-Com .1" VOL. IX. IJ1NEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, JUNK 15, 1!K)5 NO. 27 Crook Jon my 8 8 f 1 I s I I P i I i 1 V in 1 M I C H EL- & CO, ra ir? mmm m r.;:;.;ri Tire You GoinU to the . Si rr If vou a iv. vcrv likelv vou will md cillicr a Trunk or a Suit Gaso We have them in n iiiiiuIht of styles ;uxl sizes and prices to suit 3 TRUNKS Si ll CASKS CMJH HAGS Tl'LHSCOFJ'S $4.50 to $10.00 $;j.oo to $5.00 $1.00 to $l.n() $ .50 to $ 1.50 Rcforc Buvint- Come and Look These Over - w WILL CELEBRATE THE 4th $359 IN THE PURSES :! lion on the r.-f r. i..jui!i to ! he hu jj, Tibi-eUs, of Monument, vol. rs of the -tatcf th tl.M.OOOj Grant cniity. The heriff had appropriation biil f r int t i ! up,..t two days at La Grande de National Holiday Will Be:..; a. ivii i- n jutionwas finally t-ossrvca nun .Long rro grasn of Many Interest- Features. I iiito Rnf (uvi f.l.mi-ntu fti.l fii.t ....... ...... . - l? - . . , D.lfll. IIOoKHlWie matter 111 the name I , I i i ,. , , j act 'M d i nee I light in (lid tin! government Sllid I . .. 1.-. .. .1 aa ociaitori. ,tn ine t-mi petition of 0.21 -'J liailiS.S has iti fil.'d wi'lt th'1 secretary of lu?e Tin; pro I i Iy St ( r-t.ir v of :tt I 1 lie li'-iitinn l propri.ttiori for lo; ii r.. f iftiorov! ui -n ins !f..r il-.i Ir AUTO RACERS ARE NEARIXG PRINEVILLE 1 W 1 ' BoillDlSDSOlillBl CLOTH ING LEADERS $10 These are the bost Suits ever offered at the price. They are Special Values and I carry several different Patterns at tho above price. They are all Fancy Worsteds and have Serge lining, Cavis and Hair Cloth Stiflening down the fronts and Padded Shoulders They lo:k like $20.00 Units and Some Would get that for Them I Although lut' in '''ttiiij -t(irt(.l, I'riu ilh' will piw a f.iiwxation on t In Fourth, ii nd th arrange ment fiow heinjf Hindu irondiic a day of entertaining outdoor sport? ami other ammenieiiU uhi' h will furnish a lively tiinu f.r thone who attend tlie celebration. Over $')'() ha- heen r iiaod fur puree for tho li.iyeh ill gainc and rjiccH and tin; nun will prohihly toUlfl')t) before th end of the week, ho tin: celebration will no! be a failure through lack f funds. The m itt r of giving acelt-hra tiou" u. t ikeu ;:p Wvdntfday li'ht :t H j -iut Ui( i tili2 In Id by th Hieii, !(!. (.f ibe I I ;l :H ' 1 the lire Colilp. mies. and it wa." derided that tbe d:iy hhouid ! apptopriate ly (.bcrv'd provided, eiiougii money cutiM l-e r.ii d to curry out the detail of the program. Ac cordingly a fin inCe cMiimiitteo wu appdiuted and in u few lioitrs thir nioriiin;i ul'icieiil fundi were, cuhfcrihrd to injure a routing time on tin: national holiday. ' The prctani while Mill to he definitely arranged will include poni-y races' for which pur-en will bo hung, und probai ly foot racw, lire company drill and contest and pns-Mbly a parade. Congressman Williamson ha been tsed to deliver the Fourth of July oration arid tho court houo variLwill he turned into a band ftan.l where tbe band will play during the greater pan. ui uic ua . , one now ahead wnl arrive in .Arrangements have already been Prineville a day and a half ahead completed with Ma Iras for the ;0f Old Steady. Thin will he probably ; lite reform rich !, t'.i ) and blind ri ! vtr-ir v, t!.f piim.iiied U it became a qu.'tion of paying 40: an acre to Kit water onto the I uinu, anu me iiur wa reirar-jeu j an too hijrh. Thn aocij'lon ofllcera have written their la-t 'communication!! to the "overnmont vi. nil" nwi.i.--..., ii. i-1 ..... , .... i the iiorma nouung turlner. i . , ' hen we get a railroad through ; ,. ', . ... . Ii t!. v.it.-r.- . central Uregon, jrmn 1 orlun-i to Ontario, water will he put on Malheur county's la.ndf ut a much Ieg figure than has been estimated by the governments." Journal. veloning evidence before he order ed the arreatit made. Sheriff Pen matiou h i: nineton came down from La ! i',v g.ivernuig (Jrand.i and received Slaght lut Ti;"J.vy morning. It'ippears thut Tibbettf, Mc Bri l: and l.iught drove a band of range horse from Hamilton to La Grande latH October, shipping two enr load from there to Kansas City and selling a few head to a Dii-ii ir. the an- niiiintenance d t! f :t -yl :j Mi t.itf penitentiary, af tn;m oiJ, t:." statrf utii !:;m i'-ii!ti:r.i! co'h'jr, Hcloo!- ;iiid the current nief tiani in ba orancie. inese i.or. e were nioatly all stolen, one of them belonging to Sheriff r.nlor. of Pendleton, and hit ; t.i..- gou-rnment. j ,ult.r who runa hor?ea in Grant ire ::( in.ir I re-1 (.!)m. t v. Five head of hi ranffo ! - " o- vent p :v,ii -ui r! a;: items which i horses rere fold at La urande tor n rp nroviilcii for in l!ie bill and $."() f 10 per head all three of ' .,.r,A-.. ,i..,.;;., ,.r the parties registering at a second . . .,, . ., cla.n hotel in La Grande under ion. toe Fiate w:a i-ue evi-'iences of indeb citrrvinp (trie's to on of th': provide for the zovemra -nt. Old Scout, the i'adir in the transcontinental race, left Doie la-t Tuesday noon and i- now in Oregon speeding towards Trine ville in the last i-trctch of the run to Portland. The came day that Old Scout left Boise, Old Steady arrived at Montpelier, Idaho, in the eastern part of the Hate, a dist.mca of 275 mill behind th hmd in.-irh The diff.:renci in the NEW CHURCH IS DEDICATED Dedication exercises at tbe new Fir.-t Presbyterian church were at tended by a h'r-e congregation h'ht Sunday morning at which ll iv. Dr. Holt, of Portland, preach-j before his term ed tin; d"dicatory .-union. The; muric for both the evening and ; morning service? was in charge of Mrs. C. I. Winnek an ! Mrs. C. M. ' machine, i JMjus and was unusually accept- race wasK,!,'.. (W-rr-ssmnn .1. X. William-'- ! caused by the tlitli.iullies encoi;nt- U.m .,nd IlmScHn M:.eleod ercd by old Steady in Wvoining assumed names. Sheriff Shutt succeeded in get ting a full confession out of Fred Mc Brule, who told him all trie de ails of the transaction. M :lirid is also held at La Grande under two other charges of horse atealing, he and another party havingstolen two lots of horses in that vicinity, one ot which was fold at Walla Walla and the other driven to j Snake River. w Sheriff Shutt U making a vigor i ous war on hor.-o thieves and i 1 determined to break nr the eani' of oflice expires. -Ih ppncr Times. WEEK MARKS START OF NEW BUILDINGS when it ran into a washout and in attempting to ford u river be came entangled in deep mud. Nearly a w hole day was lost in getting free and then repairing some parts of the machine which were broken in the accident. As a result it is not likely that the latter machine will overcome the great lead which Old Scout has gained and barring accidents th - 4n and uuncan .uacieod sang an i Contractor McNeelv nesan lav enjoyable duel during the morn- ing the brick for the new Temple ;r8 ,,r0"rani. ton building liiis wees I), llk Khnundhis abilitv in lets to have the , , . , ' , 1 pleted by tbe m ra.smg thi debt agaum tee church ; the meantime j and the amount lvEad.G To Orcilcr SIS and "dp THE latter team to play a series of at least three games here and an effort will also be made to get both the Bend champions and the team from the Warm Spring reser vation. The latter team is ar ranging to play at Bend and it was thought probable that they would stop here while enroute and cross hats once with the player. sometime next Saturday. Boise, Idaho, is nearly 200 miles est of Burns and the trip to the county scat Harney county will probably be completed today. This will give the auto a full day and night to make the run fnun Burns to this city, a distance of 150 miles. local Fifty gallons of gasoline are in I waiting for them hero and a lame and ex- structure com pleted by tbe middle of July. In II. Templeton is received in the ', hnvinir the interior finishings made morning was $553, or 53 more1 in Sheboygan, Wis. They will he than was needed to dedicate the ; of solid oak and the fcbow cases , , -I , n. : will be the first in the city to be maiding free of all accounts. lue;c , -., , . , Vr -r i fatted with plate glass. Mr. Tem church w declared to be the pret- pieton j3 having the walls of the tie.-t Presbyterian 'building' in i;,uilu'ing made wide enough bo a Eastern Oregon, a matter due to second story can be added when tt,P yi-i.1!piiI woik of the iirclii Uer. ! ever desired. J. B. Slapp, who was iis.o generous in his contribution. P.ev. Dr. Milligan, state Sunday School missionary, preached in the evening at the new church a nd in his appropriate remarks he asked f that remembrance should be given those men and women who, unseen and unheard, had been largely instrumental in making the church and its organization und dedica tion a complete success. filacksmithing That Pleases Is The Kind You Oct nt J. II. WIGLE'S (Successor o) CORXETT & ELKIIYS'S A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand Professional Cards. SR. Cliiott, Jlf ttoruty-at-jCaut Aside from the features already mentioned probably two dances will he given, one on the evening 1 elore ihe Fourth and the other on the evening of the holiday. Complete arrangements w ill be made at the second meeting of the band members ami hre companies to be held tonight, at which time the program for the day and the list of purses will be made. The latter will be published in full next week. crowd will be ready to cheer the racers on their course. Old Steady will bo likely to run into town either Sunday or Monday. HORSE THIEVES CAUGHT AT 1IEPPNER APPROPRIATION VOTE NF ' L 1006 Governor Chamberlain has is sued a proclamation naming June 4, 1006, as the time for holding the About ten days ago Sheriff Shutt turned up missing in Ileppner and was gone for four or five days. As a result of Ids trip thiee men ac cused of horse stealing are now lodged in the county iail at La Grande, Union county, awaiting trial namely, Fred McBride and Myron Slaght, of Morrow county, land workmanship Ground was broken yesterday for the Smith & Cleek building. This will be of brick, two stories high, and C. C. McXeely, who haa the contract, will have a force of nu n at work inside of a few days. The work of moviniz the Christi ani building began yesterday. It will be moved from its present location a block to the north. Mr. Christian i will erect on its old site a modern two story brick structure, the work on .which will begin as soon as the necessary arrange ; ments can be made and it will m i completed about the same time ! that the Smith & Cleek building I is finished. Work on the new First National bank, although having several weeks start of tho other buildings, wiil continue much longer owing to the difficulty in handling tho stone whose hardness , offers con siderable resistance to the mason's tools. A new stone vault will also be built inside of the outer walls, the big safe for which has alie idy been oidered. The latter will be equipped with a double time lock and will be of the latest pattern Oregon, .$?. suss iPriniviil; Oregon. A. Ii. L1PPMAN & GO. t?W S. Junius JT. 3 Reiknap County SAystcSan) Belknap dc , Edwards SPAysi'eiam and Sit ry tons. OSit -fovr Door Sort of W;tt-i Zr? Shir IPrinovti: Oregon. LICENSED UNDERTAKERS and Manufacturers of all Kinds of FURNITURE ilT! Ii I I Hi JFC. Rosenborg ZPtyttcian and Surgeon Cati answered prompify fajr or nigAi 0ffio w ouA of UomjmtoH SDrMj Somo. Sftew'm'ortoo oomar !Prinoiiie, s Oregon. The Journal Printers To The Particular Y och Ordrh for any IliInK from h irtl to chUiIouiu', Commercial printing iv spcciHlty MAIN STKKliT. Neab Tins ociiuco Bulimic IALHEIR PROJECT ' TURNED DOWN 3 ti. . ! ! ...A:.,ni i v l ue imiueiifu ii i iauiuu i'-ujrii, , y which the reclamation bureau I of tho United States government was to put about 90,000 acres of and in' Malheur county under watert has been abandoned, owing to the failuru of the local factions at interest to unite in the plan proposed by the go v e r h ni e n t The Malheur Water Users' association has retired from the field, and nothing further will be done. Rev. David Leppert, of the First Congregational church at Ontario, a member of the Malheur Water Users' association, and who has been active in support of the ir rigation plan proposed, in discus sing the matter, said: "Tho ollicers of our, association have no further hopaoi aid from the government reclamation bureau, and if lalheur county gets irrigation it will come from some other source. The Water Users' association worked hard and long to get all tbe interested factions to come into the plan, and had they done so water could have mm & H j t i i a pa 12 .a m h in t m m tss m a v M. -PrineviUe, . Oregon : ; : 1 " " 5 Qrand Celebration I An Elaborate Program of Other Amasenaaisl's for. the 4OI1 Sports and ccassion is I ni pre pi allies, 9 m -wr- WO SL-oymsmrm Which mil lis published In full next week J9 1 M I IB 1H IT V 8 GELEBRA 4M a m.j sa &. IE AT F&slncviLLI cv-, mfoA 'mi rn'-is a irrs s'jft Sk-'ia mSia -. m iC-r- ra I "as- "as "tA "ar 'cr ar sw or & &' "or sr iS v w i PRINEVILLE, O U E G O N been put on the land tor !MU an