Cone real. PRINKVILLK, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, JUNK 22, 1005. NO. 27 VOL IX. Crook Jou MICHEL & CO. ft Tire You Going to the FR ER? If you are, very likely you will, need either a Trunk or a Suit Qase We have them in a nuiuher of styles and sizes ami prices to suit TRUNKS ' SUIT CASUS CI.UIl HA(iS ti:ij:s(:oim;s $1.50 to $10.00 $:J.OO to $5.00 $1.00 to $ 1.50 $ .50 to $1.50 Before Buying Conic and Look These Over Michel & Company Michel & Company ft ft ft ft ft s ALL READY FOR THE FOURTH si I CL i I " 1 " ip 1 1 . llll!lDSDSDliaiSDaiQSEi OTHING $10 Those are the best Suits ever offered at the price. They aro Special Values and I carry several different Patterns at tho above price. They are all Fancy Worsteds and have Serge lining, Cavis and Hair Cloth Stiflening down the fronts and Padded Shoulders They look like $20.00 Suits and Some Would cot that for Them Sia-lto 2vzxdLG To Ord.ex $15 and u.p THE TAILOR PROGRAM COMPLETE Long List of Racs, Con tests, Baseball Games and Other Amusements for the Holiday. Final arrangements mail- this week for the r lelirition on the Fourth of July ami the pro gram, with the exception of a few minor details, is complete. The morning will he unlit-red in with a cannonading at sunrise which will he limited in volume only hy the appearance of the clouds and the probabilities of a rainstorm if there is too severe a jar administered At 10 o'clock a program of instrumental music, i i . . . i i ... I .... : ueciarauons ana vT:u. ""' j otber Jams on the will le Riven. . fc. Imerm, Jr.,; of Rend, will deliver th oration, and the Prineville Band will he the chief factor in the musical numbers. At 11 o'clock, or a? near that hour as possible, Prine ville and Madras will, cross hats at the hall ground)'. The afternoon will he given over to a long list of races and contents for which purses have been hung. Young and old alike, thin men and fat men will he given an opportunity to demon strate their skill and fleet new' of foot, and prize money has also been offered for three horee races. As soon as the afternoon's pro gram has been completed, Prine ville and Madras will play their second game of ball, and in the evening n dance will be given at Athletic hall for which unusual tirann rations will be made. The program for the day i. gUVn below: MORNING PROGRAM. 4 a. in. Morning Salute 10 a. in. Assembly at grounds. Presldrnt of tlieilny. W. A. Liooth. Voeul Selection, America Clioilt ItiKtrumeiital Selection Rank Declaration of Independence Miss Maky Salomon Instrumental Selection Rami Vocnl Selection Ciioiu Oration Y. E. Gi eiiin. .Ik. Yoeal Selection Cnoiit Instrumental Selection Hand 11 n. ni. Baseball Prinevillevs Madras A FT E KXOOX PROG It A M. Hose Knee. Run SO yds; lay 250 feet niul get water. 1st prize, $17.50 2ml prize, $7.50 Make and Break Test, Carry 500 feet Hose; run NO yds; lay 250 feet; water at first coupling. 1st prize, $17.50 2nd prize. $7.50. ( J reused I'ole Obstacle Uaee OLD SCOUT PASSES THROUGH THE CITY rz trmmmm m m m m m (m (m tj yjy Vpr 4 vj- 4- - -" Rlacksmithing That Pleases Is The Kind You Get at" J. II. WIGLK'S (Successor to) COUiVETT & ELKIKS'S A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand Professional Cards Clliott, jttornf-at-jCmm Throwins Baseball Tu of War-Country men on a side. 1'at Men's Race. 1st prize 1st prize 2..V) 1st prize ?7.r 2nd prize ?2."i.l 1st prize $2.00 vs City, 'fen 1st prize $10 ."i0 yards $;!.00 era not optned for Nevada and entire West. i - The main canal runs from Ier- by, 15 miles east of Heno, on the ITruckee Itiver, to a point ten miles alxive Iyeville,, on the Car lson Hiver, a distance of .'1 miles. The initial irrigation system j will be used to distribute water j over alxnit .rj0,0fX) acres (A land. ' During the next two years the . I system will be extended to cover l-r,(),(X)0 acrca more. This will in crease the total distributing system to a length ot 1200 miles. Ar rangements are now being made to construct a regulating dam at the mouth of Lake Tahoe. As a larger area of land is brought under irrigation and the demand for water increases, five or six Truckee River and its tributaries will be con structed, and four reservoirs .will be built on the Carson River. One of the reservoirs will be 18 miles in length and will have a surface area of 11,000 acres. l tie entire irrigation system a" projected will not be completed for nine or ten years, and will cost about $9,000,000. After the initial work is finished and the first section of land is placed under irrigation, the balance of the pro jct will be carried out with the I proceeds ot the sale oi Government land adjacent to the ditches and the sale of water to the settlers who are expected to take up the land. The method of obtaining the Government land in the newly ir rigated area will he simple. The charge has been fixed hv the Secretary of the Interior at maximum of $26 an acre This sum will not represent the pur chase price to the land, but a per-; petual title to the water. The j land itself will be homestead. Ap- j plications for the land are uow being made to the Ladd Office in Carson City. The water right of $26 an acre will be payable in ten equal installments, and title will not lapse until two payments have been passed, which will give the homesteader the opportunity of passing over a Hard year. 1 tie Government will charee no in terest on deferred payments, but will probably offer an incentive for prompt settlements. The charge of $26 an acre is set to cover all cost of constructing the irrigation system and maintain it lor a period ot years. it it is found that the charge was set too high, the last payments will not be required. In any event there will be no additional charge. Old Scout, the automobile which by this time has completed iis :;00 mile journey from New York City to Portland, arrived in Prine ville Sunday afternoon, mud si l it tered, battered, worn, patched and wired together, but still capable of continuing on its race to the ex position city. '"We've lost every thing but the front wheels and our ii'-rve," said ('haft'eur Huss .while busily engaged in tightening up a lew loose holts. Oid Sciut covered 110 miles Saturday and spent Saturday night at a point 15 miles east of Paulina, about midway between the latter place and Suplee. The listance froru there to this city, 05 miles, was covered hy 3 o'clock. Good roads were found all the way over from Burns. Night runs were dispensed with some time ago as the head light on the ma chine was lost while traveling through sage brush that complete ly covered the auto and stood con siderably higher than the machine itself. After an hour's rest in the city the machine with its two oc cupants left for Forest where they rpent the night and proceeded on their way Monday morning. A delegation of auto enthusiasts left Portland aliout the same time and will meet Old Scout at the summit of the Cascades and escort it into Portland. Chaffeur IIuss will win the $ lOOt) prize which is waiting the machine to arrive in Portland, and the driver of Old Steady, which will reach Portland a week later will have to be content with the machine alone, what there is left of it. organized and equipped and is locatad that side of Tipton. About fifty teams are here at work and are scattered along for about ft mile. This is the most difficult part of the road to be built this season and for this reason all of the construction force is concen trated at this place. Preparations have been inaugu rated for the location of a second camp which will he established about half way between Austin'a and Tipton and in a few weeks more it will be hurrah all up and down the line. Officials have stated that it is their intention to construct at least 10 miles of road this season, and the contracts that haue been et call for the completion of this work by September 1. This will not, however he the end of the year's work but will continue on ate into the fall or until the early winter snows demand a cession from labor and it is believed by that time Prairie City will be with in a few miles of railroan trans portation. Prairie City Miner. GRADING BEGINS ON SllPTER EXTENSION IPrinavill; Oregon. j(tfornmf-mt-Cam ZPrintviU: Oryon. A. II. LIPPMAN SCO. LICENSED UNDERTAKERS and Manufacturers of all Kinds of FURNITURE Chaa. S. Cdwas JIT. P. 33lkaj ( County ff'Ajftiti'an) fficlknap dc Cdwards CPiysieiant and mrgona. 08i ttrsr 3or f ZPrinaoiil, Oregon. Jf. Rosenborg Physician and tS try eon Calls answered promptly day or nyAf Offfc mm floor oomA of tTotmjrlofo 'm - 2ruy Slomo. tsMoMOO oormor si mmst W?mH Stroott. SPrineviile, Oregon The Journal Printers To The Purticular Y oi'K Oitnmt tor any thing from ft card to ciUrIokui). Comiiiorcial printing a specialty MAIN' 8T1IEKT, Near Thk Ociioco Briixik PRINEVILLE, OREGON RAILROAD EYES TURN TO CENTRAL OREGON Team, wagons and men coming from the east and out of the west and all headed toward Tipton the latest development pertaining to construction work along the rifjhtaway ot the extension of the Sumpter valley railroad. Sixteen car loads of rails have latelv been received which will be laid on the John" Day extension during the next two months. The rightaway for several miles this way from Tipton was cleared last fall and now the work of grading has started and it is in full swing and scarcely a day passes but the construction crew is augmented by both men and teams. No limit is fixed as the sweeping order of jobs for all who apply has been issued. One camp is now thoroughly That E. H. Ilara mm, wh is now able to turn his attention to Oregon since the closing of the Northern Securities cases and the settlement of the question of con nections in the Snake River coun try with-James J, Hill; is about. to build more lines in this state, is the opinion held by members of the transportation committee of the Chamber of Commerce, who have been apprised unofficially recently that Mr. Harriman in tends to provide facilities which the Chamber of Commerce has long striven to secure. The extension of the Columbia Southern is said to he the aim of," Mr. Harriman now. On the oc- : ca.-iou of his last visit here the Chamber of Commerce represent atives asked him point blank to build beyond Shaniko, and, while no definite reply wa given at that time, the encouragement offered through the railroad magnate's attitute led to correspondence on the subject, with the result that a direct reply is looked for in. the near future. Meanwhile news has been carried from the East that Mr. Harriman has about conclud ed to respond to the residents of Oregon for means w hereby the interior of the state wtfl be de veloped. " Wnile the fact has been gener ally known that engineers and surveyors in the employ of the Gould interests have been in Ore gon for some weeks and were look ing about with a view to choosing (Continued ox Page 2) 2nd prize $1.50 Potato Knee, 1st prize $2.00 2nd prize $1.00 Foot Kaee 100 yds., Boys under li, 1st prize $2.50 2ud prize $1.00 Foot race Free for All-iOO yards 1st prize $5.00 2nd prize $2.00 Foot Uact50 yards-Girls under 17, 1st prize $2.50 - 2nd prize $1.00 Three Legged Race 50 yards lstprfze $2.00 2nd prize $1.00 Pony Race Mile Dash Xo entrance fee 1st prize $5.00 2nd prize $2.50 Heat Race M ile Purse $20.00 X Mile Dash Purse $20.00 Conditions: 10 per cent en t ranee fee added to purse. Xo horses eli gible to enter that have raced for public money. 1st prize, 70 per cent purse; 2nd prize, SO per cent purst. Committee on sports: Clerk of the course, George Summers; starter, Dr. J. II. Rosenberg'; judges, C. Sam Smith, F. W. Wilson, O. M. Elklns. 3:I!0 p. m. Baseball Prineville vs Madras. S fcs sf tf fes fts T T iW ??5e I FOURTH OF JULY WATER FLOWS ON NEVADA'S SOIL a 2' 'I 2 PrineviUe, ele Oregon brationl With the opening of theTruckee Carson Canal, below Reno, today, the first of the irrigation systems constructed by the Government under the reclamation act, a new An Elaborate Program consisting of Horse Races, Foot Races, Fat Mens Race, Novelty Races, Hose Race, Base Ball Games, and numerous others will be given Suitable purses will be bung for the different -" events The Prineville Military Band will furnish music for the occassion and a Grand Ball will be given in the evening 9m CELEBRATE' at ''.PRINEVILLE S 4 ' & T3lrrilzJrrlJtlkTl