i'SJ' ii,ilfli;iiijiMiWMW L0Q71L MENTION ON) Michel & To, luive JiihI nivlved n new lint' of fancy i-riN'krry. Ijtlest styh-s In neckwcarnnd IhIik ii( Ml lid a Cii'n. Price reasonable K.voii ii hi n cull mi Ml. hc & li'itnk o, or mmI t i n' 2vL attlri g: AIOM'.IIAI I Kcguh.r IVIcc A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. Come In (iinl lunk nt our Hew Hue of tinware. Warranted lor five CMIH. JollllHOll, I'.liolll & Co. All kinds of canned koihU nt Ih-iI-rH'k prices, (itrriiMli, nt Hi, u mi's Cloth and lentils mIum-m lit Michel .V Co's. Lowest price. A full lino of cured ainl null meats nml Inn! nt (Ii.ovku'n. ror all kind of Cabinet Work also Better ('limn Carpentering Co To A. H. Lippman & Co Take your eggs to (Hover's Cash Urocery Stun' If you waul I In- high mI iiinrki't price at nil times. Ilutl't Mi ll your eggs until yiui. mh tilovrr. Im always ii lit- market mill pays lln highest price in Cmdi. You are right, we have a line of 1 1 ii wiii i which we giiarautcengnilist rut or wear fur I'lvc Years. John. Mull, llooih A I'll, When tllil yon get tlial llm?" No difference, ym want n new one. W'v lmvi them ainl they ntv right. iMinliain & Adams. In flin' Sugars, Coffees, Canned Hoods, Tobaccos, Cigars ami Fancy Candle. It will ut.v you to wo ill.ovr.it, STL Cedar Poor WilllloW (illlMK Paints, dili Building and Tar Pajier Call on A. H. Lippman & Co l'rli-iM Lower than the Lowest We have sinned the Mole agency for the I.Imk Aiitlriistlug Tinware, which we guarantee against runt or wear for five year from the date of purchase. JohtiMoii, Hootli & Co. We want your sins trade, and nre willing to earn It liy selling you lieller kooiIm lop the money tlum other. I ( ii h ti in & AilaniM. The lati'Ht stales, Iii Ladles, MIhwk and Children lint Junt received, nt lowest prices. Mtm. Husle Ntayton Olover. Wash boilers, idIIk pans, wio.li bowls, bread raisers, eto.,!ii our new Unit of never riiMt, never wear out tinware, Johnson, Itooth Co. Come to our Htore nml lie "mIiowii" our new line of tinware, nml you will Ih-Ucvu It. Im the best ever. We give a live year guarantee on every piece. JollllHOll, Booth & Co. r HOT Our of AiIuiiimiii'n Ire ('mini Sodas will nTrosli yoti. H'm I lie Im'kI. For mi excellent desert buy or or der by 'phone, n pneknge of our Ice ereuiii. It's sure to (dense. D. P. ADAMSON S CO. Mil v. i. avaiiuvu a vv. w FOR NALE New upright pinuo. Been used but n few iuoiiIIih and will nell nt n bargain. Address H. care of Th Journal. FOR HALE; Baby carriage and wwlng machine, both good ax new, belonging to the I'Htnte ofJ.H. Kel ley, deceased, for Halo cheap. Ad rireHH or Inquire of M. K. Itrluk, nt tornoy for the eHtnli1, Prlnevllle, Oregon. We havo wt received n banvl or (jelly 1 glasses) Thew! (HiiHrteH havo been welling nt 75 eentH a dozen. In order to clear out (IiIh lot we mv Helling them at f50l CENTS ft DOZElt) Call and have a look nl our line of Fruit DIhUoh, Importoil Jardinoi'H, Ete., Etc. RIDEOUT& FOSTER NKXT DoOlt TO SMITH'H lUltNKNM Hur Heorue llercfol'il WliM down from llnwanl (lie llrl of Hie witk. Mtm. Imoiu Clii k and hlliln ii left the llrMt of (he week for Port land. Diner Cyril, of Culver, wiim vImII. lug in town Hie llrt of the wct'k. A.C. LiiciiM wiim over from Itcml jTiieMday on n IiimIiicnm trip. I in; i di: kali:, hidkdit & I FDHTLIt. i J. M. Hlrts- wiim n biiMliieMN vUllor , Momlay from IiIm raiicli near MlMtcrM. Hoy Price hum down from IiIm rancli at Pout ilnrlng llie jiiimI wivk. J. II.CrookM returned I IiIm week from n trip iutohm the luoutilalim to Porllaud. J. II. (jiilim and brother, M. P. Qulnn, were In thei lty Tm-nilny on a IiuhIiicmm trip from irlily. Miiiiki'I Wlnvti-r ami wlfennil MImm Whu ler, of (JrlxKly, were vlMliing In the city I IiIm week. Wm CoiiiIim anil Archie Powell re luineil Momlay from an cxtcinlcil VImII at Porllaud and the fair. MrM. Will Wiimweller and moii v lurned tlio biMt of the wii k from a vImH to the exposition. I. M. MIIIm wih In the city during (he week from IiIm htock ranch at Nupltv. Mi-m. M. It lilggM and .MrM A ThoiiiMOu n'liirneit IuhI we'k from a vImII to the I-wIm and Hark Fair. S. It. Klaytoii, w ho Im m Im-cii MH-inl-lug Mcveral nioiitliM vMtlng In llngeiie, returneil to (he clly IIiIm week. Mm. C. I. W liuiek and daughter, Lorene, left yi-nterdiiy for Portland mid the eoaht to MlH-lid tlie coming iimiiili on n pleaNiire trip. Mm. C, Nam Smith ami ilaugliter, MImm (Vole, returned Friday evening from a two weekM' lllit the IewU ami Clark expimlilnn. .1. II. Templetoii returneil law I Friday from Portlum! w here he wim a UH'lliliiT nl tlie I.IK M ilelegatlDll from Tlie lalleM. 1'. J. FcrgucMou wan down from Crook HiIm week making arninge- meiitM to offer final proof on liU hoiiiiKtead at that place. Itruiv Dray nml Frank Fimter went up to the head wntcfM of CriHiked river Moielay lo him-io! (he wiek on n lulling trip. A. IS. (toller, Dale Young ami Itaipll t'liil-llin i-eturiled (he laitt of the w'k from a hunting and lUlilug trip In Die vicinity of 1uIm hike. Win. Wigle left the IhM of (he we k for Hood Itlver when Mi-m. Igle Iiiih Imi-ii vUlilim with ivhitlvcM for Mome lime. 1 hey will return lioiue milno time next wet-k. Prof. Plllard and family, of HuriiM, w ho have been HM'iiilug the Miimmer In the valley and at Hie Portland ex poMlHou, were In the city the tlrnl of the wtvk on their way hume. MrM. C. McPhei'Mou and ilaugliter, MImm Edith, are III the city on Hielr way lo their home at Hay Creek after a vllt at the expoMltlon. The DalleM Chronicle. Uev. J. A. Mitchell will preach In tlie PivMbytcrlnn church Sunday, Aiigimt '27. Subject for 11 a. m: "The Brotherhood of Man." Subject for x v. m: "Am I My Brother' KeeH-r." Sunday School at 10 o'clin-k a. m. FOH SALE: A wrond hand organ. Thin Im n bargain the like of which you only have n chance lu n life time to Mcciire. For port li-iilarn call on or nddiVHM The JDI ItNAL OFFICE, Prlnevllle, Oregon. Thron ThrouHon pr.HMed through the city the drat of the week on bin way to Dayton, Washington, to nt tend the annual inectlng of thoHtiKk holderM of the Mayllower Mining Company. LOST: (3 old hunting onne watch, Uockford lnovement. Engraved on both HidcM. lllack ribbon chain with gold fob. Lout between Willow creek and Ortxxly Itutte. Suitable reward If returned to thin ollice. 8101 An Ice cream Modal will 1h glvwn on the 1 1 origan lawn Friday evening bytheladit'H of the Baptist church. Fifteen centH w ill be charged for lee civnm and cake. The public in cor dially Invited. Dr. Harold Clark, DentlMt, 1h now lu thlH city prepared to uttend to the wautM of any ono deHlrlug dental work done. Those who do, should have It intended to nt once ns he will leave again about the 1st of September. County Clerk J.J. Smith left hist Friday for Portland, to appear as n witness before the Federal grand Jury. Heexpeclsto bo absent for several weeks and some of the coun ty business In consequence will be de layed until his return. Jolm Combs was down from Look out mountain Saturday getting some material for tlie mine. He stated Hint work on the furnace was rapidly nearlug completion and that the reduction plant would be In op eration early next month. We have been reliably Informed that Dr. Patterson, who was here n few weeks ago looking over the beef situation, went out to W. W. Brown's Wngontlre ranch with u view to buying Mr. Brown out, and offered him f 110,000 for his Interests In this and Hurney counties, sheep, horses und land. Lukevlew Examiner. f J"iirg liny itnd lfc, tif Hrimr t Tii k. wi re lu Hie Hty vlnltlng dur ing the wet-k. J. M. Ileiikle whm in tlie city ye terday from IiIm ranch on Willow creek. Mr. Ileukle Minted Hint threwlillig would iM-glll III that (lull the biMt of the week mid would continue probably fur U-n dnyii. ilriln cropM In that reglnri tire light mid many of the mm-licr have rut their rropM for liny. lu Hie uelgliiioriioiMi oi .'j mtmoiim, who w ill npjM-ar iM-fore the feh-ral grand Jury this week In Portland, li ft on the Ntagett Friday nml Hut unlay, rrobably the grenter part of them will Imi held over to gf teMtlmoiiyln the land trial whlih rommeiice on September 6, and will Im-aliM-nt from the rlty for a month or more. A. H. Ireland, who has been trans- ferred to Prluevllht to supervise the Maury Mountain n-wrve. will move his family here from Itoseburg an Moon iin lie call And n suitable resi dence for them. Ills work here will iMTiipy his (line coiitliiiioiisly for many month to come, and lie will make IiIm iM-rtnauent ri-sldeiice In thl city. l-o Hammer, of Prlnevllle, a son of former County Clerk W. F. Hain- mer, nrrlvinl In Albany yenterdny noon for au extended visit with IiIm uncle, A. M. Hammer, and the family of Mrs. Florence Hammer. He expects to sim-iiiI some little time lu this city Ix-foro returning to his Eastern Oregon home. A I b a u y Herald. The county court at its aeMslon biMt week lu passing favorably Upon the M-tltlon for the Frank Eiklns road also granted that part of the jM-tllioii which prayed for a vacating of the Jenkins road from a point at Hie Is'glnnlng of the Eiklns road to the north end of Fifth street In the town of Pnlmalii. The matter did not npM-ar on record In the com missioner's docket and In conse-ipicui-e was not published by The Journal In Its summary of the court proceedings. The river counties In Eastern Ore gon comprising Morrow. Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco, will this year turn oft a wheat crop approximate ly 1,000,000 bushels smaller than that of last year. Unfortunately climatic conditions last winter nnd spring, and even this summer, were the prime factors In this shrinkage, but nu unusually large amount of land lu summer fallow contributed to the result. Tlie crop has not Is-eu fully harvested yet, and this estimate may ls Increased. Dalle Chronicle. The first case of sheep shooting re-conh-d lu Wheeler county this year took place a few days ago on the mountain near the Keeton saw mill, about ten mill's above Mitchell, w hen a band of sheep Is'longlng to Butler Bros, was shot Into, and about 200 head killed ami wounded. Particulars are not to hand, except that the sheep are reported to have Ihvii grazing on government land, and had not pnsssd over the "dead line" established by the settlers of that neighborhood. Fossil Journal. W. F. Shanafelt, exvlal staff photographer for the Orrgoulau, Is In the rlty and is making his head quarters with J. W. Bledsoe, at the lattcr's gallery. Doxens of Mr. Shanafelt's pictures have appeared recently In the Oregonlan and he Is here uow to prepare some special InnilHonpe views. Besides this work, Mr. Slmunfelt will remain In the gallery hero to do portrait work. He and Mr. lUedsins will be In Prlnevllle about two months longer, when the latter will move his family to Cali fornia, Mr. Shanafelt returning to Portland. Forest fires In the northern divis ion of the Cascade Forest Reserve have made the atmosphere around the city heavy with smoke during the past few days. There are no tire in the southern division of the reserve, according to SuihtvIsoi' Ire laud, who came from that district this week. While there during the last of July and fore part of August, he helped to extinguish 19 different tires which had leen started by lightning bolts during the storms. The Albany pniiers report heavy fires In eastern Linn county, and In Crook county at the eastern base of Mt. Jefferson, several large fires are con sumlng tlie timber. Several smaller fires are visible at . point further south, and the west winds are giving this vicinity the benefit of all the smoke. Mrs. B. F. Huutington, of The Dalles, who Is in the city visiting with her sister, Mrs. Fred "Wilson, received word last Saturday that their residence had been destroyed by lire. Tho blaze originated from a small bonfire In an alley about 11 o'clock In the morning. A. heavy wind was blowing nnd sparks from t he fin? In the alley are supposed to havo been blown under a nearby barn which was soon a mass of flames. Tho Huntington residence only a short distance awny, was next destroyed and burning embers were carried six blocks distant to another residence. The latter was also burned to tho ground together with several other barns and small buildings in the vicinity. The loss is estimated at $ 10,000. S. C. Bnrtrum, forest supervisor of tlie southern division of tho Cascade Forest lleserve, who is well known among the stockmen In this vicinity, nnd who has visited the city several times, nearly lost his life last week in attempting to ford the North Ump- qua liver. Mr. Uurtruni was on a tour of Innpertlrm through th ro serve nnd was compelled to cross the stream lo gel to his destination. Two point Iii Hie river where It was safe to ford lay six fiilh-M on either side of him, and In order to gain lime, he attempted to swim IiIm horse across the river at a point w lii-re he had Is-en warned of Hie danger attending. The animal wan swept from under til ni by tlie swift water and carrh-d down the falls a bort distance In-low where Its life wan crushed out by the sharp rocks and boulders. When thrown from the honor's back Mr. Bart rum suc ceeded In getting to ouk-ter water and swam to shore, although the current came near carrying hlro to his destruction. Crook County Wall KeprM0t4. Crook county Is now well repre sented In the Agricultural building u the Iewls nnd Clark fair by a series of landscape vlew which were placed on exhibition the first of the mouth by J. W. Illedsoe. The photographs were taken In various parts of the county and Include views of the Irrigation U-lt nnd sur rounding country ns well as views of many of the fine ranches along th Othoco. The tity l Prinevlile Is shown to good advantage from a point southeast of the city over looking the race track and fair grounds and there are many other views of Interesting sections. The collection of photographs occupy a prominent place In the Crook county booth where they attract the at tention of nearly every passerby. In preparing tlie work Mr. Bledsoe exercised care that the views should show to ts-st advantage the pro-' ductlvness of the soil and the In roads that development has been making here during the past few- years, and bis photographs as a re sult area great advertiser for this section. Three of the views of the Irrigated section In the Deschutes country were reproduced with des criptive mutter In last Sunday's Oregoulan nnd another series of views will appear In next Sunday's issue. The work was highly com plimented by the officials In charge and Mr. Bledsoe has been commis sioned to obtain as many more views as Is possible. The latter work to I done not only for an ex hibit at the fair, but for the railroad and Irrigation officers who saw the photographs. C JL J r.Marrmr.'ir.nr.rir'rr'rrrir.yrrr The bilious and dyspeptic arecoi.stsnt sufferers and appeal to our syinpathi -s. There is not one of then, however, who may not be brought back to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. These tab lets invigorate the liner and strengthen the digestion. They also regrlate the bowels. For sale by D. P. Adamsou. HASHED. On Tuesday evening, August 15, at o'clwk. there occurred a very pretty home wedding In the parlor of the Hamilton Hotel, when Mr. Jay Saltxman and Miss Ethel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hamilton, were made one, Itev. J. K. Craig, "throwing the Diamond Hitch" which bound them together for weal or woe. As the couple entered the parlor. Miss Verua Howard, a cousin of the bride, sounded the wedding march. The parlors were tastefully decorated with carnations and roses. The bride was attired in white chiffon and carried a bouquet of carnations. Miss Edna Hamilton, sister of the bride, wns bridesmaid, and Mr. Ben Taylor acted as Is-st man. Anteloe Herald. Death of Joaiak Hinkls The death of Josiah II inkle last Sunday morning removed from the couuty another of its pioneer settlers and one who for many years was engaged In active business here. Mr. Illukle was born In Lee coun ty, Iowa, in 1S43, and at the time of his death was 62 years of age. When ten years of age, he came across the plains with his grandparents and settled in Oregon, ana ten years afterwards his face was a familiar one along . the line of settlements froiu the Idaho line, into northern California. In 1870 Mr. H Inkle mo v ed.to Corvullls where he filled the office of deputy sheriff until his re moval to Crook county In 1877. Soon after coming here he engaged In cattle raising, a business which he followed successfully for 18 years. In 18S2 Mr. Henkle was the demo cratic caudidate for sheriff of Wasco county, of which Crook wae then a part. .Ills death was due to enlargement ot the heart, an affliction which caused him Intense suffering before he finally passed away. A son, Sichel, and a daughter, Vivian, sur vive him. The fuueral services were conducted at the residence In this city Monday afternoon, Interment taking place In the Odd Fellow and Workman cemetery. The Rev. C. P. Bailey, of The Dalles, couducted the services. r tr si rn lj M LJ r.-i LJ r.t LJ ri LJ r..l L J r i THE him . i I m LJ r.t LJ LI r i L J r,.i LJ LJ r cj r.i LJ L J r.i LJ r.i L J r.i LJ r.i c J r.i LJ r.i CJ ri LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i CJ r.i CJ r.i L'J r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ ri L'J r.i L'J r.i LJ ri L'J r.i CJ rn l-j rnra 1 J w ' ! H f , We have the best implimcnt made for cutting Alfalfa and Meadow Hay. The Celebrated McORMIK I .v MP I' :M V f J 3 - f -AS BIG U MOWER S Foot eat This Mower has Higher Wheels, Wider Track aud More Weight than the regular Mower which makes it stand up to the heaviest work without crawling and causes it to run lighter in heavy work than the smaller machines. We also have the regular machines in 4 12 and 5 foot cut and McCOKMICK Self Dump STEEL HAY RAKES in 8, 9 and 10 foot tali mm mm A Full Line ot Repairs for Orders Taken Our Lines on Hand. Repair For Till Makes Wo F. Ik (8ucc.or to ELKINS KINO) They Appeal to Oar Sympathies Board ol Equalization Meeting, KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the Board of Equalization will attend at the office of the county clerk of Crook county, Oregon, on Monday, the 2Sth day of August, 1905, and publicly examine the assessment roll for 1905 and correct all errors In valu ation, description or qualities of land, lots or other property, and It shall Is- the duty of persons Interest ed to appear at the time and place appointed und if it shall apKar to the said Board of Equalization that there are any lands lots or other property assessed twice, or in the name of a person or persons not the owner thereof, or assessed under or ls?yond Its actual value, or any lands, lots or other proierty not assessed, said Board shall make the pros-r corrections. J. I). L.U OI.I.KTT, County Assessor. Note-All parties not assessed for the year 1905 will please call at the court house or send in list of assessable property Immediately. J. I). Lafollett, County Assessor. 5 2 h o e S hoe We have an assortment of Ladies Shoes and Oxfords in both Llacl and Tan, which formerly sold for from $3.00 to f j.CO per pair. In order to close the entire lot out we have placed them in one lot and will let you make your pick of any pair of Ladles Shoes for $2.00 Ladles Oxfords for $1.50 These shoes have been in stock for some time and that is the reason we are offering you such a bargain. While they may be a little out of date in re gard to cut and style, they are just what you waiit for wearing around home or when you go out camping. Then we have a new line of Shoes for Dress, in the latest style and cut, 'or both Ladies and Gentlemen, which, we offer at bargain prices. Call and see them. R1DEOUT & FOSTER hoe h o S Greatly in Demand. Nothing Is more in demand than a in en Iii ue which meets modern re quirements for a blood and system cleanser, such as Dr. King's New- Life Pills. They are just what you need to cure stomach aud liver troubles. Try them. At J. II. Templetons and V. P. Adamson's drug stores, guaranteed. Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on Mutton, Pork, hand at the City Meat SVlarket FOSTER & HORRIGAIM, Prop's. Prineville, At The Old Stand Oregon. r:ir5ipiGir3ar:iF?ir.nir;:iriEirr:iririrnr t JUJLJJL'JLJLJL'JLJL-JwJkJLJwJLJJLJJuJJWJLJVjLJkJt: Jt JL. Jt'Jt Jt JLJL Jk JL JkU JL JL. JL JL. J A Warning to Mothers. Too much care cannot be used vith small children during the hot weather of the summed mouths to guard against bowel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give the child a dose of castor oil to correct any disorder of the bowels. Do not use any substitue, but give the old-fashioned castor od, and see thnt it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseates and has a tendency to gripe. If this does not check the bowels give Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and then a dose of castor oil, and the disease may be checked in its incipiency and nil danger avaided. The castor oil and this remedy should be procured at once and kept ready for in stant use as soon as the first indication of any bowel trouble appears. This is the most successful treatmeut known ami may be relied upon with implicit confidence even in cases ot cholera in fantum. For sale by D. P. Adamson. r.i LJ r.a LJ r.ii CJ CJ r.a CJ CJ r-i CJ ra CEJ El 123 F.I CJ E3 CJ C3 CJ ca CJ E3 CJ C3 CJ r.3 CJ rui CJ ra CJ ra CJ C3 CJ r?3 CJ ra ta ca CJ r.i CJ r.i LJ ca CJ ca CJ ra CJ ra CJ r.i LJ ra CJ r.a CJ ra CJ ra CJ ra CJ R3 LJ ra CJ Can You Walk? YES: ' Then you wear Shoes and are looking for the beat made. We have them, the famous Gotzia Sh oes We are making room for the largest consignment of shoes ever shipped to any firm in Crook County and will be prepared to Shoe any person who wears Shoes. We carry the famous 'Health and Walk Easy' Shoes for men and women, which have never been been equaled for comfort, style, fit and wear. This .is a good spring to wear spring goods. We have the largest and snappiest line of Spring Goods ever brought to Prineville, which vill be ready for the good people to select from in the near future. Do not buy elsewhere until you have examined our line. JOHNSON, BOOTH & GO. r.anaKacararnriamrarnrncarararisrararrararjarararsrararrar.ararrrsrT'rrrnrr'rir.i r i LJ .i L J 11 M LJ r i L J r.i L J LJ n L J ri L J r.i LJ r.i LJ ri LJ r.i L J r.i L J r.i LJ r.3 L J r.i L J r.i C4 CI I: r.i c J ri LJ ri LJ r.i L J r.i L J r.i L'J ri LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i L J v ri LJ r.i LJ ri L'J r.i LJ r.i LJ C.I LJ LjLJ & : & : & s & mm n r.a - CJ ra LJ r,3 . LJ ra CJ ri CJ ra CJ r.i c J E.1 CJ K3 C.I ra CJ 63 LJ 63 LJ r.a CJ ri M L,x r..i L'J r.a LI 6.1 LJ r.i CJ 63 LJ r.i LJ 63 LJ 61 CJ 63 11 J r.a LJ r.a LJ 6.1 CJ r.3 CJ ra L'J r.i CJ r.3 ii r.3 C.J r.i CJ r.i . L 'J 63 LJ r.i L J ri LJ