STRAYED I Notice to Creditor. From SDtowii Mm1ot, two lny her; one branded quarter circle mule tbof ; ona branned F P V. Hoth on left boulder- Fin.ler lee notify Post master at Odell, Oregon, ami receive a liberal reward. Notice To Creditors. IS the Matter of the KUte of C. O. Anilw. Deceased. Soiut i hereby frlwn to all person hating claims ngaiit said defeased to piwr.t the same with the proper voucher, to the undersiRiied, administrator of the estate of aaiJ deceased, at the office of M. R. Klliott, in Prineville, Oregon, within nit montlia from the date hereof. Iteted this 22nd day of June. l'.MS. W. A. HOOTH. Administrator of the Kslatc of 0. 0. Amlw, Deceased. In the matter of the estate of Klijah M. Harnett, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims ajiainst said deceased, to present the same to the undersigned ad ministrator of said Estate at the office of M. It. Klliott, in Prineville. Oreton. with the proper vouchers, within six month from the first publication of this notice. Pitted this hith dav of flarch. 1!V. P. W. UAKSKTT. Administrator of the Ktate of Klijah M. Harnett, Poceaed. J)R SALE. A very desirable ranch consisting of 100 acres. About V9 of which is first class yellow pine timber and til acrvsof No. 1 apricuUuaal land enclose! by (once, 8 acre of wliic'.i i three year-old alfalfa and 3 acre in clover. A large stream of pure cold water teeming with trout running through center of place. Uood ditch for irrigation purpose. This is a bargain." For hither particular aod price write or call to the Otlice, l'rineville, Oregon. t jl jl jl jl; jl jl jl jl jl jl jl jl jlffL Notice To Creditors. Notice is hereby riven, by the under aiRned administrator w ith the will annex ed of the estate or Thomas J. I owen, deceased, to all persons having claims aninst said deceased to present them with the proper vouchers to the under aiimed at the office of M, R. Elliot in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Uated this 4th day of May, 1905. J. O. rowii.L, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Thomas J. rowell. Deceased. fotice to Creditors In the niattei of thejKstate of J. H. Grant, deceased. Notic is hereby given to all persons having claims against said Deceased, to present the same to the undersigned ad ministratrix of said Kstate at the office of M. R. Biggs, in Prineville, Oregon, with the proper vouchers, within six months j from the first publication of this notic. I M RS. ROBERTA GRANT, Administratrix of the Kstate of J. H. Grant. Deceased. Dated thisftth day of April, 15WS. up Desert Laud, Final Proor.-Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. July lit, tt. Notice U hereby given that David Weaver, of l'rineville. Crook County, Ore gon, has tiled 'notic of bis intention to make proof on his desert-land claim No. 137, forth NK' NK iSection SS, Town ship 14 South, Range H K;t, W. M, be fore the Comity Clerk at the Court 'House in Prineville, Oregon, 'on the ijth day of September. IftVv. i . He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said iaml: James Measinger, James Montgomery, J. V. MiHtonigill au.l Frank Forest, all of Prineville, Oreeon. MICHAEL T, NOLAN, a.inp Register. HEALTH 1 notic to Creditors. IS the Matter of the Estate of Margaret 8. Noble, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said deceased to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, executor of the Estate of said deceased, at the office of M. R-. Elliott, in Prineville. Oregon, within six ! months from the date hereof. Datad this 22nd day of June, 1905. A. J. NOBLE, Executor of the Estate of Margaret 8. Noble, Deceased. Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. July 22. Us. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk, of Crook County at Prineville, Oregon, on September I'.th, 1!V, via: JAMES C. HOPSTON of Crook, Oregon, II. E. No. tw0, for the LotsS A 4, Section 19, Lot 1, Section .10, Tp. IS South. Range 1! East, and NE NE Section 2.V, Tp. IS South. Range IS East, W. M. He names the followiug witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: John V. Shattuck, Henry Burktoff and Elam Faugltt, of Crook. Oregon, and Wil liam R. McKarland. of Prineville, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, llegister. jSd Timber Land. NOTICE FOR Act June 3, Ins. ITP.LICATIOX. "I dont think we eenld ht kHM withoal TbarirorJ'a Rlava lruM. Wa hata ua4 it in ha hunil.v roretar two raara with the be of nwIU. 1 haa not had a doctor la th ooum tar th lent n pt tint. IS is doctor in tuelt aud wlwv read? to niaka a peraon wU ana happy "-J AJajiS Htl.1, Jack aeavilla, 1IL Because this great medicine relieves stomach naini, frees the constipated bowels and invigor ate the torpid liver and weak ened kidneys : , No Doctor is necessary in the home where Tliedford i Black-Draught is kept. Families living in the country, miles from any physi- eian, have been kept in health for years with this medicine as their only-doctor. Tbedford'i Clack-Draught cure bilious ness, dyspepsia, colds, chills and fever, bad blood, headache, diarrhoea, constipation, colic and almost every other ailment because the stomach, bowels liver and kidneys to nearly con trol the health. THEDFORD'5 5LACK- DKAUGHT zss- Kotice to Creditors. I" nited States Land Office. The Dalles. Oregon. June I', I'JOS. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June X 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the , Public Land States by act of August 4. i 11 Ermie Bateson, of Prineville, county . of Crook, state of Oregon, has this dav filed Notice is hereby given that the under- j i( Mi otcf ,is, ,woni 5ta,ene, J. rB, signed has been by the County Court ofjfor Uip JlUr0iase of tlie N-,, NW,; , Crook County, State of Oregon, appointed Scc(i(m No in x ,,,,,;,, Nl). u Executrix of the estate of J. 8. Kelley. , ? y ,. E w J( wi deceased, and all persons having claims ;offt.r pr(Rlf U show thM ,he Uml against said estate are hereby requtre.1 ; 30uplt ia valuable for its timber or present the same duly verified at the j stone than for aBri,.utt,lrai purposes, and office of M.E.Bnnk in Prineville, Oregon, I to ertllWUh hf, dailll to aiJ iami ,x.fure within six months trom tlie uuie ui "vIr . r, , llfrria,tl.nIln,,..t l,;,. ursi puoncaiion oi mis novice. Dated and published first time July 6. Grace L. Kelley, Administratrix of the Estate ot up J. S. Kelley, deceased Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of J. H. Bur nett, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said Deceased, to present the same to the undersigned ad ministrator of said Estate at the office o G. W. Barnes, in Prineville, lOregon, with the proper vouchers, within six months ! from the first publication of this notice. Dated this 23rd day of March, 1905. E.H.BARNETT, Administrator of the Estate of J. H Bar lett. Deceased, pd in Prineville, Oregon, on the 12th day of Ottolier, 1!M. He names as witnesses: Alfred T. Stacks of Lamonta. Oregon. Jo-eph F.Taylor, of Prineville. Oregon, Samuel L. Pierce, of Lamonta, Oregon, Orvn Wait, of I-a-nionta, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are reijuested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 12th day of October, l'OS. MICHAEL T. NOLAN. a."pd Iteg inter. CATARRH Notice of Final Accounting Notice is hereby given that the under signed, the administratrix of the estate of Salonia Aid rich, deceased, has riled her final accounting of her administration of said estate, and the Honorable County Court of Crook County, Oregon, has set Friday, the 5th day of May, 10U, at 11 o'clock a. M. at the County Court room in Prineville, Oregon, as the time ami place for hearing such accounting. At which time and place, any person interested in said estate may file bis' objections thereto, if any there be. MARY ELLIOTT, Administratrix of the Estate of Saloma Aldrich. deceased a Onp Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice is hereby given tha I have appointed the following named persons deputy stock inspectors: J. P. Cartwrig'ht, Hay Creek. Jim Woods, Ashwood . Sparks, Bisters. A, Morrow, Haystack, F, M. Smith Paulina. Iloscoe Knox, Post J. S. Bogue, Rosland. Alex Mcintosh, Hardin (J. 8. Cowles, Hay Creek E. H. Dean Hay Creek Joe H inkle, Stock Inspector Crook County. i Far Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVE8 RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St., New York Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Augusts, 1905. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make 6 ual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk at the Court House in Prineville, Oregon, on Beptemlier 13th 1905, viz: SAMUEL H. BAKXES, of Crook, Oregon, H. E. No. 2179, for the SWii NWJi Sec. 9, E NEJ4 & NK SEJ Section 8, Tp. 19 South, Range 21 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: Charles Parrish, I.. V. Tice, B E. Ben nett and F, W. Smith, all of Crook, Ore. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, alOny Register,-' m . Ifi For Thirty The name Etdrcdge has stood for the BEST in the Sewina Machine World. Mere fa a New tldredge; BbTTER than EVER, and Superior to all others. Hontive take-ut: self Ret- mr ling needle; j.H threading Shuttle; Y Pilf1 automatic tension re1ease;automatic VA O !,rlU,in witifls.- nnaifif f,.t.rtti feed; cH)ed ueddle bur; noiseless self adjusting roller bearing wheel, steel pitman; five ply laminated woodwork, with a beautiful set cj incite. ea steel attachments. Ask your dealer for tlie Improved Rldredge u hikiuu not ouy any macniue uniiL you nav n it.- National Sewing Machine Co. BEi-VlDERE. JtliNOU, Men and Teams J WANTED To Work on the Extension of W Sumpter Valley R. R. r "t Li r t Li r i i r .J r i j r i u r Li r t Li L J r-y L J r i LJ r i L J n Li r L J r i l J r n L J r "i L J r i L i r.- Li r i Li r 1 Li ri Li Li ri Li ri Li r T Li r -t L i Li Li r Li ri Li r Li Li r Li r i Li Li rn Li r i Li r n Li n Li ry Li r 1 Li r i Li Li r f Li r Li r.i Li Li Li L i ri Li ri Li n Li JL.LikJL JLiLiLiL JLiLiLJL t r. i otvvrthors who ibslrc to topr tlie Crook County Tipltl slioultl USE (lie ht that Is reutl in I hp lionips o r t he p p opto, t Ii v Crook County Journal It rovers the liclil by a cirt'iilatioii douhle that of any other. J2.M per Day Paid For Men m I la i PA M I T . f hot s u ior ncn ana i earns 1- Address: ARCHIE MASON Tipton, - Oregon mm mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, Preident C. M. Elkins, Vice Pretident Fred W. Wilson, Caihier DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, C. M. Elkins, D. F. Stewaht, Fred W. Wilson. Transacts a General Banking Business Exchangf) lioutfht and Sold Collections will re ceive Tjrompt attention t Ell I I UiJI L'l toil i W a Li r i L 4 r t L i r i L i ri Li l i r n L i r i L 4 r l i r l i r i L T 1 L i r i L i r 1 L i r i L 4 r i L i r L i r l L i r l i r i Li n Li P.I L 4 r t Li r i Li j r1 Li! r .1 Li ri Li r L 4 r i L 4 ri Li r i L i r i Li r i Li r i Li r i L 4 r 1 Li r i L 4 n Li r 1 Li r 1 L i M Li r t L 4 r i Li r i L i r i Li r i Li r i L 4 r i Li r L 4 n ri L 4 r i Li OYSTliR UOUSi; and LUNCH COl'MliH 0x'iinl all hour O'NEIL ' "" I'- lny or nluht. Inllty ut hiMIii up M,if nil kin.i- Brothers , r,.r ,, H..rv.-.U.M.r,l.r. . MaiUgCrS 'k.forlln.rtiiiUjf t'Uli. lum.'. iiikI ,a,,' o o (KhIi'i-m lu Si'iiunn. Hivmi t'ur NiiU1 Vtuir Patnuianc ltcsncctfullv Solicited linn Winos, IicjuorN, Oijurni'N, Dany limit. nni Mottui Mpim. jf Sood Milliard TJablo in Connection Jft faark d ?oort'i old tland on ? Shvtt A- a. a -- .. a J .1. .A, .I.JLi J. .1 . Jl.Ji I--J-J !!M J' 'I' ' !' !'ti 'Hi J I"!"!1-!1 1 'I' 'I1 J1-"I1 The Whole Thing in an Igg Shell How to Get 200 Eggs a Year per Hen The second edition A Practical Poultry Manual is now ready. Contains among other things the famous Sampson Method of Feeding, which is known to Iwoneofthe best means of nnl'.'-; .. profit from poultry. Some of t',. . h.i,iei headings are: Brooder Chirks Profit able Poultry Kaising; Principle Diffi culties; Remedies for Roup; During the Moult: Economy in Feeding; Poultry as a Business; Trap Nests, with plans and illustrations. This chapter is worth the price ol the txok. Tells the practical way to make poultry pay. Price 50c. Our paper is a 32 page Agricultural Magazine with Household, Poultry, Horticulture and Dairy Departments. Subscription price $.oo. To introduce our monthly into your home we will send the paper one year and A Practical Poultry Manual for 35 cents. The Pacific Tree and Vine Park Hotel Bldg., San Jose, California I 4i44Hk44i4M( fcpRIDER AGENTS WANTED No Money Required until jfou m-eive and approve of jour bicycle. ZjTJoa Ten Days Frco Trial loOSMoJoTs $10 to $24 with Coaster - brakes and Puncturplcs Tlrci. 11'' $7 to $12 Any wnie or model you mint at out-third imuuI pnVc ' Choice of any standiml tiiv aud l't equipment ou all our blcvclt. Utrowjtrt gnarnnltt. We SHIP OH APPROVAL C. O. D. to any on trithout a rrnt drinmit and allow IO DAYS FREE TRIAL oofore put-chae i btmliuif. 500 Second Hand Wheels 65 . JO tiki'n In tradn by our Chit'tgii retail atonn, Uv OU nil niftLii anil fniMtfi. vimkI ft n,.w HA linT DIIV bley-l until luii Iiivb written Uir our FACTORY mm iiwi mm i pRioe amo rmrr trial often. ipr, ogipment. tundriet and sixirtlnir roods of all kimln. at half regular tuU'f. In our big ItM Sundry Catalogua, Coaiaina a world of useful information. V ntu for IU .75 PH pa; PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES $4 W 1 7'A MAILS, TACKS WONT LET OUT THE AIR iV "wpehpa; Regular price $8.50 per pair. To Introduce f "7 PZ ua tAtllf 1 I w You a Sample Pair for Only NO MORE TROUBLE irom PUNCTURES Rexult of 15 vears experience in tire making. No dangor from THORNS, OAOTUS, PINS, HAILS, TAOKS or GLASS. Ser iou punctures, like intentional knife cutu, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Send for Catalogue "T." abowlnf all kind and make of tlrwi at tVOO per pair and tip- Also toaster-Brakes. Bullt-ut Wheels and Blryeiea-stinurnn at nmir inm umumi prioa: Vil.. tt. iiil,lM.r tp.fl "A" and nunrttire MtrliM " Ii " and Tina tin will outlaw any other make-rkft. Elastic aud Easy Hiding. We will ship C. 0. 0. ON APPROVAL AND EXAMINATION without a rrnt drpot. We will allow a caa dlmoovnt of 5 (thereby malclnf the price K W per pair) If you aenrl full tmmH wttHh aM'ap. 'I Ires to be returned at our ex Dense If not satisfactory on examination. .. 9 MEAD CYCLE CO., Dept. J.L." CHICAGO, ILL. x a EASY RIDING, STRONG, DURABLE, SELF HEALING FULLY COVERED by PATENTS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS When You Gome To Portand Make your nlans to Btop at a homo-like hoetelry; a place .where you will be shown every courtesy and treuted a you would be in your own home, town or city THE FORESTRY INN U puch a place, and it stands within one block of the Exposition Entrance, on 3 5th Street facing Upshur. THE FORESTRY INN is constructed on the log cabin style; furnishings, cuisine, and management conforms thereto. It has 150 large commodious rooms, all opening on broad, cool verandas; with electric lights; hot and cold water and free baths. From the roof garden a view is had of the Ex position grounds, the city and surrounding country. Car service direct to all parts of the city, European plan. Dining service a la carte and reasonable as in any part of the city. Price of Rooms, $1.00 and $t.50 Special Rates to Parties ot two or more Meals 3 La Carte THE FORESTRY INN, Inc. address P. C. MXTTOX, Manager, or H. IU. FUNG HER 25th and Upshur streets, s7. ?. , PORTLAND, OREGON 2 V3 (Jeneral Storage Forwarding AND S1IANIK0 WAREHOUSE COMPANY Shaolko, Oregon. IKalerit m Hliuksiuitli t oalsr lour, Iinrbetl N ire, , Nailn, IVtntnt, Lime, Coal Oil, I'lanU'r, Sulphur, N Wool ami (irain, Hiu kj ami Twine, (Irain ami Kt d. Agents for Wnfeo Warehouse Milling Co'k. "Wliite River" nn.l "Ialles I'ateiil" Flour. Iligbt-Ht priee paid for Hide and IVlU. Rommission Merchants Special Attention is paid to Wool dradiug and Haling for Eastern Shipment. Stock Yards with all the latest and best faeiUtie for Handling SttM-k. , Mark Your Goods in Care of "S. W. Co." I1 p r LJ r i L i n L J n L J r i L J r i LJ r i L J r i L"J n Lj LJ r L'J r L J r i L J r i LJ r i LJ n L'J Jf LJL JL JL JL JW JLJL JL JL JL JL Jl J r i Senorcil ffilcicksmithing IIoiiHKlOKIN, M'tKHi WoltK, rTC, NKATI, V AMI I'ltoMI TI V OoNH Whkn it is I)oxk II v : : : Set lorn an cf 9foore Satisfaction Will He Guaranteed I'yiNKVii.r.K, OiiraoN. r.Ar Ljf L L J ri LJ r.i LJ n L J LJ ri LJ rn w JJ n LJ r,.i L J ri LJ r,i fj ri l J r i LJ r .1 L J ri LJ ri LJ JL JLJL JLJL JLJL JLJL jLjLJlJ IJ TJ' jlvh i i ..IZD -111 When in need of Lum ber, Shingles, Mould ing, Doors, Windows or Glass see SHIPP & PERRY For Prices on Them. ..Henderson & Pollard.. Wines, and Liquors, B Finest Giars In Stock. Qountry Orders Solicited First Door South of Poindexter Hotel. Powell & Cyr -Tonsorial Artists- i k