B LOQ2L MENTION Q Klock n It nt cost lit (iloverV All kluilH i f IUIiIiiu tinkle nt Tin- Hit kii nr. (IriMTi lcM t bedrock irli'ii(iir ciihIi nt lilovorV Niw lino of Hlilrt anil Nivk Wear nt (JuiiiiIi-.v'h. Pit n in lot iim n HjMilaliy, iml tn order niul ready tn wcnrnt uriii1'y' A tlno line of tolineeoii, cIkmi'm nml fniii'.v niiulli'K nt (Hover's. JllMt mi'lVfll II HOW lllll' III Jllllll It, HIi'Imoii lints nt Ooriuli'.v'N. WII.I, Itr.Cl.lVK THIS WI'.KK-A new Hue n( Millinery, Niiinmor Klilrt Wnlst NulU, Mhlrt WiiIhIh. Vriii-iK nml an entire new Hi"' nt lry Hoods, Ciikii heavy mIhmm nt Tliolliunur, Imllli Is'tlcr lllll'ili'. When In Print' vlllt rail mid U' t our ii'i'i'M oil (trorcrles, (', A. (Hover. Conn In nml mt mir new KKi lii'ii IJiiceu. A. II. l.lpiHiinn A t'u. Ituynl ( 'Ilium ik mIhh-m Im-Hit tluiii llii-Wiilk iivi r nt Tin' Uiiminr. f SPRINGTIME f EM tlli'W M room III till' house tlintdoes Hot have till' IiiMiT nml lirltflitniKH Unit It should have'.' :: Wo keep nil kind of Wnll I'fiHr. :: D. P. ADAMSON & CO. Court Prixwdlnir. I'. l II luii fur ii county riinl 1y Trunk F.lklimH nl. ordered tlmt mir veyora nnd viewers proceed nml aur-vi-.v nut mini. Tn imi'l May . I'l'tlllnii Inr ii county rond by l'red I'InIii'I' ct nl. onli'ii'il tlmt Hiirvi'.vurH mnl viewer proceed mul view nut Mini. To Hint Mn)' 1IH,:'- Petition fur II HIilooU license li.V Jim'I MrCnlliiui. License icrmiti'il Inr hIx liliilitliH III. Ill Mll.V .', t'.NI.'i nil lllllIK receipt (nf f .hi. Iti nut iti'ivf(l May Ii. IIHCi. Aiilli'ntl'ni of Wills & llmiilltnn fur tli iv-pnynielit nf J.1K) paid In for saloon license mid license not jcnuit- i'd. Motion tn withdraw allowed ntnl clerk ordered to drnw wnrruul Ki'tii'i'iil fund fnvor nf .Inn. A. Pal nielin for (L'iMl, niiimiiit paid tiy W illi & 1 1 ii in 11 1 n. ICi'porf nf rnad HiiirrvlNiir '. L. ItoU'ilH HWtilct,, No. 'il. npprnvi'd and i harui'd with liulani'i' IVtlllnll for million lli't'tit liy M. I.. l.niirkM. r.i-nioiiHl ranci- Hied. M. I.. I.ihIi'Uh ap'Mr In open court nml links In wlllidrniv petition. I'mpiest allowed. lU'pnrt nf J. II. I'd wards, mail iiiiti Imui" nf Iltrlct No. 7. npprnv cd mid idiarp'd Willi balance nl lt Itcpolt nf T. Chit wood, mad miH'r vlsor of District Xn. . report np- I l&AAAAAA AAAAAI JuhliMon. Itootti&Co. are liwiUiitf n Mclalty of Indies mid Kent' line nhiHU. ( nil nml liiHiHvt their line, KOtJS roil KAI.E-Mrown Inborn l"B nt 75 cent Mr ncttlnir. Mr. Wallace Post, Pout, Oregon. UwU ft t'lnrk necktie fnr ladle nml Rvntli'inrn fnr unit nt Jiinnn, llouth ft Cd'm, It Vniir linmU nr fmi In chnpMi nml Wlnnok's iluii't nil. It jroii n ri'iit. Cream wiin't rnl i 4 4 The fuuinim Ituynl ('lilmmk nlmo fnr Uii'ii lit tin? Uiunar. Ynu nr" nru to iM-t tin lntt hIimih' If you Imy u Itnynl t'lilnnnk. Tim InU'Ht wty Uh. In I.udlfM, .MIkmik nml CUIIdri'im luitrt lul nvidvod. nt lowint prloit. Mtm. SiinIk .slaytnn OloVlT. Wu pny tho lilnln-Ht inurkct prlrr for fntili i-uiTH. Ilnll't Mill until ynll u. Ouii ilnor H.uitli nf Ailnni mui'ii (Irtitf Htnn. V. A. (ii.ovkii. A. II. Llniiiiimi ft Co. have W jrnnln nf Inlaid Mnolmm whlcli tln-y offiT fnr f2.K) H-r mninri' ynnl. ivru lit r prlri'H f J.Xi. auk voir tioiMi to Tin: l-wnt? If you nnynii luul U tter tnm liiiHi' n nnlr of uii to-dato hIioch nt -.IoIiiimou llnotll ft Co'm. ( 'ala van ft Uldi'out hn vi' JiimI r' ii-lvi'il n Hlilpini'iit of tlii well known l.vn lirnml I.ihIIi'h mul MIhwhhIuh'h Tlii'V nri' tnnniifuetuivil by n fartnry Hint innki'8 i-xclimlvcly I.adli'H uml MIhhkm hIuh'h, ntul thoy nn li'iuli-rn In hIvIk mul iiualltv. tall and mi til 0111. J. F. MorrlH Iiiim itci'lvt'd n larm' Mhlpuimit of dry rooiIh, dri'M Roodn etc., mnkliiK IiIh stock tn thin lino yfirlmr unit Hummer fOO( iih roin iilete an any other In the i lty. Ho Melllnur irondH nt reiiHiinnblo prliPH and will take ploiiHiire. In hIiowIiik them tfi von w hetheryou buy or no 4 4 4 i is with n bntiinre rnvml and eliiiwd f f.llll.W. Itepnit of I'. T.. MniiiiM', mini NiiM'rvlMor DlHtrlet No. M, nppioved mid charged wllli n liulitiicii of $11. 1'i tllloii for llipiar Ili-eiiwnfCraini'r Sleveim. HeiiiniiHt ranee tiled. It muieiirlnu: that iMlltlnnerH have ii' iniilnrltv of nil the leirnl volein of Kut her piwlnet over ivniiniitraiii e, It Ih ordered that lleeiiMO Ikhiu- to miner ft Sieveux for ilx liiontliM from May .1, 1M.", upon the tlliiitf r- Ipt torf :'Kl, lliuid npimved Mny .1 relltlon fnr ninnty road by ('. F. J Smith el ul continued fur bond. Veiltlon for liquor lleeiwe by Ziiin- wnlt ft Miller. LUi-niw! Imhiio upon llllllii receipt for $:'IH. Lleenm' for hIx inonlliM from May :l, l!m.", Itoiul npproved. 1'etltinn for llipmr IK'enm' llcnloii (iraler. I.leeiiHe Imhui' upnit IIIIuk nf bund to be npproiied by court and rect Ipt for I'.'ihi. LUviihc for hIx luontliM from Mnv V. IWd. Itnnd up- proved. 'etlllnii fur roiinty rnad by John It. ltrnwn et nl continued to May 5, !Mi5. Surveyom ami viewers nrder d to nurvev nml view out road mid report. Meet on June it, r.nio. Iteport of (.'. C. Ilun. ruml MuiH-r vlMiir DUtrlet.No. l"i, report approved. Wndu HiiMtoii nppolnted JiiHtlce of the Pence for Anhwood I)trlct Nn.U. In the matter nf mud, clerk order ed to notify ('. A. Graven, rouuty nurveyor, and U. Sjirliwr nml J. W F.lllntt. vlewerH, to meet at Joo StiiartM plnee on Hay Creek May 'J-. l!Ki5at 10 o'clock n. in. with coiiiiiiIh. Hlonel'M. Clerk ordered to cancel ifeiienil fund w iirrnnt No. "S, (,'lnnn III. Ihhui-iI July S, VMM, In favor of T. M. Itald- wln fur $:CiU fur clieinlenl eiiKlne. Bill AUowed. ( bin VA W A II I.liipiniin MiipxlleH 71 9 1 PT Monroe rnad work 2H V I. ft W Cu water and Unlit 51 J I. Allen medical aid mul pmiH-r nlil v - Win AdaniM Janitor mid mii white wuod !" -" Crook County Journal pHutlng lit 71 W It McFarliiml care of pailier 'A2W W It Mcl'arlaml mirvcylwf on Knidn , u, NIK) W It iFiirland work on Miv I'liiTHon grade l -VI Win llrndfnnl ennklnx for liaudu on McPlieinnii Kn"ln Is 00 W A Hell YiimIi ndvmieed for piuiH-r mul mud work 10 oo J no I) NewHoiu Hurvoyliitf mi Kradi! went of town...... 10 0U C Ham Kinlth bonrd of prUoner wi 40 T It Zell balance due nil Me- I'hei-Huii iiriide 00 rnv Kenan IiiMki- work 10 10 J I. I.uckey InleriH-rter circuit miirt ;. Arthur llodui-c iuiiklii!?lmleKe oil ItlortKUK1' 'o!' It F. HIckMiiu ninp of Hay creek canyon 7 .Sarah Mm-hall 2 nnm teiu h- uK ll'I'i) C Mam Smith puMtiip' i MU Clnreiiee Cnllircal Ii work on Mr Kay mad 21 00 T !: 14 1 one HiirveyliiK on Krade 100 C A Nile Hiir.veyliiK T F. Stone Hiirveylntr on Krade T Louie Janitor hlKhHc.huol and unwind wood Uuy I.nfullett work on Krade Cnrl Stone mirveyliiK on grade T V. Stone curvcylng jcriute Mavld Weaver mini work It H ft L Co mik' for Mtirvcylnj Inn party 'A'.IH Kotlct t CoatrMttrt. Notice Ih hereby Klven that willed blilM fur the eoliHtrili tlon of a two Utory wln oii the m hool bulldliin In ... i i ii iiiMtrict .u. i win ne itithhi ..ion May i:i. Pmi.1. nt 2 p. m. mid-nccump-miled tiy rertllliil check fur 5 imt cent nf bid. ('mint ruction muxl In In accordance to plmm nnd Hjieclflcn tfoiiN prepared by J. H. HhlM mid on fxhlblllon nt the otllce of the w hool clerk. Hoard rcwrven rls?ht to n-. Jii-t any nml nil bid. I!y order of the Honrd of MriH torn. M. It. F.i.I.iott, Clerk. Ii 00 4 no IHTiO 0(H) 5 00 2 00 51 05 (food DrujjH or Poor Drnjfti Which? Wo'mcII the tiood I)run nt the rttfht Prices Sxlal attention paid to Home FormiihiH nt WINNEK'S The ulil reliable Peter .Scliuttler WnnoiiK can In found nt J. F. Mor- rU'H. Light build, durnbllliy nnd eny running; iiialltltlen Imve mild n gn-nt numlM'r of tin' wngonH nnd will Hidl mon'. 119 J Make Sure of Your Acannodatioos ' Wa hav 6,000 DlrM Room In PrUata Famlll! and IB Hotili Tin y nr nliwljr (nrnUlinl. Tbr r' i l'-aii ami fiiinfiiruWi". Tiii-y arc rlipw t Hie Fair HrnuieU. Th-y an) on illrert alrwl car llni-. Th- art-all m-liTl.-d I.) our aiil. Tle-y are the very l t In Ihe ill) Tfn-jr owl 7Jc. 1 '-r 'lav am! up Tlu-y arc all uiuli-r coiitaai l. Thej- c annot ralw tli Irlri owe noted jr u. TUcyare iioito Ixt paid for until jrou bavea-n tli'-iu. Oi n VtI.I)W- ArPKD MEHHKSiif-R WILL K1M OKT VOL' TO THEM We arc 7l$ents for Superior Grain Drills The Special Features of This Machine Tire A Positive Force Feed that will sow any grain Discs All liiglit Hariri which leaves the ground level Hard Oil Cups on Disc IJearings which insures perfect oiling Nun Wearing Chilled Bushings, for Disc Bearings PRINEVILLE, OREGON rvi r i L J r i Li n ' L J r i L J r t w J r i LI r i L J n L J ri t j ri L J ri t J r 1 LI n r.- L J n L J n L J ri L'J r.i a. J r.i t J r.i i. j r.i Li r L J r.i LJ r i U J r.i VI r.i LJ r i L'J r.i L'J r i L'J r.i L'J ri L'J ri LJ r.i L'J ri L'J ri L'J ri L'J LJLJ rir J LJLJkJLJLJL JLJi. JL JkiLJLJi. For Prices and List of Styles Carried in Stock Write (8uccisor to ELKIN8 KINO) Jk . r 1 ' ULj 1 L J r.i L J r i L J r.i r.i L J r i LI r i LJ r. i LJ r.i LJ r..i LJ ti LJ r..i L J LJ r.i LJ n L J tl L J E3 r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r..i LJ r.i L'J C.I L J L3 c.i CJ r..i L J CI LJ CI LJ r.i LJ r.a LJ ri LJ ra LJ ca LJ r,a c J enrja LJL.J LJLJLJLiLjLJL-LiLLjLL-lLJLilLUliJ 1 You Cnn Javo ! ; 45 to $2 on Shoes : ! At tl.e RACKET STORK Tin difference hetwtHn n poorchnlr nndn jyood clinlr In only n fewcentH. WINNER rcIIh good chuli-H nt jirltVM clime to poor chain. Jl'HT AIIIUVKD-Al Mrn. John CyriiH' Htore, mi iiHHortinent of All over lace, FmbrohlerlcH nnd tvndy mnde underwear. AIho Milk, Hiiteen, Flnniiel nnd whlto wiiUIh, tinbrold- erv nliH-cH. nlllow toiH and Milk to work them. Kami Hllk nnd upool KllkH In all Hhaden. . Velvet nnd silk rlbboiiH, collnra and linndkcrchlefm, Iioho nnd Iioho HtipportcrH. Crepe and tlHHtie pniH'r. ml(l We nro ready to show you u very complete line of Implements and vehicles Including- Hacks, Road Wiuyonannd Buggies. Tho largest assortment we have ever had. We are sure wo can make prices nnd terms that will suit you. Come nnd hp us ami we will talk the matter over. Wo handle the best, for it Is . only the best that Is gootl enough for our customers. Our Implements and buggies are the celebrated John Deermalse. The world's best. John Deer plows are nmdo from ense hardned, soft center steel, the best Hteel that is manufactured for the plow trade. J. F. Mounts, To buy Ti piece of furniture because It Is cheap Is not ECONOMY when Furniture that will wear costs only a little more. See Wlnuck's Home Makers JL JL Jtk A AAAAAAaVAa tihiHsJI; PrudholUUiebarfelfiir Fisher Machine f30 t). J. (,'ollver holding Imiuesl.... l'J 40 F. II. Hyde traveling expenses 2 50. Ir. F C Coe tnedlcnl si-rvlce 43U 30 Win Adams cleaning court house yard 4 00 PA Helms fi-elglit. 3 75 Cornet t Stage Co express C L'O Oeo II Usborn rond work 6 (55 Hugh flee road work" 12 00 Hudson Lnnd Co blue print plats 1 50 C A flrnves recording roads 55 00 J J Smith paid on express 3 S5 M ml rass Pioneer printing....,,... 4 00 Kthel Llgctt recording 12 00 (ilnss & Prudhomme supplies . 1 1 Lum Jack board and lodging (leo Raymond,.' 31 70 .1 (I Cant rill hauliiiK bridge Irons r. 7 50 Prlnevllle Review printing........ 15 00 Smith & Cleek mdse liny Creek rond !M0 A C ' Strange teaching high school 3(H) 00 Lawrence Dillon notifying- commissioner to appear 2 00 W F King indse roads and bridges , 01 50 W F King mdse high school 28 SO W F King general mdse I 00 C B Dinwiddle traveling ex penses 14 85 R E Simpson general mdse 5 00 C U Dluwldiiie stationary......... 3 40 Grizzly Lake Lumber Co lumber 8 04 Enos Rose road work 35 00 Dr II 0 Coe medical servlco and supplies for Chas Haines 531 00 Glass & Frudiliomme blanks for sheriff's oiilce nnd pontage... 2 70 Wm Bradford denning court house ...". i S00 D P Adamson supplies 10 00 Salomon & Moore supplies 10 00 C L Roberts road work 20 00 Cornett Stage Co traveling ex penses 1!) 30 F V Stevens cooking on Rear creek , 13 50 Foster & Horrigan mdse for roads ; 2 IS CDCalbreath road work........ 88 00 Orange Hodges road work....... 48 00 Sam Collins road vork..v 8 00 J J Smith postage stamps 10 00 AYurzweller & Thomson general ; mdse 47 13 John Chambers freight , 3 70 H 11 Clow road work !) 00 Chns S Edwards county physi- I.OST Eastern Star plu. Star within wreath and suniendi'd from irold bar. Return to Mrs. C. F. Smith and receive sultiible reward. Terry I'oiiulcxter drove over to Rend with the ball towers bunday inominp. John Rlair and George Meyer returned with Hie base ball ten m. J. A. Ravi left tlte lust of the week (or Portland. Ilia little daughter, who has been staying ith friends there since Mrs. Ravi s leath, will return with him. Geo. II. Osborn was in the city from Culver Tuesday. M r. Dsbom stated that tho recent mins in that district had civen the growing crops a good start and the season wonld bring out a good crop in all lines of produce. Tho largest stock and land sale in this county for sonic time was closed Tuesday. John T. Profhtt sold Lis undivided half interest in tho large sheep plant of Gillenwa tcr & ProfYitt to Jamea II. Oako3, wlto formerly owned a half interest in tho plant. We did not learn the consideration of the sale, but the plant is approximately worth clco to $100,000. The, sheep plant is tho largest in the county. Mitchell News., It f ( mi 11 UfaCUtVf.TflV 1 imoiiiitui vii STEEL BOTTOM SCHOOL SHOES Hivt a Sola Thai "Won't Waar Out" Every Boy Wanta (Ham Becauaa Ha Don't Hatva to Ba Ca.ralul oi Hla ShoM ' tsK yovn SHOE. M A M OK. THEM Washington ShoeMfg.Co.4 SeaLttle. Wash. For a Weak Digestion. No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest your food. It Is not the quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the Hvstera. but the amount di gested and iissimllrted. If troubled with a Weak digestion, don't fall to give these Tablets a trinl. Thous ands have lieen !enefHed by their up. They only cost a quarter. For sale by' 1). P. Adamson. rrv't' 7 s7 y svsSi 4- A v .l.. THE EMPIRE STABLES HUGH GEE, PROPRIETOR. Special Attention Civen to Boarding :: :: :: First Clas Teams to Let at Reasonable Prices, : Up-to-Date Outfits Fur nished for transporting Parties to the wocds or an outside point :: :: For Sale By I. HICHEL & CO. PRINOVILLE, OREGON. BORN Nous this city Monday, May 15, to the wife of Jeff D. Evans a ten pound boy. . ' BASE BA L The BELGIUM ST ALL! 01 Prineville vs Bend AT owned by C. E. Dart of Grizzly, Oregon, Will make the season ' of 1905 at the Xewbill ranch at Grizzly. The Horse is a dark dapple bay, weighing about 1300 pounds. FOR SAE Any one desiring to purchase this horse can securo a bargain by writing or calling at the Newbill ranch at once. v i ifcAAAAA ak6aftcAatkja3 1 4 n ... i J. w. t u u ?s t; jj Maker of tlie cele- t n 5 brated Frinevllle. f I Stock Saddle ? ? 4 A SnAAUz ?nfi Harnpsc B n w-uuivj -uu imiuv i : I I J. s. I MM ....;. t? l I XvJitesi. mniroveu I ? I I Ladies' side and I K If J m I stride saddles, j j II I j I bits, spurs, an- I S ra goracnaps, quirts and hackamores. J 4 A Full Line of Stockmen's Supplies i ? Jt W'ritA fnr Prlrpc K 4 j lrineville. -' Oregon. & I --l- Pmnovi n .a i. s Wall paper in the neat- j y est up-to-date designs, all , Daily weights and prices. If J you want wall paper, in- J gpect this stock :: :: 5 ' U. P. ADAH50N & CO. 1 LI VERY, HACK AXD I BOARDIXG STABLE I MAIS STREET KEAR THE j OCHOCO BRIDGE f PRIXEYILLE, - OHEGOM Kcmaikabld values in'rall and Winter Underwear at the - RAQKET STORE KELLEY, Pkoprietor. "We are receiving new and and fresh ' goods Li all our lines every tew days, " ' and onr prices are the L O WEST IN THE GITY for honest goods. "When your purse is short come and see us and we will save you money. Call and Examine Them Wall paper in the neat est up-to-date designs, all weights and prices. If you want wall paper, in spect this stock :: :: U. P. ADAflSON & CO. -Sliamko Between wtfwwwwvwvmr Prineville and Shaniko SCHEDULE ' ; ; ' Leaves Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrives at Prineville 6 a. m. ' Leaves Prineville 1 p. m. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. m. First Class Accommodations k' ik- -Jt--if i.- ir"ib'-..- j.- i, - .. ..- .. .. i.- ii .' jl 'Jt; jl jl JL JL jl JL JL Jl. JLJLJLJWl. JU JUJf J Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular SUNDAY, MAY 28th Admission 25 cents "Mothers buy it for cronpy child ren, railroad men buy it for severe and elderly people buy it for la grippe,'.' say Moore Bros., Eldon, Iowa. "We sell more of Chamber lains Cough Remedy than any other kind. It seems to have taken the lend overseveral other good brands" There is no question but this medicine is the best that can be procured fur coughs nud colds, whether it be a obild or an adult that Is filleted. It always cures, and cures quickly Sold by D. P. Adamson. LJ El LJ tJ l: j HI r..i r..i LJ r.i LJ C.1 CJ LJ LJ L'J C'J CJ CJ 13 LJ m L'J LJ LJ C3 E C3 LJ K3 LJ E J L J -1 3 CJ C3 L J cn CJ L J ca CJ c.a LJ ra LJ r.a LJ Can Yon YES: Then you wear Shoes and are looking for the beat made. We have them, the famous Got zian Shoes We are making room for the largest consignment of shoes ever shipped to any firm in Crook County and will be prepared to Shoe any person who wears Shoea. We carry the famous 'Health and Walk Easy' Shoes for men and women, which." have never been been equaled for comfort, style, fit and wear. This is a good spring to wear spring goods. We have the largest and snappiest line of Spring Goods ever brought to Prineville, which vill be ready for the good people to select from in the near future. Do not buy elsewhere until you have examined our line. JOHNSON, BOOTH & GO E3 CJ E3 CJ B3 - n E J - C3 CJ e3 B 11 ca EJ ca EJ ra tj 11 Li r,3 Li m 11 E3 C3 B B ta L'J r.3 L J ca lj Ci3 LJ r.a . LJ B ca LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra L J . ra ra r inrinnnririrnnrirnnn''inn"irir''ir'inr -r LJ LJLJULJLJLJLJLJLJLJLIkJLJLJLJLJL.