LLJJ1 J. W, llctnlcmoti I visiting In Port land; lr. Clark ha returned from a pro ffHMlounl vlnlt to Minim. II. F. Jone ami County Surveyor C. A. tirave ret nriieiL t Id week c r.vi U JLJ r 1 Lj- i & LOeaL MENTION T. M. Itiildwinrctiinii-dftiiluriluy evening from 1'urllnnil. Hlii-rlff NiiiKIi tvliinii'il lioiiii' Kniiir diiy evening (rum l't t ImikI. C. A. Wlitlwll mum In the i lly this wwk (rum IiIm much nt Culver. (leurge O'Ni-ll' til ii riicil wkIitiIii.v f i i iii 11 ImimIim-mn trip ti I'm 1 1 mil. Knox I1iiIhii n-turiicd ttic IIi'nI ( (lie week (rum I'orl In int. Chester Siiur mikI wife returned Tuesday evening (nun I'urthind. County Judge V. A. Ik II returned Mmiihiy evening from I'm tlninl. Mr. nii1 Mrs, A. C. Knlghteii wctv In tlii city fur n few day this wink (rum Howard. Mr. mill Mr. t, A. Booth returned Hnturdiiy evening In mi u vUlt hI I lie ' In mill ( lurk (nlr. Mayor Wiir welter left Wcdiiesdny tiuiiii (or I'liriliunl on a htiMlness trip. J. A. Allen wns H business vlHltor! during t ho wiek (rom IiIh riuuii nl Hay Creek. Ovid ltlley mul luolher were In Hie city (lie tlmt the week from tlielr rniicti n few mile Mow Bend. Mm. Ollle I'.lkliiH reliinieit this week from Portland w here she linn lHeil spending the "Mt few WeeU, Win. Admits In Ilium' ugnlii lifter nil uhseiiet. o( live week III I'urlliinil where lie was n witness In the la ml I'll. J. It. Cornet t mul wife o( llowanl. Crook county, (urnier llnlsey sople, have Invii In the illy. A II m uy IVmiM-rnt. Mm, C V.. McDowell reluriieil SuHintiiy evening (rom rorilmnt where Mhe wan Hiiiiunoueil n n witness In the lain! ruses. Mix. J. II. Mailer mul children, who have Urn sH-uillng tlie mt tliree nioiilliN nl the oust mul In Portland, returned lumie yesterday evening. Mr. niut Mm. K. 11. Smith returned Nimdtty (rom portlnud where they have lcii the past month. They came In by the way o( The Dulles nml tlie Wnrm Npiinn Agency. Mm. I,. N. Liggett mul daughter. Miss r.thel I.lukTlt. fxiHi't to leave xi ii n alter the first ol the inoiitti (or North Yaklmit. Wash., w here they will make tl-elr (mure home. IV .-.n ' -.i-rt, wife r.tid children. i 11 .,n!i mul MIhh IUMle Hobhs i s i-n ii lioi i lliuterii Oregon thin ,t U nt tin ir old home near linlcs vt.v Uimiiirg rinliiitenler. I he Itev. J. T. Moore will inneli next Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock itt the t'liiyMMi school house on Mill creek. He will preach at the t'lilon church In HiIh city at No. in. P. It. Polndextcr nml J. II. tiray were passengers on Monday even ing's stage, coming from rortland where they bud Is-cn witnesses In the laud nmoi, The Itev. J. Anthony Mitchell I 'liven the hist of this week for Slxtem when services will Is held In the morning at the liesert school house and In the evening at the usual ilace. MIhh U-tha I'ergUesoii lett Sunday for The Dalles when hIh will enter St. Mary' academy. A farewell imrtv wn irtveu her Saturday even- Inn at her home ly a iiutntN-r of young friends In the city. Mm. Sarah 1". Adams formerly of Allmny will In Rind to have tin ladleH call at Mm. Pickett's and wi lier new embroidery ' nut terns for dollleM, sofa pillow, dresser scarfs, nhlrt wnlst milt etc. Instruct hum fii to purchaser. "An Kvenlng wit liChurlcK Dlckeiui" In the title under which the rrenhy terlan LakleM Aid Society will kc an entertnlnmcnt one evenliiKdui lntt court week which ImkIiih Octolier HI. Th program w ill npix'Hr In the next Ihhihi of the Journal. "If thU rain hud only come In .lunp," wiim henrd ninny timet thin wiH-k, but It didn't ho the country has to make the inont of It. The molnturo wan very acceptable any way nml will make the raiw Rood for fall feeding. Arrangement, have Imimi made for an entertainment for the club lneiu- bem which will be given In Athletic liall next Satunlay evening by the Ladle Annex. A niUHlcal program In charge of l'rof. Henry will bo given and other entertalnlngfcnturo are down for the evening. - Claude Tcrw llllger and Alva llor tou will leave next Sunday for Port land. Mr. llorton will vlIt a Hhort time with Id parent at Corvnlll beforo rcturniiiff here. Mr. Torwll- llger will vlHlt the fair for a few day and go from then to San FranclHc-o, ' thence to I'ueblo and from there to hi former home near Knuna City, With the beginning of the Hchool year the few vacant room and lion!- In the city are greatly In de mand anil many are now wondering when Hhelter will be found during the winter. Empty hoimes never are plentiful In l'rlnevllle and at thl eaon cpeclally I the fact brought Into prominence that a few thou- Hand dollar exiiendod In the con structlon of Hulmtantlal cottage would bring a good return to the man whoo Idle money Ih earning lei thn n -Kl per cent. Ike IHet In and wife arrived hen from their Crook county home lant Sinidii.v mill are the guext of the latter' par.-nt. Mr. mid Mm. Sa;ii Miller. Their oii l-e I dug over with cattle which were pur-liiaM-d In Crook county by V. 1.. Ilewl fur Win Hmiley. Itiirii Time llernlil. Iiiailimii.il to the fliKH) riiclveil (ruin Wheeler euuuly lor nrrentlng and then fiiriilhliig evidence n-ult-lug In the cum If 1 1 mi of the Eilinond hoiih, .linwe Selkirk, the detective whoMpentii year mid a half among the cattle thieve Itefure Id work wiim IIiiImIii-iI, Iiiim iiImh Im-cii paid another fliHHI by the Slate Wool grower' iihmim hit Inn. Slate Engineer lewi and hi n nUiiiiiI, 1'n-il Allen, wen In the city yeMterduy on their way to Shaulko. They had len Mpendliitf the witk making an exmnlmilloii o( the negregateil land of the lechilte Irrigation & Cower coinpauy and the miiuiiht n( laud actually nt hiltn e. by the latter company, Ia TIIIoImoii and W. M. Davey c .line down (rom Eookout mountain Satunlay, ami went ou to rortland to make arraiigeuieutM (or hlpplug Nome u( the material lii-eded In the erection o( the drier at the cinnabar mine. The drier will ! ruxhed to ! completion no that the furnace can Ih w orked to tin (ullitit caput liy a nooii a poMHlhle. Coliincl A. It. (jiih'Ii, rlal ugi'iit of the licpiirtment o( the Interior, accoiiipmiied by . M. Urow n mid Mayor Wumweller, went over to SUterM Sunday inoriilng to look over the land Kclcctluii and work done by the Stpiaw Cn-ek Irrigation company. Mr. ire'ii will make IiIm examination mid action will be taken upon hU n-port. The ranch and proM'rty u( Colonel M. C. Nye on Iry creek wenuld hint week to Ike Ward. The tranter luiiudeM over 1HH) ncreM"uf land. mux) head olNheep. Im-mIiIi'm the build ing on 1 1n proMTty mid a few head o( norm ami cow. The conolrter alloiiwa .'7,iiHi. Mr. and Mm. Nye Intend to inuven North Yakima Moon to make their future home. "The Iteo Muiuit:ilnii r hIiouM pa through l'rlnevllle on OcIuUt 4 or I'liruute to rortland. I.oxt lu tlie iiiouutalu mid wrecked lu gully, nwiMun (or delay," mu.vm a potal ard from Pcn-y Meargle, who I t niggling with the Ntorni In the ItiNkle while attempting to drive hi 15 home power machine through to t he ci niut. U Wlgle wiim In the city thl week from hi Crooked liver ranch. Mr. Wlgle, who I necn'tnry of the Crook County Cattlemen aHia- t Ion, ha iMHiied a call for the annual lui-ctlug of the orgniiUutloti which will In held lu thl city Saturday. (h'tolM'r 11. He Hinted that hoiiic Important bunlne would come up for action and the otllccm hoe to hci a large at tendance. Cnlnui'l A. U. tireon. of the interior depart iiient. wiim Htamling on the corner talking to a couple of bul nin men the other morning, when It hapM'inl that Momeoiie iiieutluii iil the Oreuonlan and it nvent tin foiiudisl attack on Crook county. The government agent. in I led. "You don't want to pay any at tention to that paper." ald lie. "If 1 believed half what I read In It columiiM I would In afraid to come down Into thl country." Count v Clerk Smith Iiiim IhhuciI hunter' llceiiMe to the following pemoii during the pant two week: l E. DongliiH, Hay Creek; Ovid Kiley, F. MeKea, J. S. Smith, J. Frank Stroud, lcni: E. I. Cumcer, Anil wood; I.ee llolib. Dick Vande- vert, J. H. UoMeuberg, T. J. Cramer, W. !. Iturgnmn, Henry E. Unhanl, C. V. WIIhoii, (!. A. Foi'Ik1, anvil Smith, Walter Demarrl. Aivhle Powell, C. E. Summer, P. H. Dunk, II. 11. Holkeu, 0. . Eafollett, L. It. EaMlett, Itob't Suet linger, L. It. Dllllon, (i. W. Moore, C. A. Euelling, Joe Murphy, Albert Hill. t). C. Clay pool. Circuit court will convene In Piine vllle, Monday, OetolKr, Hi. Indlca tloiiM point to a mcnhIoii continuing for ti period of three week and then an adjournment taken until later a It I not at thltinie thought poNlble to llnlnh the w ork of clearing the docket In tin time which Judge l'.radhaw will have to upend In till city. The llt of criminal cue 1 one of the large t in the hintory of Crook county and hows in no small way tlie ipiiet efforts lielng made by the authorities to put the law's shackles on all violator of the statute, the aertion of the On'gonlnn to the contrary not with, standing. lon't forget the cloing out sale at J. F. Morris , tor the way they are selling It will not last long. Many thousands of dollars worth of goods. Including Dry tloods, tlroeerles Wagons, lUiggies and Hacks are In eluded In the sale. Your special at tentloii Is called to the sale of bug gles as having a large lot of them on hand a big cut in prices has been made to close them out, also a small n'diictlon on the Schuttler wagon which Is sold at a very small profit Owing to the excellent material used in this wagon It Is valued for its superior strength, girat endurance, light build and light draft, all of which make It one of the most satis fnetorywagons that can be bought, from Portland. Pat Itoark returned to the city today after an absence of everal month. He ha In-cii Miuliug most of hi time In Sllvaua, WiimIi. The llmt of the dance to be given during the fall and winter I on the calendar for tomorrow I Friday night at Athletic hall. Chan Colby mid wife were In the city the first of the week on their way to I'orlland when 'they will visit the eoMltlon. Dr. liall NevvMoui, who ha Ihcu visiting ill parent hen, during the pat week cxNcl to leave next Saturday (or Walla Walla when- he will continue IiIm medical practice. The cold weather of the pat few day ha not brought a inmiy duck to the Ntremii a could In expected. At leant not many of the bird are iH-lug hot by the hunter who go after them although that 1 not mi Infallible sign that they a li mit when they should ! nt thl hcii hi in of tlie year. MImm I'ua Stewart leave Friday for Portland to meet her mother, Mr. D. F. Stewart, who ha re turned from Chicago and eastern points where nhe has Ix-eti visiting with ivIatlvcN fur hoi in time. They will visit the fair together iH-fon coining home. Preparation are U-lug made fur a musing time theevenlugof Octolr ID, Friday after court convene, when a dance with full trimming will l given lu Athletic hall under the aiiHpice of the bacball a sociatioii. Invitations will In sent to urruuiiiling point and an effort will Ih made to have an large mi nt tendance iin then wn at the F iiirth of July dance w hen over HK couple kept time with the orchestra. The proceed will Ih lined 111 paying off the debt that still n-malii from the Huuuner' list of slaughters ou the diaiiioml. . All kinds of canned goort At bed riK'k price, for cash, at Oi.ovich'h A full line of cured find salt meat mid lard at i.ovku'm. ('nine In and look nt our new Hue of tinware. Warranted (or live year. JuIiiimoii, liooth A Co. Take your egg to (Hover's Cash liris'ery Store If you want the high ct market price nt all time. Where tiwDeerGo. W. P. Vaudevert, who went up lu the mountains prosNvtlng a short time ago, found out where the deer go. The Indian nrnki a men-lies slaughter for the skin and a little of the venison. We saw thne Indian camp within about 15 mile ou the trull," wild Mr. Vaudevert "At the tlmt enmpC. P. lteckernud I counted the bone of '.tl deer. At one if the other i-iiiups then wen fewer and nt the ithermany iimre nut less than V leer had Is-en taken nt the thn-e camps. 1 he woods and trails were full of deer tracks. It rained while we wen then enough to obliterate the old tracks. No new- one took their place. Practically all the deer on lliat range liau isen nuieu ny those Indians. "This explain wiiv there Is de mand for more ami more law for protection of deer. All the hunters. of the Deschutes do not kill half so many aw these wasteful Indians, who go out and literally sweep the range. The hide an tanned and the mi mi wm make buckskin gloves and sell them. The fore tpinrtcrs are dried for Indian use mid the hams nn sold to white jn'ople. Hut the Indians do not stop at the slaughter of dier; we found one place where they had slain thne elk. which Is clearly In violation of the law. "If It .were made Illegal to trnflic In venison limits and buckskin gloves this gn-nt menace to the deer supply would largely disappear. It I the pro'llt tlie Indians get out of it that makes them so active in destruction. For m v part I could not be Induced to eat an Indian cuivd ham or huckleberries dried by Indians, In both cases assisted by their dogs and blankets taken from soiv-back- el horses." Hend Bulletin. att i n g At ONE-HALF Regular Price A. H. LIPPMAN di CO. Don't sell your egg until you see (Hover. He Is nl nays In Hie market mid pay the highest price In Cash. You lire right, we have a line of tluwurt which we giiarrinteengaiiint runt or wear for Five Yearn. Jolm notl, itooth Sl Co, nml we have all the bookn you want, in any grade of public school or any year I u High School: Our list Is complete. We have a full line of school' supplies at UeiiMonnble Price jf It's School Time nml we have nil the book ? A you want, in any grade of S D.P. ADAMSON & CO. ft In fine Sugam, Coffees. Can mil (ionilH, Tobacco, Cigar and Fancy Candle. It will nay' you to see (il.OVKK. ' "Where did you get that Hat?" No dim-niice, you want a new one. We have them and they are right. Dunham & Adams. Wash boilers. niilK pans, xvash IiowIm, bread raiser, etc.. in our new Hue of never rust, never wear out tinware. JoIiiihoii, Kootll & Co. Wt want your sins trade, and are willing to earn It by selling you Is-tter goods for the .money than others. Dunham & Adams. V A W W A AAAA A. k.4 r. i Li r i LJ ri L J r i Li ri Li r n Li r i Li n Li 1 r.-i Li r Li r t Li r. l Li ri Li r. i Li n Li r t Li r Li r.i Li r,i Li r.i Li r.i Li rrt Li r.i Li r.i Li n Li r.i Li r..i Li ri Li r.i Li r.i Li r i Li ri Li ri Li r..i Li r.i Li r.i Li nri LiLJ IN THE FALL It's time to pn'pan for winter. We keep an up-to-dnte stork of W all Paper and Oil Paper of nil weight and price D. P. ADAMSON & CO. We have uwiiwl the Bole agency for tiie Usk Antirustlng Tlnwnn7 which we guarantee against rust or wear for five years from thedate of pun-hnse. Johnson, Itooth & Co. Come to our ston and be "shown" our new line of tinwunv and yon will ls-lieve it Is the lHst ever. We give a five year guarantee on every piece. Johnson, Booth & Co. DIED. II. C. Wilholt,. father of B. F. Wil holt, died at his home In this city at ::0 o'clock this morning. The funeral services will be conducted Iday morning nt 10 o'clock at the I'nlon church. For nil kinds of Cabinet Work rtlHO Better Clnss Cnrpentering Go To A. H. Lippman & Co EQ32r3fci4Tifci) For Cedar Doom . . Window GIhss Taints, Oils -Building and Tar Paper Call on A. H. Lippman & Co Prices Lower than the Lowest Wo F. Emu H-a r d w a r e Implements, Grbceries, Blacksmilhing Supplies, etc Still in business at the olJ stand with a complete stock ol good's. Mail Orders attended to Promptly r..ir.iririr3ir.,irrtr.iririrririr.irrrr."iririrrr-ir-irirrrir'trir"ir"r-(rir,irrr.ir, -taa LJLikiLikJl.JLiLiLiLiLJLJuiLiLil.iLJLJLiLJLiLiLiLi'.Jl.iLjI.iLiLiLjLiLJI.il.Jl.jLiL.jLiL.i FOUSALIOSeeil ltye. Inijulre of Stuoi i' Bkos. O. K. Market. sJS FOH SALE: City n-sldence and thn-elots. For sale nt a bargain. Iiupiire at this oflice. FOR SALE New upright piano. Ileeu used but a few months and will sell nt a bargain. Address H. enre of The Journal. For Sale: One hundred tons of alfalfa bay on the P. B. Davis ranch at the mouth of ISeaver creek for sale clieip or will take cattle to winter. Inquire or address, C. L. IiOEKKTS, Post, Oregon. FOIt SALE; Bntiy carriage and sewing machine, isith giMMl as new, Itflongiug to tlie estate of J. S. Kel ley, deceased, for sale cheap. Ad dress or inquire of M. E. Prlnk, at torney for tlie estate, Prineville, Ongon. For Exchange: A fine home in liogue Kiver Valley, Southern Oregon, near city. Price fJOOO. Also 200 acres coal and timber luud, tl00. Also projierty in Willamette Valley. All or any part of abave for farming land in Eastern Oregon. V. C. 1TRD1X, Box 270, Grants Pass, Oregon. $25 Reward. - The above reward will 1h paid for any Information n'gnrding the whcivabouts of one light bay mare. liranded !Hi under horizontal bar. Few hii dd le marks. Stolen or stray ed from Dingee's pnstun. near Prine- Aille, June 7. 1!HI5. Information should be left at (!regory'sfie(l yard. Prineville. A. llribler. 2 : : Why M. Pay a big price for Shoes when you can buy the best for a very moderate price? The Best is the B. WELL Shoe A new stock to select from at HIDEOUT & FOSTER ? Notice of Annual Meeting. Notice Is hen-by given that the an nual meeting of the Crook County Cattlemen's Association will lie held nt the court house in Prineville, Ore gon, Saturday afternoon, Octolier 14. Besides the n-gnlar iinslness Important pnin-rs will eome up for consideration. A full attendance Is desired. A. K Wlgle. See'y. They Appeal to Our Sympathies The bilious and dyspeptic ate constant sufferers and appeal to our sympathies. There is not one of them, however, who may not be brought back to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. These tab lets invigorate the liqer ami strengthen the digestion. They also regrlate the bowels. For sale by D. P. Adarasou. Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on Mutton, Pork, hand at the City Meat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. Prinsville, At The 01(1 Stand Oregon. Full of Tragic Meaning. are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of Casey, la. Think what might have re sulted from his terrible couti if ho bad not tukeu the medieine about whiolv he writes : "I hud a fearful cougo, that disturbed my night's rest. I tried every thing, but nothing would relieve it, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, which completely cured me. "Instant ly relieves and permanently cures all throat and lung diseases ; prevents grip and pnetinionn. At J. H. Templeton's and I). V. Adamson's druggists ; guar anteed ; 50c and fl.OO. Trial bottle free. A Warning to Mothers, loo much care cannot be used with small children during the hot weather of the sunimea mouths to guard against bowel troubles. As a rule it is only neeossary to give the child a dose of castor oil to correct any disorder of the bowels. Do not use any substitue, but give the old-fashioned castor oil, and see that it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseates and has a tendency to gripe. If this does not check the bowels give Cham berlnin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and then a dose of castor oil, and the difeasi may be checked in its ineipioney and all danger avaided. The castor oil and this remedy should be procured at once and kept ready for in stant use as soon as the lirst indication ol any uowel trouble appears, this is the most successful treatment known and may he relied upon with implicit confidence even in cases of cholera in fautuni. For sale by D. P. Adamson. JOHNSON, BOOTH & CO. Groceries Notice of Eighth Grade Examinations. An Eighth Grade examination will be held In Pi-lnevillo Seiteniler 2S-2SI. Any pupil not having priei- qualifl- cations for entrance in the High school will lie given an opportunity to take examination at that time. C. B. Dinwiddle, County School Sup't. Don't Borrow Trouble. It is a bad habit to borrow anything, but the worst thing you can possibly borrow, is trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, weary and worn-out by tlie pains and poisons of dypepsia, biliousness, Bright's disease, and similar internal disorders, don't sit down and brood over your symptoms, but fly foi relief to Electrical Bitters. Here you will tlnd sure and permanent forgetful ness of all your troubles, and your body will not be burdened bv a load of debt disease. At J. II. Templeton's and D. V. Adam son's drug stores. Price 50c. Guaran teed, ' ' . - - r,.a L J is a L J r..a LJ r.a LJ r.a L J r.a LJ r.a CJ r.a L J r.a LJ r.a LJ r.a LJ ra L J r.a LJ ra L J ra LJ r,a LJ ra LJ ra LJ r.a L J ra LJ ra L J ra t.j r.a LJ ra r.a LJ r.a LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra L J ra LJ ra L J ra LJ na LJ ra LU ra LJ ra L J ra LJ AM EIGHT II PEICE ' QUALITY THE FIMST Our stock is complete in staple and fancy groceries and is large enough to fill your orders. Give us a chance to figure with you on your winter supply. No matter whether it is large or small We Qan Save You Money . WE CAI FM Y0UE .BDER JOHNSON, BOOTH G GO. rjaraB!aEarar3caBiarac!ariSPi,,rLararac7!rapSrni;3rnr CJLJLJLJLULiJLJLJLJLaLiLULJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLULJLJLaLJLJLJLULJLLJLJLJLJLJLiLJLJ r i Li r i Li r i Li r,l L J ri L J r.i Li r.i Li r.i Li LI Li CI Li r,i Li r.i Li r j Li r.i Li r.i Li r.i Li r.i Li r.i Li r.i Li r,.i Li r.i ti r.i Li r.i Li r.i Li r.i Li r.i ' Li . r.i Li r.i Li ri Li ti Li CI Li ri ti ci Li r i ti Li LJLi 9 I I I I I I u-j r..i LJ c.i ri ti El LJ CI LJ El L J ' LJ LJ ta.i LJ to E3 L J ra LJ B.I LJ E3 L J Eil LJ r.a LJ ti L J r.,a L J m LJ E5 L J r.i L J El L J EJ LJ ri LJ r.a L J r.-i L J r,.a . L J i LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ r.a LJ ra LJ r.a L J ra LJ