v'OTfR or rftor nni of prniic LAMM TO M-irTl.kM KNT AM KNTKY PKtrttnrnt ol Ihr lntrtr, nonrral Lund Of fir.. hlnlon. I. .. Fctrur 4, li Mrxlr l hrrrlir firm tlmt cm Jutiimrv V v. lk WreUry ol the Interior rf IchmhI' Hie f. Inwlnt dfvHIxHl rci (mm 1. nir-'mr? wiih drl Ihi-rrliifore mm1 fur fnrt reserve pura. nd rratomt M Kpitlrment nil tit wnl public lanf, not txhorn ip rcnervcd. therein; nd tht the unl Ni.,l .i roxoreJ t Mltlmol on Jillunry k. lttiiil, an1 tint oilier Im rr-tTi1. a ill bmim (mhject to cntrv, lllltif mill rleclfi.n. tui.tcr the iiminl restrict ion, at ttw rercrtire 1'niml stale lanil tif Bc lor lb lo l,.d dinrlcta In which ihr llndl II. l: The IWillr n1 lukcrlew. Onirnn, on Mr 2:1. ITO: In Th Hn'ilen, l.ml IMXrlct; In Township 17 8 . knce It) K . NK, Bret, K' Sw 21. W. . In TomiOitp IS S., Kinge 11 K ., the entire township: In lwnhip IK 8.. Kan IDE.. Sm, I. 2 n,l .1. K. See. 4. Sec. . See.. 10. II, 1, IS, U u.l It.. S', M. nd SKi See IB, Nee.. 4 atixi as, K'i tire. , ee. W; In townithip ID t , Range In K., Die entire townnhlp: In Tuwntlilp 19 S , Rnnee U K., HecB. 1, 2, S. 4, ,,". , a, in. 11 Ij. .i, 14. i 1, 17, and 1H, E's Sec. 1. See. . 21. 2.1. 24 2A , 27. , . 34. . and In Township in 8., Range IR E., How. 1. 2. S and 7. S.e. S. Heer. U and 12, NU and SK4 Sit. ls."seo 1. 17, Is, 19, 20 and 21. St and XW See. 22. WUHe. IK. Heea. 27,-JK. Jst, SO, SI, . mi. I M. Ureas, See i; In lVwnnhtn 1 S.. Kaute 12 E.. See.. 1, . i, 4. S, . 7. 0. , In. 11. 12, 1.1. ll. 1. 1. 17, 1. 1, 20, 21. 22, 2. 2t. AS. J'. 27, 2ft, 29 and 40, N USee. . See. f, S, .is and SK; In Towmhlp in . kunvc 11 f... the entire lowti- hip: In Township 19 S . Kanrr 10 K., Se, I. Sud t. NK4 S.T. in. K', and sK1.' Sec. 11. See.. . 21, 22. 2S 24. i 2ti. 27, 2S. 2? and V N KK See .12, See.. S4, & and S6, Seo 12, 1.1, 14 and lfi. SEl See. 19: In Townthip 20 S., Riie WE . See.. 1.2. i. 4, V.7. ,, pi, il. 12, IS, II. IS, 16, 17. 1. 20, 21, 22, 2S. 24. 2.V JH. 27. 2S, 29. Sli, 4, SS and i; In Tnwu.hip JO S.. Kanir IS K . See. 1, 2, , 4. S. , 7. H. , H. 11. 12. la, 14. IS, IS. 17 and IS; In Towni-hip 20 S., Kanre 14 E., Wi ser. 7. Si and SW l, s.. is, su and S v, S,.; m M- 8m- a- sl '" w ' eVe. M: In Town.hlp JOS., Kance 1.1 K..S', I, le. t. 4. and S. 8, and s fi see. . V, Sw. 8, Sec. . 10, 11. 12, lit 14. IS an.! IS, f. s.e. 22. Seea. 2S, 24, 1', and 2. E', See. 27. NK'J S-e. -M. See- See. S: In Tovn-lup -1 S . Rarnr MI-, S See I, See. a, Sre. .1 S'j S.n-. II WH9ec.l2, NUs.-e.l4: IS THE LAKEVIEW 1. ANU DIsTKlT: In Township 24 S-. Kanjp ? K., S.. I, E Ser2. S' Sec . and M S.e. t. see. 10, EU See. II, ,eo.. l"2 ad U. S', See. 14, s, and K i, S,m-. i Is and 17. bar 22.2Xand 4. K',-e:2. Ss- .S3. S4.SSand . lnTwnship2S S., Ranire .4 F... See. :: and 4. K1 See. S, s,-es. . 9. 10. IS. 17. 20 and 21: In Town.hln 24 S.. tialiK 9 E.. sC SoO 7 S1, S.-.-10, SW 4 See. 14. see,; is and Is. v See. 17. Seea. I(i. 1, 20. 21, 22, and 23. Vi, s,-c 24 Sw. 25.26, 27, 2S. 2 and JO, .i, ,-,-e Jl S.-en. 32. Xt. M.Sand3S: In Town.hip f S.. Ranre K.. N'4 sec. 2, Sfi Sec. S. n, S.-C. 4. SU S.v. 10. W See. II, Sk, See. U, see. 14. is and lis NS Sec 22 NEi, See. 24; In Township s. Kanc K-. SE' See. 10. Sk S. 11, s', and SVM4 See. Is, Seea. 14, is and 16. sl. See 21 See 22 2, 2t. 'I6 N't see. 28. Sees. S4..T.S and In Township 29 s , Kanit 9 E . Sees. 1, 2. and 3 In Township 24 S , Hange 10 E.. S' See. 12. See. IS, S' See. 19, Sees. 24 and 4V SWi, See. 2S, S', Sec. 29, 8ec. . 1 and .12, X W;4 See Si, See .Is In Township 24 S. Kaiiite 10 E., Sees. 1. 2. S, 4 and i, NEs, Sec. ft, Sees. 7. A, 9. 10, II, 12. IS. IS 16 and 17, KU; and s'V See. IS. ES Sec. W, Sec. 24; In Township 2 S.. Ranee 10 E . . S and SW-4 See. 2S. SK' S,-. . Sl-.i. S4, Sees. SS and : In Township 17 S.. Ranve 10 5 V W l- WJl 2- FS S. aud and IN See. 11. S?, Sec. 12. See. IS, SK' See. 14, Sec. IS, EV, See. 21. Sec. , Xi. and Si. See SR. See. 2.. SEl, See. , SE, A-c. SS. 8,-e S4, N 4 Sec S5, Set-. S6: In Township 21 S. Ranee 10 K., See. 1. See. 2, Sec. 3, E' : See. 12,8 and NKii See. 13. WW See. 19. SEi." See. S3, Seea. 24 and 2'., EU See. 'is. See,. 30 and SI, 84 See. .12. Sect J and 84. 8'j and XKi. See. SS, Sec. 36; In Township S., Rante 10 E.. Seea. 1,2,, 4. 5 j 6. iD Township 23 S Ko ire H E., Seea. 1, 2, S and 4. F.K See. S. Sees. 5. , 10. 11, 12. IS, 14. IS, 16, 17, IS. ft. 20. 21 and 22. X K : tVc. 24, Sees, 27, 2S, 29, SO. Jl. : , S3 and MID tov oahin 24 8., Kanre U E.. E", See. 4. See. S, 6, 7. 8. 16 and 17. Sec. IS. cxeepling Lot- 2. S, 4. S, 6, 7, 10, 11. 12, IS. 14 and IS, See. 19. excepting Lou 3, 4, 5,6, 11, 13.1.1 and 14. W, Sec. 20, 8i and X Ei, See. 2. S' Sec. 27, S'-! See-. Sees. 29 and 30, Sec. SI, eieeptine LotS 10. 11, 12, IS. 14 and 15. Seci. !2, S3. 34, 3S and 36; lu Township 24 8 . Rante 11 K , NS and SWi4 Sec. 2, See. , 4 nd 5, S.-C. 6. ex. eptinr Lots 6. . 7, , . 10, 13, 14, L 16. 17 and IS, See. 7, ex ceptlng Lo4s2. 3. 4, 5, . 7, 10, n, 12. is. 14 and l,bee.8,9,10,llandl6,Xi5See.l7.Sec9. IS l' and 31, SEl, See. 33. SW'i See. 34, SEU See. a. S- 6; In Township 25S., Range II E., Sees. 1. and 2,8 and S See- 3. Sees. 4. 5. 6. 7, S. 9, 10, 11, 12, IS, 14. 15, 16. 17 and 11, Lot. S, 4, 5 and of See. 19, Seen. 2u a, 22. Si and 24. E' See. 25. J4 Sec. 26, NU sec. ln Township S.. Range 11 E., and SW i Sec. 19. Sees 27 2S 83,S4and36; In Township 27 S., Range 11 F. WVjSec. 1. Seea. 2,3. 4. Sand 10. SU and Xtt'i. Sec. 11. 8W i ; Sec. 13. Si, and Xij See. 14. Sei-s 15 and 16, NS Sec. 21, Sees. 22 and 23, SS and Sec. 24, XWVa Sec. 25, Sees. 26 and 27, Si, sf-:-fiSSec $3-Sei-s. and 36; In Town' hip 2 6., Range 11 E.. Seta. 1, 2 and 3, SS and NWS Sec. . Sec. 7, s Se-. g. XES Sec. 10. Seea. U. 12 and 13, ES Sec. 14. Set s. 16. fx, IS and . 19. WS Sec. 20, XSSee. 24. SW'i.Sec. 25. Sec. 26 SSSee. 27, Seca.Su, 31,S2,:, 34. 35 and 36; In Township 2S S., Range HE.. Sees. 1. 2. s, 4. 5 nd6; In Township 22 S Range 12 E W Sec &. Seea. C and 7, W'S Sec. S. See. 16, W S See. 17. Sec. 18, NS See. 19, Sec. 20. NWS Sec. 21: In Township 25 S., Range 12 E., Sit. Sec 6 SV. See. 26. Seea. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. 32, il. S4. and 1: In Township 26 S., Range 12 E.. X"S and SW'i. Sec. 1, Seta. 2, 3, 4. 5. 10. U, 12. 13. 14, 15 and 16. SS Sec. 22, Seea. 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, E .. See M Seea. 35 and 36; In Tow nship 27 S . Ttange 12 K., W S Sec. 1. Sees. 2, 3. 11, 12, 13 and 14. S' . Sec. 15. Sec. 16. 8S Sec. 22. Sees. 21. 24. 25 and 2. FS Sec. 27, 8ES Sec. S3, SS and XESSec. 34, XE' : Sec. S5, Sec. 36; In Township 2)S. Range 12 E.. WS Sec. 2, Sec. S, ES Sec. 4, SS and XWV; Sec. 8, Seea. 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17 and 18, NS Sec. 19 NS 8ec.20.8WS Sec. 32; In Township 29 S.. Range 12 E., SS Sec. 4, SS and NWV See. 5. Sees. 6 7 8, 16, 17,18,19, 29, and SO; In Township 21 S.. Range 13 E., ES Sec. 1, NS Sec. 12; In Town hij. 24 8., Range 13 E., Sec. 36; In Township 25 S., Range 13 E., Sees. 1. 11. 12, 13, 14. 15, 16. 21 22,23,24,25.26,27, 28, 33. 34, 35, and 36; In Township 2S., Range 13 E., Sees. 1. 2, 3, 4, 11 and 12, W S8ec- 18. Sec. 19, w See. 30; In Township 27 S., Range 13 E., Sec. 36; In Town ship 28 S., Range 13 E., NEi : Sec. 1, s See. 25, Sees. 35 and 36; In Township 30 S., Range 13 E . 8ESSec.24. 8ec.2d,SE'i Sec. 26. See. 36; Iu jownsmp -a. a., Kange 14 K., S S Sec. 3, Sei s. 4 and 5, 8V Sec. 6, Sees. 8. 9 and 10; NWS Sec. 15, Sees. 16 and 17, X'S and SES See. I NS andSWSSec. 19,. S SVc. 20, NE'i Sec. 21 N WV Sec. 22; In Township 21 S., Range 14 E., W'S Sec. 13, Sees. 14, 15, 16, 20. 21, 22, 23 24 'i5 26,27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. Si, 34. i5 and 36;'' In Township 25 S., Range 14 E., the entire tow n ship; In Township 26 S., kange 14 E , Sees 1 2, , 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 1" 20, 21, 22, 23. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29, Sec. 36; Iu Township 27 S., Range 14 E Sec. 10, SS Sec. 11, SW'S'-'iSec. 13. 14. 15, 16, 22, Zi 4 25, 26, 27 and 28, BES 31. s--t'- 32 33, 34, , and36; In Township S., Range 14 E, See I, 2, S, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. 10, 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,' 17 and 18, ES Sec. 19, Sees. 20. 21 22, 2), 24, 25, 26, 27 2 and 29, SS and NES See. Su, Sees. 32 and 33 NS Bee. 34, NS Sec. 35. Set-. 36: In Township -29 H . Range 14 E., Sec. 36; In Township m S.. Range 14E.,NSSec. 1, Sees 16. 17, 18, 19 and 11 W S Sec. 26, Sees. 29,30 and 31, Xi- Sec. 32 WS S.. S3, Sec. 36; Iu Township 31 8., Range 14 F 8ec. 5,6, 7. 16, 19, 20, 21,27, 28, 29, 3 31 3" 84, 35 and 36; In Township 32 S., Range y ' Sees. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 15, 16, 17 Is. lV . 20, 21 and 22, X'S Sec. 28, Sees. 29. 3o and 31, v i. ow.m, in luwusinpwB., Kangi? 14 E tlons6and7; In Township 21 S., Range 15 E BS and NES Sec. 34, Sees. 35 and 36; fn Town! hip 22 8., Range 15 E., S-i'tions 1 and 2, SS and NE'4 Sec. 10, Sections 11, 12, i;j, 14, is, and p; NES Sec. 21, Sections 22, 2: 21. 25, 26 and ESSec. 34, Sections 35 ami :;; In TowiishVij 2:i 9., Range 15 E., Sections 1 and 2, ES See :i . -7-4 wv.. v, DCT-uumi ii. ii, ji and oev. i, oeciioiin i, ana 2A, and and SW ' '. See. 25, NS See. 'Jfi, NS Township 24 8., Range 17i Sec. T.. Sec. :; In IT CMC! ,- LJ. . .... r. oi, in iwwuBijiiJ w a., nanKe i-i it Sff 'y Sections 6, 1, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, zu and 21, SS Sec ' i' 8S Sec. 23, SW'S 8ec 24, Sections 2S, 26, 27 ' ' 29, 30, 31, 32, S3, 34, 35 and 36; Iu Townshiii ai 8. Range 15 E., the entire township; In Town- alp27 S., Range 1ft E., Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 Sec. 10, Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and s'w J Sec. 18, Sections 19 ami 24, Vi See. 29, Section 0 and SI, WUBec.32, Sec. 36;" In Township 2 8., Range 15 E..SS and KWjf Sec. o, Sections e,7,8,and,8SSec. KlfSWS Sec. 13, S.-c o s 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. il, '24 , 25 26 " 27 A and 29, Sections 30 and 31, NS Sec 32 .vv s," S3, Bee. 84; In Township 29' S., Raiixe f ) ' Sections it, 3, 11, 12 and 13, 8c. 14, SS and SK'' ec. 31; ln Township:) 8.. Uauxe 15 E ,. Section - t J1,?. 8!i ,8c,',.1,;?ec',1.1' S-i . 12, Sections 1:1. 14, 15 and 16, w i-See 17, ES See. Is, SES See! snip o i 8, 16, 17, iv, ; oec. a, a r.v4 sec. il, sections 22, 23 and 24, NS and 8ES Sec. 25, NU Sec. 26, NU Si-c -1 NKS See- 28, ES See. 30, 8) J and NEs' See' Hi' 8S nd KKS See ! j 8ec. 31, SS Sec. 35, SeJ au la township 31 8., RauKtt 15 E , bees. 3 4 and '1 NS,and 8ES Sec. 6, NES See- 7. Xu See. ' Sec. , NS id 8W Sec. 10, ES Sec ll a-Z 12 and 13, SW'S Sec. 15, Sec. Hi, '. sl-c " ' Beca. 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, SES Sec. 28, Sees' m 34, 35 aud 36; In Township 32 S., Range 15 E ' Seci. 8 and 4, ES See. 5, ES See. 8, Sees 9 id and 11, W'S Sec. 13, Sees, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22 and 2;( W'S See. 24, W'S See. 25, Sees. 26 and 27, B'; and NEW Sec. 28, NEW See. 33, Sees. 34, 35 and 36 la Township S3 8., Range 15 NWS Sec l' Beca. 2, 3, 4, and 9, NS Sec. 10, Sees, n 12 and 16; In Township 21 8., Range 16 E., Sees 1 2 3 and 4, ES Sec. 8, Sees. 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 15 'and 16; NESSec. 17, ES Sec. 21, Sees. 22. Zi, 24 2.'. 2 and 27, ESSec.23, SW8ec.31, Sec. 33, NS Bee. 84, Sees. 35 and 36; In Township 2 K Range 16 E , Sec. 1, ES Sec. 2, N'S and Hwv Sec, 4, ES Sec. 5, W'S See. 7, NES Sec. 8, W'S See. 9, ES See. U. Sees. 12, 13 and 16, SU ami NKS See. 17, SS Sec. 18, See 19, NU See. 20, WK 8eo. jl, 8eea. 24 and 25, W'i , See. 28, Sec 3u" NWS Sec. 31, W'S Sec. 33, El. See. 34, W'S Sec! 35, Sec. 36; In Township 23 8., Range 16 E., Sec. 1, NS Sec. 2, NES Sec. 3, SS See. 6, Sees. 7. 12 and nu la, j , NW S See. 18. Sees. 21, 25 and 3li: In rownsnip 2 a., nange id ec. l; ushiu 24 ., Range In Town, hip 25 8., Range 16 E., Sees. 30, 31 and 32 In Township 26 8 Range 16 E.. Sees. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9,10,11,14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21,22. 23, 26, 2", 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 83, 34, 35 and 36; In Township 27 8., Range 16 E., the entire township; in Township 28 B., Range 16 ., Sees. 1, 2, 3 and 4. ES Sec. 6, Seea. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. 16, 17, 1. 20, 21. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 32. WW Bee. 88, Bee. 36; lu Township 29 8., Kange 16 15., Boca. , 6, 7, 8 and 9, Sec. 16, NS Sec. 17, Sec. 18. BSBee. S3, BW'S Sec. 34, Sec. 36; In Township nu ., Kange to seea. 3, 4 ige 16 seea, 3, 4, 5 and 7, and BVVSw, 8, Baci. 12 and 12, ES Sec. 14, Sec. 16, NS ec 17. eo an1 1, W'S C. . Keea. Ji. 24. 25 and is. F1, Sec. 4. 1st. .1.; In Town ahip .11 Ratur W K . seo t, . lil. 11. 14. 1, 22. 2i. 26. 27. :tainl SA; In Township .12 S.. Katiffe 16 F . S.h- 2 11. 14 and 23. St.-.. 21 and r S, 2. K'. See. See SS; In Town ship - S . K. nee 16 K., n.h- 16; In Township .12 S.. Kance 17 K.. See. .11; In Township S.. Range 17 K . Seen, 1. 2. .1. 4. S and 6, fc-, S.V. 7. See. 8. 9. 10. 11 and 12. NS See IS. S.l-. 14. 1 is and 17: In Township st s. Range 17 F S 1. 2 II, 12 13, 14. 21. 21. J. 26. .14. Aand In Township :l S., Range 17 K, Wi See. 2. See. Xand I. KS Sec. 9. sv 10. W'S Sec. It. s".. 15, 2J and 21. N--. 26 to .Hi inelnie; In Tnnship6 S.. Hange 17 K , SS 'and XW i, S.-C 1, F , See. 2. NF', ... 11. NWS Sec. 12. Sees 2t and .: In Tow nshtp 40 S . Range 17 IC . Sec ; In Township 41 S , K.nce 17 F , W l, S.V. 1. W S See. 9. Se- j to IS imTilsive F;i, Se.. 17. all that part t ... 21, 2-'. W and 31 Ivinc in the Siale of ttrttron ; In Township .1.1 S . Range IS E . S, See 22. X, Se. .: In TSw nstup it . Range 11 F.. Sim-., I to S inclusive, NSSec. 19. 'S Sec. Jo. Si,Sec 2V SKS Sc. 2. i and SS See.. 24. see. . X-5 Sv. 1. See. St.; In Tot. nship .t. S., Range IS K.. See. .11, SS Sc. ;: In Township s s Range 1 K.. S.V. S. NES S-e. 6 .NFS S.s- 7 Sec. K. WS "' 9. See. IS. S",j S.V. 19. SS and X KS S.c. 2 Si, an.l XW SSee. at. KS 2S. Si, Sec. 2. Sv. ai. XWS S.v. .:i. XS s,-e :u Sv : In Town ship 37 S . Kangr Is V.. FS Sec 1:1, ES Sec. ?4; In Township 39 s.. Range I" K . Sec. St': Irs Tt. 40 S.. Kange is K.. Sow. 1. 12. 1.!. 24 aud 2. SK1, ec. is. Sec .'.; In Tow nship 41 S.. K.nge Is F: See 1. SS See 10, Sm. II to IS inclusive, SS Sec. 17, See IS. all that part ol Sees. 19 to 24. in clusive, lying in the stale ol Oregon: In Township MS S . Range 19 K., Sees. 1 to S. In eluaive. KS Sec. V es. 10 IS. inclusive, FS See. 17.S-es 24. to 26. inclusive. Sec. SS: In Tow nship XBS.. Kange 19 F..S.-CS. 1, 12 and 13. SSSec. II. ssand XW'SSec. I Siv. li. SKS Sv. 19 Sees. 20 to so. Inclusive. X Wi, Se. si. Seea. Si to inclusive: In Township S7 S.. Range 19 K , X S S-e. 1. S-es 2. S. 9. lm IS. 17 and 19, X'S See. Jo. W S Sec. Jl. SS See. .6. X FS Ste. S3. See. 34, SS aiHl36; In Township: S.. Range 2i K..See. I to IS, inclusive XKS Sec. 20. XS SSt .21. W'S See 26, Fi, See. SA SS See. 34. W'S S.-C. S.S, x-.-. :)S; In Township .17 S . RanceS K.. S-r-i. 1 and 2. X"S See. 11. Sec. W and IS. KSS,v. 14, S-e. 24; lnTonship -is S.. Range 21 K . Si-c. ,5. . 7 ami s. W S See. . Svs. 16 to 20, Inclusive. X1, See. 21. Seea. 29 I.) S2. in clusive: In Tow nhip 37 S.. Range 21 F"... Sec. 5. . 7.8. 1 17, IS and 19. SS and NWS S-r. 20; In Township S9 S . Range 21 E., See 36: In Township 40 S.. Range 21 F.. SKS See. 26, SW 1, S-e. :i X tt 1 4 Se. ,11. X FS Sec. 35, Se-. : ; I u Tvtw nship 41 S.. Kange 21 K., SS See. 7. S', See. s. Nee. IS to IS. itielti.iv e. all that part ol Sits. 19. 20 and 21 lying iti the siale of Oregon; In Tow nship ;iS S . Range 22 K.. Vc. 1 lt IS, in clusive, s-cs. 21 to 2". ini'lusive. S'cs. .51 to 36, inclusive; In Tow nship ;:7 S.. Range 22 K.. Sn-s. 1 to 4. Inclusive. Seen. 9 to IS, inclusive. X F S 1- 21 Sees. 22 to 27, inclusive. Sees. S.' audUS; In Tou nship SS S . Range 22 E Sera. 1 to 3. inclusive. Sec. 10 to . inclusive. Shh. 22 to 27. inclusive. See. 34 to SS. inclusive: In Township :5i s . Range 22 K , Sirs. 1 10 3. in clusive. Sees, lit to 15. inclusive. Sees. 22 to 27. inclusive. SS and X KS Sec, :d. Ses, :it. :t. and .: In Town, hip 40 S . Range S2 i'... NWS See :t. XS and SW'S See. 4. S.sr. A. ES See. 6 Sec. 8. S'. and X W'S See. .S'.Sec. 10. W SSeC. IS. Ss-es IS and 17, Sc-s. 20 and 21 . il l. See. 22. .S-csi. 26 and 29. XS See. 31. NWS Sec. 32. Sees. :. .. and .Ui; In Tow nship 26 S.. Range 12 E.. SW S Sc. 7. Sees. 15 tu 22, inclusive. W. A Rlt II AKlS. ApprovtHl: commissioner. K. A. HITt HOtlt K. Siereiary of the Interior. SUMMONS Rosa Northup, Plaintilf. Ts Maurice W. Northup, Pefendant To Maurice W. Nortlmp. tlie a'xne nann-J defendant. IN THE NAME OFTHK STATE OF OREtiOX: Yott are liereby commanded to appeir and answer the cjmplaint tihtl ajrainst you in the above entitled Circuit Court on or before May 3rd, A. P. l'.a 'o, il you fail so to answer for want thereof the Plaintiff will take a decree against you for ever dissolving, the Bonds of Matrimony now existing bet w een you and Plaintiff, for the control and custody of the minor children dcscribe.t in the complaint and for the costs of this suit. Service of this Summon i made by publication in the Crook County Journal for Six consecutive weeks by order of W. A. Bell, County Judge. Dated this 20th day of March, A. I. lW. O.W.KARNES, Attorney for Plaintiff. Timber Land. Act June 3, ls?s. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office," The Palles, Oregon, February 7, 1W5. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, ls"S, entitled '-An act for the sale of tiniler lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, lri Joe Smith, of Grizzly, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has thia day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 248, for the purchase of the SW'i S W'i Section 2, WS NWS vfc SEVf NW! f Sectiou 11, in Township 13 Si., Range 15 E., W. M. and w ill offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land In-fore J. J. Smith, County Clerk, at his office in Prineville, Oregon,; on the l.'tb day of May, 'JV). lie names as w itneses: Robert Xewbill, Casper Newbill, Harvey Montgomery and Joe Montgomery, al! of Grizzly, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 12th day of May, litfo. MICHAEL T. NOLAN. '"-I"! Register. Timber Land, Act June ?., 178. Notice For Publication. C S Land Office The balles. Oregon. September 2nd, 1901. Notice is b'-rcby given that in compliance wile the provisions of the act of June ::, 11.7s, entitled "An act for the s:i!e of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and WushiiigUin Territory" as extended lo all the Public band States by act of August 4, 1SW, RACHEL E. O'XErL of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon has this day filed 111 this office her sword state ment No. 2-'i!i6, for the purchase of the SES NW'S, HW'S NES 4 NWS SES Section 27, Tp. 12 South, Range 16 East, W. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes a d lo establish her claim to said land before the County Clerk of Crook County, Oregon, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 12th day of June, 1!5. She nniues, us witnesses George O'Nell, A H. i.ippman, I. Michel ami T. M. O'Conncl, all of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office 011 or before said 12th day of June. 1!'05. MIC HA EL T. NOLAN, Register. Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April in. 1J0Y Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that (said proof will be made be fore J. J. Smith, County Clerk at Prine ville, Oregon, on June 13th 1IXJ5, viz: WILLIAM H. BROCK of Bend, Oregon, JId. No. cm, for the SEj SWS, 8VS SsEK Section 6 aud SE Section 7, Tp. 17 South, Range 17 E. W M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: Jirank Uary, D I. Stella, Prineville, Oregon, Edd Smith, of Bear Creek, Oregon J. It. Brock, of Bend, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, n pd Regit -r. j Notic to Crtvlltora In the matter of tlx Ksuic of J. 11. Har nett, 1VV4MMS,!. Notice is hereby given to all persona having claims against said iKvessod, to present the same to the undersigned ad ministrator f said Estate M the otllce o ti. "V. lUrnes, in Prineville, Oregon, wit It the projwr ouchers, within t mouths from the first publication of this not n it Ihttrtl tbis 2Snt day of March. 1!V R. H. HARNETT. Administrator ol the Estate of J. II !.ir licit, Deceased, pd Notice to Crexiitora In the mattci of the Estate of J. II. Grant, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all Hrsons having claims against xiid IVce:ied, to present tbo Mime lo the undersigned ad ministratrix of said Estate at the othYe of M. K. Higgs, in Prineville, Oregon, with the proper vouchers, within six months front the tirst publication of this notice. MRS. KOUKKTA tiKANT. Administratrix of the Estate of J. II. Grant, lKveasod, IiiGxl this tith day of April, li.. tip Notice To Creditors- Notice is hereby given, by the under signed adiuinistrator witli the ill- annex ed of the estate ol" Thomas J. Powell, deceased, to all persons having claims against said deceased to present them with the mcr vonchcrx to the under signed at the office of M. R. Elliot in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 4th day of May. l!C. J. C. PoWKl.L, Adiuinistrator with the will annexed of the estate of Thomas J. Powell. lVceacd. Notice For Publication I-nnd Office at The Dalles. Oregon. April 10, liatt. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has liled itvitice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof w ill be made before I). P. Ilea, V. S. ConiniKsioner, at Madras, Oregon, on June 8. PUVJ. viz: WILBERK. HAMMER one of the heirs and for the heirs of Mar garette Hammer, deceased, of Haytaik, Oregon, on H. E. No. 7U for the ES SWS. NWS SWS Settion 1.1 A NEs SES' Section 14. Tp. 12 South, Range 1.1 East, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land to-w it: S. S. Urow n. A. W. ISoyce, 1. W. Har nett and Warren Urown, all of Haxstack, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN. oSVlo Register. Clover Ranch For Sale Do you want a ranch in the won derful Deschutes valley? Then why pay an agent from $100 to .')00 sim ply for an introduction to one who has land for sale? Here is what I have for sale and if you can't deal with me I'll give you the names of all my neighbors who have land to sell free of all charge, besides telling you truthfully what the country is ixhI for. I have no graft. My ranch is acres deeded land ; 30 acres sow n to clover; all can be cultivated; scant' growth of juniper, pine, aage and chemise brush on uncleared land; water right; can irrigate with less work than any other ranch here and get bigger crop; 4 miles to post ollice and store; one-fourth mile to county road (rural free delivery); 1 J miles to school house; outside range; plenty of wood; House C rooms; 2 bams and loom for 100 tons hav; I can clear up $000 on the place this summer I ask 12,000 for the place all or half cash. This holds good until June 1, 19flj. Call on or address: H. E. GUZIER, Sisters, Oregon. nGlnip For SALE. A very desirable ranch consisting of 100 acres. About!)!) of w hich is first class yellow pine t imlier and 01 acres of No. 1 agricultuanl hind enclosed by fence, 8 acres of which is three year-old alfalfa and 3 acres in clover. A large stream' of pure cold water teeming with trout running through center of place. Good ditch for irrigation purposes. This is a birgain. For hither particulars iind price write or call to the jochnal Office, Prineville, Oregon. Brights Disease And Diabetes We desire to place in the hands of those alHicted with Brights Disease and Dialietes a 3C-page painpolet that is saving human lives. It is not an ordinary pam phlet, such as is conimonely used to ad vertise medicines, but is principally marie up of reports of scicntilicaily conducted tests in a large variety of cases, showing 87 per cent of recoveries in these hitherto incurabe diseases. The specifics employed in these tests are known an the Fulton Compounds an.) the results obtained prove itictn-iv! uiai uiese (ireaiieu diseases s , ii i.u tine ueams irom unguis insene alone are appalling, over 100,000 a year, starting as kidney troubles) have at last yielded to medical science. The pamphlet is free. Write to the John J. Fulton Co., 40!) Wash ington street, San Francisco, Cal. When to suspect JJrights Disease: Puffy ankles or hands; weakness without apparent cause, kidney trouble after third month ; frequent urination, (may show sediment or cloudy on standing); failing vision ; day drowsiness one or more of these. WANTED A chance to print for you or someone else 2o,ooo Lewln and Clark .Souvenir envelojien. One or more color. Neat, attruetlve and up-to-date. ,At Thk Joitknai- Pkintekv. . Notlo of Final Account inn Notice l l-.crvby yiy tli.il (h,. ttudci sinned, Ihc administratrix nl the e-tuto id Snloma Aldrich. d.ccnsc.t, hit. Hied her final acvotintiiiK ,f her administration td wiitl elalc. and the Honorable t'mtniy Court of Cr.vk County, Oregon. h M Friday, the. Vlt day of May, l!H, al II oVIm k A. m. at ihc County Cotirl room iu Prineville, Orcein. the lime an.l place forbearing mi,Ii aivouulins. Al which tune and place, anv person interested iu naiil estate may file his ohjevtiona tlu-rcto, if any then' be, m.vuy Ki i iiirr, Administratrix of the IMatc of Salomn Al.li ich. dn cavil a t'vnp Notio to Oroilitors. In the ninlterof the estate of Klijuh M. Harnclt, deceased. Notice is hereby given in all person having claims aaiimt said deceased, to prvHMit the same to the undersigned ad-niiiii-tnitor ol'sai.l Kslate at the oltld. of M. Iv. Klliotl, in Piiiteville, Oregon., with the prop'r vouchcr-i, within six iiiouth, ftvm the first publicalion of this notice. Dated this tilth day of March, 1!V. 1. W. IIAIiSKlT. Admiiiisirator ofthe K-tatc of Kliiah M. P.ariieil. IHhv.V4I. Deputy Stoxk lnspctor. Notice is hereby given tlia I liavo appointed the following named iioraoii !.... 1 uepuiy sttK-K iusNH'tora: J. I. Cartwritiht. Hay Crock AsIiimxhI Sialcn. IIivniHck I'aulili i. I 'or I Uolutl. Ilanliii Hay Creek llav Creek Jim Wtxids, fc. Sparks, A. lorrow, F. M. Smith KoaiNxi Knox, J. S. ttogtie, Alex ,Mclntoi.h, V. X. Cowlcs, K. II. Dean .loe lluiklc Stock Inspector Crook Oounty, 5 jf !r&tmtf?tf!! -'"'j2, M.fTT7c.. ... N'ir. t:" t : t i i r,-' -.Tii, For The name Eldpedjc hi for ih? BLST In tht Scwn& Michlne a or' J. Thirty Her Is Nc SUrtJtr; LfclTcr Years r,; vri: crip; vi mimir ikit; ii icirvi i . jii r' o'.i r V srirn I, .(('-"! ()"., Ti; !.. I -. a'nii:.ir! w. miwidi., uttlt a !- vA ?. I x.-ftr lrV r I" i- th- I -v I !" " !'. '.'jt' Jtr-i i'iy ::::' rtu'.'di'i..-i: : : y : BUCK-DSAUGHrffi m ri' !5 trjrn ( oils.; nation notiiii.f mrirc t than a clocffim? of thn licveUl and nutliinir ,- than v:i;il Hl:nr. nation or il'-alli if nut relieved. If every (;.i;:.dii.a!ed KulTcrer otiM reali; - !;.!? he is a!!,jlViiitr IiMmnj-t Mill to r"ii.:t:ii in lii.t .-ys'.eni, h would vkiii iu i i.-liif. I.'oiolipation invite all Kind of contagion. Head.icliiM, bilioiix. neiisi, colds and many other ail ments disappear when consti pated hnw'lH?;rc relieved. The'l- tord h lilack-DmiiKlit tiioroiiL'lily el; ans out the buvtvU in an nw'y and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartic!). lie fnire that yon pet the origi nal Thcdford'H J'l;u:k-Iriiii.Tht, inade by The ClmftiMioopn, f..Ji cineCo. Sold by all dmiruii-ti in i" ffttt and pnc!iai,'-i. Xnrriin, Ark., Hit i;,, Jaai. I rniiimt r. c i:!!-'!!!!. i i licir.ir.1 r. iOal lrrui i.tt-,ul.iifliir. I X,-, j, II l,,;,,, fcuw all tlie tin.a itii'i I oe u-llt It t ;ir tin it.it tin juursi. I etr gf-ti uif ,'i : i iri-i Sir olher LlXk-Jvi., 1 (i ,.v ,,.,,1,1 nererl Me to wink tiUVml It OH Ari;.i:it (if lll-lllir Inn.'. !,., ,,:(,, i 'nntlt:oii. Voiir oM-uietna U I -ill n. ,. i,-.,-. v " T (Sfc t'. b. rtvvhvws-i. ...... i. . 'j LTM M in I O'NEIL BROTHERS m Princville's Wholesale Liquor' House Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also 1 BAP- SUPPLIES Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer and the Famous Napa Soda m JiocLll-y Tx&dLG Solicited, ffl I 'lVWcVAVl VV V V ITITt H 1 i-li'li' li ii' le i. ..- I . FULL BLOODKD'S Barred Plymouth Rock EGC VM - U 'V' v Villi SK1TIXIJ 81.00 joiin (;i:k;i:k I'Kimivii.i i:. Kr;). 91 1 mi mm mi OFf ICCR8: W. A. Booth, f.l.lenl O. M. tmiNS, Vies Kr.iulcnl rjo W. WiltON, C.l.hl.r oiifccrons.- W. A. DOOIH, O. M. t.KINS. D. F. Stikaht. F(o W. Wikon. Transacts a (icninil liankiny l)Usiniss ami SoUl ("ollt'itions will re ceive prompt atten t i o n The Whole Tliiiisr in an fc'g? Shell i How to Oct 2oo Hjcs a Year per Men The wml citit-'.n A pt.irtic.il I'cmltiy M.ini: il i) n.( re.ul. I -nil.iini iini'in) oilier tlut!i:i ttie fm ion- .nn4on Mcltioil of hei-il'm;, which il knouli lo !roce of the l-s in.-.iril of iil.ikmg , fMit f;oill lill!lr. StuiM' of tlte cii:l.t.T l.ci.l-.n;.. .ire: ItnxHlcr I'ln. Uh, I'tofil. el-!.- IVn.ilty K li.n.v". P.ine pi. inn c-u'l,,-..; ketiu.'. sf.ii' !!.m..i. Iirirtt; Nti.i.ll I ,;,:, it. v ii. ,-,'!:,,; po-ii-. It llr.siit, .... 'I ; . jt S '111 1" - ll .ftp.. 'ii . li-, ct. .pier is a-!i I C ol tin- In ,U. I . Ii, ll.- I.i lie .1 w;.y to m.ikr lrti'trv p iv. P. rc . Our .i;-er n a p.i-e Au'm ulici.,: M.ijf l MMC Viilh I ! jus.-l.olc!. I'.i.ll'.IV, I io 'ictillcre an-l .nlv 1 1.-M. tMients. S'11-.cnpiion pi ici- j on. 'I o ti'iroiliice our tn ..-n 1 1 1 ; into yi.iir h-.me ttc v ui -t,, 1 l! e p;ijK r ci'i- i.ir iind A rrncticil I'oulit-y M imi.il f. CcliH. , .15 I The Pacific Tree nnil Nine i I'.uk Hotel Hide., s .in .Jn-r, ( 'y lift ii ni.i RRH rSgffifiu 50J Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy i a 8peclflc, Sure to Give Satisfaction. OIVE8 RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleatiHoa, Bnotbea, hiiala, and protootn tha lieaw'd menilirane. It euro Catarrh anil driven away a Cold in tho Head quickly. Heatorea tho Bciihoh of Tant aud MiukiI, Easy to use. ContaiiiH no injurious drti((M. Applied into the nostrils and almorbod. Iarga Hizn, fiO conts at Dru'ginta or by mail ; Trial Bizo, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St., New York. I O jr-. ar.'.ii J- - - - V I . v. OVSTI'U IlorSll and oinii t aii hutiia O'NEIL Wv " HMV" Day or nlulit. Inllty nf pulling up M.viIk ,.t nil kln.l & r0 0 r S '" Hornil n ufilcr. Managers K- f..r tl. fmnlly IVh. (iilllll., mid o o ( i'HtirM lii Sciimiiii. Ilii'iul 1'iir Salo Your Patronage Kcspcctfullv Solicited ffioark Drutl imtl J$ Sood ZRiiiiard B & oort't SHANIKO WAREHOUSE COMPANY Shanlko. Orejoa. General Storage Forwarding ANO Commission Merchants 5l I 4 iVnli'ifi iii ll;ukiniit!i (.'on I, Flour, Itarbfil Wire, Xnilri, tVnuiit, Linn", ('.ml Oil, Planter, Sulphur, Wool mill (irain, Sack niul Twim, (irain ami Kt-nl. AnoiilH f.ir Witno Wtirt'hotiMi Milling V'. "Wliito Uivi-r" ami I hi lion Putrnt" Flour. HighM rir Jiaiil for lliilt'8 niul IVll.i. Sptrinl Attention in jmid In Wool (railing tinil Haling (or Kantcrn Sliiinntj. Stwk Ynrilrt with ull the Intent nml lieat furililie for n.-uiilliii); Stock. Mark Your Goods in r i L J r - Li r i L J r i . j r i ii r i l j r i J r i LJ r i ii r t t 4 r i LJ r i LJ n L J r i LJ r i L J r 1 LJ Senerctl ffilcicksmithing lfllHMKMliriKINH, Vtl WoilK, KTl'., N K A T 1. V AM" PlIOMPTI.y DdNK Wiik.n rr ih I)t).K 11 v : : : Saioman & 97oore Satisfaction Will PltlNKVIt.l.K, r ! if ii.irir -ir -ir irtririnn iririr.iriririnrfrtr-ir'rir i LJLJkJLJl.JLJLJLJLJI.JLJLJtjfLJLJLJLAJL:jLJi;jLJL:JLJUU ' ' I ji When in need of Lum ber, Shingles, Mould ing, Doors, Windows or (Ilass see SHIPP l;or Prices on Them. TJ i I s ..Henderson Wines, and Liquors, (Country Orders Solicited First Door South of Poindexter Hotel. Powell & LUNCH COUNTI-K g . jr. c. v.-i. & Danly Hottlctl Hmm'. S . Tjablo in Connection 14 oM tland on 9ain Sfrtrtt I I Care of 4'S. W. Co." L J n LJ n LJ rl'' LJ r.i L J r.i LJ ri LJ l' j r..i LJ LJ n LJ r.i He (luarantccd r..i L J r.i L J r.i LJ OlIMiON, & Pollard. Finest Gigars In Stock. Cy ILL s s -Tonsorial Artists-