Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 30, 1905, Image 2

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    D flews' ffW TMrPV IfllTOMAI
8TEFFA A BAILEY, Publlihtri
K t f red l Ik potoWre it I'llnttllli', Oinoi, on,l-fl w t r
Oue Yaar H'
Tlirwe Month ...... Met
Advartlalnff Rates: li'!) tHTiliuit l
tpt. U" KiHKlrrn ft men. moiarm
Kmnltttiuiuot en.lulcnr ll.'xt. "Wni"
PuViUlifd Kvpit Thurnlay at the Journal RuilJinp, Prineville, l'regon
COUNTY GRAFT ! srsft tiutel finT Perhaps the
' i-. i
The sagacio.m edimr of the Pend!(,i,,orcan"l'li"11-
bulletin in a MuhU ikum effort I The law .veri. the publication
U influence the public in the be of ,,H 'i'l"," l't 't
i; i i,4 p,i,.,.,-ill miu f, lnvpi "ery clearly that it shall appear
. . m.v r-i ,
thiir fiiifrro in onv.ntv craft IH't.'
. -i i: .... .i - t n . : " i... ,i,
r " , .; 8 , n" . ' "!
iiraujiig . oiui'iuiuuii WW"' j
"I oaf u.x.l- (Kn .-.inn) x- ooiirt n.!m,lRrl" u"""lun"
ceived bids for the publication of,
the annual delinquent tax lift.
The statute ay. this advertise
ment shall be at a cost not ex-
"ThflSet rn!
usual, a bid of 25A cent? a line,
and the Journal, as usual. 2" cents!
a line. But papers outside the j
county 6eat were on hand this j
time and The Bend Bulletin's lid
of 12 cents per line was promptly j
accepted." i
To the casual reader the above
Ftatement looks very well; under
neath it has a different appearance.
It us eee what the fact? disclose.
The Bend Bulletin's circulation
in Crook county is approximately
200. About 123 papers go into
the Bend post office alone where
they have only a local circulation.
The Journal's circulation in Crook
county is approximately 700, of
which 275 go into the post office
at Prineville, the balance of over
400 being distributed throughout
the county.
The basis of advertising rates in j
anv newspaper is toumleU pn-
. .
- . . . .
marily upon that particular paper's
circulation, the latter being the
' , s
most important factor m determ-tnak
. . . .
ming the real worth of the ne - s -
. ,
paiier to the ones using its co -
1 .... . n.
umns for publicity. It not a
... . ..
remarkablv creditable iiertormance
if the Bulletin gouges the public
for two or three times what its
tervices are worth, and it does not
stand to reason to believe that
The Journal, with a circulation of
three and a half times that of the
Bulletin's in Crook county alone,
could undertake, conr-idering only
its additional cost of publication,
to print matter al the eame rate as
that submitted by The Bulletin to
the county court.
It would be a losing proportion
Besides no one would expect to pay
for the same work as little or less
to a paper which was iierforming
nearly four times the service of a
competitor. Likew ise. if The Jour
nal had submitted a bid for the
delinquent tax list on the same
"morally pure" basis as the Bulle-'
tin, its contract bid would have I
been 42 cents per line instead of ;
25 cents, but even at the latter
figure there is represented three
Ana one halt tunes the amount of
service jierforined as can possibly '
oeoDUined through the columns I
of the Bulletin
So much in answer to the
Bulletin's attempt to lead the pub
lic into believing that graft ex
isted in the local paper's bid. If
the taxpayers are interested in the
matter at all, let them look a little
further and see the pinnacle upon
which the Bulletin stands high
and dry above tho crest of immoral
The delinquent tax list for this
year will amount to, say 400 lines.
Crook county will pay the Bulle
tin, on the bapi3 of 200 circula
tion, TWENTY-FOUR cents for
every county resident whose name
appears on the Bulletin's list. In
other words, the work performed
by the Bulletin costs the couuty at
the rate of TWENTY-FOUR cents
for each of tho 200 residents of the
county who are subscribers to that
Taking The Journal's circula
tion and rate into consideration
the same work would have been
performed at a cost of a fraction
over 14 cents per name, besides
giving the county the benefit of
circulating its delinquent tax list
among three and a half times as
many people in the county as w ill
see it in the Bulletin.
In the face of this was The Jour
nal really attempting to graft
when it offered an honest contract
rate a rate which is 10 dents per
name cheaper than the Bulletin's?
Or was the Bulletin in its
-Invariably In Advanea
Si Mouth
Single iVpi
Ki, T.''renian.l jftrrain .vurdOiK to tiiu 1
ivai i cms '"r line i r,l 01 ininn 1 1 iw. i
.-i. .iin.i"Kvry xii i wnt word. 1
lished nrtiele Irviiu- to cover mi it !
.. . . , . , ,.. ,
ill a neniaer which ih-.
det-icnatfd by
the county court as !
the mt to ci; actual
,, . ,.
It I't l V C IIIIUIH III I'll'
"c miiletti. must have mavle.
some queer representations to the ,
ivurt in the face of this and the I
!..-. ........ l... t..MiiA. '
,heprobaMe the whole insurance
county otlioial paper by reason of busiuess may be revolutionied and
the fact that The Journal's sworn ' should this 1h the outcome it
ij5t of subscribers in Crook county j
cr,..,t,.r bv X) than its nearest
t . ...
competitor a ami over -KM greater
than the Poilietin's.
ll,.i Ti,. w iirti i-rvino i
ItK V'-lHii ii v a v . C i
over pilt milk, iim viewing long-;
ingly a bunch of sour grajies. '
This paper published the delin-;
quent tax list laM vear at 24 centsj
per line, and whue it lost nothing,; . , ,.
, . ,, ifral judge, no lolumbia river
it made very little owing to the; . . , . , ,
detailed work required in j
getting the list ready for publica-r
tion. The same would have held
true this year.
If it is any satisfaction tu the
"eotial purity" editor of the Bul
letin to know, The Journal in all
probability w ill submit a bid next
year, if asked for, of 21 or 2" ceDts
r i ...... i -i-i i
a "l ior me ame orn. "'
,i , , ,i
maximum amount allowed by the
111? law not one which will:
i .i n- i.i i.i i 1 It is na?l v. but we will have to
oflice wealthy, although
.i i ii i , .take the doe that we have pre-
j the bulletiu which has be. n desig- 1
. i . .i .111 p;red for ourselves. I matiUa
nated as the paper the most likely . .
I. ,i- . v . .i -i , ! irrigation pioiect. Malheur irriga-
o give this year s list the widest . 1 i
i ,,. . . , ,, . .tion project, river and harbor ap-
; publicity, seems to be able to get . . 1
1 limiiri-itl.iTw .-h,ie.e. a f,ir -i lti.l.r..
along verv well on half the last
nuiiie.1 aiiiuuui :i i: 1 1 give ;tw;it
1 . , ,
of charge three or four short yells
of graft. There is a bit of humor
about the latter w hich, if the tax
payers will study the figures tub
untted, will apjeal to them
If Mr. liwson of Boston has
control of a majority of the prox-
iesotthe New York Lite and the
Mutual Life, lively
davs are in!
store for both tho
not that their officials are even
now reclining upon beds of roses
Law-son has spent a great deal of j
money in his self-appointed task.
& hundred thousand dollars or
more. Precisely what he is after
nobody know?
but himself.
this much mav
be said for
llim, i
that whether he deserves it or not
he eniovs the confidenee of the
gront marses of the American peo-;
pi.-. The task which he set before !
himseli in the writing of "Frenzied
Finance" was one from which a ;
man of even approved courage:
misnt shrink. Jte was meetintr
mine ojien me most poweriuuy ;
,1. . ,1. 1 r ,1
entrenched body of financial free
booters that ever sailed under the
black flag. He knew from exper
ience precisely what that meant.
He was aware of the devious and
powerful agencies that would be
set to work to encompass his ruin.
But he tackled his job like a real
man. He called a spade a spade
and it is scarcely too much to say
that his brutal frankness almost
caused his earlier readers to hold !
their breath to see what would:
next happen. I
l.awson is master of a style T
peculiarly his own. He has had
much experience in wiiting, par
ticularly in preparing the robus
tious style of advertising which he
so long affected. Out of this has
grown his so-called ''style." and,
while it will not square with all
the canons, it possesses a virility,
a pictureequeness and a nervous
energy that many men who make
a trade of writing! might envy. It
has made a tremendous hit with
the reading public, not because of
j its mechanical construction alone,
ibut because there appeared back
of it complete knowledge of facts
stated, a lively appreciation of
their significance and relations,
but above all because their ap
peared to be a clearly-defined sin
pub-jcerity of purpose that indicated
truth-lclling. No man In recent
i' year has wade it more profound
impression on the reading public.
III his storv ho has told thine
and illuminated
which men generally believed to
I . , i.i
i; " ",,v t" !
Krt-IW-l- given new and.
JScuM profound significance to evenu the i
m H ..lllllirillHil U'a'rsl PlMtMk Hl.llt
'surface of which
hail l heretofore
merely scratched, while tin
general impression had Iven that
their innermost recesses had Ihvii
xu IAn Whit
Ids motive A
: ft till M. lift I fair ltU lvlll-tuvo.t liA
done, v. w,v, ';.t,.....!B'ffl lr I I1C Vi I Ic. OlX'K)!!
I the j'uMie to an 'appreciation
the conditions hv which thev were
Uurnnunled and the ,,l,lio ni n'""""-''. '"""H' '.nd.
'.;; , :. :i,.i i . .i 1 Iu l'rpit and iiiot eompleie , evidenced by the; 1U, (f ft U1(U )f tMx (o w
announcement that he now has !,ow 1h n, i:m(H,, & F.-t.-r-N.
majority of the proxie of two, Klw!l ,.:iWU,n, a,, .,,,, ,,VH.
preat companies in his possession, j lor served tu an.vatvle aw on the
i. :.. ... :.. i: : ...
nine i n nmu aiuui ati iar,
notwithstanJinj; the ugly revela-
tio,S that have Uen made, that j
,, . ,
j,.v. i- .11 l VJII IIV1IH j
" ..
vieanmn oi an me great com pa -
nit's tnat the p.icy-iioKIers arc at
last to have a fair inning. With
T n it tli It. .1.1 i ti.vl it.L
would le vastly to th- benefit of1
the whole country and to those i
w no seen insurance at reaonoMo ,
rates as a provision against the,
aeci.lenlii !in,t iiifortun. .if life -
...... ....... ' -
appropriation, no nuiiuti lorure-
did it.
a re
! puilty.
! For 2 years political rings
j have ruled the state. The will of
Mho people has Urn bent and
twisted out of haH so of ten by
the Mlitician that it has grown
to be a wolibK" lini'inriini .if n
- -- -- , i -
,,. ,, : ,
i in iil; ii. ;u milium re?iH-ci- ;iiiv-
I ,, ,. 1 .'
loll . , ..nliLtn,,..,!,,. PI.. ...
n.i a-uifiuiri ui. till. 1?
IjioliUca! pay-day in Oregon.
The debt has bt en sieeumulating
for a Ion'' time, and we are "..-ttiiv'
the pay all in a lumji a lumj
,.. ,
that is about to make tne wop e
1 1
at l",ir Momacns.
Heretofore we have fought
among ourselves over post office-
and Iand-olhce ol)-. over Fenator-'
LUM an(j eovernorshiiw and let
tie i!tnt,.'s husiness go to the ,ow.
-nn. , "
w 1 , . .1 . i:.- .1 .
ite iiiie oaeikeii ooimeai eon
ventions, and ''fixed''
mnrics and parceled
procinci j-n-
iifi1 to ho a lor, an liberally a i it
were wind. W'e have seut corpor-
ation counsel to the senate and
shielded dirty politics in the mostji
(lacrant violation of decenev and 'hi
: public honor, and now we are -
rr,.t 1 i n rr l.orl: (tie a.irt of n eroi-i '
. ..1.. n, .1
.i-... , , ., , .
, i e won 1 winrf. u rn .. 1 1... iso.
i unn I wiii
. fuiin,'
We have been
running wild ir I
!1 nllarter of :i wnliirv anil nnar
we mu,t not fiih(.h nor kick as the i
redj10t l,rnnjin. iroll o (etencv !
! IS
:.. 1 .: . . 1 . . , 1
1 , . , , '
being pressed into our tough- j
,,nej h;je
'P,,i,u ,0 -.1 it-. , .-.Ma wciuner is coining aim you
Inanksto Kooscvcit and Hitch- , .., , . i
should prepare for It liv laying hi a
cock that the punishment is no,m,ppy ()f K(Mj lv ,,denvcnr,
greater. East Oregonian. : wool Bhlrts, felts and rulibers, (Jer-
man hox. overshoeH, etc. Itldeout &
' Foster sell them.
Mr. Drake's explanation
suits and suits against the
tion company occupies a
1 . . ,
ioi 01 1 r
valuable space in last Sunday's
Oregonian. But Drake always was
long on explanations.
D. P. Ada m son & Co.
Hand Painted China
OregOIl t i
Ikix social and entertainment will 1
Ihs held at the Willow Creek school :
house Wednesday evening, Nov. 2(1.
Rev. Craig preached his tint sermon
at Willow (.'reek last. Sunday. The at
tendance was large considering the in
clement weather.
Two inches of snow Ml the first of
tho week, and some of our people are
enjoying their first sleigh rides of the
In grwrVti. nt the top lit qtinhty.
nt ,,",,,," ' I'tlec. aiiii.n. n
For tJtf he! whoe value hi town
: go to J.' K. sip wart & Co.
' -
. .
I ..
r stew nr; A To.
All kind of cni.nod 'Ko.uU at
r.k lrk-c. at Hum V
i 1). P. AilniiKitn I'M
in n
Olft Dooks
Holiday Goods
dO III til.OVMt S t'llHll iriH'lt' fur
l.m ..f .... i,.. 1 1 n.......
' v "i"111 " "
We nw not eloalnn out. Inn we aw
Kn-rle, , eln o,
lee. . . A. Ui..i y u.
VtOMMI.VM' KwRiilar Price
A. H. LI PPM AN d. CO.
Dou'i your ckx until m wv
' Hover, lie is nlwaya In Hie market
II,.. I. ... ....I. t.. 1' 1.
" r-e ' -
l'wsi .vnt .tinner in ihe city
Chicken dinner every Snii.liiy, AI
Mr. s. V. l'l'iiiiliitriinrM.
Turkey Dinner, lilven hy the le
.ti. of the ltaptixt eliiiwh. Helknap
hall, Tltauksci Iiik. Tlmrilay. N
mmiiIht :0.
lli tine SiiarH. ('effce.
tioodii. ToliaeeiiH. CtyarH mul I'nney
CaudleH. Il will pay you h,v
l.'l.ovi: k.
We aw AKvlitit fur
Hip ISoval Tailors of riii'Msro
the laryiM Merchant
Tailoring I'h t a bl i Ii
in. 'i.i in tiie World.
.1. K. STKWAKT & Hi.
C. W. l-'.lkliiN N iiffei'lmr a present
t every rash imreliifer eiii;il to one
mi v t Ii of the inn'chane, I'or further
information we Ills Imp' ilisplny ml.
in another purl of this p.-iier.
Our lilies of clothing at .10 and fV2
eoiupritie elotliiuy: that It In. til dwV
and iltirahle. S!i:ied riulit. inad"
riuht and titled ruht. Iiiiiiunm
Iwolies do ymi know that Kldeoiit
& l'onter carry a emnpldle s. iek of
I Indiex' ami clilldreu'H underwear and
t l.. ...I..-. I ..1 i:.... . I...H. ..
iiorici iitiii mini ri line oue oi wi.iien
L , . .411
liueil holine slipiKTs.' And do you
know ,at ,.,, Mll v0 mlluv 1(V tn,.
lin; with tlu in?
..,st nirived at ,V I'osterV.
a crate of .hvoratml rhlnaM-an of a
l autiful design. Now 1m your
'Phalli'. - to uet a lini'Kaiu in a dinner
, srr'
, py5353T5Er353rsi
' TI r 1 fi itf ti i- .1 li
I!, uuuu luniks nc nave ror inc
Fancy Apples
Pref. Stock Jellies
Jams and Preserves
Sweet Pickles
Sour Pickles
Dill Pickles
Saner Kraut
llazehvood Butter
lu.ll.,,-.. ..r...-.- ,., il..u
' to compare our ntyles and
price with thoH,- offered by otners
111 in
"i nun iiim ik-kc iiiterent Hcrveu lien
1111 & Adams.
'..I ....... .
of liiii'lr,'rVV11fWWVVVVVW
If you doii.t know the Dif
ference ImH ween Uiukoi t &
Fohtku'h Home Made Con
fectioneries and the other '
Kind which Includes about
all other varieties I I'm Time
No Poison in Chamberlain' Cough
From Napier New Zealand, Herald:
Two years no the Pharmacy Hoard
j of New South Wales, Australia, had
j an analysis made of all -the cough
lnediclueH that were sold in that
1 market. OuHif the entire list they
: found only one that they declared
was entirely free from all poisons.
This exception was CluinilM'rlalirH
Cough Remedy, made by the Chani-
berhiln Medicine Company, Des
MoinoH, Iowa, V. S. A. The almonce
of all narcotics makes this remedy
the safest and best that can be had;
mid It Is with a feeling of security
that any mot her can give It to her
little oneH. ChninlM-rlaiii'H Cough
Remedy Is especially recommended
by Its makers for coughs, colda,
croup and whooping cough. This
remedy Is for salt! by I). 1. Adanison.
CD Fall nnrl
' 5 a
llivtvv lMurhor Slorm
i i i
lll.ii'k Cromo TaiiiHvi
WILLI .'I Solos to li.vl. i.S Sootch
None Better Made
V aro So! Auviitn fr
Buckingham & Hecht Goods
Our Iitsh (iimhIh lino U lari'f n ml ujHrior tu
nnvtliinjr show it licro bctinv. All the new wontr
mil shaikh can lx s.m'11
P5 New Fall Coats, Skirts ami Heady to Wear (loods
Kv5 ami Children. : : i
jra New Fur Collarettes and Fancy Neck Wear 52
IX M mm m amana aa m mmm m m
$ uuurczvukSLcre & thoivisoix m
Not low For Publication,
I .ami Ollieo at Tin' Pnllr, Oregon, -
NuM'iul ft I lib, !0..
Neliif i ln-n ly k-'"'" Ui fulKialnf;
iiamcl -ritU r liai Mel ,.f Imeu.
tii'ii i.i in.ik.' ii"..! r.'t,f in mi,niii
lit lii. etiuni, aii.l lluil r.if Mill be
mini.' U'l'en' tin I'oiiiily I'l. rli el I nnil,
Oomiiy. ai I'niu't ill''. I'irK.'M, t'n I -ni -It
ih. 'C, vl: J.ihu O. I'iiw.-II, i.i
I'linetitlf, Oiycou. "ii II. K.N.'. l'l.Ti, l;r
tin- W'j M: ; nn.l Ni, .):,. s.H-. II.
KlS.nlti, K wip- M I'., . M.
Ilo miuie-i lln- following; ilii,v.. lit
i ftntvc I.i. r.klitilitl.itt. rv.iil.'ii.-M iir,.,.. u.ul
S j C'iltn ilti.'ll i( .'lli( l.lll'l. Vi:
j!j.iim. Pru.r, J.ilm 1. I.l-'tli-tt-, Julm
j j Kilter, t'Liranof MCallirirr, all .f Prino.
viH. Ori'Kxn .
M It'll. KI. T. Ntil.AN, ll piMrr.
id v.l
ISook social, I'reslivti i i.m ehiircli,
Saturday evening', lv'iiiU-r !.
Chiin-h Woi keiH' fair. IVIknnp hall,
Saturday evening. !iveiii!or pi.
I'.ihle eon tent , l'rcNtiytciiau ehureli,
Friday evening, ) -.'l'.
ThankSKiviiiK Imll. Athleile hall.
Thursday eveninjr. Noveiuher :jn.
"Charley'a Aiiiit.'" three ai t farce
Comedy, Alhletle hall, nil'ixlllllIM
A choice line of Candies
and Nuts, also a selected
line of Cigars, Tobaccos
Wf JHZ MO-5 T. XOMPt ETC "jf
jH rot Tfie holiday! fifl
1 iif itrHTrircTFwnnhcyA.
j i aaa ,
Vhc Soca Calendar ;
TrtfintAr Tnoe:
U W Ilia my
lat. - with out(iilo roMUtors,
ltottom in JluiMct ami
lioro. o Mo to show
Meat, Vegetables, Produce
A Complete and Choice Line of IWf. Veal, Mutton, Pork,
Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept 011 hand at the
City flfleat Market
At The Old Stand
Agency for McCall't Patterns. Price 10 and 15 ct. i
Taylor & McCallister por,rneevg'o,ne
jfcencterson ct ZPollard
Wines and
Country Orders Solicited
First Door South of
W o have an exceptionally fine lino of clothing that
is both dressy and durable. The reason why that
our clothing is giving such good satisfaction is Hint it
U made right, shaped right, fitted right and the prices
are HI OUT. Remember this when you are buying
clothing and call in at our Rtorc and examine our line.
Our line of clothing nt di A 0wl 10
is tho best in the city J1U alKl Jla
for the money and are what you have been looking for
Our Fall and Winter stock is arriving and includes
the best iiuality in tho latest patterns and styles for
Ladies and Gents'
you to choose from at prices that are RIGHT.
Our Line of Shoes is ready for your inspection
and is as complete as any in the city. We desire to
have you call and wo will convince your that we are
RIGHT in saying that our goods and prices arorighU
fnf all rvf
'W Jl
tlirm, C.niio
ami sto our
for Ladies
Pt'i 11 1 v i 1 1 k flniiiui
We have many beautiful dcaignu in
Full and Winter Hat. The winter
tt !-! are gracioiirly variedbecoming
neH is the keynote. Bui toiue and i-ee.
The most charming hats of the t-easoii
are in eviih nt r, including the small
Togu.s, Turbans and Maxine Llliot.
Orders taken for Corset nnd Indies
Fashionable Tailor Made Suita
Finest Cigars
In Stock
the Foindexter Hotel
Dunham & Adams
Prineville, Oregon