i 7- xfOTirf or rfotoimtion or prune A' LAM'S Til MllTLKMhNT AMI J.STKY. lTarmnt of the inlrrtnr, General lain.l nr. flee, wtiinii. It C, r, linmrT 4. l'is Untie l li-r.l.v ivm Unit 011 .lan.nirv v lurt, the IVcrvtury the Interior relea-.! (lie f.. l.wlin ilrwnl. r, , (r. m t. mrs.rary with drawals theretofore roa'!e f,r fnvxt reserve .iirtM., and rr.tored to MMtlrmenl all the va ant puliHe lanH, n( othrrle rem rvcl. therein ; and Dial the tai.l land reatnml to ettirmeiil nn January V iaja, im not wlier wie iwnrnl, ill In inmr uilijoct to eiurv. IIIIiik mill M-lrnion. nnlr (he usual restrict ion, at the respective tuili-sl Staica I act of fleea fur tlx two land d'.trirli. tn which thr lands he. Tit: Hie liailo- au lakevlew. Ormiw. on Mat 23. I.mv In Thr DaU.-., l.n.l lllatrirt: In fowii'lun 17 8 . Kanirr In K . K Hee7, E',H.o Jl, W. V In Townalilp 1 S.. Kange K , thr rutin- township; In ionhlp 18, Nature 10 K.. o.a. 1, a and a. K' See. 4. ". . er. hi. II. 12, l. 14 and K S'v nd mid .K, Kee. it. S.-c. '.'4 and , F1, ,-e. ;.A. rlro. 36; In township l 8 . Kanre IN K., thi n I 'T... I. .. rt, .i.n, (,n. , II), )i lj, , 1, 17, mid 1H. f. s,v. Hi. Sen il. 21, M. ii. '.'4 2.VJB, 27. 2. an. ii, ,H4. SWal'd : In Township 1H . Hunt 1.1 K.. S -c. 1. 2. . and 7, si. s-.-e a. See. II and U, Ni.: and isK, Sec. IX Seen 1, 17, IS, la. 20 and A, si. and W. See. W Lj See . Si..,'. '.7, 2S. . . SI, Sfl mid S4, Mee , Sr.' Sti; M rownship in . ., Kai.ee II ., Km. I, J, I, 4. S, , ;, . , hi II, l . 11. II is, i. 17, is. ia. ai. aa, as. u. . .v. -p. ? a- nit at, Ni,s.H'. J, So,'.. .it, m nd l Township 1 a , Kani-e 11 R.. thr nmrr town ahip: In Township It S . Kangr 10 K., Sees. 1. and . NK' , s.-c. in. N, and SE1. See. 11. Sre. 2.ai.2a.;4. 2V in. ar, .n. j? and V NK s,r 32, Si-ra. S4, .1" and Sr. 12, 1J, 14 and 1 sv. IH: In T. nhlp 20 S., Kane 1 K.. 8,-a. 1. J, i. 4, , . 7. , in, , ,, , , i; u i in, 17, IS, -Jrt. 21. 22. 2.1. 24, IV 27, 2S, MS, 8. 85 and In Township .M S , Kange IS K . 1, 2. J, 4. V. 7. S. a, 10, 11. 12, 1.1. 14. 15, 16. 11 and IS; In Tnnt:lp AiS,. Ranirr 14 K.. M. tTi?.' S nA N W l S'''- s' N w'a SX; 1 Tnwnahlp 20 .. Kanirr 13 E., S Sea 1 Jjwa. a, 8, 4. and S. S's and N K' Sr ,NU Sro. 8. 8rc. . 10, II. 12, l:f, 14. H K f'. S.-o. -2-2, Wrca.as, 24,2.'. and i. h.K Srr. 27. S,v. 84. iSt-.1'-.Se,: !,,i: n Township 2i 3.. Kaimr 12 K., WUhrrl, .NStv.2,Src. H. S't S.v. 1l. ?.a;,'1,v'ts'c' : IN THE LAKKVIEW IjA.Mi Ill&TKH T: In Tonhip24!., Kane 8 t, W 1. 10. Src. 11. Sros. 12 id 1.1. S' 8ro. 14, sand N l4 Srr, 1;., 8rr. 16 and 17, V" " ".-"m -. B.'...rr.-!2, so. a.Si.Xl.aiaiuISS; In Tow aslnp a S Kancr 8 K ." r ' Srr. i. Sir. 8. . 111 in it m Srm. ."I aiil 4, and 21: In ?n,'52",h'p U ii" K- s' '" SS Si". 10. i! Srr. 14. S. IS and Its, S', Sro. 17 l!- n,i WS - it 17 N' 81. STa. :)2. 8S. , s- and i: In Tninhip 2j Kanirr E.. N ' Sec. 2, X r 1, Src. 8 W s.t. 4, su S.v. 10. W I, s,. 11, i, srr. w. S.K-S. 14. is and 1. N', R S. 2: In Tow nhip S. Knit SE 1 h. 10. l 11. 1. and S w . s 18, 1-res. 14. l.i and 1 fi, Sec 21". Sr- 22, 2.5, 21, 2.1. 26 and 27. Ns s, iv 28. Sits. 34. So and Sli; In Township i9 - , ,;a!ij 9E . ;Sr-. 1. 2, and S. In Townnhip 21 t , H .mr 10 E.. S' St-c. la. Src. la. 8S i'i-- is1. s-c at -1 a. swu s-c as s1. Src. as, Srcs. an. Si ai.J ii XWi, Src. S3, Sec 3.,' In Townhip2o S. Kangr in E.. S.i-. 1. 2, 8, 4 dS, NK '!rr. C Sew. 7. 8, . io, it. 12. 1S- v JL. TV, ." "n1 5"' V sre- 18- E'i Sc. !, Ns SrC. 24: In Tnvn,.;nu j u., li,L' See. Jf. Sij and swi, Src 2-i, SK'-. Sre. Ufci' ?J'w."-,'ndi: 'nTownjhip 27 a, KanKr f ,N'?Sr-. 1. W'jSft. 2, Ei, Sec. 8. and and NHS-c. ll,Sf, Src. 12. -tW. IS, SE'J S-r. 14, Src. 16, t'. Sec. 21. Src 28. i- and SNVi. HuK Of, C, a vi-i ..... .7 . . 84, N H i4 sre. s.1, see. ;W; )n Township 28 nana iuv. Sec. 1, Nij See. 2. Xij Src. S, El. trc 12, S'4 and SK, Sec. IX W, S,c. 19, SE'I ?f-8'' 24 and E1 See. 2. Sec. SO an J Sl.b'jSrc. 82. Sees. 88 and 94. SU and NK. Src. S.V Sec. 8i; In Town. hip S .'Kance 10 E. c. I. Z, 8, 4. i and : In Towni-hin 22 8. ,..., iu. 11, 13. 13. h s,,d r. Sec la, excrptinir Lots 3. 4. 8, 6. 11. 13. 1:; and 14 ; see. 20, St and NE Src. 26, Sec 27 S'l ,Fi?V?13'""i0' ncppttne lot.' 10, 11. 12. 13. 14 and I V Sec. s-J. 3;;. :t4, So and 36; In Townshii, 2 Ranee 11 K.. N1. and SWi, . sv. 6. e.vptiiie Lots w. ,, o. p. AU. ifl, n, j., y,, 1, anq i,.c, - ex. ecptllii Lot2. 3. 4. 8, . 7. 111. 11, 12. 13. 14 and i-. ecs. .. 10, 11 and 16, Ni, S-r. 17. Sh-s. 1 1.1 .' Sec. 84. SEW Sec. is. See SS; In Township 25 d.. Ranre 11 E.. Ss-s. 1, and 2, Si, and SW Sv. 8. Svs. 4. o. 6, 7. 8. . 10, 11. 12, 13, 14. 15, lil, 17 and Is, Lot, 3. 4. ft and " sees. M a, 22, r: and 24. E', Sec. 2.' NSSec 28, Si, Sec. 28; In Township 28 9 ""Hi! 11 c., inn SI 1, S. IS, Svs. 27, 2S. 4Jc.l. Sees. 2. 3. 4. 9 and 10. 8 and SW' 'i-,8 . 1S- 'ul XWi. Se. 14. sees , tsrs . i. .-sn-. ana i, s'i and Si,, See.24. .Vi4Set.2., Set's. 26 and 27. 8'; c- Sec.;iS, Svs. 85 and 36; In Town' "-" ... .1-. 1.2. .1 ana f. sv. .. Sees. . . 10 II. 12, IS. 14. l.s, IS, 17. IS. 1. 20. 21 and 22. K'4 Sv. 24. Sees, 27. S, . 30. SI, ;;2 . S3 and 84! In township 2;t S.. Km, cell E., E1. Sec 4 sees. 5. 6. 7. 8. 16 and 1? Sw. is .T....l ' ""J 11 t-.svs. lt 2 and 3, S'i and SW'iSsi-.g, gre. 7. WH Her. s. XD; sA-. hi. fcc. H, ti snd IS, E'i 8-. 11. Rrc. 16, ft. is and S . K'i 21. KW'.Sec. 2.s. Sec. 26. ... W, S'cs. 3S1. 31. 32. 83. 34. Hi and 36; In . "oniomjp s., nanireil E., Sees. 1. 2, 8 4 ; Bd; In Township 22S , Raucrl2 E., Wi.siv 5, bee. 6 and 7, "j See. 8. Sv. 16, . Sef 17 -u. in, .'sec. is. sec. 30, KWW See. 21; In Township 2i S., Kanse 12 E., S"; Sv. . SW In Township 2b S., Rsnifr 12 E., S' and SW ' , Sec l,Sei.2.8,4.5.10. 11. 12, 13.14, 1:, and 16 g4 8C- 22. 23, 24, 25. 26 and 27, EH Stv. 34 tob.iou,; in lownshlp 27 S.. Kanirr 1 Sec. 20. SW -i Sec. s; in Township 2-j s.. Runt-. IT.', i p Buu " e - 5- Set's. 6, 7, 8, 16, 1(, 18. 19,2il, and 30; In Township 21 8 Ranfre 13 E.. E Sec. 1, Xij Sec. 12; In Tow n 8bip24 8., Ranel3 E.. See. In Township 25 8.. RanselS E., Sera. 1, 11. 12, 13, 14, 13, J6 of 22,23,24,2.5,26,27. 28, 33. 34, li, and 3.i; Jn Township 26 S., Ranee 13 E Seea.l, 2, 3 4 1 and 12, W'i, See. Is, see. ly, w it Sv. an:' In Township 27 8., Ranee 13 F... Sv. 36; In Tow n hip 8.,Ranirel3K., XE'iSec. 1, S'i Sv ai Bees. 3o and .i; In Township 30 S Ranee 13 K ' 8E!4Sec.24. Sec. 25,8E'i S-e. 28, Sec 36- In' Township 21 ., Kantte 14 E., SW : Sec. 3 Sees 4 and o, 8W Sec. 6, Sees. 8. 9 atid lo; Nw i, Sec. 15. Sees. 16 and 17, NU and SE'; Sec 18 V andSW iiSec. 1S XWV See. 20, X E' .' W.21 X WW See. 22; In Township 24 S., Kanee H E Wbee. 13. Sees. 14, 15. lo, 20. 21, 22, 23 ''4 r,' 26,27 , 28. 2. 30, 31, 32, i. 34. 35 and 36;' In Township 25 8., Raner 14 E.. the entire town ship; In Township J! Kanze 14 E., Sees 1 2.3,4,5,6,7,8.9,10,11,12. 13,14,15, 16,17 ls'l'i' 20. 21, 22, 28, 24, 2.5, 26, 27, 28, and 29. Sv 36- ' In' Township 27 8., Kwte 14 E.. SEW Sv. 10' H'i Sec. 11, SW'li, Sec. 12, See. 13. 14, 15, 16 22 23 .' 25, 26, 27 and 28, SE'. See. 31, Sees. 32 Si, 34' "35 imi; ju luwuMiip .9 Kanee 14 y Sees 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, lo, 11, 12. 1:1, 14, 15, 1617 and 18, E'sj Sec. 19, Sees. 20. 21 22, 2 i, 21, 2.5, a) 27 's nd 29, SU and NE'i See. 3o, . 32 and' 33 X'"' Sec. 34, S's see. 35. Sec. 36; In Township "iTg Range 14 ., Sec. 36; In Township 80 S., Aange 14 E., N', See. 1, Sees 16, 17, 1H, m and "11 W' Sec. 26, S-c.s. 29, 30 and 31, N'; Sec. 32, N'W'J Sec 83, Sec. 36; In Tow nship 31 S , Ranee 14 E Sees. 5, 6, 7, 16, 19, 20. 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 8 3:i' 34, 35 and 30; Iu Township 32 8.. Knntre 11 F ' Sees. 2. 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 111, 11, 11, 15, 16, 17, Is lV 20, 21 and 22. X Sec. 2s, Sees. 29, 30 and 31 v' -' Sec. 32; In Township 33 H., Range 14 E. ' See. tlons 6 and 7; In Township 21 S.', Kansre 15 F and XE'4 Sei:. 34. Sera. 85 and .'Hi; In Towti . ship 22 8., Ranee 13 E., Sei tiimg 1 and 2, S'- ami Mi See. 10, Heetions 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and Jt; NE-i Sec. 21, Sections 22, at 24. 25. 26 and -,' lowusnip Kanjre 1) K , SW '4 Sv 30 See 31 ; In Township 25 S., Ranee 1.5 E., w h:, Sv 5' Sections 6, 7, 8, 16. 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, suT See' 21' S Sec. 23, 8W'4 See 24, Sections 25, 26 " 2s' 29, 80, 31, 32, 33, 31, 85 and 36; In Township aO 5. Raniie 15 E., the entire townshii.; In Town ahip 27 8., Range 1.5 E , ;" tions 1, a, 3 and 4 i Sec. 10, Sections 11, 12, 1 ;. 14, 15 and 16, sw'i Sec. 18, Sections la a 11.1 21, W', Si-c. 29, s'-etitu's 30 and 31, W'S See. 32. S i ai; In Township as 8., Range 15 E., S4 and X'W See. r, Se.-Uons 6, 7, 8, and 9,8! Sec. 10, KVV'i 8.1:. 13, Seetion'a 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21. 22.'. 21, 25. 26, 27 and 29, Sections SO and 31, N'.j See. 32, S'i, Sv 33, Sec. 34; In Township 2a S., Range 1-5 K ' sections 2, 3, 11, 12 aud 13, Sec. 14, B'4 and XW i '. Sec. 31; InTownsliip30S.,Kanyel5E ,Si"-tioiif 6 ana , 0 nec. jn, nee. 11, is-..i sj,-e. J2, Seetiona l'l 14, 15 and 16, W'i Sec 17, E' Sec. 18, HE'-. Se-' 19, W'H Sec. 20, hK'xi See. 21, S-eiions aa", 23 an-i 24, Nl-4 aud SE'i Sec. 25, X' See. 26, S12 s-c "7 NF.i Sec. 28, Sec 30. SU and XEU Sec' 31' andXE'4Sei-3:l.Sii8ee.34.8'..S.-e..:i.5,S.-e In tow nship 31 8., Ranee 1.5 E., s' cs. 3 4 ami 5 K4,aud BEH Sec. 6, XE'j See. 7, X'., See s' Sec. 9, Ni jand HW'H See. Hi, E'4 See.' 11, b'vs' 12 and 13, SW'4 Sec. 15, Sis;. 16, vu See a:'' Sees. 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, SEU Sec. 28, Sees' 84, 35 and 36; In Township' 32 8., Ranee 1.5 y ' SecB. 8 and 4, E! Sec. 5, E'i See. 8, Svs 9 iij nd 11, W'4 See. 13, Sees. 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, and' '' I WV$ Sec. 24, W'U Sec. 25, Sets. 26 and 27, B; and NEW Sec. 28, XEiSee. 33, Sees. 31. 3.5 and In Township 33 S., Range 15 E., KW'i Sec 1' Sees . 2, 3, 4, and 9, N V Sec. 10, Sees. 11, 12 and' 16; In Township 21 8., Range 16 E., Sees 1 - nd 4, E, Sec. 8, Sees. 9, 10, 11, 12. 13, 11, 15 aiid 16; NEl-4Sec. 17, E!-i Sec. 21, Sees. 22, 23, 24 '2.5 26nd27, ESea.2S, SW Sec. 31, See. 33, N'i Sec. 34, Sees. 85 and 36: Iu Township 22 K Range 10 E , Sec. 1, EU Sec. 2, S'. ami HW'i Sec, 4, Ei8ec.5, Wigec.7, KK'i Sec. 8, W'i Sen B. K12 Sue. 11 10 la u.f w 01 .... i W ij Sec. 1. Sees. 2, 3, 11, 12, 13 and 14. S', Sv l.. Sec. 16. S'i Sec. 22. Sees. i, 24, , and 263 K'. Sec. 27, SE'-i Sv. ;, S'-i and XE Sv. 34. XE't 8rc. 35, see. 36; In Township 28 S. Kantre 12 F W 14 Sec. 2. Sec. S, E'iSrc.4. SU and SiH: See" 6. bees. 7. 8.9. 10. 18. 17 ami is viz iS vi 7 d , "' " lownship 2:1 9., Ranee lo t., Seetiims 1 and 2 M, Sv -j NE!4 See. 10, Sections 11, 12, 13, H and lii" "ei ' Sec. al, 8et:tions 22.2:1, ami 24 N'i.-, and hi''1 Sec. 25, N'Sec. 26. X',. See. -r, s.,. .'. Sec. 17, See. 18, Sec. 19, SU Sec. 20, WU Sec. 21. Sees. 24 and 25, WU See. 28. Sec 30 NVVJi Sec. 31, W4 See. 88, E'. Sec. 34, VVV, "'See' 85, Sec, 86; In Township 21 S., Range f(i y' See. 1, See. 2, SUii Sec. 3, Sl Sec. 6, S-es 7' 12 and 13, SXU Sec. 18, Sees. 21, a5 and 36; in Township 24 S , Range 16 E Sec. 1; In Town hip 25 8., Range 10 ., Sees. 30, 31 and 32 iii Township 26 S., Range 16 E., Sees 8.4,5.6 7 H , 10, 11, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 2, 2:1 26 97' 28, 29, 30,31, 82, 33, 34, 35 and :m; In Town'siiin 27 8., Range 16 E., the entire township; in Township 28 S., Range 16 E , Sees, 1, 2. 3 and 4. K Sec. 5, SCCH 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 1.5 16 17 19, 20, 21. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. 30 and 32 W'i Sec. 83, Sec. 86; Iu Township 29 S., Range it! K Sees. 4. 6, 7, 8 and 9, Sec. 16, Xkj See. 17, Sec. is Si,; Sec. 33, BWW Sec. 84, Sec. 36; In Township SO 3., Range 16 ., Sees. 8, 4, 5 and 7, X'-.; and Seo. 8, Wbcs. 12 and 13, E'4 See. 14, Sec. 16, X'P.v. 17.8or. 1and 1, i or. , Srra. 21. a. and Ja. K' v 4. s-c. .; In Tow n hip :il ! . Kantrr I K . n 2, 8. W, II. 14 IV 22. i . 27. .n and 8; In Twnhtp i S. Kani 1 r. s,i a a 11. 14 and 2.1. Sroa at and sr,' .2. Sr,'. i. See S: In Toon ahtp .11 S . Kalnre V i . S-r : In lnw nhip :t S . lialtcr 17 K.. Sii .1! ; In Township .vi S, Kantte 17 K . soo. I. i 8 4. 8 and . K', v. 7. S a. . 10. 11 and 12. N' Sv 13. Sn-a. 14. I . Iiandl7; tvl Town.iiti 84 S,. Kancc 17 E. Si-.- 1.2 11. IJ. 1.1, 1 1. a.t. 24, 2V a, 3, 3.V and 88; In Township s.' S , Kaiit' 17 K, W. St-c. a. S."!-. 8 and 4, K' S.-S' , See 111. W Sv 14, Se.- l.i. 16 aa and 2 Sni, ,w to inclusive; In Township S , Kante IT K . Si, -and NM, S.v I. K S,-c. 2. SE, s,v. 11. MY:. See. 12. s.'ea, 24 and: In Township W S . Kanae I," V. . S.v Sk; In T.iwnahip 41 S.. Kanor w K.. W 1, S-v. 1. W 1, Sv. . S.va IJ ! I metllau V1. xv. 17. all that pan 01 Sera. Jl. 22. 24 and 24 Hint in the Stale of Oregon : In Twnhi S . Kainre IS K . N, s.v ai. Ni, s.v. 2; In Tow nshi)' ;U . Kanur 18 E . Sn . 1 to tn, luie, N'. s,v. l-i. MM, Sv. 20, S, See. 2V sK', Sv. 2. "', and sw 1. Sv.. i Se. . XL s,v. s.V 3i; In Tow nnhin, s Kanco is K.. Ss-. .11. Si, Sec. a;: In rownli' ; s KanirelsK., Sv ,V MC, sv. NK'jSv. 7 Sv. s. XV !, Sv. 9. S-v. K S', Sv. pi. S. and N K" , sv. 2i, Sl, ami .s ..,'. si. r.s. o ."S. , Sv. 2s, Ss . hips: .! . Ksnsr IsV , E. Sv. 13. Ei, See. 24: ' a . i , .' My x'. ': 111 town- shin ill Ti 1 11 Tow nship N S.. Ksnire Is E . Ss'. ; In Tp. 40S.. Kanirr is E s-,a. 1. la. 13. 24 and 2.', SK Sv. 8 Sv, Sii : In Ton nship 41 s. Kan ire Is K.. See. 1. S', Sv 111. Svs. II to 16 Inelnsive. Ssv 17. Sv. is. all that purl o( sva. in to 24. In chiaivr, lying in thr State ol OtvKon; In Township 8 S , Kanur 18 K.. Ss a.' I to ,", tn Ciilaivr. E't Sv. , Sent. 8 to I, itlrlllsivr, Kl, Sv, 17. Sees. 22, to 2. illi liisivo, Ss-. 88; In Township S . Kanse Is K., s-cs. 1. 12 and 13. S', Ssf. 14. Si. and XVlt Sv 1 Sv. 18. SK, Sv. IS. Svs. 20 to 80, Inclusive, SW1.4 Sv. 81, Sv .8? to 88, tni lnsive: In Township 87 S,, Kaner 1? E.. NW A Stv. 1, Svs. 2. 3. . 10, 16. 17 and IS. N1, Sv. Al, yi, Soc. il. !', Sv 2&.NK1 Sv. si. Svs. 84, So and In Tow usliip 86 S Kanirr ao '...sees. 1 to 18. inelnsivr M, See 20, XW.SV. 21. W'l, Sv. 28, E' See, 88. Sv. 34. Sv. to. Sv. ; Iu Tow nship 87 8 Kanicr 20 E.. Ss-a. 1 and 2, X"', Sv. 11. sees. 12 and 13, E', Sv. 14. See. 24: In Tow nship 36 S Kaner 21 , Svs. 5, , 7 and 8, W 1, Sv. , Sees. 16 to ao, inelnsivr. N, Srr. 31. Shs. 29 lo S2. in clusive; In Township 37 8., Ranee 21 K.. Svs., 16. 17, is aud 19.81, and Xi4 See. 20; In Township S9 S., Ranee 21 K., Sv. SS: In Tuwnhip4tS, Range 21 E..SK', See. 28. SW, Sv. ;, XW '4 Sv. 3. XEi, Sv. A Sv. .'; Iu' Tow nship 41 S., Kanee 21 E.. Si. Sv. 7. S1, See. 8. Srcs. 1 to IS, inelusivr. all thai part ot Sees. 19. and 21 lyimr In thr State o( Otseon; In Tow nship 36 S . Kanee 22 E.. Svs 1 to 18, in clusive, svs. 21 to as. inclusive. Sv. 33 lo 86. inclusive; Iu Township ;S7 S.. Rsnee 22 K., Sms. 1 to 4. Inclusive. Sv. lo 16. iuelnsive. X E i4 Sv. al. Ss-s. 22 to 27, inclusive. Svs. 8-5 and ,; In Township 38 S.. Kaner 22 E., Svs. 1 to 3 inclusive. Sees. 10 to I V inellisivr. Svs. 22 to 27. iiicli:s(vr, Svs 84 to 86, iuclnaivr; Iu Tow nship 89 S., Kanee '.2 E.. Svs. 1 to Jt, in clusive, svs. 10 to l . inclusive S-es. 22 to 27. inclusivr. Si, and XK1, Sv. SI. Sera. 84. S5 and Iu Towi shin 4i' S . Kaner '22 E., XW i, Sv. 3. X"i, and SW t, Sv. 4. Sv. J K', Sc. a 'C. 8 Si and XW I, Sv. 9.S', S v. 10 W'.Sv. 15. S-es 16 and 17. svs. 20 a-ui 21. W 1, Sv. 22. S'cs. 28 and 29. X', Sv. 31. XW I. See. 32. Sees. S3. Sj and 36; III Tow nship 26 8., Ksnee 12 E.. SW 1 . Sv. 7. Sees. 15 to 22. inclusive. W'. A. KU'lIARHS. Approved: Commissioner. t. a nrrrnowK. Secretary ot the Interior. SUMMONS Rosa Xortliup, riaititiiT. Vs lolant,) Maurice W. Xortliup, Defen To Maurice V. Northup, tlie atxive natuisj defendant. IX THE SAME OF THE .STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby ronituandeil to appear and answer the campluint tiled against you in the above entitled Circuit I'ourt on or before May 3rd, A. D. l'.Via, il you fail so to answer for want thereof tne Plaintiff will take a decree apainst you for ever disaolvinir, the Ilonds of Matrimony now existing between you and Plaintiff, for the control and custody of the minor children described in the complaint and for the costs of this suit. Service of this Summons is made by publication in the Crook County Journal for Six consecutive weeks by order of W. A. Bell, County Judge. Dated this 20th day of March, A. D. 1905. 0. W. KARNES. Attorney for Plaintiff. Timber Land. Act June 3. 187s. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. t'niti-d States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, February 7, 19ti5. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, entitled ''An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California.' Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Laud states by act of August i, 15'ii Joe Smith, of Grizzly, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 249, for the purchase of the SW SV; Section 2, W'M SW A SE! 2fW of Section 11, in Township 13 S., Range lo E., AW M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land 1 J. J. smith, (.ounty ClerK, at his office in Prinevillc, Oregon on the 12th day of .May, 1915. He names as witnesses: Robert Newbill, Casper Newbill, Harvey Montgomery and Joe Montgomery, all of Grizzly, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the alwve-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office 011 or before said 12th day of May, 190.3. MICHAEL T. NOLAN. 2pd Register. Timber Land. Aft June .1, 1878. Notice For Publication, f 8 Land Ofliee The Dalles, Oregon, September 2nd, 1904. Notice is hereby given that in compliance wite the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, entitled "Ad act for the sals of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 192, RACHEL E.O'XEIL of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon l.as this day filed in this office her sworn state ment Xo. 2396, for the purchase of the BE XW4. SWy XE14 & XW4 SK Section 27, Tp. 12 South, Kongo 16 East, W. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valtmhie for Its timber or stone than lor agri ( ullural purposes a d to establish her claim to said land before the County Clerk of Crook County, ftrczon, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 12th day of June, 190.5. She names as witnesses: George O'X'eil, A. II. I.ippoian, I. Michel and T. M. O'CunncI, all ol Prineville, Olefin. Any sod all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 12th day of June, 1905. MICHAEL T. XOI.AX, Register. Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April 10. 190.r), Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias hied nbtice of his inten tion to make Html proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. J. Smith, County Cleik at Prine ville, Oregon, on June 13th 1905, viz: WILLIAM H. BROCK of Bend, Oregon, lid. No. WtK), for the SE.J SWK, 8 W!4 HE Section 6 and Wf Ej Section 7, Tp. 17 South, Range 17 E. W M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: Prank Cnry, D F. Stella, Prineville, Oregon, Edd Smith, of Boar Creek, Oregon J. R. Brock, of Bend, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, " P'1 Register. Notice to Cmiitom In the matter of th Ksuie of J. ). tar nelt, IVfc-iscd. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against aaid IVseasisl. to ptvu'Ot the same to the undersigned ad ministrator of said Estate at the office- o t). "V. Il.inics, in Prinetlle, Oregon, with the proper vouchers, within six mouths from the first publication of this notice. Dated this 21rd day of March, U. U. HARNETT Administrator of the Estate of J. 11 Har nett, Ihivastsl. Notio to Creditors In the m.ittet of the F.stiite of J. )(. tirattt. deceased . Notice is herehy given to all vrsons having claims against said IKveased. to present the same to the undersigned ad ministratrix of said Estate at the offloe of M. R, Higgs, in Prinevillc, Oregon, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the first publication of this notice. MRS. ROBERTA GRANT, Administratrix of the Estute of J. 11. Grant, IVeeased. Dates! this mh day of April, l!v, up Notioo To Creditors. Notice is hereby given, by the under signed administrator with the will annex ed of the estate of Thomas J. Powell, deceased, to all persona having claims against said deceased to present thetit with the proper vouchers to the under signed at the offloe of M. R. Elliot in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 4th day cf May, 11XV5. J. C. Powki.l, Administrator with the will annexed tne estate of Thomas J. Powell, Deceased Notice For Publication Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. April 10, 1!KV Notice is hereby given that the follow ins-named settler has tiled iwtice of hi intention to make final proof in support of ins claim, and that said proof will lie made before D. P. Rea, I'. 8. Commissioner, at Madras, Oregon, on June 8. 1903, viz: WU.BERF. HAMMER one. of the heirs and for the heirs of Mar- garette Hammer, deceased, of Havstaik Oregon, on H. E. No. 7tB4. for the E SY''. SVfM SW! Sei tion 13 A NEV st4' Section 14. Tp. U South, Range 13 fcast, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land to-wit: f. t. Urown, A. W. Bovce, D. V. Bar- nettand Warren Brown, all of Ha stuck Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, o-li Register, Clover Ranch For Sale Do you want a ranch in the won derful Deschutes valley? Then why pay an agent from I10O to fjOO aim ply for an introduction to one who has land lor sale? Here is what I have for sale and if you can't deal with tne I'll give you the names of all my neighbors who have land to sell free of all charge, besides telling you truthfully what the country is good for. I have no graft. My ranch 100 acres deeded land; 30 acres sown to clover; all can be cultivated; scant growth of juniper, pine, sage and chemise brush on uncleared land water right; can irrigate with less work than any other ranch here and get bigger crop; 4 miles to post office and store; one-fourth mile to county road (rural freedelivery); IJ miles to school house; outside range; plenty of wood; House 6 rooms; 2 barns and loom for 100 tons hav; I can clear uplGOOonthe place this summer. I ask 2,000 for the place all or half cash. This holds good until June 1, 1905. Call on or address: H. E. GLAZIER, Sisters, Oregon. a61n:p J)R SALE. A very desirable ranch consisting of 100 acres. About 9 of which is first class yellow pine timber and 61 acres of No. 1 agricultuaal land enclosed by fence, 8 acres of which is three year-old alfalfa and 3 acres in clover. A large stream of pure cold water teeming with trout running through center of place. Good ditch for irrigation purposes. This is a htrgain. For futher particulars and price write or call to the joir.val Office, Prineville, Oregon. Brights Disease And Diabetes We desire to place in the hands of those afflicted with Brights Disease and Diabetes a 30-page panipolet that is saving human lives. It is not an ordinary pam phlet, such as is comirionely used to ad vertise medicines, but is principally made upl reports of scientifically conducted tests in a large vaf iety of cases, showing 8" per cent of racovencs in these hitherto incural,e diseases. The specilics employed in these tests are known as the Fulton Compounds an ! the results obtained prove . on !:: ; i... i .i- i. .i , inuv tuenc uieaueti diseases iii : hi; mt.i! (the deaths front Brights Discus uiom; are appalling, over 100,000 a year, starting as kidney troubles) have at last yielded to medical science. The pamphlet Is free. Write to the John J. Fulton Co., 409 Wash ington street, San Francisco, Cal. When to suspect Brights Disease: Puffy ankles or hands; weakness without apparent cause, kidney trouble after third month ; frequent urination, (may show sediment or cloudy on standing); failing vision ; day drowsiness one or more of these. WANTED A chance to print for you or Hoiiieoiie clHe 2o,ooo Ix'v.Ih and Clark Souvenir envelopes. One or more colors. Neat, attractive and up-to.flute-. . At Tm: .Ioi;hnai. Printery. . Notice of Fiiml Acoount ttiix Noluv is hen bj Klv, 11 (lint . mi. let signed, the administratrix of the estate id' Saloiua Aldrtch. it .vase.l, h:ts tiled Iter tlttal accounting of her administration id said esuie, and the Honorable County Court ol Crook County, Oregon, has set Friday, (he. Mh day of May. 1:V5, at It o'clock A. M. at the Comity Court Mom iu Prineville. Oregon, as the lime and place forbearing such accounting. A which tune and place, any person InlereattM in said estate may tile his objection thereto, if any there lie. MARY i:i.l.UTT. Administratrix of the ll.ile of S.ilom.1 A! Iii. b. ile, ease I a thip Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the otito Bamett, disv:iscd. i'f Elijah M. Notice is hereby given lo nil persons having rhiltrr against said divcitscd, to present the same to the undersigned ad ministrator of said Estate at the office ol M. R. Elliott, in Prineville. Oregon, with the proper vouchers, within six month from the first publication of this notice. Dated this Itith day of Man h, 1:VV D. W. BARN KIT. Administrator of the Estate of Elijah M. Bamett, Deceased. Deputy Stock Inspector. Notice is hereby given tha I have appointed the following named persona aeputy mock inspectors: J. 1 . I ftrtwrtglit, Hay Creek Ash wood Siatets. Iliyatack. Paulina. Pi at lioilaml, Hir.1'11 Hay Creek ll.iv Creek Jim Woods, IE. Svtrka, A. Morrow, F. M. Smith lvoacoe Knox, J. S. Ilogue, Al M.'lntonh, I. S. Cowles, E. H. Dean Joe lliuklt-. Stock Insjicctor Crook Cotiutr 7 The nnme ElJredct ht itcwd fcf tl; BLST tn the SwinjM?iint UorU. . , Here ls New E!drcUft-c; He VT?V 1 ntrtV ,h4n tVTK, nd S.iiK-riur lo cl others. I'outvtf MktMi': 5c)f ( mr lttjt Itt-CrlW; mII Ihrt .on.v Slii.tl' Y f'lf1l nut'muauMcnitm rrl'. ,1'UlsMU.i' c J li.;l'1nn witulcr; ni! : f nr nii'itit'ii f-rd: C-Pi tthi IciT; lni--!.-v m.'1! Unjust it. .j!lV' I't lt' l' "'lu-i.J, -If;, I'V.-f ,.r . ,;ii' ;.i:n: v.K-vrk, wt'ij a I. v. -tiiifi'! t I li '- !.:.! itf.r:u , - .: T I. r f-.r Ir.t Itv-v-v. I r',?i.-::. BLAWiUGiiTll ( "if ' atio" 's 'i'li'iiiitr li'.or." & ,'j ' K-q than a vuuh of tho f;o"'i l'i tffj 21 ' nolLhtff It than vital t-tm'- ip nation or di-allt if m i relieved. W 1 every conciliated vnirercr a could roiiliz.; tl.-:t he is ailowit!" IJ poisonous filth to li lt:;,.;; in lii") 3 sy stem. ,f votij.t soon rf. r lief. A Const ioation iuvitu.4 ail kind of U contagion, llcrnlachon, liiHrins- nous, colds ami many other nil- nietiffi disappear when consti pate. I bowels am relieved. Tlinl lord'a lilack-IJraiifIit thorouohlv cleai.s out the boweU in an easy and natural inanncr without tlio nurginif cf calomel or other vio lent cathartics. lie sttro that you ret the origi nal Thoilford a Ul;u:k-1 nii;;5, iiiadi! Ly The Cliat'.anoojra h'.'- di-cinof-'o. fioid lv ail dru.rt.'i:its in 2-1 cent and! p.:.;';,. oi 1. Jton-iiii, Art.. li',v 2.;, vit iion-iiii. Arc. ji',v B.-, l'l.), j- ,trn..mrjr.i: l-H,J'.,rM,t..rji. I iii.:,!! ,-, ; j.n.f, ii f, c,,. i,.,nit; ti n:u ami Inv u.cil :t f.ir ' ' 1 ranni llisuiir.t ail the tin' lea jr. 1 ti-wr yr; mf ,(-.) anr Irfher UsalLf. I thi-n; 1 1 o..i fri t: any wrier jasa-.i,.. K nerr lis eh'ti la 3 rm arernii bf kvl Yk .insi;,aiiiin. Yi aPZ "I' that a.in ma is k't t,-i wi,r- i.;i:. .t u ) tint of bpln t,'i,-;t-,'e wtli V n. Ifutir Biclicta-j '.i i mv up. y WW PHP st For i O'NEIL BBOTHEBi Prineville's Wholesale Liquor House Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also B A 13 SUPPLIES p$ Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer and $5 the Famous Napa Soda g a.rriil3r Trad. Solicited. FlIMi BltODDKD Barred Plymouth Rock E G G S 7. .IT V 3 It IKK Si:iTI.(I 81.00 JOHN (IKIGKU 2 I'RiNF.vii.i.i:. oku;ox. K 1 A mi mm mi OFFICEII8: W. A. DOOTH, Prctutcnl O. M. Cikins, Vic PrUlnt Fmco w. WuaON, Cashier DIKECTCB3: W. A. U03TH, O. M, t.KiNS, O. F. STCau'ir, Fnto W. Wilson. Transacts a (Jcncral Hankin,-,' Business ami SoM (Ailloctioiis will po coivo prompt atten tion The ftlltllL' TlllK-r Jll M Forr Shell 4 Ifow 200 Year to (let a I: per Hen 'Ilis st'cmil eihtitsn A I'r.iiiu'iil I'anl'.ry M.iniiul is now readv. t 'ontum a.noi..; other things liie fcinntis S.i!;ion Method of lee-bog, lech is known to Is; one of the U .st ti leans of nuking t pr.)t;t fio.n ot:!:rv. s-,.im' of liie i'l'..i:1. r be l.li.-.gs .ire: llr.siil -r iTevks; Pnibl able Poultry kisil,;; P.i .nple I lift',. Ctllt!(-s. l'IIM'll -s f. T I Ml,,!- l' M'ltll: i:.ni'OMiv i'l Ki'i .'";;: i'o iiirv ,is a litisiii-s,: Trip Nests. i.' u, i .,,.,! T '1 f; estr.itrj-is This c'l ipl.-r u ti. t' e pr ce (.1 tl.tr bc.ik. T. i's tl,- piar'n-.d woy to titakir 'Miitry pay, Pr:. .- j h-. tmr .i;-r is a 3'J page .AKri. oltiu il t Mag.11 4 Hiiii.ici imc with 1 1 Mis.-!i old. Puuiirv. rulture and Ifciiry tVra.-tlilrl.K. I S.il.sT!.i:on ir:ir Jl. 4" I"o intrniiiu'e otir niohtlily into vtmr home hi wi.lsi-nd the i.i;-r one ,-ar icti...ll Poultry Manual for anil A I' The Pacific Tree and Vine I Park Hotel lildg., San Jicc, ("ai.torni.i CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm This Romody Is a Specific, Sure to Clve Satisfaction. OIVe RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protoota the uiseaaca membranes it cures Catarrh and drives awav a Cold in the Head quickly Kestorea the Souses of Tasto and Hmcll Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Hizo, 50 conta at Druggists or by man; j. rim nize, iu contg by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St., New York. 1.1 OVSTKK UOrsSH and 'pen lit nll Ihiiiim 0 ' N E I L " H'NV' Iht.v nr nlnlil. , hilll.v uf pitllliiu; tii Monls t.f nil kinds BrOtllOrS M ol'ilif l'l, iiml K.MV...I t,. ..ni, r. Managers VuW ,,,r "", t,uM' I'ImIi, tiamo, mid q q ,,;"U'' O.vHtfw Pi S. iiNuti. I'.ic'iil I'nr Snlo jf Sood Sd Wa ret Jt oark rf fyr's 6 S1IANIK0 WAREHOUSE COMPANY Sbauiko, 1 ti it Qeneral Storage Forwarding i at r i QoMKissioN lU-ulf rn in Ulai kstiiitli foal, Flour, IS.irlinl Wir, Xuils, (ViiKiit, J.iiiio, foal Oil, Plaster, .Sulphur, Wool rttul (irain, Su k.4 ami Twine, drain mid FcmI. AgrntM for Waseii Wareliinisu .Milling (V. "While uivi r ' an.i UalU'H Patent" Hour. Ililtest paid for I liilcs ami iVIts, SiHX'inl Attention h puiil to Wool (iradinj, ami Haling for Mastern Sliipnients. Stmk Yards with all the latest ninl hest facilitie for Haiiilliiij; Stork. Mark Vour Goods in tr-Tr-r-ir ir . -JL, Jl. jl. jl r t u ri L J Sonera ffilacksmithing r. 1 LJ r t L i r 1 L' J r T L J I 1 t J r 1 LJ c5 r 1 LJ m ii r. it u n IT r ? LJ n ti r tr lloMSKsllOKINd, WlMIII W'OKK, KTf., N V. K T I, V ANf) PllOMIII Y PoNK Whkn it im DoNK 15 v : : : tSao??ian dc 9oorc Satisfaction Will I'niNKVII.t.K, L Jw JlJL JLltkJLJLJLJLJLaLJLjrLjLUL'JL JL JL .JL'JL- JL JL jl.' jL' IC J When in need of Lum ber, Shingles, Mould ing, Doors, Windows or (ilass see XT 1SL m tv pisjj. Tor Prices IT---lFr3rEf Henderson Wines, and Liquors, 3 (Country Orders Solicited First Door South of Poindexter Hotel. Powell fk LUNCH COliMl'U I Itr, 1 17 I .; .,-11,111,. c.i;. I flV lV,.T'sVlllltll sMMIVIlWVi i TJctblo in Connection oid Uand on 7ai Strut Oregoa. AND Merchants I 1 5i prit't Care of "S. W. Co." ikr jf 1 r 1 LJ r, 1 LJ r 1 LJ r.t LJ r,i L J ri LJ 1 l. J r. 1 LJ r,i l J r.i L J r.ii LJ LJ r 1 LJ f. 1 L J r;i LJ r.i LJ J.e Guaranteed OltK.dON. ' Ml I I, I I III 1 IU , H I. I 1 mm I I HIPP on Them. & Pollard.. CSttfV Finest Cigars In Stock. Cyrus5' Li -Tonsorial Artists-