Notice For Publication. LnJ Ofllre at The VM11, Otvgon, June 13, ' Xirtiise i licri'l.r given that thr folio xing arnI settler hiu li!e. notice of hi in teution to i.mle final proof i i anptioit of hi i Wim, ami that nai.l rx ( will lv tn.1e U-fure J. J. Smith, County Clerk, in I'riiiM ille. OM'Kn, on the U'th .lav ot Aupust, Had, via: lMl'.I.AX hMKAP "flVl, Or-pm, It. 1.. No. t,v. ft.r l!..- ; N w,, w, sw sk-, mv v, 2, T. 17 South, limine III Kast. V. M. He nnmea the follow int; itneso to ifov his continuous rexi.irnoe upon anJ cultivation nfsni.1 l.m.f, -ii: Cnlt-b lavis, h.ln.iril ;iMiiwatT, Marion Taylor, John l'irkett, all of Post, Orejton. MICHAKLT. XOLAX, Ktvi-ter. j2M SHERIFFS SALS Notice For PnV.lir.-Hr,, I . I - - . -'. . ".. - 1 i'uu rur fUBUOAUon i 4 n . .... ... TfccthuleThinjrlaantShJI : ? OVSTLR HOUSI) and LUNCH COUM A - " ft t ""aat 5 I if ! m , . , a i it.' STATK OF OliFiiON' CKI NTY OK ( U.HiK 1-an.l Offl,- at The Dallea, Oregon, May 17, lAKV. Noti.-e is h. rvhy given that the following ii J in. si f. lll.T lis. I ml i,,s ..r lit. NuUoe For Publication Un.1 Ortiee.The lIUm. Omron. Jonw 13, imw. Notice la liereW given thai ll r..M... nniiiiAiniiii-riix hum liolh-e of hU in W I1KKKAS. On the ?n4 .lay of January, tT fstrilrrii.n of ih i'.u.m ..i ., "iiirr ns iiiei nonce or ni ...m iuhut hi ma m. n!Lr. .7;'V'Vh,r T','",;!, ' ,'k J ': j u...iii..n to i..k lin.l Pro..r in nupiHirt r ,'' to make n., proof .ujvort ,.r Man Amati..,, ,i, f, .,.t o r, !,...., r tUe '"it.v Clerk, at the t,ur, ' wor" Ih Regi,er ami Kooelver 1'hroe liltn,l.--.i ;.;t..., -.! ,.4 ',,i I, n.. lit-). ni.H-;, in.lcnuii: i-;,r.,i;.-.i il.i k t.. in lii. I. rk. .!li. r of ..i.l . ri I ho . .Uy ,. Mir. h. I'Hi AXI H'HFRKAS. .y vi.-iu,. ( a writ ..J at-ta.-hiiipiit duly lj. ,l out M i. Court l.y tlie Clerk thereof, tlir.s ml to till NhtTitT ni t'riu.k County. Ores.Hi. eoiiimai-.tins him i. and I his ,-lHini, atul tlmt st, roof w ill 1h mnde ."'ton- the tonnty Clerk, at the Court j Mouse, in I'rineville, tre(nn. on July l' JAMKS C. HrSTX Oregon, ot t r.Hk,On g..n, H. K. No. ttsl, for the its.i. I, Nvtton 1:1, Lot 1. Svtion , i. lN.uth, Kange l: Kast, ami SK, N Section 2 T. IS South, Kange is r.iuti, . j Notice To Creditore. Xotic is hcreliy given, hy the signeil administrator with the will annex ed of the estate of Tlinnias .1. Towell. ileocasc.l, to all jts..ii h.ning claims against said tleeea-evl to present them with the proper vouchers to the umler ifjne,! at the office of M. R. Ktliot in rrinevillo, Oregon, within six months fr iit the .l:ite hereof. IWit this 4th day k. f May. l!i, f J. 0. ki i. Administrator with the wilt nrtnxo.1 ..t the estate of Thomas J. 1'. Well, l,veaM'l utyly keep much of the i-ioihtiv ..t n.i.l defen.laot. w Uhln Ins ssi.l County as weuUl j tntlicient.jr pay and discliar any Mi.litnieiil j which I'laini rts mitht ..btaiu asliit lvfrn.l j ant la this action, the sid r'aimiiis did on the ishdayof iK iohs r. duly a-.ta. h as the Illant Faiu-lit. of Cr,,!.- . Oregi.ii He natnea the Tollowiinr lt.,..uu. ... prove ins eonliiiuous residence upon ami enltivatioii ol said land, via: John V. Shattuck. II Notice of Final Aceountiutr Not ice is lterehy given that the under signed, the adininistratrix of the estate of Saloiim Aldrich, dn-eaMvI. has tiled her linal aceotuitingof her administration of said estate, and the Honorable County Court of Or Jok County, tregon. has s't Friday, the, Mh day of May. at 11 o'chx-k A. m. at the Countv Court room in Prinerihe, Ongon, as the time and place ! for hearing such accounting. At w hich1 time and place, any person interested in said estat may tile his objections thereto. it any there be. MARY ELLIOTT. Administratrix of the Estate of Saloma Aldricli. decease, 6np inpt'rtynf the IV nd.,ut. The Pauiin Hail Association, the to'.lomng property, to-wlt: A f hvv ot land is.iiuiien. lint at the Nunh fte! Comer of ssvtion ,ti. Ton nslup n. Smth. Kaiif .: Kast of v M . in Crook County, i-r,- gon. rnn;n then.-e North t M feet, theuc Kast is' tee:, i.'ienee s -u:h l. feet, thenee West 0 ivrl to place o.' tK'Klaniug, and whi.h p op. erty i now in the ptHsessinn ot the said sheriff by virtue of said w rll. and W'HKKKAS. on the .V:h day of June. I extvutioo was issr, out of the said County tourt for the State, t orecm aud outitv nsk, hy ihe C.erk thereof, ilu, t to the sai.l 4 ? i in .iireete.t. and command rj hnu that i ...t oi the i;.t( de.-nivd mi l. l.ed pr..p. rij -I the aul .leteu.laut he satisfy Ih sum ot .i-r,e Hundred X ueteeu us-uv lihr ,.;!?.&), now due on said judgment, with lu torest at the rale of 10 per cent per annum. tr,im Ihe ,th day of March, l:i. and the fur thersuinof Thirty Two ,V -100 :.). costs. 1 pj aua tna ihsms ..i, and uiin tins writ, aud l nave me same in the said Court In sivt, da,- IT i alter l,rt rd,vlru. ,1.,.. .. .: V .... -r. I it! . ... ... . , , iu,j . ....... , nrre lore. I s. XOTICK IS HllUKUY i;iVKS. t hat by virtue , yl oi alien exeeutton. I will mi the '.'Tib .Uv of j !i -..j a. i. ii , os a m uie loren.v.n ot saul f day. ofr.r for sale at puhlie auction, and will l sell to the lughe-l hid l. r lor c.i-h, the aln ! Li descrilM .1 r,r.Hrf.- ..f .4 ... . . i... . I I'l - i 1 i'.' ".- .e let.., a:, i, i ne Paulina Hall Association, t.v-a it: A piece of laud ronnneuciug at the South 'oi Corner of ! J .-.T...OU nsuip in Mina, Kaiie Zi hast i of W. M., in Cr.a.k County, Otkoh, riiniiin thence North l.V f,t. thence Ka! ill feet, thence Siuth UU fe t. thetiee Wet is.' feet to the place of bx'ginnf ng. to satisfy the sani sum ' liam U,, of I'rineville. .M It II Wi. r. NOLAN", Uegister. jsd 1 ppJacsEsaagc 1 i . it is 1 & i la ii at the Land twice at The lle on August !L x vit.- AHIUFK WKI.TY ol Criaaly, lrvin, II. K. No. Ii4l, lor (lie XWv SVi. V, NV X K'J SWt,, Svtion -ii, T B S Range ltt K W. M. He nanitt U following witneaea to prove hia continuoua residence upon and cultivation of ald Ian. I, towit: John IV. Antotie Foglo, William K. Willa, Henry Montgomery, all of Oriaaly, CregonjT. M. O'Comioll, of Priiieville, Oregon. MICHAEL T. XOLAX, Ketiater j'.-.M Not.o To ton. Men and Teams WANTED To W ork on the Extension ot Sumpter Valley R. R. 5 2. II per Day Taiil For Men UM & USt for Mod and Teams mmmmml Address: ARCHIE MASON Tipton, - Oregon IX the Matter of the KaUte of C. O. Anil. IKwase.!. Notice is herel.v given to all,.. having claims against aaid ileeeaaed to present the same with the proper voucher, to the undersigiie.1. adminiaiisaior of tl.a eatateofaaid de-ead. at the offl,s of M. K. Klliott. in rrinevllle, Oregon, within ix niontha trom the data herr Iated Hiia J-.'ml duy of June. UHV5. W. A. BOOTH, Aamlnistrator of the Ratate of V. l, Amtw, lKvoaaed. Mow to (ict 2oo Iljcffs a Year per Hen The MH.xm, million A I 't., i , l'; v Manual l now rvj,l. t ..ut.cii i,n..,i :; other thing the fum,,,, Nu,i ., Meih,x of Koednig, which i, .t,., ,. lie one vf the U st met, ,4 ,,,!;,,. twofil rnan iHMiltiv, Some of the , 'i.ipter hen.lmgare: IlKwaler t'lnrk; I'toli;. able IVmltry N usmg. I'limii'le O1IV1. vulnes; Keiisnli. s for Koup, I "unng the Moult; lu-onoiov in Keeling; mln, a Itiuinrvs: Trap Xesta, With plan-. 1111.I UluMraiHws. This cli.iptet is woi 1I1 tw iwieaolthe Ua.k. IVIls il-( .,. 1.. ,, way to makV -stltiy p,u. 'tUe vh.. Ourp.iirris a y AgtteiiliutuI Mdf.ume with Household, I'onluv, Horticulture nn.l iKnry 1 Vviiiiiicnt. Sul,-hpiion pi ice Jl.iv,., To ImriMluce mil monihl, into your home we willv-n.l the v,. ,,,. ,r. and A IVactM iit 1'oultry M.iniml for h cents. The Pacific Tree and inc f.irk Hotel Hl.lg., S.U1 .los... tahlomi., Mm4- 4.4.4. ! . . A - - m . j , llndrpcmlcnt Uat Cachet ' tN n ni nil liimrM l.v of iiIkIiI. MonlHi.f nil kln.U wrvt'il In iipitor, riwlt, titimo, 11 ti I t . hIoik In SoiiMiiti. O'NEIL Brotlhers Managers O O Wo IiiiiKp 11 .M'c. Itlllt.V id nl I hiu up III llllli-l' I'il'St II I Ciikra fur the litnillv tiiKlc. Hii'ini I'nr suit. 11 a . .. hi lour ratronaito invni.Hniii- .,n......i p. - I'snunij ,nIIV,llvl d mV,X A.J . aa 5 I jr. c. p.., If Kino Wilms, liquors, CiLritrs, 'Dvixil ami HoHNmI 1,,'im-. Sood Milliard Uablo in Connection Notice to Creditors. IX the Matter ol the Estate of Margaret S. Xoble, Deceased. Xotice ia hereby given to all persons having claims against said deceased to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, executor of the Estate of aaid deceased, at the office of M. R. Elliott, in Priiieville, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 22nd day of June, 15. A. J. XOULE. Executor of the Estate of Margaret S. Noble, Deceased. of Three Hundred Nioeteeu nS 11.0 !,.illr fcili iS) and interest thereon at the rate of ten percent per annum from the 7th day of Man h ltt. aud the further i:m of Ihirtv Two and J ;-l" I'-Ha.'s v.). e.wts. and tiie ccts of, and upon this w nt. Sat'jeet to redemption as provided ! y la v. C. SAM SMITH. Sheriff i Crit-k Coi:n:, . 1 iresoii. 1 By J. II H .,-EE, v;.n:v lo Ii KOTICS FOH PUBLICATION (Isolated Tract 1 P I 1! I. I C L A X D K( P. si A j E Vnited States Land Uriii c, The Dalies, tin ;' n, June II l-.HV Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from the fumniissioner of the General Latid (HHce, under authority vesti-d in him by S,rtion Jl.V, Knit.,! Notice to Creditors States lteviscd Statutes, as amended by In the mattet of tbeJKstate of J.H.Grant i Act of "'W approved Ke'.ru.try jj deceased. ' 1 1'!k U proceed to offer ut public s.ile Notice is herein- given to all persons i f the 1,our of 10 cV1,x"k A- M 1"' having claims against said Deceased, to ! "f AugU5t- W- Bt ""ioe, the present the same to the under,;.,,,., ..I i tollor"1P l"ct of land, to-w it r ministratrixofsaid Estate at the office of' r, XE'' f!W'4' f S'cUon 4l Tp- 14 S- I M. R. Biggs. i Prinevillc, OR-gon. with ! Ra."ge M a'it of W- M- the proper vouchers, witlihi six months I AnJ 'M Proni. claiming adversely! me awve uescriijc l iainls are advis,s to I j nie their claims in this office on or before j the day alxjve designated fcr lUe c,. j mencetuent of ai I sale, otherwise their j rights will he forfeite.1. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, K, -i-tcr I ANNE M. LANG, Ke-eiver from the first publication of this notice. MK5. ROBERTA GRANT. Administratrix of tiie Estate of! J. H. Grant, Deceased. Dated this Cth day of April, umr.. np choqe coin? lill OFFICERS: A. Booth, President C. M. Elkins, Vice Praaldant FRto W. W,lom. Cathitr DIRECTORS: w. A. Booth, c. a. ELKiHa. D. F. 8tewaht, Fato W. Wilson. Transacts a General Banking- Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention Crooks V Sailor. Prcprielcrs. All kinds ef Fresh and Salt Meats, also Sausage, Lard and Gwd Cleai Tallow We Taj fash for all Kinds of Count rv I'mdiue W wi.h to inform tha public any Interest la thla market that foster & llorrlaaii ha,e no roniiecli.. or i 5 9 a I Notice to Creditors 1 Brights Disease Diabetes And In the matter of the Estate of J. 11. Har nett, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons na,ing claims against said Deceased, to present the same to the undersigned ad- ' We desire to place in the hands of numstratorofsaid Estate at the office o j those alHicted with Bright ijiseuse and G. 7. Barnes, in Priiieville, (Oregon, with t diabetes a 3fpage pampolet that U saving the proper vouchers, within six months ' human lives. It is not an ordinary pain from the first publication of this notice. pl'let, such as is commoiH-Iy used to ad Hated this Zird day of March. 1!T.. j vertise medicines, but is principally made R. If. BA RVETT Ut of renort of ,.im.,,..ii.. ' . ' Administrator of the Estate ofj. H Bar I tests in a large variety of case? ,h.,witi nett Ii.a-.i ! ... r ' s-n.... i per cent 01 recoveries in t!,-o 1,-. i,..., I ; ! 1 rTTrlrTTzL--T-:Lr-I-l-lT--r r. 1 stop 11 roaiiAn pi NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Mrs. C. I. Walker, my wife, has, left my !! and Iward and I will not 1 respon-'ibJe for any debts contracted by her, or by my son T Mlv?n Walker. ' " ' " I-d at As.h-.vjod, Ore-...n. this .-,t day d'.June. la 15.'"- W. U. WALKF.i: deputy Stock Inspectors I have persona Notice is hereby yiveti tha appointed the following named deputy Btock inspectors: J. P. Cart wright, Jim Woods, E. Sparks, A. Morrow, F. M. Smith Roscoe Knox, J. S. Bogue, Alex Mcintosh, U. S. Cowlei, E. II. Dean Hay Creek. Ashwood Sisters. Haystack. Paulina. Post Rotland. HardiD Hay Creek Hay Creek incurable di-.-is... Ths specific employed in these te-ts are known as tiie Fulton ComjMjunds and the results obtained prove conclusive! that these dreaded diseases so long fatal (the deaths (rum Drigl.ts Disease alone are appalling, over UjoXm a vear. staninc- j kidney troubles) have at last yielded to j medical science. The pamphlet i, free, j Write to the .1-dni J. Fulton ( '.., 4 i Wa-!,. I int-.n -treet. r-an Francisco, fa!. I When to -uspect Urights j Putly ankles or han.F; w-aknes- without j Mpp.irtm cause, kidm-y trouble after third . month; frc-juent urination, (may show sediment or cloudy on standing,;' failing j vision; day drowsiness-one. r ,rv o( these. Stock Inspector Crook County Make Sure of Yonr Accomodations We have 5,000 De.lrable Rooms In Priate Famlllea and 15 Hotels Tlie-y are nicely furnished. They are clean aud conifortal.le They to the Fair Grounds. They are on direct street car lines. They are all selected by our agents. They ore the very best in the city. They cost 1 per day and up. They are all under contaaet. They cannot raise the price once quoted by us. Th. y are not to be paid for until you have seen them. OI K YKLUJW-CAPI'KD MKSelKSOER WILL ESCORT YOC TO THEM mi mm, kd OREGON oRIDER AGENTS VANTED ? m m mam wo money Required until you receive oud approve of your bicycle. 91 1 snip 10 anyon on fen uavs tree Trial :-: a . rmesi irutiranteva r f . xi 1905 Models V'O tO 24 with Coastor - lirukos and lhtiK-turelcss Tirca. t903 & tBO Modol afrf 4 atf0 Makes Zp tO viny mine or inotfrj you trunt at one-third usual price. Choice of any standard tiros uud beat equipment ou ail our Uicyclos. Slnmtji-tt yuimintre. We SHIP ON APPROVAL C O. 1). to anv one without n rrnt droosit and allow 0 DAY! FREE TRIAL uufore purchuse Is biudiiijr. 5 00 Second Hand Wheels n n taken In trade tr our rhleaa-n retail aujres, Qal tO QQ ' im aoou a new ' ' BUY kvj'nr u" w rt 1 1 for our FAOTORY rZJ. r""' "" " ninJ". ai lilf recular i.ri.t,. In our saasn bataloaira. CouLaiua a ,, .1 ,.u.r . ..... ... 1 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES Mi m mr - -ww wwv 'u tii To Introduce $l "T pz wa will Soil ii I O wo will Sell Si You a Sample JL Pair for Only if. NO MORE TROUBLE (rem PUNCTURES Kesult of 13 years expHpnce in tin, maklne. PINS, NAILS, TACKS or CLASS. SeriouS, una iiiieuuonui kuiiu cuts, can be vulcanized like any. other tire. i rT 'T "-rt"l?'ue "ot" 'l Kinds and make of tlr, at .nn per nnlr nod ute ?!Mk"iibI Si$. "A nl J?unc'u.! -trlpa --K" and " l." This nr.' "nl fi0 YuiiiUTIM 1 "U M" tt,u"'- we wllJ ,"' c- - ON APPROVAL a.mfM Ili",a. .V'-00 of 5 (thereby naklnr the price (4.50 per pair) If you 51ai'"'o " ' linm 40 ta wturned " w " not sailsfaciory on MEAD CYCLE CO., Dept. "J.L. CHICAGO, ILL. mm i Li -4. - WW 4iu.tasjvW V ft DO NOT X XI mf MulDMAfll I'M PRI NEVILLE, NAILS, ICKS OH GLASS ttfw t i IT OUT THE Aid 1 II 111 wBin - -si EASY RIDING. STRONG. DURABLE, SELF HEALING FlLLY COVERED by PATENTS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Jft .JSWjT if Woeri't oU tlm(i on Wain S,r..t - 3 S1IANIK0 WAREHOUSE COMPANY Skuiko, Oresoa. General Storage Forwarding I5 AND 9 Commission Merchants Pealcr in llla.-kHiiiith Coal. Flour, 11 .it I i'tl Wire, Nailx, (Vnii'iil, I,ini. t'iml Oil, rianter, Sulpl.tir. Wool mid (Jrain, Snrk ami Twiiip, (iraio nn.l Kci-.l. AkpiiIb for Vnfo WarfliotiHK Million Co'. "Wliit.. Kivrr" ami "Dall.'H I'ltlont" Flour. .ric. jmiil for Hiil8 ami IVIu. P en Special Attention in paiil to Huliiij? fur Katrrn Shipnientn. Wool ( Jriiilinij; ntul Stmk Yartln with all the Intent ami lie! f:u ilii,. for Haiitlling Stoek. Mark Your Goods in Care of "S. W. Co." :Ayvvyvvv-j i - a i ,.-.-- , . m When You Gome To Portand L r i L J T - I j n Li r t L 4 r i L J r i L J r i r. t L 4 r i L J n Li n L J n L J n L J n Li r i i. j r .11 -arkJkJWJLJLJLJ -------- Seiierai ffiiacksmiVimg IIOKSKXHOKINO, Wool) WoilK, i:TC, N K A T I. V AND PltOM I'l l. Y I I.N K i WllKN IT IH Do.NK .Jv : ; ; fSaoman 6c 9foorc Satisfaction Will lie Ciuarantccd ri L J r i L J r i u L. i r i LJ r t " LJ rt Li r.i - L 4 r i Li r t Li n Li L i r i i i r t Li Examinations for Forest Rangers. FoivKt mipervisor, Awchoff, wriiing The Journal fnun Marmot, Orison, adviscH that civil Kervk-e f.xaniiii atioim for the position f Fori'Mt rtanyei'in the Forest Service, (leion-t. , tnent of Agriculture, will be held in i Frineville .Auiiht 1 to V.wc,. Special Rates to Portland Fair The Columbia .Southern Railway Company will well exctii-Hioii tickets! from all ticket ofiiceK to Portland and return daily from May ij October 15, good to return within days from date of wale, but not latet man tjctoiier oiKt, 1:111.,. at rates follows for the round trip: Wasco, .4.M); Moro, 5.75: fii-ass Valley, $G.:!5; Shaniko, Ss.on. child ren between ." and 12 years, one-half the above rates. c. E. Iyrr General PaKneniier Au For sale, a very desirahle ranch consisting of 1G0 acres. About 99 which is first class yellow pine timber and 61 acres of Ko. 1 agriculttiaal land j enclosed by fence, 8 acres of which is ! three year-old alfalfa and 3 acres in i clover. A large stream of pure cold ' water teeming with trout running ! CATARRH S83WfilM I oil a V ;,,rW VOPlr- SB E 1 B 1 Make your plans to 8ton at a home-Iikn bosfelrv . . . j , , where you will be shown every courtesy and trealed as , , , place von town or city Elys Cream Bauw This Remedy Is a Specific. Sure to Cive Satisfaction. 0IVE8 RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cm fiatarri, ,i through center of place. Good ditch ! V, . "17 v"'la ln Uie wad quicklv. f . - . ; estwes the Senses of Taste and Smell for irrigation purposes. This is a Kasv to use. -!,,,., Tn u-w.w iu.tiri.iiiH (iriirra 'bargain. For futher particulars and price write or call to the journal Office, Prineville, Oregon. Apiihed into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Rise, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York, MR.S. L. S. ADAMS. Of OulvmOn, Texaa. "Wine of Cardui ii indeed a bleuing to tired women. Having luffered for seven years with weakness and bear, ing-tlown pains, and having tried sev eral doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardui was the only thing which hjlped me, and eventually cured me It jt.rr-iH t:i haiid up the weak parts, sl-c.-.-, n fie system and correct ilTeluiailits. Hy "tired women" Mrs. Adama means nervous women who have disordered menses, falling of the womb, ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have. Y ou can cure yourself at home with tins groat women's remedy, Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui has cured thousands of cases which doctors have failed to benefit. Wby not begin to get well today? All druggists have $1.00 bottles. For an v Rtoiimr-h . I i vnf i,Aurii j , s. MV"'.l U1DU1 iter IhnrlfArit'o ni..,.L-.Ti...i.i. should be used. ForadWwandlltmtare,a1drM, elrliiir RTIMntltltl. ' In. I ...1,. . .'. 1.7 '1 r I'.T'a-1 h" Oliatluiwog 3Icli.'liie CliatfanooKa, Taun. would be in - your own home THE FORESTRY INN Is such a place, and it stands withi.n one block of hxposition Entrance, on 35th Street facing Upshur. FOIifc,f5TRl INN is constructed on the log cabin style; furnishings, cuisine, and management conforms thereto. It has 150 large commodious rooms, all opening on broad, cool verandas; with electric lights; hot and cold water free baths. From the roof garden a view is had of the position grounds, the city and surrounding ennnirv O J ' s.w service direct to all parts of the city. European plan. Dining service a la carte and reasonable as in any part of the oil v. Price of Rooms, $1.00 and $1.50 Special Rates to Partiea ol two or more Meals a La earte THE FORESTRY WAT, Inc. Tiddresa P. Q. MaTTOX. lUanaier. or H. m. rain,cu - m llivill.n W i j Pltl.NKVILI.K, - OKKfiOX. j r j m H ZZ I i -71 the THK and OF J CARDUI 25th and Upshur Streets, PORTLAND, ORF.GON f S -li f 3VC lL if ws w e I M When in need of Lum ber, Shingles, Mould ing, Doors, Windows or Glass see SHIPP For Prices on Them. Princvi o-Shaniko Stage Lino I 'WL'Wvvnwwvw Daily j Between Prineville and Shaniko - SCHEDULE I Leaves Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrives at Prineville C a. ni. (Leaves Prineville 1 p. m. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. in. Henderson & Pollard.. Wines, and Liquors, f9 Finest Giars MMM In Sitfifr Country Orders Solicited First Door South of Poindexter Hotel. Powell & Cyrus-"- 4 First I Class Accommodations -Tonsorial Artists.