LOCAL MENTION Perry lictt'l m In tlx rily tlx dial .( ilai wifk (nun Culver. C, M. Illkliin left yeMerdity iiiumiiitf , fni t m rri'"k mi il !iiIii.'m tilp. i timer Cyru wim in town Tuendiiy on f n himineM trip Inkiii hi iiimli i,mr t'ulver, C. M. Durbln nml wife of Aiidlo.e were In theiltv din ing Ihe punt week Inltlng Willi friends. Krenh Kindcm nml Olytupht .vn ler nerved In miy t It rr on Hit bill of fare nt Hi-Oimtii llciiiw Cud-. WllllumMiiii it i lemur him owl unlit to .1. II. Edwiiidn, of liny Creek, 'Juno Ill-mi .r liiinbn n int Ih-iiiI. Mi. J. I'. Spinning returned hint week from mi eMcnded vlnlt Willi relative lii Ml-n.iiirl mid eiitcm Mlllt. II. II. IivIm nml ! I'iiilliin. Imvi Ui'ii i.h'iiiIiiu I In1 punt wiek In lh rily vUlilim wlili relatives. They left for their home Moinlny. MIm MiiiiiI Vmiiei ionl nml MImm l.iiulm Muniinerx nieul n few Iii.vm ilui liitf the piNt wwk nt the for. inerV rmii h on the lew hud rlvei nliove Iteml. , A. 1'. Iioiiuhiie wim over from l.nhlhivv Kntlirdiiy loiullnir lii'iterhtl for the l.nlilliw t'limiiirle vhoM llrxt iun--iiliiiii) will Imj iiiiiIo pro Imlily n wii'k from tomorrow. Irving nml Lnvenw llefd, who have Ui'ii nMtnllii the punt muumer nt Wnlhl WlUhi, were In the rlty vMtlun for it few In mi- Mmiihiy on their uuy to their liomeut Iw-ml. Hurry Smith en me over from lild In v Momliiy w heiv he linn lieen em- j employed nliiee lnl uprlllK ' tlx' t'oliinihlu Southern Irrltfiiiliiii roiii puny mm f'liviiinu. Fnil I'ii well lui pnii-hiiieil the rmich property IwloimiuK to the T. J. I'owell inlnte on McKny erik. The triuixfer wim nimle hint week, the roiiMldcrnlloil U-lujf fiUniil, The (fnnt Went em LiunU-r nun pmiy ntnrted Itn mill noiith of Anh whm hint week mid In now niipply lull tiulhltliK llllitel Inl to I lie rexldellt of nor! hern Crook county it mi mm th em V linen. Itev. W. I'. Jlnnett miuonuceM wr vicennt the Methodlnt church next Simdiiy hoth moruliiu; mid eveiiliiK. Volt Will liml II 1'oi'dlnl w el. i line In the old limine made new. Up v. W. K. Itlili uniir will prench lu the morn lni im the punt or will lie nt Willow reek. Krv. .Milclii ll will ireiich lu the 1'rrn hylrrian church next Mtinliiy. Snhject for II . m. -Chrid Almve All". Theme (ur 7 ::tl) p. ui. 'Hun fipeak to Tlml Young Mnn." Cniinuuiiinn niter the innrniiiK nervlcen. Suhlmth tchnol nt It) a. m. I'hrUtian Kmlenvor nl 7 p. in., Mr, (ilunn Teiiipleton, leader. Win. TrPlrhnl returned, the tlmt of t he week from h vllt nl Salem mid AU'rilii'ii, Wimh. Ho wnn neeoiu i.inleil on hU return trip hy hln dnuuhter, Mm. Win I liiym. formerly of thlMi lly, lint w ho now renlden lu AlH'rihin. She will HH'iul n inoiith In tin-city vlnlllnj; with her purentM. A. M. Irnke tiled nult Irt the i-'lr-cult court hnt wei'k iiRnlnnt the iVM'iititi'N IrrlKiillou & Power Coin. puny, the comphilut nlli'KlniC Hint the latter compnuy hnn In-Hpunncil upon the north cunt ipmrter of wv Hon n lu Townnhlp 1H South of . ItmiKe II canl cniiKlntr the plaint Iff a dnmiiBP of fllMHI. The county court duilnir Itnwn nlou till week took Html action lu the matter of Inillillnu a new rond n round Mol'liei-noii hill nml In eon netjueuiv tihln for the count rilctloli of thehlnhwny wilt lie ndvertlmil for. The rond In much needed nml the netlon of the court will In' nvclvril with mi little pleiiMure hy the renl ilentn In the Hay Creek district w ho have occnxlon lo line more tliau othei-M Hip present county rond run ninjf over the Iuiik mid tctliotm hill. m & J. E. Stewart & Co. A M.ri. i.l wH'iill I'M llillk'" l"r till nrtiilliU I li. prepared lor tlm uifmlT of the Mirlrrii Woodmen mid j Kojrnl .VltiliUr t. Ilii' Juuriml for ilii'i"1' tm tiiii Wnirh enlertnlii the il.it. mend nl Athletle , i.......itliH .tciiiru. Tl.i' i.r.ic-itni ! will I xi out of tlm ordinary and ! trt4tiii)C nil 1 ifiiil.M to nuke II. j. U. JiiltiiMin mil II. I. Turney Cilllll" liVIT ill lIlH H 111 flKIII lU'llll Mull- iluylo u( lo, to lueliu ninticrn con- netted wild Mm i' liiit'ii iriigiiuou 1'imer 'iiiiiiiuiy, Ciirlin lioodnln ilii'il nl tlm Prineville hotel Monday niter u l.mif Milieu fniin typhoid fever. Tin- dUenne eon trm'ted wvernl weekt while he wnn mnlliicd In the county lull 'niii( trinl mi elmre nl horw mentiug. He j imi il inrdirnl Irenluieiil u miii km the fever -rte.l If. hut th di..ae ! onq.ii-i.-l. The body n taken ., Inker Tiu-Uv inoii.iint her the hlllil wrvi. e. ere held y.ler.luy. J I I 111! Ill I fH'I III'! HI'll' 111' 111 lrw imii . 1 ' . Jm .irliii, r hrother ol M m. j Win. IUv. iin.i t, who rt-ileiit of j rrlneville until Ut tt'wu, " killml Unl meek In eulittr H'-elilent hii h inTiirred Ht I'.lklon, California. Mr. ( linrlin n rhliiiK hor when the i Ntiliunl dro.Hi iI.miI. tJie ln uvy Innly ol the iiiin;il f.illin mi the uii(irtuiite ) riiler Hhow life wun rnulieil out ntmixt iiiMlantly, C. M. l.lnter Han iii town Tnendny (rum l lie 'ttM-adin where hi theep hnve leen runnihn iliirinK the t tiiniiier. lie l hriii(iiiK theiii down to their winter iiiurler on hin rmu-li up the (H hiM'o. Mr. I. inter miid the Hide in the lU-iul I'.ulh liil tliHt coy. otei lml ilectroveil ifNI liml ol tin) That i.unilN'r had ', liaml wm inunriei't. Ikm.ii .eirt.M from the re,t ..( the! lew er n n-port ol ii. rpnnger nun hunch, prohahly hv prowlinu covolei.'J- W. Klllott on the 1 llBinllton hut they were ail found m.d are Mok j roml approved mid roml ordered hroUK-ht home. The rcort prohahly j nruciniitiNl when Mr. I.i-ter herder mimed a portion ol tlm hnn. I and ti-Ut-phuneil lo the former reanliiiit the matter. The hUKent mid inimt colllpletp line of nil klndn of illnlu-n to U found In town In nt Kldeout & Conler'n. Call III mid wi their dlnplny of fnucy wnn. ' huncnu Macleml came over from HmiH'.v county ywterday where he In t-oliuii-ted with 1 1 ill) ley A: Com pany. Mr. Mnclei.il In llnlnhliiK up hln hunlnenn with the Willamette Valley & Whkoii Ki.hiI company nml will return tomorrow to Hurtm. John liraut wan drought over from lipnd Saturday nml iflven the n' of I he pui'tor net III the couiily lull, tirant went into the dining room of u hotel at Iteml nliotit threp o'clock olip uflernooii hint we'k mid WfiM very M'rnlntelit ill hln ileternil ualli.u to nit mid keep unfitting until nnpinT wnn nervinl. lieforc the Im'II ran. however, firnnt wnn tnkeii U'foiv Jiinlice Iiw n-uee and lined $:'."i and ttt' n pnent of a two ilnyn' Juil setilenei . ()nce in- nlde the Jnll he gathered nome loone nliavlnun and ntickn nml net lire to them with the luleulloii, an lie nfter Wnrdrl Hlild, of going up with the hotlne Inn cloud of nuioke. He wan renciiiMl from the pnillcnment in which he had placed hlmm'lf mid nenl lo I'i-ueville. Monday morn ing I rn. I'.dvvnr In nml Uelkuapmmle nil exnmlnntli.ii of lirnut'n nutilal iunlitlcn nml with due medicnl pro prlety heHltnliMl a few lnlnutcn Im-Ioiv pronouncing the man Innune. While thonpfew nilnnten weiv ehiining tirant wnn given a little freedom mid Immediately went to a hoarding limine where he began rannnklug the pivmiwn. Hln Nrlod of joviality wnn punetualed hy u neilen of lint piinchen front Hie proprietor mid forthwith lirant wnn ngaln Imlged In Jail. Alioiit (hln lime came the doctor decision regnrdlng (irnnt'n ho lilt v, nml he will In taken to Salem to give vent to hln uncultured jfii'llngn. Honorbilt Shoes For Men A N D Western Lady For Women Cannot Be Excelled In Style or Quality $3.50 and $4.00 Court procdiflg. lU-port of "ihi. V. IMIInn, HUirr vMr'n n'Mrt for CriMik county, np lirovi'il. Hiinrvlnor'n report of Arthur Tcmpleton i.pprov.d. Muin-rvlnor'n report -f II. J. Kil- r. t. Mon C. I.. Itoli. ward npproved. MtiiMTvlnor'n report nf Hnpervlnor'n report of "Pl-rovcd. Wlthdrawnl of iN-tltloii to move on nly ruiid HcroMi nei-tloii 'M of roml known no fon I'. J'. rond, iiiotloti Krmill. 1'it 11 Ion of A. if. f.liMiiin to nell the iientomil iroMrty of the etite of Mnry K. 2uliin to pny prefernil I'IiiIiiim, relernil to prolinte docket. IVHiIimi of vol lux imt'liu't nt I .n hi law hy limilet (ini'iilinlKh. eoii tluiieil uuill Jmiunry term. Vk-wer'i report of M. J. Newnoiii on rhiuitce In the I). V. Itanu lt roml approved, Iteport of the HherKf oil the l!Mi4 " foil approved nn Im-Iiik nppiir- einly rorni t. Nunrvlnor'n report of K. I. 1 1 UK- MlrVHl. Applk ntlolie of the leM-liiiteM Teh' pi,,,!,,, iwiiupmi y for the rntlnentlon , i-ouuriuntloii of the line of Unit pnrt of tl unity liluhw-ny lietwii-n u-nd, I ireKoll, nml Ithllnw, Oreffoll, ,,. ,.,prd nml llxtil ly It In the uinlnlenmii'e of lln telephone line. Applii.nttoii Kruntetl nml pole to lie cr--ti'il oil outHide limit of either nlde of ntirvcy of rond. SiiiH-rvlmir'ii n-port of K. V, In IMntrlct No. is. ilerk to HollU cornt ri'port iw heretofore ordereil. UenlKiintloii of Juntk-c of the Pence K. 0. Iluntoii of AnhwiMMl, Oregon, neeepted nml C. K. McCorkle nppolu Uil. Sherlft'n rpmrt approved. Surveyor'n retwirt of S. J. .Newnoiu Hie llmnlleon rond npproved. opcneii Wwer'n renort of J. S . Klllott mid (). Springer on Wnlter Uuhle roml npproved and rond ordered opened. 1'etltlon of tieo. W. Wlmer to rp pnlr rond running from llend to Slntem con tin mil. SujK'rvlnor'n n-port of Arthur Tcmpleton npprovpil. Siin'rvlnor'n report of lhorg . liillon npproved. Sum-rvlnor'n report of I. T. Mon- nn npproved. j Mierlff'n neiul nniiuiil report end ing (Vtoln'r 2, lOft'i, npproviMl. SunTVlnor'n reMirt of T. Alder dyiP npproviMl. In the matter of Hip lucorporntion of the town of MmlniM. Dregon, jn1 tit ion nnd proof of pontlng notice and proof of numlnr of InhnMtantn, continued until January term for lu ventlgntiou. 1 Vt It Inn of Itentoti & ttrnter for nnloon llirnnp, petition grnnteil. l'ptltlon of I). S. Hamilton for change in Anhwood voting precinct, contlnueil until January term. SiiH'rvlnor'n n-Mrt of T. X. Unlfour npproviKl. IViltlou of Nevert Ivhlng for nnloon llcenne, Htltloii granteil. 1'etltlon of T. H. If uln?rt ot nl for county road, contlnueil. 1'etltlon of 7-umali & Miller for nnloon lleeiiHe. petti h.u granted for ntx inonthn. Tptltlon of I C. UowliH for nnloon llcenne granted. Petition of Cramer & Steven for nnloon Heeiine, llcennp grnntod. In the mntter of the bridge at Mftdriu, contractor Kd Harldn hav ing failed and neglected to build hi-hlircn ln'r contract, the nninpln lien-by ih larPd forfeited. Allidnvit of ('. 11. McKlroy regard ing Incorporation of the town of Mad ran. continued until the Jnn- nnry term. In the mntter of the liny creek canyon rond, clerk to ndvcrtlnctor bldn for conntrucllon of mild road as ier form written. ,l. II. (!ray. Hutnn'vlnor, for future rond work to In? accounted for, tb'iO ordered drawn on rond fund. ft Agent: C. I I'.oIstU, uprvlor, for fu ture roml work to I account! for, V) ordered drawn on roml fund. J. K. Itolnrt. un-r leor, fr fu tiin roml wo'k to l ci-oiiiitel for, fvionli-riil lruwn on roiul fund. I".. K. IIoIIIm, miiNTvlMor. for future i rond W ork to he neeoiinlerl for. . ..i t. . i j ordered drnwn on rond fund. Terry Monroe, Miiitervlwir, for fu ture rond work to lie rvf oimted for, f iK) ordered drnwn on rond fund. II. J. Kdwnrd, mijM-rvlnor, for fu-tun- rond work to I nirountel for, l-'j orih-n-ij drnw n on rond fund. BU1 AUowtd. (Ilnnnat Prudhoroiiie Hnnter'n llcenne IxMili Arthur Harm fmir day work ck'nnln well 4 -Jfl no I' T Monro Kumlier 10 on (lla A l'rmllioniiiie 1 dox l lnlier rlhlmn C Ham Smith Kennen In arresting J. Invn V. J. ItriMtk lllm knmlthllig.. Arthur Tempk-ton Kiiiulr... CHnin Smith Contn In nrrent- lug J FKry nnd bringing him to 1'rlnevllle m-rhnm at t'owkw Kumtier ... Shnnlko Wareliotine Co Fn-lght ileo Dillon Uond w ork Olnnn A. I'rii.lhoinme Iterord of Homentead 1'nteiitn.... rJurn Stngp Co Fn-lght J F CawiMnl Mileage lu (ioodwln ennp J F lh-11 Night watch nt county Jail during circuit court... A C Knlghten SujH'rvlicr'n expi'line .'. 411 2.1 (il :m 2T. Ttt 1 14 :k4 ' 1.1 2.1 IS W) 14 CHnin Smith Shertff'a pxen- m M 25 C Sam Smith Sheriff' p'n- mm -' M Jenne Selkirk Mlk age nn wlt- uenn 1M KllxnlM-th K Lang Compiling lint in! land 40 90 C Sum Smith I'.lll of John AmbriNM for nerving huIi- pn-na on Trowbridge In Urant county ." M L N Liggett entntp County printing "" .V It 1' Harrington Mamhall fcn In Draper ciwp Innaue "i no It P Harrington .Mamhall fee In Cilbnon cane Innune i 00 llnwklnn Bron Lmnlicr 14 W I'nuly Jail I'ddg Co., Jail Padlock 7 W J K Caiuln-ll 42 days work IOTi 00 J J Smith Pontage 10 00 J J Smith Exprenn 1 33 S J New mini Surveyor' fee l.-i 00 H 00 V Klllott Viewer's fee W Klllott Vk'wer'n fee 8 00 SJ Newnoiu Surveyor" fee 15 00 K Luckey luterinrtcr Holt cane 2 00 X O Tollock Service nn nume for nrlnonern 54 00 Sarah Klllott Care of Munnoii pnuper SW fC C Strange Teiuhlug High school 2V5 .a Margnret A (IcmmIIii Teach ing High nchool 131 Luther Moore Janitor High nchool 1" 0 C Sam Smith Board for jirin- oners 14."t II IIhimt Care of Court- houne nnd rant... 6 00 l T Adninson 4 Co Wcbnter'n dictionary 10 00 I) I' Adamnon & Co Station- cry anddrugn by Co I'hyii 14 n 10 oo Ed Harbin Bridge work.... Crook County Journal Print ing 41 70 William Wlgle Building nlde- walk anil money paid S W 6 tW Charles Congleton Coimtable fee 6 00 K E Ijiuglilln Sfieclm cou ntable fii.... 10 00 Mnrtln lrake Exinutnen In Burrln enne 13 00 Arthur Templeton Suiervln- or'n fee 40 00 IM Hahh Milne for road... S U Cane & Son Lumlier for brldgen ; Arthur Tcmpleton Suiiervln- tir'u fc-en P T Monroe Sujiervlaor's fee 4 85 IS 00 20 00 10 OS c. It. Dinwiddle Message High Hchool C B Dinwiddle Traveling ex penses visiting public schools B Dinwiddle Express. stamps & stationery 10 00 n E Simpson Mdse rond work It McFarland Boarding 1 so w Sam Smith pauper "2 00 Alderdyce SuiH-rvlsor.s fees 27 SO Vie Butler Bond work ..... Knox Huston Dist Atty Ballf T S Balfour Sujiervlsor's fees 1 (H) 11(5 rrlneville Uevlew Printing.... Wurtwellcr & Thomson Mdse 17 for county 12 George Dillon Road super sor ; J O rowell Wood for court house 269 C D Calbreath Work on rond 14 A C Knlghten Koad work 61 Salomon & Moore Black- smlthlng....i IS 00 Ed Harbin Work under direc tion county court.... 55 50 rrlneville Light & W Co A Water and light High school. 41 J S Smith Constable..... Belkuap & Edwards Trofes- sonal services 124 Cornett Stage & Stable Co Express court house 10 r r.-i i-4 r.t li f l A CARLOAD Superior Grain 4 14 r.n M K J 7.1 LJ r.i LJ r.1 L J r.i f.1 i-J r..i t j r.i t j r..i LJ r..i r.i tiJ r.i tij r.i lj c.i LJ n.i LJ r..i LJ K3 LJ r.i LJ K.I LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r..i r..i LJ r.i LJ r..i LJ r. LJ In 10 12 14 anJ 16 Disc, all Right Hand, and with our patent hard oil cup on the discs. Also a Carload of Oliver Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows r.ir. LJLJ r. FOH SAKK: lty rKlleiice at a bargain. t-Vio ennh, balance on enny paytnenln. Write or call at thin of fice for further partM-ulnr. rO FUt HALK ll neren denert laud, title in-rfi-t; 40 acre, ready for plow; LVtaeren ready for cultivation; ln luche water free and Tpetitnl. Tract convenient to timber. Iniiuirc of 8. J. XewnoM, rrlneville. Ore. o!2 FOK8ALE 12 Kegistered Hereford cow, 2 Keg. Jtereioni unii. ,rur sale or will trade for grade cattle, yearling or calve preferred. Will exchange one bull for another regis tered Hereford. Cattle can lie neen at A. Zell raneh, 1 mile eant of Prine vllle. Or nddrwn. It. F. Zei.I., l'riue-vlllo.- 012 I)ST: Between Prineville and the John Elliott place, the fore piece of a breech loading nhot gun. Finder return to thin office and receive suit able reward. 2o26 BITTER AXI EGOS WANTED: We will pay canh for frenh eggn and butter at tlie rate of Xi ' centn per down for egg nnd .'tOcent for but ter. We are alno selling freh young beef by thequnrter at 44 centn ier pound. FonTEH & Houihas. GttVERNMENT LAND LfKJATED: In the Chrlntman Ijike Valley. Guaranteed to tie good wheat and Alfnlfa land. Abundance of water can le neenred from 12 to 20 feet. By kon Cahy. Silver Lake. Ongon. Bfa'a UarMMDAbleness In often aa great an womnn s. But Thon. S. Austin, Mgr. of the "Repub lican," of Leavenwortn, ina.. wan not unreasonable when he refused to allow the doctors to operate on hln wife, for female trouble, "Instead." hesayn, "we concluded to try Elec tric Bitters. My wile wan men so sick, she could hardly leave her bed, and five phynlcans had failed to re relleve her. After taking Elcotrk? Bitters, she was perfectly cured, nnd can now perform all her honsehold duties." Guaranteed by J. H. Tem pleton's and D. P. Adanwou's drug gists, price .W. LJ LJ r:.i LJ r.a LJ c.i CJ E3 LJ r.a LJ ca LJ ra LJ ra LJ r.a t j ca CJ C3 LJ r.a CJ ca LJ r.a LJ ea LJ ca LJ ca ca ca ca L J 20 SO 60 00 00 So r,a LJ ca 00 c J ca LJ ca LJ ca ca ca CJ ca LJ 60 1 SO ca CJ ca CJ ca LJ ca L J ca L J ca CJ 00 80 I l l JUST RECEIVED We have the new No. 5 Oliver Gang in two and three base. This is the best and lightest running gang plow ever put on the market The irame can be adjusted so each base will cut 1614 or 12 inches, which combines Three diilerent size gang plows in one Iranic. Should you lose a horse, or il the ground gels dry and hard, you can reduce the size ol your plow to suit the conditions and go ahead without losing sver' one hours' time. THIS SAVING IN TIME MFANS MONEY TO YOU. All Sizes and Styles of Oliver Walking Plows on Hand . Our Stock of Grain Drills, Hows and Extras is the largest in Central Oregon. We Can Fill Your Wants W. F. Kim: We Desire 2 2 to Inform 2 2 Rideout & Poster The General furnishing Store Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on City Meat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. At The Old Stand C. W. ELKINS (Sucessor to JOH NSON, BOOTH & CO.) . , . Dealer In . . . GENERAL MERCHANDISE Prineville, - - Oregon ULJ r l M u r, i L J r.i LJ r. i L J r.i L j r.i w J r.i L J r. i LJ ri LJ r.i L J r.i LJ r, i LJ r i L J r.i L J r i L J r..i LJ ri L J r,.i L J r.i LJ LJ r..i L J r.n L J r.i L J r..i L J r.i LJ r.a LJ LJ r.,t L J r.i LJ r.i L J r.i LJ r.i t J P,tJ "r.i Drills The trading public that we are now in our new building, next to the First National Bank, with a new stock of Fall and Holiday Goods. We are offering great values in Gent's. Ladies and Childrens' Underwear, all kinds of Rubber Footwear, Mackinaws, Cardigan Jackets, Mackintoshes, Hats, (a new line just received) Shoes, Etc., Etc. Mutton, Pork, hand at the Prineville, Oregon Si ca LJ ca LJ r.a LJ ca LJ ca LJ ca LJ ca L J r.a if 'a Ej ca L J ca L J ca LJ r.a CJ ra ca ca LJ ra LJ ca LJ ca n CJ ca CJ ca LJ ca li ca CJ r.a ci C3 CO E II Smith Jail beds 4 SO J H Haner To money ad vanced , : 4 60 aedtatitaiea;atas.atiiaa6J EaeacatfaBateaeaiiaisjeacacaeatiacatacjejcej