V r ... 1. it Wit4 Bid rr Im4 Builduic. I ' Noti.fi liirfl.y givfn, tlutt tn oitntjr louit ol I rook t oimty, t irf..n . ml nvfiw fM-gl.sl I'.lrf up to nvcm ; lH-r:, lWVi at 2 uVlo-k I. M , for tlie r.nildinjr oi wajron roa.i up nav t rw . . . . : Canyon In aid county follow, to- it : Ut. til Slatr : A lil lor the coi. at ruction of a wagon . rtJ up MiJ cnn coiiiim-noinn al '. ; Md'heraon'i mtil xx on county r.ad j iwr the NVllieat corner oi Section 1J TplOSRl.'iK V M. ami en.liiijs and iulenHrtiiiK the evuulv r-.a.l at the j .J. i Kt1.u.!tT.. in s It .-, ' .. ... . r. h aa ht tkix m't. 2nd. A bid for tin construction of id roa-1 from the al;ov startir.g point a jr muI Uki- up to Ilic South Kink j ofCrinprtwk in Section Tp 10 S HF.WM. Snl. A bid for tli oonetniotii-ti m' Mul nl from Mid kUrtini; point to naid end-. in; thereof on a rout aiirvcy and ' pl.111 lo lx aumittrd by the bidder. 4th. A bid tor the construction ot naiil ! road from the South KitiV of Mid t'rij-p 1 crt k to tlic internei-tion of the Oonnty road at the nai l ritiv i l.ice. T "Hid Uke. That in all and any oi the :ilove bid, the bidder inuct utate the wMth of the road, maximum (trade, di-tsm-e vrt of turnouts, and tilth and length of aame on (rrde, and width of (frade. j tim to complete ame. and term of jviyment, nnd eitivesetul bidder phivll within 10 daya after awardiiift of i-on-tract furnih bond eiual to the con-; tract price lo be approved by the Court, lopelhfr with a contract and siM'.'itiea tiont of the work to be done. Said bid eh all also specify whether bridjjca are included or ford. County i will furhlnh w hat graders and acrapers , it mar have to nare. P.idd ahould ! bp addressed to the Count v Clerk and marked "Bids Hay Cmk Canyon Koad-" The court reserve the right U reject any and all bid. T.y Order of the court made and entered of record November 4, 1W. J. J. Smith. Count v Clerk. HASK STATKMEST. A'notHl nii.JI, iw PriirlU, i.i ihf Staff of OrrjOM, t thr rhu uf ; .in fust i'tth, 1'J0. j Ktourrcs: Ixwni and diunl I7H. 7-3.3."' Overdraft, necurel and unsecured. 21,t'Q.61 . U. S. Booiin to ciire cironlaiino ll Vm.ill rermiuma 00 I. S. rn.l flood. Securities A.-. I. e.in; Eiinkini;-houe furniture and fixture .! .7i FHie from Nati.nl lUnl Reserve Ageut.) .j.HiD.Tti Due from State Itauks and Rinken. 1,41 .SI lSie from approi td retrve arnt.. fiO,i.7t.H Intern! leou atatnuK i ' -S.0.U1 , . t Checkj and othr ca4i Utio-i . . . Kotm of other Nati-mal Fauks. Fractional r currency, nickle and eenU Lwrrt Monct l!r-sitvi is Bank, viz Specie SO., e.l ) Legal-tender nnles ... 1 ,CJ V. B. rtitieste for gold deposited P.edfOMtinij fund with I'. S. 21,4") GO TreaV(f.v of c"uvnl:.ti.i KiMW j ! TUl ?:.T.:wt.K , Liilbilit iS! ' Cental it.s-!; pui.l m ".. N,r, fund lO.OOO.w) l ndlride.1 prt.t.t., less etr n- I . -:.l ft.- rr ' T 1 ; ';:.'! -saii.jwu i.aiiK n-nes ii.i...s. Due tooUier Xati.mal TUnlc Due to State Uauks and liaukers DiviHendf nnpaid . 1.723.' Individu..! deposits subject to Jieek 2.V..21!! .V, Tout STATK OV ORKCON,) i County of Crn"k, ! I. T. M. BALnwix. Cashier ..f the ab- ie- nusei) bank, do s.iludy swear that tne l.ne j stateuient is true t.i the best of n.y kr.mv- j lntge and Ix-lief. T. M. FSAI.Dw'lN, j Ca-d.ier. Sulwcribtsd and sW.tii to before nie this 2nd day of .S-pteuiler, IW, M. iJlKlXK, Notary Public (Joiintcr -Attest: Wim, WrRzwKtLKai '.. M. Haowx, Y ltiiecbus. arey V. Foster, j I . i Contest Notice. Department of the Inteiior I'uited States Lund Ottice, The Dalles, Oregon, h'ov. 17, 19C. A stiflicient contest aflidavit having le ii hied iu this office by Sarah P. Glenn, con- ( thercf, at Princville in the County of fount, against Homestead Kntry No. j '.'rook, on Toesday, the 2nd day of Jann made June 2. 1899, for HVSK. i ary, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of HJSW'K, fction S, township 17 soutli, of that day, then and there to show cause, it rautce 2-! east of Willamette meridian, by nny exist, w hy an order of .-ale .should not Thomas, Caton, eontestee, in which it is lie made of the southeast .piarter of section alleged that said Thomas Caton has wholly fifteen-in town-hip nineteen south, of abandoned said land and ban failed to j reside upon, settle or cultivate the same in ! any manner or establish a resiCence upon, I or in any way improve said land for more I than live years last past an.l has been ab-j sent from the same during all that time;j t-hat said abwnce w;is not due to his em ployment in the army, navy or marine 1 corps of the Vnited States iu time of war. j K-aid parties are hereby notified to appear j respond and offer evidence touching said J allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on January 5, j IflfXi, before J. .1. Smith, county cierk, at hisoftieein Prinevillc, Oregon, and that j Koal hearinK will lie held at 10 o'clock a. m. on January V, 1800, before the Itegister ; andTweceiver at the United States band ' Office in The Dalle.s, Orepon. j The said contestant havinp, in a projr ! affidavit, filed October 5, 1!V., s.-t forth ' facta which show that after due diligence personal service of thin notice can not h mide, it is hereby order.! and directed that ch notice lie given by due and proper publication. . M CHA EL T. .VObA N, Hegister Notice Fur Publication. I.an.l Orlif at Tin I!!i. Onn, tvtobw, 21, lJA. Notice j, bcrrhr iciwa tli.it lhi folio in. i nauits MUtlcr ha klnl notice r of hi lu- , H i i kurt l & uro.il will lr 'fr u - atiun to mak linal irof i I. ... I . i. I - .. ...... " iu prwi win w lvrr tli.' onnty I lorK, at the I'M j Court llouv, in rriiu'tillr. Oivjptn, on the IJIh day of lfcvriuber. via: N.ipolevii II. MiMv.of rook, OrriTim, 11. K. No. i:ri, for tlie SK,' SW, SKi.,, See. h, nd NKv, X, SKt,', See. K. T. Iv, R. !!., W. M. llf miuc the f..lloin wltneea to V hi eoutimmm nviijt n. ti..ii an.l e.iltinti. l"iJ bn.t. ''barky HoM.twi.l'iitl MeM. Mm Slmi- t''k !''l K!I'ri H. him. m. all of I'rook. r(foii. M10HAK.I.T. XOI.AX, Kesi.tw. ' tt-l.vil Notion For Publication 1..-HI4 iitli1 at Tlic I'llo. Oiegon, iK'tiitvr, SI, I'lvV XitiiT L hereJiy given tht ihe following n.ime'l settlfr li tilrd notice of hi intcn lion to make lin.il proof in support of his claim and that said pr f will he made bctivre the County Clerk, l t'rook Oonnty. al Prineville, Oregon. on Itis-emher 1 1, Pv, vi: Arthur 1. Mac key, of Prineville, Ore gon, H. K. siiCi. for th V, Vi;. , XV',', Sec. S! T. tit S., K. IT K., W. M. He names the billowing witneoe t pror his continuon-reideii?e UHn and cultivation of said land, to-wit: William Wi;;le. William Itoti-k, llnirv Km (tli, KJwanl Smith, all of Priuevilie, Ore-;, vn. MICHAKI. T. XOI.AX, KegiMer. iLlvd Timber Iind, Act June 3. Ks. XOT1CKKOK Prr.I.IC.VTlOS'. I'nitwl Static l.irnl Dtfice, The I'alleM, Oregon. Augut SKth lf. Notice is hereby given that in eoin pliaiK'e witli the pnnivion t the art of Congress of June :t, ISTt. entitlol "An act fr the sale of timt'er laiiihi in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, sud Wash- inaton Territory," as extend.-.! to all the Puhlic Ijind State hr act of Augu.-t 4. ' James M. Ilenkle of liriialv. county : of Crook, state of Oregon. ha. this day tiled in this ortice his wurn statement No. -V-t, for the purchae of the K3 XKt4'. ot ; Section No. Y iu Tow nship No. l:i S iJUnge No. K., W. M and will ofl'er prvHif to show that the land sought is more valuable for it timber or ! stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to ai.l land before i County Clerk, of Cro.k county at hi ofllce ; ie TrinevUle, Oregon, on the Sot h .lav of I rVecnitier 13W. i He names as witneves: J. K. Xewhill, ! of iiririly. Oregon. P. Chitwuod, ol tiriialy, Oregon. T. K. Itiiehanon, of Ori- ly.Oregon. I-.m C!cek. of Princville. Ore- ; !SOI. ! Any and all persons clainiinK adversely 1 the torc-deseribed lands are requested to ; li!e their claims in this othce on said 20th day of December, piX'i. MICH FX T. XOI.AX. Register. ::p.l Contest Notice. I'KPAUTMKXTOI" THK IXTKIIli'K Cnite.1 t:.tes Iji.i.l "itiee Hum-, orevoi.. Oi-olr 2ss. !.'.) A sufficient contest athdavlt having jtl jn Ij.j yU;, ),y Jjl,,,., . SlIUlll, contestant, against homestead entry X'o. nVii ......lA t; 1s.i r..v Vtt'l XE'4 SW',-, and S SW, Section 12, Tp li H. Rang- 2.) K. by Cheloco I'uw lieu C-ouleetce, in w hich it is alleged that said rhi-roro Paw'.ieu died on thejlst dav ol IJuly Prj-J in Crook County. Oregou; ' leaving no will, r.o heirs. 110 widow, or no represenutne, an I.11 as knewn to .-aid I'ontwtam; that since the aforesaid death yQtf an4 tH. anj wholly aban- d..ne.l, and hai not been resided upon, .Inlir....! .... -tilfi v- i.fi.1 l.v :,nv iim. jn!. under .said cut r,-man; that uo admin-! .. h ,,B ,;iUn , ,he maUef j ', ,nv .,,., ,., ,.. (-.,iv Curt . an, I ' 1 J court ..f com r-et t jurisdiction, and that : aid alleged absence from the said land I was not due to h:s employment in tlie ! Army, Xavy. or Marine Corps of the ; I'nit.si States as a piirate soldier, oflieer si'ainen, or marine, during the time ol ! war. sni.l parties are hereby notified to apiiesr, respond and offer eri.Un.-e tourh- i 'ng said allegation at l't o'clock a. m. on Deceniix-r '.iith, Psm l-fore the Kegisu-r ! and I'eeeiver at the I'n'ted Mates Land I Office in P.urn, Oregon, j Tlie said conie-tant liaiiuj;. in a proper affidavit, tiled October JH, l.m.i, M-t forth facts which show that alterdue diligence rsi.n.'il service ' of this notice can not hi. made, it is hereby ordensl and directed that such notice lie given by due and pr.. per pupliration. W. Frhic, Kegister. Citation. In the t .iunty Court of the .State 0reon. for the Con nly of Crook: of In the matter of the estate of James II. Ma.sfjreg.ir, deceased Citation To John S. MacGregor and all heirs of ' Jauies P.. MacOregor, unknown grc ting: ! In the name uf the Si:ite ,.f Oreirrn, vou i are hereby cited and re.iiii-.;d to appear in i the County Court of the Ktate of Oregon, J for the County of Crook, at the courtroom ranjrc twelve east ol Willamette meridian,! ''rook county, Oregon, at private sale, Ihe Kaid property belonging to the estate of .lames 11, Mactjrepor, deceased. Willie s, the Hon. W. A. Hell, Judge ol the County Court of the .State of Orepon, for the County of (.'rook w ith the seal of said Court aflixed, this 2!nh day of Novem ber, A. I). KV. i ' 1 i .1. .1. SMITH, Clerk. The Exact Thing Required for Con stipation. "A" " certain iiirpttire and Klom-, "-'' ptirilifr Chainbciiain'M Ntomach I and liher Tablet hwih to be the?! exact tiling required, Mtroti- euoiiuh for the imwt robimt. vet inihl enomvi, and Hafo for chihlrcn mid without that tefriblf griping so common to Mont purgatives," nay . S. W'ebKter & Co., l.'dorn, Ontario, ('annila. For Hale by l. p. Admimou. Vhe journal Wants jjj tw Notices tinder thin head will Im rocived t th rt of VOll S.M.K: t ity rvNl.lomv al a Ivarxuiii. i'iinIi. IkiIiiiiiv oil ran.v ii.n iih-iiU. Wrlti' ir ritll ut tlil- f- i lUv (ur fnrlliiT ii tk iilai. uiM ' 'OlX SAI.K liW Jim iliwi-t laiul. - title liorfivt: to :icrM t'!iily (r ; 15 itiTi" tvaily inr ultl ,illnn; Imi ; Iiu Ih' water fiw nml iHTjH-tual. i Trrtrl ronxi'tilt'iH lo timlx'r. Iiuiiiiv jifS. 4. Nkwkom. I'riiu'villi', Otv. li FOUSAI.K-li Ih-ui'tcivd Hereford 1 cows, i Hcn'fi.iil bull. I'ur .tte or w ill trade fur xrado cattl.1, yoarlins ur rclvew po-fcrivd. Willi exchitnsv one bull for o 11.1t licr n-Rl- j teiisl Hereford. Cattle can l wvii . at A. Z.-ll ranch, 1 mile ciot of I'rlno- ville. Ormhttvn. It. V. Zt i.i.. l'rliio- vllh. Dl'. j j 1.T: Monogram fountain pe n. 1 Tinder ple!ie rt'irn name to this ollice and receive reward. i . . . ... -. j I AST : Uotweeu lYineville and the j Hiram t .'ihoou ranch. brown Marten I muff. Kinder return to this ofli.-e and j rei-eive n-wanl. XJl . - .- ! I.t ST: I let wirti Priui'vllle and lho John I'lliott pliu-e, llu f.n piece ntj a breech loadiiitf Klmt una. V'iiiiler' i.i ..01 ..1 ....1... u..ii ' .. ...... ... ...... ...... ,.tvi.,- n..,,. aide rvwaiil. ".'uSb r.CTTKK AXI KCiUS WANTKO: 1 We will pny canh for fivh esiiT ainlj butter at the rate of :S."i cent H-r! d oxen for euun au.l "Jlii-nt for but-! ter. W e are nlmi wiling fn-Hlt .voiuiir ini'f by the iiiarter at 4 cent jh pOllllll. FllNTKI! & Mill!!.! AN. UOVKKNMKN'T I. AM' 1.1 M ATKl: In the Chrixtnta l.ake Valley. tJiiarant.i-d to Iw good wheat find Alf.illii laud. Alumilance ( water can 1h' mviirvd front 1 to 2."i fivl. r.viio.v C.io Silver l.ake. I in-on. "I Tkxnk Tha Lord!" , cried Hannah l'ltint. f Little KiM'k, Ark., '"for the relief I y:oi from Unck- lcn Arnica Salve. It cund my fearful rimniim xont. which 1 n 1 1 i 1 1 ir ,,)sj, ,.., ,,., xvli(., j had KiifTotvil for year." It i a marvidoiiH healer for cut, burim ami : Ijt wouiiiU. tiiiaranti'til al .1. II. Tcni-; M pleton's and 1. P. AiImiihiiii'h dnitf'w stun-: Taken Up. Jersey heifer, 2 vt ar old. r.ran.icl ii.l hit-. t'ircsj .purler circle Swailo fork rijjlit car. Owner can bate Same nv paving exi-nses. Of eta lo, l.iiiiii.iita. Ore. A Diintro-.is Calamity. It ! it d'tKiiHtrotiH cal.iinil y, whi n you low your health. Iks'iiii' imli psstion and ennntipat ion have Hap ped it a way. Prointt relief can be aad in Or. Kind's New Life l'i!l-i They linilil in. y.nir ili-.t.t ivc or UH.IxJg) colic, i Q and en iv headache, itl.zlaisw constipation, etc. i oiaraiit.i ' "'1(f) J. II. Teillpletoli w and I). I'. A hoii'h drua at ore: Notice to Creditors. Kst.ite of James ;, MaeIregnr, deceased: Notice is herehv given by tlie under- signed a.'.iiiinLvtratri of ihe estates of i James 1!. .MacOngor, dcee.i-ed. to all ! p. rsvins having rlaims again-t s.ud de. j ceaj-ed, to exhibit them with the necessary i vouchers, within sit months from the i date hereof to the undersigned al III" j office of M. K. F.lliott in Princville, Ore-1 gon. , M. I). Ki.i.ioi r Administratrix of the Kstate of James V Macliregor, deceased. Dated this Uth dav ..f Oct., IfWCi. Spofford, the Up-to-Date Shoemaker! Han ailileil to liix e.uipijieiit Ji now niachiiH- which renilei-H It posiBil.le to rejilaee shoe (ipn, Im'Howh tonncx nuil cl.iHtic Koiin-s, In Cohi-chs KiiiteiM, and rcjiair ripped warn at a price lexx than oiif-half of what !ian Iwi'ii paid liei-ftofoiv. Don't throw n way any more hootrt anil Hhoe for want of fii-nt clann repairn hut brins .voiir work to Spoffonl ami nave inonev. Telegraphers NEEDED .innuaiiy, to nil the new ,.,-ninii. er.-Hted l.y Kailnwd and Teleiiraj.li Companle. tV w nnt Young Men oji.I Ladlei ( jnnd habits IEMI TELEGRAPHY TO AND B, R. ACCOUNTINQ We furnUh 7". per cent of the ..(.emtnrs mid Ktntlon Aij.ntii in America. Our six school-, are Ihe Ur-e-t exelusive Tel.urntdi Selnol. is tub woklii. K it a 11 is her) 20 years and endiirsed by nil leH.lini UniUay Oir.. ciats. We exeriUP n ii0 bond to every stu.leiit to furnish him or her position paylnir from H0 lo K0 a iinmih in Htte e,,t of the I'.orky Mountain!., or from I7' to f too a month in Hutes west of the Uoelil. s, himk- llIATKI.V t I'ON OR.HjI ATION. Kind, uts can enter at any lime. So va cations. Kor lull particular.! regarding any of our Meluiols write direct to our executive ofliee t ('ineiuHltJ. O. ('atalnicue free. The Morse School of Telegraphy Cincinattl, Ohio. Buffalo, N, V, Atlanta, Qa. LaOroe. Wit. Toxarkana, Jh. ' 8an Franciico, Cal 5W Jfohr Sfbout 5$ f fM'nter heading? I'uriiig the l.oig ieiiing. i-l' K.ill aii.l Winlrr iv.irly everyone lecli the m, o noluell, inv to r'al and In supply llil w.ti.t e haiv made arrangemento wuli the .ul lhert ot the Weekly Or. 1:0111.111, the Seiiii-Wiikly Oregon Journal, I' Portland, "Madame", mid The ! America 11 farmer. , In.li ,n in.ili. Indiana, ami l'he IW11 and Conn. try Journal, uf .o Angehw, Cnl iiirnia, hy hi li e eaii -Ui their piiH-n with the CISOiiK t'ol'S IV ,IOfi:VAl, n 11 j,rie winch i within reach of all. following N the lihernl rluhhing r:ite wc h'ae lo oiler yu : Tow 11 and Country Journal The American farmer ... ('iii,k 1 ounty Journal - "ur elnlihiiig rate lor all Innv ,"M ..a(alltf,.. Oregon Semi-W e. klv Journal Weekly Orcgoiiian " . - - . Crook Cuiiniy Journal ... Our s)hci..I cluhliing r . I Un I IW I M $3 AO 1 60 j I a I on 1 t .VI I - 1 ."i . t j $5 60j 4 OO j We CHn furnih BjJ eiix of the I papors mentioned in tho nbovo lliatu- $9.0O worthof tho bout pub- i Nation for $4.00 r I Crook County journal Powell & Tonsorial Il TJ TP. When in need of Lum ber, Shingles, Mould in, Doors, Windows or Glass see Shipp & Perry For Prices mi Them. j pi ! di :4 if it tsrTrifcTJlX 71 &4 S) c S S i2) i? i THE HAMILTON STABLES Bend Livery A Transfer Company PKiM.vii.Li.. oki:;on Stock boitnlcil liy Hie .lay, week or inontli al !. :is.iii;il,le rule. iJcnieinbcr iw vt lien in I'riiicviile. It vk-- I!k vjonmu.k. W'c lmvc Fine Livery Rigs For Rent 1ST" K n ii in Connection with tlie Ili inl Livery SuMch aiiaiijiii 7REE The Great American Farmer Indianapolis, Indiana The Leading Agricutural Journal of the Nation Edited by an Able Corps of Writers The American Farmer in tho only Literary Farm Journal iiiibHslied it lills h t'OHtion of itH own and but" taken the leading il:ii'e in the liotncH of rnnil jH-njiUin every awtion of the 1,'nite.l Sbitea it jjivea the fanner and bin family Hoiii-tli ing to think about anidi! from the humdrum of routine duties Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by Solon L Goode Within the Next 90 Days We Offer Two for the Frice of 0: M1K1OT.JH The Leading County Paper and The American Farmer Both One Year for $1.50 This unparalled offer is made to all new subscribers and all ones who pay all arrears and renew within thirty days. Sample copies free. Address: . Crook County Journal, AN V I-OOI. Kn enough I" can an uni'.rel'a w lieu It rains, kill the wise one i h who (iirii'i one when It l milt clou.li, .Inu m.l'l w ill eii.t lor a docim ti e 11 ho g e 1 1 bed fast, hut tho w ler one U he who adopts proper pr.cau - tlolial V. pre en- toe and euraiiva ui.'si.i.' h n lust aiear the Ills which. If 1111 -checked and un cured, givov Into MTiMIIS lllll.'s. Impaired digew llon 11 nd nnirl- 1 ' tl.111 giuierully I lie f.ueriimiei uorvniK ot functional lus.ak dow 11. of a ,.i.'ec h.n po.ri.l.'.f rciiieWlr Hi.l abu id.intlv lor all such conditions in our nil . unslieliial . hmls. With the uso ,ti . Ii iiiumI:v pur.' gU.s.rlne. of proper iri'it(th ami .tl a pri'r sniauesl temp writ 'ire. Or. I'lonn euact Inuu tioldcn 'Ji r ii. V n's r.i.t. M.ine r.it, Ilia, k Ch rr't'ark. lU..lnnt ami M.oidr.C. M..I, ui'sliciiul iirmclples which, wlimi iMUihliiet III J'lf Oi" right pl'o.irtl.in, eu'iil lute his w ulely (a in. si "KoMcii .Uril ir; l..s,iei .. It restorea the toint of tli Momacli. the acnMlv of I lie liter an ' tl.e steadiness of 1 lie nerves, oiiring ! !llv Into tho l.!.i.l till the once sick and ilcl.llil.il.sl one Is so isoiewint In ha';h. sirMi!'i h ami power that ha can ISM.ime his rk. wlutlexer H U, with Virir and elasticity. All ui-slica1 .inlborities, ol whatever 'h.nl. ajt that Hydrastis, or tioldun Se' - one of t:. e-s.'nliul routs In the iaemiof Or. Pierces liold.11 Misllcal i oier is of verv gr.-.it value as a p.iM tonic, an.l an alu raiive - aluaMe (n chronic alTeetl.m of the stomach, In tesvui.HS au4 bUddcr. srX . Vil imiU ll.e Orll.l bill tin l' ( HUM l.lv.r fill.. rsi inn VJtvit ui' e ' h "I'1 ,il .Mih ll.e Orlll IhiI the lit Or IC V I'leos'. I.T, iss-.. Hack t llatnl l.iu Mr mimI4. as U1...1 n.ls alleel Tlievrm MOelV Telalw, helna tuad U of .sHt.snirniftHl an.t r.'ai.e. m.sll.-iual prtiu'inles, ii.ie. from II. roots .Vuirl.-n nlaiiis. I not rli in... ..r two for siooiaclt ivrrvcilnw. thr ot (oar (or cat'jwrtta Cyrus Artists c5S c?S)a53)c)J 1 i To All Our Subscribers Prineville, Oregon i& 7 t J r k J r t t j r i - J - -aaaa-a-waw r 1 W J I k. J r.i k. j r.- r. n I 1 I mi l viOo7Ti o & Ti 7i & 1T4 & ift n 4 a 1T4 ? T4 k i?4 1?4 1T4 n TJw Sluecot "V jJJ j , ri l'Mno AVinoN, Ontlt anil . yj rf I gjT ira. Sood Milliard J Jff S?0rk if fyr'i SMITH & CLEKK'S RECEPTIONS pui.m-.vii.m: axu iii:.m), imkm. Domestic and Imported L 1 Q If 0 U S . W I N I-sS and C I V, A KS III .Ml I'. O llOX'l I limber Mmp und Ucxl.on .1 Sctora ffilacksmithmg IilHKHIIOKIS(, WtKHI WoMIC.'nV., X V. A T I. V AM I'MOMPTI V IONK Wiikn ir it Ihiyi: It v : : : Robert 7oore H ri u r 1 Satisfaction Will rMt.N'KYII.i.C, r.r-yr nr vinnr r. -yr nr. nr. s 2 I 71 L J O'Tfetl brothers Fino Wines, Liquors and Clears, also Oupptics ft.lYO HI 1 Solo Agents for Hop Gold Boor the Famous Napa Soda 0. w The Opera Saloon EDELL & MOSES, Proprietors Iii The Glaze Hull A I irst Class House" inJvejJ Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wine and Cigars Shaniko Tlaretouse Co. SianiAo, Ortgon General Storage, Forwarding A X I) Commission Merchants Di'altTH in HhtckHmith Coal, Flmtr, UmlieJ Wire, Nnilii, (Vnwnt, Iinir, Coal Oil, I'lusHer, Sulphur, 'H)I and (Srnin, Sut:krf anil Twine, (Irniit and Koh1. AgentB for Wuhco Witri'houHO Milling Co'b. "WIiU River" find "Dullon Patent" Flour. IIiliit ir?ee jmiil forlfideu and 1'filU. Spopiul Attention itt jntid Ut Haling for Kawlern Shipment. HtockYardn with nil tho for Handling Stock. 71 ark 2our Soocis in Cart? ffS. W. Co." Lifpiors, Uiimx, llnttloi. Hoof. Uabh in Connection J sU( 0n IffmiM Stmt ' 1 . 1 I KINK.VIl l i: P. ). IIOX ii unt In Connccllott nl Iteud 3 lrie,?iei-r:ir,"r;i rkO-..-J... JCJ JjiiJtijwJidJu.- 3 He Guaranteed a r. nr. nr. ir p i r, i r. -tr. ftR.i G3&$SB$&332&3&m and Solicited. w Wool GrndiiiK and latent and heot faoilitien ! 1 t 3 IP 8 30 J.