B LOe7iL MENTION Michel Co, iiii JhhI refilled new line of fiittcv crockery, Iwitct hl lr In lin t w cur and Ii. IIn Ml Mli in l & I'ii'k. I'i'Ii'i IcnsomUilc, County .1 nl Y, , from Pun I in I Wi'i Mm. Lmi Hodge fiii't daughters, MI'H Ueorgbl, Stella nirl Holly, rctui iii'il Wi-diii'Mil iv (r mi it vImIi In 1'iii'f liitnl ixnl l-'n.'-olii. 1' mrjplr ' lllgglus cii ii wit It I hem in-r.i list niu lilitnliis. litlll tied It II 1 . v illuming If yon mil n trunk cm II mi Ml. I A ('u. or still i'iimi' Misses lliillli' J 1 1 i ' I Annie (Jiilnn, of (Jrlxxly, were In Jin- city yesterday. hi: mk ros'i i;it. HA I.I'. HlltKOI'T 2vZ cx t t i.rL GT At OM..II l I Kcguliti- I'rlcc A. H. UPPMAN&CO. It l. I.rul. uf Si,t.-i, wis In illy iliirlii Dii- past week, I hi' Coino III mid look nl our new line u( I In win i'. Warranted fur live year. Johnson, ll.mthA Co. All IslinU nf i miuii'iI good lit bed rock pilie. for cash, Ml lii.ov i.ii'm Cloth nml Ii-iiiiIh shoes nt Ml. In. I , Co'. I,ui price, A full lllii' of rinvil Mini milt meats Mini litnl nl lil.ov mi's. For all kin. In of Cabinet Work also ll.-ttrr Clnii Carpentering Ho T A. H. Llppman & Co 11 J'J IT Take your -j;gx to Clover' Cash liroeery store If v mi waul tin- liluli cl market price nt nlMlniin. Iloll'l sell uiir i ju unlit yuii mi tilour. II.' l iiIhiivh In tin. market Mini pay I In1 highest price In Cash. You arc right, vi' Iwiv.' n line uf lliiwmv lil. Ii vi guarantee against rtit or wear fur 1'ivc Years. J..liii hoii, Itooth Ac I u. Where tilt I yuii K'l Unit lint?" No difference, yuii want it new otic, Wchave 1 Iii-iii nml they lire right. I t II fill til A A.llllllH. Ill ftllK Nilgai's, 'ff'I'H, l'lllll'-. liuuiU, Tuli'K-i-'M. t'lu'im 1111. 1 t-'itm-y 'o 111 Hot . ti u III pay v.. 11 in nv i il.llVrit M111IU1 A. C.ik will Univ.. Into t lu ll' iii-w lii'lrk building in-M Tni Hiliiy. Nurrln Morgan wit in tlii- city from Crook 1 In- Hi'Mt uf (In- ui-i-li. I''. ', IbtM'Iff lllul till I'll .1 iiIiUhI .,11 of tin- It. I. & I', '.., were t.Vt-r from lli'inl 'I' in -mi I . i y 1111 11 IniHliii-KH trip. Wiirn-n llrown win In tin' city Tuesday fr.iiii liU lum-h nt lliy- Hlll'k. C. W. Colby was In tin- i lly this week from his hIh'i-i ra m li un iips-r I'ruuki'il ilvcr, .1 II. I'l-ll'I'M'lll WMH II llll-llll'l-M visitor I,i uf Hi., week from his I'iiiii li nil I lie lrlini-11. .Iim' IIimmu'.I nil. I wlfi in-nl 11 few iIii.vm In tliei liy ililn wwk (ruin lli-r I'MIH-ll ill till' IliMl-lllltl'H. I.. V. It.illi.y wiim ilmvii fruiii liU I'niilluit iniH'li 11 few iIh.vm ituriiii; the HH4t Wl'I'll, MrH. li, V, IVleit Mini t-lillili-eti re Iiirneil tin-jil uf the week from n I line we. km' vUlt u I'm llnml. t". P. Nmllli iiinl wire, uf Pilnevllle, mi- llilnu In the el!y. AMiiiny I'i'Iimm nil. For Ctd ir noon Win. low (ilil-H ruintx, OiU Buililiiij; uml Tur V.t r Cull on A. H. Llppman & Co l'rli i-m I.ii wi-r tlimi tin- LiiwvNt .1. !!. Wljtlti itlnl ihiliKhter, llll Ni-llllM, ret lll'lle.l hint I'rl- vhI WV liiive (vlile l the null" njieney fur tin' I.Ihk AiiilniHilna; Tinware, w lileli we Klliii'MlitiH' iiu'iIiihI runt or wenr fur Itvt' yearM fi'uin the il.ile u (Uri'llllm-. J llllllMU II, I'.liulll I'll. V't want j ntir kIkm- 1 rinle, mnl are willing to fMi-ti Ii hy nellliu you lu-tter kouiU fur thi moiy than nl hern. Iiiiiiham & Ailnum. Tin. liitittt Htylin, In I.nille. MIkhi-i nml I'lillilnMiH hutM JuhI nrvlvi'il, nt luwent ire-n. Mr. Sule Slav ton- Hover. WiihIi liullel'H, III Ilk I'tUIN, wiikIi ImiwIk, liieinl raUeiM, i-tt',, iii intr new line Of never fllMt, never Wear ulll tinware. JuIiiimuii. I'.uuth & ('11, roine to 0111 Htoiv am he 'vliown" uur new line uf tinware, nml you w III liellevo ll In the lienl I'Ver. We lilvii a live yeur jjuaraittee on every ileee, JoltiiMon, 1 1 1 14 it It & Co. HOT 15 One of Atlaitisnii's Ice Yniiu Sotlas will rolrrsli j on. I:h tin' Im'nI. For 1111 ivvccllciit dcscrl huy or or der hy 'phone, a IKU-kae ofour Ire eieaui. Jt's sure to please. D. P. ADAMSON S CO. FOR SALK New iiiirltfht piano. Ileen UNi'il lint it few inonthn nml will Nell lit a biii'fj'itln. AildresH II. care of The .Journnl. FOR SALH; Haliy cnriiano "' HewliiK inm-lilm', ltotli gootl ijm new, IicIohkIhk' to tlio cHlnte of .1. S. Kel ley, (UveiiHi-tl, for Hale cheap. Al ilrcHrt or linjulre of M. U. ltflnk, at torney for the est ate, l'rlnevllle, Oregon. m ... , ,.. .. , 1 .. 1.., vv e 11a ve JUKI reeeneu 11 1 v of (jellyTglasses) These CJIiwmoh have lieen Helling' HtT.'teciitH 11 (locen. In order to clear out t Ii 1m lot we nre " Helllnn' them at CENTSlfllDOZEii) CHnn" hiive 11 look at our !,, ,if Fruit UIhIich, Imported nrdlncrH, Kte., Kto. RIDQUT FOSTER m p r,,n.TO hMlTll'H IIAKNK.HS HHOI i FiA I L'Vl'tt M M I n. I Mint. Ci 1 ilny cvciilnn from an exleii'led In Port laud and Valley point. C. M. I'.lklliM Im pi inllilit the Win-li at K"'kiil inuniitaiii vvlu-rellte new rhlUlilinr fili niee w 111 oon In- 11. III pleteil nml ready fur liurulit(; the ore. Mr. I'.. ,. Itra.lfur.l U In the clly, Ititvlnu; taken chnre uf the Ueilliy dtiilui; the almem-e of Mi-m. CIii-Ih CuIiih. , I'l'llei- lilay Mild Pniiik I'uler re turtieil htxt Siimlay from a wetkV hunting trip al llllle Summit Prairie. They MiiTecdi'il In Ki tting four il.i-r. Mk Annie liuniiey and ton re-liiriu-'l Monday cveiiliitt; from Port laml w In n-they have epeudiny; the pilKl lliree lllolll Iim. MrM. Mary l' Vnmlrjiool, who Inn Imm-ii Hiitudlnj; w-vernl wi-ekx vIhHIiiu; In the lllaim-tte Valley, n l in n -d 'i Ihi'ciiy Tii'-'liiyevciiliin. Mae la Ik ami .luliti Morgan left .ettl'ilay for t lio MatoleH where they will upend a week liiiniln- ami llnhlnjf , .I'd. 11 I.j in In' am I drut Iiith, J a huh and I.ii'. were In town fruiti Alt wooil iluriiiK the piifl wn-k on a liii-dm-Mi t rip. .1. l. Shlppand wif. returned thU uiornliu' from Purl laud whero lhe.v have lin-n hpciidlii a couple uf wivkn Ixlllnn at tin- cxpohltlon. Mix. It. S. limit lu-tun, who hax Ihh-ii vIhIiIih; her lirut her and nNter-lu-law In Prlneville, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilhon, returned home lat Saturday. - Iinllen Chronicle. Mi Verna Howard nturned Saturday evening from Antelope where nlie litm lu-eu Npendiny: the pant few weeks vInIiIiik with relat Ivt'H. Dr. llimeiilii r iieeompanleil M. Dnvey to Lookout mountain the lawt of the week whj-iv the latter went tji maki' an examination of the clniinliar properties. Sheriff smith left fm- Koselmrj: last l-'rldny In charj;i' "f prl-ioner ar rewteil at Nlhlern on 11 warrant sent hen.- liy the authorlllcM la the Valley town. V. A. Month ami L. A. I'.ooth re tnrm-il Sunday fruin a three wivkM' out Ins at lite head of the Wlllianiet te nml DesclmlcH rlvt th. They report a Kplemtlil time and Home good porl It. P. Lons' and liny Kinney re turned the ilrnt of the week from Portland and the Willamette Valley w here they have been upending the pant few weeks. L. S. I.ogan wan In the clly the Ilrnt uf the week un liU way to hln ranch 011 Camp creek Trum Portland, where he linn la-en Hpending neveral weekn. LOST: Hold hunting case watch, llockford movement. Kugrnved jm both HldeK. r.laek riblion chain wdth gold full. LoHt lietween Willow creek and (frizzly I5utte. Sultaldi' rewunl If returned to thin olllco. 8I1U W. II. Kinder Hold IT) lu;ad of stock cowh hmt week to Joe Hun Hivkerfor $ 10 per head. This is n top notch price for this season, and may bo Indicative of n general rise in cattle. j Dr. Harold Clark, Dentist, Is now In this city prepared to attend to the wants of any one desiring dental work done. T huso who do, should have it nt tended to at once as he will leave again about the 1st of September. W. M. Dnvey, ono of tho owners of tlie cinnabar milieu nt (Jundaloupe, California, arrived In the city the last of the week and has gouo to Lookout mountain to spend several days looking over tin, properties there It is probable that ho will re main In t he camp" until tin furnace has been fired, which will be tho last of this week or the (lrst of next. ( uiiureHHiua 11 J. N, U li;i iiimuii re lumed tin- hint uf the Wild, fruiu 'J he Dnlli'K. He mid Win Cumin ninde h nip to I.oukotit mountain Sunday 10 vlflt the Alamedaii mining property. Cuiinly MMKi-Hxur J. D. I.nfolli'tt Is revising liU I't-iiHtH lihiukH mid mak ing a Hiiinmary f his vvurk as fast iim p.iMHllile, nml It Is pl'iilialile thai Ids report w ill In-given to The Journal fur plllillrntli.il III next wii'k'rt Immih- Ike Ward will lu-gln building ' house un Ills elly pruperty next wii-k. lb-bi-giiu tearing down the old resldi-iiee place todiiy. Ivl llar blu has tin- t'ontni't for tin; new building. Mr. ami Mrs. Alfred C. Mueller, of Davenport, Iowa, and Miss Nell a lillll, of Cl. vt land, Ohio, who llaW Imi-ii Hie gti' sts uf Mr. mnl Mrs, W. P. Vamlervert at Lava I In- pilot two weeks, were III the clly this Week on t In ir w ay i-nst. II. C. lCIIls ami wife were over from lielld Sunday, iiccoiiipauled by Mr. Kills' pan-ills, Mr. mnl Mrs. Llls KHlc. who are 011 their way to their home lu I-'ni-pui't, Illinois. They have been nN-mling several weeks vlnltlng at II. lid. lice Wlglt returned the last ufthewti-k from a trip to the Portland exposition and CorvallU where he vUlted with rilallvt-S for 11 short time. Guy Muure returned with him m'l'iiHK tfte tiiouutalus mid will visit or Item f a short time. The inula part of the Prlneville Hot. I, one (f the city's oldest land marks, was moved 11 block east, the work b.-lng pra.-tli-ally completed yesterday. Cuntractur Christian, who will erect the new two story brick building, will commence laying the foundation early In the week. F. .1. Cr uiier and wife, of Seattle, have mowd to tV city and will make their M-nnaneiil r.-sldi-in't-here. Mr. I'rauter has leased the Dillon shop ami will coudii.t a generul bhiiksitilllilug mid repair business, making a sM-clalty uf horse sliiielng. Mrs. Kate l-wls, a former resident of l'rlnevllle, came over tin; moun tains hist Monday from F.ugeiie and will remain here for some time visit ing. This Is Mrs. I'wls' lifty-litth trip across the Cascades by the way of ths Santiaiu route. Mrs. U-wls says the mountain roads now, owing to the continued dry weather, hiv lu the worst condition she has ever seen thcin. Lee and Curtis tioodwln were nr. rested near Ha.v stuck last Saturday on n warrant charging thcin with horse Mealing. They were given 11 hearing before Justice of the Peace, O. 1. Collver. and bound over to the grand Jury, their bonds being llxed at Sf.-ilHI. Saturday night they were brought to the city ami lodged lu the county J. ill. Their cne will be tried nt the October term of the circuit court. The regular annual meeting of the Ladles Annex Social and Athletic cluli will be held next Tuesday after noon, September ". The business during the pu year will be review ed and arrangements made for the new work which the members will take up tills fall. After the ad journment of the business meeting it reception will be given to the Annex members. A full nt tendance Is de sired. Will the person who sent Deputy Sheriff J. II. H nuer a small package of Swedish safety matches, properly labeled and tied so -securely that 1t took half an hour to determine the contents of parcel, all o'f which was done In commemoration of 11 little In cident, which occurred recently in Portland, kindly call at the court house and claim the blue ribbons which held the numerous wrappings? Mr. llaner is fearful lest they become soiled lying around In the dust. A forest lire has been raging in the upper'Mohawk country, about 2.1 miles northeast of Eugene, since bust Ft ldiiv. It has covered an area of nearly :U0 acres, and done a great amount of damage. It Is now under control and Us further spread is not probable, but It Is Htill burning tlereely. The tire started from isonie slashings which were burned by J. li. Willoughby, of Eugene, who has a ranch in that vicinity. Albany Her ald. Leon Draper wns adjudged insane last Monday, and the day following was taken to the state hospital at Salem. Din. Uolknnp and Edwards, who made the examination, stated that his mental condition was due to a dissolution of the brain tissues caused from an attack of typhoid fever", from which the unfortunate young man Buffered two years ago. It Is thought that with proper medi cal treatment and the attention giv en lit m In Salem he vyill recover. Hunter's licenses have been Issued during the past week to the follow ing: Peter Zell, W. S. Anderson, (.J. W. ltamsey, Ed Hyde, A. R. East wood. Sicliel Hlnkle, A. D. Lowrey, Jesse Yancey, J. L. McDowell, D. E. llendrickson, J. E. Stewart, Arthur Uarncs, Prlneville; Norrls Morgan, Frank V. Smith, Crook; J. II. Qulnn, drizzly; John Luwler, James Lawlcr, Lee JLnwler, A. Friend, Ash wood; Herbert Hamilton, Antelope; Dan Oreenlinlgh, Laid law; Horace Belknap, Prinevllle. The fixture nre living plm-ed In the new Tcinpletoii building which' will so mi be, I-, ad 1' for ."'en; miry Mi. W'n C.iin'it mil d ('Ua'.-r, ; Mlrs Wi'lu. r. 1 111 11. -.1 VVdiiiTibiy , nioi nl'i.; ii-uia P r'l 111 I wle-re liter j have bi-eii a ! l.a ling I h fair. j MIhh Maude Dublin retliriii'd lnt W1-.l1n1.1lay from a t wo months' v!it nt the Portland exposition mid In Nalelil. While III t lie l it ter city she wns the K'l.-st of Miss i'hodu (Jesiier. I'OIt KALI'.: A second hnml organ. Tills Is 11 bargain the liktf of which you only hnve 11 1 hatiee In 11 life lime to sii'iuv. For pnriiculars cull on or addles. The Jtli:.AL OIFK E, l'rlnevllle, Oregon. A contract for ch-arlug Mud plow big lU(l itcres of hind l.i lug near the old river bi d south of Powell Ibittes has bii-n let to Adam Kotzmmi. The tract Is Included In the ranch owned by J. O. Juliimtun, prcHldeltt uf the Dexchnt'H Irrigation & Power coiiiiauy, who expects to have the major portion of it producing grain next year. The contract price for clearing and plowing ranges from $.1 an in re upwards mid mnouiits to $0mi, an average of fid ja-r acre for the whole trai I. The C. R. Conference of the M. K. church, which has bu ll holding Its annual sesxion lit Moscow, Idaho, attended by the Rev, W- P. Jinnctt. of this city, adjourned last Monday. Tlie lti-V. Walton Sklp.vortll was appointed prei-ldllig elder of The Dail-s district, to succeed the hue llev. Ucorgi) M. I'.ooth, D. D. Rev. .linnet I was reappointed hi charge at this place. lie writes that he will be at home this week and will t-oiidiii-t the regular services of the church next Sunday. Tin- Octolcr 1 1 ti uf tin- Circuit Court, which will convene in H few weeks. Is likely to Is une uf Hie loud est la recent years. Criminal cases are plentiful, w ith good prosiects of the list taring considerably lengthen ed, und tin-civil cai-es will be about mi average in uuiuticr. 1 lie lmiict-1 meiils. which have been returned i against stiM-k rustlers, number a score mid many days will Ik- con sumed In taking the testimony in these cases, Home of which will la vigorously defended. The Ivrham & Cowles sawmill will probably supply tin; Antcloia- ami lower Trout creek regions w 1th lum ber If the exiM-rlniciit tried lust week proves diicci-ssful. A raft containing about .'llMHI fn-t of lumber was floated down the river from tlie mill to a point at the mouth of Trout cnek, and from there It. will la-delivered to Its purchasers on Lower Antelope and near Cross Keys. If this trial proves successful n. considerable amount of lumber will la- Una ted dow 11 the river in this manner. Tlie raft which was sent down limt week was in charge of It. Dellaven of lower Trout crevk. Madras Pioneer. The heaviest wind of the se;iuu blew for two hours Summy after noon, raising clouds of dust so dense that they obscured the huh. Tlie wind storm was unaccompanied by rain and followed up the valley of the Oi'hoco where uprooted pines and large branches and tops of trees how plainly the force of the air current. I'.ay stacks were pretty badly toni to ptaecs, but aside from the partial destruction of several fences which were crushed by falling trees, no other damage was done. Sunday's storm was evidently the southern wing of the one whlch passed up the Columbia, causing considerable loss in Pendlet in and other cities in that region where the wind was strong enough to break window panes and twist things to pieces in real cyclonic manner. Information is being sought con cerning the wherabouts of Fred Mnscher. wlio disappeared from tlie hotel at Sisters h week ago last Wednesday morning. Muschercame across the mountains tlie first of the week and on the morning of his disappearance told the landlord that he would take a short walk before breakfast. Since that time no trace of him has been found. He gave his name as Fred llaner, but an investigation of ids belongings in tlie satchel which lie left at the hotel disclosed tlie name Fred Mauscher written on several different articles. Marshal Harrington, who went over to Sisters the last of tlie week, was told of the matter and he in formed the county authorities. It is thought that the man is mentally unsound and bus wandered off In the woods some place where it will la dltllcult to find trace of him. . JL. JL.J: JUJt' Wc have the best impliment made for -cutting Alfalfa and Meadow Ilav. The Celebrated M sl WW fi 1,. . l If li BIG U MOWER ljUi r i L J r I k J r t L J ' I LJ r 1 k J r 1 Li r 1 IJ r 1 L J r. 1 i.J r 1 1 j ri LJ r i L J r i J r 1 LJ r t LJ ri LJ n LJ n L J r 1 LJ r.l LJ n LJ n L J r t L J r 1 WJ r 1 LJ r t LJ n LJ r t LJ r LJ LJ LJ r 1 LJ ri LJ t I'J "t .J r T V'J nn L Jv J kJL JJi.Jk JL Jk. JWJL U.. v.- fS) ffls O 7357 if stp 5 Foot Cut Jf LJI- Jt jL JL Jk JL JL JL'Jt. JL Ji. Jt, JW JC JL. Jl Ji. JLJLJk JL JC j r.vi LAJ r i L 1 r T L J r i L J 1 L J r. 1 L J M r.i L j r i L J r.t LJ r.i L J r.i L J t .1 M L J r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i L J r.i L J r.i L J CJ r.i LJ r.i L j LJ r.i LJ r 1 LJ r..i LJ r.i LJ ri LJ 71 Full Line of Repairs for Our Lines on Hand. Repair j LJ For 7111 Makes 11 r.Jt L J r -t O P LJ r , . ? L i This Mower has Hisjicr Wheels, Wider Track and More Weight than the regular Mower which makes it stand up to the heaviest work without crawling and causes it to run lighter in heavy work than the smaller machines. We also have the regular machines in 4 12 and 5 foot cut and McCOKMICK Self Dump STEEL II A V R A Iv K S i n 8 , 9 and 10 foot Orders Taken 'V'V.U;: llif mmm Wc Fo (Succennr to ELUINS & KING) r i tty rr j L J ryr.r LjLJ C-1 .LjLjL'-iLL-L-L J thty Appeal to Our Sympathies The bilintii! mid dy peptic Hrecoi.etar.t i uilerem and apx-!l to our sympathies. There is not one of then, however, who may not be brought back to health and j InippitieH hy the nee of Chamberiain'i! Stomach and Liver Tab'etB. These tab- lets invigorate the liijcr and rtrenthen the iliirestion. Thev also rei-rlav? tlie liuweU. For tale bv 1). P. A Ihiiibou. Board ol Equalization Meeting. KNOWN' Aid. MEN BV THESE PKESEXTS that the Board of Eipiali.ation will attend at the otlk-e of the county clerk of Crook county, Oregon, on Monday, the 2Nth day of August, IIK'3, and publicly examine the assessment roll for r.Hunad correct all errors in valu ation, description or cpuallties f laud, lots or other property, and it shall la the duty of 'lersons interest ed to npM-nr at the time and place appointed and if It shall appear to tlie said Board of Equalization that there nre any lands, lots or other property assessed twice, or in the name of a arson-or persons not the owner thereof, or assessed under or beyond its actual value, or any lands, lots or other property not assessed, said Board shall make the procr corrections. J. P. I..VFOI.I.KTT, County Assessor. Note AH partii-s not assessed for the year P.liLI w ill please call at the court house or x'lid in list of assessable properly immediately. J. I). Lakoi.i.ett, County Assessor. h We have an assortment of. Ladies Shoes and Oxfords in both Black anil Tan, which formerly Fold for from $3.00 to o.fX) per pair. In order to close the entire lot out we have placed Uiem in one lot and will let you make your pick of any pair of Ladies Shoes for $2.00 Ladies Oxfords for $1.50 These shoea have been in stock for some time and that is the reason we are offering you such a bargain. While they may be a little out of date in re jiard to cut and style, they are just what you wiy.t for wearing around home or when you po out camping. Then we have a new line of Shoes for Dress, in the late.-t style and cut. 'or both Ladies and Gentlemen, -which we offer at bargain prices. Cull nml nee them. RIDEOUT & FOSTER hoe S h o mm : 5 S s I z l & Creatly la Demand. Nothing is more in demand than a medicine which meets; modern re quirements, for a blood aud system cleanser, such as Br. King's New Life Tills. They are just what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At J. II. Tcmpletons mid I. P. Aduinson'n drug stores, guaranteed. meat, vcguiauics, riuuuuc A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on hand at the iiv ivaeat IViarket FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. prineviiie, At The Old Stand Oregon. Can YES: Then you wear Shoes and are looking for the beat made. We have them, the famous Gotzian A Warning to Mothers. Too much care cannot be used witli small children daring the hot weather of the summea months to guard against bowel troubles As a rule it is ouly necessary to give the child a dote of castor oil to eorrect any disorder of the bowels. Bo not use any tuhstitue, but give tlie old-fashimcd castor oil, and see that it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseates and has a tnndency to gripe. If this does not check the bowels give Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llemedy and then a dose of castor oil, and tho ilifeas may be checked in its incipionry and all danger avaided. The castor oil and this remedy should be procured at once and kept ready for in stant use as soon as tho first indie ition of any bowel trouble appe.in. This U tin most 8 u'ces.-ful treatmeut known and may he relied upon with implicit confidence even in cases of cholera in fantum. For sale by D. P. Adamson. ."JCJwJw iik JL JL jl Jwi r.i LJ t.t L J rt LJ LJ r.i LJ r.i t J r i LJ I'l w:j r.i LJ n LJ r.i LJ r 1 LJ n LJ - r.i LJ ri L J ri LJ r.i LJ ri LJ ri L J r i L J r LJ r.i LJ ri LJ r.i L'J ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ r.i L'J r.i LJ r.i L'J r.i L J r.i L'J r.i L J r.i UJ ri LJ ri l j ' r.i LJ rir.i "innriririr-.r'' IL Jk JL JLJLJkJLJLJL T Walk? 1LJLJLJLJL J r.i LJ r..i L J C.3 LJ ri LJ r.i L J I 1 Shoes We are making room for the largest consignment of shoes ever shipped to any firm in Crook County and will be prepared to Shoe any person who wears Shoes. We carry the famous 'Health and Walk Easy' Shoes for men and women, which have never been been equaled for comfort, style, fit and wear. This is a good spring to wear spring goods. We have the largest and snappiest line of Spring Goods ever brought to Prineviiie, which v ill be ready for the good people to select from in the near 'future. Do not buy elsewhere until you have examined our line. JOHNSON, BOOTlf a GO. arrrr,?r.a LJWUL.!UL;dLULJLjLJL'JLJtJLJLJLJLJLJL r.i i i r,n L'J L'J LJ ta L J r.a LJ r.i LJ ri L'J r.i L'J CI LJ r..a L J r.a LJ ri LJ r.a LJ ra L'J r.a L J C:.1 LJ r.a L J r a L J l.:k LJ ra L'J ra L'J r.a L J r.a LJ r.a L J r.a LJ ra LJ ra L J r.a r.a L J