Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 09, 1905, Image 2

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Orrct Statement. Il.uelwood Creamery Ituiter mJ.
- K. Sioxviirt A Co.
"r v. 2-1.. mo ForthoU! ahoe value lit toxxn
COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR GROOK COUNTY K.m.r:-lu tho Uno ..( your V,, to J I" Siexvart
STEP KA & BAILEY, Publishers
Hnirr4 i i h . u t o rti a I I' r i a r i 1 1 r O r c
at rrnt-rla m a 1 1 r
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Invariably In Advance
(ine Ywf I.. !m Months ...-.. .- - ' t
Thro Month "Oct Shlo Copies A
Advertising Rates:- l' ni'niK H i. : wit aul "J m rtiiii l. tiiu.- ait.l
lr. Ux'nl ri-fl ' ht ln h. Huiiw .aM vm ir lino. i ar.l ( TliauV l iv
K-cilnli..niio(i nn.l.ilt n. r !.. "m", ' Ijm". i-t.'. a. n.l "Mmv" S..ii.v 1 c ut a .nl.
I;tvr x mi any. In reporting the pro.
ccodiug- of the last term of llii lr
cult court In effect "the leon
tmx t.f Wraut county, l.i.niuht lirt
ehnrgi-d xxltli aleak aipnitng w
ilischarKod on Motion of IMxt. Ally.
Mciicfco for lack of autnctcnt oxl
donee to oonviet, etc." nni) further'
tluit "McKay Mini M.-ixIn wore not '
apprehended tin. I the Mate ivliod
, upou the teal iuioit.v of l how uicu to
convict lln IHvns." TIiIh Is the
All kinda of emitted gixoda hi ImhI-rxa-k
prior, tor onah. nt tli.m KK'a
lo ti lii.ovKK'a Cu Orxavry for
fine potatta-a, Imoon, hum mi.i Inn I
i-..k:;ui..,i tvr ri,m.l iv nt tin- .I.huikiI I n i 1.1 i n ir . I't i no v t 1 1 e . Oregon '
' ' 'effect of the article.
EATING PIE WITH A KNIFE, tin- sorx ant of tin- policy-holders.
i i . i i . i i . . . . . ..
stieeion i'v me Minr o ii'iiniiii.-
In xtexv of i ho f.iot that theae men
xvotv trail h.v Jnrv inul miptltlcd on
the tiit ImIIoI. and Hi,- further fut-l
that tho aln to had overy xxllnea
pnont xx ho ns Milipm-not). I think
it onlv iualieo to llum moil von
I"1 , correct tho orror tin. I not k-nve tho
Fall and Winter Togs for all of 8
Crook County
II. voit .loli.t know tho 1 tf
folVIIC lt ween UlMK'OI T t
KoaTKK'a Homo Mixlo Con
(ivtlonorkM ninl tho tithor
Klml whk-h hn'lilhaMlHiit
all olhor VHrk'H It' TUno
if tlhaOIHl' of
XV 1 1 norfhOa.
V. I), t'ox.xii.
mo iiM mo iih.oom. tvr tin' atlair f the oonijmny
IViwor coiuoanv h-is U-en sueil gratify their ,ieculativo instinct, f.-il-o hii.n sson I lint thoy oiil n
llOOO.htmap-s by A. M. Prake. i t)l(. ,j,.f,.rr, .liviaeiul eontraet wa? onxlolion liv.iuw
A jcrnianent injumtiou restrain- ,h(n irmt ,). nucleus of the
ine the company from .loing fr-; jicH.ials which recently have Uin
titer work has Iwn a-U.l for aiul j r,.veaj,.,j to ,K. puhlio throuuh the
temporary one prante.l. The j ;nternAj .lis-ensions ef the K itiit
work of the company is, therefore. ! alile U( Aura(U.0 Society "
Hocked until the court shall take I
Is it a I'ttiwtn;; lever germ
Kxi-ryllilns thtUV rimhI to out U
kepi In aonaoll tit til.oVKKa.
In lino SnjrH. (itfiin. t'Miimil
lioiHla, ToIuiivim, t'lunra nml Knne.v
CnniMin. It xvill py yon to we
Paulina Items.
action upon the matter
allv the whole cotttitv is interested
Wo U-llovo every nmn who ttiki
. i the liiiio to eoiiiMin our atyhn nml
I'h.nU's Henry ha luovr lhix ftimily prkvca xvlth tlioac offolvtt by otnera
() l'inlin:i. ! xvill llinl hla lant lllten'at aervist Ivorx'.
Iiiiiluim A Ailtuna.
j which has got hold of l'rineville?"
i . .i l l.
ner nav xvno
i.: .f t..oi'i vl.Tti nil
' . , . , . i a ke 1 a man tin
ftelav for a lew months me cnimi- .
pioii luruuzu iiio i n v fi.uii siii'i
an als'nce o several mxnths.
nation of one of the greatest pro
jeetson the Taeiiic cxutst.
frul IWi-ll a in the city on ln-'
iiien.1 Monday.
Krankio Knhn, a I'.iulins Miu.lciit. ia
)iiti fick wtlli touiliii.
Our new school liouse xxill 1h ilelavnl
The lV'schtites Irrigation A
l'oxver coinpanv and tlie former
president of the T.lot Uutte De
velopment company have not dis-
i.laved the closest Uuclus of,
- j
sympathy since the transfet ot the)
latter, interests was made a year
a so. The Bend townsite needed
lnxosting and the Deschutes Irri-
iThen he remarked further, after a lt thiwueoka, owini: to a uVUx-in
I lie l.ii liht.
survey of the in isons at xxork in
differtnt parts of the husiness see-, The hiiil.liint in Paulina i-ontlnnea.
tions, ' I have never seen so man v - r; ,,' , Uv"W?? U wt
, ,, . , -. 1 xmpleteJ, hIso utl & l.i'i now store
hue business blocks and resuien- j ,, rf , u , , .
ices built in any city of it. siie a ! Mr." Riir huiMing.
IMI a 1 1 i n g"
At OM.-H AI F KcKulur Price
there have been in l'rineville dur-
j ins the past season. The fact,
'marks the proresiveni and j
gat ion company, for reasons of its
own, moveil its headquarters to I
lhtlmond which w as a prettv si r
, , , i unpfovenient
IVI? lUVH IV 111V IVIIII. HV -. . j-v.
This and subsequent acts of the
irrigation company, which was
looking after its own interests,
may have had something to do
with the suit for damages and
! enterprise of your town." There
were no contradictory Matemcnts
temporary injunction. Or, grant-i.
ting the allegations, the cold and J
-heartless rial rocks in the canyon j
of tlte Deschutes may have bein!
permanently injured by the mov-;
in" of the flume line.
made, but in view of the many
which he saw, lie
might have turned kepticai had a
remark been ventured that there
would be much more of the same
kind of work K'fore another year
had passed. But thee things he
i will ste for himself when he re-
To the xx ifc
tirixly, friilay.
poiiu.l i rl.
.t j. i:
In ariKfrtei, nt the top In quality,
at the hot loin In prkva. nt tii.ux kh.h.
IVat 2-" cent illniier In the city.
Chicken illniier every Sunday. At
Mr. S. V. Pennington".
Turkey Dinner, tilveu by tho la-
Nexx hill at J die of the church. lMknnp
Iloavy Uhulicr Storm ImnvIji with nutsiilo Countow,
.i .SviW to luvl, l'-S Sctih lt Hottoni in KusHot nml
lHaok Cromo Tannol (haala
None Better Made
aiv Solo Agonts for
Buckingham & Hecht Goods
Our IMvm (hmmU lino is largor ami suprior to
anything shown hrit Wow.' All tho now weaves
ami shatlos oan bo aoon hoir. So troublo to ahow thoin. Cmno nml
New Fall Coats.Sklrts and Ready to Wear i.oods for Ladies
and Children. :
New Fur Collarettes and Fancy Neck Wear
hop our
Noxouila'r ."!. an
hall, Thankaulviuu:. Thuiwdnv,
xcmla'r :m.
Mrs. James Dyer is visiting in
the t it v.
H. J. Ilealy is in the city
his ranch at Haystack.
turns next eason.
The Republicans of Oregon who
recently met in a peace conference
in Portland nut have
had a
J. T. Bobinson was in the city
this morning from his ranch near
(!. I.. Roberts and family were
in the city from Post for a lexv
days during the wok.
J. R. Heath left yesterday
go from there
K.xmlnlu, Kulli ami V actual
All ! ami ahapr. At
tlnr arr all of thoa arlirln
Hint In'loui lu a Onl rlaa
lH'k tt( rubber (mm.
iryuu otfit anvlliliic In llilo
lint' ak lo Mr? our (nm1.i
( xx e are nor eniaiui; our, inn wo lire
aelliny; sria-erku nt chwlnjr out prt
for ; ee- A. lil.ovKii.
Iou't aoll yoiiroKga until you aee
WanteJ Bid For Road Building.
However, it will le remembered ; large streak of humor in
by the jieople of Crook county, makeup. In condemning some The Dalles and will
that the plaintiff in the present j wicke-1 constitutional amemi- . t Butie, Montana, xvhere he will j Ulover. He la alxvnya lu tho market
suit spoke out boldly three years j ments proved by W. S. C'Rcn spend the winter. , ami paya the hlRlu-at prlv In t'ui"!!.
ago, saying his irrigation opera- et they resolved "that the state Tl . . , I Just reeel veil at Hideout &. Foatora
tions were greatly handicapjH-d by :of tregon should maintain its
the alleged hara.-ing tittitmle reputation for conservatism
taken against his seliine by his ' reliability.'' "Conserve! i-ui" and
Tl.Oilltt wtwiriff Tm.ia Cn.W
1 ' ' n ernte of decorated Chinnxvare of a
and; ouring me xvook irom ,M,ailtifuI ,1,,,. Xow , yiMlr
! .ia iem xvnere he went in charge ot . chamn- to ot a l.nrSain In a dinner
ni'iin nriiiArtorj i
neighbors in the Di-?ihut-s valley. ; 'reliability'" as applied to a state!"
It will be remembcrcil al-o that j that has adopted the initative and : sheriff Smith and Dr. Rrtscn-'J
il option and pri-i berg left Tuesday morning to vwit ; f
about that time the Oregonian ! referendum,
published a communicated article j m try election amendments, and : t,ie mining property in which they j
to the effect that the culmination elected a Democrat governor in a : are interested on Lookout nioiin-jji
I tain.
governor in
of Mr. Drake's project was greatly j state -10.iH.lO Republican, is good
retarded bv his neiuhKirs, whose
in fac t, excruciatingly funny. It J. F. Houston came down from i
ole animosity towards him was ' wonl 1 U hard to find more per- i Crook the t!rt of tl. xvi-cL to ei.n.l ' S
due to the fact that he did not eat i fixt example of sidesplitting hu-j few davs on n business trip and
pie with his knife. Verily, it be- mor Milton Kagle.- ' vi'it wit'n his brotner J. ('. Hous-
Wo ro Audita for
riii1 Roval Tai!nrs of Chiw
the hirRest Merchant
Tailoring Katnhliah
lnent lu the World.
Notice ia hereby ien, that the
County Court of Ciook County, t)run
ail nvaivo araled bid up to Novo in
b-r:), llfcttat SuYlork I. M., for the
buil-ling ol a a a inroad up liny Creek
Caiiyou in Mid romity aiel Slate a
follima, j
A bid for the col -lruction of a xxai(oii
riHid up Raid cjiix an coiiiinoncini; at C.
Mvl'lierton's mail lox on romity
near the Northaant corner of Soclinn Ik
TplOSKl.tK W M. mid niilinu ami
iDteraectiuft tho eounly road at the
rierx-e place in Section U- Tp 10 S It l."
K W M . an per Hlakea net.
A hid for the conitructloii of said
rtatd from the ahovt" tartinx Mint a
per aaid stake up hi Ilia South hunk
oH.'riap Ciook in Si-ction 2 Ti 10 S It
15 KW M.
A bid for the coin-t ruction 01 auid .roml
from aaid starting aiut to ant. I end
iii theruof oil a route, aurvey and
plan to he iiihinitted by the bidder.
A bid for the construction ol aaid
road from tho South hank of auid Criji
creek to the inlei wtion of the County
road at the tail I'i 're.' place, am per
said "take".
That in all and anv oi the alm-e hida.
sjl the bidder inut state the width of I he
jroad. maximum (iradf, dinunce aj-art
jo( turnontx, and width and length of
! fame on irrade. ami aidih of ura.l.-
Old Time Ball
This will be the Danoo of the
Season, and will be given In
the P. A. A. C. Hall at Prlnovlllo
on Thursday, November 16th
Floor Managere: D. M. Cook, Albrt Soalas.
John Helfrlch, Ceorge Hobbs, Gun McCord
and Roe Smead
Tickets for Ball $I.OO. Supper 50 cents per plate
gins to look as if the former pres
ident himself were about to adopt
for the same purpose the same cu
linary utensil so obnoxious only a
short time ago in the hands of his
i ; ton, an.l faniilv.
Tli- transfor of the Columbia j Karl McLaughlin was in town
Southern Irrigation company'? this week from the White Rook Ir
tracts of land in this county to rigation company's tract on the
, the Harrinun interests is quite Deschutes in which he is interest
t he best forerunner of the loco-'l. Kngiiieer Wiest, of IJcnd. has
Our linen of clothing at 910 and Hi
j eouiprlse clothing thntln txith dnay
Ti. ix..l,.,i,. r f.... t f.
1 lie J rern,li uier llli .ill. m i . 111 i l-ei .
n i 1 1 i ,n,,t-ve which has come to light in i JUst completed the survey of a new
rower company will probably : ,, - , , , , , ., , , ... J
1 1 - .a 1 this lifilihle of railroml hmhl- .llt-.l. i;.,., (.., ,!. ....
, , . , . i ... " - - ,in, ii iiiirr in iiic eiFiii.aii
AVer ftfiw ti r aw 101.-.1I11. this'. 1 J
and durable. - Shajail right, made
right and fitted right. Dunham &
of adroitnes- as it has ;
ing, extensions and other doings. ,
J. Insley Huston, who for the
wt-t. Ir ViiifB Ij i -1 ri (T tin I'll 1 ltt l.
! Southern Pacific and it. It. V X . . '. . ... ' 1 .
, , . , pine islands he has made a tour of I
- : may b.-taken serious v as a move , ... . i M
j. ,.,,.. the eastern stales, visiting most of i
'omiiii--!mier lfo-f in the right direction. , .. , .. ' , , ,
VOIlllllls-liOlU r HUM,. r 1,., r.ihuw "llnnir liu ri .11 tl. r.f I ,n a 5
annual report! " ;
1 ! ir i j.. .1 1 ?
. 11. .xj. .urefi. oi .usiers. is in "
Oregon ian seems to . .. ,4! "il hi uiuu?- a- 11 litir . - , e ,
I 1: il rngiN; rnla t.,l!,u'
many petty tactics in the pa-t, bvt ! , ' , , ' . ! past two years has U-cn employed
' 1 1 ' , road interests, and the ac'iiusition .
the delay is as annoying a- a straw , .wia .i . i in the government printing ofhee
1 of .iil.lKK) acres in this eountv bv . ., , ,
tick ing an elephant's ear, and the , , , m Manila, returned home this
e 1 ' : the controlling factors of the . .
outcome weli. imagine. i ,. , ,, . n . ., . v week, lllce leaving the Philij
Wo liavf dinar pri that
pl'-MM- Iielii-alr aliailea of
HImh, Pink, lirecu and Mlxturr,
In nuinnma ilralgna.' 11
ii-tnrli-a you on Wall Kaper
D. P.
of Wisconsin in hi
recommends the enactim-nt of state
The old
laws to compel life insurance com- have it strictly in for Crook
tv, ami ha
inent men that r
boundaries. . The
: leliir-h w.W liw frw.le iliifinnr
inunitv in a manner tuat Uncle . . . 3 b
,i -,, . ,, . . A i his campaign tour.
Harvey will probably not forget; ' n
soon, and are still on the firing ; ' i
In reviewing' line with all kinds of ammunition Spofford, the Up-to-Dat Shoemaker;
situation he. in behalf of the good citizen, of: Has added to hia couipinent n new
that eouiltv. .ilianiko l,e. ' maohlno Mhieh roiidora II ikwhII.I.- tola
i n
j replace shoe tipa, lielloxvs tonguoH '
panics to make an annual distri
bution of their surplus among
policy-holders. lie also recom
mends a law requiring companies
to furnish w'tli their annual state
ments a gain or loss exhibit. Com
missioner Host makes some sar
castic comments on insurance
methods as revealed in the inves
tigations now on.
the life insurance
says: j
"Within the last year there have j
been given to the public startling i
revelations conce rning the methods j,
employed by the managements ol
some life insurance companies in
the conduct of business affair.-,
conspicuous among which is the
Equitable. Life Assurance Society
of New York. This company has
been under the knife for about! That long, hard winter has been
six months, du.-ing which time j 'uighly shy so far this year,
there have been cut out of it, one I 1 "
right on the heels of the other,! The Exact Thing Required for Con
scandals, the nature of which has' stipation.
seriously impaired the standing of!
.. ii f,- 1 An a eoi-tniu purgative and stoni-
1,U'J': purilier ( ha.iiberlaiii-s Slom.icl.
confidence in life insurance gen-imxl ijVer Tablets aeein to bo the
erally. Primitively, every policy- j exact thing required, strong enough
holder in a life insurance company ; ""' ,he ,,u,wl ' "bust, yet mild enough
was accorded a square ileal, n(;t"' Wlfl'.if;'r , hil'lr"n w,t""
, Hint terrible griping so common to
because supervision and legislation t I)n,,,lUv,.M. My n s w,.bKtw
than now, imt &(',,., Cdora. Onturio.Cnuadn. l-v.r
! i Orders taken for Tailor Made
tho oil ! mkinf nrriinirpmcntis fori
ioun- , " i
b lianl! , , . I
, . . . , . niiivn nm iiiiikc iir.o lllinil
package to most ot the prom-! ...
ide within its , ' i iB Suits, Jacket?, Jjong Coats,
Mr. Street has recently added an i 3 , . . , ,
nexvspapermen ... . 3 1 ji SkirtH and WaistB. All the
,t t , , . : li.f . lUHKiimi runs ami uinii composi- .... ,
ui io: en lei 1.11 isin nine euy oi i
. . ,, . , , "... ., . j tions to the NHjialiBt literature
1 iiiiexiiii- mi; iii.-iejjiuo'i ineir coin-
$ Lalesl Fall and Winter Styles
B Corntib-lo lin of pamnles.
f - i 1
showing dozens of .shades of
the new Cloths, to choose
from. O U D E It X O W
Tlif ih.lii . fi I 1 1 ntlil-
Ml IIIVI.ll.ll. ,,.l! ll lllV , . . ,
waiters, and renair rinoed scniuM ut
lies came pretty nerr giving way (l ..,,.,. ,,, ,,lu..hnt of what
to the yellow. 1 haa Ixrn paid heretofore. Don't
, tli row away any more hoota and
,. , , , i kIiooh for want of first class reiialra
li.l.l Hf.OIII. 1.. I 1 I.!. ..ill, .-....! 1
.-..1, .w ....... ..v... ."uC:llUt hrlnt, you. work t Sl,ffor,i
with both feet.
was more rigorous
because then ofticers
were merely sale by I. V. Adamson.
I und save money.
Do You Want Lands?
While public laud nerlp is becoiniilg
a scarce article (and eoiiseqiiently a
more exK'iisive one I xve rarely fail to
meet the ilellianda of clients. Any
quantity supplied from the Manliest
legal Hiih-division nil. 'limber nw
well as grazing and agricultural
lands tilled. We xvill be pleawd to
furnish rurtliei. inforniation on this
subject or generally in regard to
public lands. We give attention to
iiujiorfeeted applications or any bus
iness before the General Lund Office.,
Mrs. John Gyrus J
No Poison in Chamberlain'i Cough
aame on xrade anil width of Krad.-K,
time to oonq.lf to nuuie, and lerum of
payment, and tticceaaful bidder ahull
within 10 ilaya after awarding of con
tract furnish a bond equal to the con
tract prii-o to Iij approved. by the Court, I
together with a contract and i-iti.a-tlona
of the work to bo done.
Said hida ahull also toi-rcify whether
brid-ea are included or forda. ('ounty
will fum iah what jirader and acrapera
aa it may have to spare. Hida hIioiiM
he a. Id roasts I bi the County Clerk and
market! "llidii Hay Crook Canyon
Road-" The court reaervea the riht
to reject any and all bid.
J'.y Order of the court made and
entered of record' NovcniU-r 4, ltwrt.
J.J. Smith, Count v Clerk.
mm mm W mm m ajar mai mm a ajF V V-
frSf alk atk atW rfV afW -a rfk a afb rfV a"k ttm a atkj alb A A Jh atk A '
Agency for McCaU's Patterns. Price 10 and 15cts.
We have many henuliful designs in
Kali and Winter Hats.The winter
styles are graciously varied beeominx
111KH is tho keynote. j lint come and see.
The moat cha riiiing hats of the season
are in evidence, including the small
Tognes, Turbans and Mnxine Elliot.
Orders taken for CnrsoU and Ladies
Fashionable Tnilnr Made Suit"
Taylor & McCalllister
1 , , i
From Napier New Zealand, Herald:
Two yearn ago the Plinrnwtcy Board
of New .South WiilcH, AuHtralla, had
an ana I.x hIm made of nil the cough
medicinea that were gold In that
market. Out of the entire Hat they
fon.i only one that they dvcliired
mthh entirely free from all polHons.
This exception xvna Chainla'rlalu'H
:ongli Ileniedy, made by the Cham
Jiorlitin .Medicine Conifmny, Dt
IoinH, Iowa, V. 8. A. The abaenee
f all nareotlcH mnkea tlil remedy
the anient mid In'Ht that can be hnd;
tiiid It in with a feellntf of aecurtty
that any mot her can give It to her
little onea. ChamlerlaiiiH Cough
Remedy ia esiieciully recommended
by Its makers for cougha, colda,
croup and whooping cough. This
Wnshlngton, I. c. remedy Is for dale by I). P. Adnmaon.
A choice line of Candies
und Nuts, also a selected
line of Cigars, Tobaccos
We have an exceptionally fine line of clothing that
is both drcsfy and durable. The reason why that
our clothing is giving such good satisfaction is that it
is made right, shaped right, fitted right and the prices
are RIGHT. Remember this when you arc buying
clothing and eall in at our store and examine our line.
Our line of clothing at d1 A 1 (1 n
is the In-st in the city plU cilKl pli
for the money and are what you have leen looking for
Our Fall and Winter stock is arriving and includes
the best quality in tho latest patterns and styles for
Ladies and Gents'
you to choose from at prices that are RIO MT.
Our Line of Shoes is ready fur your inspection
and is as complete as any in tho city. Wo desiro to
have yoH eall and we will convince you that we are
RIGHT in saying that our goods and prices are right.
Dunham & Adams
Prineville, Oregon