Nonrr. or KFfmiuTirtx or prune LlSIK TO hKlTl-KMKNT AND KNTRY f)rtnMnl of tha InterW. Genmi I -and Of. n, .hlnrl..n. I. '., rVbmary 4. I. Nitf la hrrtiv ilrrn that on January .V IMA, thr Sn-Wry of th Interior fltl tht lol tilnc 4wrthr4 arraa from temporary with drawala ihrrvtofnre mail for frt rwcrw mrrwa, ant restored to tilcmnt all th Tacanl publ.A lamta. not nthrwlM rrrrd, thereto ; and trial thr ail land an natord to aetilrmciit on January A. two. an1 114 wfcff vim rewrvM, m 111 bomm aulij'Tl to entrr. flllnir atwl al"tioi, artier lh uual rewtrtct luna, at thr n-nporil vr I'nltrd Ktalra lanil of flora fr thr twu lnn dintrirla In whlrh thr lamia llr, rti: 1 li Dallra and I.akrvii-w, OrfnB,rMi War 3S. 1WV In Th Palli. 1-aiid Dutrlrt: In Twnhip IT S . Kane? 10 K , Nh'S fwl, KS W. M. In Township 1 8. Kangr II K , thr rii'tre township: In township 1H. Ran 10 K.. Sera. 1. 1 and . F.' 4. HK'4 ft,. . m. 10, II, 12. 1:1, 14 and lt. N'S ami and HKi Sre.. &, tr. 24 and '!, K1, . S Her. In towsahlp 18 8 , Kantr is K.. the nllrr townahlp; In ! nliip 1" S . Rangr 14 K., Hrra. . t. .1, 4. V, 7. . , R II. 12, IS. 14. IV l, n. and 1. K', Soo. IS. Sva. ill. 21. 22. '. '.'4 2 V , n. s 29, M, S, and In Township 1 S , Kane l.l E.. Hec. I. 2. X. and 7, S, S.c Iriroa 11 and 12, M, and SK, S. IS. Srr 1". 17. !, l. M and 21. S, and NW. r-w. 21. WUlW. 26. Swa 77, J. 29, .. M. !B. It, and 4, 8, KroiV Sw .V; In Tiwnihip Id St., Kant? lit, Srra. 1, i, . 4, , .".., 1(1, 11. 12. IV 14. 14, 1. 17, I, 19. 20. 21. J2, 2.1. 24. . . 27. , 29 and SO, N't See. Xi. Sm-. S.I. W, .HA and In Inarnnhlp 1S , Rangr II K., thr rnlirr town hip: In Tnwiikhip U S , Kangr 10 K., fori, 1. 1 and , KS'i 8". 10, and CE't phh1. 11, 8rr.., 21, 2Z 28 24. . 27. 2S, J? and . MKVftrrSiH-. M, S and Sro. 12, 13, 14 and 1. 8K 8rr. 1; In Townnhip 20 A., Ranirr I,Sm. 1. 1. 4. VAT. .. li'. 11. 12. IV It. IV lit, 17. IS. ai, 21. 22. 2V 24. 2V 2. 27, 2V 2. it. . J5and;; In Township S.. Ranr U K , brra. I, 2. , 4. V , 7. . . 10, U. 12. IV 14. IV 1. 17 and 1"; In Tnvrnnhlp 20 S.. Raner 14 K., W , tee. 7. S and SWl Sw. IV S', and N , ter. 1. 8W Sec 20. 8rr. 2, . 31 and Si, 'S lrr. ; In Township 20S., Raimr U E-, t" Srr. 1, I LAND DISTRICT: In Township 24 S.. Kantr X.. Src. 1. E' ttrrl S'. Srr. V fc' and S K1, Scr. t. Wij irr. 10, ES i1-and U. S1, Sre. 14, t" and Ktt ' Srr. IV Srrs. 16 and 17. teoa. 22. 23 and 24. E i, sre 32, Srrs. SS, S4. and S : In Township is S., Kanirr a E., Srrs. S and 4. KUSw. VSrcs. V , 10. IV 17. 20 and 21: In Township 24 S., Rancr 9 E Cs Srr. 7. SS Srr 10.8W'4 . Srr. 15 and 1, 8'i Srr. 17 tera. IV l, 20. 21. 22. and n. WU Srr. 24. Srcs. tS. 2, 27. 2V 2 and W. N's Srr Jl. Srrs. S2. .Vt, S4.and: In Township 2.1 S.. Raner t E. N't Src 2, SFi, sire. S, WC s,h. 4. S' Srr. 10. Ws,8ee. 11. Srr. IS. Srrs. 14. IS and IV SS 8rc. 22. NE'4 Srr. 24; In Township Jl S. Range K., rc 10, s't "ec- It. S' anil 'i S'-r IV Sera. 14. 15 and 16, S', Srr. 21. Sro 22, j:t, 21. 25. 2 and 27. N' Srr. 2t. Sees. S4, Vi and : in Township 29 .. Kansr E . Sn-a. I. 2. and a In Township 24 S., Rsnse 10 E . Srr. 12. S.-T. U, SS Srr. 1, sjrrs. 24 and 2V StVi, Srr. 2S. S, wc a. orra. i ana A M Src. !er. In Township 25 S. Ranitr 10 E.. Sm. 1. 2, 2, andVNE'sSrc. S, Sees. 7. Vs. 10, 11.12. 13. 15 Wand 17. SU and SWU Srr. IV EU Sre. I, N't Sre. 24; In Township & 8.. Ramie In E., Sre. J4, XI, and SWU Sre. 2V Sf Sre. 2n, Sk.' 4, Sera. S5 and SS; In Township 27 8,. Rani:.- iv r,., is, rec. t, w s ?re. t1, s'r. a, anu and XW iW. II. S'. Srr. 12. Srr. IV SE'i Srr. 14. Srr. W. E's Srr. 21. Sre. 2V X'4 and S Sre. 2V See. 2. N E' j Srr. 2S, SKV-4 Scr. S.!. See. 4. XWiSrc. 5,Srr. 3S; In Township 2 8.. Rancr 10 E., Srr. I. X', 8,-r. 2. XU Sre. V E. Sre. 12. S, and Xh.. Srr. IV W ', Sre. 19. SE' Sre. 2V Srea. 24 aud 2 E', Sre. 2V 8rra. : and l.8'i,. ;3.8rrs. SS an.l S4. 8', and SE' re. n, sre. ; in Township 2 s Kansr 10 r. Srca. 1, Z 4. 5 and 6: In Township 22 8. Ranee. 11 E . Srea. 1, 2. S and 4. E', Sre. S. 8,-es , , 10. 11, 12, IV 14. IV 16, 17. IV 19. 20, 21 and 22, X E'4 Sre. 24. Srrs, 27, 2. 29, M, 1. :!2 , and M: In township 23 8.. Raner II E.. ES Sre. 4. Srea. 5, 6. 7, 8, 16 and 17, Srr. IV rxrrptinn Lots z, s, 4, . 6, 7. 10. it, 13. 13, 14 and 15, sec. tv. xreptinc Lots 3. 4, S. 6. II, 12.13 and 14. ' tee. SO, 8', and XE'. Srr. 26, Srr. 27, 8' See. 2V 8res. 29 and SO, See. 31, rxrrpllni I.ols 10, 11. 12. 13. 14 and 15. Sees. 32, 83. 34. 35 and In Township 24 S., Raner 11 E., N', and SW, wc. , ores, a, ana a, 5cc. t, rxcopiing ih 8, . 7, 8. 9. 10. 13, 14. 15. 16. 17 and IV Sec. 7. ex eeptini Lois 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 and IS, Sees. 8. 9, 10, 11 and 16. X Sre. 17. Sees. 18 19 mwA si en C. 9 U'l C CPI ' o See. 36; In Township 25S., Range U E., See. 1 and 2, S and SW: See. 3. Sees. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9 W. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15. 16, 17 and IV Lot 3. 4. 5 and of Sec. 19, Srea. 20 21, 22, S3 and 24. E's See. 25. NSSec. 26, X'i See. : In Township 26 8. Range 11 E.. NH and SW'i Srr. 19. Seca. 27. 28, 13. 34 and 36; In Township 27 S., Range 11 E WW Sec. 1. Sees. 2, 3, 4. 9 and 10. SS and NWL tec. 11. SWS Sec. 13. 8'i and SWU Sec. 14. Seca 1 and 16, X1 Sre. 21. Sees. 22 and 23, 84 and XWW See. 24. SWi Sec. 25. Srea. 26 and 27. 8'. See. 28, KH Sec 33. Srea. 35 and 36; In Town ahip 28 8., RanRe 11 E..8ec. 1. 2 and 3, SU ami NWURee. S, See. 7. See. 8. XES Sec. W. Sera. 11, 12 and 13. E Sec. 14. Sera. 16. 17. 18 and 1. W'4 See. 20, N' See. 24, SW'i Srr. 25, Sre. 26, 8', Sec. 27. Sera. 30, 31. 32. 33, 34, 35 and 36; In Township S., Range 11 E Sect. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6; In Township 228., Range 12 E., Ws Srr. S, Seca. 6 and 7, Wi Sec. 8, Sre. 16, " Sec. 17. Sec 18, X'iSec. 19.Sec. 20, KW'i Sec. 21; In Township 25 8., Range 12 E., 8'. Srr. 6. 8 Sec 26, Sees. 27, 28, 29,30, 31, 32, 33, 34. and 36; In Township 26 8., Range 12 E., S', and SW'i, See. 1, Sera. 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15 and lfi. HSSec. 22, Seca. 23, 24, 25, 26and27.ES Sec. 34, Seca 35 and 36; In Township 27 S.. Range 12 See. 35, Sec. 36: In Township 28 S. Range 12 E. WS Sec. 2. Sec. 3, ES Sec. 4. S'4 nd X K Srr. , Sees. 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17 and 18, X"S Sec. 19, X"S Sec. 20, BWW Sec. 32; In Tow nship 29 8., Range 12 E., SS Sec. 4. S, and XV Sec. 5, Sees. 6, 7, 8, 16,17,18,19, 29, and 30; In Township 21 8.. Kange 13 E , ES Sec. 1, X"S Sec. 12; In Town ship 24 8., Range 13 E., Her. 36; In Township 25 g., Range 13 E., Ser. 1, 11. 12, 13, 14. 15, 16, 21, 22,23.24,25,26,27. 28, 33, 34. 35, and 36; In Township 26 8., Range 13 E , Sees. 1, 2, 3. 4, 11 and 12. VV' See. 18, Sec. 19, H'S Sec. 3o; In Township 27 8., Range 13 E., See. 36; In Town ship 28 8., Range 13 E XE'i Src. 1, SS See. 25, Seca. 35 and 36; In Township 30 8., Range 13 E., SESSee. 24,Sec. 25.SES Sec. 26, Sec. 36; Iu Township 21 8., Range 14 E., BU'S Sec. 3, Sec. 4 and 5, BWtf Sec. 6, Sees. 8, 9 aud 10; XWij Sec. 15. Sees. 16 and 17. X'S and SES Sec. 18, X', and 8W'4 Sec. 19 NWtf Sec. 20, XES Sec. 21' NWy 8ec.22; In Township 24 8., Range 14 E., WS Sec. 13, Sees. 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, '25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 81, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36; In Township 25 8., Range 14 E., the entire town ship; In Township 26 8 Range 14 E.. Sees. 1, 2, , 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12, 13. 14, 15, 16, 17. 18, 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26,27,28, and 29, Sec. 36; In and 36: In Townshin 8.. Range 14 E. Hera. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17 and 18, ES 8ec. 19, Sees. 20. 21 22. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, & and 29, 8S and XEU Sec. 30, Sec. 32 and 33, X"S tec 34, NS Sec. 35. Sec. 36; In Township '29 S., Range 14 E., Sec. 36; In Township :ai 8., Range 14 E., X'S Sec. 1, Sees 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Vt S Sec. 26, Sets. 29, 30 and 31, X'S Sec. 32, NV' Sec' 83, Sec. 36; In Township 31 8., Range 14 E., tees. 5, 6, 7, 16, 19, 2fl, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, S3, 84. 35 and 36; In Township 32 S., Range 14 E., tecs. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, X'S Sec. 28, Sees. 29, 30 and 31, W' tee. 32; In Township 33 8., Range 14 E., Sec tions 6 and 7; In Township 21 S., Range 15 E, 8S and XES Sec. 84, Sees. 35 and 36; In Town ship 22 8., Range 15 E., Sections 1 and 2, S' i and X'E'Sec. 10, Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, aud 16, Sec. 21, Sections 22, 23 24, 25. 26 and 27. ES Sec 34, Sections 35 and 36; In Tow nship NKS Sec. 10, Seciions 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16, ES Sec 21, Sections 22, 23, and 24, X'S and SW 'i tec. 26, X'S Sec. 26, KU Sec. 27, Sec. 36; In Township 24 8., Range 15 E., SWJi Sec. 30, Se. 81; In Township 25 8., Range 15 E., Vt'S Sec. 5, Sections 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, S' Ser. 22, BS Sec. 23, SW'4 Sec 24, Sections 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36; In Township 26 8. Range 15 E., the entire township; In Town- hip 27 8., Range 15 E., Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, ES Sec. 10, Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and lfi, 8W Bee. 18, Sections 19 and 24, W'S Sec. 29, Sections 80 and 31, WS Sec. 32, Sec. 36; In Township 28 8., Range 15 h., SS and KWjf Bee. 5, Sections 6, 7, 8, aud 9, BS Sec. 10, SWS Sec. 13, Sections 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21, 22. 2), 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Sections 30 and 31, X'S Sec. 32, KS Sec. 83, Sec. 34; In Township 29 S., Range 15 E., Sections 2, 3, 11, 12 and 13, Sec 14, 8S and NWjf ec. 31; InTownshipSOH., Range 15 E ,8eCiions6 and 7, 8'4 Sec. 10, Sec. 11, BS Sec. 12, Sections 18, 14, 15 and 16, W' j Sec 17, .4 Sec. 18, SE'i Sec 19, WS Sec. 2ft, XE'i Ber. 21, Sections 22 , 23 and 24, NS and SES Bee. 25, X"S Si c. 26, KU Bee. 27 NESSec;28, E'-jSec. 30, SS and XES Sec. :il 8S and NES Sec 33, SS Sec. 34, S' , Sec' 35, Bee. Wi In township 31 8., Range 15 E., bees. 3, 4 and 5 NS.and SES Sec. 6, NE',4 Sec. 7, X'S Bee. 8, Bee. 9, NS ad SWtf Bee. 10, ES Sec. 11, Sees. 12 and 13, SWS Sec. 15, See. 16, WS Sec. 22 tecs. 23,24,25, 26 and 27, BEU Bee. 28, Sees. Si, 84, 35 and 36; In Township 32 8.; Range 15 E Bees. 8 and 4, ES Sec. 5, EU See. 8, Sees. 9, 10 and 11, WS Sec-13. 8ucs, If, 15, 16, 21, 22, and 23 W' Sue. 24, WS Sec. 25, Sees. 26 and 27, SS and NEW Sec. 28, NEJ( Sec. 33, Bees. 34, 35 and 36; In Township 33 8., Range 15 E., NWS Sec. 1 Sec. 2, 3,4, and 9, NS Sec. 10, Bees. 11, 12 and 16; In Tow nship 21 S., Range 16 E., Sees. 1, 2, 3 and 4, ES Sec. 8, Sees. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16: NE'iBec. 17, ES Bee. 21, Bees. '22, 21. 24.25. 26 and 27, ES Bee. 28, Bee. 34, Range Bee. 9, ES Sec 11, tecs. 12, 13 and 16, 84 ancf NHS Sec. 17, SS Sec. 18, Bee. 19, X'S Sec. 20, WS Sre. 21, tecs. 24 and 25, W'S Sec. 28, Sec. 30, NWS tec. 31, W'S tec. 33, F-S Bee. 34, WS Sec. 35, 860.86; In Township 23 8., Range 16 E., See. 1, NS Sec. 2, NES Sec. 3, SS Sec. 6, Sees. 7, 12 and 13, NWS tec. 18, Sees. 24, 25 and 'i In Township 24 8., Range 16 E., Sec. 1; in Town, hip 25 8., Range 16 E., Sees. 30, 31 and 32, In Township 26 8., Range 16 E., Sees. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,14,15,16,17,18,19.20,21,22, 23, 26, 27, 38, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36; In Township 27 8., Range 16 E., the entire township; In Township 28 8., Range 16 E , Sees. 1, 2, 3 and 4. ES Sec. 5, Sees. 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, JO, 81. 22, 23, 24, 25. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 32. W'S Beo. 33, Sec. 36; Iu Tow nship 29 S., Range 16 E., Itees 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Sec. lfi, NS. Sue. 17, Sec. 18. BS Sec. 33, SWSSec. 34, Sec. 3b; In Township 30 8., Range 16 ., Sees. 8, 4, 5 and 7, NS and IWt tea. i, Sacs. 12 and 13, ES tec. 14, Sec. 16, brra. 2, , 4. and V and S K'i S,-r. a. X', Srr. , 8rrs. . to. 11, 12, 1J, 14. 15 and IV f.K t.r. 22. 8rrs!. 23. 24, r and JV Src. 27. NE', IrVr. 4. N'tter. i, 8rr.i; In Township 20 S.. Ranirr 12 k., W'i 8er 1, N't Srr. x Sor.V S', Sro. 11. W4tee-12. NUMre. 14: IS THE LAKEVIKYV svvsee. 31, sec. 33, NS ( sees. anu ao; in lownsmp 2 B, 16 E , Sec. 1, E' Sec. 2, X'S and HW U . 1 and If. S fr. l. ftrra. v.; In Town- A i and Hi. KU Stv. M. rVr. ahtp M I . Knf 1 K . Hmi 1 1 lit. 11 It. IV 12. IV J. 27. M and In Township It. Kanicr 1 K . s.-.-m V r.Sri-. V. KS hip & S . Kanir 1 s.-a t II. 14 awl 23. rH. 24 and isr, .x iht. ."; in lown- ni. X.Kamrm K., sfv. ; in lownsnip XI H . kanar 17 K., Sr.-. SI: In Township XI .. Kanur 17 K , rWw I, f. V 4, a aud . K !. 7, tw a. . 10. II and 12. N't i"'. 1 lk and 17; In Township M 8.. Kanrr 17 K. t. 1.2 II. I. IV 14. SV 24. JV 2v, si. V and In Tow nship :iAS , Ranirr 17 K , W, M.. . svra. .1 and 4, K' sVv. . -r 10, ', It. ! IV li. 22 and JV 8s?w. 2 to inclnslvr; In Township .-S.. Ranirr 17 E . M'. 'mid NAj H.-0 I. K'. S.-T. i. S K', .. II. NW'a 12. Sm. 24 and In Township 40 S , Kaniir 17 . S.v .: In Township 41 S., Ranirr 17 K . i, Sr. 1, W 's S . s. W to l liK'luslvr K' Sr.'. 17. all lhal art of Srr. Jl. f.'. 1 and I lvln In thrSitnf Or.'H'n: In Township . 1. Ranirr IS K . N'SA-r. 2i Stt', Af. In Township 14 . Ranirr ! E.. Srm. I to Inrliwlw, js.NS and Sv, A.. y. !.v. a. N't St. SV Srr.; In Township S. Kantr IS E., Sr. 1. S's, Sm .H: in Township S.. Kanee is K., v V NK-. S-r . XEi .Shv 7. Sotf. I. ', v. , Ml'. , X Vi4 Sr. 20. S't S.v. 2.V rile, Asr ift sT w 1r S and K'. S.T. ;o. nd w i. S.v. l. r. S-r. 2V X l. S,v. .N. 8v. t. N '. S.-r. SI. N. Ser SH. Sre. .: In Town- nipa, ianirr is r... r.' r.s - n Tow nship S9 S.. Range IS E.. Sec. ; In To. 24: ' S Rsnire IS K Sns 1. 12. IV J am 8. Rangr IS E.. Sr- 1. 12. IV 24 and v tr.', Sec. . See. : In Township 41 S.. Range is V... 8v I. S' Sre. 10. Srea. 11 to lfc inclusive. !t S.H-. 17. Sre. IV all that part of Seca. 19 to 24, in- clnsivr, iving In thr Stair ot Oregon; in Tow nship S. S.. Range 19 K.. Seca. I to 4, In- rlnalvr. ESSee.a. Ss-r. 8 to IV Inrluslrr, 't Sre. 17. Srrs. 22, to 36, Inclnsire. See. In Township : S.. Ranire E Srew. I, 13 ana tv S'tS.e. 14. SS and X S 8r. 15, Sre. IV SE Sre. l! Sees. 20 to 30. inelnaive, XW Sre. SI. Srea. 32 to 3V Inclusive; In Township 7 8.. Rang 19 E.. X i, S.r. l.Sres. 2. V . lo, liv. i. and I NU Srr. 20. ', Si. 41. S' See. 26. X ES Sre. SV Srea. St. 35 and 36; In Townships 8., Kaner 20 E..8era. I tout, Inrlusive .l.'i rer. ai.XS See. 21. W'SSee. 3V ES ; "'t s. si .t i- s 35 s.-.- 36: In Township 37 S Range 20 h . Srea. I and 2. XS See. 11. sera. 12 and IV KS '. 1. tee. 24; In Township S Raner 21 E . Srea. 5. V 7 and V S Sre. 9. Sera. 1 to 20. inrlusive. X', Ser. 21. Sera. 29 to 32. In rlusive: In Tow nship 37 8., Rangr 21 E.. S. V,7. V 16. 17. ISand lVSSand Sw4 See. 20: In Township 39 8.. Rangr 21 E.. 8-e. 36; In Township 40 8.. Rangr 21 E . SEV, Srr. 26. 8WS Ser. 30, X W Sre. 31. X K'4 See. 3,. See. 36 : In Township 41 S Range 21 E.. S', Sre. 7. SS Srr. a 16 to is inrlusir. all that oart ot Sera. 19. A'and2l lving In thestatr ol urnron; in Township 36 i. Rangr 22 K , Sera. 1 to IV in clusive, seca. 21 to 2v inclusive. Sees. S3 to 36, inrlusive; In Township 37 s.. Kange a r... 1 In 4 1.lnsiv SiH-s. 9 to 16. Inclusive. X K S See. 21. Sec. 22 to 27, inclusive, sov and .16; In Township SS 8.. Range 22 E.. S-ea. 1 to V inrlusive, Srea. 10 to l. inclusive. Seca. 22 to 27. inclusive. Sees. 34 to .ih, tnetuaive; in Townshin . S Kne i V ScTS. 1 IO V In rlusivr. Sr.-. 10 to 15. inrlusive. Sees. 22 to 27. inclusive. 8. and XK' Sre. 31. Sees. S4. 35 and In Township 40 8 , Range 22 E.. SWt, XV. 3. X'S and S S Srr. 4. Srr. 5. E's s'- v- S',and XWt.4See..8SSre.l0. WSSee. IV Sees 16 ana it. sn. "jo ami i. w ss"e. rs-s-s. 29, S'S See. 31. X WS See. 32. Sees. S3. and 36 In Townshin J6 S . Raner 12 E.. SW., Sef. 7 Sees. 15 to 22, inclusive. W. A. Klt'HARDS, Approvrd: fomiuissioner. fc. a. ui t in in a. Secretary of the Interior. SUMMONS Rosa Northup, PlaintitT, ys Maurice Tfr. Northup, rX'fcn.lant. ) To Maurice W. Xorthup, the above named defendant. IX THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are "hereby commanded to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Circuit Court on or before May 3rd, A. P. VX6, il you fail so to answer for want thereof the Plaintiff will take a decree against you for ever dissolving the Bonds of Matrimony now existing between you and Plaintiff, for the control and custody of the minor children described in the complaint and for the costs of this suit. Service of this Summons is made by pnbliratlon in the Crook County Journal for Six consecutive weeks bv order of W A. Bell, County Judge. Dated this 20th day of March, A. I). 19C6. G. V. BARNES, Attomev for Plaintiff. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, (Isolated Tract.) FCBI.IC LAXD SALI. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from the Cpmmissioer of the General land Office, under authority vested in him by section 24.'i5, U. 8. Revis ed Statutes as amended by act of Congress approved February 26th, 1395, we will pro ceed to offer at public sale at this office at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., on the loth day of June, 1X5, the follow ing tract of land, to-wit: The ENWK of Section 7 Tp. 13 South. Rangel4EatofW. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described tract of land are advis ed to tile their claims on or before the day above designated for the commencement ot the sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Regiitcr. ANNE M. LANG, Receiver. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May 6th, 1905. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice For Publication, r S Land Office The Dalles, Oregon, September 2nd, 1904. Notice is hereby given that in compliance wlte the provisions of the act of Jone 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, RACHEL E. O'NEIL of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon has this day filed in this office her sworn state ment No. 23y6, for the purchase of the SE'd NWS, SWSNES t NWS SES Section 27, Tp. 12 South, Range 16 East, W. SI. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes a d to establish her claim to said land before the County Clerk of Crook County, Oregon, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 12th day of June, 1905. She names as witnesses: George O'Neil, A. H. I.ippman, I. Michel and T. M. O'Connel, all of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 12th day of June, 1905. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, -April 10, 1905. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his olnim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. J. Smith, County Clerk at Prine ville, Oregon, on June 13th 1905, viz: WILLIAM H. BROCK of Bend, Oregon, Hd. No. i9, for the SEJ SWS, 8WJ4 SES Section 6 and W NE Section 7; Tp. 17 South, Range 17 E. W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: Frank Cary, D F. Steffa, Prinevillef Oregon, Edd Smith, of Bear Creek, Oregon J. R. Brock, of Bend, Oregon. MICHAEL T, NOLAN, n pd Register. This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet tbt remedy that cures a cold In one da .17.! NottCst to Crrxlitor In thr matter o( Ilia Kstau- of J. II. Har- lttl, IVfSHSsl. Notii-r i lirrrliy given to all prrmnin itviun i lniiiis K'inst iil lVmt.svtl, to ippsnt thr svanir to thr umlorsiiKiirsI ml niiuistrator of tU Kstatr at the tVu-r o (1. W. HartiM, In rrinrvilU, Oprinm, with thr ppoprr voufhrra, witliiu six month from thr tint publication of thin notior. tbi 23rxi day of March, UKW U. H. MARXKTT. A ilmi lustra lor of the Kstatr of J. 11 liar licit, IVocasr,!., Notice to Creditors In the in :i II ci of the Kstatr of J. H.tirant. les-easeil. Xvlii- ia heroliy given to all per,Ma aving claims against saiii lVeeaael, to present the same to the uiulcrsiKtird al mitttstnttrix of aaiii Kst.tle at the offlor of M. R. llicus, in Priiteville, Oregon, with the proper youcliera, witliin ix nioiilhs from the first publication of this notice. MRS. ROBERTA URANT, Aitministratrix of tha Kstate of J. H. Urant, Deevaiiext. Dated this titli day of April, ISM. np Notice To Creditor. Notice is hereby given, by the under signed administrator with the will annex ed of the estate of Thomas J. Powell eveoscd, to all persons having claims against said deceased to present them with the proper vouchers to the under signed at the office of M. R. Elliot in Tineville, Oregon, within six months front the date hereof. Dated this 4th day of May, 1905. J. O. Powitl, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Thomas J. Powell, Deceased. Notice For Publication Ijtnd Office at The Dalles, Oregon. April 10, 1905. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before D. P. Rea, 1. 8. Commissioner, at Madras, Oregon, on June 8, 16, via; WILBER F. HAMMER one of the heirs and for the heirs of Mar garette Hammer, deceased, of Haystack, Oregon, on H. E. No. ?tH for the ES SW;,', XW'S SWK taction 13 XEs SEv; Section 14. Tp. 12 South, Range 13 East, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land to-wit: S. S. Brown, A. W. Bovce, D. W. Bur nett and Warren Brown, all of Ha) stack Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, o2(Vlo Register. Clover Ranch For Sale vo you want a rancn in the won tlerful Deschutes valley? Then why pay an agent from f 100 to f 500 si 111 ply for an introduction to one who has land for sale? Here is what I have for sale and if you can't deal with me I'll give you the names of all my neighbors who have land to sell tree ol all charge, besides telling you truthfully what the country is good for. I have no graft. My ranch 1C0 acres deeded land; 30 acres sow: to clover; all can be cultivated; scan growth of juniper, pine, sage and chemise brush on uncleared land water right; can irrigate with less work than any other ranch here an get bigger crop; 4 miles to post office and store; one-fourth mile to county road (rural free delivery); 1J miles to school house; outside range; plenty of wood; House 6 rooms; 2 barns and 100m for 100 tons hay; lean clea up f GOO on the place this summer, I ask 2,000 for the place all or half cash. This holds good until June 1 1995. Call on or address: H. E. GLAZIER, Sisters, Oregon. aCln:p JrOR SALE, A very desirable ranch consisting of 160 acres. About i)9 of which is first class yellow pine timber and 61 acres of No. 1 agricultuaal land enclosed by fence, 8 acres of which three year-old alfalfa and 3 acres in clover. A large stream of pure cold water teeming with trout running through center of place. Good ditch for irrigation purposes. This is Dargain. for lutner particulars an price write or call to the journal Office, Prineville, Oregon. B rights Disease And Diabetes We desire to place in the hand those afflicted with Brights Disease and Dialietes a 3C-page pampolet that in saving human lives. It is not an ordinary pam phlet, such as is comrnonely used to ad' vertise medicines, but ia principally mad up of reports of scientifically conducted tests in a large variety of cases, showing 87 per cent of racovertes in these hitherto incurabe diseases. The specifics employed in these tests are known as the Fulton Compound urn: the results obtained prove coneT aively , that these dreaded diseases su fatal (the deaths from Brights Disease alone are appalling, over 100,000 a year, starting as kidney troubles) have at last yielded to medical science. The pamphlet is free. Write to the John J. Fulton Co., 409 Wash ington street, Kan Francisco, Cal. When to suspect Brights Diseases Puffy ankles or hands; weakness without apparent cause, kidney trouble after third month; frequent urination, (may show sediment or cloudy on standing); failing vision ; day drowsiness one or more of these. WANTED A'cliunce to print for you or Honieone else 2o,ooo LvIb und Clark Souvenir enveloped. One or more Colors. Neat, attractive and up-to-date. At The Journal Phintkrv. Notice of Finitl Apoountinsr Notice ia hereby given that the under igurd, the administratrix of the estate of Saloma AldrtVh, d ceased, ha Hleil her linal arcotintiiur of her administration ol said eatate, and the Honorable County 'ourt of Crook Counlv, Oregon, baa art Friday, the Mh dav of Mar. l!Hr3. at 11 clock a. m. at the County Court room In Prineville, Orrgou, as the time and place for hearing audi acvouiittiig. At which time and place, any person interested in said estate max Hie bis objections thereto, if any there be. MARY Kt.MOTT. Administratrix of the Estate of Salinna Aldricli, drceascl a Knp Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Kliiah M Bar net t, deveasesl. notice ia neretiy given to all persons aving claims against said deceased, to present the same to the undersigned ad ministrator of said Estate at the otHco of M. R. Elliott, In Prineville. Oregon, with the proper vouchers, within atx mouths from the tint publication or this notice. Dated this Ulth day of March, lsfctt. D. W. HARNETT. Administrator of the Estate of Elijah M Harnett, Decead. Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice ia hereby siren tha I have ppointed tha following named Dorsum deputy stock liiapectort: J. v. tartwriKht, Hay Creek Jim Woods, Athwood E, Snarka, Sister. A. Morrow, Hayiiack. F. M. Smith Paulina. Roscoa Knox, Ciat J. S. RoKue, Rotland. Alei Melatoah, Hardin U. S. Cow lea, Hay Creek E. II. Dean Hay Creek t Jd II inkle, Stock Inspector Crook Countr. AjLXt v hi Hr The nim EVdredc ettxxl fee lb yJl BEST ia lb Seating Math la. World. Merataa NawEldrtdlt: BETTER I hlrtXf thaa EVER, aa4 Superior re all a till T cbtta. Poitve takr-tip: aelf art. - . turn needle: aelf threading Shuttle; I 1fS automatic lenaionrelea;autotnatk- Colo up, I, in winder; poaitive four motion freil- raiuied nctltllr bar; noi.iele aelf atljuatin tr.Uer Kniing whet-l. aleel pHmau; live pl Umnmlcl wilw.,rk. Willi a brautilul et t.l Mi .U-ljkl -Ih I Utf III-ltltllIlM Al; vo'ir clrakr lor the Imprm',l f-llmlj; "I; :i'i.l,l not 1'iiy any machine mini ).ni nava Kfll it. Sewing Machine Co. r.l Vllll'.t '.. BLACK-DRAUGHT STIPATIOII Constipation ia nothing more i man a cloeirintr or the bowels and noUiing less than vital stag' nation ath if : relieved. It every constipated puffcrer could realize that lie is allowing poisonous filth to remain in his system, he would soon att relief. Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, bilious ness, colds and many other ail ments disappear when consti pated bowels are relieved. Tbed ford's Black-Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. Be sure that you get the origi nal Tbedford'i Black-Draught, made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co. Sold by all druggists in 25 cent and II .00 packages. Horvan, irk., Mar IS, tflOI. I cannot reromatad Tbedford'i Black Draaa-ht too klyhlr. 1 kap It In mr hoaaa all the tlwa and hare aatd It for tha laat ten jean. 1 nerar gave if rklldrea any other laiatlra. I tiilnk 1 roald never be able to work wltiii.t It oa aerannt of balnr Iron bled with , conatlpatloa. lonr mauirtna la I all that kotps au a p. C. B. MePAKLAXlr. a - .1 m .i. sin O'NEIL BROTHERS Prineville's Wholesale Liquor House Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also BAB SUPPLIES Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer and the Famous Napa Soda IFa,zrLll3r -Trad. Solicited. FULL BLOODED Barred Plymouth Rock EGGS PER SETTIXG 81.00 JOHN GliKiKR .RINEVII.I.F, OKIIGON. 1 imi mm mi OFFIOIRt: W. A. Booth, fVaaldant O. M. Ilrins, Vice Praaldant Pnia w. Wilson, Oathlar DIRtOTOria: W. A. Booth, O. M. Ikama, O. r. Stiwart. Fmio w. Wilson, Transacts a General Hankinjf Uusinenn KxohauKo Bought aud Sold Collections will re ceive prompt atten tion f' t .it.iit.4ii. Tie Whole Thing ia an Igg Shell How to Get 200 Eggs a Year per Hen The second edition A I'racticnl Poultry Manual ia now ready. Contain anion; other things the famous Sampson Method of Kerilnig. which il known to lie one of the heM mean of making a profit from poultry. Some of Ihe chapter hradinirs are; Ilroodrr Chuki; IVifit. able Poultry Kiiin(: Principle 1 itTi cullin; Krmediesfiir Kmip; I luring the Moull; Hj ononty in rrrvtinij: I'oulirir a a HittinrSa: Tmp NrK. Willi pl.iu and il ustration-. . Thit chapter I mrotili ihe pr oa ot the hook. Trill the practical way to make poultry )ay. Price 51c. Our paprr ia .y'i p.i;e MK'iiine with llouvliolil. Poultry, Ilorticuliiirr and Ihury I rartiiients. Bulncppuon price $l.on. To introduce our mottihly Into your home e will send llie jrr one yrar and A Practical Poultry Manual for 35 cents. The Pacific Tree and Vine Park Hotrl Hldg., San Jose, California ..... ...... . ... .... . .... ..... ...... CATARRH S3 "-runt 3S3 Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific Sure to Give Satisfaction. QIVIS RILIIP AT ONOI. It cleanse, soothes, heals, and protect the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drive away a Gold in the Head quickly, lies tores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostril and absorbed. Large 8ize, 60 cent at Druggist or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cent by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 58 Warren St., Nw York. -; fa OVSTI'U IIOUSK and 4Hit nt nll lniiirn O'NEIL ","'l " "I"" Dny or nlnlit. Inllty nf luitfliiK up MiUtif nil Mini Br0th0rS t r,,.r fun Hii.1 H.rvtil t.M.nli.r. ManagCTS riik.-.Tlhffnnill.v FIhI. tlaiiif, itml q tnulf. (vtitoni In Scimtui. Ilri'iid Fur HnU vour PatromtKC Respectfully Solicited floark d Danty I lino AVrinoN, TiuorN, Ciiiix, 13ratt and Hottlotl Hoor. SHANIKO WAREHOUSE COMPANY Shaolko, Oretp. Reneral Storage Forwarding AND pOMMissiow Merchants I)fftltr8 in Hliulumith Col, Flour, IUrkt Wire, Nails, Comi'iit, I.iino, Coal Oil, Planter, Suljihur, Wool and (train, Siu-k anil Twino, Cirain niul Fml. AgenU (or Waa Warehouno Milling C'o'a. "Whit River" ami "Dalle Patent" Flour. Higherst priee paiil for llitle ami Pelts. Special Attention is poitl to Wool Orailing ami Baling lor Kastern Shipments. Stock Yards with nil the latest ami hest facilities for Handling Stock. Mark Your Goods in aMMMP,ririMfiMirwiririr'HMrir,inririri L JCJtJtJLJJWJf.Jt JUJUJUJLJf UJkJf-Jf-JfJfJLJf.Jf-JwJtJJl-J r i L J r.i u t J r.rt Soncral Sftlacksmithing CJ r.T L'J ri L J r. L'J CI ta r.a LJ CJ r,.i LJ ri CJ r.i L'J r.:i CJ r.n, Woon Work, ktc, N k a t 1. y and Promptly Donk Whks it ih Donk Hy : : : xSaoman dt 7fooro Satisfaction Will Phinevillk, L,JLULJL:Jk.JL.t.JLJLJLL:L:k.J When in need of Lum ber, Shingles, Mould- TJ ing, Doors, Windows ig, or Glass SHIPP For Prices on Them. ..Henderson & Pollard.. Wines, and TRtzSg Finest Cigars Liquors, ILDUE In Stock, Gountry Orders Solicited First Door South of Poindexter Hotel. Powell & -Tonsorial Artists- rairraliltamTCTKrif 1 LUNCH COUNTI-K s in Connection lanj cm Care of US. W. Co." He Guaranteed Orkoon. LJLJLJLJL JLJLJLLJLJLJLJLJ mm 1 see Cyrus 1 1 n r..i LJ r.-i LJ r.i l J 03 L'J hi l'j UJ r.i L J LJJ C3 r,.l L'J r..i L J ft