiaiKli-anil a miiall tin tx ..r l wife in which he kepi valuable OHiiern. Anyone irivini; iuforiiiatioii i-1.i..-..ri,ii,0. ! the w lii reiiUmtJi nl'thia man or the iocs-1 tion ol the Maiil minimis or propertv will! he lilM-rully rewanleil. A.ldrrv all cm- j miiiiii hiiomh to u,t Kclthaia. Welder, ! bluho. i5.i r. i C.1 i. J r. l CJ r.i CJ r..i cj r,.i cj ra CJ n r.a CJ n n LJ ri LJ L J r t LJ n c j Cl L J r.t r.i L J n c j ri L j r.a CJ r.i c j r.l LJ r.i L J L j n CJ r.i LJ L J M LJ n LJ ri L"J r i u nn LJC J JUST RECEIVED S l! peri or A CARLOAD Grain Drills In 1012 H and 16 Disc. .11 Right Hand. hard oil cup on the discs. Also and with Carload ol our patent Oliver Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows We have the new No. 5 Oliver Gang in two and three base. This is the bent and lightest running gang plow erer put on the mar ket. The frame can be adjusted so each base will cut 16, 14 or 12 inches.whioh comhir.es three different sue gang plows in one frame. Should you lose a horse, or if the ground gets dry and hard, you can reduce the size of your plow to suit the conditions and go ahead without losing one hours time. THIS SAVING IN TIME MEANS MONEY TO YOU. All Sizes and Styles of -Oliver Walking Plows on Hand Our Stock of Grain Drills, Plows and Extras is the largest in Central Oregon. We Can Fill Your Wants F. Hill! as ery I .1 u:ll d m i- In the Miller Building Freah lireuil. Tiea nml t'dki'S ulw iiy on litiml.,, I'liatry of oil kinila miiile to order. order. PRINEVILLE. - OREGON i i Taken Dp. Jer.ey heifer,, t year ohl. Bran.ii-d I tlirw quarter circle on riiht hip. Swallo fork rifht ear. Owner can have' aame by ayinj; exjemts. : Oscar Vox, I.amonta. Ore. 9f'9mmammmmmmml'mmmlmm''mmmmmmmmlimmmwmmwmmmwmimmmm CHRISTMAS IS COMING and you are beginning to wonder what you are going to give that sweetheart or other loved one as a token of your regard. Just arrived a large line of HOLIDAY GOODS Toy? for the children, books for the studious, fancy chinaware for the ladiep and an elejiant line of fine albums, toilet sets, manicure ?etg, horn novelties, mirror?, pictures and one thousand other useful and ornamental articles that are desirable Christmas presents. Don't wait until the cream is gone but come in now, make your selection and have us set it aside Hand Painted Shells Free With Purchases We have a limited number of Jff,i, Jfa fit. Sa.Hi, worth 50 cents each which, while they laut we will give n way alxMilutely free, one only to each person making a three-dollar purchase. CfiRIDEOUT & POSTER The General Furnishing Store Holiday Goods Given Away With every cash purchase from now until Christmas we will ive a ticket which will entitle the holder to a draw on the following articles One $5.00 Easel Album One Large Dressed Doll One Daisy Air Rille One Iron Shod" Sled I Will Give You a Fine Present Recently I purchased the Johnson, Booth & Co. Store including their Fall purchases then enroute from Shaniko. These and every article then in the house have been marked down to a low price. Now to make room for extensive improvements in my store, on Friday, November Z5, will begin, for cash only ccxsgxsxjiS T4 A GRAND HOLIDAY SALE Everything in the Dry Goods, Clothing, Hat, Men's and Women's Furnish ings and Footwear departments is included in this Great Holiday Sale The Proposition With every purchase you" will receive in addition to the articles purchased, goods ol your own selection Irom these departments to the amount ol ONE SIXTH ol your Purchase One-Sixth Will Be Returned to You II your bill is $12 you get $2 worth If $24 you get $4 worth, etc., making you a very substantial HOLIDAY PRESENT Affords You Chance To get your holiday gift ol your own selec tion a chance to save 16 and 2-3 per cent on your purchases and to get clean new goods at a low cash price REMEMBER THIS SALE CLOSES DECEMBER 30 We have a Large Assortment of Holiday Goods consisting of Fancy Toilet Articles, Pictures, Medallions, Toys, Dolls, Fancy Crockery, etc at prices a little below what othevs ask " J. E. Stewart & Co. J. E. Stewart & Co. C. W. ELKINS CALL AND SEE MY NEW GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENTS CK.1 r t LJ L. n t L J r,i a J tl L J rt c j r.i L J CI ti r.i CJ n M EJ ni CJ ei j CJ YA -jLJLJ : 9