1. .. . . . V ... V I . i'Mri imiii .! loik say that minv holder of life inui r- 0 i amv policies are refusinn to lyifc ;mnner premium' on wicin, on , j-p-; account of tin recent revelation! fc: .t . . .. . . . . -i t - crookedness ' in sonic ot .f Jooiiipanus. This is folly".' n riiilit shoulder i t ti halt cirvle. Inn i..iit.l Inn's no)vtiin; from end. An. About 7 or : weijrln nlmut mm. Horse is ulunl. owner can have tsanie liy ,iiiii; lor aL and till oilier exciiei t k"'llitf. Ul.KN III MH'ICVKON. Kanch live miles eat o( ISclid' X -. Notice of Dissolution. Notie For Publication. I Owner Wanted. 'POLICYHOLDERS u4 onw .i The n.it- j , ,,. v Mnn. i,rall(,, 3 ,Ml ! X.4i.,. i, I.. Lr a-m. ll-i !, Ml.. Tin,. ' m h-llT. while hln.l fool; I ,,.,,,.,1 hitler has uhd noti.-e ..f Id- in- ,,r 1"- N" l.ntitn l. mnkrlii.nl .r.M.f i.i s.ipirt oi and Is lame. Owner ran have man' J rlnim. mii that said -r-will lr l.y ui.v'.iitf for 1 Ills nollie Mini oilier. made More the founty rlerk. at ilie ; expense.. In)iiin at thlii Olllec Court Iloue, in l'riiicill. Oregon, on tin- ;i. Kid day of IHtTiiilior. l!i. !- Najioleoii 11. MoM-K.nf 'nk,On'tr.ii, Takeo Cp. U.K. No, i;, for Hi.' sK, hVV ,'. S M-:,, ' see. , and X HI' XV,', XW, NK',', S.v. IT, T. IDS.. K. WU., W. XI. !. names Hie follow in. witms-ra to prove his continuous rei.Unee upon and cultivation of "aid land. ia: I barbell ton. 1'aul H.-I.l. loliu Shal- lit.-k atnl Eltwrt Houston, all of Crook, ori'jon. MICIIAELT. NOLAN. K.vii.r. o.).vd Notice For Publication. Laud utttice at The Dalles, Oivon, OcIoIkt, 21. 1!V. Notice is hereby given that ihe followi!-)! , mimed settler has tiled noliee of his inten tion to make final proof in supp.nt of his , claim, and t lint Mid prsf will W made More the County Clerk, of Crook County. ' at l'rinoville.Omton.i'ii IIihviiiIht IX l'i. Tit: Arthur I. Xlaokey. of I'ritieviile, (n j .. H. E. t)n5, f.w the Wj SV xv;, sw. at. t. uis n. : i... xv. m. He names the following witiursM-a to pivvc hU contiiiiKHe. riden Uoii and eulliTation of said land. to-tt: William XViRle, William ltjti. k. Henry ( Smith. Edward Smith, al. of IVioevillc, ; Umton. MICHAEL t. XOLAX. Ke-isier. j oJtiyd i SHOULD HANG ON 1 SMITH 8 OMRS RKCEPTIOHS I ' "-"""" I - X t' OiH iiai all liiitiiH n i ki r i I I Wo make n iv. I h 1'KlXEVU.I.i: AMI IIKAP. ItlU l.OV. the ttuoKray horse; hraiul on ri.ulil ; allowing their KiUctes lo lapn'i htille, J U joined. Aaliout Jtyeai-s; j u illiinit making any sort vif tortus mane r.Ki.lie.1; weifrht about !iHt. 'with the eoinj.inies tho hokler Also one liiiekskln hotw: liramleil i tvouhl !.' evervlhiiv which thev ' fcr huve i-aiil in. Not on!v so, lnt 1 fc: tliy woul.l tluiH inen;i!e the. t 11:11.1s whi. li u-otihl IhmiI the nierev ! of the crooks m Mich companies as llie crooks doiiiiimte. Tlirrt. is m sli-miif i.roh;.lii !it v I that mod of I he insurant I muies are managed hones ceonoinioallv. Moreovi et.inpant. s wliU h are Winn Kvileol lv some f their olVicees are likelv n... i,.rt..is,i.iM !...,... t,.r.. ..vist.; to W. solvent still. It is not cor . . . 't'liit tluit lhi nrt. soK-ent f.r tlioirVf 1HK ln'tweii I. .MK'liel. I'. 1'. jsiewan - t i soj inn! J. K. stew-art Is this .lav -xanmiaUon of their assets I'V.JM solv..ll..vimitaleo..s,-iit. I. .Xliehel wnimtttw lm Vet to take; nMirinsnu.l 1. r . Stewart ami ...v K.Stev art eontlfmliitf the l.ttsln.. i"'laitial cxainination from thegl l. P. Stew art and J. K Slew an outst.le. the puhhc will le in .loiiht 4 w 111 assume all in.lel.tclness ami ': companies' exact hnan-l R4 .! . 1 .4 Tl 1. . . 1 lue the tlrm of 'aius. ii.de nas ..ru ..rvi Domestic and Imported L 1 Q U O U S , W I N i: S and C 1 (i A H S i Kixi vni i; v. o. mix 5 3 3 Ml.SU I'.OHOX .l lUirhcr Shop mid Restaurant '-lit Connect ion at hciul atij! i G "i 6 Vour I'atronaue Hesncctfullv SolkitLul S us iH'ti ill all hours 0 ' N E I L " ,'IM',' hay or nlhl, lallly of put IIiik up MeaU of all kinds B TO C T S loonier t'le. ami sen el to order. J Managers I keforth.fauiii.v l lsh. ilame. and lrrtl, o o tiyalen In Seaoii. Itreiul Tor Sale l he Upera baloon m m assiim. collect nil account .Michel & Co. 1. Mh hel, J. V.. Stewart, IV K. Stewart. Urn con.luct ! tyl S.'iitemls-r U. l!tiV. t Son Lost Mother. Timlier Ijind. Act June 3. lr X0TICKKI5 Pi ni.lCATIoN .... . , t onsn miit toil runs In our family L mted Mates Ijind Oniee, . ' ". ,k ... . .-. iu.1- ' nlKl through it I lost my Mother. Ihe Dalles, Oregon, Aupust '3th Xotk-cishc.bv piv-n that in ouu-' write I.. 1. Kent, of Harmony. Me. plianc with the providons of the act of ; "for the lat live yearn, however. . ..t i i.-. ..!., ..1 1 i.ll tho sirrhltt slli iif A Ciolirh or . ui Mma u. j u.ir IL i.-i... v..v. ... " - - - - - -. - --. , .... for the sale of limner lauds iu the Stale Cold. Lhave taken Ir. KillffV Now-!11"-' IWUllKMlIy guarailtcc-l pay of California, OteRon. Xevada, and XVash- ' lliseovery for CoUMimpiion, which ! 1,1'"t!i piol'ilhly W met. inaton Territory.'-as extend.sl to all the j ,as save,i from Berious hniir i The seil-il'lc thin-; for the J ;cial status, mere lias nmch cr.xkcilncss in t he j of some of their hading vrticersl ; that the won. of those person as! to the momentary Mantlir.jj of ; their comjiiiiics woul.l carrv no; i weight with the policy holders.! i The death claims can undouhti'dly j U? paid, hut tlie holder of the; jten, tifteeii and twenty years term j policies will not, at those policies'! maturity, i:et. anywhere near the, i amount which they were led to I U'lieve thov would set, althousrh i ROARK& BEDELL, Proprietors In The (ilae llalll A Tirst (Mass House in livery Respect Choicest rands of Liquors, Wlnos and Cigars j lino Winos, LitjuorH, Citirs. mikI 1 toff ltl MMr. S Sooci $Mtari VabU in Connection Strut lu ii troulih sad loss for Mr. I.eid that luiiii troiitde must not l'uhlic Land Sutes by act of Auul 4. lii James M. Henklc of ;Hxi!v, cimiy ofCrooV, "tale of Orcpun, h;is thisday lilel in this orti f h's sworn statement Xo. iVl. for the purchase of the I'1, XK! ol Seoiion Xo. W, in Township No. !! S.. Range Xo. 1 E.. W. XI., and will ofi'cr proof to show that the land sought is more Tamable for its timlier .r sun's ilrujt store. Mone than for agricultural purposes, and ', .. . to establish his claim to said land lieforc County Clerk, of Crtx.k county at hisotlicc in Prineville, Oregon, on the 3th day of He name as witnesses: J. E. Xe..ill. j --tw-ii Uols-rt Moo.r r.t :..u. r.. v i i.ii-. l t Xaoini Salomon, is this riialy. Oregon. T. F. Buchanon, ..f t;ri-! solved tiy mutual coiiseut ly, Oregon. Isom Cleek, of Prineville, Ore-' Xaomi Sulomoii n-tiriny; ami y oi 11.11 : . a . 1 ... a . . I.. Mis mothers .leaih was a :m,".,,:, " "'S 1,1 ln"r . . . lMttii'iHS iiriii iiii iia'si lcriiis nut lie leiirniMi , t " : cyi !possillc with the companies. , VJ? i ti-i .1 :.. s : I levied, and how to . uieil. tinkkest " coiumuieeoi iii.n- : : v . . ... " i. i. 1. t . relief mid ctm-for eotislw ami c.d.Hil",,,u,.-',r "."K "ls .xiutuai, the .ev lorK Idle and U Vei brothers IPrimtvilU' 3 Wholtsal J&'quor Jfous Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also $6 rtr.w StanA-o Warehouse Co. i ..wh 11 11.1 1 I HI- it ll-l ril II I 1 r i " " " '" - J. H.Tem.deton-samf 1. p. Al)am. the K.lUitaldc it will take Uomejft Trial l.oitli The fn, i of the other companies. U is fair to presume that the llvdes, Alex- .. ... tanders, McCalls and MeOurdvs nonce oi rarrneisaip tussoiution. i . , . i- v , .. r w ill not ln found ditlused throng! the whole insurance !.. f. .. 1 .in. I In iliiuuzu inn i..it;c : 4i. v ...i. i .1: .. Xlrs ( 1 T 1 ' iu i run'i I .uivau. .uv . m&m m, ni .tii m nvi.-,ii 1 v, ti y au I .... i Curdy of the Mutual declares lu d diffused through , nee fraternity, or , ,e part of it It ' 1 r-i ffiar Supptics Sole Agents for Hop Gold Deer and the Famous Napa Soda "ainll Trade Solicited. pon. Any and all miuic ilain.in adversely the alKTe-deserilMd lauds are reiicsteil to file their claims in this office on or before said 3th day of lleeemlier, I'.tCC. MICHAEL T. XOLAX. a."?p.l Ucgisler. Contest Notice. Moore coiiriiiuin- the l.iisim-ss. The ! has no intention ol resign i ng, said Kolwrt Moon will assume all ' says even the din'ctors can iiidelitedness and eollet't all aecoiuils , .,uj out Wfore the due the firm of Salomon & Moon, j ()j j lrs X.i.n.I s..i 1. .in. ,i. UoU-rt MiMre. ' whether solvent or not, those com-; Iate.l this 1st day of iietoU-r. 1'C. ; panics can never regain the puldic confidence while ADL.astrouSCaUmitT. n i jKilicy holder of loth ami not i expiration i term next June. Hut ! It is a disastrous calamity, w hen standing in the I'KPARTXIEXT OF THE IXTEKI'n I niU-rt Slates Land lnre Munis ureKOii. . should I iL-p i. iin o-....i,.k: voulose your hea th. Iw-cause in.ll- Jhl take p.un A sum. icin ro..tei alfidaMt iliuillL. ; Wstioll and eoiisti.alioil have san- j Is-en tiled in this oIKee by James A Smiih. . 1MM' !t aw ay. Prompt relief can It. contestant, anainst homestead entry Xo. J nad ill lr. Kimr's Xew Life Pills. WO, made July , t-t. for SE' XW'1.;, , They liiiild up your digestive oraus, XEf. SWi, and Wi sXV;;, Section l.'. land ciin.' hea.l.iehe, diidneti, colic. Tp IS S. Rang.! t'5 E. by Chtioco I'aw lieu ! mtijuiti. etc. liiiarntiU-ed lit Contcstee. in which it is alleged that said j TempletollV and I). P. Adam- Cliekx'o I'awliett die.1 on the 21st duv of . ,, . . , - , , . , . , - son s ilruyr store; J.c. Ji; v 1J, in Crwk County. Oregon; leaving no wi.l, no heirs, no w Mow, or no representative, as far as known to said Contestant; that since the aforesaid death ; said land has been and is wholly aban- . d'.ned, and ha'not bun resided ttxi. ) claimed or cultivated by any one claim-' ini under Euid eiitrvmaii: that no adinin isiration has lieen taken in ihe matter by : any prolate Court or County Court r any j Court of competent jurisdiction, and that: said alleged absence from the said land j was not due to his employment in the I Army, X'avy. or Marine Corp "f the! 1'nited States an a private soldier, oflieer, I seamen, or marine, during the time of j tlieir power com pan i 18 Kvm- g panics' Q ins to keep in gfmd ' (ft :'in so as to U' aide Q hereafter to exert some influence ; (?) in the management of their affairs, j Q t. Louis Ololie Democrat. '6 THE HAMILTON STABLES He nd l.ivcry & Transfer Company I'KINLVII.l.r.. OKI ;n St.xk hoarded hy the day, week or mouth at l'easonalilo rates, llcineml.er us when in 1'riiieviile. ll.i Kt: soN.iu k. We huve Fine Livery Rigs For Rent Jfs? Itun in Connection with the llend I.ivcrv Stabhs General Storage, Forwarding Commission Merchants lValcrs in lllackftmith Cool, Kiotir, H:rUil Wire, Nails, Cement, I.iine, Coal Oil, J'litntcT, Sulphur, Wool and drain, Sack' and Twine, (Jrttin and Feed. Av'ent-j for Wafeo Warehouse Milling Co'n. "Wliile Kivcr" and "I)alleH Patent" Flour. Highest price paid for Hide and PelLs. Special Attention in paid to Wool fir-iding and Haling for Kastern Shipinent. Stoik YariU with all the latest and I tent fnriliticn for H audlin St.x k, Ms m-4 3 ;4 3 ill iy 9fark 2oir Soocts hi "cJ1. W. Co are . Taken Up. A sliort yearlinif Imld faced heifer calf. Itraud invisil.le. Prop off of left ear. Came to the Pa ivy Foster ranch 1', miles south of prineville n 1 Mint six weeks njro. Owner of the calf can have it hy calling at the above raindi and payhi'r charges on same. F. T. Cox "I Thank The Lord!" war, said parties are hereby notified to j appear, respond and offer erid.ince touch- j cried Hannah i'laiit, of Little Hock, 'ngsakl allegation at l't o'clock a. m. on ! Ark., "for the relief 1 got from IliieU Uecemher 2tt.b, 1!5 lfore the lleuistcr j I.-hV Arnica Salve. It cured my and Receiver at the l imed States Land i f,,;lrful riiiiiiin-sores, which nothing office in Kuril-, Oregon. I else would heal, and from which I l ie said contestant having in a proper ; w, f(,r . , h n i .... i. . ii- : liiarveloiiH lieabT f.ir cuts. htiriiM and 1 facts which show that alter due diligence lH-n...iiai service 'of this m.ti.-ecan noile XV,MII"K (i"l"f at J. II. Tom- ( made, it is hereby oniensl and directed 1 I'h'tou's and I). V. Adamsoirs drug; that such notice he piveii by due and pro. j fore: is-. ; per pupHratioti. I j V. KutitK. Register, j Notice to Creditors. j . Estate of James it. ilucf ireor, deceased- ! Notice of Fiaal Accounting In the m:it!er of Hie Ktatc nf . I'. In.nkcl Deceased. Notice is here!:' jiiven thai tlie in(!ersincil, Ihe aUministrntor of the estate of S. V. Itoiikel, Xotice is hereby given hy t!ic under I signed administratrix of the estates of i James II. MacOreiror, deceased, to all persons having claims iitrain-t said dc- ceased, to exhibit tin in w itli the necessary Iieturns up to a late hour Wed nesday morning are complete in Greater Xew York in the Mayor alty contest, with the exception of .11 election districts', scattered through the city. The vote in these gives McClellan, Dcni., 221,- jSl"; Hearst, Municipal Owner- shin. 21S.fi.')7: Ivins. Ren.. L!'2.- , -'7 ; j . .'17; a plurality for McClellan of ol.-s. With 2- election districts miss- . r ... ing in .Manhattan, the vote was: McClellan, 11-S.4-J2; Hearst, 101, 0!ll,and IviiiF, ol.ti-'d), giving Mc Clellan a pluralfty of ld,7.12. In the hf.rough of Brooklyn, with 14 election districts missing, McClellan has (il.!t7.'t; Hearst. Kl,!)0o. and Ivins, oO.-ISS votes a Hearst plurality of lo,fl:;.'5. In Queens, with four missing districts, Hearst had a plurality of 721 vote3, and in Richmond Mc Clellan won hy 120 votes, the borough complete. (((((t)' IT? To All Our r.innr trir tr.tr irr.iin.',ir.,,ir..ij U ak ikJk Ji. Ji. JU JkJk Jk.JU.jt r i FR iLi Subscribers deceased, haa fileU bis final aeeoiiutini; of bis I vouchers, within six months from the dminlitratiou i i aid estate, nnd the Honor- ' date hereof to the undersigned at Un able County Court for Crook county, Orea-n, ' office of XI . R. Elliott in I'riucviile, Ore- i.sk set .Monuay. ins uin ay of November. 1!U, ; at IU o clock a. m. st Ihe County Court room M-lt f The Whole Thing in an Egg Shell in Prineville, Oreion, ns the lime and place for the hearing of such accounting. At which time anil pi.iee any .eron interc-ted in said esime may tile his i.l.Jpi turns thereto, if an; there he. II. W. IlONKEI.. Administrator of Ihe Ksiate of a. V, l.i.nk. 1, liecrKsed. llBtc.1 this 4lh .lay of October, t'.)"".. Km. XI. E. Ei.l.ITT Ailinini-tratri v of the Estate of James Xlactjregor, deceased. Dated this Uth dnv of Oct., 1!I.1. 1! ! Notice For Publication. ' Land filHcc at Tin: Jl.illes, Oregon. I ! ' St 'ptcnihcr 20, 1!5. i ! Notice i hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of her 1 intention to make final proof iu support of her claim, and that -aid proof will ' be j j made before the County Clerk, of Crook ! County, ut I'rineville. Oregon, on Xovein- ' ! berllth, 1!jn.-, viz: j LOTTIE A. CRAIX j J ol I'rineville, Oregon, on II. E. Xo. fill's, j J for the X!J S-', X'W'i SE'4 A SU'jij XE'4' of Section 4, Tp. I". South, ilaiige 17: Notice of Final Settlement lu the matter nf the Estate of Klijah M Pni. nctl, Deceased. .Notice is hereby givcii thai 1. W. llarnetl. the administrator of the estate of Klijah M. Harnett, deceased, has rei'dtrcil and presented for settlement, and filed in ibis Court hi Hnalaocoiintlngof his aduiinistration of said estate and that Monday, the 4th day of ln-e., l'JOj, at ten.o'elock, a. m., at the Con 111 y ;onri room in Prineville, Oregon, has been duly ap pointed by the Court for the settlement of said account, at which time and place any person interested In said estate may appear and ..hjeei oaaia nuai a-nummx. ! cultivation uf 1 , i.' i . ........ 1 ... ... 1. ii,ji, j-j,i,.,ar. vv niii:, liooeri P. Harrington and John Wadkius, all r.f Prineville, Oregon. East, W. XI. She names the following witnesses to' prove liereoiitiiiuous re-idence ui.on and said land, viz: Administrator of the estate of Klijah d 11. It, dec. ased. l.ated this 5th day of Oct., ISO".. liar- NOTICE. Parties owing Mrs. Salomon hy no ten will find their notcH at First Nnttonnl where the interest and principal can le pnld. Mrs. Naomi Salomon. (2Kc M1CHA ELT.NOLAX, Uegister. Subscribe now and" get The Crook County Journal, American Farmer, Madame and The Town and Country Journal, all lour papers lor $2.00 How to Get 200 Eggs a Year per Hen The second edition A Practical Poultry Manual is now ready. Cont-.ins among other things the famous Sampson Method of Feeding, which is known to be one of tlie xM mean; of making a profit from poultry. Some of the chapter headings -are: Brooder Chicks Profit, able Poultry Raising; Principle Diffi culties; Remedies for Roup; 1 luring the Moult; Economy in Keeling; Poultry as a Business; Trap Ne-as, will, plans and illustrations. This chapter is worth the price of the book. Tells the practical way to make ultrv pay. Price 50c. Our paper is a 3'.' page Agricultural Magazine ith Household, Poultry, Horticulture and Dairy Itepartinents. Subscription price $l.oo. To introduce our monthly into your home we will send the paper one year and A Practical Poultry Manual for 35 cents. The Town and Country Journal T Park Hotel llldg., San Jose, California . . tali t .t..i..j.4ut..i The Great American Farmer Indianapolis. Indiana The Leading Agricutural Journal of the Nation Edited by an Able Corps of Writers The American Farmer hs the only Literary Farm .loiirniil fmlilishe.1 It tills a position of it own nnd litis taken the leading place in the homes of rural people in every neet'1011 of the Pnltcd States It give the farmer and his family something to think nhi.tit aside from the humdrum of routine dutie ti Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by Solon L. Goode Within the Next 90 Days We Offer Two for tlie Price of One: lie CRQQK IIII IBM The Leading County Paper and The American Farmer Both One Year; for $1.50 This unparalletl offer is made to all now subscribers and all ones who pay all arrears and renew within thirty days. Sample copies free. Address: Crook County Journal, Prineville, Oregon Seneral fflacrsm'Any HoicMKsiioKiNd, Wood Work, etc., N K A T I. V AM) I'ttOMPU.V Ihi.NK WllKN IT 1 lo.K Itv . ; : S a Ionian & 9oorc Satisfaction Will He Guaranteed 1'iUNKVII.LK, Okeuon. Ik J r.i t, J rt.n u r.i i U H J r.i .i r..i l'j E3 r.i Li r.i a. J r.-i L. J r trtr tr ir ir tr ;irir wxrirxi Ar.xr. irir.fir tr ir'ir'irir.'ir.rtrir ! L JkJb. JL. JL Jl Jt JL ; ja JWJiLj'.Jk.jfkJtJWJkJL.JL ja. JkJk.JkJk.JIa.Jlij When in need of Lum ber, Shingles, Mould ing, Doorn, Windows or Glass sec ZELi XT 5 aJri Shipp &c Perry For Prices on Them. S 1 SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR e jou And Get Three Papers For The Price of One Jfcenderson Srottarci Country Orders 'Solicited Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stock First Door South of the l'oindexter Hotel Powell & Cy -Tonsorial . A rttsts-