Loem. MENTION NtiM'k mii 1 1 fit t'imt Ml UlovcrV. All klmlM of fishing tackle lit The Hiiiinrtr. Oroeerle nt U'drock prices fur ciinIi nt mover's. New II in of Shirt m iiiul Neck Wear nt Uurinloy'. Pantaloons n seelulty, made to order iiiul nnl,v tu woarnt llorinloy's A fine lino nf IoIiiiitimi, rlgnm ntnl fancy candles nt I lover's, Just received a new line of John II. Ntctsou IIiiIm Mt Uoriuloy's. l'iiH'ii heavy w nt The llur.ua r, tu mo ltter iiinde. When In I'rluovlllo II iiml gel our prior ni groceries. ('. . (Hover. ('nine In mill mt' our new Kitchen Uin-cn. A. II. I.lppinnii & ( ifc. Koynl Chinook nIiimh, better limn the Walk-over nt Tin' lludiur. i 1 1 yoi: Kvicitfiit ii iiiMii .r AiliuiiHim'H leu Cri'iim? It always Km H I Hint ww nlwny have It. Kulil by tlm iIIhIi or In larger IntM. Ice Culil Koil't 0. P. ADAMSON & CO. ft lAAAAA A AAAAAAI Johimon, booth A I'd. art' making n MMj'litHy of Indie mill gent's lino jIiimk. ('nil mnl fiiMni't tlii'lr line. Iewls A tinrk necktie fur Indie mnl gentlemen for sale nt JoIiiimiui, llooth A Co'. A Your dinner will li"te letter i ami look Mter if nurvel on jf 4 aomo of thnt new crockery gi t ( r o in iWINNEK'Sfr Tin funiiiiiH Itoyal Cliliiiink shoe for nii'ii nt tin linxniir. You are sure to get tilt latest hiie If yon Iniy m Itoyiil Cliliinok. Till llltlMt Mtyll. Ill l.lldleM, MUfMt niul ClitlilrciiH ImtM Just reeolveil, nt btwewt price. Mm. SiimIo Mayton- Hover. Wo pay the highest uiurkot price for fresh egg, hoii't wll until you imv on. (tin- iloor Houih of Ailaiu noii' drug store. (', A. lii.ovKH. A. II. I.lpinnii & Co. have :m ynnln of Inlnld Linoleum which tiny offer for '.'.no cr square ynril, regit Inr price J..V. V I illy from Keep out the wind in a ken womens' work easy. Cover your floors with Linoleum. See t h o new g o o il h at WIN NEK'S ahh vtir (ioinu to Tin: fair? If you are you Iiml ls-tler purchase a pair of up-to-date shoes at Johnson, llooth & Co'm. Cajavan & Hideout luivo Just re ceived a shipment of the well known Lynx lirmnl I.iulleM mnl Misses sins'. They ore manufactured by a factory that makes exclusively Lndle ami Misses mIkm'h, anil t hoy are lender In stylo ami quality. Cnll and see them. J. F. MorrlM hos m'elveil n large shipment of ilry good. ilreHU kooiIh, tc, iiinklnK IiIm MtiM k In thlM Hue of NprliiK ami diiiumer kooiIm iih coiii pletu on any other In the city, lie Ih Helling K'mhI nt ivhmoiihIiIo prlren and will take pleamire In Knowing them to you whether you huy or not i V A The illffereni'ii iH'twifn a poor ruiiir uiiu 1111111 (.Imlr lu fiiili' n fitu'iiiitta WINNER wlU K"ol limli-H nt prhi'H eloHe to poor 4 chalrH. LOST Ilet ween I'rlnevUlo a n d SlHtem, a pocket hook contalnliiK nevernl receipts nml a'note In favor of J. A. South, hIho one hiiuvII ilay book. Hewanl of f 10 until Junp for return or notification Of flndliiK hi me to Hardy Allen, Nltitera, ()rKn. JUST AUHIVKH At Mrn. John CyruM' Htore, an iiHHortment of All over lm'e, EinbrolderleH and ready made underwear. AIho silk, natoon, Flannel nnd whlt wnlHtH, embroid ery plm'H, pillow topH nnd Milk to work them. Hand ullk and spool Milks In all Bhaden. Velvet and nllk rlbbomi, collars and liandkerchlefn, Iioho and hom Mupportei'H. Crepe and t lHHiie minor. mitt We are ready to whow you a very oonmlete line of linploiuenta nnd vehicles Including llackH, ltond WnsoiiH and UukkIch. The lnrKest aHHortment we have ever bad. We are mire we can make prieon and terma that will suit you. Come and nee uh and we will talk the matter over. We handle the best, for It Ih only the best that Is good enough for our customers. Our Implements and buggies are the celebrated Jolm Deer make. The world's best. John Deer plows are made from case hnrdned, soft center steel, the best steel that Is manufactured for the plow trade. .1. F. Mowms. I . ii. Itogei's Wiim III t hi' Culver Tuesday. C. M. Wllley, of lleiul, w as in town on a biiHliii'Mri trip the first of the week. County Judge V. A. Ilell went over to lli-inl this wivk 011 a biiHlness trip. 1. Michel and wife mid children left this week for 11 vlill at the Portland exposition. Illrmii Uilisou mid wife, of Cold Springs, wer visiting In the lily during the past week. Mrs. l.utherClaypool. of Paulina, was In the city during the past week vlHltlng for a Jew days. C. A. I.iielllng mid wife were In town from their ranch at I'ost Sat urday 011 a few days' visit. I'rof. A.C. Strange and wife left yi'Hterday morning for Portland where they will sNud the summer. Carey Fouler returned Tuesday evening from Shanlko when he went the last of the week with a band of shii'p. Will Ford has accepted a position with the Willamette Valley mid Cas cade Mountain Wagon IComl com pany mid will leave this week for Sinters to 1c ane gnulug land In that vicinity. Louis (lerlN-r bought thirty-live head of ll-yenr-old steer from K. M. Ilrattalil the past week. The sUits were In prime condition mid the price paid was f'.'T.rn sr head. Lake, lew Herald. C. ('. Diiuliam last week purchased from Mrs. Jas. S. Kelley the slis-k of goods In The Itnckct Store. Mrs. Kelley Is milking arrangement to go to Pendleton to reside Willi her father, F. Dis-rlng. it. F.. Simpson revolved a telegram the lust of the week from New York City ordering from him r0 gallons of gasoline In ls held In readiness for the automobile racers w ho an ex-MVti-l to arrive In the city soiuetliuc this week on their wny to Porthiud. The ball team will leave cither Sat urday night or Sunday morning for llcnd to play the sixth game of the present svrli-s with the Tanngers. It Is probable that one more game will In' played Is'twoen the two Is-foiv the Fourth of .Inly. A heavy hall storm swept down the t Kin so valley In the vicinity of Howard Saturday afternoon, doing much damage to the growing grain nnd crom. James Sears, who came over with the Mitchell stage, said the Mold were but tered down for a distant f several miles. Hitdley & Slovens saloon building at I tend was destroyed by lire at an earlv hour last Sunday morning. The bluite started about :i o'clis-k from a, defective Hue and consumed the entire building with Its contents. There was no ho of saving the building Itself and the work of the fireman was coutlued to saving the buildings In the Immediate vicinity! None of these was damaged. The loss amounts between fMMNI mnl f'JOOO with an Insurance of KMX). J. W. IHeilsiK', the llcnd photo grapher, was In town this week. While hero he rented the gallery of Mrs. Jas, S. Kelley and has made arrangement to begin work here at once. He will maintain branch gal leries at Bond and Sisters where his work Is well known. Mr. Uledsoe has taken many excellent views In Crook county, a large numlHT of which lire now on exhibition nt the IjOwIh and Clnrk fair, nnd will con tliuie to do InndscniH' work ns well us portrait. Several of his views of Crook county are In the windows around town and haw caused much favorable comment. It Is estimated by dealers In furs that the specie of wolf known ns the Oregon coyote Is lu'lng killed nt the rate of 1.V000 annunlly In this state suys the Portland Journal Hut the numlier living Is on the In crease. Despite the removing of the state bounty from coyote scalps more skin are received In the Port land market now than ever before. One Portland firm bought 12,000 coyote skins last year. Many were shinned direct to the oast by dealors In small towns and the total market ed last year was not less than 15,000 The Hkln bring from 1.50 to nplece. H. Llebos, of the firm of H. Llebos & Co., said: "We receive more coyote 'furs than we did llv years ago. The price lias mivaucea In the hiHt few years. The skins are used for making sleeping robes and for other purposes requiring cheap furs." FOH SALK New upright piano Been used but a few months and will sell at a bargain. Address H. care of The Journal. The old reliable Peter Schuttlc Wagons can be found at J. F. Mor rls's. Light build, durability and easy running quantities have sold a great number of those wagons nnd will sell more. Jl IHr. O. W, Triplet t woi orer from Bend Tuosilny, M. ('. Awbrey wu over from Bend yesterday on a business trip. Claude Wright was down from Ids ranch at Howard yesterday. (Icorge Cyrus ha lsen seiidlng the week nt his ranch 11 1 Sisters. J. It. McDowell wu III the city last Saturday from hi ranch at Haystack. Dan It. Hnilth, proprietor of the 'Hot Butte Inn, wn over from Bond Sunday. F.d Cralitree wn over from Bend the first of the week visiting for a few dny. James Dyer wm a bulnes visitor yesterday from hi ranch on the npis-r OehiH'o. J. H. McMiH'it came up from La- llioutn the last of the week to l In at tendance at the ball game, Dr. Belknap 1 nble to Is out of loor again after the serious Illness Which attneheil him several week ago. Mayor Wurxwelli-r left Sunday morning for Shanlko to attend the wool Male which will Is' held there this week. I. L Kotchum mid County Troasur- rO. C. Uray left last Saturday for n Isll nt the I'Wi and Clark ex- Msltloii. Diiiiciiii Macleoil wont down to Madras yesterday with Jerry Cramer o look after Bond company land matters. J. W. Barnes mid family returned this week from Bend where they have Ih-vii living the past two years mid will move to their ranch on the Ochis'o above town. Itev. Dr. Mllllgnn. Sabbath School Missionary for the Presbyterian hiiroh. will at tend the Sunday school next Sunday nt 2::M) p. in. nt the Forest school house, nnd preach nt lose of Sunday school. J. II. Crooks and K. A. Sailor have IM'iieil a new meat market In the iillding formerly isrupled by Mrs. L. Bradford ns a millinery store. A complete line of fresh meats will Ih kept on hand mid the firm I in the market for 'lt and hides. Kov. J. Ii. Snyder, of Brownsville, w ho is well known In this city where he has delivered many sermons, will ave about the first of the month r Winona Lake, Indiana, where he will iniike his future home. Helms ls-vn assigned to evangelistic work under the direction of the Oeiieral Assembly of the Presbyterian church In Texas nnd the middle west. A waterspout coming down Mud dy Inst Tuesday afternoon Is report od to have done great damage to the Mays ranch, taking out a bridge that had withstood the fury of pre- loii ouslniiglits, and covering the alfalfa fields with mud and debris. bnnd of 4000 sheep which was Ising trailed through to Shanlko, narrowly oosied destruction, Ising hocked within thirty yards of the Hood. Ti ere wvre four bands In tl.e nitllt. I elnir owned by Chapman & Shown, H. S. Donnelly, Butler Bros., nnd HolH-rt Key. ntelope Herald. J. U. Kd wards, of the Baldwin Sheep & Lund Company of Uny reek, was In town 011 Tuesday morning, on business connected with the shipping of the sheep purchased for him by Farquhar MeKea during the Spring. Mr. Edward recently sold a carload of registered rams to Wright & Dlmmock of Vermont, who will send them to Natal, South Africa, for breeding purposes. The rums purcimseii were uaniDouiiiois nnd "Baldwin," and were purchas ed after Wright & Dlmmock hnd vis Ited the prjuiipal sheep plants of the I'nlted States In search for choice rams. They stated that the 50 head which they bought were the finest thev hnd found In the country. Antoloe Herald. The. remain of Hie late Prior L. Smith, brother of Slwrlff Smith nnd Champ Smith of thlsolty and Is-pnty Sheriff Smith of Bend, were brought to Prliievllle Tuesday and laid to rest In the afternoon. The following lucount of his death Is taken from a dispatch from lwl ton, Idaho. "The body of Prior Smith, who dropd dead last evening nt a ranch on Dog creek, north of the Little Bookies, wn brought to I e wis ton today. Mr. Smith, who wa a well known cattlemen and the owner of A bunch of cattle, had Is-on In the employ of the Coburn cattle com pany. He and other of the Coburn outfit were camped with the Oscar Stephens roundup outfit at the Hwope ranch on Dog Creek. About to o'clock In the evening. Mr. Smith left the camp, walked out on the prairie a short distance and then started to return. As honoured the camp he was soon to stagger and after a few steps fell. When some of those In the camp reached his side, he was dead. He had long been a sufferer of heart trouble and tills Is presumed to have Isi'ii the cause of death." Prior L. Smith wa born In Brownsville and was .'('J years old at the time of hi death. When only r year of ago he moved to Eastern Oregon mid Joined hi brother here, James and Sinn, who were engaged In the stiM-k business. He remained with them for four years, thou went to work with other cattlemen in whose employ he continued until lWW. In tliut year he again became associated with his brother, C. Sain Smith, and for eight years they were together. In WtH prior Smith left Crook county and took up the work he had In-cii following nt Ontario. The following spring he moved to Montana where he had lsvn living continuously up to the time of his nth. A residence In this county of more than Is years gave the deceased an acquaintance mid list of friend eu- oyed by few, and not a person in the county who knew him, but will express a feeling of deep regret nt Ills untimely death. The funeral service were conduct ed at the I'nlon church Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'chs-k by the Itev. O. W. Triplet t, pastor of the Baptist church, nnd wore In charge of the Knight of Phythlas, of which lodge Mr. Smith was a prominent member while living here. IV-sldc the three brothers living In this county, a father and four sisters survive him. They lire W. B. Smith of Brownsville; Mrs. Itols'cca Davie, of Portland; Misses Ida and Sarah Smith of San Francisco, nnd a sister, Fanny, living In Salt IikeClty. High School Students Graduate. ESS A TABLE CLOT TWELVE NAPKINS TWELVE DOILIES Something entirely new and the correct thing for afternoon teas and lunches. 35 cents for the set at W INN E K ' S Commencement exercises of the first High School class to graduate In Crook county were held at the Methodist church hist Friday even lug. Every seat was tilled with an Interested audience of patrons and friends of the class, who found the nrogriim enjoyable throughout. The class colors were effectively used In decoration and n banner Inscribed with the class motto, "We launch tonight, whore shall we anchor," was draped In a V shape over the rostrum. The program wa o)Mnod with selection by the orchestra followed by the class history by Miss Iva Both who, In a short address, told of the work of the graduates, and the changes which hnd occurred In the class during the three years of Its existence. Charles Chrlstianl chose for his valedictory address the clas motto, "We launch tonight, where shall we anchor," and hi words wore In the nature of a plea to the graduates to choose wisely the various walks of life Into which they must soon step. Miss Gertrude Sharp contributed a well rendered and pleasing piano selection which was vigorously applauded. Tho different selections by the class liieinlHjrs were Intorspcroed with en joyable vocal solos by Mrs. A. C. Strange and Miss Cello, Nelms who added greatly to the program. Itev. W. P. Jlnnett gave the class address after which Prof. Strange spoke briefly and well before present lug the diplomas. mjiuuuwuw J J" ir''"f ' ''!'" t i' jn'im iwii ii i ii iw ii Furl ut Prior Smltfi i'Mp,9r''iF,i'?',ii"r,irrif V L JLJ l J n u n L J r i L J r.i LJ n t j r i LJ r i LJ r t LJ r i LJ n LJ n LJ r i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r i LJ ri L J r.i L J ri L J ri LJ ri u ri LJ r.i L J r.i L J r.i LJ r.i LJ r i u r l L J ri LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ n LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ ri LJ ri LJ rin LJLJ We have the best implimcnt made for cutting Alfalfa and Meadow Hay. The Celebrated McORMIK BIG U MOWER " 4 iir Is -tb-. mm Cut This Mower has Higher Wheels, Wider Track and More Weight than the regular Mower which makes it stand up to the heaviest work without crawling and causes it to run lighter in heavy work than the smaller machines. We also have the regular machines in 4 1 2 and o foot cut and McCOKMICK Self Dump STEEL II A Y It A K 1- S in 8 , 0 and 10 f o o t 1 L J r.i ti L J r.i L J ri L J El L J r 1 LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i L J n LJ ri L J r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i mm tr-l v. v.. A Full Line of Repairs for Orders Taken Our Lines on For All Hand, Makes Repair (Succattor to ELKIN8 KINO) r.i LJ r.i L J r.i LJ ri LJ r i LJ r.,i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ E.I L J r. a . L J c.i LJ r.i L J r.i LJ rsci LJL J ",r..i L&monU Loies Second Game. The Prliievllle High .School bono bull team took revenge from the Lnmontn ball tOHser Sunday for the game which they lost at the latter place two weeks Itefore by winning a well played game by a score of K to 4. Hyde officiated nt the slab tor the students and with good support shut out the Lnmontn boys for five tuning. Freeman pitched a good game, striking out a dozen of the local players, but poor support cost him the game. Lnmontn scored two runs In the sixth nnd took another in both the sixth nnd seventh, tying the score. There was an opening then for them to take the game, but the last half of the eighth proved disastrous With only one out the Prlnevlllers spliced In four runs. Albert Barnes drove a line hit Into right field for a complete circuit of the bases and three hits following with a couple of costly errors won the game. La- monta failed to score In the ninth. The story by Innings follows: Prliievllle 0101110 4 8 Lamonta 000002110 4 For a Wek Digestion. No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest your food. It Is not the quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the system, but the amount di gested nnd assimilrted. If troubled with a weak digestion, don't fail to give these Tablet a trial. Thous ands have l-cn IsMiefited by their nee. They only cost a quarter. For sale by 1). I Adaiuson. 2S J. W. BOONE Maker of the cele brated Prineville Stock Saddle Saddles and Harness Latest Improved Ladies' side and stride saddles, bits, spurs, an gora chaps, quirta and hnckamores. A Full Line of Stockmen's Supplies Write for Prices rrinevllle, - Oregon. 1 THE EMPIRE STABLES HUGH GEE, PROPRIETOR. Special Attention Given to Boarding :: :: :: First Clas Teams to Let at Reasonable Prices, : Up-to-Date Outfits Fur nished for transporting Parties to the wocds or an outside point :: :: LIVERY, HACK AXD I10ARDLYG STABLE MAIX STHEET XEAK THE OCHOCO BRIDGE PKIXEVILLE, OREGON 7N ' Wall paper in the neat t est up-to-date designs, all weights and prices. If ji you want wall paper, in spect this stock :: :: D. P. ADAHSON & CO. Spofford, the Up-to-Date Shoemnker Has added to his equipment a now machine whkii renders It possible to replace sIum' tips, bellows tongues and elastic gorings in Congress gaiters, nud repair ripptnl seams at a price loss than one-hnlf of what hns been pnld heretofore. Don't throw awny any more boots and shoes for want of Bret class repairs but bring your work to Spofford and save money. Estray Notice. Dark Bay, left eye gone, branded Z Z on left stifle. Owner please call at my ranch on Johnson creek, miles north of rrinevllle. Barney Watklus. Trespass Notice. Notice Is hereby given that all persons are hereby warned against trespassing upon the residence property of Mrs. J. N. rolndexter opposite the court house. Trespass ers will be prosecuted In the future. P. B. Polndexter. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular "Mothers buy it for croupy child ren, railroad men buy It for severe anil elderly people buy It for la grippe," say Moore Bros., Eldon. Iowa. "We sell more of Chamber lains Cough Remedy than any other kind. It seems to have taken the lead over several other good brands There is no questlo'ubut this medicine Is the best that can be procured for coughs and colds, whether it be child or an adult that is ffllcted. It always cures and cures quickly. Sold by D. V. Adamson. 1 THE RRQKET STORE G. G. DUNHAM, Proprietor A change in management, but no change in the opportunity to secure the right goods at the right prices Newt stock coming in constantly. Let me show you some of the pretty things in my summer line of goods -J Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line Daily Between Prineville and Shanlko SCHEDULE Leaves Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrives at Prineville 6 a. m. Leaves Prineville 1 p. in. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. m. First Class Accommodations r.n LJ K.3 LJ r.T LJ LJ LJ r.3 LJ CJ r.n LJ LJ rr.3 CJ E.TI LJ r.a CJ CJ C3 L J LJ LJ LJ L J ca ca ra L J r.n LJ r.i- LJ LJ LJ i LJ r.n c J ca CJ p. a EJ ra t j nr. a CJ r.a LJ Can You Walk? YES: Then you wear Shoes and are looking for the best made. We have them, the famous Gotzian Sh oes r-a LJ r.a LJ ca LJ ca LJ ca L J ca LJ ca LJ ca CJ ca l a ca lj ca L J ca LJ ca CJ ca CJ ca . LJ C3 t J ca ca ca LJ ca LJ ca ca r.a ca ca LJ ca LJ ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ca fA ca ca LJ ra LJ r.a ca r.a . ca ca cacaracacacacacaraEaracacararacacarararamrarar.arar.acararacararcara tJLJLJLJLjLJI.JLJLJLJI.JkJLJLJI.LJkJLJLJLJI.JkJI.JLjLjLJL.JLUI.JLJLjl.JLyLjLJI.JI.JI.JkJkJ We are making room for the largest consignment of shoes ever shipped to any firm in Crook County and will be prepared to .Shoe any person ' who wears Shoes. We carry the famous 'Health and Walk; Easy Shoes for men and women, which have never been been equaled for comfort, style, fit and wear. This is a good spring to wear spring goods. We have the largest arid snappiest line of Spring Goods ever brought to Prineville, which vill be ready for the good people to select from in the near future. Do not buy elsewhere until you have examined our line. JOHNSON, BOOTH G CO.