c B LOQ71L MENTION & Jllllll Mrljiel l lll'lll III '..l'll Unite i mu ll Knlnidav Will Kuril m a iivur fium Mmi'i 1 1 H' lat "( tlii wi-rk vihiIiiiu lui n (, . 1 .1 vh I.. V, lladi-y ui down (nun lii tiH lanrli at I'liiihiui Hip IIimI n( tin- wirk Mi K. II. Hnnlli H'liirni'.l durum till Wlk lliilll llll I'llt'lldl-d MHII in I'lllllltllll.. MU May I !!. I icluriii'il Mondiiv (mm IUmmI wliwrt aliu H'iit a ifk vInIiIhk with lixr ar'iil. Mr. . A. MCord Mini Mm W. .1 O'Kolli'V i'ir siltili( in. limn 1 1 ImI ii( I In- week In. in McKay. ., Win Siiiiiiiirm mul w id' led (or I'm I Imiil Mon.liiv (tcr M vlil "( ni'Vi-nil m k wild rHutivt lii-ri-. Milton Zill ri'luriiM I ilu- lt ( tin wt'rk (ram Madia xIumii Iik H'iii H fl'W I.IV (III II llUHIIIIWK llil. MH Aitll MlllMt, Of I III' j'lllill II' hi S'i Ihul IHIH l it li mi in it Miiiiilnv. Ill li " I Mllk.l'l ! Mi- K 1 I'i iiii'villi' ( '. II IW ll'll M I'tv In. M.I4 II MNlI'll II lll-l ll.lll'l Mr luond Mill. J. I' t'in-lr Win oVl'r llolll WMtiiik' lirr il.iiH'liti'f, Mi in '. Iv Wilulit mm into mii during tlit II ml n( tin- hi I'll limn im ihim Ii ut HoMlltd I'r. 4 1 1 Ik- ii nviii limn tin' lower ItIiIk'" on I In- Pi'miiiiti-K hr llmt of llii rck. 1). 1. Adamson Hi (Ut. SETS BRUSH I Kin V mi i Holiday Goods l'rincvilk, Oregon I., i:, l,mi(liliii n( I'riurvilii1, aim I, a Inmii hm',.hi t. j,ut li'W (In; in i'iit TlimiknniviiiK nli lirr lrotl'i' ut i IVnilli'tiiii li-fi for Inn lnunc yinti rln v Id rmii'li ID mill' went o( tin- nty. Jimy t'raiut'r and will It-It (ur tlii-ir lioiuf in Malta Monday iUIit HM'inl liii( I li jmut to wii'kn in tin- city, K. i'. Kuiitli, manner u( llif lliuli tower Hmitli haw mi l Co., ut Iniualo, in lim n Friday and Kiiturday aflur H 1llMi III KMiili' II I.. I'mry wa in tlif city tln Unt ol tin' Murk (mill hi alack riiiu li on CriMiki'iJ rici li vtmi limkiiiK 1 ,r " K'M 1. 1 1 ur linn of cattle tu liny, inti'iidiliK tO ll'l'il tlltlfll '. Ill llllll ll till ft lllllT, Si'Vniiil hum i i . I fin tin' iu'utiiik COtlllt'llOtl t Hfdlliolld u tin mi k tlll'lll lirinu Ilium ill ( ml Klirvt, Hmttiiaflir and merchant ; V. J. O'Connor, nmliii-r ( tlio I). I. ,V I'. t!o. J, K Cir l.'n mul Mr. Itu-krr. A l1ll HUM llltl'll li llll- Willi till' I'oiiiity ilcrk tlitk wifk ronwy ihk llu K'nltl ol lmiil, wkIit ii(lit mill ullirr int'riN( of tlit ('oiiiinliii Suiiilu'rii lr r i if it I H hi i'oiiimiy tu tlui ('iiliiiiiln.i SontliiTii trriKiiluii; 'iiiip4tiy in tin4 TiiiituUt Imhih, t li I'liimlitiTiitioii iiHtiifl lining i;.','l. Wnr I Htm H"'i'in'il 1 iixt inlit Unit i thinl pmly of rutlniii'l utirvi'yom Iiii.I li-lt Ontario tlioir ili-xt iiih! mil Limhk Crmti' rrk (tup in lliin cnunly. It in hIiki ti'mrtl thai om rrt-w l on I'ow cni'k ftlmvp llnrni'v anit nothor lt tiicliniriit Iihi) Uii him'H on Willow i ris k ttoit of t )iia citv lUirna lli-nilil. TJ t Ik i .1.. .... .... t. l '.v rj i. i iUii iii.-miii iv tt. TOYS, DOLLS HOLIDAY GOODS l'rtiicvillc, Oregon I.. .. Alliiiitlimn. vkliu it working mi IuKUHik ifintrurt nhirli In' Iiu1In with tin I'. S. ('iimIi'm miwtiiill roinniiny, a in tin- city luniii; lu Hoi k. 1 ! HI I III' liH.I almllt HUU.IMl! iiH'l of lii'js mul wiuilil llninli lit i niitr.n t , n hirli culln lur Inn tiiillniii (ivi. in tin' iriii(. Mr. I'owlin ttt (inni'iit i fluor i iiu with I In' C treat Southern iniImiii) coiiii;iny on n iimtrni't to (nriiiiili tin' l.ittrr m it It four ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fiM-t of tii'n. Ni'itotiittiiiini livn Isfii in iiniKHKi lor mmiii linn', lull it yi't, not hmjf ilfflnitt Imi' lii'i'ti li'i nli'.l itfin no fur tin in known. Orvilltt iMivixoii i in Ilu- fit y (ruin tit Iiiikkii it- I'iivi.iiu riittlt' riinrli lit llmititun lintti'H. Tlic i-i m i.ii i y in f liitK hIkiih It ki lifml of vtix k mul Iihk it luri' miiilv u( liny on hiiml to I'.iriy thi'in well into fprinK. Mi. I ui iton miiil tln ri'niili'iitN in tluit vii'inity i'if Ki ttinjfup it I'l'iitiuii for tlii I'xliib I ih! i dii'ii t u( h imiil route from l'rinc illi tu Hni'k i-ioi'k tu iiiiimi't wit n thf Iturim Huh. At tiri'm'iit tliy rvreivi' their tniiil lint oni'c t ik iiti'l it in I'Htrifii liy tlic ilifti'ri'lit riimlu'm who In kc tiiriix conitiii tu tin' liK'itl ollirc, iliHtritiutttiK tln imiil ut tin' vaiimw nuilie on tlii'if way Imck. Thi mt'thfxt wlitli HHtinfiu'loiy ia u jtrt'at i n I'nnvi'iiii'tivn ami it ia (xHH'tcil tliat tin' putilinn fur tlio I'Nt.ililiilitni'iit of 1ln mail rontii will In approved. iii'iniiim 1'i'iul Ifii hi Trilniiii'. AIhhii no iii'ki'tn i'H' noli) (or tlui TlisU'kt;iviiit .HII ((ivi'ii liy the Athli-tit' rlnli l.i st 'I'luirwl.iv tVfliiliK. Tint lnnlr lui iiilii'il ly tin- on liiMlra Man Kri'ully I'lijoyr l ami dancing waa vow tiniiil until a litti-liottr. Tim rluli will turn uUiitt fitt into tin- trcuMiry an a n-- Mllt of till CVI'Ilt . W, J Wright, Klin lui rluinii of tl'i l'rint' llli' I .mul iV l.ivi-Ht.N k t'uiiipuny'a rani'li nl Sniiiinit I'nili it. ini in town una IhihIihuh t rip Tniluy . Mi. r I c I I mini the t'ulnjiatiV a fi-clinu alxnil HiKI lll'd.t lit pU'-flll llll'l the HtlM'k in 'ill in line fliajie. Ih.iiI i-ilit iiirlien of mioh Imi fullt'ii on tin' I'rairie ;iiiI Irliim will Ih i-ontiiuifl Inriiii the luil. inn' ol the winter. Wt otten (jniM itim'uiirai!ii eii'l"voi iii( to kiH-p tiiiHtiik.'" fium itppeitritiK in ihe 1 1 r 1 1 ii 1 , mill, iih miMery luven eom puny, khoiit the only n:ili'ni tion ( linve in flmlitiK I'lrura jii"t mh arevimiN in otir more pn'tniliniM exi'limiei'. In view ol the lreiii'iiry n( iiidU'tmeiita iiiiiotiK Orcyun'H iiumremtiiu'ii ren'iitly a riiiiii.-.il error iipK'uip I in the l.n I iriiml" ( Ihwi ver wln'11 the reNirt of Sriintur liurtoii'M ni'iuinl 1'niivti'tiun wuHtiwil un der file picture of Senator Kultuii, w liu Ilu Ihm'ii uppoillted I'liairmilll of the commit U on cluuiin. I)nliiw Chronicle. The funny thinn that didn't happen at Ihi lliih Jink taut SnKiirilay eve ulna in Athletit' hull would take lint little npiu-e to enumerate. There were all tlu illverKioiiK iitnl luuliiilile incl 'diiiila I hut a ira y crou d of iinu-ijiti riuli'm and their kangaroo court could (itrniah, reiiuirkinir nuthiiiK almnt Ihe aide Muiita which nddwl iitnUHeiui'tit tu the evening. Tim event a attended hy neiirly every mumhi'r of tin- cluh in town or living near enough t i get here in time for the evening' entcrttiiiiiui'iil. M 't1 'I ( 'I t1 1 I1 'I I '1 I ( 't"l 'I J W I 1). V. Adainsou & Co. Unique Papestry Holiday Goods Priiicville, Oregon W ..- J..a... . a i. ...... m Kurt her reduction work ut the Ala nicdiiii ).mMity on Omkotit niountiiin w ill not hi- doiif before rpi ing. The re cent heavy hiiowhoii tlic mountain and frecxiiig weiilher, which eutu off Ihe wntci cnpply fur the I'elton wheel, hue nia le futther work impomihle. Some little tiouhle wiiDalto exM'rienciil with the furnace during the hint run and it waa thought heat to wait until the good weather hegitiN in the apring In-fore lining more, livelopment work in tlic tunnelx will V continued, howevar, and the ore hiim lil led for the next run. AIont a dor.cn MufkM of quickNiiver, the reeult "I the hn-t cleiin up, me atoied in the cotnpiiny'H warehotiMe on the mountain. Born. At Prinevilte, IVcomher 2, li)0", ti Mr. and Mrs. George Antone, a diuilitor. Calabtated Ttiaiika(Wln(. At the Shepaid ncliool Iioumi al Cuwell Hntli'K appropriate Thitukigivltig m-iviceu wi-ie liehl In-1 IhuiJ.lay The !- idi-iila nl the coin cuiiul t vitl.i ie I nt tlll'Mliool Iiihim in ihe loieriO"'! iilll alter reliuioua eter ) nil uiiili i in a lmki'l Thaiikgi ing ilinm-r, a hi' It linked nolhilig in the wjv ol k'""-! thing. In the I'vi'iilnu limit her meet. ing wa held in the wliool hoiiae when a ai II in r.iiiKed priMfiam waa pri-u-iited hv the tchool children. Mut Ytj tot th Wttr. Wyumlng Flint Wanti Sbep. Crook County In hand with the iiuuieroiiM aalea of Hheep which have taken place in the county during the pant few month, come iniptiry from outride ,nn rela tive to the nhi-t-p nituatioii here and the opjrtiuiitii- ojien lo huy. The Journal i in receipt of a letter from Hall iV llardie, a Wyoming aheep (inn, in which the company atatea that it l in Ihe timrket for 7000 head of mlxnil yearlU ga, e.wea and wet hem, to Im- coiitiBctiil now and delivermt ahout July (IrHt. The firm offer L'.3tl and l.'.L'.'i, with a deioit of oO cent ier lieml when contract i made, the hal ance on delivery, le .1 in-r cetil. A reply, hamil on careful inquiry among the prominelil Hhcepmcn, waa made to tlio firm atatiug that the iuiiu-la.-r of head wanted could not he pur cliaMid here at the price- quoted . It ia prohahln that the Wyoming itenple will offer an advance over the figure named almve. With the Cburchet. I!t-v, Mitchell will preach ut 11 a. m. ut the I'n'idiyti-riaii i-huich, Muhjei t : "Would Vou Live Your Life tvt-r Ag.iin ? Siibh.ith wlcjol at 1" ii. m. Ki-v. Jin liell' longregution in invited to meet with ii. Ilrv. W. K. Uideii'iiir will conduct (lie nervicen ill the Mcthodint church next Sunday morning in the nlence of the pio tor w ho wa- callel to the Im1 aide of mi iuvuliil iHler. In the eve niiiKH union nervn e will U held ut the l'renhyli'riuli church. Hev. Mitchell will diw-iiHa the iUi-Ntion: "Why, in luplniu, do .McthinliHtit ami I'ri-Hhy-teriuim l'e the Forma Sprinkling and I 'mi riii The Kpworth l-,igne m-tcH with the Chrii-tian Kndeavor of the rrehyteriuii t hurch at ll:.'Hl. A atinouiiciil the quelior. "Will MctliiKli"t ami Haptiatn IW' Saveil?" wn preeentttl at Ihe Mi-thotliHt church hint Miihhath t-vening. It wa intcrc-t-ing to note in how many wayn they do not follow theSiivMiir'acommandmi'iira and do not literally ohey hia la . And more iuti reMing to notice in how until)' way Ihev do follow the fpirit of hia coiiiiuaiidmenln and honor the deeier meaning of htn Uw. They do not pleach ii mil the hoiiM t h a com manded, hut they do preach in the puhlic pitrkt. on the aeiiNhore, in the wilderneva and send tin tiulh over all the world. So that Ihe Iioiimi top luw in more than olwyeil. Tin-man w ho lias thcChriM rliaiacter ih the ('hriatian, um wt-ll ua the mull who earnestly want it, hut has not yet riwu to Iiih level, ao that the uiuii with a aaved churucter in mved no matter where lie Mandit. Ity a ahow of IuiihIh it waa found that the MethialiatH und Prealivteriana pre- ni'tit did not know why their elmrcliei1 line the forum tipnukliug and pouring in huptinm, und thin Nuiijei't will he pre wilted in the l'renhytcrian church next Sunday evening. . . J . .. .a. .M- -a- j. .a j a..A.. JC Ttt rTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTttT w 1). l Adamson & (o. f Oriental Vases 4 I Holiday Goods t l'rincville, Oregon 1 K.f.t"4. tiif....i ..f. I-'l-.l-f'eX All cash chwks n our premium offer tin toil from Jit no 1st, td, uiiiKt he In by .lull. 1st. IHI. If the ilinirod nuioiitit In not ix'iichod wo will tvv ii credit for tlio ntnotint ivtm-ni'd. No chocks honored iiftor this ditto. -J. K. Stewakt & t'o. K evident aljout I'owell liutte are now facing the i.rotioniilon of wtyirnl II .'0 per month for the ; T''llere of! hauling wati i fi"in the .pringa It uted on Ulnt "Wlie l i-v tin- Viilideverl I'.roe ' Km in e m 1 1 h incut li len coln-llieui-eil in thin lert lie reguili, the rei- j tlt-i.tn have guTie U tlene fpringi, tilled J tin ir taiikukii'i liauled the witi-r liniim ; and no charge ha la-en made. The ile- muiid on the aupply of the aprtng iiaat.J heionie mj heavy, however, that the if! Vandevert junt laifore the limt of the month nlioulicd that a charge of f I ,.riO per inonth would he made. Thi matter effect norne 25 or 'M) fjinllle at pteent. While no tlenial ia made, of the right of the owner of the apring to charge for the privilege of getting the water, imr i there any denial ol the privilege heing worth 11.150 per month, net tier have hern getting it (or nothing for o long it it mat not take well with them to pay lor it. The next riea rent water ia at the end of the Central Orvgoti canal, of the D. I. Si V. company, at the Johnaton ranch, eight mile aouth of Ilobb ntation. However, there ia a apring rm the Dick larling place, lying aliove. the Vaude vert ranch, which hy piping ft aupply for a half mike could lie made atx-esaihle for water tank, and renident are now counidering eluhhing together and huild iug the pipe line. Kngineer ('.. M. lteil lield, ol tin- It. I. A I', company, ha anniin.il the at-ttlera that a lateral will Ut extended to their relief ut the earliest xmnihle moment . r je ir jr "r tr r e- -7c t". tr. ir, ir r. ir kJi. .1 .j r.i LJ r..i CJ r i L'J r..i 1. J JUST RECEIVED upe In 10- A CAKI.OAI) rior Grain Drills L J r 1 t j r -i 1 J r i LJ r t U r 1 Li n r.i L J n LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i L J r..i li r,i LJ ri L.J r.i LJ r 1 LJ r.i LJ r.i t-j r.i LJ n r.i LJ rt I L" J 1 r.i -12 11 and 16 Disc, all Rigid Hand, and wilh our hard oil cup on the discs. Also a Carload of patent Oliver Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows We hare the new No. 5 Oliver Gang in Iwo and three base. This is the best and lightest running gang plow ever pul on ihe market. The frame can be adjusted so earh base will cut 16 14 or 12 inches, which combines Three diflerent size gang plows in one frame. Should you lose a horse, or if the ground gets dry and hard, you can reduce the size of your plow to suit the conditions and go ahead without losing over one hours' time. THIS SAVING IN TIME MEANS MONEY TO YOU. All Sics and Styles of Oliver Walking I'lows on Hand Our Stock of Grain Drills, Plows and lixtras is the largest in Central Oregon. &Co. B ill r.i I). V. Adamson JEWEL S ETS Holiday Goods Prineville, Oregon fcCf35r3sr35REr3er Man' Uareatonablenesa In often a (fiviif ntt wnninnV. I'.ut Thiw. s. AiiKtln. Mur. uf the "lli-puli- llcUII." Ilf Ij'IIVVII wui-tli. Intl., VVMM imt iiiiii'MMDiinlile when he refumtl to nlhiw Ihe diH-torM to oH-ritti- on hi Wife, fur felilille t n Ml I ill-, lllnti-ml." lie Mil, vk, "we colicl tided to try Kli-c-tric liltterM. My wife waa then hi) lck, mIii could Imrdly leave her ImmI. mul five pli.VMlcniiM hud failed to re relieve her. After Inking Klivtrlf' Hit teiH. nhc iih lK-rfcctl.v cuiiil. mid can now M-rforni nil her hoiiM-liold dtitiee." titiaraiiteeil hv J. H. TVni iliton'a mid 1. 1'. AiIhiiimoh'm ilrtig; KiMtM, price .Vk-. $."0 Reward. One liiTTit liny holt', weight nlioitt 1JN poiinilH. StrlM.' in face. fri-Mli liraml on left Mtitle , .hiMt lni-ii liroke. hut a little wild. One dark hay lioi-Me, weight nlioiit ll(i poimtlM. With hnrtii'MM . and hackatiiore 011 when he not away. Krvwh liriiud Maine aw aliove. The.v were ImmI m-t'ii at Ihe Ciceli ranch near McKay mountain. Their rane Im-Iiih: 011 the desert, ahout Lawt t'hain-e. The almve reward, or 10 each will la- paid lo deliver miiiih' to V. li. DaviM, rriiit-viUe. m lj h in n lj jr rtrt n ljlj t Tin jl LJkJ VZMZJ ICHRI We Can Fill Your Wants inn Wo UT' u. STMAS IS COMING and you are beginning to wonder what you are going to give that sweetheart or other loved one as a token of your regard. Just arrived a large line of HOLIDAY GOODS Toys for the children. Books for the studious. Fancy Chinaware for the ladies and an elegant line ol Fine Albums. Toilet Sets. Manicure Sets, Horn Novelties, Mirrors. Pictures and one thou sand other useful and ornamental articles that are Desirable Christmas Presents. Don't wait until the cream is gone but come in now. make your selection and have us set it aside lor you. Hand Painted Shells Free With Purchases We have a limited nuiiiWr 01 &ctiul Jfamd SPana Shi4i. worth 50 cents Bach which, while they hint we will K've away absolutely free, one only to each person making a three-dollar purchase. RIDEOUT I POSTER The General Turnishing Store MS I Will Give You a Fine Present Recently I purchased the Johnson, Booth & Co. Store including their Fall purchases then enroute from Shaniko. These and every article then in the house have been marked down to a low price. Now to make room for extensive improvements in my store, on Friday, November 25, will begin, for cash only (2i(((2rfS)i T4 i m Holiday Goods Given Away With t'vorv cash purt'hftse from iittw until Christinas we will ;ivo a tifkrt which will entitle the holder to a draw mi the. fttllowiiiu; article n A GRAND HOLIDAY SALE t Everything in the Dry Goods, Clothing, Hat, Men's and Women's Furnish ings and Footwear departments is included in this Great Holiday Sale The Proposition With every purchase you will receive in addition to the articles purchased, goods o( your own selection Irom these departments to the amount ol ONE SIXTH ol your Purchase One-Sixth Will Be Returned to You 11 your bill is $12 you get $2 worth II $24 you get $4 worth, etc.. making you a very substantial HOLIDAY PRESENT Affords You Chance To get your holiday gift of your own selec tion a chance to save 16 and 2-3 per cent on your purchases and to get clean s at a low cash price new One $5.00 Easel Album One Large Dressed Doll One Daisy Air Rifle . One Iron Shod Sled We have n Larue Assortment of Holiday floods consisting of Fancy Toilet Articles, Pictutes, Medallions, Toys, Dolls, Fancy Crockery, etc at prices a little below what others ask REMEMBER THIS SALE CLOSES DECEMBER 30 C. W. ELKINS J. E. Stewart & Co. J. E. Stewart & Co. CALL AND SEE MY NEW GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENTS -JL J) nr lit.) u r i ci 8 LJ t 3 L J r a t j II ci L. J r.i LJ r 1 LJ r.3 L.J ri CJ n LJ r.i LJ 1 LJ r.1 LJ j iJ ril ei u4 r, 1 cj r.i LJ .3 r 1 CJ r. 1 L J C 1 k J J n r. 1 c J r.3 CJ r.a L.J. j si 9m : 1 1 am 14 m "' ri ' '-' "' ' - ' --L -; r .