B LOenL I.yn Nleliol wm In the city jeter day Irttia hi Hay Curk ranch. Mm. I'.. If. Hmllb left litMt hut nr. day for a abort iMt In Portland. la-nn Cyrualii over from Sisters, on M liuitlniHia trln Will Fori whn orer from Hlstera on n few dayn' vUlt the find of the week. I. V, Barnelt wit la the rlt.v on n litiMlufN trip from Culver yeier jr. The Modern Woodmen bnv rlwi. m twenty candidate to membership during the mut tltrc week. (eputy herlfj llaner In Arranging tlii dellnipjent tut lht (or thin year m lik' It Mill m ready for publication about the find of !vrralwr. The KoynJ Neighbor of AiiiitIcm, thcntulllary to the Modern Wood men, Initialed tea candidate Into the minted! of the order Tnmdny evening. Ucv. Mitchell w ill Isglu it aerie of A Idronm- on Hie doctrine of the Presbyterian church next Sunday, Nov. 111. Hul.Ject for II it. in.: "Fore- 0 dlnnlloti. Elective Ami I'nlvcrsnl Salvation." Hubjeet for 7:30 p. in.: "The Did llnMnAUun." Habbath School At 10 a. u. rhrlntlun Kit leu v or at 7. p. su. Mm. C. M. Klltln nclrd a hunte for h party of young folk who a" tended a lllyti Jink given At her realdene IiimI Saturday evening In honor of lnr aon, Millard. The young- people makel and found i n any ninuaeincnt durlux the eve. nlngnnd were then nerved with re frehmentw. J. X. Weddle wii In the city Tue day from hi ranch at upper Beaver creek on Mm way to the Valley where ' he Will nd the j renter part of the! coining n Inter nt the hot xprlng In lie effort to run the rheumatism. He will return here next aprlug. j liuncnn MarleiMl pun-haned (.'. M. I.Uter'a liand of SttMi sheep thin week for the Wm llanlvy Company nfj Burn. The buueb will I branded' lii-re nn. I taken to Harney county for winter feeding. Mr. Macleod will leave thl week for t auyon (Ity and goe from there through Ijikc county to make more purchae, Uallrond atirveyor'a who have lieeii working hi the ijtraontA dl. 1 i li t for several week, llnlshed the preliminary work thla werk and have t I'd it n cniaa Mectlonlng. Oscar 'ot, who wna In the city Tuemlay, .ild the line had la-en aurvryed aeroaa the north pari of Id rnnrh mid had la-en completed an far a rooked river. Colonel Smith la over from the C iliiuihln .Southern trarta In the Tumnlo haHln where a great dent of construction work haa leen done on the company's , dltchea during the punt aeiiaon. Mr. Smith hna cloaed llie construction' camp for the win-t-r, the rrew rontlnuliiK to clean up the main i iiuiiIm and laterala ao that ii good aupply i4 water will h ready lor the settler In the spring, A aon of Uraet wua juat n-eover lux from ft alette of alvkneaa, and waa walking down the atrect when he met hla friend Jacob, who an Id; "Villa the matter mil you, laaic?" he replied: "Vy, lhaf been In the hoa. pltnl and they took my appendix ttvny from me." Jacob held up hla lunula In horror and exclaimed, "Mcln Holt, lanac, vy didn't you haf It In your vlfe'a name?" The High achool entertainment for the benefit of the library fund will he Klven at the (lub hall Saturday eve. iiIiik, Xovemlar 35. A small ndiula alon fee will le churned and oppor-tunltU-a will lie lvcn nil to aid In InerenalnK the library. Kvery mem Imt of the achool, Including the tenchem, haa UKrciHl lo earn a dollar for the fund la-fore ThnukHtfivlotf. Saturday evening an eutcrtntnlnK program will lie glveu. I Honorbilt" Shoe; m m j. JH.. otewart MENTION s .1. II. liiii'i'ill U lii tlii' nlv (mm IiIh l ulu Ii ii 'in nit creel,. j It. I'. .Mini mimI wife ! -f t Monday ' fur Portinnd to spend Dm- Ih(t. I i Theeount.v on. i m n I.tl "loll lli'lil todil.V HlWirded I lie i tiiict for pulillfNtii Hi- ili-liiiiin-iii tax llt to tli Hind itiilli-llii, tin-Uitti-r pimt IhivIiiu; niiIiiiiII d-d tlx- tlowi-M bid. j J.ndli-M do ,1 oil kim w Hint llld.-oiit , & FoMti-r carry n eoinpldii- ei-m-U IihIIi-h' mid clillilii ii'x iiiid -i'M i-'ir mid hoalery and Uo n llm- III"' of l;idlit' ' lined hon.e ellpH-i'.' And do yoii : know thill you n;i ce iiiotii-y l,i irnd-; lug with t hi-in? ! X. I., Tooker, (f I In Fiilrliinik"-1 Monte coiMmiy, wim In I In-city lldn' week on n Inixiui'hM til 1 1. Il- luid I Jilnt conn-from Muro lii-ri tin- city i him piit-i'liiixi'd from lihn ii 1'iiii liniiI.K- ( .Moch4 eliH'trlc u-in-rii t or, lin luu did. : carded the old hU-miii pliint fur tin-: K'lMolllie engine mid d.V iiiiiiioh, tlie llitler proving liiurll ilir;iier in 0N-rulloii and h luu l'Ut-r w-rvlre. L. S. I. 'Hubert, of Fori Collin, j Colo., Ii.im leiiwd tin- K-lly pllotll- graph italk-ry and III mm hm ii n general portrult nud liindM'iipe ImihI- j IIchh. Mr. I.ninlirll Iiiim nolue excel-' lent VleWM wlili'li lie tool, hi Colorndo ! and thee will U- on cxliilillioii oh ! aoon iin they nriiie frmu Slninll.o , where inott of ilieni an- now alored. I He Will liuike a t.ix-i liill f olllloo- j work, a Hue lilt Ii In in hail line I opportunlili-M to il-veloi (lin ing Id j many year resilience lu iln- nursed; atnte of Colorndo. j The given llrnl of t lie w Inter dniices to lie eH-rlenced lth the mercury fur by llie Athletic cluli will tiejuncc which, with the exception of held In Athletic hull 'I'linukxtlvliiu; evening, Thurtibiy, oemiH-r. 'V. I'repnrnlloiiH ure iK-iuy: m.ide for a fine t luu' nmi the evening w 111 lie an enjoyable oie. The Ut t.f ibmr lUllllliuer I iih follow,.; I r. .1. . ItoaeiilH-ra', .1. II. Ibiuer. Frank Foster, 1 1 nrold Hi. Id win. M'-rt llol ler. ItolM'il SuettluKi r, M. IT. Mux audi', II. Howard: I.miili will be aerved In the t lub lui!) finni 1 1 :::l to U'::k. I'erry Cram w as taken m rloiisly III at the resilience of Ids nun, Henry Cram, Tiiesdny afiernoou. ami only through prompt inetlical il-il:iiiii' w a saved from ilea (Ii by polsouluv. Mr. Cram lm leeu lu the tut hit of takliiK medli'lue wlilch he prepare himself ami by mlNtake iw allow ed n tcaspooliful of aeotiile. As soon as the error waa discovered In-. It. ietit Imtk was suuiinoiied. A stomach pump was Used lu time to piexeiit the drui; from linvliu mix fatal effects. It. M. Mori Is h lui vim; luslalleil a pumping plant for Irrlgatluc '.'ini acres of laud w hlch he ow ns at Trail Crush 1 1 nt on Crooked river. A hydrtnllc rum with a capacity' for lifting 'Jtxi gallons of water i-.N) feet high H-r minute will constitute the main part of the equipment. Fred Hesse, who represent a Portland j llrm, has charge of t In- work and he la authority for the stalciui'iit thai . as soon a I he one now being placed' haa Imi-ii proven a success (hatsev., end other laud ow ners lu that sec- i tlou will also have ram put lu. The out lit Is to cost .Mr. Mm-cl lu the neighborhood of ?1 .". Wm. Summers mitl w ife are visit ing With the family of Ids brother. Postmaster Summers. The former, who Iiiim Ih-cu lu Aliinkn, win mar ried the ft ml, of the month to MIsh IlnrrU ijf Sydney. Australia, who enme all the way from lite South I'm' I lie Island to meet Mr. Summer nt Vancouver, It. ('. where the wed-jernl tllng ceremony waa iierformed lie tore n large nuinlicr of guests. They enme to l'rlnevllle to sK-nd u art of their honeymoon ami will probably, after a ahort visit here, leave for Nome where .Mr. Summers is largely Interested in some extensive mining projH-rtleH In the Artie circle. This la hla llrst visit here since lu March jn year ngo. FOR MEN AND 'Western Lady" FOR WOMEN Cannot be excelled in Style or Quality $3.50 and $4.00 itev, W, K, lildel.-air ll niaf.h A II lllt'l.r.dl Ui.l.i...! li.u.. s yi.n.hi u liioridiiu nt l o'clock. ; lli'lUll lildeiint left Ii.'IiiV oil a ! bimlueM trip tlirouli the ueniern purl of t lie county. j I'red W Jew wan over from Hinter S.iiurday tout tend theKiiunv Creek Irrlxnlloii company 'h meeting:. I'l'iiul, Codiiiini' mid wife, of t iilvcr. cre in the city vUlilug dur- In tin- neck. I i Wiirien IW-own wna In the city the f II in t of the week from hi l.fiinoutrt I II IH'll. MUh Myrtle I'cliiiiiiKton. of llie Itrlr..ly public hcImmiI, wilt lu I lie city yeleidiiy IhIiIuu. C. A. ICIddle, u ho Iiiih Ut ii liuld liiu dovii t lie chief miH'linulcM Job on the I lend Itulletln, Ix In the city worklm; on Tin- Joiiruul ntiiff. TIiom. Arnold mid Clyde JoIiuhoii were over from Hintt-M the hint of tile week to attend the Infcllli tif I lie Sipiuw Creek Irrlu'itloii cnlil pniiy. .1. I'r.t nk Spinning mid 1'. IS. I'oin tlexler will leiivcllu- Inot of thla week for tin linivcH rniicli on the uper lleHcliiltt-M when- they will meet a party of lituU-rineii. Tla-yexpivl to In none for nolue time on II cmlne, I'.llefxcll &. hmel.cr have pure linwd O'Xell !ron. Oyster 1 Inline and at preneiit cara-iiterH and decornloiM mi- buny re-arrnuglng nmi ilecorat In tin- Intel lor. The linn now owiih two reHtnurmilH in tie- ill1, one of which WliHie kept open both ,jay mid lilht. John Comb wint down from the Ahimeiliiu prorerty on Lookout lilolilitiiln. Some ilillli-ulty Ih Im-Iii lettlmr too much ore slide through at a lime. Is working nicely. This trouble w ill Ih- remedied as soon ns poMsible so a steady run can Is m.'ilntalueit. F. I.. Itet-der, laud agent of the Willamette alley ami Cascade Mountain Wagon lload company', i and family, are lu the city for a few days. Mr. Ileeder cauie over from Canyon City where he had Is-en j checking up the company's business, i Most of the summer he has sH-nt at I llm ii. He said when he left there, two crews of railroad surveyors had left Ontario mid were surveying a Hue westward, one w a n 1'nion l'aclllc party, the other from the Corvaills &. I'asteru. ltoth are hurrying work a fast as possible and left their resiecilvo stations with il days' provisions. Mr. Ileeder stated that the Wagon Itoad company had offered free right of way over lis grant of land through the state and bold corps of engi neers have shown a disposition to take advantage of the fact, the re sult being that both aiv working to ward tin' west within a short distance of each oilier, and within the boundaries of the grant. A sliiH'king double tragedy occur red at Marsh Held, In Coos county, on October is, when Mrs. Km-hcl S. Sloops, a sister of I'erry T. Monroe j of lower Trout Creek, was shot nud : killed by . I. A. Armitage. who was! ! himself shot by his victim. In prevent j lug Ids attempt to enter her bouse and curry out a threat previously j made upon her life. Arniitage, although a man with a large family, was Infatuated with the woman ami ! persecuted her with his unwelcome attentions. The family had moved three different times in order to es cape him. but he repeatedly followed them. Armltage waa undoubtedly unbalanced in his mind, lM-iug In sanely Jealous, and had made aev- threats upon the woman's life. the last one ending fatally. Mr. Stoops yens away from home at the time, and only- a young daughter witnessed the tragedy. After Mrs. Stoops had shot Arniitage In the head, he still advanced and shot her, killing her almost Instantly. . He then went to his own house and ended Ids life with a rille ball. Ante lotw Herald. z ka. Agents m Churn- Imyd. of the TUrtj Mr 6. I Mock A 1'rodiM. Company, wan In I IVInevlllii Wednesday, after a trip to Forest. . He was buying up a tian 1 ilty of potat's-s. Service at the Met lusllst church j next Sunday will Is- In charge of the j pastor. Sunday school at ID a. in. Class meeting nt 12:1.". Dpworth J I'iigue (!:.'!() p. m. I'reai lilng at II a. j m. Subji-ct: ' The Flaw of the Child 'In the Kingdom." At "I'M p. m. "Self Colieelt mid Self Jtcspcct." HAVK YOU DKCIDKD TO ) VSVY.W VOVIl HOOK? i i Imvr thw wpt r Ihul Cli'Bv- lfial- nltaar of nine, link, Oiwn and Wltur In iiiiirwrtum tlrlxn. lyl ut orkv ru on Wall I'apr 4 I). P. ADA M H O N A CO. The traction engine which hna Is-en In use during (he past Hummer at Si I ers running a saw mill I earned through the city today In charge of Frank Stroud who la tak ing it up th' Ochot-o. HawkliiH I Iron, nrc making arrangements to start it new saw mill a short dis tance west of the Juiiicm Dyer rniu-li near the Mitchell road and the en gine will Ih- mt Into use there na soon aa the other machinery in In place. F. C. Kowlee. of the D. I. & V. 1U,., was over from Iledinond Tuesday ami said he waa trying to make itrrangemeiitH to run n daily nuto la-t ween lied mond an 1 l'rlnevllle. The three seated Old which he la using for his cross country runs umkes the trip In an hour and foiirty minutes, nud this la the machine which he will put on the regular schedule provided llie route la established. Most of the travel now la headitl that way nmi mi nuto line with (julck service would serve as a public as well as private convenience. Three flue qualil les of native build-, lug stone are in evidence ill the new builtliiigH which have Ist-n erectetl, or are now Is-lng constructed. In the city. The red ris k in the l'rlnevllle I Hotel, the gray in the First National bank building and the white rock Is-lug u sin! by J. (. Shipp in the con ati'iictloii of Ida new planning mill are all product of qunrrlea within n stone's throw of this i-lty. Masons pronounce all grades la-lug used of i excellent quality and far miia-rior to much of the building material Mug taken from qnnrrli-s lu the riciiiit.v of some f the larger cities. The Social Calendar. Ohl Time Hall, Athletic hull. flltll'H- lny evening. Xovemlier IH. High School entertainment. Ath- i let it- hull. Saturday evening. Noveni i lcr i-". At. W. A Itiihket social. Athletic hull, M outlay evening, Xoveuihcr 27. Thanksgiving hall. Athletic hall, Thurstlay evening, Novensla-r :10. ('liarley'n Aunt." three not farce comedy. Athletic hall. CliiislmiiN holidays. Notice of Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the regular annual meeting ami election of ofliceiM of the l'rlnevllle Fire De partment will lie held nt the Fire man's hall Monday evening, Deceni-iH-r 11, l'.Hi:,, (i. X. i'i.iktox. Secy. Wm Duai-kk President. Man's Unreasonableness Is often ns great na woman'a. But Thos. S. Austin, Mgr. of the "ltepub llcnn.'' of Ia-avenworth, Ind., wna not unreasonable when he refused to allow the doctors to tijierate on hla wife, for female trouble, "Instead." lie says, ''we concluded to try Elec tric Hitters. My wife waa then ao sick, she could hardly leave her bed, and five physicans had failed to re relieve her. After taking Electric Bitters, she was jH-rfectly cured, and can now jierfonn all her household duties." (itmrantetMtbyJ.il. Tem plet on's and I. P. Ailamson'a drug gists, price ."ittc. Squaw Creek Company Elects Officers. The annual election of officers of the Sipia w Creek I rrigat Ion company waa held wt the Court house last Saturday afternoon. The meeting was well attended by the stock holders who elected the following otlU-ers for the ensuing year:' A. Thomson, president; J. V. Howard, vice-president: E. T. Slay ton, secretary; Will Wurxweiler, treasurer. The board of directors Consists of A. Thomson, Arthur Hodges, J. W. Howard, E. T. Slay ton and Fred Wiese. ' MARRIED. At the home of John Hanley, In this city, Sunday evening, November 12, Mrs. Julia C. Stewart to Spencer II. Lyous, the llev. AV. P. Jlunett performing the ceremony. At the Prineville Hotel, in this city, Monday, November l;l, Miss Nellie Chambers, to Mr. Herbert Glazier of Sisters. County Judgp V A. Bell performed the ceremony. DIED. The Infant son of Mr. nud Mrs. Ed llodsou, or Squa w ( 'reck, died on Sunday morning. The funeral took place at the Sisters cemetery Mendny afternoon and was conducted by the ltev. AV. P. Jinnett, r..i Su penor In 101214 hard Oliver Gang, i J r.i L J r.i t;j r. - t 4 r.i Li r.i tJ r,i L J r.i LJ r,i Li J r.i LJ r,i LJ r.i L J r.i L.J r.i LJ r.i CJ r.i LJ r.i Li ri L J r.i L J r,i CJ L j r.i L j r,.i L J r.i i j r in LJLi We Can W0 nr.ir.irtnrv.ir.in LjLJWJLJkJLJkJkJLJkJLJkJLJLJLJLjLJL'JLJLjLJLJLJLJLJLJUat.LJCJttJC'JCueaci and you are beginning to wonder what you are going to give that sweetheart or other loved one as a token of your regard. Just arriveda large line of HOLIDAY GOODS Toys for the children. Books for the studious. Fancy Chinaware for the ladies and an elegant line of F ine Albums. Toilet Sets. Manicure Sets, Horn Novelties, Mirrors. Pictures and one thou sand other uselul and ofhamental articles that are Desirable Christmas Presents. Don't wait until the cream is gone but come in now. make your selection and have us set it aside for you. Hand Painted Shells Free With Purchases We have a limited number of 22eanrui Jtanti f,nM 3au, worth 50 cents each which, while they last we will give away absolutely free, one only to each person making a three-dollar purchase. MDEOUT W.JkW JL JL. JW.iL.Jl.i: 111 JS i j r.i ri ci r.i r..i CJ en E.I LJ C.I L J r.i LJ F;1 L J CI LJ ri L J 15.1 LJ r..i LJ r.a LJ C.1 LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ ri L J r.i LJ ri LJ ri CJ r.i LJ CI LJ CI CJ C.I LJ ri L J ri LJ ri L J C.I CJ ri CJ ci LJ r.i LJ en L J ! m THE MOSTfkoMfLET A IW T-AT-Atr. II Bacon, U mwm Wwjy wesr SL D MAKE VOWe J f SELECTIONS 7 FOR THE HOLIDAYS I JHI T IH THE CITY I "flT MICHTENSTEINBROSm uki izs tocktuv or. m iff sam rBAineisea (if I I LjLJLJLJLJitjCJtjLJLJLjLJL iJLJLjlL jt JtJliJtJt J3 JL JLJtJt JUST RECEIVED A CAKI.OAD Grain and 16 Disc, all Right Hand, and with oil nip on the discs. Also a Carload ol Sulky and Walking Plows We have the new No. 5 Oliver Gang in two and three base. This is the Lest and lightest running gang plow ever put on the market The frame can he adjusted so each base will cut 16 14 or 12 inches, which combines Three different size gang plows in one frame. Should you lose a horse, or if the ground gels dry and hard, you can reduce the sue. of your plow to suit the conditions and go ahead without losing over one hours' time. THIS SAVING IN TIME MEANS MONEY TO YOU. All Sizes and Styles of Oliver Walking Plows on Hand Our Stock of Grain Drills, Plows and Extras is tlic largest in Central Oregon. Fill Your Wants F .mi I POSTER Hi iriririririnrirrir'iriririr.3rinrar7iriririr?irr"iMMefleieBMf1 A I Meat, Vegetables, Produce Complete and Choice Line of Lard and Country Produce Kept on hand at the City Meat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. At The Old Stand JL if Jk jl' ji. Ji. Jl i k." JO. "jl; Jf JC Jtr C. W. ELKINS (Sucessor to JOHNSON, BOOTH & CO.) . Dealer In , GENERAL MERCHANDISE Prineville, - - Oregon 1 Drills our patent 0 A 1 IS COMING r The General Furnishing Store q BBS Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Prineville, Oregon 3C itl' Ik". Jk Ik - l.i. ii irpnunel JliJLJL.it jLJLJLJliiLJk;