Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 14, 1905, Image 3

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    ii 1 1 -i i m inn i . urn
Itd Officer.
At til tmwtlDjC of tht Degree of
J. rreuk HtruuJ spent the w-k lu hw. West over from Rend a few
town from llnd. tf.i k.
William K. Willi has b-u !. Tll Paul Held tu in town Tuesday from
Ulle uu a business trip. I h rillPll Cwk
j I Honor beld Tuesday, December 5,
w , the following officers were elected;- 1
Oaorite A. Young of ilurnt Kunrb )
tfniu to Portland on business.
A. L., 0f Paulina has re.
turned from a business trip la 1'iHtlauit.
lleoiKe W, Wlmer, the Tuu.alo pof
iiuntiir stid rancher, we In lown un
liooness Monday.
The front of tha )tr mIimiu and
restaurant buildup has town treated to
Iresh coal of paint.
Theoll. IWckeranl Karl KulWlil imr
Iff from tb I I. & It. offices at Km)
niond HutnnUy f 1 1 K I . t ,
Aim- Ihivii and "Senator" Sam Mad
lay, stockmen from Hllver foke, arrived
In I'rlnevllle Hnmlay and snt several
day in the city.
. Knox II union returned thin owk from
two wk' tripl and uortliof loan
, where he wan rni(iiivl hi lisikin;
several trectj of land.
Mr. and Mr, I.hircnce Parker aud
Mm. J. I.. Kever, Mm. Parker's mother,
acd through l'rlneville Monday on
their way bome-to Hend, after a stay in
Ihe Willamette Vilify, where they went
taut summer.'
JsinesT. Kobinson was In t tin city
last Friday from the lltiystack country, jfl
nail vt ma iut:orr in uini section, lie
Mtd, were doing their plowing foi l)
- i. .tit . . .
winter, oui wie iara m moisture make
the ground tliltloull to work.
All vhfh cluiks on our prviuliiui
offer dated fmni June M, 05, uinxt
belli by Jan. Ihi. (Ml. 1ft tat- (lt-Mrcd
amount l ml n m lxMl we will j;lve
a -credit for iId iiuiuiwit returns!.
No checks luuioroil after this date.
J. K. Stkwaht A lUi.
In I'. ! wai in town from Mi.lrm
llit lat o( tli bin he nay
lnitov-iiirtita ar going tadily ahfvid.
Tli riliMlia tlnr an auaiooa lo grl
Madrx lnrortMraUl, a aUu which will
prvlMihly I cunminuiiatod licit moiitli
at the January atwnion of tin" county
Ityron (-'ady rturnl Monday evaimig
from Nilvitr lake, lir ha went fw
daya ao with h party of flv from thn
Vallry, who Uatd oo tlidMM-l tracta
in Ihn tliriitiua l.akp igiim. He Uft
Wislnwaiay for Hlatrra Ut niako aoiuf
tmproviniiuent thfm on hi dwwrl
Uod claim.
mt 'M 1 I MM I I I I lit I M !
J. L. Allxn aa in town Monday from
hi Hay crMik ranch.
II. II. Clow, of Ijwionta, waa In lb
city nu a buiinraa trip Towday
(J. M. Coriintl Mt tht! II rat of tliK
Mk for Hhanlkoou buainiw trip.
N.I. W nldrr cauin ovor from lleud
Holiday to iprnd a faw daya io Iowa.
John Howard wm over from lh
Howard ranch on the lrachuU- Tu-
IVMii Kno wa lu town Irom Powt
tha laat of tha wmtk on Ida way to Port-
J. W. Hhatturk wai down from hia
ranch al 1'iM ou a huainaa trip tha Oral
of tba wark.
.urn, wra romucktrr aa ovar rroui
llfiid during tha week viaiting with
rolativaa (or fw daya.
Frrd llaypoid lafl on Monday' auge
for Portland to purchaaa new good for
tha d rui of I 'lay pocl Hroa.
1). I. Adaiiiisoi & Co.
Unique Papottry
Holiday Goods
Prinevillc, Oregon
t I 4 I
J It . ''owoll, of llayxtark, a a
iiiu-n i .' ,ior the laal of thn wiek.
ti. l. 1 , aaid (hut Mima littla dif
tlnuiij licing ajrliMirtd thfrovar
the mail acrvi. i., hut that tha HayaUck
ofllca would aiHin bt rlowd and rural
orvirc anlahliahed from Madr. W.
K. Hammer la poatmaatar at llayatack,
but ha renlgnad.
M. J. ICtnona waa in Prinevillc the
latter part of taut week from hi rauch
in tha Crookrtl river Imxin. Ha will
hortly maka proof on hia $20 acre dcaart
claim locate. I Uiere. Ilia reclamation
ayatatu baa bevn devclol by the con
atruction of two rnaervoira in which ha
Haitian Die apring ihxal watnra of Ituck
ctMk. Ha Iiun encntinterel ennaider
he ililliculty in making hit rvwervnira
withatand thn fnahet hut thinka ha
now ha mmtrotof the Hituation in ihi
rrfiacl. Mr. 1-emoiiH aaya ha now ha
aSout l'Jtcrea clearad of ragehruah and
ha iutotid to plant grain and alfalfa for
bi next waaon'a crop. Ha ia mttixticd
that there ia no Wtter location tliau
that in which ha hus made aottlemant.
!). 1. Adainson & Co
Prinevillc, Oregon
I 1). P. Adaiuson & Co.
S I V va tr i orro a
Holiday Goods
I ieorge I.ytla wa lu tha city tliia weak
from hi ranch at Hay CWk, viailing
with hi hrothar, Char Ira I.ytla.
J. lualey Hiialou left on left on Sat
urday' ctage for Portland whara ha
aspacta lo remain until after the hol
iday. Mr ('. I. Winuek wa called to An
telope Saturday lo attend the bed aide of
her mother, Mr. N. W. Wallaca, who
la aarioualy ill.
Mr. and Mra. J. II. Starr, diatrlct
dnpuliea reiactively of tha M. W. A.
and the H. N. A., are at Itend, working
iu Ilia in lere la of theaa onlar.
1). P. Adainson & Co.
(for Men)
Holiday Goods
Li a iiuviiiibi uiv,iu u
It. K. Siinpaou went to Portland thi
week. Ha will be met there by rejire
ieiitativa of raatern firm of whom he
will order hia new apring alork of mer
chandise. With every It) cent Ch burcliaaa at
Hideout A Koater'iof caudy, toya, hooka
or cigar, a vote la given iu the doll con
teat. On .January 1, I'aJO (be little girl
having the highaat number of vote will
receive the ehv-mt $l'.'..riO doll in the
ahow window ahaolutelr free.
tieorga 8. Millar waa in town Monday
from Ida Ijtinonta ranch, where tha
reaident are buy with their fall grain
cro. lake the red ol the rancher in
that vl.'lnity, Mr. Miller aeea a great
grain lutuie for tba dutrict with the
ail vent of railroad faoilitie. Thi year I
ha hold on hi ranch a aurplu of grain
and cxpreaea the lieliif that tha dis
trict will be glutted with the cereal next
eeuaon unlca an outlet i furniaiiad.
Poatmaatar Summer caHa attention
to tha ueceaaity of kendiug Chriatniaa
preeenH aeveral day early thi year in
order to inatire their prompt delivery.
The incoming mail aUgo re heavily
loaded daily with mail matter and tha
pack in which the matter ia being
received mini be returned. At pres
ent moot of theae are going back to the
railroad empty and a few "'day before
Chriatniur.if the uaual rule ia followed,
there will lie a heavy di maud for
greater carrying capacity.' IWmaaU-r
Sntuniera urgently requeals those who
contemplate aending away Chriflmaa
preaenta to do ao a early, a poaaible
and not wait until the laat moment,
when the capucity of the lm-al office and
that of ou l going mail atage will be
! trtxtM lo the limit.
Metka of MUa4 Ciook Couaty CattW-
bm'I AaaocUtio.
Notlcw la hereby glen that thw
rook County ( attlemeo'a aaocl-
Mm. H. M. Bailirv. chief of honor- u,,u wttl b,M -pevlal ineetlnkj at
Mm. K. H. DoMa. Udy of honor l'rtuUUf a"' 30. AU
Mm. FtOflla Jotmaon, chief of cert..' ; ,0-,u,r" reo.ue-ted to l h
rnonlea- Mia Kff. fi,..l.- ..... without full a ImportRnt bualnetM
i t. n . -1 , , .
.t iiaiiiNiMr-l. itui vrilllj,
forvat Nupervbior of koaetiurjc, will
be here to allot rang la the Cascade
reaarre. MeetlngJ lled at 10 a. ra,
harp. C C. Vvhuam, Hecy.
Hotlc ta fitockmaa.
Mm. Kva'DoAk, faat cbief; Mm.
Jeaaa 1 ancey, ouUlda wattb; Mm,
Loo CJek, inaida aralch. Inalalla-
lion Will lake blaca the flrat Tuea
day in January.
Tha Maaohio lodge at it regular
uieetin" lail NaturUay niuht olocted
tl? followitiK oflkeM; W. F. Kina.
n oranipiuj Mauler; o. r. Johnnon,
oenior waraen; i.irey roater, Jun
lor Wardeu: T. M. Kaldwln, trea
ureri U. 8. hdward. Hetretary. A
joint Inatollatlon of the ManooM
and Kaatern Htar will be hold in
tat a i,. a ,
maaonic nau weoiianaay eveniog,
iwceurer tl.
Monday night the local camp ol
the Modflin Woodmen of America
held an interesting arMMioo. the
fore part of the evening being
taken up with the initiation oeiuht
candidal into the tuyateriea of
the foreat, while later the annual
flection of ollioea took place. The
retiort irom the head camp which
ahowa a gain in inetubenhiD of
over one hundred thouaand during
lf, and a balance in the treas
ury of $2,318,00() wan read, aud
other interesting thing kept the
camp io aeaaion, until the early
hour nf the nett morning A ioint
i natal lation of the newly ducted
oflkera with Ihoae of tlx Roval
Neighhora of America will take
aometime in January. The mem-
Urahip of thn Prineville camp ia
now an even hundred members.
The ofiicere-eiex't are: Consul, J.
O. Powell; Adviaer, Ir. Edwarda;
Banker, J. W. Horigan; Clerk, Kny
V.Conatahle; Kaoort, T. Ben Zell;
Manager (three year), C. D. Cal-
breath; atuhmao. Richard Pow
ell; Sentry, John Barnea; Physi
ciana, C. S. Kdwnrda aud K. 0.
The annual election of officers
of the local camp of (he Rovai
NeigbhoM of America waa hold
Tuesday evening. After the initia
tion of nix candidate, thefollowine
officer were declared elected for
for 1906: Ptwt Oracle, Ella Pow
ell; Oracle, Amanda Colin; Vice
Oracle, Ada Taylor; Chancellor,
Julia McDaniel; Recorder, ' Kffle
Calbreath; Receiver, Edith John
atou; Mawhal, Lijrie Powell;
AwuHtant Marshal, Roae McDaniel;
Inner Sentinel, Norah Dohlm;
Outer Sentinel, Bertha Huffman;
Manager, Elvira Cyras; Physi
claim, Wr, Edward and Hyde.
After the election a lunch was
served and later a report from" the
entertainment committee was
adopted, calling for a joint instal
lation of ofliceta with the M. V.
A. sometime in January. The
The local camp of R. N. A. has a
membership of over 50.
Kev. j in nett will preach at Mill creek
chool next Sunday afternoon at '2
Re a. Mitchell will preach next Sun
day at 1 1 a. m. on the aubject : "The
Hanging of Hainan." The congregation
will meet with tha Methodists for the
evening service. Hudjert: "How and
Why Waa the Savior Baptised?"
Rev. W. V. Jin nett will be in hi pul
pit next Sunday and will conduct the
regular service at the Methodist church.
Preaching at 11 a. m. Mubioct: "The
Church and Civil Itovarnment." In
the evening a union service will be held
with thn Presbyterian congregation in
the Methodist church. Itothrpastors
will speak.
Rev. J. T. Moore datura to announce
that next Sunday evening he will re
view all that ha been said in the union
meeting teceiitly held by the Presby
terian and Melhodistf in'regaH to Bap
tism. He extends a special aud person
al invitation to the pastor and the
congregations of the latter churches to
meet with him at the Union church on
that evening. The choir will furnish
special music. Subject for the regular
Sunday morning service :" A Religion of
There will be a meeting of tha Crook
County Stockmen's As-oclatioii at tb
Courthouse in Prineville December 30,
at which time Forest Huporvlaor S. 0.
Bertruin of the southern division Cas
cade Foreat Reserve will be present ami
stteud to the alloting of range for the
coming year, and other important busi
ness. Meeting will be called io the
Circuit courtroom at S o'clock p. ni. All
members are request! to be present.
Kigned by T. H. LAfoixmx,
d 14-28 President.
One briicht buy bona-, weight
about 1200 pounds. Ktrtf lu fno-,
freah brand on left allde . Jut
been broke, but a little wild.
One dark bar home, weight about
1100 pouuda. With hftrne) and
hnckamore on when In not awn v.
Frwdi brand same a above. Thev
were hutt aeen at the Circle ranch
near McKay mountain.. Thelrrnnge
lielnir on the cleaert. about LnM
Chance. Theubove reward, or 10
eru-h will be paid to deliver same to
B. Da via, Prineville.
lost Iafonaatioa Wasted.
w -4
H Superior Grain Drill
In 10 12 14 and 16 Disc all Riant Hand and with fkiir natnt
r - m-. r-1"
CJ karJ nil nin tn ilicM ALa P.-I.J n
p a vwaa was UMtO, niW VHIVMU UI
Oliver Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows v
We have te new No. 5 Oliver Gang in two and three base. This
is the best and lightest running gang plow ever put on the mar
ket. The frame can le adjusted so each base will cut 16, 14 or
12 jncheft,which combines three different sue gang plows in one
frame. Should you lose a horse, or if the ground getH dry and
hard, you can reduce the size of your plow to suit the conditions
and go ahead without losing one hours time. THIS SAVING
All Sizes and Styles of Oliver Walking
Plows on Hand
Information is wanted concemiiiK the
whereabouts of oua Harmon S. Krutley
who Is abont years ald,K feet io height
eight about 1U0 pounds, has dark hair,
saudy mustache, small twinkling eyes
deep sunken in hi bead. When last aeeo
he wore a black son hat, dark wool coat.
Tirana ana neavy shoes. He wss Isst ,
seen driving- a four hone team from The :
Ialles, Oregon, about November 16. IVM. j
Hia team consisted of one bay hone
with star in forehead, one bsy mare, with I
mail stripe in face, tine hones, weiaht
over 1200 pounds. The leaders were s;
tiea-oltten gray mare, branded AH con
tonuecteo on right shoulder and B on left
siime ana a small black mare brand not
known. Hia waann waa Rtudebsker tn.ko
Inch skein, with sideboards, extension
bad. wagon bows, and was covered with
canvas and had the name, "Huddieson A
Johnson, Cambridge, Idaho," psuited on
tha tldeboerd. Hia wagon was loaded
with bedstead, chain, washing machine,
beddliiK. pictures, canned fruit, one man's
saddle, one wotnau's saddle.two tables aud
other mercbandew aud a small tin box or
safe In which he kept valuable dsikm.
Anyone giving information cnni-ernmv .
the whereabout of this man or the loca- ;
tion of the said animals- or property will !
be liberally rewarded. AddVes all COiu-:
muBu-ations to lx)t J Kellhsru. Weixer,
Ktano. )5p,j.
r. i
Our Stock of Grain Drills, Plows and Extras
is the largest in Central Oregon.
We Can Fill Your Wants
W. F. Kim
8 PumcTni a q ic naninvTin ffi
M .rikA Iti I lul aAy 1. U U U VII
asa. aVatsUi maaSa ai al aA asVIW ttaVa a7 Va A f Ail A 1 Va f 1
and you are beginning to wonder what you are going to give that sweetheart
or other loved ore as a token of your regard. Just arrived a large line of
Toys for the children, books for the studious, fancy chinaware for the ladie aud un
elegant lino of fine albums, toilet set, manicure ets, horn novelties, mirrors, pictures and one
thousand other useful and ornamental articles that are desirable Christmas presents. Don't
wait until the cream is gone hut come in now, make your selection and have us aside
" l Mill.. B..:u: '
la tha Millar Building
Kreah Bread, l'lea unit Take
alway on band.
Pnatrr of all kinds made to
Hand Painted Shells Free With Purchases
We have a limited nAmher of 3mnml Jfmmd fmimt Smu. worth ot) cents each which,
while they last we will give sway absolutely free, one only to each person making a three-dollar purchase.
Purnishing Store fi
BaBBBaaaaawaawaaaaBaaaBwsssiajass, mmTkm
The General
I Will Give You a Fine Present
In Prineville, to the wife of Al
Yancey, Monday, December U,
1906, a 10-pound daughter.
Holiday Goods Given Away
With men cash purchase from now until Christinas we will give a
ticket which will entitle the holder to a draw on the following article
One $5.00 Easel Album
One Large Dressed Doll
One Daisy Air Rifle
One Iron Shod Sled
We have a Large Assortment of Holiday Oootl coufiisUng of Fancy
Toilot Articles, Pictures, Medallions, Toys, Dolht, Fancy Crockery, etc
at prices a little below what others ask
J. L Stewart & Co.
J. L Stewart & Co.
Recently I purchased the Johnson, Booth & Co. Store including their
Fall purchases then enroute from Shaniko. These and every article
then in the house have been marked down to a low price. Now to
make room for extensive improvements in my store, on Friday,
November 25, will begin, for cash only g$)()))()GX4
Everything in the Dry Goods, Clothing, Hat, Men's and Women's Furnish
ings and Footwear departments is included in this Great Holiday Sale
The Proposition
With every purchase you will receive in
addition to the articles purchased, goods ol
your own selection Irom these departments
lo the amount ol ONE SIXTH ol your
One-Sixth Will Be
Returned to You
If your bill is $12 you gel $2 worth II
$24 you get $4 worth, eta, making you a
very substantial HOLIDAY PRESENT
Affords You Chance
To get your holiday gilt ol your own selec
tion a chance to save 16 and 2-3 per
cent on your purchases and to get clean
new goods at a low cash price