V Sf " 1 ' . . ". " " ' " " " - ....... Motic To Creditor. HftiM To Oradllor The Journal OYSTIitt IIOUSK and LUNCH COtlNTI'H 1? Vf . I 1 L - 1.4. I a I. 1. i. it4 ' 1 l . j r l k i r1 of Ih -ttr of Thomu J. roell, 1 , all t-ion ' P r i It I c I fc Tit 'I'll PartUtitut dro-twd, lo all rinoii having claim ttraimit Mid dc'ed to prewnt them iuu C i" hi iri'j Kitrii iv i having rlntiiis against ail divt'acd to ! tilN'tiitt nil Ii.hiI'm U ' N E I L 'l " "I"'1'' liy or itliu.lt I , Inlll.v nf pnttluu up McnUi.f nil kind Brothers m ..iM.t Mc nml wrwl loonier. ManagCTS Unki-K for th,. fn n.lly I'IhIi. tli.ini-. n ml I rn.li'. o o O.VKtcm In St iiMon. Iin-n.1 l or K.tlo . prewMil the wiiie with the imcr vom hcr, i I r i with lh prrr voucher to thr tiinJer Ijrnnl at the oftlce of M. R. F.lli.H in PrlneTllle, Origin, within i month" from the date hereof. THtrA thin 4th dity of May, ItHV. J. 0. Powell, Adroinnttnitor with th will annexed of the vital of Thoma J. Powell, IVoeawd. lo the uiHieriftnel, administrator f th suite of ail drvea.od. at the offica of M. R. Klliott. in Priuevllle, Onuon, within ota tiar-ta for ny ihtn from catalogue. Commercial griming or. I to a r t w J r t. j r t i J r L J r t i. 4 r i LJ r i t. r lJ r l kj t "it months from th date herevf. lMe. thi$ 'SJtuI day of June. HVV I W. A. HOOTH, j MAIS' STRKKT, Siuit Tmk ivww Buiima Administrator of th Ktale of ALL r t'. O. Anilw, IVoe.-oe.!. i P R I X K V I L I. F. , O R K O X Not loo to Creditors In th matte of thefKtal of J. II. irnt. ! riereaard. - i Notice I hereby given to all persona;. havinc claim attaint aaid Ieceaed, to present the same to the undersigned ad ministratrix of aaid Kstate at the ofttce of X. R. BiRfti, in rrineville, Oregon, with the proper vouchers, within sis month from th first publication of this notice. . MRS. ROBERTA GRANT, Administratrix of the Estate of J. H. Grant, Deceased. Hated jlni 6th day of April, WW np Wotic t . Creditors. IS th Matter of the Estate of Margaret 8. Noble, Deceased. " t Notice is hereby given to alt persons ; having claims against said deceased to 1 present the tame with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, executor of the Kstate of aaid deceased, at th office, of M. R. Klliott, iu Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 22nd day of June, MXV. A. J. NOBLE. Executor of the Estate of Margaret 8. Noble, Deceased. Notice to Creditors. , I Notice is hereby riven that the urn: signed has been by the County Court of Crook County, State of Oregon, appointed Executrix of the estate of J. S. Kellt y . against said estate are hereby required to j present the same duly veritied at the law office of M. E. Brink in Prineville, Oregon, J within aix months from th date of th first publication of th is notice. Dated and published first time July 6. ' Grace L. Kelley, Administratrix of the Estate of np J. S. Kelley, deceased Notice to Creditors In the matter of th. Estate of J. H. Bar- in Prineville. Oregon, on the 1-11. day of nett, Deceased. September, MM. Notice is hereby given to all persons He names the following witnesses to having claims against said Deceased, to prove the complete irrigation and reola present the same to the undersigned ad-j me lion of said land: miuistrator of said Estate at the office o I James Messinger, James Montgomery, Q. W. Barnes, in Pruieville, lOregon, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the first nublication of this notice. Dated this 23rd day of March. 190S. R. H. BARNETT, Administrator of the Estate ofj. H Bar tett. Deceased, pd Notice of Final Accounting Notice is hereby given that the under j . signed, the administratrix of the estate ofj tsaloma Aldncb, deceased, has nled her ti ual accounting of her administration of said estate, and the Honorable County Court of Crook County, Oregon, has set Friday, the 5th day of May, 196, at o'clock A. x. at the County Court room 11 in Prineville, j)regon, as the time and place for hearing such accounting. At which time and place, any person interested in said estate may file his objections thereto, if any there be. MARY ELLIOTT. Administratrix of the Estate of Saloma Aid rich, deceased a tinp Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice is hereby given tha appointed the following named I have persons deputy stock inspectors: J. P. Cartwright, Jim Woods, E. Sparks, A. Morrow, F. M. Smith Roscoe Knox, J. S. Bogue, Alex Mcintosh, U. S. Cowlea, E. H. Dean Joe H inkle. Hay Creek, j Ashwood i Sister. Haystack. ! Paulina. Post I Holland. I Hardin Hay Creek j Hay Creek j Stock Inspector Crook County. Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalle. Oregon, June 13, 1905. Notice is hereby givn that the folio ving named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. J. Smith, County Clerk, in rrineville, Oregon, on the LJth day of August, 1905, via: DOUGLAS SMEAD of Post, Oregon, II. E. No. liXfl, for the SWXNW.WVfSWJi.SEK SWj-i, Sec. 2, Tp. 17 Boutu, Range 19 East, M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Caleb Davis, Edward Gillenwater, Marion Taylor, John Pickett, all of Post, Oregon. MICHAEL T.NOLAN, Register. j22d NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Isolated Tract) PUBLIC LAND FOR SALE United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, June 14, 1905. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under uuthority vested in him by Section 2455, United States. Revised Statutes, as amended by Act ef Congress approved February 2b, 1895, we will proceed to ofler at public sale at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., on the 10th day of August, 1905, at this office, the following tract of land, to-wit: The NEK8WK of Section 4, Tp. 14 8., Range 15 East of W. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely tha above described lands are advised to file their claims inhis office on or before the day above designated for the com mencement of said sale, otherwise their rifbts will be forfeited. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register ANNE M. LANG, Receiver I Notice to Creditors. ,..r ,i, .,, of Klijah M. '- Harnett, deceased. XotU-e is hereby grren to all person having claims againat said deoea.ed, to present the au to th undersigned ad ministrator of said Estate at the office of M. R. Elliott, in Prineville. Oregon, with; Ih proper vouchers, within six inonth i from the firt publication of this notice. t i alcd thi ltfth day of March. 1.AV i 1). MAKXKTT. Administrator of the Klate of Elijah M. Baniett, Deceased. Notice For Publication. Land OrKe at The lalles, Oregon, June 27. UUV Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J.J. Smith. County Clerk of Crook county at Prineville, Oregon, on the Hth day of August 16. via: HORACE EDWARD RAN NELLS, of Post' Gregon, H. K. No. 127!. for the Lots t. 2. 5, 4. Sec. 5, T. 17 S., R. 20 E., W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uHin and cultivation of said land, vis: fe. r. txng, joiui ncKcw, I'UMncii ivhi- maii and I.als) Harris, all of Po't, Oregim. j MICHAEL T. NOLAN' i jtipd Ugiter. Desert LAnd, Final Proof.-Notloe For Publication. Ijind Omiv at The Dalles, On-gon. Julv 19. WIS. 1 Notice is hereby given that David I Weaver of Prineville, Crook County, Ore j gon, has tiled notice of his intention to j make proof on his desert-land claim No. 1 1S7, for the NE' NEV Nrtion Towu- ship It South, Ranee 14 East, W. M be fore the Count v Clerk at the Court House I J. W. McGonigill sud Frank Forest, all of : Prineville, Oregon. ; MICHAEL T. NOLAN' i.'tnp Register. Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, i July 22. 1906. ; Notice is hereby given that the following j named settler has tiled notice of his i intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Crook County September 12th, at Prineville, Oregon, on 1!5, viz: JAMES C. HOUSTON' of Crook, Oregon, H. K. No. fitisu. for the 1 Lots 3 4, Section 10. Lot 1. Section .', Tp. IS South, Range U East, and NE1,,' NEJi Section 25, Tp. H South, Range 1 rat, W. M. He names the following witneies to prove his continuous residence . upon and cultivation of said land, vis: John V. Shattuck, Henry BurktoIT and Elam Faught, of Crook, Oregon, and Wil liam R. McFarland, of Prineville, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. M CATARRH W4 Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVE RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Ueutorea the Senses of Taxte and SmelL Easy to use. Contains no injurious drug". Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York. Brights Disease Diabetes And We desire to place in tlie hands of those afflicted with- Brights Disease and Diabetes a 3G-page pampolet that in saving human lives. It is not an ordinary pam phlet, such as is comiuonely used to ad vertise medicines, but i principally made up of reports of scientifically conducted tests in a large variety of cases, show ing 87 per cent of recoveries in ihese hitherto incurahie diseases, The HpecilicK employed in these tests are known as the Fulton Compounds and the results obtained prove conclusively that these dreaded diseases so long fatal (the deaths from Brights Disease alone are appalling, over IOO.ijipO a. vear, starting as kidney troubles) have at last yielded to medical science. The pamphlet is free. Write to the John J. Fulton o., 4"!J Wash ington street, San Francisco, 'al. When to suspect ilrights Disease: Pufly ankles or hands; weakness without apparent cause, kidney trouble after third month; frequent urination, (may show sediment or cloudy on standing); failing vision; day drowsiness one or more of these. s. Ws i I Kav K4 axxaskM to un yoor jRUk.Drsutht Stock and Poultry Mcdi. K Drauiht ciM and tm pltaxd to say that I never wed anythinj lor stock that tv half as (ood satUfactton. I Njrtily rtcom- I It to aU ewsxrs of itock. J. B. BELSIiER. St Lout. M Sick stuck or poultry should not est cheap stock food any more than sick persons should expect to be cured lv food. NY hen your stock and poultry are sick give them med icine. Don't stuff Uioin with worth less stock foods. Unload the bowvls and stir up the torpid liver ami the animal will be cured, if it te possi ble to cure it. Black-Draiipht Stock and roultrv Medicine miltads the bowels and stirs up the torpid liver. It cures every malady of stock if takfn in time, Secure a iVcvnt can of Black-Drauffht Stock and Poultry Medicine and it will pav for itself ten times over. Horses work better. Cows irive more milk. Hoes train flesh. And hens lay more etJir. It solves the nroblcin of making as much blood fleah and energy as possible out of the smallest amount of food con- umed. Buy a can from your dealer. rT3rrlrrlflrr H J WANTED To Work on the Extension of Sampter Valley R. R. ! J. $2.11 per Day Paid For Men UM & $151 for Men and Teams Address: ARCHIE MASON Tipton, - Oregon QrelgrardbTlrr;l CRQQE COUSTT MSI OFFICERS: W. A, Booth, President C. M. Elkin8, Vice President Fred W. Wilson, Chier DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, C. M. Elkins, O. F. 8tewart, Fred W. Wilson. Transacts a General Banking liusineKs Exchange P.oupfht and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt atten tion a---- -a.-a..a..a a - a .m. rTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T The Whole Thing in an Egg Shell How to Get 200 Eggs a Year per Hen The second edition A Practical Poultry Manual it now ready. Contains among other things the famous Saiiijjson Method of Feeding, which is known to be one of the Ijesi meant of nukicr i prom tram jjonltry. Sonicf ti 11 Irani jxnmry. home! t c! ... ; f lings are: Brooder Chiik.; 1'roht- i Poultry Raising; Principle Diffi- T u... o.. 1. . ... T headir able culties; Remedies for Roup; During the Moult; liconoiny in Feeding; Poultry as a Business; Trap Ne-ts, with plans and illustrations. This chapter is worth the price ol the book. Tells the practical way to make poultry pay. Price 50c. Our paper is a 32 page Agricultural Magazine with Household, Poultry, Horticulture and Dairy Departments. Kubscripiion price )l.oo. To introduce our monthly into your home we will send the paper one vear and A Practical Poultry Manual for 35 cents. The Pacific Tree and Vine J. Park Hotel Bldg., San Jose, California I I mm' juhcrliMr tli tlln' 10 niter I lie Crook County fieltl should USE the paper that Is read hi I lie homes of Hi e people, I h e Crook Gounty Journal II rovers the lieltl h.v 11 circulation double that of any other. in . r. t u : r t Li r i k. J r i LJ n t j r i k 'J r v t. J r.i LJ r i k. J r i LJ r i L J r "V L J r t L J r i k J r 1 LJ r i L J n L J LJ r V u r "1 LJ r 1 LJ r LJ r.- LJ r t L J r.."i CJ r i kJ r tJ ri L J r i LJ r i kJ r 1 L J r LJ ri L J r i L J r i lj r.t L J r " LJ LJkikJk JkJkJkJk jkJLkL Jljjk I0ER u mil vou W'r ship to (inyoiie oil FREE tal.cn In traile nn niakeK and - I! Irr I u I U I ' ir I U IJ IH! NflT B1IV s bicycle uhlll ini liave wrld. ri f,.r our FAQTORY s v ii w s vv SI W quionieni. tunsnea ami isirtlni' kixmIi of all kliuK. at hnif rculur i " In "r Sia Ire Sundry Catalogu. Coiuaina a wurlii ot ui-ful Inturuiailou. Write fur IU PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES $4iri Regular price $8.50 per pair To Introduce we will Sell You a Sample Pair for Only NO MORE TROUBLE from PUNCTURES IT OUiVhE AIR te:.e-V:--. fWiti Re.iult of IS ypai"S exp1! iencft in tire mnklnp. No danger from THORNS, OAOTUS, PINS, NAILS, TACKS or GLASS. Set iou puncture-, like ititeuiional knife cuU, cun bo vulcanized Jike any oilier tire. Send fur Csialntrue "T." showing all klixN and Dialn-i of lire at no r pair ami ui sImj CouKter-HraLeit, Hnllt-up W hecl-t and Hli-ychu-Himilrlfs at Half Ihm umual ftrlooa. .Notice tli thick ruliln-r in-ad "A" and jmuctuiv uritw "Ii" ami "Ii." Tliw lire will oinlasf any other make-Soft. Klaitlc and Easy KIUIiik. We will tlilp C. 0. 0. ON APPROVAL AND EXAMINATION without a rfnt drpo'tt. We will allow a eamh discount of Ot 1 1 lu ri-ljy niuliluK the price H.W tx'f nnlrl If jron send full eaah with order. J lr to Ui ruiiirm il m our cxi-ltiho If not aathfuctory on exaniliiHllon. MEAD CYCLE CO., Dept. "J.L. CHICAGO, ILL. . ..-v . ,v When You Gome , To Portland Make your plans to stop at a hoinc-liko hostelry; a iIhco whoro you will lie shown every eotirteHy and treated as you would lie in your own home, tow n or c i I y THE FORESTRY INN I fuel) a place, and it stand within one hlocka of the Exposition Entrance, on 35th Street facing Uhur. THE FORESTRY INN is constructed on the loj? cabin style; furnishinjijs, cuisine, and manflgement conforms thereto. It has 150 large commodious rooms, all opening on broad, cool verandas; with electric lights; hot and cold water and free baths. From the roof garden a view is had of the Ex position grounds, the city and surrounding country. Car service direct to all p'hrts of the city. European plan. Dining service a la carte and reasonable as in any part of the city. Price of Rooms. $1.00 and $1.50 Special Aaiea to Parties of two or more Meals 7 La Carte THE FORESTRY jVjV, Inc. Address P. C. M71TTOX, Manager, or H. IU. FUNQHER 2Sth and Upshur Street, PORTLAND, ORIXiON r i L J r i L i r i L J r t L J f ,i i j r i L J r i t i r i L J r i L J r i L J r t l J r 1 L J r i L J r L J r i L J r i L J i t i. j r v L J r L J r i k. j r t kJ r t L J r i l J r t k J r i k j r k j r t k 4 r.t k j r i k j n k j n t j r "i JkJLJkJL JL JkJk JL Jk A Jk J AGENTS WANTED No Ilfoney Roquiroii l'cvcive and aipruve c( your bicycle. ICIt Days Free Trial Sfi $W to $24 with t. 'ouster - iirnkes uttd runemi-elpss Tircn. gSff. $7 to $12 Any wile or model you mint nt oiir-lhii'il mmm! prirt. t'lioice of anv ulaiulattl tiie and tsst equipment on till our licclis. Aconyrs( ijmn c. We SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. 1. t.. anv ono trithoul o crtit tUiMmit unci allow Q DAYS TRIAL U-fonn ptin-hase It bnminjf- 500 Second Hand Wheels to $8 your ( ini-aKO renin siorei. uu rnislclH. smm at n PRIOEM A HO FMEE TRIAL OFttR. Tirea s a i m m i i-.) . -. i r i f EASY RIDING, STRONG, DURABLE, SELF HEALING FULLY COVERED by PATENTS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS w Your Patlonauc Kcsifcctfullv Solicited Want &rk ffloarc Jint Winos, Li Urntt itml Sf Sooct Milliard n WW n K r... t arssr . .a ailANlKU WAKtllUUbt lOMI'ANl Shaaiko, 0 rc cj9 a. REHERaL SjORiGE foRWiRDINQ Commission 3 )ca!rr in llliukninitli Coal, Flour, Hnrlil Wire, N'jtiln, iVtiiciit, I.iin, Conl Oil, I'lntor, Sulphur, Wool mul (irain, Sut-ki) niul Thitio, (iraiu niul Fofil. Agent for WttM'o Wnrcliotiso Milliun To'd. "White Uivt r" nn.l "IViIIi-h i'utt'iit" Flour. Uighf-l price jmiil for Hiilt!i nml IVltn. SI is! Spivial Atti tition in paM tn linlinn for Kahtcrn Shipment. til 4 ti Stix-k YanU with nil for llandlin); Si.v k. til Mark Your Goods in U -IU JLJU JU JU JUJU JU JW JWJU JU r t u J r t u J r "i U J r - r i Sonera I ffilaccsmithing HoilsKHIIoKlMi, r i u j r i L J r i Li r i u j r i Li r i u J r i Li r i l J r ,i LJ n Li X K A T I. Y AMI WliKN' IT it Sctomctn Satisfaction Will ritl.NKVII.I.K, j i X-j When in need of Lum ber, Shingles, Mould ing, Doors, Windows or Glass see TJ ... iii i i SHIPP For Prices ..Henderson Wines, and Liquors, t s ! B Gountry Orders Solicited First Door South of Poindexter Hotel. Powell & Jr. C. ZWj dt Danlu tUt)i'N, v.iy;urN, HottN'tl lvov. "Uablo in Connection a igji V Q v AND Merchants Wo.il (ir.nliiiK ainl thi lul nt niul hint ftti'ilith' Care of US. W. Co." jf UJCJU JU JU JLJV.JL. Jtb-Jf. JW jUJj. j Wool) WOltK, Kit?. I'ltOMI TI.Y DilXK Ill.NK ItY & 7oorc lie (iua ran teed OltKOON. JL JLJL JLJajL JL.JL JLJLJL JL' J on Them. !IiiLrriIrr3riVTaR & Pollard.. Finest Cigars In Stock. Cy r.i ti a.' J 11 r i we j r.-i u LJ r..i t J r.i lj r.t u J r..i u J r.i Si w j r,.i LJ r.i u J r.i u J r.i LJ -Tonsorial Artists.