; : r"tiaara3asra.T&a suit STRAYED From SanJfnwn Mellow, to Imy horc; one branded quarter circle rnuW nhop; one lirsumsl F I V. Both on li'ft ihouKler- FinW plowe notify lt muttcr at Odi'll, Orogon, nJ m-eive liberal reward. Not.oa To Creditor. ! N tli Matter of the KUt of 0. 0. Anita, Dvceaml. Notice ii hereby given to all jwrwuw having claim against said dwcaaHil to preoent the name with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned, administrator of the ntat of aaid deceased, at the office of M. R. Klliott, in rrincTllle. Oregon, ithm nit monthi from the date hereof. Imted this I2nl day of June, 1905. V. A. 1HK)TH, Administrator of the KMalo of 0. O. Anilie, PivcamM. Notice to Creditor. In the matter of the estate of Elijah M. Burnett, docvaard. Not lee i liereh. g"Ven to nil peron i having claims agaiiwt aul det ne,l, to pro-vm the fame to the uiidendgmsl ail- j ntiiiUtralor of said K.Male at the olflcv of M. R. Klliott, in rrinevillc. Orvimii. with the proper voucher, within si month j from the tir.M publication of this notice. Dated this tt'th day of March. i i. W.BAR NKTT. i Administrator of the KMate of Klijah M.j Bamctt, Pecca.ed. k J r .1 L J IV)U 8ALF.. A very doisirable ranch consist in k of 160 aorra. About WJ of which i Krt c! is mellow pint) tituU'r and CI .teres of No. 1 afcrienltuaal l;tiul ; r dirktrntl bv fence. 8 aorvs of which is i r "1 thrvo ycitr-ohl alfalfa and 3 acres in clover. A large strram of pure cMl water teeming with trout rtittniitg through center of place . IuhhI ditch for irrigation purpogoa. This its a bargain. For futhcr particular aod price write or call to tin jovrnal Office, l'rinevillc, Oregon. nrirviririr-irir'iririfir'iMr'tru'trirvvir-ir'inrir'iri ' I -Notice Notice To Creditors. Notice is hereby given, by the uudcr signed administrator with tlie will annex ed of the estate of Thomas J. Powell, deceased, to all persons having claims against aaid deceased to present them with the proper vouchers to the under signed at the office of M. R. Elliot in Prineirille, Oregon, within MX months from the date hereof. Dated thia 4th day of May, fcMS. J. O. Powell Administrator with the w ill annexed f the estate of Tliomaa J. Powell, Deceased, j Desert Laud, Final Proof. For Publication Ijtnd Office at The Pallea, Oregon. Julv t!. lAtt. Notice is herehy given that David I Weaver, of Priueviile, Crook County, Ore j gon, has tiled notice, of his intention to make proof on his desert-land claim No. I 157. for the NK,' NK4' Section 2S .Town- ' sliip It South, Range It East, W, M.. l-e-j fore the County Clerk at the Court House ! in Prineville, Oregon, on the t.h day of tcpleniher, 15. He names the foltoaing witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said land: James Measinger, James Montgomery, J. W. Mcttonigill aud Frank Forest, all of Priueviile, Oregon. MICHAEL T, NOLAN", aSnp Register. Notice to Creditors In the mattet of theJF.state of J. II. Grant deceased. Notice ia hereby given to all persons having claims against said IVce-ased, to present the same to the undersigned ad ministratrix of aaid Estate at the office of M. R. Biggs, in Prineville, Oregon, with the proper Touchers, within six months from the first publication of thia notice. MRS. ROBERTA GRANT, Administratrix of the Estate of J. H. Grant, Deceased, lhited this h day of April, 1WV5. UP Notice to. Creditors. IN the Matter of the Estate of Margaret 8. Noble, Deceased. Notice ia hereby given to all persons having claims against said deceased to present the same with t he proper vouchers to the undersigned, executor of the Estate of said deceased, at the office of M. R. Elliott, in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 22nd day of June, lyOtS. A. J. NOBLE, Executor of the Estate of Margaret S. Noble, Deceased. notice to Creditors. Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, j " July 22. H. i Notice is herehy given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aid proof will lie made before the County Clerk, of Crook County at Prineville. Oregon, on Septemlx r IJth, I! 6, via: JAMES C. HOUSTON of Crook, Oregon, H. E. No. t-, for the Lots 3 A 4, Section 19, Lot I, Section SO, Tp. 13 South, Range M East, and NE' NEVt Section 25. Tp. li South, Range IS East, W. M. He names the following witness to prove bis continuous residence upon and eultivatioi ft said land, vis: John Wihuttiiek ll..rv RiirWt.ifT s ii.l Elam Faujtht, of Crook, Oregon, and Wil liam R. McFariand, of Prineville, Oregou MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. jd 2S HEALTH "I dont think we eonht tiouae without Thedrord's Hl'k tmiiRht. We h used Jt tn tti fiutiilv foroter two yers wita th best t retults. I tine t ot bd a d.Mtor ia lh hoo for thst length otlim. It i doctor m itsolt Mid etwavs rMi.ty to makftpsraonwU an.i iinit.' JAiltb ilAii, Jo- SOBTilie, III. Because this prtNtt meilicine relieves stomach pains, frees the constipated bowels and invigor ate tlie torpid hvtsr and irtiik eued kidney Mo Doctor is net-eisart in the home where Tlleifc's Htack-Oraujrht is kept. Families living in the country, miies from any iliysi cian, have been kept in health fur years with this medicine as their only doctor. Thedford's Ulack - Draught cures bilious nes, d,-seisia. colds, chills and fever, bad bkxnl, headache, diarrhoea, constipation, colio and almost every uther ailment because the stomach, bowela liver and kidneys so nearly con trol the health. THEDFORD'S r y t j r i L i r i t. J r L J r t U r i j r n w J r t i. J r t r i V. J -1 L J rt r t t J i r r i . J ! r t r -t t- Jk i t i. J r t LJ r t k. A r t t. i r t i. J i U r LJ r. t W J r -t V. J r t a. J rt LJ r 1 k. J r 1 t. J r 1 Li r t k. A r t j l r..t r i in Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been by the County Court of Crook County, State of Oregon, appointed Executrix of the estate of J. S. Kelley. deceased, and aH persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same duly verified at the law office of M. E.Brink in Prinevilie, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and published first time July 0. Grace h. Kelley, Administratrix of the Estate of up J. S. Kelley, deceased Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of J. H. Har nett, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said Deceased, to present the same to the undersigned ad ministrator of said Estate at the office o G. W. Barnes, in Prineville, JOregon, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated this 23rd day of March, 1905. R. H. BARNETT, Administrator of the Estate of J. H Bar lett, Deceased, pd Notice of Final Accounting Notice is hereby given that the under signed, the administratrix of the estate of Baioma Aldrich, di ceased, has filed her final accounting of her administration of said estate, and the Honorable County Court of Crook County, Oregon, has set Friday, the 5th day of May, 1905, at 11 o'clock a. x. at the County Court room in Prinevilie, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing such accounting. At which time and place, any person interested in said estate may file his objections thereto, if any there be. MARY ELLIOTT, ti Administratrix of thejEstate of r""y Saloma Aldrich, deceased $3 Timber Land. Act June 3. 1ST. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States I-aml Office, I The Dalles. Oregon, June U 1905. Notice is hereby given that m eom i pliance with the provisions of the act of j Congress of June 3, entitled "An act i for the sale of timber lands in the States I of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Wash- i I ington Territory," as extended to all the j Public Land States by act of August . i IM. Ermie Bateson, of Prineville, county i of Crook. tate of Oregon, has this day filed in this olHce his sworn statement No. 2533, for the purchase of the N.',' NWy. of Section No. 20, in Township No. 13 S., Range No. 15 E W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before County Clerk, of Crook county at hisothce in Prineville, Oregon, on the 12th day of Ocioler, 1905. He names as witnesses: A If rot T. Stacks of Lamonta. Oregon, Joseph F. Taylor, of Prineville, Oregon, Samuel D. Pierce, of Lamonta, Oregon, Oreii Waite, of La monta. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 12th day of Octoher, V0o. MICHAEL T. NOLAN. a3pd Register. K 4 WM r t lf.. .J T BiM I III t in sTU a I a sr-ww i lit 1 a I mil llfll . I I J- W 1 111 kv I j H1WII UIIU 1VU1IIJ ft Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice is hereby given tha I have' appointed the following named persona deputy stock inspectors: J. P. Cartwright, Hay Creek. Jim Wood, Ash wood , Sparks, Sisters. A, Morrow, Haystack. F. M. Smith Paulina, Rosooe Knox, Post J. S. Bogue, Rowland. Alex Mcintosh, Hardin U. S. Cowles, Hay Creek E, H. Dean Hay Creek Joe H inkle, Stock Inspector Crook County. WANTED To Work on the Extension of w Sumpter Valley R. R. $2. M per Day Paid For Men ! UN & $150 for Men and Teams j ' 1 Address: ARCHIE MASON Tipton, - Oregon ALL Htlverlisors pslrt to rover the Crook County I'u ltl Mtoultl USE the paper I hut is reiul in the homos o f t lie l e o p I e , t h e 0 Crook County Journal It rtners the field b.v a eireiiiatioii double tltat of any other. i j r t t. A rt t. J r n I. 4 r 1 w A r t w j r i L J r i t. j r i t. j r t L J r i L J r t A r t L J ri L J r i t. 4 r t k A r 1 k. A r i t, 4 r 1 t. A r i w J r. t U'J L J n u i r t w t r t i, j r i v J r t i. j r.n t j r t C J ft 1. A r.i tJ r.t L A ." V A r t L A r n U 4 r.i l j r t v. J r t L X r i k. j r i k j r i. A r t k. A r k j r i Sirtrir-trirsf uirinr ir tiiir lrwiririi'u'V'wrvi lL.Ji, JtJWJLJtVJL JkJkJl JtJlil.Jl.Ji.JLjl JLkJk jl Jl Jk A.k. J1.J n! OYSTHK IIOlISli and LUNCH COtOTI-U r V i j r i k A i rv k.4 ' r t ' k- A r t rii' r l hi tMu n( tilt h.itir ln,v or iiIkIh, MchU of nil kiinlrt c i(l to order, ri.-.li, tlaine, fo.l t.vl'r in .S'liMon. O'NEIL BroOiers Managers O O V IIIHkll It lv- lallty of piilllli ii to order t'lin aul t'nki a for (lio fninll.v triiilo, HivihI l or Niilo lis A'mif Piti-i, i. .. ...... r.. it.. - c..it..i.i i uii outlV tW.'I'VV 1 1 III! J Cl'UVliVU IA n & ? tTc & ?4 4 b iU n 4 fa 4 4 1? 1T4 & a 2 ffioarc & 'Danit & : H IDi-nil mxl Uoltlt.tl lioor. v' fA St Sood fitWarct Vablo in Connection & jmmm assets wanted (f nix money wei- V 3 "y t'tit yf"i f-'ce've uuil apjnovo of jour Mcyclo. Ta;i DA ':''' Tea Days Free Trisl 1 1) In ilKBS $to. to $24 i f I lis: $7 to $12 4 : I I tf'-l ?i Any inulf, or mmhl you mini at (mr-thi, I u, (!(i JL j ' ''f.K'ir,p11M H equipment on all our bWvelrs. Ztrtii:j.t 7 'iru:. ',. M. tvfVH Bi-. ' ySHlP OiV APPROVAL C O. T. to any t'vili A k-l 1 i h1 m """' ( 'i"f auil alio 10 PATS -. Bi . i U V tiwrWEE TRIAL bvforo uix'iia,o li bmdiuc. fc jiiiiKtj V T ouu vocona nana vrnaeis i-Cfl ml !i I V ' 12 YA1slJ'1 taken In trado hyonr Cldeairo retail toru tld 10 0 it 1 w . I I 1.: a nii r'laKt'N ttllll riitMliit. ifkHrtl a nt wf Ml '."il Hfl KIT P!iV ''leyeirt until Son Imvo rtiK'n for mtr H V'V A' - Ml CUI PtlOEM AkO FRrti TRIAL DFfl Elvs Cream Balm ' This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleannea, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in th Head quieklv. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drags Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Larte Sizp, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York. Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 3, lUOo. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of bis inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk at the Court House in Prineville, Oregon, on September 13th 1905, viz: SAMUEL II. BARNES, of Crook, Oregon, li. E. No. 2179, for the NWi NWJ4 Sec. 9, E NEJ4 & NEJ4 SEJ Section 8, Tp. 19 South, Range 21 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of .said land via : Charles Parrish, L. V. TiCe, B E. Ben nett and F. W. Smith, all of Crook, Ore.. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, 10ny Register. V.1 I ml tt .... J For The bi( E!j,-tde hai ftood for the ELST in the Stwir. f..3"hin a.,ri.( n . . Hwe is Lev L.trtuw; EETTCR Ili tV '-ian CVEi., m! Superior to oil ' 7 ethers. I'usii.c token.,; sch' y ttr. neeik; clt' xhMf.mp, Khuttir: I IZii 1 N -ise,au'.omati - iii'.;iu wmtit r; "eri; ccptx-n tica'I.e bur; i 1 , '(Her i'carili .!(.;!. h.:-f.l Ask .mr .l:tili-i f..r I'n !.':;r -It ' '.:uit i) 11:. I jt:y niiy 'n;.-..; : l:.. t-t :i it. Nation;'! $iw'.r,r ':'x':'ir,: itlivf fonrriiotior r-iu.it; r. f 1. :iitl -l t. ,1 I' 1 ! i cro os 'an mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, Preiident C. M. Elkins, Vice Preiident Freo W. WitsON, Cashier DIRECTOR8: W. A. Booth, C. M. Elkins, D. F. Stewart, Freo W. Wilson. Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention rCTmr IK. Tires. euuiDinent. lurtdrttt anil Mxirtiinr immik i, t nil klmt m Im't nnln, i.ii.-. !tt ,n.r 6ij Ires Sjtitlrj CaUlogue. Contain a wtrld of u-ftil tiifurutatluii. W rite lot It. PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES M lingular price 9u.ou Jr pair. y-zAF-:-jx' To Introduce . "T HZ H:r'7'r wt3 will sen i' wt '1 - ' n You a Sample fiiI Vid J T. ' N wosi'i tfr , 1 - 1 OUT THE AIR 6 SIIANIKO WAREHOUSE COMPANY P Shaoiko, OreKOfl. Reher&i Storage Forwarding AND Si RoKHissioN . Merchants l Iitalt rs in Itbckititiith Coal, Flour, HurWti Win', Niti!, Ct iiunt, I.iint, Ctntl T'lnsUT, Sulpliur, WodI ami (.Jruin, Sat k nml Twiut, Urnio mA VwA. Agpiitu for Wufeo Wart'litui-o Milling CnV, "WhiU llivcr" nml "Dullft Patent" Flour. Hlglifst -rUu j'tii.l ftr Iliths nml I't lu. Sjitvbl AtUMition in Jiaid ti Wool Untiling a ml 1'itling (or Kitfttrrn Bfiijitiun(. StH-k Yar.U with all tlm Irttoat sunl ht-st f:i'ilitlt for llantllini' SlfM-k. P Mark Your Goods in Care of "S. W. Co." te 5i Senercil ffilciccsjnithmg ft--,i . Pair for Only S3 KOBE TROUBLE from PUNCTURES lir" ntniU of I'j vr-ars pxporifiiro In tit-o makinrr. ill EASY RIDING, STR0N3 -fASWc?' il DURABLE, SELF HEALING Ptr4,riASLS, TACKS or GLASS bi-rious j lit ,,, '-,. .. ptitifwres, liko intcutiotial kuifo cutn, can bo f FULLY COVERED bj PATENTS J vulcanized like any other tire. BEWARE CF IMITATIONS l-ni for Oalalomio "T," nhowltiir all klnils anil make of tlrs nl ?rt wr tlr jutil iid si-t Cimsirr-Ilrfiki's, Htiilt-up Wliwls ami Bi.-yi-iw jiinlriM ai Hmll tlio vmual pritsae. Niitk-ti tij tiiirk rttiilMT trtjaii "A" anil iiitfirturv mritH "H" uml "i." 'i'hts tm1 wilt outlast, any oti.-r nmke-Soft, F.Ustlc ami f.asy lilUluu. VI v will Miiu C. 0. D. ON APPROVAL AND EXAMIMATI0N without a rent drpmtt. will allow a camh tltmcount of 5 (Un-retiy Dkin tlii frii't) $i Z0 psr ttalr) If you tJ full eA with orcer. t ires to txi ii-t iiiu a ai our cxiwiim) If not at latartury on 'utmiKiiti,ti. KE5D CYCLE CO., Dept. "J.L."GtliOASO, ILL. f-'- J itnl ill ill nil it ll I ill - - ' -- J TTTTTTTTl'TTTTTTTT TTTTTT n 1 The Whole Thing in an Egg Shell How to Get 200 Eggs a Year per Hen The second edition A practical Poultry J Manual is now ready. Contains anion other things the famous Simps'. n Method of Kueding, which is .'- 1 one of the best means of 111 ikuitj ,t profit from poultry. Some of tiie chapter T headings are: Brooder Chicks; Profit- fable Poultry Raising; Principle Diffi culties; Remedies for Roup; Durinfj the T Moult; Economy in Feeding; Poultry as a Business; Trap Nests, with plans and J illustrations. This chapter is worth the price of the hook. I ells the practical J way to make poultry pay. Price 50c. i Our paper is a 32 page Agricultrrral X Magazine with Jlousehold, Poultry, T X Horticulture and Dairy Departments. i Suljscription price $l.oo. - J To introduce Our monthly into your 4 i home we will send the paper one year J and A Practical Poultry Manual for 35 4 t cents. J I The Pacific Tree and Vine I When You Qome i To Portland Make your jilariB to ntop at a home-liko hostelry; u placo where you will be shown every courtefiy and treated' as you fk would bo in your, own home, town of city 7 P rirtrvtririnrini'iririnirtriririnriririrvinnri i.ji.ji.ji.ji.jiji jwjk.JUJt.JUjr v.jkJkJk4UJkji.ji.jkJkJi.jiiJk A r.i l- A f 1 Li r.i .A r.i . j r 1 t. j r.i Il J r.,i u r.i k J r i ij r.i t. J r.i Lj ri Li r 1 KJ r 1 u r i u r 1 L J 1. r 1 w J r.i k A r 1 W A r 1 L A r 1 rt L J r 1 W A r 1 c J r 1 i. j r 1 k' A r 1 k ri k j r 1 L A r 1 k j r 1 . J r 1 1. j HditwKHiniKlMi, WtMii) Work, ktc, N K A T t. Y AND I'ltOMPli.Y Dl)NK W 11 k.n it ih Donk I'.v : : : S a to man & 7Joore Satisfaction Will lie Guaranteed Phinkvu.i.k, OltKtlO.V. k -kjkk Jkjk Jkk JkJk Jk'Jkf k ik JkUkLJk Jk JkLJkik Jkjkj Tjr g " IttI ""' ""CD JZTv When in need of Lum ber, Shingles, Mould inn, Doors, Windows or Glass see SHIPP & PERRY For I'riees on Them. 1 i IS 'ark Hotel Bid,, San Jose, California THE FORESTRY INN h fucIi a place! and it stands 'within one, block ' of the Exposition Entrance, on 35th Street facing Upshur. TIIE FORESTRY INN is constructed on the log cabin Btyle; furnishing, cuifine, and management conforms thereto. It has 150 large commodious rooms, all opening on broad, cool verandas; with electric lights; hot and cold water and free baths. ' From the roof garden a view is had of the Ex position grounds, the city and surrounding country. Car service direct to all parts of the city, European plan. Dining service a la carte and reasonable as in any part of the city. Price of Rooms, $1.00 and $1.50 Special Rates to Parties of two or more Meals H La Carte THE FORESTRY INN, Inc. address P. IS. MUTTOX, Manager, or H. flt. F'ANCHEH 2Sth and Upshur Streets, PORTLAND, OHIltJON ..Henderson & Pollard.. Wines, and Liquors, as ff-0 Finest Cigars MM in Stock. Country Orders Solicited First Door South of Poindexter Hotel, -Tonsorial Artists- . v S- .v i