B LOem. MENTION a Mli liH 4 r.i. lime JuhI riii'li- n new line i fancy crockerv. . Latest sly Ics hi ncekm'nritiiil ImIIh at Michel & fit's. I'rlfin rcitMimnblc. If .von mil a I rtntk mil mi Michel & Co, Itr Kill) 'llse Cil I'.iix 1 whk nvi'r friiiii Mniiilti.v on a IiiihIiii-mm Hip. Every inn owm It to himself ami hi family to master a trade or pro-fi-HHliiit. Head the display advertise ment of I lie nit Mirc M-li'iiiU of Telegraphy, In tliU Issue mid learn llfii'l 'M1' ''""y .vounx iii'in or lady I may li'iirn telegraphy nnd If assured Joe Lister ami Mlfi-, of I'liullaii, tfciv vImIIIiik In Hit' city Inst week. IMC attla u At OMMIAI I KcRiilar ITlca A. H, LIPPMAN 4t CO. Comu In mihI look ai our new line of tinware. Warranted for tlvi year. JiihiiMoii, lliiiilli & Co. All kind of cuimed kooiU at lied, risk prices, Jor rash, nl (li.o ku'm Cloth Mini tennis shoes at Michel A Co'm. Lowest price, A full line of i iinil mnl Halt uieatM and bird it t li.t r.it's. a . . . . . hi ror all kinds of 7 V. Pfikln.. l. ft wawiiivvw vw ui n also Heller Clas Carpentering (ioTo It .1,1 A. H. Llppman & Co Take .four run to (Hover's Cash (Iroccry Mton If you want the liluli est market price at all times. huii't hi'II your eKK until you ' ilovcr. He I always In the market niul pays the highest price In Cash. You am rlht, we liave a line of tinware which we guarantee against riiNt or wear for Five Yearn. Jnhti m ill, llnotli & Co. ' Where illil you get that lint?" N'i difference, you want a new one. YVi have them ainl they nre rlif lit. iHiuhnm & AilauiM. Ill fine Kugni', Coffees, Cauneil floods, Tobaccos, tiunrs ami l'miry Candles. It will pay you to mi iii.nvr.u. For Cedar Doors Window iilaM Paints, Oil Building himI Tur I'nxr Call on A. H. Llppman & Co Price Lower tlinti the Lowest We have Hectireil the Hole agency lor the I.lxk Antlrustlng Tinware, which we gunrnntcc against rust or wear for live yearn from the date purchase. JoIiiihiiii, Month A-Co, We w ant your shoe trmle. ami an willing to earn It by selling you letter good for the money than others. Ihiuhnm & Adams, The latent styles, In 1 .in I lew, Misses nnd Chlldntis hats Juki reeelveil, at lowest prices. .Mm. SiinIi Hhtyton tllover. Wash hollers, milk pans, wash howls, bread raisers, etc., In our new Hue of never runt, never wear out tinware, Johnson, ltooth & Co, Collie to our Mtore n ml le "shown" our new Hue of tinware, nml you will bellcvv It Is the bent ever. We glvennvcyea.rgtinrant.ee on every plii-e. Johnson, ltooth & Co. r i B?rS3 HOT 0u of .itluiiisou's Ice 4'iTUiii Sottas will nTrtvsli you. It's the For mi excollnit dt'scrt buy or or der .by 'phono, n park age or our Ice c renin. H'm sure to please. D. P. AOAMSON & CO. 1 i I p FOR SALE New nprlKht pintio. lkHn imeil but a few moutliH nml will wll at a bnrfynln. AiblreHH II. onre of Th( Journal. VOU. HALE; Baby ennlan ami Hewing uiacblne, both gofxl an new, belonging to the I'Hta to of.l.S. Kel ley, deeeHHi'il, for hhIc cheap. Ad dreHH or Imiulre of M. E. Brink, at torney for Own-on. the oxtnte, l'rlnevllle tiny Lafulli'tt ami wife returned lant Friday inorulUK from a vlnlt to the IcwIm ami Clark fair. T. M. Baldwin, of 1 he l lrt NatliHi nl, retiirneil home Sat urdiiy from the laud tiiaU In I'ortlaml. Uilford .1. Cialu returned the nwi wiek from J'orllaud where he Iium Imimi a wllm'NN In the laud tilnU. Jcxxe Wlndoiu, of Culter, wan In I lie lily 011 h lmHlne'irl IiihI Sat urday. "Archie Powell returneiT home lanl week from Hiiiiiiullt l'rnliie where he him Ih-cii puttliitf III tlirc' weekn of hard work- ltiiilnj( li'iy. T. II. Uafollett returned the llrnt of the week from I'ortlaml where he ha Imimi wrvlnic at a wltiieMH In the land trlaln. JiiMtlce J. I,, Luckey and wife re turned biHt Friday from a three iik' IhII at the bntln and Clark I V M Ml 1 1 ll. Jchw Vancey and wife ami two children returned laid wiek from a trip tu Khermnii county w here Mr. Yancey ilUpiiwil of n baud of limwu. Mi-m. Juhii CyriH left lawt week for I'ortlntnl to attend the expoMltlon. She wa Mccoiiipinli'il by Mrx. E. II. Smith. Otto tlra.v and wife left Tucnibiy moruliiK for Siimmltl I'ralrlx vhcre they will hh'ii a couple of wii-kM at Mr. dray' l10111cHtcr.il. - Terry I.on and Bay Kinney left thin wiek for Eugene ami Valley point wiierejhey will vUll relative for a time before koIiih; to Portland to attend the expoNitlou. W, I'. Klntc went dow n to lleixler Hlatloll the laxt of the week to biiliK back Home of the material mnled In the i'oiihI met Ion of the new lirnt National B1111I4 bullilluK. tieorne W. Ilariii-H returned Mon day moruliiK from rortlaud where lie ban lceii one of the' attorney h for the ilcfeiidantH In the WIlliauiMon-OeHiier-Blftjf trial. 1'. B. I'olndexter and MIh Berna Poludexter returned Monday morn liiK from rortlaud. Mr. Polndcxt.ir wiim HiibpiMMii'il iih a w ltrnttH In the land ciim'm. Mr. ami Mm. Walter O'Nell and moiih returned Monday cmiiIiik froul I'ortlaml ami KvuxMe where they have Imh'ii eiioyliiK a three we'kH' olltlllU. ColiinibiiH .lohiiMon nml wife and family left yenierday for Summit Prairie w heiv they will camp with Mr-ami Xlrx. (tto Orny for 11 couple of week. W. A. Booth and Mon, Uennle, left Monday noon lor the CiiHcade 11101111 taliiH when they will upend a couple of wei'kH llMlilngat the laken ami en- JoyluK an outliiK. Mi-h. E. II. Smith left IiihI week for I'ortlaml when hIic wHKvImII the fair for a xhort time, returning with Mr. Smith who waw HiibpiM'tied as a wltneHH In the land trial. County An8CHHor J. 1. Lafollett In nerving notice by publication of the meeting of the Board of Equaliza tion w hich will be held at the court limine In iIiIn city 011 Monday, AuKUnt 2s. FOR SALE: A wriiml hand oiKitn. ThU In a bargain the like of w hich you only have a chance In a Hie time to m an'. For Himlculnr call on or addn'HH. The .lOl RNAI, OFFB.'E. l'rlnevllle, Oregon. Dr. J. If. RoHcubci'K and wife and Mini, Winter, returned lant Friday from a vlnlt of three weokN at the fair. Dr. ltownhcrir'H mother r- turned with them and will Hjiend a part of theHummer hen. Mi-h. A. Dunham, of 1'iinevllle, Im vlHltlnjj ler daughter, Mi-h. J.A. Douthlt. She In accompanied by Mr. Ada Mllllcan, a teacher In the Indian Hchool at Tacomn. Dalles Chronicle. ,Vrl1uir Clothier, of the ManHitchu Helta Mutitnl, came In from Portland thU week, lie has been upending t he piiat few days In Awhwood nml vicinity looking nfter hla Inminuiee biiHlnesH. D, h. Mieiier, 01 Seattle, a tvpre- Himtatlve of the Korea try Biiivnu, 1 In the city oomluctlng the examln ntlotiH at the court limine for forent rnngerti. The oxainlnatlonn began thellrntand the hint will bo given today. I We have Junt received of 11 barrel (JELLY ! GUSSES) Thene (ilanncH have been Helling ntT'icentH a doen. In order to clear out thin lot we are Helling them at tSOlCENTS A 1 DOZEN) Call nnd have a look at our lluo of Fruit Dlahea, Imported" Jnrdlnors, Etc., Etc. I RIDEOUT & FOSTER Nxt Boon to Smith's Harness Shof J I'etoZell and wife and hou, T. B Zell, returned laat week from the Santlam where they went In cpteat of wild black berried. They report the berry crop to be a failure and enme buck without Hcciuing any. Ward Cram nnd wife and Mr. and Mra. ( M. LlHler left Monday after noon for Odell lake with a complete camping and finning outfit. They will apend a couple of weeks In the mountalnn at viuioun outing plncca before returning home. Frnnk Iluineaton, vyho In engaged In the general mercntitlle bunlness at Weston, wiB In the city the first of the week on his way home from Korent nnd Bend where he purchaH od a tract of land from the Deschutes Irrigation & Power compnny. a ponltloa. Ahrk DavU, 11 ntin klilitn of Silver Lake, In la the city on a buMinexM trl. Mr. Davln, who hat lnen buy ing cattle (jiilte fxteimlvely during the pant few molitlm, titiiten that lie liitH made his lant pim-honex thin year and will now fi-d until a favro able market prenentn llwlf. The iiieuilMTM of the Ladlti Annex held ajneetlng Tuenday afternoon. ArraiiHeiiientN are Ining made for the fall mid the Hint Moclal event will lie given Nometlme next mouth. The regular monthty metlng will be laid early In Hcptcmltcr at which time mon definite urraiigementM will Im made for the winter mouth John Newman, who han lxea em- ployeil by the lieiiver & Blo tJrande Railroad company at Denver In the capacity of civil cnglm-cr, left the latter city lant week for New Mexico where he In now In charge of an engineering crew locating a npur of the road running nevernl mile out of Lumbcrtoii. I u ma 11 Mmieod left Tuenday for I !u run w here he will remain looking after hunliicHH ma item for nevcral moiitlm. Since returning from Burmt a few mouth ago he has lccn buy ing cattle for the William 11 a nicy Company and thin week completed purclianen aggregating 600 head. The Mock will le delivered at Pau lina lnKeptemlMr. L". S. CowIch wan In the city the fli-Mtoflhc wei-k. Mr. Cowic nald both the Matolcn mid iH-nehutcn rivers were a foot lower at the point when liinHaw mill In ntntloncd llwiu they have ever Ini-n In-u ln'fre, The light fall of hiiow In the moun tains lant winter In tle cause of the decrease In the ntreamn. Mr. t.'owlen said they were running a full force of men nt the mill and that the demand for lumber was steady. The annua! meeting of the Bernola Mining company was held at the Polndexter hotel Monday evening nt which partial arrangemeutM wen made for doing the company's anesn menl work this summer. The meet ing was adjourned until next Sat urday evening in order to give time for other memls'i-n who an' out of town to atlcli'l. The annual elect ion of otllccrs will then Ih held mid other bunlness mutters trallnacted. Postmaster JaiTScn Wood, of Ash wood, has purchased the general meniiamltne .business of Irvine & Hamilton at that place and took possession of the bunlness the first of thU month. The retiring firm have Ih-cii engaged In th mercantile busi ness In Ashwood during the past thn-e years, nml during that time have built up an extensive trade. Mr. Wood will gain this and com bined with his gr(Hery business which he has couducted for several years will make him one of the lead ing meniiauts of the county. The store building and residence east of Trout en-ek wen Included In the IMiniiase of Irvine & Hamilton. With the close-of July the tirst hot sjiell of the summer was brought to an end. The highest temperature recorded In Prlneville occurred Sat urday, July 2"-', when the mercury reached 107 In the shade. High temperntuiVH were prevalent that day, however. In every section of the county, Madras claiming tne record with the mercury standing at 112) So far during the continued hot ncll, Bend has dlatingutnhed itself with the lowent torn 1 torn t tire, the heat there ls-lng of such variety that on the hottest days the mercury was held about 10 degrees lower than In other sections. J. W. Blednoe left yesterday for Portland with a collection of some of the mngnlflclent landscape views which he has taken in this couuty during the post few weeks. The photographs will he placed 011 ex hibition at the Fair, and will do much towards advertising this section of the state. The last of the week Mr. Bledsoe, accompanied by Sheriff Smith, went up the Ochoco where numerous views were taken of the count ry around Marks ereek. These will be placed In the hands of the engineers who will later examine the district before deciding upon the work to be pursued In the Irrigation scheme north of the city. County Clerk Smith has been the target during the past week for many pert missives in which the writers have demanded the whys and wherefores concerning the dc UnquoneleH In answering inquiries, recording papers, etc. The answer In that Uncle Sam subpoened the County Clerk about the tlrst of July and held him In Portland a couple of weeks. At the same time the uraclous government took by the arm all tlie lawyers, judges and practically all other persons com potent to look after affairs In the clerk's otllce, so that the latter place was compelled to take cam of Itself. The result Is nn accumulation of work which will tnke some time to straighten out, but Mr. Smith promises to work a night and day shift, as he has done most of the time since being tu office, until all complaints are satisfied and the work brought down to Its normal tone. Dr. Harold Clark, In-ritlst, Is now In thin city prepared to attend to th WUIitn of nii.V nil"' denirlim dental work done. Tli mi who do, nhould J have It attended to at once an he! will ,'ave au.'ilu iilioilt the ll of Set'ti-lnlwr. i PorUg Road FUi IU Bit. The hoard of portage road roni lulnnlonern hint week decided upon the schedule of rutin to le charged on that road for freight and passen gers, and decide! temporarily upon the following: ' ' West-botind-For nil chumcs of grain, delivered on ears, IT, cents per ton. All other freight, M cenU per ton. EaHt-boiind-AII Items covered by third and fourth class rabn under the Western classification, 50 cents s;r ton. This covers all shipments of heavy goods. First and second class, f 1 mt ton. Passenger rates, 2T cents. Kates on lumls-r, livestock and other article of a like character will Is-sisiial nnd announcement made Inter. School CloMi With Fin Program. Exerelsc were conducted at the Crook school house last ,weck to mark the close of a very successful four mouth's term of school which has lsen held there under, the able tutorship of Mlsa Ethel Morris. A large attendance h im present during the rendering of the program which Is given below: Song, "Our Greeting" -....School Recitation. "My Father" Sumner Houston Kef Itatlon, "A Happy Band" Tresna Houston R-cltatlou, "Apple Blossoms... Ida Houston Hong, "Peerless Oregon". ..School Duet Messrs Hlnton and Hlnton Recitation, "The Little Cuar" Elam Houston Recitation, "The Boy Is Comlu Home" Era Houston Recitation. "Peter, The Orthodox" Arthur Houston Recitation, "The Old Blue Chest" Etta Houston Song School Recitation, "Little Birds" Oracle Faugh t Recitation, "A Happy Home" Khner Hou.itou Recitation, "The Last Charge" 4... Laura Houston Vocal Duet, Misw Amy and Velma Odell Musical Duet, Messrs Hlnton and Hlnton Dialogue, "Au Anxious Inquirer" Etta and Arthur Houston Vin-al Duet, "Stay la Your Own Back Yard" -Misses Amy and Velma Odell Recitation, "The New Church Organ" Mm. J. W. Shattuck Parting Song .School BORN I11 this city, Monday, July SI, to the wife of Charles Rayl, an 8 pound girl. Dr. Rosenberg attending. MARRIED. In this city, at the residence of Mrs. Lettle A. Miller, Monday even ing, July SI, Miss Mn ud Gibson to Mr. James A. MeCall. the Rev. W. P. Jluuett, pastor of the Methodist chureh,- performing the ceremony. Both the bride nnd groom are from Sisters where both enjoy nn extend ed acquaintance and where they will continue to reside in the future. r t u r.t r 1 k' J u n k j r 1 k J J r 1 k J r.t kJ r 1 LJ r,i L J r. 1 LJ r.i LJ r.x LJ ri k' J r.i LJ rt LJ r,i LJ r.i LJ r 1 LJ r t LJ r.i LJ r.i l J r.i LJ r.i L J r.i L J r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ ri LJ ri CJ r.i LJ ri LJ r.i LJ r.i L J ri LJ r tri L JW j 3 J- ,'.V 1 J Wc have the best impliment made for cutting Alfalfa and Meadow Hay. The Celebrated McORMIK BIG U MOWER This Mower has Higher Wheels, Wider Track and More Weight than the regular Mower which makes it stand up to the heaviest work without crawling and causes it to run lighter in heavy work than thfsmaller machines. We also have the regular machines in 4 12 and S foot cut and McCOKMICK Self Dump STEEL II A V RAKES in 8, 9 and 10 foot l Ml AlV', Imwi mm A Full Line of Repairs for Orders Taken Our Lines on Hand, Repair For ail Makes W. Fo King (Succattor to ELKIN8 & KINO) AJ r.-r i LVL J r i k J r i k j n L J r i L J r i LJ r.i k J r i k J H r.i L J r.i LJ ri L J r.i i j r.a CJ u r.i LJ r i k j ri LJ t.i LJ n l j r.i l j r.i LJ ri L J r.a LJ r.i k j r.i LJ n kj r.i L j ri LJ r.i LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i CJ CI LJ ri CJ r,i Li rnr.i L'JLJ For a Weak Digeation. No medicine can replace food but Chamlierlaln'H Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest your food. It Is not the quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the system, but the amount di gested and asslmllrted. If troubled with n weak digestion, don't fall to give these Tablet a trial. Thous ands have lieen Is-nefited by their tiee. They only cost a quarter. For Rale by D. P. Adamson. NOTICE. All parties knowing themselves In debted to the firm of Smith Jc Cleek are requested to call nnd settle at once as we need the money. Smith & Cleek. Board ol Equalisation Meeting. Death of James A. Soggs. News has been received in Reno an noiiiuing the death of James A. Boggs at Salt Lake City last week. Mr. Hoggs was well known In Reno. He founded the Washoe Comity Abstract Compnny more than a year ago. tie also assisted in placing the Lincoln Park tract at Sparks on the market and for some time was agent for that property. Several months ago Mr. Boggs' health began to fall nnd In the hope of recovery he went to Los Angeles. At that place he grew steadily worse until lant week he started for his home In the east, At Salt Lake City his condition was such that he was taken from the train and placed In an ambulance. While on his way to the hospital ho passed away. Mr. Boggs was quite well known In Reno. He was a hard worker nnd a bright man, well liked by those who knew him. Beuo Journal. Mr. Boggs was a resident Yf this city two years ago and practiced law here for some time. He left here In the summer of 1903 for Lnkevlew where he rcmnined a time before going to Reno to establish an abstract and renl estate business. Death was due to consumption from which he had Buffered for several years. A widow nnd two children survive him In Minnesota, his former home, where he was one time a representative In tiiestate legislature. KNOWN ALL MEN BV THESE PRESENTS that the Board of Equalization will attend nt the office of the county clerk of Crook couuty, Oregon, on Monday, the 28th day of August, 19(15, and publicly examine the assessment roll for 1905 and correct all errors In valu ation, description or qualities of land, lots or other property, and it shall lie the duty of pei-sons Interest ed to appear at the time and place appointed nnd If it shall appear to the said Board of Equalization that there are any lands lots or other projerty assessed twice, or in the name of a person or persons not the owner thereof, or assessed under or beyond its actual value, or any lands, lots or other property not assessed, said Board shall make the proer corrections. J. D. Lafoli.ktt, County Assessor. Note All parties not assessed for the year 1105 will please call at the court house or send in list of assessable property Immediately. J. D. Lafollett, Countyssessor. SI h o .e IS t9 2 : 2 mm h o S We have an assortment of Ladies Shoes and Oxfords in both Black and Tan, which formerly sold for from $3.00 to $5.C0 per pair. In order to close the entire lot out we have placed them in one lot and will let you make your pick of any pair of Ladies Shoes for $2.00 Ladies Oxfords for $1.50 These shoes have been in stock for some time and that is the reason we are offering you Ftich a bargain. While they may be a little out of date in re gard to cut and style, they are just what you want for wearing around home or when you po out camping. Then we have a new line of Shoes for Dress, in the latest style and cut, for both Ladies and Gentlemen, which we offer at bargain prices. Call and see them. RIDEOUT & FOSTER hoe h o S if Meat, Vegetables, Produce AComplete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on hand at the 1 t City Meat Wlarket FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. Prlneville, At The Old Stand OreKon. U Ji. -IU -ik Jl IL JL'JI? JL' ,." J. 1 i- i, AV , - 7. ' J,- J. i. - J ' J . jit ...... ... - - - ..l-JLrj.'.bV..? Jt" ah " 1 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular 'Mothers buy U for croupy child ren, railroad men txiy it lor severe and elderly people buy It for la-R-rippe," any Moore Bros., Eldon, Iowa. "We sell more of Chamber lains Cough Kemedy than any ot her klndv It seems to have taken the lead over several other good brands" There Is no question but this medicine is the best that can be procured for coughs and colds, whether It be a child or an ad lift- that Is ffllcted. It always cures and cures quickly. Sold by D. P. Adamson. LJ r.i IC'J r.i KJ rt LJ LJ r.i LJ r.j LJ LJ r.i cj . r.i LJ r..i LJ ri L'J r.i LJ E.I L J r.i LJ r,.i CJ r.i K.I L J ri LJ ri LJ r.i L J r.a LJ r.,i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.:i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ Gi L'J r.i LJ LJ r.i LJ LJ ri L J r.i LJ ri C3 Can Yon Walk? YES: Then you wear Shoes and are Jooking for the beat made. We have them, the famous Gotzian . oes We are making room for the largest consignment of shoes ever shipped to , any firm in Crook County and will be prepared to Shoe any person who wears Shoes. We carry the famous 'Health and Walk Easy' Shoes for men and women, which have neyer been been equaled for comfort, style, fit and wear. This is a good spring to wear spring goods. We have the largest and snappiest line of Spring Goods ever brought to, Prineville, which will be ready for the good people to select from in the near future. Do not buy elsewhere until you have examined our line. JOHNSONrBOO'Tff 8 GO. L J rjt LJ r.n L'J ra LJ E3 LJ r.-i L J r-.i LJ ca L J ri L J ca L J E-a LJ ta L J ca L J E.I LJ ra L J ra L'J E3 L J r.a LJ r.a LJ Ea LJ El LJ E.I L J ca L J Ra L J p. a L J ri 1 L J r.a LJ ra LJ r.i L J ra LJ ra L J ra L'J E.1 L J ra LJ ra LJ ra L J r.a LJ EaB3EacnEaRarannraR;iKas3ca(sarar,aracafi LJUJLJLjLjLJLJk.JLJLjLJLJLjLjLJLJLJLJLJLuJLJLJLJLjL-JLJLJLJLJLJLJLJkJtjLjL-ILJLJLJLJ