Notice Jr Publication Land Office at Tli Palli. Otviron. J urn- 1.1. law Xotlce I tierel.y fcivf o that the folio in namM Krttter haa til.l notice of his In tention to make filial proof In atipport of hii claim, ami that aaid pnxt will be maile fore J.J. Smith, County CU-rk, in Prtnevllle. OnRon, on tho 12th day of August, POCGLAd SM SAP of Pot, Onoi, II. K. No. SW. for hr 8W NWM, W SWW, SEW' !') Sv 1, Tp. 17 South, Kuna 19 Kast, W. M. II nainm the. following witnoswa to prow hi continuous reaiilenc upon aiui eultiration nf xaid ltvf, via: Caleb Davi, fclwant tiillenwaUT, Marion Taylor, John Pickrtt, all of Port, Oregon. MICHAEL T. XOLAX, Kesi-ter. J2M Notice To Creditors. Notice i hewby given, by the under atoned alminltrator with the w ill annex ed of the ftato of Thomas J. Powell, deceawd, to all peraona having claims against aaid itareasol to ptvwnt them with the proper voucher to the under ligned at the office of M. K. Elliot in Priueville, Oregon, within ix nunth from the date hereof. Dated this 4th day tt May, laA. J. O. Powell, Administrator w ith the will annexed of the estate of Thomas J. Powell, Peceaaed. Notice of Final Accounting Notice is hereby given that the under aifmed, the administratrix of the estate of Baloma Aldrich. drceased, has tileJ her final accounting of her administration of aaid estate, and the Honorable County Court of Crook County, Oregon, haa set Friday, the 5th day of May. 1905. at 11 o'clock a. m. at the County Court room in ' Frineville.'Oregon, as the time "and place for hearing such accounting. At which time and place, any person interested in aaid estate may tile his objections thereto, if any there be. MARY ELLIOTT, Administratrix of the Estate of Saloma Aldrich. deceased a6np Notice to Creditors. IN the Matter o! the Estate of Margaret S. Noble, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said deceased to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, executor of the Estate of said deceased, at the office of M. R. Elliott, in Priueville, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Datrd this 22nd day ol June, 1995. A. J. NOBLE. Executor of the Estate of . Margaret 8. Noble, Deceased. SHERIFFS SALE STATK OF ORF.tiOX 1 COl'STY OF CROOK WHERKASt, On the 2n4 day o( January, hy consideration o( the County Court of Ihe Stale of Oteimii for h.' County nf Ctw. J. I! Ilawkim ami W. J. Hawkins Pwni.-rs plain tiff, recovered Jii.tfement acnlut the Paulina Hall AmiViatloo defendant, for the an in of Three It uudred Nineteen and lol!r (.;!). which Judgment was enrolled ami docketed In the Clerku orti. e of id rourt on Ihe lt .lay of March, AND W HEKKAS, hy virtue of writ of at twh-nent duly lued out of att Court by the Clerk thereof, dire, ted to the Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon, commanding him to take and ecurely keep mneh of the property of said defendant, within his said Connljr as would sultiriently pay and discharge any judgment which Plaint ff might oluaiu anainut I H-fond anl In this action, the said rialullAV did on the l.Mh day of iVtoher. 1WI, duly attach as the property of the Octeudaut, The Paulina Hall Association, the following described property, to-wit: A piece of laud commencing at the Sonlta West Corner of Section Si, Tow nship 1 South. Range 23 East of V. M . in Crook County, ore- Eon, running thence North 1-V feel, Theue K.ajt w) feet, Ihetiee South pjl feel, thence West 0 feet lo place of beginning, and which piop erty is now In the possession of the said Sheriff by irlue of said writ, and HKKEAS. on the -Vth day of June. twiv, aa execution was Issued out of the said County Court for the State t Oregon and comity of Crook, by lb Clerk thereof, and to Ihe said Sheriff directed, and commanding him that out of the above described attached property of the said defeudant he satisfy the sum oi Three Hundred Nineteen HS-KM IVllars pilaris), now due on said Judgment, with In terest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, from the Tth day of March, 1. and the fur thersumof Thirty Two JOHA' i2.A, cost, and the coata -d. and upon this writ, and to have the same in the said Court in sixty days after h receives this writ Now. Therefore. NOTICE IS HEKKBY IVKN, That by virtue of such execution, I will on the 3rd dy of I August at the front door of the courthouse I in Prineville, Crook county, S,ate of Oregon. I at Ton O'clock in the forenoon of said I day, offer for saie at public auction, and will sell to the highest bidder for cah, the above described property of the defendant. The Paulina Hall Association, to-wit: A piece of land commencing at the Snth -i Corner ef Section 34, Township U South. Range it Fast of W. M.. in Crook County. Oregou. running thence North t-t) feet, theaee East 60 feet. thence South 1JD feet, thence West 0 feet to the place of beginning, to satisfy the said sum of Three Hundred Nineteen lofl Dollars tsl.e) and interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the Tth day of March IAS, and the further sum of Thirty Two and JO 100 Dollars (tSL.W), eosu. and the costs of. and upon this writ. Subject lo redemption as provide by lair. C. SAM SMITH, Sheriff Crotk County. Oregon. By J. H. 1! tssa, Deputy. Notice For Publication. IjuhI Olfli-e at The Dalle. Oregon. May 17. P.lsV Notice is hereby given that the follow it'. named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make linal proof in supjHtrt of bis claim, and that said proof w ill Ik- made before the County Clerk, at the Court House, in IVinbville, Oregon, ok July l'i via: JAM KS C. HtirSTOS of Crook, Oregon, II. K. No. tis, for the IaHs S t, snvtiou l:. Lot I, Section :W, Tp, IS Moulli, Range P East, and NKl NK Section 2 Tp. IS South, Range IS Eaot, W. M . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of siiid land, via: .John W. Sliattuck, Henry Hurktotl" and Elam Fauglil, of Crook, tregon, and Wil liam K. McKarla ul. of Priuet i!le, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NtLAN, Register. jSd Notice For Publication. Land OnVe at The Italics. Oregon. June '.7. 1:W.V. Notuv is hereby given that the following named settler ha filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof w ill he made before J. J. Smith, County Clerk of Crook county at Priueville, Oregon, on the Uth day of August 1:A via: HORACE EDWARD RANSE1.1.S, of Post' (iregon, II. E. Xo. 1 ?., for the L.ds I, 2. S. 4. Sec. 5, T. IT S R. -Jti E.. W.M. He names (he following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and ultivation of said land, via: E. K. Long, John Pickett. Dicdrich Koop- man and l.alvin Harris, all of Po t. Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN jtlpd Register. To Trade for Heavy Horse. Notice to Creditors In the mattei of theEstate of J. H. Grant, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said Deceased, to present the same to the undersigned ad ministratrix of said Estate at the office of M. R. Biggs, in Prineville. Oregon, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the first publication of this notice. MRS. ROBERTA GRANT, Administratrix of the Estate of J. H. Grant, Deceased. Dated this 6th day of April, 1905. np Notice to Creditors Notice For Publication Land Otlloe, The Dalles, Oregon. June 1.1, pkiX Notice is hereby given that the follow lug named settler lias tiled noiice of his in tention to make llual proof in eiipiort of his claim, and that snid proot will be made before llic Register and Uovoiior at the Land OrtUv at The Dalles, Otvgou, on August S, I'.HU, via: AKIIH K WELTY ol lirily. Oregon, II. E. No. Iil4. lot the NWv sV,, NV,. NE, NWv,, Svtioti 2-.', Tp. IS S., Range Hi E., V. M. lis lumio the fidlowing wilnessva to prove his coutimtous residence upon and citllivalioit of said land, to-wit: Jdm ISse, Atitoue Kogle, William E. Wills, Henry Montgomery, all of tiiissly. tr'gn; T. M. O'l'onnell, of l'tineille, tii-egon, M It'll A EL T. Ntil.AN, Kegister J--.M Notice To Orcditora IN the Matter of the Estate of O. A inks, lHwased. .otvce is hereby given to all persons having claims airaiii-t said disvascd to present the sme with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, administrator of Ihe estate of said deceased, at the ollice of M, K. Elliott, in Priiievll.e.- trgon, withm -i months Irvm the date hen-td'. Dated this 22nd dav of June. I:V. v. a. itixmi, Administrator of the Estate of C. O, Amiss, An Importctl Shiiv Stlllon. For partk'iilars addnt !. H. Uronson. Montuouth, tnron. In the matter of the Estate of J. H. Ear nett, Deceased. Notice in hereby given to all persons having claims against said Deceased, to present the same to the undersigned ad ministrator of said Estate at the office o G. W. Barnes, in Prineville, lOregon, w ith the proper vouchers, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated this 23rd day or March, 190r. R.H. BARNETT, Administrator of the Estate of J. H Bar nett, Deceased. I NOTICE! FOR PUBLICATION (Isolated Tract) PliBLIO LAND FOR SALE United S'utes Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, June It li5 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under authority vested in him by Section 2-too, United States Revised Statutes, as amended bv Act of Congress approved February 2tj, 1SS6, we will proceed to offer at public sale at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., on the 10th day of August, 1!V, at this office, the following tract of land, to-wit: The NESW.'i of Section 4, Tp. 14 S., Range 15 East of W. )I. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to file their claims in this office on or before the day above designated rcr the com mencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. MIC HAEL T. NOLAN. Register ANNE M. LANG, Receiver Notice to- Creditors. Notice is herebv given that the under signed has been by the County Court of Crook County, State of Oregon, appointed Executrix of the estate of J. S. Kelley deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same du'v verified at the law office of M. E. Brink in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date of tin1 llrst publication of this notice. Dated and published first time July & Grace L. Kelley, Administratrix of the Estate of np J. S. Kelley, deceased Brights Disease Diabetes And NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Mrs. C. I. Walker, my wife, has left my bed and board and I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her, or by my son, J. Melvin Walker. , Dated at Ash wood, Oregon, this 15th day of June, 19. W. D. WALKER Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice ia hereby given tha I have appointed the following named persons deputy stock inspectors: J. P. Cartwright, Hay Creek. Jim Woodi?, Ashwood E. Sparks, Sisters. A. Morrow, Haystack. , F. M. Smith Paulina. Roscoe Knox, Post J. S. Bogue. Rowland. Alex Mcintosh, Hardin U. S. Cowles, Hay Creek E. H. Dean Hay Creek Joe H inkle. Stock Inspector Crook County. We desire to place in the hands of those attiicted with Brights Disease anil Diabetes a 36-page painpolct that is saving human lives. It is not an ordinary pam phlet, such as is conimonely used to ad vertise medicines, but is principally made up of reports of scientifically conducted tests in a large variety of cases, showing 87 per cent of recoveries in these hitherto incurabe diseases. Th specifics employed in these tests are known as the Fulton Compounds and the results obtained prove conclusively that these dreaded diseases so long fatal (the deaths from Brights Disease alone are appalling, over 100.0U0 a year, starting as kidney troubles) have at last yielded to medical science. The pamphlet is free. Write to the John J. Fulton Co., 4"!) Wash ington street, San Francisco, Cal. When to suspect Brights Disease: Puffy ankles or hands; weakness without apparent cause, kidney trouble after third month; frequent urination, (may show sediment or cloudy on standing); failing vision; day drowsiness one or more of these. Examinations for Forest Rangers. Special Rates to Portland Fair The Columbia Southern Kail way Company will sell exeurxion ticket from all ticket ofliees to Portland and return daily from -May 29 to (X'tober 15, good to return within 30 .days from date of sale, but not later than Octoler 31st, 1905, nt- rates as . follows for the round trip: Wasco, f4.80; Moro, 5.7."; Grass Valley, ?6.3o; Shnniko, 8.(10. Child ren lietwecn 5 and 12 years, one-half the bove rates. C. E. Lytle, Gen- ral Pai-H.'iitftT Agent. Forest supervisor, Aschoff, writing The Journal from Marmot, Oregon, advises that civil service examin atious for the position of Forest Hunger in the Forest Service, depart ment of Agriculture, will be held in Prineville .August 1 to 3, 1905. QATAR R mil Men and Teams WANTED To Work on the Extension of Sumpter Valley R. R. $2.81 per Day Paid For Men UOO S U50 for Men and Teams Address: ARCHIE MASON Tipton, - Oregon I The Whole Thing: ia an hi She" t Mow to (let 200 ligjcs a Year per Men 1 Iw Mtxmsl ts.H'on A iVu htii. IVultnr M.tmu) I ihm tv.ttlt. 4 hi. tin ttmn other w fitmmis N.itnvrt MrOnnl of Krr-sl'itj;, tWhl Umtu t w tuu of 0h 4" -M hiiMit tt m.tWutft jnWit ftom vti!tiv. Stum ! tlir ir h( -nil nv: IWiMuU'-r l lmk; Tioiii- culitt-; KiMtMMh ft KiMtp; I uimu ttu MttU, Kh.oimv in tenting: ISmliry a a Humrv, Ta NtM. with plitnt Atu il uMnttion. 'Vh i-l'iiMTr i utn ih Oh t t tl the Unk. I VtK ilV iu ht'.il w.iy la nitiKr (nltr jviy, I'm yw, (ur vr n yX Aj;rHuUrrtl M.i.uin Willi I Imiifhiilil. I , Moiticuhtitr i't I S'tviiiitwrni. SulHvlion i t'r $1 . ' mtriwhiiY our hhmuM into t U'Mih wr tU srntl Otr wtpr out r.r mitt A IVit' Vtttti M Ux 5 The IMcUic Tree nnJ Vliw - v...... ...i i iivi'ii 'ftnvri:i) ir 111 l 1111 HI. " .9 71 ( )x'ii at all limit- Pay or niulit. Meals of all kluils v served to order. I'IbIi, (iitiiie, and O.VHtrr III HtMmn. O'NEIL Brothers Managers O O We made n sv Inlll.V of I'litllnu ti tu order I'les and CiikeM (or the family triidt'. Ittvad l or Sitl Your l'atronauc Hcsncctfullv Solicited t 3Jmlc)cmlrnt cat larhft t t 6 Grooms Sf Sailor, Prcprjclora. All kinds of Fash and Salt Meats, also Sausage, Lard and Clean TalUw Good We Pnv Cash for all Kinds of 4 'our. try Produce W wlh lo luforin ll'i- iillti iiv lnli-rt in I hi murki'l. Ihm Ki'-tr A lli-rrliinn hiivr tin rinin'-iiii it 9 9 9 9 9 mi mm mi OFFICER8: W. A. Booth, President C. M. Elkins, Vice President Freo W. Wilson, Cashier DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, C. M. Elkins, D. F. Stewart, Fred W. Wilson. Transacts a General Hanking" Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention &RIDER AGENTS WANTED wV. Wf Rflannxf Rcnuirctl w - - ) V53 in. til vou iwolve and npprovo of jour bU-ycle on Ten Davs Free Trial 1905 Models SU s with Coustur - lirnkos and Iucluit'li'Ri Tht'it $7 to $12 Any nutk or motfei y u-'tnl at out'thini unal rrirt.' C'hoioo of anv stuiulurtl tirs uud bout etjuipmr'tit on all our bicycles, fitromjtit yuanmlte We SHIP ON APPROVAL C O. I. to nuv on" iritlmiii n mil drimnit unci allow 0 DAYS FREE TRIAL tx-fora vuviiho i buiaiiiif. 6 -JO Second Hand Wheels t$Q fA Q takin In tmittt lv our hlrmn rrinil atuivx, Ow ' UU MU !n.b..l .! t...Ul..U tf.MHi ft. Il,t Hf1 l!flT BUV I'I.-j-l-.i- ui.ill i!Mi lnvn rittn for our FAOTORV UU I1UI BUI PRiOf 40 FREE TRIAL OFFER. Tim. duirmtnt. niiKj'if, ami nixnlnir ii-ixxU e f til klmln. at lisif r-itulr I'rWf. In i'ur big trie Sundrj CiUIoqu. CuiitaiiM a wuriU uf . f ul liifcruiatlun. "rllo for lu PUNGTURE-PRGOF TIRES Regular prtco $3.50 t pair. r tr w3 III teJ I '114 y?oar: 5c 'Danly Kino Wino.w, I jiipittr.s, CMiu'n, l)rfUi iiiul HotlltMl' Moor. Sooci Billiard Vablo in Connection itattd oh 7aii Jtrmtt 7 w on 1 it 1 1 a 11 r 1 nrtt Aiir r n t w 1 itii ii Shiaik. Orecoi. 4 1 7o Introduce wo will Sell You a Sample Pair for Only to (Jeneral Storage Forwarding AND Commission Merchants Dm lorn in IlluckmiHth Coal, Flour, lUrbnl Wirt, Xailit, Ct'Divnt, Lin, Coal Oil, IMrtdter, Sulphur, Wool an J (5rain, Suck ami Twin, irnin niul Ff'l. Anfiit I"r Waio WunlimiHO Milling Co'h. "W Uiver" ami "DulW Pnloiit" Flour. Uttfwi ) jmiil for Hiiles niul IVltn. it Sjnt iul Attt-ntion in nU to Ruling for Kan torn ShiinrnU. Stmk Yariln with nil tho hitrst (or llamlling Stot k. Wool (irinling : 1 i n ml fi Ht fncili ! for Man.lling Stock. L ' ! - g & Mark Your Goods in Care of "S. W. IV fe I I l . , I I i ' '.v-v a 1 tnzzr. itr-jthm'' 1 .4-1 i 1 r .i m M . .I,?' 1 f..- ' t1 -M I T - 1 . I . I a NAILS. MCKS lAizLtJiZ'4 i I ,--.' tf tdT iet i PJ''i ' T'trvirirvv'trifiV'irirv.iir'irinrv.v.v-tr'iMrYiy'i S fltlT TUC 1D . . -J . - ':4-:,Lrerr-A- I I .. . ik it a i. Jt JL JL JL jfL JL JL JLUL tw jl. Jk. Jw Jk JU Jt J -I IS NO MORE TROUBLE PUNCTURES Kesiilt of 15 roars exiiprit-iicp lit tlr( iniildnjr. No dsngnn'from THORNS, CAOTUS, PINS, NAILS, TACKS or GLASS. S. rious puncture. Iik Uitt-nt i mu I kaife cuts, can bo vulcanized like anv otlu-r tire. EASY RIDING, STRONG, DURABLE, SELF HEALING FULLY COVERED by PATENTS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Send for rial.iir'if "T." slmwlnf all kind am make of linn t t'i ir pair ami up-CoahU'r-HrakM, Hulli-uu l Iri H anil Bii yc ltn-S Iiiin ai Hmlt ihm umumi pt lomm. Notk-e lliu liil.'U intwl "A" and imii.-tun! irii " it " and 'If" 'I '".IJ"' lll oinla't anroilM-r maUi Soft. Klistlc and Kasy Iiidlmr. We will liip C. 0. 0. ON AfPHOVAL AND EXAMINATION without a ml lirtonj. We will allow a csa? tllaeount uf ' (tln'rcliy maklna tlm prica ft W t-'r pair) if you send lull euft riA ortltir. I irt a to bo n-iuni.-l al uur uxin-imu if nut aalbfarlury in examiimiiiiit. V ttlEAD GYGLE GO., Dept. ' J. L CHICAGO, ILL. i.v-,i-.'5i.Vi' PilK SALE. A very ileHiialilerHnch ouiiBieliiig of 100 acres. About D9 of ; which is first class yellow pine timlier and 61 acres of No. 1 agricultuaal land enclofT-d by fence, 8 acres of which is three year-old alfalfa and 3 acres in clover. A large stream of pure cold water teeming with trout running through center of place. Good ditch for irrigation purposes. This is a hurgain. For futher particulars and price write or call to the journal OfBoe, Prineville, Oregon. I Mil ARE W Mi tH Ij a Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVE8 RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Kestores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Easy to nse. Contains no injurious druga. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warrtn St., N.w York Make Sure of Your Accomodations We have 6,000 Dealrable noni In Private Families and 15 HsU-U They are nicely fiiniiilieil. They are elean and eomfortHljk'. They are close to the Fair Ground. They are on direct street cur lines. They are all selected y our ageing. They are the very best in the city. They cost 75c, 1 per day and up. They are all under contauct. They cannot raise the price oncp quoted ly us. They are not to be paid for until you have seen them. OUR YELL'OW-CAI'PKO MKHHESGKR WILL KHCOKT VOL' TO THEM PRINEVILLE, OREGON When You Gome 1 To Portand f Make your plans to plop' at a honi"-like hostelry; u A.ue, M where you will be shown every courtesy ami tre.itfl an you would bo in your own li o in c , town or city ftk THE FORESTRY INN Is such a place, and it stands within one block of the Exposition Entrance, on 35th Street facing Upshur. THE FORESTRY INN is constructed on the log cabin style; furnishing", cuisine, and management conforms thereto. It has 150 large commodious rooms, all opening on broad, cool verandas; with electric lights; hot arid cold water and free baths. From the roof garden a view is had of the Ex position grounds, the city and surrounding country. Cur service direct to all parts of the city. European plan. Dining service a la carte and reasonable as in any part of tlm city. Price of Rooms, $1.00 and $1.50 Special Rates to Parties ol two or more Meals H La earte THE FORESTRY INN, inc. e. MTtTTOX, Manager, or II. M. FUSGHER PORTLAND. ORISON ( address 25th and I'pslinr Streets, ft s-7 s7. -7. yy. yj. 7. sz. sy. s?. sJ. jC?. Prinoville-Shainko Stage jnfUMUiwwwwww Dailv Between Prineville and -SCIIKDULE Leaves Klianiko, 6 p. in. Arrives at Prineville fi a. m. Leaves Prineville 1 p. m. Arrives at Klianiko 1 a. m. Class Accommodations Shanlko First r 1 L J r i k j r i t 4 r i L J r 1 u r Li r n Lf r i r i u r l a. J r t Li L J n L. 4 r 1 Li r,i LJ Senoral ffilctcksmithing IIoltSKSIIoKINO, ViMl WoltK, KT'., NVATI. V AND I'koMI'TI V I"NK Vii's it is Uonk Hv : : : Sciloman cf 97oorc Satisfaction Will He Guaranteed I'kixkvii.i.k, OltKOON. L JL.JL JL. JL-JLJL JL JL JW JLJLJLJT LJLJL.JI rz i "li JL i TJ JSL DEC When in need of Lum ber, Shingles, Mould ing, Doors, Windows or Glass see SHIPP For Prices on Them. Henderson & Pollard. Wines, and Liquors, B Finest Cigars in Stock. (Bountry Orders Solicited First Door South of Poindexter Hotel. Powell & Cy -Tonsorial Artists- 1 1 , n Li n Li rt L J rt L J r.n L' i r.i Li n Li r,i Li r,i Li r.i L J r..i Li r.i Li r i Li r.i Li r.i L J r.i L J in