DISUSE OF WHIPPING-POST. Old-Faahlonad Mannar of Punishment la lUpidly Going- Out of Data. isotwunranaing to adTocscT now acd thrn of the rehabilitation of the m hipping pott, that form of punlf linienl U lofit.g. rather than raining ground la cUlLsed countries. It ia now inlllct tJ In hngland and in only a few of the (oitinental countries of Europe. In the I i.itrd States it ia used only In Del aware and Maryland. And prhapa it ill. I obtains to some extent In Australia. The punishment Is set inflicted upon worn co in England Dtlaw are or Mary lard. In Ilugiani'. there la an increaa l:,g relurtaare on the part of the Judges to Inflict the punishment. A late r turn stows that this form of punishment waa ordered only In 16 cases In 1903. Seven of these aentencea were passed at the central criminal court, five by Judge Rentoul, and two by the common sergeant It la interesting to notice that Mr. Justice Willis, Mr. Justice Law renoa and Mr. Justice Darling are the only three high court Judges who or dered the use of the "cat" Flogging: baa Men practical!; discarded In Eng llsh conrlct prisons as a tneana of prison discipline, and a few years ago a bill to extend the whipping post to a number of offenses not punishable In tbat manner waa refused a second read lnc by the decisive rote of 1S to Tl WHY CLASSES ARE NEEDED They Do the Jocuslng for the Tired Xuaeiea of the lye Thus Sar t lag That Work. "Old agn doesn't affect the eight ex actly,'' said an oculist. "It affects cer tain sight muscles. An old man, for instance, can sit down the same as a young man, but he sits down slowly and stiffly, because his sitting-down muscles are no longer supple. So It Is with an old man's eyes. They see quite as well as a young man 'a. but the muscles that do the focusing the muscles, that Is to say, that alter the degree of convexity of the crystalline lens are hardened and don't work well The strain that the managing of these muscles demands of an old man gives him a headache. Hence be adopts glasses, which do his focusing for him one pair focusing for reading, another pair focusing for long distancea Old age glasses don't actual ly Improve the eight They only take the place of certain muscles that age has stiffened. They don't even do that, though, unless they are cleaned fre quently. Glasses should be kept perfect ly clean should be cleaned when In use once an hour, with a silk handkerchief, never with a linen one." WEATHER AND TORPEDOT" Deadly Instrument of War That De pends Solely Upon the Change of Atmosphere. An Invention which, if the weather be In Its favor. Is extremely deadly Is the dirigible torpedo, controlled by wireless electricity from ship or shore, says Everybody's Magazine. It is merely thu ordinary torpedo, loaded with its big charge of gun cotton and a firing pin In the head to explode the torpedo when it strikes, fitted with double rudders, one of horizontal blaae to steer up or down, one of vertical to ateer right or left; a storage battery for ordinary uae and propulEicn, a wireless current trans mitter and motor lor dirigible propul sion, and an elevated tube to discharge a small Jet of sea water forced through It by an electrical pump. An observer :ompletely sheltered behind earthworks, could send out such a torpedo from shore, make it go miles out to sea, wait for a battleship of the enemy, swim around it, dive under it, and with cer tainty ram Its armored bottom with the firing-pin head. One such station could defend the Sandy Hook entrance to New York harbor, If the weather were always good. CORN IS ITALY'S STAPLE. Cereal Tills the Same Place That Wheat and Potatoes Do In This Country. Corn la a staple article of food In Italy and Servia. It takes the place of wheat and potatoes la this country. Cornmeal mush, known In Italy as polenta, is the principal diet of the peasants. Corn broad and mush are also used Id Servia, says Medical Talk. It Is used In the United State among the poor people as Johnny uake, hoe-cake and the like, as Is well known. In this form the whole grain is used, and it constitutes an excellent article ot food for working people. Il the finer cornmeal the embryo, or germ, which contains most of the oil. Is re moved, to prevent the flour Irom becom ing rancid, in the removal of this oil a conbiderable value of the corn is taken away. Corn is tbe richest in fat of all the cereals, provided the whole grain !a used. Corn does not coutain so much proteld nor albuminous matter as wheal, but it is about equal in heat-making qualities, and in tbe amount of mineral matter it contains. It Is exactly with torn as it is with wheat, the whole kernel should be used to get the best result. Singular Instance of Tenacity. A singular Instance ot tenacity in the digestion of fish is reported from Shef l.eid. England. The fish, a ling four Itet long, had what appeared to be an utuormally hard liver. But the cutting up procebs revealed something tar stranger. The supposed hard liver turned out to be a piece of stout nettli.g over two yards long and 14 inches wide, which had been pressed into the loni; of a football How this mass came to Le Fwallowed is a mystery. It was sug gested that the fish, caught in the tolis of a fisherman's net. had tried to escape by devouring his nrlsrn walla. Notice of Sleeting. Notice Is hereby given that, at a meeting of the County High School Board to be held Monday, June 5th, applications for an assistant High School teacher will be considered. Applicants will please state salary for which they will teach also file Applications as soon as possible. C. B. Dinuwiddie, Clerk, High School Board. Speculates to Portland Fair The I'ulmtiMii Southern liiillwav Company will wll xeiirnlon ticket from nil tlckot ottiovn to fort land aim rvturn unlly from May ID to tVtoW-r IS, jtoim! to rvtiirn within SO ilnvs from lnt of nnk. hut not la tor than t Vtolor .'list. !:C, at rtito follow k for the round trip: M aoo. J 4. SO; Moro. $..r."i; tint Valley, fti..'l.-: Shaniko. V00. t'lill.l ron Nt wwii ." anil 12 vearx, one-half the above rote. i K. I.yti.k. tioneral ranaonr Ajjvnt. STRAYED or STOLEN One Hay Mare, weight about 1200 poumN, branded B X on left shoulder, wire cut on right shoulder. A suit able reward will bo paid for the return of same to Mrs. K. L. Bkapkorp, Haystack, Oregon. Notice To Creditors. Notice is hereby given, by the under signed administrator with the will annex ed of the estate of Thomas J. Powell, deceased, to all persona having claims against satd deceased to present them with the proper vouchers to the under signed at the office of M. R. KUiot in PrineviHe, Orvjton, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this li day of May, UXW J. O. Powell. Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Thomas J. Powell. IVceased. J)R SALE. A very desirable ranch consisting of 160 acres. About 99 of which is first class yellow pine timber and CI acres of Xo. 1 sgricultuaal land enclosed by fence, 8 acres of w hich is th ree year-old alfalfa and 3 acres in clover. A large stream of rure cold water teeming with trout running through center of place. Good ditch for irrigation purposes. This is a bargain. For futher particulars aod price write or call to the jocrxal Office, Prineville, Oregon. STEEL BOTTOM SCHOOL SHOES Have Sole That "Won't Wear Out" Every Boy Wants them Bcaus Ho Don't Hw.va to B Cwr.ful of His Shoes - -Ask yown SHOE tfAA FOK. THEM Washington. ShoeMfg.Co. 3 Seattle. Wash. For Sale By I. niCHEL & CO. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Men and Teams! WANTED To Work on the Extension of Sumpter Valley R. R. $2.60 per Day Paid For Men ROO 4 R50 for Men and Teams Address: ARCHIE MASON Tipton, - Oregon in Make Sure of Your Accomodations We have 6,000 Detirable Rooms In Private Families and 15 Hotels They are nicely furnished. They are cltan and comfortable. They are dose to the Fair Grounds. They are on direct street car lines. They are all selected by our agents. They are the very best in the city. They cost 75c, fl per day and up. They are all under contaact. They cannot raise the price once quoted by us. They are not to be paid for until you haveseen them. Ol'R YELLOW-CAPPED MESSENGER WILL ESCORT YOU TO THEM PRINEVILLE, OREGON fib WASHINGTON 1 w il I IEEE ARE II MISS 10 1 STOP IT PO&TUIB I MAX wMM, bz Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Kstate of J. II.' Har nett, IVoeam-d". Notice is hereby given to all persons ha ing claim against said lVeease.1, to present the same to the uiulcrsiK'i'M ad ministrator of said K-tate at the oftio o t. W. Hurtle, in Prineville, Oregn, w ith the proper vouchers, w ithin six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated this 2$rd day or March. l!K. K. It. HARSETT, Administrator of the Estate of J. II liar nett, lVccased. Pd Notice to Creditors In the mattei ofthKstate of J. II. tirant. deceased. Notice is hereby given to nil persons having claims against said lVeeased, to present the same to the undersigned ad ministratrix of said Estate at the offloo of XI. K. tligss, in Prineville, Oregon, with the proper vouchers, within six mouths from the first publication of this notice. MRS. ROBERTA IS RANT. Administratrix of the Estate of J. H. tSrant. IVoeased. Dated this tith day of April. MVS. up Brights Disease Diabetes And We desire to place in the hands of those afflicted with Hriglits Disease and Diabetes a -page pampolet that is saving human lives. It is not an ordinary pam phlet, such as is commonelr used to ad vertise medicines, but U principally made up of reports of scientiricailv conducted tests in a large variety of cases, showing !?? per cent of recoveries in these hitherto incurs l;e diseases. The specifics employed in these tests are known as the Fulton Compounds and the results obtained prove conclusively that these dreaded diseases so long fata! (the deaths from Bright Disease alone are appalling, over lOO.Ou) a year, starting as kidney troubles) have at last yielded to medical science. The pamphlet is free. Write to the John J. Aulton Co., 409 Wash ington street, San Francisco, Cal. When to suspect Brights Disease: Puffy ankles or hands; weakness without apparent cause, kidney trouble after third month; frequent urination, (may show sediment or cloudy on standing); failing vision ; day drowsiness one or more of these. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract.) PUBLIC LA VD 8ALC. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance cf instructions from the Couimusioer of the General land Office, under authority vested in him by section 2jj, U. S. Revis ed State as amended by act of Conpress approvuu February 'Jiiih, l-!5, we will pro ceed to offer at public sale at this office at me uour oi to o ciock A. M., on the 15th day of June, l:K5, the follow nig tract of land, to-wit: The El-j'NW" of Section 7 Tp. l. South. Range 14 East of W. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above de-cribed tract of land are advis ed to Hie their claims on or before the day above designated for the commencement of the sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. ANNE U. LANG, Receiver. l S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May tith, liCt. Timber Land. Act June 3, lsTs, Notice For Publication. V & Land Office The Dalles, Oregon, September 2nd. 1904. Notice is hereby given that in compliance wite the provisions of the act of June 3, UTS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the suites of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, lsvi, RACHEL E. O'NEIL of Prineville, county of Crook. Mate of Oregon has this day filed in this otlicc her sworn state ment No. 23'jti. for the purchase of the HE1, NW,SWNEK4NW$i(JE' Section 27, Tp 12 South, Range 10 East, W. M. aud will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for iu timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes and to establish her claim to said land before the County Clerk of Crook County, Oregon, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 12th day of June, 1905. bhe names as witnesses: George O'Neil, A. H. Lippman, I. Michel and T. M. O'Comiel, all of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 12th day of June, 1905. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April 10, l'jor, Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. J. Smith, County Clerk at Prine. ville, Oregon, on June 13th 1905. viz: WILLIAM II . BROCK of Bend, Oregon, Hd. No. W.), for the S.EJ WK, B S bKX Section 6 and Wu SEX Section 7, Tp. 17 South, Range 17 E. W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: Frank Cary, D F. Steffa, Prineville, Oregon, Edd Smith, of Bear Creek, Oregon R. Brock, of Bend, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, pd Regintcr. Notice For Publication Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. Ap.-il l . !'i T, Notice is hereby given Unit 'i .- ow ing-named settler has filed nt lice of his intention to make final proof in mipport of his claim, and that said proof will he made before D. P. Rea, U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Madras, Oregon, on June 8, V.)5, viz.: WILDER F. HAMMER one of the heirs and for the heirs of Mar- garette Hammer, deceased, of Haystack, Oregon, on H. b. No. 7034 for the EJ4 BVf'A, NWtf SWJi Section 13 & NE'4 SE Section 14, Tp. 12 South, Range 13 East, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land to-wit: S. S. Brown, A. W. Boyce, D. W. Bar nett and Warren Brown, all of Haj stack, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, o20clo Register. Notioo of Final Atvountttirf Notice is hrn li attvi-n that the under aigmil, the administratrix of the estate id' Saloma Aldru-li, h ceased, has llleil her timtl aiviuinting of her administration ot said estate, and the ll,vn,,ral.ir County Court of Cr.ioli County. Oregon, h si t Friday, the Mh day of May, putt, at tl oYUvk. a. M. at the County Court room in Prineville, Oregon, the time and place forbearing Muh accounting. At hieh lime and place, any person interested in said estate niny lile his ohjoeliotis thereto, if any there he. MARY KI.I.IOI T, Administratrix of the INtate ol Saloin Aldrieh. dcccaed a t'lip Notioo to Creditors. In the m.tttcrof the estate of Elijah M Harnett, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said deceased, to present the same to the undersigned ad ministrator of said Ktatc at the office ol M. I!. Elliott, in Prineville, Oregon, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the first publication of this notic. Dated thin UUh day of March, l!VS. D. W. HARNETT, Administrator of the Estate of Elijah M. Harnett, Ieoe.ised. Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice- is hereby given tha appointed the following named I have pontons deputy stock inspectors: J. I. Carturight, Jim Woods, E. Sparks, A. Morrow, F. M. Smith Koseoe Knox, I. Bogue, Alex M-lnt.h. I". S. C.iwles, K. II. IVati Joe- Hinkle. Hay Creek AsllWlHul Sister. II IVSlSi k. I'aulllrl. r.t IlotUml. llar.liii Hay Cr. ek II a v Crvck Stock Inspector Crook County. it ls iti... '.-v- .1 - 1 i For The name EldfeJer hat ttrwJ for the BEST in the Sewing Machine U orhi. Thirty Mere It a hew Eliiredur; liLTTf tlisn EVER, and Superior io u!i oibers. I'ostivc lukc-tm: clr i. yty ItMK !ieel!tr; sr!f tlin-anuu r-h i'i;;; O Uihhin wimlrr; j!ttir iotirm.j;t M feci; capi-cd titniille Imr; noi-l m-!( a!;niin'; roltcr fM-diim; htel, slrri :).i;ti- ir.r y' liiinmiln) wxlnikj. with a I t jut :'m m t.t HK'k-!ftl stcx'l nt'ru hnicnf s A fc -Mtr tt i'.i-T r the Ijtpr f t!.t"i-,j "R" nti.i iio ml huy any machine u:. : .1 . h... eca it. National Sevum Machine Co. nation every jtinttjiat- txitfonotis K.vstein, hp would soon n lit-f . Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Hpadaiht-a, liilioim nes, colds and inanv other ail ments disappear when con.ti pated ViowelHarerclii-vi'd. Tlicil ford'g Jilai:k-lJraiifhttlioro'iiliK- cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner w ilhout tli purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. He sure that you get the origi nal Thedford's Jlack-Irau(,'l:t. made by The C'hatlanootra Medi cine Co. Sold liy all druuirisU in '1') cont and HM paiJi-npis. n mn. Ark., Mur 2S, l!M)t. I rannot n-nmimi n-t tln-ilfiij-.l'i i:!rlt. DruuirlittwiilKiilj. I lojittl.i n iDhi all th. t'o,e unit haia med it tur f'iiutt ten rear. I nori-r (rv! my :lictren lif othr bxRtlr. I tlilinc I i-.)ulil nerirli ulili- to Tre.rl: iillleiut It on arrountof blntr trnnt.i-ii ,;ik rins;i.all(in. iur mullilno U r:p4i I all that kmpa m up. u, er Aiti.A..o. If B LACK DSAUGHT 10k Copstipation is notliinp more l 32 tiian a i-IoeBinif of the liofi'lsOi W' and iiothinulrxiUian vital siniz- death if nut relu-ved. j C'lnntiiiatcd Kiiirrcr could rea hzft that he u nll.v ;,,,r H tilth to ri'iuain in hi-i KH O'NEIL BROTHEKS Prineville's Wholesale Liquor House Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also BAR SUPPLIES Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer and the Famous Napa Soda Family Trade Solicited. FULL BTiOODK Barred Plymouth Rock E G G S PKK SKTTIX(S 81.01) John (h:k;i:u l'RIM-VU.I.I. OKKiOX. imi mm mi OFFICCH8: W. A. Booth, Pr.id.nt C. M. ElkiNS, Vic Pr.tld.nt tuto W. Wihom, Cathlrr DIRECTORS W. A. Booth, C. M. Eloins. D. P. 8TIWASIT, Tuto W. WllON. Transacts a (lencral Bankiny Husincss Kxchiinge I'.DUlit ami Sohl Collootionst will re ceivo prompt atten tion The Clinic Thiug in an L'jfjf Shell How to Oct 20O tljrjrs 11 Year per Hen 'I he snottil nlitioii A Prat Heal Poultry M.inii il is nou rr.idt . ( mih.hih umoni; oilier tluni i!.,- f.immis .s,oni-.on Method of rre.l.i,, ,i in,,,,, (, lie one of the N-. nie.MS nf iiiiikoij. mltrv. .S:iiir ef Ihe , h.iplrr HriMMler h'i ks ; Protit- K.espi.q: I't;,,, ,(,!,. ji.m. f' r K'imii. I l,ir-.-i the " y in ! s-. -'-v; ! 1 1 x up N.-.i, m-i:, i ; ., v ,,,., 1 !r t '-.it'lr-i is w i l: , ir e Hk. I . !l. il,.. ,,r t,e;.l mh II. and I" I Vain v, -.: tl'trfils. nnd - Pi Tlie Pacific Tree ,nu! me Park Hole! lihle;., San J, ( j!,r, ,rui i H.4tt. 4.4.4. 4,4.4. CATARRH Ely s Cream Balm " This Remedy Is a Specific, 8ure to Give Satisfaction. CIVCS RELIEF AT ONCE. It clnan.ics, soothes, heals, and protects tiio diwiai;d mcmhrane. It cures Cutnrrh and drives awity a Cold in the Head ipiicklv. Kebtorcs the Senses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drug". Apjdied into the noBtrils aud aliHorbod. Ijjre Rize, 50 cents at DrugiHt or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail, ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York. H 4 m 4 1 teiTT4mirTAT Vi OVSTI-K IlOl Si: and MINCII COUMMK ii ii hii ul nil Imni-M O'NEIL " H'HV" l.i.v tr tilht. Inlll.v id (nililtitt tip MoiiUof nil klmU BrOtillOrS to order rio-'nnil wrved tit ofilof. Managers ki-i r.ir i im fjnnn. I'M!, tinnio, iiiul tnt.lo. o o O.vhIi'i-h In S-iihoii. Itivinl fur Suit- i Vour Patronage 5 Kino Whins, Hiafl mid Jf Sood Sfttilturd f 7, oort't (Si $ SHANIKO WAREHOUSE COMPANY Shaaiko, Oregon. Reneral Storage Forwarding V5 Commission Di;i.th in lUarkrtiiiitli I'nal, Flour, liarlie.l 'in Nails, rttmiil, l.inn., (,'oal Oil, I'lusL-r, Stilplmr, Wtml ititj drain, Sa k utnl Twiiir, (irttin ami I'tnl. Ai;i'titn for Wiisid Wurfliinixt Milling CV. "Whilo Uiver" ami "ItalloH I'ntnit" Klmir, 1'itiil fur lliilt-s nnil IVIu. Spwiul Attention in Italing fur Kaistcrn SliijinifntM. Slot k Van! with nil tint lutet fur Kamlling Stock. t S3 I uhi lard with nil tint Intfht nnil lrt IL3 fr Hainlling Stock. :: Mark Your Goods in Care of "S. W. I j wwww WWWWWW - ! Scneral ffiiacks?niVu'ng IfoKSCSIIOKI.Nti, Vol WdltK, KTC, N V. A T I. Y A.VH I'liOMI'I I Y In.NK WlIKN IT IX Do.VK !v ; ; ; Sctloman d ?oorc Satisfaction Will I'hi.nkvii.i.k, '.viririni When in need of Linn bcr, Shingles, Mould ing, Doors, Windows or Glass see SHIPP I'or Prices on Them. TJ iLIm TTI JLLi - IN ..Henderson Wines, and Liquors, - Qountry Orders Solicited First Door South Powell & Respectfully Solicited jr. c. ZW., Iitjuors, CijiirH, Mohlftl ,itp. Vablo in Connection old stand 9at Strut T4 AND Merchants Ilitilitt .r!n uiil to Wool (irailinj; ninl furilitifn Co." I He (iuarantccd OltKt.tlN. r,.i & Pollard. ar Finest Gia.rs In Stoclk. of Poindenter Hotel, Oyrus8 a H I a 1 i 1 r i kj r 1 l j r.i k. j n . j r.i LJ r. 1 LJ r.i k j ci LJ r.i L J n k'4 r.n L J r.t Li ri LJ n L J r 1 LJ r 1 LJ -Ton serial Artists-