CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR GROOK COUNTY STEFFA & BAILEY, Publishers next. It if generally supposed lie it tome criminal or else some pocr ( llw who has lceoine demented. However, this ftfiiu like a g.xnl time for the authorities to show ynnrrd t ihf pomaic rriTiii. otnoc, cconi-rin m i irr t what they cm do, as there is j likely to be serious trouble if it if - ct!) i b ft to the neighbors to deal with r, ctK'hini. P." Willow Creek T. F. nuchnti.-in returns! last wiek from rrtl:iiiil wlietv lie haw bee cvlvlng medical treatment. r.Cj Fall and Winter Togs for all oi SUBSCRIPTION RATES-lnvsrlsbly In Advance One Year Three Month. ... 11.50 .. SOcts Six Month Single Copies" Advertising Rates: Pinpuc .lvorliinf t , 7ionu nd Mrtwi oc.r.lln in lime !) pace. Locl Rmdrnfl.OOperiuoh. Busimwi lnral t cMs t ln. CrJ of ThnLt II rt . I RiMHltillona ot t ondolonce 1..V. "Hani", "UU- etc. aU nj Rilm" Notice 1 rem a rl. Published Every Thursday t the Journal Building, Prineville, Oregon j THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1905 j Mr, llout, WllO live Mt illlVi I Unite, wn visiting her nun her, Mr, j 0. Montgomery, the tlrM ot last i week. Myrtle, w h Is teaching the i ereek school. Willow MORE PIE EATING The statement of F. S. Stanley, secretary of the Deschutes Irriga- ' n rlt tl.A wl.rtl. rtinnh' l.nt state is interested is justly inter preted as an attack on The editor of the bulletin Bond. I'nole ll.uvty tells in a very Mis Ada Pennington, of Pi lne Ille. ill.Mim,..r !., .'.f mvnt n week with her ltcr. Ml the of the the rea- t 1 . . i sons wny lie is not iregon ' sena tor, nnt how lie could have been but wasn t, Miul how he miht j 111 VP I,ii lint in't .ill i)i., I while I nele Harvey was writing! his excuses for the edification of Mr. and Mix. II. Montgomery. Mr. iuhI Mr. Jtiek IW, Mi-. Newbill and Mrs, Crook were In rrlnevllle the i tlrt of the week. "103 Crook 'County !rlly ehoo! I progressing nli-cly. I , , ,. . , . . I niiil It lin Ihvii decided to imve n itieput.uc in ma mere was a tw .............. w ........ i..t..,..i ..f ti.iw states . .-., ... .posimuiymaineuoen not care 10 y.wt all0Vl. his ,osk ., whitfh to the urate sun ana tne P , b,. drawn into the controversy-, hut of the plaintiff to keep the com pany from filing new water rights in order to insure a supply for its canals, shows a littie more con clusively the real object of the plaintiff's attacit. The irrigation company, however, is probably able to cope with the species of lettifoggery which at present 18 obstructing its path and delaying j the work of reclamation i .t . suggested ny tne planum s re pre-; humorous jus his eves were it will be noticed that in matters savoring strongly of extreme pet- tishness he generally gets four or ; five fingers in the pie before at tempting to pull them out. : Uon reluctantly fastened. Willow creek Is to liaxe n new tor, the Hev. t'rnlu, of M.ulrn. Thl will jjive ii er Ice every two j week. Iut we remvt ery iiiueh to ! lose the Hev. Jiniiett. The Central Oregonian is still unconvinced that the mystery snr rouuding the disajipearanco of a woman near Sand springs, on ex- j plana t ion of which was given in last j week's Journal, has been solved. The Oregonian savs: "her horses The Journal is in receipt of the ! passed through tins valley and to,k. As j following letter, written in a semi- ;ere long , seen in SpraCue ivnni.m.o,, went to valley; she had but one set ..... ..,., in.. i,.i h'ri.h..- i,. StllV lltllll Slllul IN. THAT WILD MAN Henry Montgomery timl other have recently imrvhnsetl n thorough bn"! stallion f. r which they paid John l.ewl I mhlliiK many lui provementH toliis Htor which will eii.ille hint to carry i much luryvr Hcvivv Ilhu-luT 8tinu U-iots with outuhlt' .ut utri?, : Solos to lnvl, - S .S,-,itoli liot tt'in ii lil-ft aiul l!:ii'k froiiio Tauiioil (iod None Better Made W :uv Solo ApMits for Buckingham & Hecht Goods Our Pros (Jooils lino is lrrmT iul snjioiior t anvthini; show horo I'ofniv. All tin' now wojivo ami sh.ttlos can lo soon lu ro. .o trouMo to .show ihom. ( onu m t m t . . taw a d I. ev ran i.oais, m;ims ami ucauv io car i(mhi concerning the tentative, the Bend Bulletin, there ; nivstorious man who is occupying harness " That' may be two sides to the damage I a ju 2.0Ut some ,ui!e3 south ofthefQ''- didn't see vein, concernmjr tne rntr it exactly that before suit, but the most elaborate -jcitv, ve tremble in publishir.2 ! "hy, of cmrse, she hitched her cuse for the plaintiff's action in J letter in fear lest the Oregon-lself 1' m that one set of harness attempting to keep the company . ian majje9 much ado concerning Und drove herself away. ,ure, from renewing iu water rights, jth lawlessness and unsafetv of I that's it. life in Crook county. Here's the j - letter: "The Wild .Man from Borneo, or . some other seaport in the vicinity, would be a poor excuse indeed. To the average mind the fabric of the whole prosecution is exposed to view. Mr. Stanley strongly hints in his statement, published i elsewhere, that the removal of the company's headquarters to Red mond is the underlying cause of the aggravating proceedings taken by the plaintiff and his demand f)r t ii?, that and the other thing Just what Mr, KW :nul (lliihlien. jj jj New Fur Collarettes and Fancy Neck Wear j& ttiWIJRZWEILER THOMSON TO KM CO .mil M'o our for 1. ailics vU ('. W. l'.lklns is ofl.-rinjc a present to every cash purehnMcr emial to one sixth o( the pinxhase, l'or further information nee his la rue tlila,v ml. tu another part ot this paper. I)K (fKMKS am M'KMhIILXsS III W V V W W V "V V X c nr.- .'lits ..r 4 Uhe Social Calendar L ' I. , - I seems io nave laiten up nis awae on the desert south of Prlneville. j He has never been seen, but sev-; eral of the ranchmen report having! seen his tracks and two different dens or dug-outs in which he i Hi'sh School entertaiiimeiit. Ath letic hall. Sat unlay vveiilnir. Novcni Iht 2:.. M. W. A Kasket s.x ial. Athletic hall, Moiulay evening. Nowmlier ifl If- ! Good Things We Have For the Table Uraie expects to.. , .. ... Vhi.n 'Thursdav evenimr. NovemU-r :m. gel out of the company r "J ; MVeral fat ;alvw were found with! P.ook s.K-ial. l'.vyteri.o. church, from it remains to be seen hut if q u ; Saturday evening iHivml-r !. the enrichment of ms pocKetoooK , neo h ; amrvh yr. f)ltl, IMknrt1 !iall. 1 a is the main object there mav be , n ... ! Saturdav evening, lHreuilH-r Pi. , , ' , . , what .pregon cattle were good for. j some little difficulty exjenenced T, . ,, . , . 1 liible contest, rrelyterlau church. , , , , , Ihere is talk of organizing a vig- ,, . , before the clasps are brought to- , . .. . , , rlday evening. Peeotulier 22. 1 0 alant committee, as the ranchmen . , , . . , . , cether. , .. , . , 1 barley Aunt, three act farce Cranberries Fancy Apples Pref. Vtock Jellies Jams and Preserves Sweet Pickles Sour Pickles Dill P;ck!cs Saner Kraut Haelwood Butter b lliival hm t'l' Clii'MW the luixi'ol M ere h a u t TaitoriiiK I! I a l I i h 111. nt In the World. j. v.. s ri:w i!T x ( Our Hue of elolhliii; at ?M and $12 l comprise clot lilli; t hat Is lmt ti iuv id ilural'le. Shaped fi;ht. made A I rUlit mid lltte.l rlht. luinliatu A In uroccrle. at the top In ipuilltx, III t lie In l tout hi pi lee, at I it.u I l s I I'nf the bfnt ilt Mllll.'H 111 town U t J. I'. Stew art A Co. t l"er t hlny;' yood (o eat In kept III Ht-MHoti at til o I i: lt:jeh ood t'leaiuei v I'.nli.-r at .1 I!, stew art ,V I'n All ktmls ot eatuied y,....U at l d rock pi lee, lor each, at :it' 1 he lni'iii Mt Hint M.."t e..iip.-te line of all I.IipI- of dl hi' to ! f ound In t.OMl U at l!lie,.tit .V l'ot. r'. I'ch i;.m. iti mid (M.Mapla t,.. lereri. In'miy t.. nte on the I'lll of (al'e lit the Opera llollxe t'af.'. U e uie no( eloHtu tint, lull we nr , NelHtiy (nx't i lex nt i olni i. lit pli i . t'. . tit.ov i n, I (..n't m'll y our e;;s until yoti we ;ii.el', lie In nlwa III the mark, t , and pays the lill.cMt r.e In t'ah. ing what freak e nome not know-. couwly Athletic he may develop holidays. hall, (hrixtiun Here We Are S ! ILLE'S1 HAD EVERYTHING READY It was to be expected that the henchman of Bend's codfish aris tocracy, he who presides at the desk cf the Bend Bulletin, would have something to say relative to the local papers' synopsis of the Drake suit against the irrigation com pany. Contrary to the Bulletin's statements, The Journal had noth ing to say of a derogatory nature concerning Bend itself, nor did it wish to do so. Bend, like other of the smaller towns in Crook county, will take care of itself. That much is admitted, and there was no occasion to misconstrue this paper's statements regarding the Drake suit into an attack upon Bend. The editor of the Bulletin, lXhe Modern Woodmen of America under the patronage of nuncvri, urn iiuiuii. mill ever since the transfer of the irrigation rights Bend has been a center of controversy, and the removal of I the present company's headrjuar ters to Redmond as an outgrowth j of the itching for trouble, was, we repeat, a serious blow to Bend,' ;:itsrr, 2 m y o u are welcome now pending. We cannot see that j a mere review of a matter in which 1 J. E. STEWART & CO. do to i.Lo kk (ash t.rocery for' fine potatoes, Imcon, ham an t lard dams. j .lllt received at Kldeollt l'oster' I a crate of decorated (liliinware of a ' Ite.iulifill denln. N.nV Is Volir I elianee to p't a l.ariiaiii In a dinner ; Met. fiT I J; AAA.VAAAAA.. r Turkey IHnner. t.iveu by the la dies of the llaptist church, llelknap hull, Tlianksivlns;. Thursday, No-vemlH-r :!'. WELL SIR! PRINEV Greatest Social Event of the Season 1. Jh9 JLe Monday Evening, November 27 If voir don.t know the IMf fere nee lietween Hiukoi T Jt l-'of KK'h Home Made Coll fivtioiierie and the other Kind which include about all other varieties It' Time i 4 4 -8 l l'lBHKK COOPS sYlttMil--s KeuitlaUl. Itillll i.ll.l 'mkiii..1 HOT W ATI It llori'l.M .ti u.4 iii.i f.hi.iH'. Ana Out.' nr.- wit of IIilm- olet,- I Ilia Ik inlm In H III.) . l.-k tf ruOi.-r om1h. If you t i.n lliln In tin line rtk lit set- our K'MtiN . P. A DAMSON ev CO. YOU FOUND OUTI the Ladies Aid of the Baptist Church, will give a Basket Social and Entertainment Every Lady in Crook County is Invited to Come and Bring a Well Filled Basket Best 2-"i cent dinner in the city. Chicken dinner every Sunday. At Mr-. S. V. I'eniilnKton'H. In fine Siiar. Coffee, Canned (joods. Tobacco, Clears and Fancy (,'iindie. It will pay you to ee fl.OVKK. We believe every man who takes the time to compare our Myle and prices with those offered by otner will lind hi lK-wt Interest served here. Dunham & Adam. Everbody Invited Admission Free M. W. A. R. N. A. B. L. A. if. I uuji.jUkJuji.jwAJUi.jUi.jLji.jui;ji;jtJLjiui;ji.ji.juji.ji.ji.ji.ji.ji;ji.jLjLj I y 2v att i n g At ONE-HALF Regular Price A. H. LIPPM AN & CO. DKP'T. No Poison in ChmterUin' Cou;h Kemcdy. From NnpU r New .ealand. I lerald: j Two year ixnn the Pharmacy Hoard of New South Wales, Aimtrnlla, had) an analysis made of nil the eiiuh I medicine that were sold in that' market. Out of the entire ut theyj found only one that they ihrlared ! was entirely free from all pol.m. j This exception was ('lialnls'rluln's CoilKh Hemedy, made h. the Chnin-1 lierlaln Medicine Coinpnny. Dih' Moines, Iowa. I ". S. A. The ntwuce J of all narcotic makes this remedy! the safest mid liesl that can he had; and It Is with a fcellii-f of security that any mot her can n'lve It to her little ones. f'lnilnlicrlaln' Coiil. Keiiieiiy I especially recommended liy Its maker for coughs, colds, croup and whooping conh. This remedy Is for ale liy I. J. Adatnson. HIGH SCHOOL IWK 'MMIllillll Experience H ATHLETIC HALL satordat, mm 11 AT EIGHT 0"CL05Z P. ii INTERESTING PROGRAM By the Students Admission 10c Benefit cf Library 0 L J n n t j r.7 t j r.i t'j L J tj r..T IL'J C3 LJ r3 ca L J I" r:'i LJ r3 L J L'J L'J r.i L'J LJ ra L'J ri tj LJ r,.-i L'J ANKSG BALL First of the Winter Dances Under Auspices P. A. A. C. and Ladies' Annex FLOOR MANAGERS Dr. J. H. Rosenberg, Frank Foster M. R. Biggs, Robert Suettinger Harold Baldwin, P. B. Howard J. H. Haner, Bert Roller Luncheon 11:30 p. m.-12:30 a. m. L'J r.i LJ r t LJ n LJ r i LJ L J r.i LJ r.i LJ r i LJ ri LJ n LJ r i L'J r.i L'J r.i LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ ri LJ r i LJ r.i L J ri L'J r 1 LJ r.i L'J r.i L'J ri L'J Cold weather I coming nnd you should prepare for It by laying In a supply of good wool underwear, wool Hhirt, felt and rubber. ier inan kox, overshoes, etc. Itldeout & Foster sell them. i i Tliesinall ittice building formerly ! oecuiiied by Dr. C. A. Cline, wa ! summarily moved acros the Ochoco, j Monday, to the Charles HiiHton feed iynrd. The front end of the building : was mounted on two wagon whee n 1 and the rear end dragged on skids. Six horse walked along with the j hous-e. The old 1. P. AdaiiiHou resideni'e wa iiIho moved to lot ! owned by Mr. AdaniHon on Third j Street near the High School liuildltig ! by Steuernagle & Mitchell, win re ! It will lie fitted up for renting. 1 A A i. A & A A j j TAILOR MADE SUITS FALL CLOTHING - - 13 Orders taken for Tailor Made Suits, Jackets, Long Coats, Skirts and Waists. All tho Latesl Fall and Winter Styles jj Completii line of samples, jj showing dozens of shades of J the new Cloths, to choose from. ORDER NO W f V V'' r,...v -,. n & ' it ft It fc A choice line of Candies and Nut, alsiCa selected line of Cigars, Tobaccos W e Imve an exceptionally lino lino of clothinu; that is both dressy and durable. Tlio reason wliv that our clothing is giving such good satisfaction is that it is made right, shaped right, tilted right and the prices are HI (JUT. Remember this when you are buying clothing and call in at our store and examine our line. Our lino of clothing at ri A 1 ( 1 O is the best in the 'city P 1 vl 111(1 tj)! for the money, and are what you have been looking for Our Fall and Winter stock is arriving and includes the best quality in the latest patterns and styles for Ladies and Gents' Furnishings you to choose from at prices that are Hid I IT. Our Line Of Shoes is ready for your inspection and is as complete as any in the city. We desire to have ypu call and wo will convince you that we are RIGHT in saying that our goods and prices are right. Mrs. John Gyrus 1 1 OWL CASH STORE Dunham & Adams Prlneville, Oregon