Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 23, 1905, Image 4

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Notira for rub'.!ii!cn.
OrtuU r, 21. lit . J W Hat iu nui-WnK ! Itnrk- c
Notice I. rrr-hr h-fn tliit the follnvinir ! Jilll and Curttw OoodvUtl.. .;
xau.f! K-ttii-r ha W ( hi i-! J W P.ou'H ('..In for Jail
t -utioti K. fl (iiim! T.H.f i i mj.port 'f ; j xv Ani), sheriff oxiH'li,
I. ibmn. and tl.-l Kod I r, l lirant count V Tillnmil
made In-fore the mini v '. t fe. at I. "
... . ... i ca.o
Court Huiise, in 1 riiuvilie. Civgoi, on tn--
Utli .lay of 1W, ,nl r. l:o. ! -F me l onu. dly .:,,. isor
via: N.ipvle.") I!. ro.-k, Or-von. : ''i -
II. E. X. I2, for toe si'.'. MV' sV, H 1' Sprvmn Koud work
SB,', Kw. N and M'S NVV,, MV.; . Henry Montgomery Koad
x it1-.'. s.v. ir, t. iis , n. w. m. j wrk....
Hfl name Ihe foil.niiius w,t.iess, to 'John I,ow i Koailwork
prore his continuous re-idt-nre c.p. n sr,I jlV Molitiromerv Marker's
cultivation of s:,u lan t, i it: j f,v oil road
(Mr:-rll(.n,P.vJl Held. I"!''1 ' rh.- P Powvu Caiv of l.urk-
ta.-k n.i n--, H..,,..... .-.:. ..r i w-i, M!, ;)ti)1 (,:irt.s
0n,,n- I.Y Bailev i:,,,d work'.
UrlUn.T.N.M.v.n.xi-.--. li;iluT.;;1,1.Imi;oilU1,,,,linixvo;,
1V in c;ls.N ......
" ' !s M Scott Itritn-lr-K raujT
Notico For Publication, from IVr.d to P-ii:c ille...
'Ve Journal Wants j ! Meat, Vegetables, Produce j'g ' nk' Z.c'olX
I muter tills ;l,
vl vrlll be ro'iviJ at t',u rate, i f
T I cvnt jHr word rr tnnrtioii. '
I. in,, of J'...f. V..-,l, Mu'
"i Ml
t tx
S ti
1 (0
M li
."; iH.i
t.i riiu in. rnli, l; !.i i, on r.-i-j ?
j iviynii'iit'. Writ,, or call iitt!iU,,f-
tUv for fitrt lior I'di ti.Miljir.'.. oj,,
IMP, SM.K-liW ii. li s ,!.s( l i liiu.!, 1
Ohv Wteai. Mat-hoi
( A
1 l j 1 1 u s. ( ' i a
1 V:
I i nti. .mu.! it.itfi. i i ? . i .
' Sco:l f-Jitiard Vac c At Connection
itltl.-jH-rf.vt: ,ivs n,. h i,.r R At 111.' Ol.l Ma.,il I'll?' 0 S 1 1c, jj '
ll.ViiU'ri'H rn1y for euliixHtlnti: l' LM-.'-... -.-r-. . . .... X ,
' , . , v - -..nw.-wy- . .. r ,r , ... ,v C. . t-
. , 'I' W
:o y hiiiUjt of I'l, Is for T'tiiilM- :o '-.,.
Itu'llt wt-r frv iiinl 'rivinal
Tia,'i 0(iivrnl.'iit to tiinlu t. lno'ii''''
of S. J. Nkwnom, rriiu ill Oa o".'
i M . SAI.K l.' ltoslslonil ll.-ivf t.;;5
. -a . lliivfoiil loi!. I'oi t 1
C tni,li for m'!i,l.;!,', '
r ffhi'M .r-f-m,. Will " V" U
.... 1 . .! , T Ll
!.nn,t O.f.oe nt Tl.p n.ili,-s, 0,. ,-o;i.
iX!.'-or. Jl. i'Vi. j , i ,,; . ,..v 1: . flir Vi,,.-, V.i;,t ! oNOliaii:;..' oao Lull for miotiui iw.
Xotir in lim-l.y ps-oti tl.oi.u'.uvins :nn,.t ; i.j.j '.(viits vr lii for tin' li ii'l Hon funl. Cntll i aa In mv : ,
l,msl.ttl.Tha tilo.l mt;i-cofJ:i;nt -i-.. j, ,,,,( ,U ;,t A. 7..II ramli. I mil.. i-;iM of I'ria,-- i
ti.,n to male m.S l on of hi. . u,r' Ml. w-ks. , vill... t r .l.l.liv Ik V. .I t t . Triai-.,. J
(In m, n.l tlmt mi,! prof will K- msd,.' ' ., ni i '
... Cuuiiiv CU-rk. ..Vrvk C,.iity. ! -'A '''"t lv-'H-. IM. .; ;
t VrinilKi.n.i.i. Ihvomirts.l-x.-.. ' Vw full ew k,., f.mtrnct w anl-; " i
iii.'.or ,! IVm 1 r.iill.'iia au.t.Ll.M'.y m.t try (
i -.1
II I .
eon, II. E. Si5, fr li, ., . xl.i-riff t o st-ll.l lifllH-lllollt tX list M" ' ' v
N W'i, Siv. i', T. ICS., H. IT I... V. M. ; IVn.n'.nUotin for ouhluation. ai.,1 n'.vivo n-ar,t.
H imc Ii' f.)....wi.i(, .. . .... t , .. . . j ,( C!nuv v;lir;i!t 1, 1ST. 'r.,.1 ..,. lVini'i il!,. mil th.
rov l iMtmr.tii:t ro-1 u-:; o ' ..: , n . . i -
rv,itiv.,!i'Ti of s.n I ! tv '! : ' No. lit lass iNsui-,1 Nov.... l: .. tor ( Hiurn UiKnm tancli. tt lnii M.ut - s .',
William H'iclc. MT.'.iam loivs.-k, iK-i-;-y : Tv.Vi isMir.1 ly i'1'ior to Art '.nir j Uiuff, Kituler rot'.fn t thin o:!i.v i-r. :
hmith. Kdwar.l Si.iii'.. nil t" fiit cvi'.io. . Tctiijiloton. ; receive rt-vcu.I. ; ;
Orec.-n. ' ! ... .... N
! (
i; i, - ' ;
r.i . ii.
rii- r : , .I.,,-;-., . ,
nr.' in : !, :' .'. ' '
T-'i' '. -. 'it:' I .t: .it I M as'-- !
iVL r t.i!.. ., ''.,r t , f : ;v . ! i
i : l
3i .
i i ri j W u ;
M10KA1X T. XOHN, ll.-.i.-i.-r.
I.DST: r., tv,v:t Pi !o nnl ! !i.
Km ''' AfjiJnt'i lor Hop Gold Qccr r.nd
WantfJ Bias Fcr Rivid B'.iilIinj. f John I'lliolt yx '. tii ! r- ;
:Hbrn-h Jo'li!:;! -i ,i !,!.'.
Nutkv i hcrcly civon. !.. the j return to th;.- o:!i,i- ;ii'.; i. n
al!,, tvwar.l.
; V -..l:H V Oilil l'i v .x ir,i..i,(vic.,,!i
NOTICE FOR rCBLICATlON. , r,v, ,0,;ol u., N,ve i,
United Statoi Lnr.a ir.iT. ! Nt-h), l'X" nt 2 o'el vk I M., for the
The Dalles, Oregon. Aim.ut ?:.h h .".; ,nilJig 0f a ag..n ro.ul up Hay Creek
Notice is l.oret,y g.fin ma. in i.'.u-. 0 i., Mi 1 co-jaty nn.l Stat 8
i''.: r
i .1
plinnee with the f-,-vi.-ionsot the ait ct t,,.i. .
Congress ..fjene 3, l-i'M. entitle,! "An n t ' ' ' i?t
f or the sale of timber lands in the t-'tato j ' ' . .
. ofCUforuta, Ortsou. Xct,5. o i Wash-1 1lJ fl,r ,! trrtlll, cf.a
nrTTF.Ii AND F.a:s WANTI lh- J;
i We will iay cHh for (nh i-kh ai.,1 f
i liuttor hi t! rat,, of :s". erntr i , r 3
iloii'ii for ati.l :'.hT;i!i forl-Mt-.J
Iter. We ari also mi'.;:i f. .!. yo'iT-;
i , : --.! ' 'i.
uitrtonTerr.tury,"anter..U'!to all : up ?&w car. a ioa.nif.airj v . 1 1Mml 1'onTHt .V Hoiauw.
PuHHc Ijn 1 St.iti- hy art of A.scist I. Md hem-r.' mail on c.nir.ty r :ul j ?
lfi James M. Hciikie. of tiriralv. c.-onty . near the Xortheant c-ne'r ol .vtion IS
rfOrook. rtatM.fOre... ba. this -lay til.-.l : Tp 10 II K W M. ami ending n'l! , . .. 1 , !. ,l, S
. 1 II tli.i I III itlHIlJ il i,f
in thisoflice hi sworn statcmi-nt u.3l. . ij.ternetini! ti e county ro l at the . ' '. . 1 ' R
f,r the pmcha of the E XE'i. lVrw t-l.uss ia Sectian 32TP M1; ,S I'.nariiuttvil t.i. ! .'... I
Section X...H in T.ali.p No- j. v I. j er akes set.
Uanee Xn. 1'. E.. W. M., am! w..l ; ,
V.'inj .".:.-.! f7 I:incst :!
Jjijtiors v;;-7 !n Stock
'oun.-'ry Orders Softened
f.l iv :
oiler priH-.f to mIiow that ti:e l.i.':,l ,
Alfalfa latnl. Alauu'. mic,"
tan le Mviav.l fcotii 1.' t, -" :'
' ; l'irst l)(nr Souiii of I ho PoiiiJcxtoi Hotel
" S'-l
.. hid for t!'1' c.i.','tct!,n i'f cii-lj
Hyi:o CaJ'V S.!i
w:eht i-i ti-iv? v:.'..:-i f.-r : ti .il'-rr i
tone :h o; t-. r fc-r ,r.'i -r ii ; :".'. !. . '' ' ' ; '. ' -.
t.i PMiMi-'.: hl-e'-f.:- ' -' ' "r 1 . i-; - ,
r,v;vt, I' . "... . : 'r '.. . ' . - C '.. '. : v. '
iv rri'HTi'.lc, ' r. -i.;i, ca ih: ui il.-.j , f 1", ;' V.
Piti-h.Wt :::!
llenameiaa witne.'sea: J. E. '-h ; , hid h.r the Cvn.-tPicti.,u of Kt..l uu-l I
cf Griizly. Ortpm. r. Chitwood. i!
Oriii' v.Oregon. T. V. Ituchanon, of Grtii-
t'roia sniiil rlartir.g point t j 4l,l cml- j
, iiijj thenii pa a route, purvey a:i1
I Ark.. ; I-.- -.:. I 1 ti ' ft. -a "
len i Arni. a .s.:iv... It en-. . r a
fearful rinnil:; ..r..n w'.ic'i a, : . tI
else wov.hl au l ii-ori h: i I p
rhe Opera Saloon
ROARK A MOGZC, Proprioton
in The tSlae Haiti
N A 1'irst Class Ilotio
ni cr Uv'spcct
1 Choicest fcJi cinii ; of Liquor., Vvln:
ru in i k in. i: An oi: .imiv.
i i . ... r r" i.
l v"'v ' " ' ' ilantoWsv.hnat'.e.l by the bi l-h-r.
A iiv ar,.? n1 Tprso,n ehiiu.inir a-.;vereiv .
the alKiTe-dowrih-.-i lanJs arc rciue.teJ t'o A bil for" tLc construCioa of Hia ' , t),' r., ,'
f.le their claims in this office en or i-eforo ' mail from the South bank of eaiJ Crt-p j 1 ' '
!' i .i iZ-
, tuiH'M'huis healer f-:r c;i; 1 ;i. .:s ai..!
womnJ.". ii'.iara'.t, -a .; ;.;!. i'i-
I'. A lam .!;- In a.
aid 2i1th day of Decemher, l!Xi5.
creek to the intersection cf the County
MICHAEL T. XOLAX. : road at the ?ail rieree place, a ir ;
Iugit;er. ;f;,iUtake. j
! That in all and anv oi the above bid, j
Contest Notice.
Taken Up.
' the Udder must state the width of the) Jereey ht ifcr. 'J jca- .4 ;.
roaJ, maximimi grade, ili-.t:itice apart thrv ju.irt-r !-.; rl
of tarr.outs, and width and hi.L'tli rf i Swallo ft rk ri't t jr. o.ner ,
Domestic and Importc-.l
l i o i; o u s , w i x r. s ami c: l c; a n s
r.i. m ii. o j-'.ix i t i ;. n.;.i; v. o. m. 2
iho-hvr l a ;'. . : ,1 Kc --tauraat in CoiitKtinil lit I,vik1
utanuuiei iiir. i.ui.mi ..,., ..!. ,i ;.!,!, A ...1.4... i 1 .
Vnited Suites Unci OtSee Burns. Vn. tio'!e ,0 ,w,.ae .;Une. nl terms of' " "W0it On In
Ort.,U-r 2, h-o ;.,.... ..., .,...f.,i -I'll... i..oi;
ill ji 1, t.' etc 1 ..-r;ui i;iu'ii.i ?unii , .
tl V
:3 S:crrtco IfJarohcusc Cc.,
tSAnrtio, OtCt on
. A aufhcwnt contest ainauva i-'i 'f-' ( wi,;,;u 10 ,lav alter awarding of con-1
heen filed in this oBice hy Jaui A Smith. ; tr., fllrli,1,"a ,,OI,a e,,,lal to tJie ,,1
A Di!i-,troui Claritv.
contetant. aaint liwiw-tvad entry Xo.
tract price to be approve, by tla; Court,
It ii it l:iatrntM i". 'a :ni . '
you loe yuur lie.iiUi. 1 v.oir"
Kifition and lotistipa i ion Imvv ...1;
petlitaway. rrompt reliof e.ia i
nad in Dr. KiinrV New I.ih- I'll;
They Imihl up your ili:..i;w oiv.r
and cure headache, (li.':;,-f.. c,,i;
consti)ation. etc. (oui r r, . 1 ;i
J. H. Templeton K and l. P. Ada ;.'i- I 't
n.ii " 111 ii mint ( , .
. ;
mil 1: i;i f .r ?- VU'I .
SEVSWM, and"Vj'sW..4. Section 12. t' with a contract and npeciii-
TP 1 S. Ran-, i', E. hy I'awliea i tions 01 the work to be done.
Ooutestee. in which it is allei-l that sai.l 1 Sai l bidi shall also specify whether
ClieliK',) fawiitu iliel 0:1 the 21-t day of brideef are include 1 or fori. County
July IjuS in Crook ("oumv. Orer.f: will fe.rtil-h what jiraders and Krapera
leaving no will. 1:0 heirs, no wiiiow. or 1 : ari jt ,.,y have to spjii. Bids should
reprewnt.mve, as a kn-,u to s-i i i , a hlreVv ! to th.e Count v Clerk and
Come-ta::'; ti.tshi.-e the atora! 1.1.':... ; .,,-,, .u. Cn,f.,. r.,nvon
aaid Un-l h is been and is wholly at-ar.-' ,, . v. . ,, " , .
... . . . . . I' i:.e : i re-erve? the riizlit
noneu, ami ha not been re-i.'e.i up jii, 1 .
olaime 1 cr-cultivatc-J bv anv , r.e c-l-.iiu-1 t J r'J cl a,i-v aa-! a'1 hhU'
utR under said entry, uat.: that n admii..; Bv Order ot th..- court r. 1 -i haiht-n tnke-i 111 t! o matter hy , eater e-l of r.-cor-l N'oe-.-in -. r i, 1 '"".
any prolate Court or Cc-uuty C ,n:t r uny J. J. Smith. Ti.ty Clerk.
Court of cons) et'.-r.t ;'..ri.v!icti'.-r, aii'l ti-.r. t
said aih'-ed al-setK-e ti e sai l hr.J ;
was not cue to hi, en-j i. yru.-ii! in the
Army, Navy, or Marine Corp ol liic
United States as a pihte soldier, orhc.r,
i on (,.(. 1' 1,'in- , 01 I niti-'ii! at t:. i ir
f4 C.'tef-53 Civ. 02-' v t3) 3 'W? Cv !
' tf ;
G 0 i 1 e ra 1 S I o ra ge .For vva rci i n g
llcn.i I i'. cry A !' Compani
pkim vu r.r, o!;r.(,tN
I hy t!io .-!-y. v...-k .-,
r . ; 1 . .' .. '., 1 1,
I': r
I ! . I I : '. I l'
' ... r,
0 o mm i cs i o n M o vch ants
!, il.'i.i it, l;' i.-k.-tui'ir Cii!, F:. .iv, ll u h, .1 Win-.
N i'l.'. O'l' t.l, I. line, Coil (i;!, I'i;, '.!', s'.,!j I.-r,
Wool m,,1 i r.c ii, S o ),, j 1 '1 w ji,,-, ( 1 1 -ii o ;. ti,! F. I'd.
A;-,-i;. i.'.r W'.i-,',. V:,r, !,, !: o M,!';, (',.'. "Vi:i:o
Fine Live ry R i gs I or R ent I () r.
n. c
a u:l!i t.
1 l.;,,rv
i" .',!.. 1 -i!!.
for 1 1 i.'.c- Hio!
lipear. respond ar.d niter endr.ii 'i loiicii-1 -,"""'1"' " ' ' "i t;. i w ; U-
liiRaaid alhratiuii at r.i o'.-l -cka. :n. on i ''-f'- fh -..., "f tnr cf.,- . -oo-. ! ' M f. j. j fjij
Tje,n!r a.,,,, p , o the W-K'tkmrW-. .a7. " ! A.lmtrii,tr.trix of the Esui.,',',f 'jam, B. ' fl
nd We.vcr at the I i..t- 1 Ban JlOSOUBt : Mae-'lre-or, .k-eea-ed. rl
Office Mi iiunisor.-,- n. , , ,. . ii.,i i m, ,lriv flf ,,, , SLn
,.r i. .ii.-i ;:n 1 ui'eounoi iz.ji I - -
' Ovr-ii.ift-, ..-cur-:.Ui.-! im-ra-ured. 1 - .;'
Kc'.ice to Creditors.
I"-' ' ! ! itni-i 1!. MaellrcL'or. ,'t-i-i i .
, . . . : '
I .h.'.m 4.. i.ciu f;iu-ij b'bv iii-: i.ii.;t-i-j y v.
Wrl administratrix of the ,-i:" -u! i1;tvV5.5:0(5 4' '' ivVr"",'
James B. SlacOreeor. !e,-eaM,l, t- , ' l".''v',''v.-'U,U'U-'W- ." -'
rons having claim-. ai!ait..-t s.h'l d :
cca-c it, to ex hihit them wiih the n.-, i-,arv j , . ... .. ... ...... '
vouclwa. within six month. from t! ! nLiill ''i'Or- lo
I ; L-.1 . .,
Foi-nt" F!osr.
: ; id t, Wo,,
.; i: i.
n; i
.,o: -U'l
fo All Our
. J ' bubscnirjers
k.Yan!. with li.o Intel an. I F- ,d holifi-.i
Fa- ll st'-ck.
, ; ark SJour joo$s in Care of -.
"-I yfj - "
Tiie said coi.te t:,:.! huun :.
airidivit. tile 1 0.-...'..r 2-. 1'-.
a prop,
f. t r. rti.
facts which tBow th-it ait.i 1 ,h.e
personal service '.f ti.i.- nvtl- e an
made, it is herel-v orih ; -1 jl
that Mich notice h.- pivcfi l. ! a.j! j r -per
V. 1".-. i::u-.. Ki ui.-t-1.
TJotice For Publication.
Band OiV.ce at The Dalles. Oreaon
Xoveni! er nth J,A 1 v'-TKsaiM otaer itnm
Notice is hereby Riven that the fo iowiiiK i N"le" "f "l,ier N:',i"''-ki v
named settler bus tiled notice cfhi-inttn- ! Fractional paper currency, nickl-
. t;'.v..r, ..,r.,..a....n i-vw . Spofford, th:: Up-tV.e Shoemaker
I Old jias ',11 I . . I.olld jcJ
B ads See'iiiti-s. -te l.-a- OF n... ,i,i.i , i,;, ,. , f.i
: I'-ai.l in I:, :i-- fnr:iit. an I
!..tur.i "fc-ld.H
, I ,,. v;. ,., .! iv.,.. . ,... '
i Bcscivc A.-.-nt-i t.(,iq.r!,ui!l '!;"4fil' ri"''v: I-
l.i'ie fi' in sh Ban!;- s-.d paiikor ai.tiT.cj ! "'!t:-- ''pair H( p-' -a;-i at . ;idj
: !ae fru!,, i roved r-rieiie s W.To'.CK j l I""1'-" 'hull Ollcdiaif i -f wil.'ii ,
! Internal Ih v-icte .-.i,i j has hen r,j.M Js.-retofor.-. Jam't , fQ'!
Has ndib-fl to liiH o(ir,,iitiop.t a i -,v :J-
ninciime which n-nih i s if p, ..
replace hhoe tip, 1h-!,
tlon to make linal proof in support
and ciil
of his claim, and that said proof will be j Laa-rt Mosa:r Bi:sH-.vr. in B.avk, u:
,:;:). 2g! thro-.y away uny more Boohs n:id;fo'l
i 30.00 j ho-H for want of first i-1ji-s r.pairi ! fr-H
I hut bi'ii:- your work to Spwifonl . i
- -1 1 ami' save 1 . ,n-v. 1 tun
made Iw-fore the Cuuntv Clerk ol" Crook :
$ IS .,.))
County, at Prineviil-, OrtRoii, on Decern- i Leal-tender note ... 2 2(l,?3Oo0 '
he.- 2tii, 1ST..5, Vi: John O. Powell, uf, C. S. certificate forcohi d.-p, 1
Prineviile, Oregon, on H. B. Xo. hh'i'i, for ; B-rdi-mptioii fund v.ith 1. S. j
tlie W, NK'i an,l N1; SE.", Slec. 11, Tp Tieasr ('. " .f theulationl. . .'. .." 2T..0Ij:
13 South, Kauze 1') E.. W. M. :
Ho tiamea the fuiioHin.' witnesses to! Tots! WTO.IJ7.40 !
prove his continuous residence upcu aie'e Li.viHlliit'.i! - J
cultivation of 'ail land, viz: ! . .... 1
. Oi H!jj st-eic pai t m 9 -Vi.OOO.OO
James IT John V- Bi-F-hicto., j,!:
vi'..--. o
f l'ri:
10,000.00 ;
ll.o -,'.o
" Kri
Tlie Great
IndianapoIi-3, Indiana
Tlie Lci-.'.-iii Agricutura! Journal cf t'ie Nubv )
EditarJ by : AMo Ccrpj of WViler
: .. . jlL.'i
1;- - I-
i-'i !
'r :-T -tr
T :nr tir-j'-i'ir-f -r - rT-rirvriri
jfet-'ji. j'"k- ... at, Jtji. jiv'.hA at; .ii'ji,'..i,.ir
. t iif:
ni:ua.,y, in, . k uc.y jaciHoiis cicrr, ; cj.j
,y EailroaiJ and 'lulcruph Co..aiaia:c.., W- I
' . .. . . .. - ?. r--i
' i.-T
Aiiim::y, t-i fiit !! e. m -.r ), iiiou.s
want Vounj Men mol Lathe nt ,-- ,) h
LFARH I:!tVi',i.i
Soa Iost KotW. 'laU-i'.-r.i i-i.,,,it. siil.jcu to
j e'
"( ', lasunipt i-1:1 ruiiK ia our family, i Ba.and t:tiLat of d-ptit
and through it I lo-t my Mother."'
wrlteH E. B. Bei, 1, of II.1r1r.ouv. Me. I
"Fi-the iwist live years, however, 1 ST-TE OF uKBGtJX, )
Oil the hli-hto.-t Ki'll of a Coii-rh (J,-j County of CpM, ) '
Cold, I have taken Dr. KinV New I, T. M., Cashier of the above-
Discovery for Consumption, which i named hud:, do aolemiy swear that tlie above
haa HJlvod nil from t-erious hills' ' Statement is true to tlie best of my know-
trouble." Hi niother'w death wns 11 ' "'"1 helif. T. M. BABDWIX,
sad Iosh for Mr. Held, but he learned
that Inns trouble inut not he 11, -o.
lectctl, and how to cure it. Quickest
relief and cure for couji'liH ami colds
Price aik- and 1.00; guaranteed at
J. II. Tenipletuti'b and 1). 1'. Adatn
non'e drug btoro. Trial bottle free.
Sulwcrihed and sworn ti before me this
lsth day of Xovemher, 10!"). :.
J. J. SMITH, County Clerk.
CoaiiECT Attest:
Wii.i, 'i:Rzwi!
'.. .M, Brown, Directors.
Caraj- W. Fo.-ter, )
. .1. ,!..,, p , ,-f l:; , ; ....... , ;,, j
j:-cl :t! .Moij . ill ..!.. 1 1 , I) ,r f. 1 !
H''ltf,o:. nr-- tie, la; i -t Ma i i . f: '1 ej, r . ;,a i 1
Hchools IN Tu:-. wcai,!,. I. -:,,l,i: ., i -"i ! ThJ
- ,
and endorsed hy all leM, 1 i nuiicuy O::,
eials. We execute a J'.'VJ ti iv! Id ev, r; ' -,1 ,-,,t
to furnish him or her a p"si!;,u . I-il-from
f 10 to W a month Pi IS le- r ,ct of II, c
Itoeky Mountain, or from ?V to i n
month 111 KtiUes weklnf the I'.ochiic.., immi;.
.Htudijiitii eau enter at any tin,,;. No va-cation,-.
For full particulars re.-aniiiii; uny
of our Schools writ 'lireet to our i xc-':uilvi:
olllee at Cincliiutti, O. t'i,li'oguc free.
The Morse School of Tefer-iiiliy
v i i
. N. Y !
CIncinatti, Ohio.
Atlanta, Ga.
Texarkana, Tex.
LaCrosse, Vis.
Ban Francisco, Cal
The Vm r fc.a:i Barmor is lii iiiy l.itemry Fa '-in Jou-nal iciii'i,-!,, d
Jl. lill.i a po -it ion of iN iiw ii nil I has I ill; en the lead ior' place in t ho
hoiiics ol rural po'ijiioin eve: y section of i he I'nii-d Slat.-s
It jivea 'i.e. f.'.i II,'.,' and his I unity ( oni't I; ii,o tv
think about II: ide f ! mil tin- l.uindi uio of
routine duties
" hrxz Co-V-J-M ar.Oii j'c3l Iorn hy Solon L. Goot-.o
ti . .....i i..' t.wiv S ic-ya oC -vi i'.".r
The Trading County Paper and The American Farmer
Both One Year for $1.50
Thisj iin);tra!k"l offer in made to all new snbscribor.s
iiiifl all ones who pay nil arrears and renew within
thirty days. Sample copies free. 'Address:
Crook Ceumy Journal, Prineviile, Oregon
r:-l .
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General L'Slaoksmithing
If,!-.s'f:'ii:iMi, Wo.ii. li'om;, i.i e. ,
N K A T I, V A N 10 I'lioVilTI.Y lhi;
W'iikv it is l!v : : :
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tSalisfiictioti Will He Guaranteed
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When in uecil of Lum
ber, Shingles, Mould
ing, Doors, Windows
or Glass see
Shipp Sl Perry
For Prices on Them.
L slt-::-h,..-a