G b LOCAL MENTION e Michel A Co, Imvc Just received n new line ol fancy rrtMkcrv. i latest style In ncckwcitrnuil Im-Iih aI Michel A Ch'm. I'rlni reasonable. If you want n trunk coll on MUM fc Co. or suit raw 2v att 1 n Of At ONIyllAI.F Kngular IVlcn A. H. LIPPMAN &C0. Come In nml look at our new line of tinware. Warranted for On years. JoliiiNoif, Ilooth & Co. All klmlH of rnuncd good at InmI-roi-k prices, for rash, nt Ui.ovm's t'liXti niiI tetinU mIiihh nt Mk'ln-1 Sc Co'. Low in t price. . A full line of cured it ml unit meats mill bird Ht Ui.ovi it's. For til kinds of Cablnot Work also Better C'Iuhh Carpentering (ioTo A. H. Llppman A Co Take your egg to Mover' Ciu-h tlroecry Htor If you want the hkh wit market price nt nil time. Don't mI your egg until you mi! (lover, lit Im always In tin market nml pays 1 lit hlghet price Iti Cash. You are right, Wf have n line of tinware which we gunrniiteengnlnst runt or wear for Five Year. John, mm, Ilooth A Co. Wlwnullil yon get Hint HaC?" No difference, you wnnt n new one. We have them nml they are right. Dunham & Adam. i III flue Nugitrs, Coffin, Canned IommIm, Tobacco, Cigar nml Fancy Candle, It will Miy you to m (JmivVm. ' For Cedar Poors Window Glass Paints, Oil Building and Tar Par Call on A. H. Llppman & Co I'rlcr. Lower thnn the Lowest We have secured the mile agency for the IJhk AntlruHtliiK Tinware, whk'h we guarantee against runt or wear for five years from the ilnte of purchase. JohnHou, Ilooth & Co. We wnnt your ahoe trade, nml nr willing; to cum It by selling you better good for the money than other. Dunham & Adam. The latest styles. In Ladles, Misses and Children hat Just received, nt loweat price. Mr. Susie Mlnyton Ulover. f Waah hollers, iiiIIk pit uh, wash howls, bread raisers, etc., In our new line of never runt, never wenr out tluwarc. JohtiMon, Ilooth & Co. Come to our store nuil Ik1 "shown" our new line of tinware, nml you will Mleve It I the 1est over. We give A Ave yenr guarantee on every piece. Johnaon, Booth & Co. HOT One of Adauison's Ice Cream Sodas will nTrrsli yon. If I he hert. For an excellent leert buy or or der by 'phone, putkoge of our lee eream. It's nure to pleiwe. D. P. ADAMSON & CO. llnuli I .Inter win down this wiili from IiIm ntiK-k much nt I'uiilliiii. Terry Head, of Culver, wiot In tin city Momlny on n hushies t rip. Ja. T. ItiililiiMiin wn In town Tueailny from hi riiiicli nt Culver, .1. I'. KelMiiy wiih n liiixlnitm lxllor ilurliitf the week from AhIiwouiI. Amlrew Morrow whm In the elty Muiuliiy from hln Willow .Creek riiticli. IIiiiikIiim Hiueinl wiim III the illy Hiitunliiy from l'ot milking llnnl priHtf on hla hoiuiKteiul. Alfreil TItou wiim n liiidlniKM vImII- or from II m.v Creek during the iiMt week. W. I'. lliiiiiuiiT wiim In the city from lln.VMtm k the IhnI of the week on n Idinluewn trip. A. Ilennett wiim down from I'nil llnn the llntt of the week nttendlng to lillMlueHM mntterM. Freil Clnyiool nml wife returned the nMt of the week from 1'ortlnud where they have Imh-ii vIhIiIuu alnce the flmt of July. MImm lorn Wnrd returned hint week from 1'ortlnud where nhe Iiiim Imvii ktuilylnic iuumIc ilurluK the punt four im nit Iim. Mr. nuil Mm. C. I. Wlnuek ntid dnuKhU-r, l.onne, will lenve the Unit of next week for I'ortlund nml the count w here they wIIInm-uiI ii month. Mm. Cnrey Foater returned IIiIm wei-k from n vlalt of ttevernl weeka In 1'ortlnud nml with relntlven In Wnlln Wiillu. K. K. tllllenwnter wiim down from Pirn! the Innl of the week to npMnr iim n w it iii'hii for 1oukIiim Siueitd who ntleflunl proof on IiIm homcHtetid. Mra. H. I'. (ilenu, who Iiiim lieeii Mpendlng the itt year nt New WewtmlnMer, I. :., Iiiim returniil to the city and will aMnd the winter here. A. II. Kennedy nnd Joe Uirneii went down to letherowa lirlilm' .Sunday IiimI nml at ruKKh'd with the tront In the Iea-liutea durliiH; the day. ColtunliUM JohiiKon nnd .wife nml Mr. nnd Mm. Otto (irny returmil during the wwk from n two weeka' outing nt the (Irny ritueh nt Summit I'nilrlf. F.d UnuuellM wiim down from Font the flrat of the week to tmike tin ill proof on hla honiiteiid. T. F. Long nml John I'Ukett enme down with him to iipjtenr na wUuihhm. Ml km May Heed, who Im tilling the poHltlon of deputy county clerk during Mlna I.lggett'a nliMenee, went over to lleml yeeterdny to mm'UiI n few tlnya vlHltlng with her pntvntM. J. II. Teuipletoii left Momlny noon for The Dnllea where he will Join the KlkM delegntlon on Um way to 1'ortlnud. On IiIm return he will Ntend n day nt Slinnlko getting the tllturea lomleil for IiIm new more. (leorge SteveiiM, of Mndrna, wiim In therltv the laMt of the week on IiIm wny to rortlnml to aNml n few tlnya laltlng the fair, lie took the mountain route, going through l..v the wny of Slntera. The flmt loud of watermelona that hna liecn in the city thin aenaon wvre lirought In laat Momlny by I'. T. Monroe of Croaa Keya. ' Ftmter & Ilorrlgun lunde it quick illapoanl of the entire lot. FOll SALF.: A atvoml httud organ. Thla la n lmrgitln the like of which you only have n chance In a life time to aeonre. For pnrtleulnra call on or nd.lreaa The JOl'KNAI. OFFICF, rrlnevlllc, Oregon. LOST: (lold hunting enae watch, HiK-kford movement. Fngraved on both altlta. Illack ribbon chain with gold fob. Loat between Willow crtek and (Irlxiily Unite. Suitable rewnrd If returned to thla otllce. Slttl W. Clrclea lenvea thla wiek for 4 FOIt 8ALK New upright piano. Been naed but a few inonths and will acll at a bargain. Addrcaa 11. care of The Journal. f FOK SALE; Huby carriage and aewlng machine, both good aa new, . belonging to the eatate of J. S. Kel ley, deceaaed, for aalo cheap. "Ad drean or Inquire of M. E. Drink, at torney for the eatat Prlnevllle, Oregon. We havo Juat received a barrel of (JELLY I BUSSES) Theae Glaaaea have lat'U aelllng at 75 cent a a (Iomui. In order to clear out thla, lot we are aelllng them at 50l CENTS I A DOZEN) Call and have a look nt our line of Fruit Dlahea, Imported Jardlnera, Etc., Etc. - RIDEOUT Sl FOSTER Nut Door to Bxim'i lUnwfflH 8boi C. The Dallea on a ahotjt Imalneaa trip. He will return here for a abort time liefore moving there to live. Mr. Clrclea aold hla ranch lnat week to Hiram Ollmon for a couHlderntlon of S(MM). The 13th National Irrlgrtlon Con- greaa will be held In Portland four daya, Auguat 21at to 2-Uh, Inclualve, and an official call has Ihh.mi forward ed to the deleiratea. Mayor Wurx- weller la the delegate from Prlnevllle. Dr. Harold Clark, Deutlat, la now In thla city prepared to attend to the wants of any one desiring dental work done, Thoae who do, should have It attended to at once na he will lenve again about the 1st of Septemlar. Mra. Naomi Salomon and ilaugh tera, MIhhch Mary and Anna, will leave next month for Salem where, the young ladles will resume their studies In the Willamette University Mrs. Sulcaion will spend the winter with them. Deputy Sheriff Hancr announces that he will have a chicken banquet at the court house In the near future. The meat for the occasion will be provided from the court house yard, where a number of large, well seasoned nnd tempting fowls roam around during the day. Mr. Haner stated this week that the seats of honor at the banquet would be occupied by the present owners of the poultry whoever they are. Everett Miller wna In fown from hla Ijiiuoutii ranch yenterdny, , II. J. Ifenly, of Culver was tran muling liiiMlm-aM In town Tuexdny Mr. nnd Mm. D. I. AiIhimmoii mid family left the flmt of the wrek to nlleud the exposition In 1'ortlninl J. II. Hhliip nml w ife left Tiieadny for rortlnml for a few weekM vlalt nt the Fair, Mrs. J. F. Young nml three child ren left liiMt week for Port la ml when' they Will reside I hla winter. HubpiM-nnM were served mi n tium lMr of witnesses by the deputy I'. M. inamhiila this week. The pais-m de mand an npM-ariiiiee next Monday III t line to ti-atlfy la-fore the August seaaloii of the federal grand Jury which coiiveui'M on that day, IIitImtI Hideout nml wife returned Tuesday from the Wlllnmette Vnlley nnd Portland where they visited the exposition. lille Hi the mountains they sHiit some time nt the wild black ta rry fields, securing nbout .V) qunrts. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knlghteii were down from tneir rnncn on Die Ocliis'o the nmt ot I lie week. Mr. Knlghteii stilted that he had Just finished cutting nil extra orillnury large crop of liny from his rnueh, a fact brought nbout by time ly rains and plenty of water during the Irrigating sensoii. J. II. Onkes. w ho was formerly In biialiiess In this city In the firm of OakMaud Wllaou, has sold his gener al merchiiuillse business in Mitchell w here he has la-en for several yearn and will shortly move his family to Portland when they will make their future home. Tli run Tlirouaou was dow n from his mines at Howard yesterday. Mr. Thronsoti was complaining of a lack of water In that vicinity which has prohibited the washing of some pay dirt In his placer illgKliiK. ' ue latter pros-rtles have Ist-n Idle since early suimner when the sluice boxes went dry. Dr. F.d wards was called to Crook last week to attend John Stain, who was severely Injured by being thrown from a horse while riding after cattle. Ills face w as painfully out, rendering him unconscious for several hours, but no serious Injur ies rcaulced. ' H. E. Darling returmtl to the city this week from n three months' out ing In the Cascades where he and J. 1). Augell have la-en prossi'tlng along the head watem of the lmi qua river. He brought bnck some flue looking siHcimuiM of gold 1 scar ing rts-k which he scut Is-low to la nnulyxed. Mr. Darling went out W his Powell Ituttes ranch Tuesday to arrange for his fall work. Win. PancBKe was In the city the first of the week from his ranch nt Powell lluttes. Mr. Pancake stated that arrangements were la-lng made to erect a school house on the north side of the lluttes this fall. The country Is rapidly settlingnnd many children there will la- denied school facilities unless a new building Is provided. At present the nearest school Is on the sou tli side of the Hut tea, but It la so far away that few on this side could attend. W. H. WHson Is over from Bend He has recently purchased the C. II. Erlckson ranch nt Hear creek and took possession the first of the month. Mr. Wilson was looking (or a band of sheep to buy, exjs-ct-ing to run them this winter on. the ranch he has Just bought nnd In connection with another ranch he owns northwest of the Erlckson place where he lias over 1(H) tons of hay stacked. The Powell lluttes Cemetery ns- siM-latlon Is the name of a new organisation which was formed by the residents lu the vicinity Inst week, for the purpose of providing burial grounds. The board of trustees consists of the following: C. D. Swnnson, Win. Pancake. E. A. H asset t. A. y. Hnyn was elected to fill the otllce of swretary nnd treasurer. An tncre of ground was given to the association ly Vt in. Pancake. M. FiUgerald of ' Hurnt Knnch, made a sale last week of 4,100 head of sheep, l.itOOhead of two-year-old wethers and 2.200 ewes. We did not learn the price but from what we can learn It was a good one. Mr. Fltxgorald, we are Informed, has no Idea of going out of the sheep busi ness, as he Is in the market to buy 4,000 lambs and has 250 tons of hay on hand, lie sola to some person at Burns and will deliver August 1.1th at Marks creek In Crook county Mitchell Sentinel. Columbia river meu predict that NovemlsT of this year will see that stream nt the lowest stage In it history. There is not much water between the locks and The Dalles now, and If the water continues to full navigation will Jieeoiue difficult later on. Oregon Is now 10..T.1 In ches short of the usual rainfall, measuring from Sept. 1st, 1004. For the first time since lStil (44 years), the water in Eraser liver has drop ped so that the bars In the stream are exposed and miners are working them. The Columbia Is fed under similar conditions and it Is reason able to suppose that the results will be the same. One great benefit of low water will be the opportunity afforded to blast troublesome rocks that binder navigation opposite Biggs. But before the red tape can be manipulated high water will again run Its course. Moro Observ er. The bonrd of director of the Cen tral Oregon Agricultural and Live stock nMoHatlon laid a meeting Tuesday afternoon nt which It waa detidiil not to hold n county fair thla full na wan at flmt Intended The ImikI trials In rortlnml. tlm con tinued heavy attendance from this section of the country nt the IwIm ami ( lark exposition, and the fact that tunny of the stis-k holder have not lis yet paid their assessments, were given as reasons why It would la- Impracticable to attempt to hold nn cxhli.lt. Mr. I ji toilet t stated Tuesday after the ruec ting-that with the nsM-smeiitM paid, the aaaiaiitlon would la. on a sound financial basis with funds enough on hand to erect all the buildings necessary, lie ex pressed regret that the fair could not la; held, but la-lleved that nex year a double effort would la? made to make the county exposition a success. Slid of ta Pa Only recently this paper ran a "lost" ad concerning a "tan colored lady's enja-" nor has the editor been horse wiilpja-d a yet. It has not lst-n very long since a child In Ashland was gored by acow. A hs-al contemporary In chronicling t lie event made the startling state ment that the child received serious Injuries "at the hands of the family cow. Exchanges are full of such Journal- latic oddities. The following are again going the rounds. The Chinaman fell down and broke his leg above the opium Joint. The steamer Mary Ellen was burn ed to the water's edge this morning and every soul on boanl drowned except the chamlM-rmnlil who saved rself by swimming ashore. She was loaded with pig Iron anil In sure! for f l.ooo. Boom for rent for a lady twelve feet square. Bicycle for sale by a young man with a leather seat. A piano for sale by a young lady with mahogany legs. Wanted Two young rueu who will Is treated as one of the family. Booms for rent by a family with a southern expimure. Shoes shincil on the Inside, Ash- laud Tribune. Ttmporary CcrttficatM. Now that the regular examination Is past-ami thHa who have not a valid certificate for this county must fall back on a armlt If they teach, It might be of benefit to such to know the following law and rules governing the grnuting of penults: 1. Penults grauted without writ- teu examination: Provided that such Hrmlt may la granted without a written examination to the holder of the certificate, valid In any coun ty In the state, who Is entitled to the same or to a holder of a certifi cate valid In any other state when the applicant for the same shall present satisfactory" testimonials of his good character and success aa a teacher. Dlv. C. Par. 7, Sec. 20 P 22. Oregon School Law. Notice the above law reads Certificate valid;" an expired cer tificate Is not a valid certificate. No Mrmits will la? granted upon ex pired certificates hereafter, unless Intely expired. 2. Not more than one permit will be granted, un the same certificate; i. e., if one permit is grauted on a certificate from another county an other permit will not be granted without r.ppllcnnts first passing a written examination, either regular or special. 3. Permits granted upon passing written examination. But no per mit shall be Issued to any pers6n not coining within the provisions of this proviso except on a written ex amination equivalent to that re quired for a third grade certificate. P 22, Oregou School Law. (a) The applicant must be 18 years of age and of good moral character. (b) Must make an average of 75 IH-r cent and not fall la?low 60 per cent in any one branch. (c) No one having failed at the last regular examination in any county In the state will be allowed a penult, (d) No one will he allowed to take examination for a lH'rmlt who has not a school engaged. (e) Any grade certified to by the Suite Superintendent that applicant hna received during' the 18 months preceding will be accepted In lieu ot an examination in any branch where grade is not less than that required for a iKrmit. (f) Uegular fees for jienult, $2.50. - C. B. DmvuiiuK, County Superintendent. TL: - fl r.i L J n n LJ r i i. j n LJ r t n ti LJ r.i t J r.i LJ r.i LJ r.n LJ n LJ r.i L J r i LJ L J L J r..i LJ r.n cj r..i L J r.i LJ L J n L J r.i L J L J r,i L J ri LJ LJ m LJ r.i LJ r.,i L J LJ r.i LJ CJ r.i CJ LJLJ We have the best impliment made for cutt Alfalfa and Meadow Hay. The Cclchra . r v i .".. i k.-w ri ted i McORMFK I r r '.I , BIG U MOWER ;i it 'J m 5 Foot Cat This Mower has Higher Wheels, Wider Track and More Weight than the regular Mower which makes it stand up to the heaviest work without crawling and causes it to run lighter in heavy work than the smaller machines. We also have the regular machines in 4 12 and 5 foot cut and McCOUMICK Self Dump STEEL HAY RAKES in 8, 9 and 10 foot It A Full Line ot Repairs for Orders Taken Our Lines on Hand. Repair For Till Makes W. F. In (Succattor to ELKIN8 KINO) L J r i l J n L J r i LJ r i l j r L j r i t j r i l i n L j r i L j r.i L J r i LJ r i l J r.i l j r.i LJ r.i L j r i L J r.i L j r.i l j r.i L J r.i L j L j r.i L J r i L j n L j r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i L J r.i L J ri LJ r.i L J r.n LJ CI L J IC.1 L J r.a LJ rnr.; r..ir.irirrir!irr!irirrrrirrir?irnrirrrnrirrrrrirnrir,irrrrr-irrrrTir7r!tr"r,ri LJLJLJLJL JLJLULJLLJLJLJLJLJtJl.JL JLLJLJLjJwJUJLJCJtJL JU-ILJLJLJLJL.JLJLJLJLJLJLJ Tbey Appeal to Our SymptUiiM The bilious and dyspeptic are constant sufferers and apal to our ympathis. There ii not one of them, however, who may not be brought back to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. These tab lets invigorate theliqer and strengthen the digestion. They also regrlate the bowels. For sale by D. 1. Adamgou. Board ol Equalization Meeting. KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the Board of Equalization will attend at "the office of the county clerk of t'rook county, Oregon, on Monday, the 2Sth day of August, 1905, and publicly examine the assessment roll for 1905 and correct all errors In valu ation, description or qualities of land, lots or other proerty, nnd It shall is; the duty of iiersous Interest ed to appear at the time and place appointed and it It shall appear to the said Board of Equalization that there are any lands lots or other property assessed twice, or In the name of a person or persons not the owner thereof, or assessed under or ls?yond Ita actual value, or any lands, lots or other property not assessed, said Board shall make the proper corrections. J. D. Lafollktt, County Assessor. Note All parties not assessed for the year 1005 will please call at the court house or send In list of assessable proja-rty Immediately. J. D. Lafollktt, County Assessor. A Warning to Mothers. Too much care cannot be used with email children during the hot weather of the gummea months to guard against bowel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give the child a doao of castor oil to correct any disorder of the bowels. Po not use any subetitue, but give the old-fashioned castor oil, and see that it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseatee and has a tendency to gripe. If this does not check the bowels give Cham berluin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and then a dose of castor oil and the direasi may be checked in its iucipiency and all danger avaided. The castor oil and this remedy ehould be procured at once and kept ready for in stant use as soon as the first indication of any bowel trouble appears. This is the most successful treatment known and may be relied upon with implicit confidence even in cases of cholera in fantum. For sale by I). P. Adamson. tS h o e IS t 2 : jr We have an assortment of Ladies Shoes 4" fi and Oxfords in both Black and Tan, Kg J which formerly sold for from $3.00 to y 1 $5.00 per pair. In order to close the j 1 entire lot oufwe have placed them in J . A one lot and will let j"0U make' your 1.1 pick of any pair of Jt Ladies Shoes for $2.00 ' Ladies Oxfords for $1.50 4 O s These shoes have Wen in stock for some time ami that is the reason we are offering you such a baraain. While they may be a little out of date in re gard to cut and style, they are just what you want for wearing around home or when you go out camping. Then we have a new line of Shoes for Drs, in the latest style and cut, 'or both Ladies and Gentlemen, which we offer at bargain prices. Call and ee them. RIDEOUT & FOSTER h o e o S Meat, Vegetables, Produce Greatly in Demand. Nothing Is more in demand than a medicine which meets modern re quirements for a blood and system cleanser, such as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are just what von ed to .cure stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At J. II. Templetons and D. P. Adamson's drug stores, guaranteed. A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on Mutton, Pork, hand at the City Ri eat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. Prineville, At The Old Stand Orejcon. r.:iririr:ir:ir;tr:ir,ir.iGii.ir:ir:iri c jji: jcju:ji2jcjujw:ji:jL'jk:ji:jji: jLJtjLJt r.i LJ c.i LJ CI CJ c:i CJ ci CJ CJ ci CJ r.i L'J C.I CJ CI CJ El CJ CI L'J E3 CO) c J ca CJ C3 CJ ca CrJ r.3 CJ ca C J C3 CJ CI CJ Cil LJ CJl CJ CI CJ ra ca Cil CJ CI CJ ca CJ r.a CJ ca CJ ca CJ ca c J ca CJ ca CJ ca CJ ca c J ca ca Can You Walk? YES: Then you wear Shoes and are looking for the beat made. We have them, the famous Gotzian Shoes We are making room for the largest consignment of shoes ever shipped to any firm in Crook County and will be prepared to Shoe any person who wears Shoes. We carry the famous 'Health and Walk Easy' Shoes for men and women, which have never been been equaled for comfort, style, fit and wear. This is a good spring to wear spring goods. We have ' the largest and snappiest line of Spring Goods ever - brought to Prineville, which vill be ready for the good , people to select from in the near future. Do not buy elsewhere until you have examined our line. JOHNSON, BOOTH & GO. CI LJ ca LJ ca CJ ca CJ ca LJ ca LJ r.a CJ ca LJ ca CJ ra CJ B r.a LJ r.a CJ CI CJ ra LJ r.a CJ ca CJ r.a LJ ca LJ C.I LJ ca CJ ca LJ ca c j ca LJ ca LJ ra LJ ca LJ r.a CJ r,:i LJ ca LJ ra LJ ri L J ca LJ r.i LJ ca LJ r.a LJ ra EaGaEaEacnfiacaEaEaEacnRacacaracacacarar LJ