I 4 4 4 c B LOG71L MENTION NtlH'li Mill lit I'nxl III IiIiiM'I'h. All Mini of IIhIiIiii; lurkle III I'.ii.aur, The Ui'iN'crlcM nt lii'ilrm k pi lee fur cash lit lilovor's. .Now llii" ..I Shirt iiml ill (ii.nuli'.v'H. N'lik Wear I'miliiliiutiH ii spivlnllv, iiiinli' to order mnl ready to wen rut i o inl''. 'm A Hue Hue of luliiieeos, rival's mnl fancy randies id (iliivri'V, .Imm reeclvcd n new llin of .liilni i. Stetson llutMiit Uolllilc.v's. Capon licav.v shoes at The liimiar, null.' heller iiiit.lt'. When In I r 1 1 1--ill. mil mimI our prices mi itt'iM-i-i'li'M. ('. A. liloicr. ( oiiii' III mnl hiv i. iir now Klt. lii'ii (Jihtii. A. II. I.liiuimi V Cii. Itoyul I'hluouk hImh'h I h t ti-r tlimi (In' Walk over at Tlic Ituzuur. I'm vim' i : i : it fat a iIIhIi ,,t AilaniMou'M loo Cream'.' IIm always kooiI mill wi iilwa.NH liac II. Solil hy tlic .IIhIi ..r lularjjer Ii'Im, lei Cnlil S kIii 0. P. ADAMSON CO. 4 4 4 k A, iV jAi ai tV A" jk 1A1 Johnson, Houtli A Co. lire making II spivlalt.v of ladles mnl peat's line hIhm'h. Call ami liiHH't't their lln.. I'wli. & Clark luvktl.'H f"r indies lllnl irclltlcllieli for sale lit Johnson, Id mill & Cii'h. Your dinner will liixt." I'rlli r riml look In tier if H. rvi'il on i of lliat iii'W crockery ( r o in W I N N E K Til.' fa III. u w Ituval Cliiin.ok shoe fur iin'il at III.- llazaur. Vim are HIIIV to U' t till' lat.'Hl sllllpO If von 1 1 1 1 a 'u ill Till K . The latest stile", In Ladles, MIkhcm mill Clillilii'iiM liatx jiM I'vi'Im iI. at lowest prlren, Mr. SiihIi' Sln,1o. lilovrt'. Wo pay I In- liluli'-M market price for fiitili I'utr. I"H'I h' until you fit' iih. On.' .lour smith of Adam son's dl'IIU store. C. A. lil.ol I 11. A. II. I.!inii,'iti & Co. Iiavt' .".(Hi yar.U of lalalil I .liiol.'iiiil W hlrli tli.'.v offer for t J.ik per square ynr.l, regu. I nr price fl.'. W ' Keep out llic wind makes womene' work t'ltfy. Cover your Moors with I. indium. S o e w I Ii e n w o o .1 s t I N NEK'S it A. TW ifik ?W sU &m jA( rfW Jtu M A 111', Vol' liOlM! TO Till: 1-'AIU? If you urn j on had lielter purehaw a pair of llp-to-ilate Mime at .IoIhihoUi I'.iioth V Co'm. Calavan .v. Itlileout have JiihI re piive.l a h! 1 1 j o if ii 1 of the Well known l.ynx liraml l.inlleM ami .MmhhhIik'm, They are luaiiufaet ureil hy a fa. tory that maU'M exiitmively l.ailleM ami MImni'm mIum-h. nml they mi' lemler hi ntyli' ami iiial!ty. Call ami nee them. J. !'. Morii Iiiim r.velve.1 n larj;e Hhlpmeut of . I ry jooim, iIitmm oo.Im, cte., making IiIm Htoek In HiIm Hue of upline mnl Hiiuimer o.hIh iih ruin, jiletc iim any ot her In I lie lity. He Im Hiillntf w;ooiIm at rertMoliulili' ptieeM nml will take pleiinure In m1iowIii thi'in to you whetheryou Imy ornot. 8 4 4 I he illtfeiviiee lietween f n poor chair mnl a pioil ehnlr Im only a lew centH. WINM'.K hcIIm jrnoil chalrM at prlci'M cIomi' to poor phali'N, W far H"W"a"W1W9 VU" V i J,OST ltet ween l'l'lnevlllc anil SlwlerM, u pocket book eontalnliiK Kevcrul recelplN mnl a mite In favor of. I. A. South, iiIho one Hinall day liook. Iteward of $10 until June5 l!. for return or not mention of llmllnu Hmne to Hardy Allen, SIhIci'm, ( Iren'ou. JI'ST A UK I V KI At M im. John CyruH' Htore, an nHHotinient of All over lace, KmhroldeticM ami ready onnde underwear. AImdhIIU. Hatecn, Uiannel and wlilte wiiImIm, enilirold eV:v pleeeH, pillow Ioih and wllk to vrk them. Sand hIII; and npool KllkJu In all MhndeH. Velvet nml silk liltlioKw, eollarM and handkerchlefn, Iiohh nlid hone Hiipporler. Civpi nml tlHHtinj paper. U'Ti We arc nlyd.v to whow you a very complete llucN of lmplement mid vehlcleH IncluiUViu' Unckw, It o ad VonH nnd Nuitsile. ,l,l ltiW'Ht t nre huiv we emi niivue prieen iimi terniH that will milt yoV ("oino nml net um and wo will talk Mho matter over. Wo liaudle the IiokV for It Ih only the IiomI, that In K'oH I'm'UKh for our piiHtoinei'H. Our Imir.k'niontH mid liunnli'H are the celehrntod .iolin 1 liuiv'niii l.i. The U'llliil'H lll'Mt . Jolllll Deer plowH nro niado from pasKj liardned, soft eon tor ntool. t he boHt Hleel that. Im maiiufncturod for the plow trade. .1. V. Moiihih. J .1. I'iniik Nlroinl' mm over from I'.i'IhI yesterday on a business (rip. It. I". .ell was over at Hem! on a IiiinIui'km lrli ilili'lnn llii' piixt week. Irving Kivil wiik over from Lytic Sninlay lo nlteiiil Ihc Iiall ten ine. W aller l.ltliK'iw, of I ,m in hi l ji . wiih In the ell.V lllHt week. Henry Wiinlom wiim from Culver Moiiilay. In I lie flty I . 1 . 1 1 1 y Sherirf Jaiu.'M Hmltli wiim over from Iteud on lejMl mattern (lie llrnt of I lie w.H'k. II. II. I'avU wiih .low u from IiIh I'aulliia rmieli vIhIiIii with relative ilurlmc (lie piiHt wi-ek. MiH, A. ('. I.iiihh mnl Mrx. Or a I'olit'l.'Xler were over from Iteml Suiulay. leoriii' Kay wiin In town tliU week from I.omI ec-ek looking after la in) mallei. J. K. 1 ii ii wiim over .from Bend till' lllHltif till" Week On U iMIMillfMM t il. Jerry Cramer wiim a IuimIiii'mm vIkH oI'm from Mailnix ilnrltiK tin- aMt W.i'k. CIiiim. Ileilell retuilieil linl week from a trip to liU ntoek raneh In the i'aullua a. ill ul iy. I'UK SAI.K N.- uprlulit piano. Heeli IIMi'il lint II few molltllM mill Will hcII at a hat nalii. Aihlr.-MM II. pare of Thi .loiirual. I.ONT A liln.-k fur overeoat liel ween I.aniuiitii ami l'lini'VIHe. liewanl for ret ii 111 i 1 1 u: Fame lo lr. JI. O. Ily.le. Itatph i' wax In the city Mon ila.v from IiIm ran.ii near I lay Creek, w here he hii.vm the MhearliiR Im well inlvaueeil. lion Itea ami Martin I'ratt cmnc up from MailriiM Mmiiay evening In III.' ( MilHfiiiilille. They letlll'lieil linliie yeMtenla V. Mih. J. A. liiilliford mid moii left Moiuln.v for t heir home In afler Mtiendlliil a mouth In tl , Will, iMifur ie elt.V vlhlllnu Willi l.iatlveM. J. II. Wiudom mid family left yes terday for Portland to hm'uiI a couple of we.-k en: the Ia-wIm and Clark evpiwitlon. A. M. Urake wiim In the city Mon day on IiIm way to Head from an ex tended trip In the eiiMt mid Mouth. Mayor Uoo.hvlllle, of lieinl, went out to the river with him. Cont iniiouii Irrigation above town Iuim reduced the Ochoeo to a tiny kI ream, but no one Im Kriiinbllu ho Ionic iim tlic water Im turned onto (I'ow lun prop. Mr. J. II. Crouk, Mimm Hetilah CrookM mid MinM liiauville Clifton will leave next Sat tirday tor rortlaud to attend the fair for a couple of wivkM. Dr. Edward purcluiM'd the 1). P. Adiitiinon ri nidi neo this week and h:iH tnovod into his new home. Mr. Adiinir'on'H new limine will noon he ready for oci'iiani'y. The old reliable l'eler Schuttler WanoiiM can be found at J. I". Mor-i-Im'h. I -l-4.il t build, durability mid eaM.v niniilnr iUHlitltlfM have Hold il K-reat number of theMn wiitfoiiM and will mcII nioiv. !! The I.amouta ball team will play the PiinevUlo HIrIi School ball tos mci'm on the local diamond uevt Sun day nflernoon. The rrluevilleH ox rtM to even up on the dlmiMter meted out to them two wcekH ao on the l.amouta dlamoiid. A lary;e crowd of ilaneerM at tended the dance nlven by the baseball boyw In Athletic Hall Saturday ninht. The ovculnji' paKMed pleaHiintly with the aid of -ft mil iiiumIc and tho yoiinjj; ladlcM added to the occiihIou by hoi' vltiK frappo. Tho Antelope Herald, which has been owned and publishol by Max Ludileinanii for novonil yearn, has been Hold to II. 0. Klbbe. Mr. Lued demanii will move to MadriiH to look afler thelntoroHts of tho Madras I'ioneer, which he has recently no quired. , !'.. AdaniM, who Iiiim been In th. cllv the past inontli writ Ins the hlntorv of Crook county for tin WoHtern IllHtoricnl rubllHliiiift' coin pany of Spokane, left yesterday for Mitchell to complete IiIh work In Wheeler county. Tho volume relnt- lun to this county will apponr Hoine- t lino this fall. Smith iV: ('look have moved their stock of n'oods ncroHH the street from their building Into the otlleo rooms formerly used by tho Htiij?e company They will retain the present iniarters until their now brick building U coin pletod and ready for occupancy. The Htiw compimy has moved their oflice farther up Main street, tiisliij); the bnlldinu.' south of Heiulerson Pol lard's. Tl A T A H I, K C L O T II T VV 15 Ii V E NAPKINS T W E L V E D 0 I I, I E S Something entirely now and tho correct thing for afternoon tens and lunches. 35 cents for theset at W I N N E K ' S from Jiim Wtinlit and Mile, of Summit I'nilrle. are In the cly vImIHmk. I.. M, l.i ma n wiim in townthU Wll k from Mm much on Camp Cprk. , S . I.. llarrU wiim ii IhimIiicmn vlt.it or from I'iiMt dining tlii.paHt week. (iin. Itobu, of Paulina, was In town on IiiimIiii'hm iiiuIIcim ilurbiK t he week. Itev. W. V. Jlnnett will preiu h nt live OraMM mcIiooI Iioiimi' next Miimlny iifternoou at :t o'liiM-k. Jllxtlee lllckey Im r.l'OVerlllK from an at tack of grippe which Iiiim kept til in Indoor fur the past w-.i-k. MImm Jackie l'.n k, of I'.eml, left Monday for Portlmul to visit with relative. From there she kim'M to California to pimikI the Miimmer. J.m l.areii, the IrrepreMlble J.n-, wiim In town Saturday from I'orest, (irover Vouiitf left today for Tim Halle where In- will join his Mltcr, MIhm Stella, who Im ntteiidlni; St. Mnry's Aeadeiny, and top'ther they will ICo to Porllaml to the fair. They will ret.iiru to Prllieville about the IiimI of the tliouth. I'. A. Ilacklemaii ami F. If. Pfclffer. of Albany were In the city the IiimI of the week on their way to the Alio llai kleinau ranch near Crook. Mr. PfelfferexeptH to purrha" the II ve st. M-k on Hie ranch together with the M ional properly and In the event the deal I cloMed will ene the Ilack lemaii farm for n jM-riod of year. Mr. mid Mrs. K. II. Smith, Mrs. John Cyril and A. Tcjcihi went up to (lie Smllli rnli.il on the Ochoco Siimlny and HM-nt the day mid Mon day enlliin trout from the stream. A Hue hi rliiR, liuinlM'iiiiK J.'iO. wiim the result of the two days' excursion. Mr. Teje.hi ot his horse, hi illn-cl-lotiH, nml i-niiKlit two iiiIiiiiowm: but not 1 1 1 1 r wiim lots' said about that. J. 1'. HoU-rtM was In the pity yes terday from Alkiill Flat. Mr. Hub erts Inst w.-ek turned off 170D head of sheep to J. N. P.lirtfess of Alltc!oie ami Soul hetiaud. of KoMcburn, re celvliitr tor his yearlings, $J for the old sheep nml $l.."i for the lambs. I Us dip of wool averaged!! poiimlM to the tleii-o which he sold at 'JO ecu I. Mr. Pols'i'ts said the Alkali district was In kooiI poii dltlou owiiiLf to the recent heavy rains, mid prospi-cts lino for n jrooil mciimou'h crop. Slierlff Smith yesterday received word from V. K, (inerin, Jr., who is now in New York City, that he had interested eastern capitalists In the McKay Irrigation proj.tct north of this i-lty. The n.vessary funds to lliiance the scheme have lieen assur ed, and Mr. Uuoriii will leave for Piincvllle with two of Hie now men interested ill tho enterprise the last of the week. The party will look over the hpok of country to Is.' re plaimed, mid Mr. .(inviin writes that all he wants is to p't them on the u round, lie expresses himself s feellny; ponlldent that they will bo satislled lieyoiid a doubt. A Homo Missionary Society was ornaulr.i'il hy the ladies of tho Pres byterian church last Sunday evening under the direction of Miss Julia Hatch, the missionary from Slant, who spoke at the Pnlon Church In the niornlnj; and evening. Tho otli- cers of the new society are: Mi's. Martha W'IkIo. president: Mrs. .1. H. Crooks, vloe-prtvitlent ; Mm. ('. I. Wlnnek, Koerelnry: Mrs. J. 11. Wlgle, treasurer; Mrs. C. M. Steffa, s.vn-tary of literatim'. Tlie first HHH'tiiiK of tho society will lie held nt tho lvsi- ilonco of Mi'H. Martha VVIkIo the third Sunday of this month, Juno lath." A lioudburst in tho plateau region above Anttioie Tuesday afternoon gave the residents in that vicinity cause for alarm. Water several feet deep rushed down tho main thorough- faro to the crook bottoms and every thing lying loose on tho ground was carried along In the swift current. Aside from nominal damage to some of tho Holds and growing crops no other losses well" reported. The telephone line lietween Antelope and Piinovillo was torn down by tho storm and communication was not tv-estttbllshod' until late yesterday afternoon. Thousands of Sheep Go to East. "What promises to bo the biggest Spring movement of sheep to the Fast in the history of the stock busi ness" In the state is now commencing in ICastern Oregon," said ( J. Millis, livestock agent of the O. U. & N. "Probably UaO.OOO sheep or better will be sent a way from the Oregon ranges." I'err.v Rend hum In lit i lly Culver IliU week. Most of the Hheop will ho dlstribut-U od over the ranges of Montana, Wyoming and Colorado, where they will bo fed dining the Summer and later taken to the feeding lots where they will be fattened on grain nnd then slaughtered. Feeding places near Omaha, Chicago, St. Paul, Kansas City and St. Louis -will pre pare t he sheep for market nt the ap proach of Winter, when they will bo lit for mutton. Demand Is good in the East for Hheep, and, in fact, Oregon mutton always commands a ready sale. Prices are high, owing to tho good demand, and wool prices are also soaring. Oregon ranges are becom ing stocked to the limit, and the surplus of the flocks must be dispos ed of. Movement of Oregon cattle to tho East also promises to be heavy this Spring. Telegram. SpoBord, thi Up-to-Dt Sbomkr Hum added to his equipment u new machine which renders It possible to replace sli'M' tips, Im-IIowm lotlgileH ami plastic goring In Coiigr.tM gaiters, mid repair rlp'd swim at it price lo- than one half of what has Imiii paid heretofore. lou't throw away any more bootn and sin for w ant of first claw repairs but bring your work to Spuffurd and save money. County Court Proceeding! lu tie1 matter of claim for road work, upon claims Isjng filed for road work which pliilm have been Mlgned "() K" by any member of this court as eorr.rt, the clerk shall Issue n warrant on the road fund for Much claim In favor of the party hold ing same. In the matter of experts report iw- collllt of Arthur Hodges settled by oM-ratlou of KM-elal session. Laws l!Ml.i, page '11. Keipiest of ('. Ii. Illuwlddie for ad ditional appropriation for Iewin and Clark fair, request granted and and warrant ordered drawn In favor of C. I!. IMnwIddle for $'.U to I w . counted for on account of school exhibit at lewis and Clark fair. Building Notes. The work of tearing down the Smith ami Ch-ek building liegnn Tuesday and iim soon as the old luin lier Is removed the erection of the new brick building will Is-gln. The Tcmploton drug store was moved yesterday to the vacant lot n block to the south. Most of the brick for the new building is on the ground mid construction work has already begun. M. Christiaul has signed a con tract for the erection of n brick store building where the liazaar now stands, mid the work of moving the old building will begin as soon as convenient. Jas. ilii'gory has had a force of men at work this week building his new feed stable on tho north bank of the Ochoco. The building when completed w ill lo l"1 ) feet ill length. "Country Kid'' a Big Success. Tho "Country Kid," produced at Athletic hail Tuesday night and last night, will long Is remembered as ! one ol the lM-st amateur conieuy- ilramas which has Ihhmi seen in this city. The complete success of the undertaking by the incnilwri of the band and the able assistants who were seen witli them on the stage, was convincingly attested by the two audiences which crowded the hall to the doors both evenings of the pin'. The play Itself is one quite differ ent from any which has heretofore been attempted ami it was thorough ly enjoyed from ls'ginning to end. The cast of pharacters throughout were well suited to the various parts, and giving credit to any single one for his or her able work only rellocts that much commendation upon all tho others." Tho amateur theatrical going public in I'riiioville showed its ap preciation of a, good production by making a sweepstake buy of tickets both evenings, and the band In con sequence has received a very material financial boost. MARRIED. In this city, Sunday evening, May 2S, Misa Docla Isham to Mr. Omar Claypool. Tho wedding took place at the residence of the bride's sister, Mr?. George Cyrus, the ceremony being rem! by the Itev. J. Anthony Mit chell, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The groom 'is a weil known and highly resiHH'ted resident of Prine vllle, the bride the daughter of John isham, a prominent ranchmen of Madras, where Miss Isham has made her home. lUith the young people enjoy an extended acquaintance in the city and county and have lieon the recipients of ninny congratula tions. The wedding ceremony was read in the presence of only a few im mediate relatives and friends. Among those present were Mrv and Mrs. George Cyrus, Misses Pearl Vnnderpool, Jessie Isham, and Grace Cyrus, Messrs W. II. Cyrus and Elmer Kayler, Mrs. John Cyrus. In this city, Saturday, May 27, Miss Grace Sylvester to Mr. John II. Carter. County Judge Y. A. Boll performed the ceremony. Est ray Notice. Dark 15av. left eve cone, branded z ou lert;tile. )WIlor ,)lease cal, at my ranch on Johnson creek, 5 miles north of Prineville. Uarnoy YVatkins. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular 4 " "Mothers buy it tor croupy child ren, railroad men buy it for severe and elderly people buy It for la grippe," say Moore Bros., Eldon, Iowa. "We sell more of Chamber lains Cough Remedy than any other kind. It seems to have taken tho load over several other good brands" There Is no question but this medicine is tho best that can be procured for coughs and colds, whether it be a child or an adult Viat is fflicted. It always cores and cures quickly. Sold by 1). P. Adamson. r.ir 1 L JL J THE r i i J r i LJ r .i LJ r i i. j r 1 LJ n LJ r -1 L J r i LJ f 1 LJ r "i L j r t LJ r t LJ We have the best impliment made Alfalfa and Meadow Ha v. The McORMIK r i LJ r i LJ r i L j r i l J n L J r i LJ n LJ n LJ r.i L J ri LJ n L j r "i L J r l L J r i L j r.t LJ r i LJ rn L J LJ n LJ BIG 4 This Mower has Higher Wheels, Wider Track and More Weight than the regular Mower which makes it stand up to the heaviest work without crawling and causes it to run lighter in heavy work than the smaller machines. We also have the Tegular machines in 4- 1 2 and 5 foot cut and McCORMICK Self Dump STEEL HAY KAKES in 8 , 9 and 10 foot 7 Full Line of Repairs for Orders Taken r 1 LJ n LJ ri LJ r 1 LJ n L J nn L JL j r.ir For a Weak Digestion. No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest your food. It is not the quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the system, but the amount di gested and assiiuilrted. If troubled with a weak digestion, don't fail to give these Tablets a trial. Thous ands have lieen lienefited by their nee. They only cost a quarter. For sale by I). P. Adamson. r J. W. BOONE Maker of the cele brated Prineville Stock Saddle Saddles and Harness Latest improved Ladies' side and stride saddles, bits, spurs, an gora chaps, quirts and hackninores. A Full Line of Stockmen's Supplies Write for Prices Prineville, - Oregon. 4 4 i AVall paper in the neat est up-to-date designs, all weights and prices. If you want wall paper, in spect this stock :: :: D. P. ADAHSON & CO. ( 4 LJ n r.n L J r.i n fa LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ r..T LJ L J r.i LJ LJ r?..i LJ r i LJ r.a LJ n LJ r.i LJ r.i l J r.i LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ r.i L J r.i . LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ LJ ri LJ ri LJ CjO.ii Gotzian JOHNSON, BOOT f."J LJ ri c.i L.J .. L J r..irir.ir.ir:irriririKirir.ir:ir.;r!rir L JLJLJLJLJLJL JU JL JLJt JL Jk JL-.L JLJL JL JL JLJLJUjLjLJL-lLJWJujjLJk.JL JUJLjL-.L-LJLJk.JLj bUlJUsjU bib KSti for cuttinj; (.elebrated MOWER 5 Foot Cut Our Lines For jl (8ucceor to ELKINS Ik KINO) THE EMPIRE STABLES HUGH GEE, PROPRIETOR. ft yd Special Attention Given I to Boarding :: :: :: j First Clas Teams to Let at Reasonable Prices, : , Up-to-Date Outfits Fur nished for transporting Parties to the wocds or' an outside point :: :: k: . v a ir - fHt K Desiring to settle up the estate of the late Jas. S. Kelley as soon as possible the business known as The Racket Store Is for sale. For Price and Terms call or write Mrs. Jas. S. KELLEY Prineville, Oregon. Prineville-Shaniko line- Daily Between Prineville and Shaniko SCHEDULE Leaves Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrives at Prineville 6 a.m. Leaves Prineville 1 p. m. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. in. First Class Accommodations To YES: Then you wear Shoes and are looking for the beat made. We have them, the famous We are making room for the largest consignment of shoes ever shipped to any firm in Crook County and will be prepared to Shoe any person who wears Shoes. We carry the famous 'Health and Walk Easy' Shoes for men and women, which have never been been equaled for comfort, style, fit and wear. This is a good spring to wear spring goods. We have the largest and snappiest line of Spring Goods ever brought to rrineville, which rill be ready for the good people to select from in the near future". Do not buy elsewhere until you have examined our line. r.i L J 4kJJkJkJJLJLjLJL J nri L J n r.t L J r i L J r a L J r.t LJ r.i LJ ri L J r.-i L J n L J r.i LJ r.i LJ n LJ r.i 3 la ( ' ',4 -j 1 1 r t -.j t mm tf'a Aiv l!i.U.V LJ L J r.a LJ r.i LJ n L J r.i L J ri 'iPl r' LJ r.i L j r.i LJ ri L j r.i LJ ri L J ri LJ ri LJ ri L J r.i L J ri L J r.i L J on Hand. Repair Makes LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ rri LQLJ i mm 4 LI VERY, HACK AXD BOARDIXG STABLE MAIIC STREET IV EAR THE OCHOCO BRIDGE PRIXEVILLE, OH EGOS tTT 7 i LJ K.1 LJ r;i LJ ICS LJ C.I LJ r.-i L J K1 L.J r.i LJ CI LJ E3 ci LJ CI LJ CI LJ C.I L J CI L J C.I LJ CI LJ C3 LJ C.I LJ c-a t:j r.a LJ r.a LJ C.I LJ B3 L J CI LJ C.I L J CI L J r.ii ri LJ CI LJ CI LJ r,3 LJ oes GO