B LOeRL MENTION & Ml In I A I'n. lui vi- Jnxt ii li)'v Hue nf lit nt v i ii krrv. lVfl .1 I .11 tod ni t Ii' In in 1 1- war and lulls nt MliOii-l & Cii'n. 'I'rli't'K rt'MHiiiiitlili', I If ,vin w mil m I rank cull on Michel & i n. Ill' Mil 1 1 CIISI" M ttm A A A A A. A ! A A A Till' difference lie! fell m iinir chub' ftml it good chair Ih only a few cent. WINNI.K hcIIm good chillis lit plIl'I'M t'llM- In i chair. Will Ivlwnt'd-. ft 'Uli-l-o. Wl ! 1 1 tnn In tow n h u . i-k, V. Miini'i'. nf ll"xlrr. WIIM V Im) I njr III town llii- lint nt tin- wi-t-t. . Win. I'liiiinke wns In from III cum Ii in l'uvM'll Idil i vt IhmI werk. Unroll Hal Iwla ret :n iti'i . Mowl.iy fi'Miiii x lull In I'm II nnl. T. M. I In- Itnlihvlii lift if I lie Week. fi- .rl IiiihI v v v vv v v w y r All kinds of rniuifil goods nt ln-i. I'ock pl'll'l's, fill' I'MhIi, Ml lil.oVKIl'K m Cloth iiml Ii'IiiiIh nIhh'h nt Mu lu i it ('o's, Lowest irli'i, A full din' nf I'liii'il mill on 1 1 minis ami liti'tl it( t !l.o Ill's. & kt a i i d a d r n $ ft WALL PAPER Tin' I'i'i-t lint' nt li:tf't ntili tli'sipi ' v,,f disj, laved in tint city Ii'l UH hliott' J'lltl till' various utter iin D. P. ADAMSON CO. 'I'm your eye In liliiM-r'x ('ash1 llroeery Slur.' If , mi M'liut tin- blith est tllillkl'l I'l'li'l' III Itll lllUt'S. ,1 iiSiiiHiin, I'.ool it A I 'ii. nit' hulking! it nflitll,v nf Indies nuil mill h lliii'! nllliCM. 4'illt ffld Inspect lllflr IlllC. 1 linti't ni'II , niir i Ki( uiilll ,mu I'lotcr. Ill' U lllwilVH III tlm utal'ki't mill pays llii' blithe! price In Cash. Ml Miib;',li' lilii' ii Iniiii'il tu I'm llmi'l Siiinlity, .1. It Zui'i'lnT ini'l VjU-' vi'iv vlllll;g i , In tin' i ll.v Ibis week. ' ' ! rank ( ilm.s u it Islt bur iii town Moudiy frnin Ucdinoiid. j I.. I'omliil. nf Tin- Pullet wan tl'IIIIMIIt UlIU' lllIlCS III IllUII till. I week. j il'li'Ui' Ml'.lrlK, "f Kl'll'l, WlMir.llll'- 'ih'iIiiv Imi'liii"" In I'rliu'vllli' llii j Week. 1 Si'nl I .iin In i',.nf I'Mcrpi le, Oil-. 'gull, WiM II I'l'llli-Villl' vlidlol' tills Wl'cli . I !.' I". I.iuii' iiml w t r.- iml .1. W. : 1.11111", uf IVndli'toil, Were f'rlni'Villi" i vMtoi'M .Mninl iy. i I T. . liiirfliinmi. uf Itt iiil, nml II. W, Ui""d. of l.ytle, Well" transacting W. .1. Wright wn in town Mitti- Ornnvi Hu1i;"m ro'ul m'(Srk liny mi lil w ny liniiii" to Hiiininlt j I'nink V hli im.-i rou'l work I "nil rl" fi'nin I'nii lanil. w lii'i'i' Ii" lum fi I ml.ri id !i !-' '1 wink....... Imiii tin" I me I ni-iiilli with Mm v. .I.un If iii!il. v. . i. I. n.i Willow wlio Im hi tli ' liooil ri i in it H. i.i ',i'.''. r 1 1 I . Iliiipllnl In l'ui'l!:i;i'l iiilii;-: fi Sii n,l:, W.ii.-IioHm" Co. ,v- till I rt ii I tin -ii t . Mi Vrlt:l:l i-'itd i :" Unit IiIm will1 win iiiiii-Ii InijiriM i-il In Siiiiiili.o Wiin lio'i " Co. - lii'iilt ii whi'ii lie Ml mi'l Miml'l iM'j jiriiiH alilt" to i'i-l urn In minllii-r wn-U or Mnxli ii-e ti-mii liliv two. W A Ui'll i-nt.li puliJ tn "Xirii I ! "I'l... I ..I.I...I.. 1..... X. I 'ti.l i'liii.'vlil." ami! ' , i 1 1. iiifi'i ii.-iiiniK" lor romi U ' ll : I till LA. 1 Tin' wll in"'M from Crook i iiiiiiiy wlio wen- In lti'in) miri'iit tin- Willi. iiiixnii-i' Hiii'i'-l'-luK-i trlnl tin- flrd linn" lui'l In Die iuot I pin t Junt rt t unit il Iioiiii' nml wi'i'i'j litcurlii.r on n .ioil 1'i'nt from t In, trip wln'ii thi'.v miti" wnlti'i! upon dyl I In" ili piity t'ulli'il Sliili-M Mnrxliiiil I i ml tn v It fl tu nn"ln np fi i" Info'v t In-Fi'ili'i'iil Cuiirt. Tlii'.v nil iirci'pl iil tin" I it lliitloii, Init ? Mm. II. I'. !;!!. imp iirroii)piilii-l liy Min4 tirni'i' l:i'li.niip ii'tui'iK"! liniiii' i-rui iy iioiii n vikh io i on. , sii'iii im IiiihI nml tin' l"'iiir, Ml lli'lkliiip. j naim-v Wlio lliii iM'i'ii lll'i'llillillt KlliK'nj(;Sall smljl, fc.'Uf salary Conwi vntory of Miixlt- ni I- x ; It Dinwlil.lli' Hiipi-iliiti-iiili'iit Aiip li'", will lf.lt Willi ri'lntlvin mnl j M11j,rv fili'iiiU In I illy until Anuift 1"'. 'oc i;i;',v irrnHiin-. -nlnry u In'ii iiln' will ri'tui'ii to Kiliool from j j j mjih cii-rh Hiilnry tvlii'iui' Hilt- will ii ri 1 1 1 1) 1 1 1 in in III llT. llUllii t No. I ') Tin- JI.it t win Si p L.iii'1 Co. lu.T 'linu'll" for roml liintrii l No. x : Mr. Nnr.ili I.illolt i'iiik of M ii:i'ii:i ' .1 W lo;;l roii'l wui K I, V r.nili-y roml worK S.I Cli'lili'liH roml wolk Y A IMI J'l.I;j;i" hiilnry M I) I'l.uill i'oiiiiiilKloiiirM i I 4 t 1 i.U i 1 Li f 1 t J V i. J ! f 1 I 1 : r - i r ' L J Li r 1 L i lis '.ii ! r i 7'A IKI . In in ll'ii' II TnEiE4'Si0 L JH.Jl. JL JL j r ir "i Wc have the best implinicnt made for cutting Alfalfa and Meadow' Ha v. The Celebrated r9 BIG U MOWER 1VM 5 Foot Cat I r i IKIHI; ) ' r i L J Krtlnrv ItWl.i This Mower has Higher Wheels, Wider Track and More Weight than the regular Mower which riiiuinlHiilolii'rN Li 41. i l j I LJ .... ...Ii Mi lil for cli'iK 'l our iliiini r will t:titi' iKittrr iiimI I'i'tk In ttt r if M-rvf l on mum" of tlnit ih'w 'croikiTV ( r a in WIN NEK'S ii'Virvvvvvj'VWV l'wU V cl:irl ini ktliH for lii.ll.'M nml Ki'Uili'iui'ii for Hull- nt .IoIiuhoii, limit Ii & I'ii'm. "WluTf ill l you j-i't tlml lint?" ll lllffl'lttli'l'. Villi It It I M IH'W olli'. j Wi'linvt' tlti'in mi'l llii'.v hit I'lul.l.J (utilimii iV AilituiM. In tlni' Sittriii, CuflitK. Ciuiiifil i iitoiln, Toluirt'oM, Clifiin nml I'micy Cmiitli'x, Il III pnv you In mt- il.llVMt. If W A A A A V rfk Ca V Ki'ip out tin' wonu'tix' work your Hour with ttUlkP!' CoVtT j, Linoleum. $ n ew i i o il h h t sunil piiev. IiIci'.i m In totvii Sittiii'ilny. I'Ymik Cimti-r ii'l iiini'il Moii'lny from mi t' trmli-il lnll to I'm ilninl nml I In- Kiilr. Mux WurnweljiT ii'l uriiril Momlny from h liii'i'i' ttirU' t,lt lt to I'.iitlituil mil llie I'nir. .Mill Smith li fl Siunln.il- for IiIhIioiui" III I'.l'lnl. Ilfli'l" 11 I WO U.l l.H Hlll.V In I'i'liii'tilli', Ainlii'W Morrow, of lirl.ly, wu trmimnilii IiiimIui-hm In lotvn IjihI wi'i-k. Ilriiri" in;y i'i-l iinii'il Sutunlay from a iwuii'k' vl-it to I'oi ilnnil Miut't lie I'nlr. Illrmu liilmoii uiiil wife, of CuM sprliiKs, wi'i'i" Kliliijc in town tli' fon' pin t of tli'1 ui-i k. Imoi.i t lifk n iiuni'il tin- flrt of tin wivk frnin I'ortl'iiiil. ntui'iilhtr iiu iln io Hie M.'irop'iliH Tiii'mliiy. M1m I'iIIi" liolilm I'fiui iii'il Tni''liiy from Mmli'iiH wln-rt' 1 1 - Uii liii'ii IhIiIuk with Mr. l-'r.-iiik ll iiliiuiii. i IM-Hf sii'wiirt ri'turin'il Siimlny front ii vlit to I'ortlnml mul tln-j l-'iilr. Joe lllltkti' x ipliti' Hi'llotihly IM lit i .., i ,.. .i.i.. ..I.., ...i.i i ! um iioiur in i ii i" i 1 1 , iiii nil ii i i 'ii i. of llfUU' lil'i milliill lint lilllit. A t ni vt-lin:; (liM-tor eulli'il nt u fiirin Iioiihi" Illl'l iikUiiI til Im kept iier inlaid. Tin" kooiI olil fni'iui-r, wlio wiim nuffi i'Iiik from n An lioll mi tin' liar!, of 1 1 In uiik, uraiuril the wi'iiry trmi-li'r tin" ri'ipiei.t. IMore ii'lliin tlie li'iirui'il iii.'in rii'oiiiiufiiili'il the ktoM I'uii" for tin" fanner' troiilile Hoiue ln.il. Tlie "fin nl wife k'iuiI iTopK mill fort line Inn I mih ili-i I tin I lie I 111!... ..f II... ..11 ,1,1,.,.,. .. HI ,r.,l.l plere. Tlii'f.irniernpplli'il tin" remeily iii'i'orilliiji Io t he ilirtH'i Ion, li.v lirlrk ly I'uliliiiitf the jsolil piece over the hull for Koine iiilnuti'M, nfter wlili h lie .1 J HillHIt HllllllpM oltle." 10 00 Wiliiini M:i I'M work onCrooK i'i Klv.-r roml 1-j on From Our Exchanges Madra Pioneer Krmik OMl.orite in looking nfl.'r tin MtilniH ilriivcwtore while lr. nail Mrn. Snook lire in i'orlliinil. Mux rut, of Iin Minim M,lliu& Mereniitile Co.. Iihh retiirui'il from Min lii'll nml i Iniity Ki'ttiii: tin' nm ehlner.v of the mill In phue. J.. 1'. AlliiiKliniii wiim In town on r i Li r L J li r n Li r 1 Li r 1 Li -I Li r 1 Li Li r l Li r t Li r t . J ri L'J rin Livi r n' makes it stand up to the heaviest work without crawling and causes it to run lighter in heavy work than the smaller mac hi n e s . Wc also have the regular machines in 12 and n foot cut and McCOUMICK Self Dump STEEL II A V KAKLS in S , 0 and 10 foot 71 Full Line of Repairs for Our Lines on limit!. Orders Taken For All Makes Wo (Sucecuor to ELKIN9 X KINO) tK IK l- Jl iryi'-'M ii A -as 3 hmm iPWl tt 2 i' Willi Li Vf A r i ,S ti i Li Repair Li tl Li r.3 Li r..i ti r.3 i.J r..i Li r.i ti rnra laiil thv t wi'iily on the tnlile. The lioll .'ni rtiAv In Hi.- hIl Ii! ami l ,r I Moii'ht.V. from t lie I vrhnm & Cowleit ohl f irmer uli'i. I hoiiuiIIv. nuil to hi Unwiiilll. Jle l.imili yi'Htenl.iy ilrlv-t miiit'iui lit the lii'Vt liioruliiic It whm1h down the .MnMle to the aoiie; mnl o wuh the iloi tor. V.. ' mill, illioiit it inillloli fii"t Im-Iu; In the MnioliH nt thiM time. Mr. Allin- hmn will jret nut about two iiiillion fe't inoiv ilurliiyr the pn-Hint Sum. tner. For a Weak Digestion. County Court Proceedings. Trillion forllillor liei'tiu- by M. Is. I.ouihn iipplii'iitloil Krniiteil mul llreiiKf oiih ivil I Hiiiil for ll month from .1 uly , VM'i. Bills Allowea. Co. coll- W I N N E K 1 kAAAAAAAAAAAiAfl AUK Vol' ;oinu TO Tin: KAIll? If you mv.Min Iiml lirt ler pinvliiiHe n pnlr of up-lo-il.il.' mIioi'h nl .Iohnnoii Itooth Ai I'o'h. We want yoiir nhoe Innle, mel nre willing to enrit It liy hi'IIIiir .von lietter U'ioiIh for tin' money thmi otherx. Puiihiim iV Ailnm. The Intent Htyle. Ill I .,'lili', MImwh mnl Chllill'i'liM IiiiIm Jiiiit iifi'lved, nt lowit plli'i'n. Mr. Suie Sln.Uoii- ilover. nr-lit OjrOfrsiJYTtor'il-stn -Lr"t.-i tins fc A T A It L K V- L 0 T II T W K L V K X A P K I X S t vv k l v ;: 1) 01 L I K S Sotiii'lhtiig entirely new rttttl tlie correi t tliiiiK' for afternoon 5 tiuis ami lunelirH. .".! cents 4 f it r t h e ? e t n t W I N N E K ' S Toil SALK New upright pin no. ItiH'u UHfil Init n few inoiitliH nml will Hell nt ii lnii'tfitlu. Aihlie II. en re of The .louriinl. FOIl SAI.K; llitliy eiii'i'lnge nml Hewing machine, holh kimuI n new. lieloitKlnir to t he entitle of.l.S. Kel ley, (leeeiiHi'tl, for mile ehenp. Ail ilreHH or luiUlre of M. K. Itrlnk, nt torney for the ewtnte, rrlnevllle, Oregon, llf lii'llll, Ix iihhI 'I Inn .1. .!. Sniltll in the ili tvii'k. WehnveliiMl reeelveil n liarrel of These CIuhki'm tin vo been Helling' nt 75 cent n ilo.eu. In order to clear out Ihl lot we are Helling llii'in at t50 CEHTSlTI DOZEN) Cull nml have n look nt our line of Krult IMhIich, Importei! Jiinliuei', Kte., Hte. RIDEOUT & FOSTER " Skxt Dooii to Hmith'h IIahnksh HiiuI' Spofford, the Up-to-Date Shoemaker Has willed lo 111 equipment a new machine which remler It poHsllile to replnre mIioo lip, liellow tongue and fliiKtle. -h'oi'Iiik- In ConnreK nailer, nnd repair ripped euin nt ii. price leHH.lhiin one-linlf of wlmt luut heon lmld heivt oforo. Don't throw nwny any more lioot mid nhoefor want of fli'Ht elnsH reimlr Init liriiin' your work to Spofford and Hit ve money. MU Itii-il. County Clerk t t. rk n olll.-e 1 1 C. C. llmi. of Howard, wan In town Monday Kelt Inn Hitpplle nml pifpnrlna to loninu'ni'e liiiylni; nt hl riincli on 1'ppi'i' iclim'o. lii'oiw C.vrn li-ft Siind'iy for Port land here he wan Ktimiuoni'il to np pritritn wltneM In I lie nine of .1. N. Wllliminou. Mr, nnd Mr. T. II. Mlnlull lefi Tneriilny for their hoine In Applet on. WIwoukIii. While here Mr. Mitchell nunle iti riiimcmi'iit tiimnke proof on a tlmtwr mul Htone elalui. 1'. I'.. DavUl' fl the lirst nf the week or l'oi tl.'iud where lie wa iininion imI iim a wilinnn In the lmul fraud ciii. Hill l'l'one haw chiii'Ke "( the Mt :i ti" olliee dtirliiK III nbsence. If. K. ltldeonl mul h"e left Tlie for the ('nuclide mountain where tliev will HPentl n few week j-ather- Inir wild lihuklierrliH and eujoyinu nil outliitf. While jioite they will pi oil to I'orllaud nml init Ihe I'air. Cliarle WIIkou eonimeiu'ed work on hiH ri'i-idi'nci" hint week and the work on the liuildiujLC under the clinre of his lirother, ('iiiIIsh, Wll Hiilt. Ih ritphlly lieliiK rushed to eom plctlon. , C. A. Whllsetl- wn vIkIUii In town Tuisdity. Mr. Whltsett say that the hot wentlier Iiiih liadly Ininit the tfvitlii In the llnystaik section and the farmers will do well lo jioi a half of a crop. Miss I'earl Yamlerpool returned Sunday from a visit to Tort land and Ileppner. She returned to I'orllaud aji'itln Tuesday IiiivIuk heen suin inoned a a witness In the second trial of 'llllanion-(lesuer-Dl'K. FOK SAI.K: A second hand onnn. This Is n liarain the like of which you only have a chance In a life time to secure. For piirtlciilars call on or nddress The JOl'KXAL OFKlCK, rrlnevllle, Oregon. Dr. A. A. Iturrl nnd .1. .M. Kd wai'd. of llillslioro, were In the city Monday en route to Silver Lake to look over some desert land, with u view of locating claims for a parly of people. . , 1). (1. Kojiers, of Culver, wa visit In In town tlie II rut of the week. Dave say the warm weather has played havoc with (lie crops In the Haystack and Madras section, About half a rro'i I the verdict he Rives. ,1. 11. (iray had the misfortune while rldiiiR' horse back last week to have hi horse step in a badger hole and fall with lihu. In the fall Mr. (iray'w left foot w'as enunltt and his ankle badly wrenched, lie came to town and had an examination made and to secure t rentnient. At present lie Is able to bo around with the aid of crutche, but it will be Home time before he hn the full uhp of hi ankle. tiluss & l'riidhommi tract deed record...' 9 -7 .VI T. II. I.afollelt tools on loud ilium (InsxA; l'riidhommi' Co. huu- ter llicnse mid permits H"'.' ,f. A. Stone Mil UTildeeXliIilillil- j tlon :tHi .1. M. I'.lliott JiirorCiiciilt court October term li'HU. v 2 "Hi .1 IMiarrett Daliff OctolH r l'.Kil 'J I'll l It I'olndi xter board jury nnd ballff : '. -a : (ihis I'l'iiphonime Co.. 1 book hunters license 4 22 .1 K Dciihnin work on I.uldlaw road M (i Springer work on Laldlaw road 'WW .1 W I'.lliott work on I.ahllaw road N 00 C A liraves surveyor Laidlaw rond .'Li (Ml (I Sprituver work on Pickett Island r.i.td 12 (HI .1 W Klllott work on Pickett Islmnlroad 12 0(1 (' A (iravcsMirveyoron Pickett Island road 20 00 (I Sprln-xer work on McPher- hiiii road ,MI J W I'.lliolt work tin MePher- hoii rond Sflti CAOnives surveyor on Mo- I'herson road 10 00 I M llahn ineivhandise for roads (17 40 Prluevllle Keview printing 1 4 ." Ii P Loreusoii work on Crook ed ltlverroad 21 (Mi i W K llorton work on Crooked I'lver road..: 22 (Ml L Dou-ilas work on Frank Flkln road : 2 00 Clarence Wall work on Frank F.I kin road 2 00 F.d Campbell work on Frank F.lkln road 2 00 (1 Snrlnurer . work on Frank Flkln rond.... 10 00 .1 W I'.lliott work on Frank F.lkln road...,. US 00 C A (5 raven surveyor on Frank F.lkln rond : 2.100 Fred Fisher work on Fred Fisher road S 00 W II Younur work on Fred Fisher road K 00 1. P Panton work on Fred Fisher road (i(M (! Springer work on Fred Fisher rond.' :I2 00 J W Elliott work on Fred Fisher road .'!(! 00 C A Oraves surveyor oh Fred Fisher. Road .". (Mt Poe Lafollett 2 cords of wood 10 00 V, A Nile work on Crooked ltiver road .10 00 Jarnes Fox work on Crooked I'd ver road .10 00 P A Helm express 2 iiO ,1 1. Powers road work .'!;! 25 firlzzly Luke Lumber Co. lum ber (SfiSil C A Nile work on Crooked ltiver road 21 00 Bead & Company 1 H'rading plow :W 2."i Foster & Horrlg'an merchan dise for surveying party 218 Win Adam Janitor and Raw ing wood High School 19 2,"i Salomon ife Moore supplies (it) 10 II (iibson work on road (il 00 Charlie Weaver work on Crook ed Uiverroad 7 00 Crook County Journal irlnt- Ingcontinued 4.'i 5:1 D H Hcndrickonr work on Crooked Klver road ,'Ui 00 (ins Collins work on Crooked Uiverroad 100 Work on the free well was com menced last week, nnd a good tlow of water was struck at u depth of between l"i and 20 feet. The well is lieiiigdug on hind donated by the Madia Towi-hIu- Company, the farmer nf tlie vlcinily agreeing to fiirulidi tlie labor and tin business men of tlie town subscribing to a fund for supplying tlie necexsnry pumping apparatus. The new wi ll Is ust south of tin- John Ishmn well. The petflloii for n new mail route, bet with this place and I leister, has Ufa forwarded to the postal de partment through Mr. Vnille, the stiivrlntenileiit of star mail routes in this state. The petition had n law nuinlicr of signers' and It i likely that favorable action will lie taken nt mi early date. The only hindrance to the prompt creatiou of till route Is the fact that a portion of It would be compelled to go through private property. An effort is being made to remedy this, through u iH'tltlon to tlie county court for the creation of n county road, and the matter will probably come before the next county court. No medicine can replace food but ('liamberlaiu's Stomach and Livet Tablets will help you to dig't your food. It I not the tpinntity of food taken that gives strength nnd vigor to tlie system, but tlie amount di gested and iiKslinilrted. If troubled with a weak digestion, don't fail to give thine Tablet a trial. Ttsoutt aiuls have been benefited by their uec. They only cost h ipiarter. For sale by I). P. Adamsoii. $10 REWARD $10. The above reward will lie paid for the return of, or Information that will lead to tlie recovery of the fol lowing described horses: Two bay horses, weight about 1:"0 pounds leach, both have star in forehead, one i 7 branded with quarter circle A on left shoulder nnd the other with in verted V with bar over on left shoulder. One sorrel liony, weight about S00 iiounds, branded with C 3 on left slioulder. Address any com munication or call at The Journal Olliee, Prineville, Oregon. 2 tin SHOES en mm b mm mm mm rm am mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm .J yf3 kf2 :p:t T tZ4 K V.4 I air niiffis 'I In order to dispose of our entire stock of Tan Shoes and Oxfords while it is still early in their season, for the next 30 dsys we will make the following price?: Ladies $2.00 Tan Shoes $2.90 Ladies $3.50 Tan Shoes $2.50 Ladies $3. 00 Tan Oxfords $2.25 ' Ladies and Gents Summer Underwear included in this sale, also Gent, Ladies, Boys and Childrens Tennis Shoes. It is onr policy to sell aTTof our season goods in their season even if it must be done at a sacrifice, so tha we can enter the next season with a new and clean stock. Teachors' Examinations. Notice I hereby given that the county superintendent of Crook county will hold tlie regular ex amination of applicant for state and county Kt per at Prineville, as follows:' For State Papers. Commencing Wednesday, August !, at nine o'clock it. m., and continu ing until Saturday August. 12, at four o'clock . ni. Wednesday-Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading school law. Thursday-Written art thmetlc, theory of teaching, grammar, book keeping, physic, civil government. Friday-Physiology. geography, mental 'arithmetic, composition, physical geography. " j Saturday-Botany, plane geometry, general history, Knglish literature, psychology. For County Papers. Commencing Wednesday. August '.), at nine o'clock a. m., and continu ing until Friday August 11, at four o'clock p. ni. First. Second and Third (irade Certiticate. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthography, reading. Thursday-Written arith in e 1 1 e , theory of teaching, grammar, physi ology. Friday-Geography, mental arith metic, school law, civil government. Primary Certificates. Wednesday-Penmanship, ortho graphy, arithmetic, reading. Thursday-Art of truest i o n i n g , theory of teaching, physiology. Truly Yours, C. 11. Dinwiddie, County Sup't. Public Instruction. NOTICE. Ail parties knowing themselves in debted to the firm of Smith & Cleek are rei'iiested to cull and settle at once as we liii'd the money, -Smith cc ( leek. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that 1 will sell, at. the expiration of .IO davs from date, the following descrilied horses: One buy mare, branded S on lift k title, ami two colts, one branded S on left stitle. The mare and one of the colts came t my premUes 27 months ngo and since that time have been fed by me. If owner does not call for same on or before August. 1, l;K),i, they will be sold at my homestead, 1-1 miles south east of Prineville for the charges now against them. Dated June 2i, 1003. Frank Yanlnn. 1RIDE0UT & FOSTER Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard and Country Produce Kept on hand at the ity Pyleai Wlarket FOSTER & HORRIGA1M, Prop's. Prineville, At The Old Stand Orecon. Gan Y on YsSS: Then vou wear Shoes and are lookinsr for the beat made. We have them, the famous Gotzian Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular Mothers buy it for croupy child ren, railroad men buy It for severe and elderly people buy it for la jjrlpne," say Moore Pros., Eldon, Iowa. "We sell more of Chamber lains Cough ltemedy than any other kind. It seems, to have taken the lead overseveral other good brands" There Is no question but this medicine is the best that can bo procured for coughs and colds, whether It be a child or an adult that is fflicted. It always cures and cures quickly. Sold by 1. P. Adainson. r. r- "1 r-1 r T r. l r. T r i r t r "1 K 1 r 1 rr. 1 r " r r r t trrir-Tr;.X""ir1"'--trif tJt.JI.il.ikjLJL.jLjLJkJi.JvJv Jl JL J' J' JC JL' JC'J. Jl JL"JL"J1.-J.' J--'- IsJ tv J II w J t -1 1C J n LJ r.i IvJ r t Li r.T t. j r.. t..i r.i UJ r.i Iv'J ri LJ r..i tj r.i L j ri lv J ri . j r,r Li r i IJ r.n LJ r- LJ r t L J r: L'.J ri WJ r i . LJ r i LJ r.i L J r i LJ n L J ri r,i L J ri L J ri L J L J . ri LJ r.i Li ri L J r.i L J loes We are making room for the largest consignment of shoes ever shipped to any firm in Crook County and will be prepared to Shoe any person who wears Shoes. We carry the famous 'Health and Walk Easy' Shoes for men and women, which have never been been equaled for comfort, style, lit and wear. This is a good spring to wear spring goods. We have the largest and snappiest line of Spring Goods ever brought to Prineville which v ill be ready for the good people to select from in the near future. Do not buy elsewhere until you have examined our line. J N, BOOTH 6 G n i r. i r i r :i r i r ;" r, i vJLjLJLJLJL-iLJ rir.irrir-irariraararirtriraririr--(ri'ir.a"iriraririr?rar:ariririrrar"ir?rar L JL JL JLiL JL JL Jl JL JLJL JL JLiLulL JL JL JL JL JL JL Jk JL JL JL JL JL. JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JLJL JL JL JL J I I : J LJ FT L J r.i LJ r..i LJ r.i LJ r,.i LJ pa LJ r,i LJ isa LJ C'3 LJ B3 BP1 l?4' LJ C3 LJ Ka LJ ' ca LJ Ea LJ r,a LJ ca LJ ca LJ ra L J ca LJ B3 L J r.a LJ ra LJ ra LJ ea LJ r.a LJ ria LJ ca LJ r.a LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ r.a UJ r.3 LJ I i ... -- ' ' " - 1 ' '-1 " 1 1 1 1 ' i"- ,;'" - -'--i ""-""'' f""'