It, f Crook Come ureal. VOL. IX. riUNEVILLE, CKOOIC COUNTY, OREGON, HAY 4, 1005. NO. 21 ty 8 i 9 1 ffi 1 n CH M 1 & CO 7rc You Goism to the FA IR? MU .-wwuwrwii .I--TH a -Ml I If you are, very likely you will need cither a Trunk or a Suit Gase Wo have them in a number of styles and sizes and prices to suit $.50 to $10.00 THUNKS SUIT CASKS CLUB BAC.S TKLLSCOl'LS $:L00 to $5.00 $1.00 to $ l.oO $ .SO to $ 1.50 Before Buying Conic and Look These Over m Tt ! l- -i 1 St ,-v -v -v -i - f I T I I - l- 1 .0, f -v v-- no nW PSI I i ft ft i i 3Ju the (outt of (tailoring Appeals for Supreme GOOD LNOUCII, Plaintiff, vs Till: BHST. Defendant, fov vincriUc AIUiUMl-NT 1 OK Till: DLFLNSli now iu:i oki: tiii: jury You are fuuiilar with thiwirguiniMil (?) of tlu plaintiff, GOOD KNOUtiH. How often have vm Paid ''M' eliilliot nru ijond enough." "Mv uit;;'ftitinoo is quod enough." "(footl enough" i the enemy of the Kent." We ask you to support the caup of the Defendant. Jo yon want to wear the hett clot lit', make the best appearance? SupH)sfl someone said your reputation was "good enough" youM light! It iB therefore to your iHmot inleresls to wear our tailoring, "The Kent." We don't ask a verdict until after a "trial" order. If you desire further "argument" of the cane, cull on us. If you want our best argument, give uh a trial; a verdict in our favor w ill follow. our line of woolens for niado to order suits at $lf.(X) ind up, backed up with a written Guarantee for one year. lo you a cIokc titling collar? lo you want that smooth, concave, broad hhoulder effect? Io you want coat fronts that will positively retain shape? Twenty-five year. in the business have equipped us with the tailoring knowledge we place, at your service. Money back if you're not satisfied. l'Ki:i) KAU1TMAN, the American Tailor, Chicago KcprcMcuUJ By B. GOBMLEY' A Complete Line of Hats, Suits ready to wear at $10 and up FIRST RAILROAD MOVE IS MADE Steps Arc Taken Towards Building an Electric Line from Colnradia River Into Crook County. Filing of a water right this week on the fall at the mouth of Wil low creek, where electric power can bo generated with but little difliculty, is the first definite move to bo taken toward securing trans portation facilities for thi section of interior Oregon. Negotiations are now jx uding, too, with the Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road Company to secure a leao or the right to purchase from them Steel Head full below the lower briilgo on the Deschutes. At theao tffo points sufficient electrical power can be developed to nupply a current capable of running electric cars from the Columbia to the central portion of Crook county. The action taken this week is in line with the proposition outlined by Archie Mason Home time ago when lie visited this city. In re presenting Portland and Eastern capitalist be was in a position to state that if the business men here advanced enough money to build the first ten miles of road outh of the Columbia and secured right of way the balance of the distance to Princville, the necessary funds would be forthcoming with which to take up the Unds. When here last week Mr. Mason stated that only the securing of right of way was now necessary to enlist the necessary capital,, ana .'jpe were immediately taken . to seal the agreement and advance along the lines proposed. The prospective line will touch tne Columbia at lhe Dalles or some point on the Portage road nd will continue southward through the canyon of the Des chutes river to the mouth of Trout creek, thence eastward across the Agency riains 10 crooKed river nd up the latter stream to this city. glacksmithing That Pleases Is The Kind You J. (ict at II. WIGLLS (Successor to) CORNETT &. ELKIIKS'S A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand & rineuiUt, A. 21. L1PPMAN 8 CO. LINCENSED UNDERTAKERS and Manufacturers of all Kinds. of FURNlllRE Professional Cards. Ciiiott, ornty at-jCa rtjfon, riifvi'ii, reyon, Dr. a. n. BURRiS N71GXETIQ OSTEOPATH I UufectwfuMy treat diseases without the uso of nriiRS or Burstcry hy Magnetic Osteopathy the New Seieneo of DniKlensIIcnling CONSULTATION F K E K Office at Prlnevllle Hotel PUINEV1I.LK, OREQON Chaa. if. Ctiwards JV. iP. 3iknap ( County SAysitran) Sftelknap dc Gdwards Ayset'ans and Suryeons. Soft's SOO &ast 9Mr0Jk 2r-Hf Storm UNCLE SAM TO AID MALHEUR reservoir be built, using Malheur canyon, as contemplated, that It would cost the railroad company at least 12000,000 to build above the high water mark through the nyon. ling amount or even more, it is said, will be claimed by the. railroad company should the government build the reservoir as damages. But the people believe that it would pay the government to build the reaervor even at this cost. The vast area of land thus MCKAY PROJECT IS NOW ASSURED Road Company Gives Its Sanction and Money Is Available to Finance the Entire Scheme. taken place at David Ebler'd camp not far from Lorella. Kbler'n camp was burned on the night of April 13, following the slaughter of 90 Bheen beloneinn to Creed McKendree, a sheepman ranging in the same district. While the actual maraudere were unknown, the sheepmen shrewdly suspected the men really back of the shoot ing. After hia camp was burned Ebler armed his employes thoroughly and put a close guard the over his bands, the announcement added to Malheur county at once, which would mean an immediate increase of 5,000 population. The scheme promoted by reclaimed will soon pay tne cost to Athens Business League to irri- being made that further attempt me country, ins estimated mat gaio 4U,uuu acres ot land lying to drive him out would mean at least 1,000 families would be north of this city is now practical- trouble. The Sheriff and Demitv ly assured of an early success. Sheriff of Klamath countv left for Sheriff Smith, who was a member the eastern border several days ot the committee appointed to con- ago. Neither has been heard from fer with Mr. C. E. S. Wood, the since lortiana representauve oi tne Bad blood between sheep and Willamette Valley and Cascade cattle owners in Southern Mai iuoumain agon noaa company, heur was carried over from last He stated that the conference was curred in 1904. thoneh sheet, have sarisiactory in every respect and ien killed in the past in the Biy that Mr. Wood had assured the district. This spring it soon be- committee the Road Company's cm virlnr hnii w tu ... , WOOL BRINGS HIGH PRICE Mill Bros, are among the first to sell their wool this season in 'WMUW WU"V- 4,w V"V U1 co-oneratmn in K ,1prt,li. t . ' , , alut 25.000 pounds was sheared " 7r. .. . " a, .u,.B-iu-up reeling woum mani ...I., t! rrt, rDlca mean9 lIie iauer corPra" fest itself in violence. A few min- xuuniu, i 1UC tnn trill alf til nf it L.::j... , rnD t . i., i 4i. r ur uieiuents are eaiu to nave taKen vrZz::i7rz i eoon as water ha3 enkiace'but 0 . 1 " brought to them. tration trail A nril 14 wVten a a says the lleppner Oazette. ftrnm:tfeo,a .u. ..:...... ,'m t T) t . o " " ux v luupiy uiubcu III IViaUlalii -.1 . . r suw i in lit? ujaoikcu iiicii aesaiicu rccu J - o i - Ifl(Ttia tinanpml hnptino- in th l tm i tt'wt. Mr i?.,rl-A nnrnl,, (h . . 7. -" AW Bueep. , Mont nf favnrahlo octinn hv th. cups ol l. l'. Uoherty, AlcUabe i A , . , rviiKeiiny, ju uc- From killing sheep to killing men appears to have i - i . i i i ,0 i.i, v:it- t.-j r r " uceu a uuick. step as last news axua.iiljr, ffMln fmm v Y . ... , T 1 1 . . ... ... . n... r ... i, . e w .v.. ."v...6 irom jjoreua staiea mai ine lemp "n,u t.y. y. M the necess.arv fund wo ...i. : ..... Currin. R. R. PnrlU anrf Hnln-rtv ... " . ' . ct u4 luC uppusiug jncuons was at . , ' . . . ... J with whicn to construct the reser- Munoer nnint norfrrp-l ... I c -j-o-' voirs anil cnnnU nvpsanrv in r. dl'ro"wu w,uw .m -iuu.vaju c,aim the tract pounds, lhe prices ranged from Shpriff Sm;(. ... . p . fl ncrn i ivpc 13i to 14 cents per pound. . , "' , " nt " G. W. French has sold his clip L- . .A ' . . I IfiAliKn HAMFTF4l5 of about 50,0(X) pounds to Sam Wil ttlnsori"Tor is rems pcrouna. " The first new wool of the season was received Saturday at the ware house of the Morrow Warehouse Milling Co. The wool was sent in from Spray by W. Potter. The wool sales for the past week total about 535,000 pounds, at prices rangeing from 15 to 18 cents the project, so it is certain that the monev will be forthcoming witn which to carry the scheme to 0f the general land, othce. has pre- a successful and early termination, pared a circular letter of instruc-- The amount of money necessary tions, a copy of which will be sent for the reclamation work is placed in the future to everv ners,oi who i j i at $500,000 and it is believed con siderably les3 than that sum will eventually finish all details of the scheme. Inside of a few days the finan- ar- makes a homesteod entry of public land. The letter is intended to acquaint every entrymen with the terms and provisions of the home stead law, and the requirement for obtaining Lnd under its pro visions so that, in the future. iPfiysician and tSuryeon Cells answrad promptly day or nt'yAt Offlom tuM ttoorm soutjk of VatKjalotaM ' 2ruf Stomo. &st'ttMoo orno - Ssl 9J?om Stroots. IPrintviile, Oreyon. The people of Ontario and Mal heur county are agitated on the subject of government irrigation The consulting board will meet at endleton about the first of the month and will then goto Ontario to consider the project. While there is much speculation" on the subject, the more conservative believe that there are nine chances out of 10 that the government will decide in favor of the immediate building of the Malheur reservoir. A vast area of land lies idle in the county, rich and capable of producing everything that grows at an altitude of 2,000 feet, and it only needs water to make this the garden spot of Oregon, so the people declare. They say they have the advantage of Klamath county in a difference of nearly z.uuu leet in altitude, and that in soil they lead every other portion of the state. ith irrigation Malheur will immediately spring forward in population, advance ment and improvement generally at an unprecedented rate. The contemplated scheme, if carried out, will reclaim nearly 127,000 acres of land. This will be watered from a reservoir about 12 miles long which is, to be con structed in the Malheur canyon on the Malheur river, about 30 miles from Ontario. Owing to the peculiar formation at that point the reservoir can be built cheaply and the water supply will bo ample for( all practical purposes to supply the area named. There will be a few pumping stations to supply more inaccessible nooks and corners, but the cost of these will be small enough to make th work feasible. It is asserted that should th pound, says a dispatch from Echo. cial matters will be definitely The sales were made to the Pendle- ranged and preparations will then ton scouring mills. ke macie for the enrineerini work. i,rnrin r.f th ,;n r,t i m , 111 ItjltUI UltVV V At ?! trAA UVV LStfel I .i - -k on h.a rf 1 -vn r a it n n'nn ha. I .. l ,,,fcC ..ivwv.. after whlca the reservoirs and iit fail,, tn mmnlv with it fore that article is removed from Lnn,ia -ni h mnstrnM. fihpr. o-..-. , i " I . iliuusuuu iioiusieau the sneep s pack are reporieu aaiiy. iff Smith expresses the belief that entries were made last year, and A special to the Record from Bill- the final surveys can all be com- this year they are averaging 4,000 '"e50"." """ l"uc- plete by the nrst of July in which a month. un-ii uUJn.s .aiS event actual construction of the n the nf th nirm,io itf. tract have turned over 1,500,000 canala will begia soon afterwards. is printed information concerning 1 . " " ; XVllh the latter work Phed the homestead law, the require- - - ahead rapidly almost the entire ments of the general land office, Leuu, pvu.m. --- tract can be brought under irnga- and suggestions to the entyymen, ;nv , "'"'"Mtion before the present year has which, if fully followed, would . 4,uw,ww huu0 u w-- elapse , enable him to fully comply with uoriaeru uimi.S noui. Xhe UlStrict itself is the most th lw in Int.fer unri nirit - tertileand productive in interior The circular letter is as follows: r . J : r.t.,1 i. I , uicguji, uu usBuctcsMui teviama- "The papers supporting your tion means a host of new settlers recent homestead entry have been MILL COMMENCES ia Crk CUnty With the county received, examined and filed in vn.vv. tuivu uio mo fvo inis omce. n oruer inaL von mav ent size, lhe land when once lr- be fully informed lr- be tully mlormed as to your Work on the new flour mill of rigated is capable of producing an duties under this entry, as well as the Madras Milling & Mercantile enormous quantity of various ot tne cause wmcn may result in n t i i i i, i its cancellation, you should care- Company was expected to com- kinds of crops, a fact fully demon- ... .,, Rt ,V nn1 momhor mence this morning. Tho comp- strated by the extraordinary fer- the suggesstions printed on the any had expected to start work on tility and productiveness of .the back of this letter because any fail- the null last Monday, but owing ranches scattered along the Crook- ure on yur Part to cure any ex- to the ' ad roads leading to the ed river valley. The latter are all jating defect in the entry, ' or any i, .i . i . , , , , . . failure to fully and in good faith sawmill in the-mountains it has of them surrounded by hundred of comply with the laws requiring been very difficult to obtain any acres equally as fertile but at residence, improvements, cultiva- kind of lumber, and up to the pres- present non-productive because of tion and proof will be sure to re- SVORK ON NEW ent week it has been about impos- the fact that they are owned by sible to haul out timber fof sills the Road Company and are, there- and other large pieces with which fore not in the market and conse- a building of this kind will have to quently go begging for culthation. be constructed. Teams are bringing out the ma terial as rapidly as possible, and tha construction of tho mill will be pushed rapidly as possible to completion. RANGE WAR LEADS TO MURDER Mr. Putts, president of the mill ing company, says the llour mill A report reached ivlamfuh .alls, will have an output, of about 50 last night from the Lorella district, barrels per day. The building about 35 miles in a southeasterly will be 30x40 feet and have three direction from Klamath Falls, stories and a basement. The eiiT that two men had been killed in any entry, will not only cause its cine and boiler room will be erect- the range war existing in the east- cancellation, but may result in criuiiiiui iiiun-iuieuv niiu prosecution. If at any time you desire any sun in tne cancellation oi the en try and the loss of your improvements. "Entrymen should constantly bear in mind that any sale, or contract or agreement to sell any oi the landa embraced in their entries, or any part thereof, or any interest therein, prior to making final proof, will cause the entry to be canceled, and may even result in the cancellation of the patent should such patent be inadvertently issued. , "It should also be constantly re membered that any false state ment made in either the affidavits or final proof, made in support of ed ust back of the main building, em part ot the county, lhe men The Madras Milling & Mercan- are supposed to have been herders, tile Company will in the future but no names could be learned, further information than is given erect a store building about 40x70 and people here are anxiously in these suggestions, for the pur feet, but work on this will not waiting details of the killing from pose of enabling you to comply ...nn. K .v,;il ia Hie rumnto atnrk nnnntrv. with I lku uo VVIU-UUIIU. UIllll IUU til JO b Uilll li3 I v-- -vm-wvw hJvvuu. Vw.--.-j j to make proofs I vmi ian rlrair iha aama Kw in. about completed and ready to which there is no means of com- ' ... writinjZ or otherwise, take care of the incoming grain munication except by courier. either at this office or of the Madras Pioneer. 1 The trouble is supposed to have register and receiver."