Notice For Publication. " Land Office at Tl.p Pallif. Onyon, cmhUt. ?i. i'.Vi. NOTICS. Taken Up. Tarties owlnu Mr. SdI.wii.hi l.y JC.tie i- heret.y Kfvtalliat II... following note win nn.i uietr nor. m nrM t.amel -cltler ha iiie.1 notice ol his l-' Vntiolial where the titoit ami 1 Hliou lo m.-ikp l.nnl irii l.i upoit of . riln'iltl call ln p;!hl. liii claim. himI that ani.l pro"! lie ! Mis. Vvuul S vl.itni. mailt- U-fore tin" County Clerk, at the:. . .. .'onrt House, in 1'riin j illo. I n g"i. on tin1 Utli .lay of IleceinU-r, 11H. via: Kapotn.ii 11. Moses, .if '"rook. Orvpon, 11. K. No. I.'Tsi), f,.r tin- HKi, SU'i, m:... k.c, . . ni:- xv. . nwu NK1,, v. IT, T. !!.., U. irti:.. V. M. i"r weight a).out lit; lias lall II.. . i .t ! .. ; . , .'omltl'im.. I I w.ier e . luti-u lime.. tic ii it n liii iimiufj t. mu si-a ...... i. . .. ,,.., , . , prove his continuous residence iion ami j '.v s fur t hi imthv ami other' cultivation of said land, via: 'expenses. 1 n i ti irt at this .ittice. (' iii Owner Wanted. , ( n.' da v tnaTv luan.lcl tigntv : on loft h. .older. Avhlto liin.l foot; nnv'.t A tdiort vearlitii; l..ihl f.nvd heifer, 2 alf. Itnind iii l.-ihlo. t i on offofi?" j loft ear. ( nine to tin Caiv.v t'.-t.r : S J r.iu. h mOo ts.nilh f t'i liiex illo : aliout mx week auo. o n. r ol liio !.aii can haw it l.y calling .ilthei" r; ' ahovc ranch an.l paxluir cha cuvk on ; , name. I - I F. T. Fox fit limit f V nrimwtn -m a . . a. r- SMITH K CLKKK d KKCJJi TIONS IMtl.M.V II.I.i: AMI HV.XU, OltHiOX. Take n Up. t'hitrlry ltout.n, Paul H. hi, tmin titck ati.l FliKMt Houston, all of Crock. On iron. , tltPIIll't T v.i t V 1....:...- .'i .'i...., .-;;i-iei, o'id ih' stay lioise: on riht - - --stifle. .1 K joined. Ao'ahoiil il.voars; Notice For Publication. : m'AW roaclnM: weight about !nn. U.,dOt.MTl.I.ill,.,.Wn. ! M..tHT "1 nUt pill,"'l'1'r .tl, half cuvlo.,v i'iv.,H,nl i ! f. .!!..,.. S ,,,,,"'z"" ;,l ,,;'-s lroj.Vt illtf from nniei settler has rilcl noti. o of inicn-i '",,!'- Ati, "'""'t or s; weight ! 1 tion to make final proof in Mijiport of his nl'ont i1". lloio is -!io. Owner ; 5! claim, ami that sai.i r 'f W made can have same hy paying for this .ml. S Wt lietore the County l lerk, of Oxik Couiity. ami all ttlier exHMiso of Ivcvpilio,. ! M at rrineville, On'Roii. on In emlnT IS, 1!HV, I til.KN 11 K. i!;ickso, j vi: Arthur r. Mackey. of Prinevillo, ,,r- ! i;;,,,,.), v0 miles east of IViul' N J Tj con, H. E. SiV.. for the W'U SV',. S. i Jil i il HI ! SiV.. for the W'Jj NW'i, See. , T. li! 15. 17 1!., W. M. He names the folU inj; wnnew,-. to j 1'r.ivv uis eoiumuou'-r.'nKii.e ujHm ana cultivation of said land, to-nit: PUns to Get Rich. ;i!T often frustrated lv sudden William fift. William i:3M u k, Henrv j " ul ".r'-'; w consuranon. Smith, Edward Smith. aU of I'nueville. j ,,r4'1' "! a'"1 's1' lr. Kind's New l.iiV On'iron. N ills. ihev take out tlu MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Kesistor. I which aroclopt oiiJ jdveyoiiane start. Fmv hcadtone - i an.l liy-?.iness t.H. At J. li.Temjileton's Notice For Publication. an 1 1. 1 A lam.-on's dnisj stores ;t"v., Land Office at The la!!es, )rvon. ! gminvtit. Septemlier -Jl. I'tiV I Notice is hereby piven that the following j A JJicious Inquiry, named settler has tiled notice of his j intention to make limit proof in support oi A w'" known traveling man who his claim, and that said proof will lu- made I visits the Orn.y: tra If says lie has liefore the Couftty Clerk, of Crook County 1 often hearil ilrujrsists iii(iiin of at 1'rineville. Oregon, on NoveuiN-r Ssh, J customers vlu nskeil for a couh VM viz. ! medicine, whether it iw wnote.t f.o- WILLIAM II. HAUNK'V, of rnnevilie, Oregon, on H. K. No. JCiTS, for the K',NV XW;N'K!" A lot 1, Svtion 9 Tp. l.'t South, t5a:iKe 1 K. W. M. He names the following witnesses to nm Him mi OFFIOiKS: W. . Booih, Pr.,jnt C M. ELHiNS, Vlc PluiJrnt F W. V.i.!,r.N, Uxsliirr DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, C. M. Elkins. 0. F. Sickt. Fdid W. WilUN. Transiicts ;i (uMiorul Iviukinir Husinc-ss Kxphiinjjt r.onolit and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention ! . Domestic and Imported L I Q U () US,' W I X ! S and C 1 (i A K S ii 3 , : .- H OVSTKK HOUSi: and LUNCH 3 I'rvak-; 6 Pi . : ta n your eneireiies, unit , ill Sr HF.M) . t) l!t)X Ft rim r.Y i i.i f r. t. mx If: ISatKr Shop nnj Kcst.itirant in Connection lit ItCtlvl 3 3i. 0hiimI nil liour-t O'NE 1 L " 'lHV- I'ay or iiluht. lallt.V of pulling up Meals of all Wn.U B TO t.H C T S loonier Fie nml m'rxc.1 toonlor. MaiUgCrS 'akc forth., fnmlly Fish, lia n ml tnnli'. ttystei-H lii Season, I'.ivml For Salo Vour ratrouauc Hespeetfullv Solicited 1 l 1 " iHSSHSSvSSr a r-i 11 - i A I ( 171 . IJF .V i The FEfA Saloon S. hm ROAkK & l-LI., Proprietor. Rj'S i8 -fills Clac llalll g t3 A First Class House 3'Q in l-vcry Kespeet 2 0i n r r t.r ir ir r r n r a i.r r r i.t t r r n JIT. C. &y 1 H hihl they aimost in variably nvoiu- j ! mend t liainls'ilain's t'mii Henu-iiy. ' j The reason for this is t hat they know j j there is no .lanurr from it and that: prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: John LVemarris, W. II. 15irdson, W. II. Kinder, Clyde Kinder, a!! of Prineville, Orcfion. MICHAKL f. XOLAN, Krister. o5f.l Desert Land, Final Proof. Notice For Publication. Ijtnd Office at The Pilles, Oregon. ScptemlT, 2ii, PV. Notice is hereby given that Frank t Fonst,of l'rineviile. Crook County, Ore-, pon, has liled notice of his intention to make proof on hi desert -land claim No. 3Wk for the SK',SV) .v SV,XKj,'; Section 2S, Tp. 14 South, IJanste 14 K. W. M. j before the C.iunty Clerk of Crook County, j at Prineville. Oregon, on the t.lh day of; Xovtnilier, 1905. j He names the following witnesses t.i prove the complete irrigation and reeks- ; mation of said land: j K, A. Davenport, Wi'.Iiam Davenport GeoigeO'Neil, D. A. McDowell, all oil l'rineviile, Oregon. j MICHAEL T. XOLAN, j t",jfd Register. it always cures. There is not the: j least ilnitjftT in jiiviHvf it. and fori ; cottsha. colds and croup it is unsur-j j passed. For sale ly 1). 1'. Adamson. ' i 1 Notice of Partneiship Dissolution. J The partnership heretofore exist-! injr lietvceen Itohert Moore and .Mrs. i Naomi Salomon, is this day iis-j solved by tnutual collst-nt. Mrs. j Naomi Salomon retiring ami KoIkti j Moore coiitiniiinir the Inisiuess. The j said Kidn-rt Moore will assume all) iudelitciluesss ami coHii-t ail accounts! due the tirm of Salomon & Momv. j Mrs. Naomi Salomon, Itol.ei t Mooiv. Dated this 1st day of tu-toU-r. l'.la." Full of Tragic Meaning. am g'j CHOICEST BRANDS OP LIQOURS, W1NI:5. and CI0AR5 ffioarc & Datily Kino A Vinos. "Liquors, C i rs , Dm It. tintl HottltMl Hoof. Sooci Zftiiliard Vabh in Connection old stand on Ifaim Afreet v4 ')(()() Telegraphers i N E ED ED ,un:iT!y t.. fill the i'.t rovitleiis erfHe.l liy rai!r.iil ami Tclcarsph i'ompini. want Young Men a l Ladiei of i;,k1 lul iis TO IB TELEGRAPHY AND n. H. ACCOUNTING Wo (nrnSh m r cert of the ep.-rntor aiht St:ti;(. Avul in A EiH'ricn. .hir soluhiN are the !.iri;et exclusive Telt-trah S.'hcoN IV hi K won! li. Ks:dlt!is!uil ;u yeurs ami rcihxsed hy all Ica tme iUihvuy o.'ti- c:i. We execute b r.'O huul to every stmleni t" f 'lrnisti him er her 4 iwisitiou pvini; from .c loi h moiiiti in S;nt e.ixt ,,( tjj ICis'k. Momiiiiins, or from f 'i tn ;m a m.uiiii in suies et vi the l;rki', immk- lll VTBLV Ci'iiN t.K .tlCAT!iN. Siudcnt. rii . n'tt a: .-i:,y tleie. N.,-. K,ir (nil Mirtn", reianliu any of our s, h.K..- write ilire.-t tu our exeeuiii "rtice at cine nsaMi. O. free. The Wma Um cf Wmk Cincfr'atti. Ohio. Atlanta, Ga. Tckarkana, Tex. Bulfaio, N. Y, LaCroise. Wis. San Francisco, Cal ! "t BBs?ismm vssshej; mmjtju i 'NEIL BROTHERS lisiIANIKO WAREHOUSE COMPANY I $ Prinevillc's Wholesale L Fine Wines, Liquor iquor House s and Cigars, also 1 BAU SUPPLIES I'aJ . f3 Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer and the Famous Napa Soda j Xxcxclo Sollcl'tocl e-N". f '4f are uiee lines :rttn j, ti. Simmons, ni i Casey, la. Think what mijt'it have re-i J suite 1 fnun his terriMe cugh if he hud j f not t;.kcu the medicine altntit which he i 4 The Whole Thing irr aa Eg? Sk!l that Notice For Publication. Laud OrUco at The Dalles, Oregon. Scjitemher "in. Kurt. Notice is herehv eiveii Ihnt tie follow- im named settler has tiled notice if her i tliroat ami Itltlg writes: -T had a fearful cou''0. disturhed my night's re.'t. 1 tried every thing, lot nothing would relieve it, until I took Dr. Kind's New Itisct.very forOmiiimjition, Couzhs, and Colds, wliich oouiplcU-ly cured me. ' Instant ly relieves and permanently run all liseases; prevents grip intention to make final proof in support of :lntl pn-nmona. At J. II. Tetnpleton's her claim, and that said proof w iil Je i and I. I'. Adainson's drii2'st.s; cuar made lK-ibre the County Clerk, of Crook j anteed ; 5tV and fl.(M. Trial hottlo free. County, at Prineville, Oregon, on Noveni-j her fnh, Vfti, viz: j l.OTTIK A. CHAIN ol l'rineviile, Oreg'iti. mi II. K. No. (,pl.s. j for the XU SH'if. NVl4 SE',,' A SW, i NK' ; of Section 4 Tp. 11 s.mth. Itunge 17: East. V. M. She names the f.illowinjr witnesses to prove hercontinuo'.is re.-idence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: V. II. Kinder, Edward White. UM!ert V. Harrington an.l John Wad kins, all oi Prinevilie, Oregon. M1CIIAEI, T. N'oEAN, ' Iteinster. Timlier Land, NOTICE Fun Act June 3. 17. i'UBLiCATION. Notice of Final Accounting In the m ,tter of the K-tt .f S. I'. Ii..nkcl Deeeaseil. Notice is herehy piveu thitt the inulersigneil, tl.c ailmiiiistrator of the etnte of S. r. Ixi;l;..l. h'l't'.'iM-'t. has liiett hi fiiml atf-ouiiliii ii tmini-traiiou i f sai.i estate, an.l the Honor able County court for Crook c.ninty, nreemi. lois ?tt Monday, th (i:h day of November, Uw"., at 10 nViock a. m. at the County Court mom in Prinevilie, Oregon,., the time and iilace i"'ir the heariuR of sm.-li aeeouiiting. At which linie anil plHf e !iny jierson interested in mi.i estate may file his objection thereto, if any tnere be. il. W. Donkpi,, Ailiii-InistMtor of the Kstate of S. 1'. Donki l, iHccyseii. Dated tins tth Ioy of October, IWi",. j !! !l ! i- ; How to Oct 200 Eggs, a Year per Men 13 ; j is- --- -v- -V1( i i; 4 4 TilS Hamilton Stables Hs-ikI l.ivtry At I ransfcr I'KINFVH Li:. OKF.fiON Stock 1";irJoil iy tl.c day,; rr month nt I'veitsniiuliie nitos. Ilemcnilior u.s when in l'rineviile. Kates Hi: .sonaiu v. V lutve Fine Livery iigs For Rent g T Unit in Connection with the p. nI I.ivrrv Slahles The 5.on(3 vi'.' -Mc-th-xi of r..xii;tv f:int'ir Nuupson which ! k;iwn to w , . . p ShaniLo, Oreifen. Rekeral Storage Forwarding AND Commission Merchants lhnlerii in lUacUmith Flour, It;trhitl Wire, Nails, (Ytwttt, I.inie, (u Oil, Plaster, Sulilitif, Won! nml tirnin, Sucks nml Twilte, tlruiii nuil l'Vctl. Audits nr Wasco Wiireluuise Milling ("o'. "Wliite Kiver" nml "Italics I'ntent" Flour. Highest j.rice J'lliil lor Hi.leH ntlil Pelt. Sm ial Attention is mhl to Wool (ira.ling tm.l Kalincj fur Kasfern Shipments. Stock Ynnls witli nil the lulot nml hest fitcilitiit (or llniiillang Stock. !..' one of the profit from po !u'4ti:nirs lie: ai !e Pou'trv st nieac of making . Itrv. Som of I he tliiter Iti.Toi'cr "iock : I'mfit- k.l.S.ilg: I'M.- 'i l; I'liited States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, August SfltU 1WC Notice is hereby jiiven that in com pliuiice with the provisions of the act of : Coiipress of June :, IS7S. entitled "An act Notice of Final Settlement j In the mutter of the Kstste of Elijah M. Mar- ; nett, Deceased. Notice is hereby civen that I). W. Harnett. ! t hp nit in in isi r:. (or r.f iltn ,.f !!;;.. .. vi forthe sale of timber land in the State Rarnett. .bcea-e.l, bus rent, -red and p'retiled ril ( ahforioa, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash-j for setii. m.Tit, ainl rii.-.i in this i.v.nri his iii!:ton Territory. ,- as t-jtended to all the J tiual aecoiimiiijj of his adminiMratioti of (.aid Public Land States hy act of Ailjtil-st -I, I c-'ate and that M')n-lay, the I'.h !y of Dei.-., ltti James M. Heiikle, of Orizztv, fount v ! 1!!u:'.a' ten o'clock, a. m.. at Hi- Coumy Court of Crook, state of Oregon, has this da filed ! ,0"w !" Prineville. Oregon, has been duly a in this otlice his sworn statement No", "risl I I'"im"i ''" f"r the '"'craent of -aid for the purchase of the Ed XK, oi i ZiTl' T-" """'' o ,. ... .... ,. j niter, steil in sani es:te may apj.i-iir and object hecUon No. M, in township No. U S., I to sl .iual,.. Rantte No. 15 E., W. M.. and will i Ii. W. Ii w.nktt. oiler proof to show that the land I Administrator of the i -lute "f K!:jh 11. Ibtr- sought is more valuable for iu timber or !"'-" fll-c fl-ed. stone than for agricultural purposes, and I '-"''ct this Oth day of O'-t., I!r. to establish his claim to said land before ! - - County Clerk, of Crook county at his office in Prineville, Oregon, on the JOtU day of December 1(105. f bis , f tt..t.ex: Keuit:e tor K.;,, hinr.j the M'l". it: Kwiiimn- so;: I'oi.lirv a:, .1 l:-isl;ii -j.; Tr.ip Nests, wilbpiin ;in,i i!:us'tr.-no. This, chapter i, chiIi !i;e pr ce ot t:,e book. Te!N ::- practical way to nsiike poultry x.j. price t?K. Our p-iper yl Agricultural Magazine wi:b Household. Potiiiry, Horticulture and Dairy Dcoartments. i) rincvillc-Sliaiio Stage Mark Your Gccds in Care of "S. W. Co." J WWW WWWiWWw St I rtrm, tr.v irinrirmrvi, .Sill iscrption t-ra e $l.oo. our montlilv nto your c l.i send the pa;.er one year Practical Poultry Manna! Ux To ihtrodi: home vi' wi and A cents. The Pacific Tree and Vine I'ark Hotel Bldg., San Jose, cIif.,nia Daily Between Prinovillo and Shaniko SCHKDi;i,K I-eavcs ishaniko, (i p. m. Arrives at rriiieviile (! a. tn. Leaves rrinevi!!e 1 j. ni. Arrive at Shaniko 1 u. tu. First Class Accommodations :1 EieAL. H i il F.iJEE M I To A1 Our Subscribers He names as witnesses: J. '.. Newi.ill, of tirizzly. Oregon. P. Chitwood, of Crizzly, Oregon. T. Buclianon, of Grizz ly, Oregon. I-om Clcek, of Prineville, Ori K"i. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this otlice on or before said 2Hh day of December, V,K)o. M1CHAKI, T. XOLAN, "''r'l Eegisler. Notice of Dissolution. Notice to Creditors. j Kstatc of Jaine.i P.. MaeGrogor, deceased: ! Notice is hereby given by tiie under-; signed administratrix of the esiatcsofj James II. MaeCregor, lieeeased, to all! per-ons having claims against said de- ' ceased, them-with the nece-sary ! vouchers, within six months from the date heri-of to the undersigned at tin: ollice of M . It. Elliott in Prineville, Ore-1 gon. M. K. Ki.t.ioir Administratrix of tin: Estate of James J;. MacGregor. deceased. Dated this lath day of Oct., KAl. "I don't thin we ecnld xn home without Thedford'a Black pratignt. Wa have used it in the i-imily tor over two years with the te-.5t uf reaultti. I lmVi not had a doctor la the bo?n for that lenKtrj ot time. It is a dontor in itseif an t alvvaya rarty v mats a person well Because this great medicine relieves stomach pains, frees tho constipated howela and invirror ate tin; torpid liver and weak ened kiduevs The partncfsliii) lieretoforc exist ing between I. Michel, I), p. Stownrt anil J. E. Stewart in this d;iy dU-! appointed the follow ing named persons Holved by unit mil eminent. I. Michel ! (iePu,y 8t"ck inspectors: Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice is herehv yiven tha T lm retiring timl 1). V. Stewnrt ami J. E. Ktevnrt contiiniiiu? the business. I). V. Stewart nml J. ;, Stewart will asKtnne nil imltditeiltiesH and collect nil neeounts due the firm of Michel &(". 1. Michel, J. E. Stewart, 1). F. Stewart. September 12, 1905. 1'. Cart w right Jim Woods, E. Sparks, A. Morrow, K. M. Smith Roscoe Knox, J. S. I'ogue, Alex Mcintosh. I.'. S. Ctwles, E. li. Dean Joe 11 inkle, Stock Inspector Crook County, Hay Creek Ash wood Sisters. Haystack, Paulina, Post Itosland. Hardin Hay Creek Hay Creek is rieoe..nry in the home where ihedfords Black-Draught jg kept, lamilies living in the country, miles from an, plu-si-cian, have been kept in health lor years with this medicine as their only doctor. Thedford'a Jdaik- Draught cures bilious Jies3, dyspepsia, colds, chillsand fever, had blood, headaches, diarrhwa, constipation, colic and alaiwt every other ailment became the stomach, bowels liver and kidneys so nearly cou trol the health. THEDFORD'5 fl Ew v?b CM . . BBSI THE GREAT AMERICAN FARMER Indianapolis, Indiana The leading: Agricultural Journal. of the Nation Edited by an Able Corps of Writers The American Farmer w the only Literary Farm Journal published it fills a position of it H own and has taken the leading place in flic homes of rural people in every seel ion of the United States: it gives 'die farmer and his family Kriinel hing lo think about aside from the humdrum of routine duties Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLON L. COODE Sonera laqcsynithincf IIoKsKviiopi.vo, '(Mi Wouk, kt, N'HATI.V AM' I'litiMfTI.V IloNK Wit k.n ir i Hoxk 15 v : : : fSaoman dt 7oore Satisfaction .Will lie Guaranteed Think vi m.k, OltKCON, r. i v. J r.t t j r i k 4 ri r r.i t 4 n u ri L. A r.t LJ r. i t j r.t u r.t 1,4 r.t LJ r.t Li rt :t i.jiji;jtjmjTuiji;jL.JLj.ji.ii;jj,k.jk.jKji.j !j 8 q TJ jj aJ) i -j 5 When in need of Lum ber, Shingles, Mould ing, Doors, Windows or Glass see SHIPP & PERRY For Prices on Them. 5 I S ..Henderson & Pollard.. Within Hie Next Thirty Days We Offer fir thi Fries oT Ous Tb CHOOS CBDHT JOHBIAL The Leading County Paper and TH 12 AMERICAN FARMER Both One Year for $1.59 This iniparalled. offer is made to all new subscribers nrid all ones who pay all arrears and renew within thirty days. Sample copies free. Address: CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL, PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Wines, and Liquors, MS ZUKfo FinestGiars MM Jn Stock. (Bountry Orders Solicited First Door South of Poindexter Hotel. 'owe! I irllrlSrlBOiMS -Tonsorial Artists.