Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 27, 1905, Image 4

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    Von"r or RrrroRTK' op
trariint ol the lntrrir. Onnwal Land Of
Bi, W ahlnirin, I C r-try 4.
NiHIr ! urrhr lvin Ihut on Junnarr V
the Hewtary 01 lh Interior rvlraei' th ll
lnwfnt deM-rfhed areas from temporary wtih
tlrawai therru(re mat lor foret rperx.
purpoa. nd rf4rrd to erttletnent all the
VftfAnl public lan1. not othrU rewrred.
thretn; and tht the id Inndit o romord to
e(t lenient q January , and not other
wle reaerred, 111 heroine anhJTt to entry,
filing and aelertton, nndt-r the unual rentrlrt
lona. at the rvunertlve t'.itted ftatea land Of
fleet for lha tiro land diairlrta In which the
laniti lie. vtt: The liallea and lakrvirw,
On--in, on May IS. 1WS: In The DaU.-, l,aml
M.trirt In TwnhlP 17 8 . Kanie 10 K . N'
ee7. K'-tRwil. W. V In Tonhip ,
Ranfe II E , the entire townhip; In lownhlp
, Hangr 10 K s-. 1. 1 and , Hee. 4.
HK' . . Sm, 10. 11. 12. 1.1, 14 and la, S'H ami
aud KK rVe. A Sm. -.'4 aud K'4 .. -V
See. 36. In bmanhlp 1 H, Ranre 1 K., the
entire lowmhlp; In Townnhip 1 8., Ranft U
E . rtecn. 1, , S. 4. A., 7. 8. , la. 11. 1-2. 1.1, 14, 1
1, 17, and 1. K rr. 19, Seo. jrt, 21, 22. 2S, .
Si. , n. 2. 29. XI, Jt4. 3 and 4; In Townohip
W a , Kan M K.. S.-en. I. 2. and 7, 8- Sc
, Kent 11 and 11 N and 8K h IS. Sect.
1, 17, 1. 19. 20 and 21. : and NttW
WU (tee. 2. Scon 27, 2S. 29, M, SI. SS, SS. and
4. H'Sec . Heel ; In rown.hip 19 S , Kanec
12 E , Silt. 1, 2, J, 4, 5,. 7. . . lrt, 11. 12. 1.1. 14.
15, 1. 17, 1. . jo. 21 . 22, n. 24, 2A, 2. 27, 2S, '-
and . (. J, Sera. XL. U. tt and In
Townahlp 19 (., Rnnjo 11 K , the entire town
hip: In Towonhlp 19 ! . Kanre 10 K, Soo. 1,
land I, KE'k . 1(1. N and SE rVr. 11.
Sfa. 2rt. 21. 22. 23 24. 2S. 26. 27. 2. ? and A.
KKV H"" "2. ko. 4. SS and :. Sera 12, IS. 14
and 16. 8EVj g.e. 1; In Tow nnhlp S., Ranee
16 ft , 8e. I, 2, S. 4, .V . 7. a, . 1', n. 12, IX It.
IS, 16. 17. IS. -AI M, tt, 23. 24, 2V 26, r. 2S. 21, 11,
4, a& aud :; In Township -2t S.. Range UK,
heea. 1, 2. a. 4. V a, 7, , . in, u, 12, la, 14. 15. 16,
17 and IV In Tow nship 20 8., Ranre E-, W'4
Sec. 7. !S and SW Seo. IS. and S WU 8e.
19. Pyspf ao. 29. :a). .11 and S2. VS
a;i; In To nhip an Raime 1.1 K., S See. 1,
Heoa. a, S, 4, and S, SU and N E1, Sec. 6, SS
. Sec-. , 10. 11, 12. 11. 14, 1 and 16. YK Sec. 22.
Seoa. XK 24, 2. and 2o. KS 27. !i K, Sec. 34.
NSec. X Sec. i; In township 20 5., Ran;e
12 K.. u Sec 1, N' Sec. i. Sec a. s, See. 11.
WS Scc.12, NU s,-c. 14 IN THK LaKEVIEW
I.ASl Dlf-TKICT; In Township 24 S.. Kanre
K., ft-e. 1, K He. 1 Si, Sec 8. and N K'4 Sec.
, W4 Sec. 10, E4 Sec. 11. Sees. 12 and IS, 8
Sec. 14, S'i and Sec. IS, Sec. 16 and 17,
Saca. 22. 23 and 24. K, ee 32. Se-. a. 4. SS and 36:
In Townahip 2A S., kanre 6 E , Sees. .1 and 4,
F.'iHec. 5, 8ee. a, , 10, 16, 17, 20 and 21: In
Township 2t S., Ranre E. S Sec. 7, S, Se.'.
10, 8W4 See. 14, See, l.i and 16, 8U Sec. 17,
See. IS, 19, a. 21. 22. and 23. W". Sec. 24. Sei-s,
2n. 26, 27, 28. 29 and 30. K, Sec SI. Sees. J2. a.4,
34,a.iand3K: lu Township 25 S Kanre E..
N'i Sec 2, S H Sec. S. W , Sec. 4. 8 Sec. 10.
W i S.-C. 11.5', Sec. 13, Sees. 14, 15 and 16. X',
Sec. 22 KE', See. 24: In Township S. Kanre
K-, 6E' Sec. 10, S', Sec. 11. S, and S', S,.
la, Sec. 14, 15 ami 16, S'T Sec. 41. Sees 22, 2S. 24.
25, 26 and 27. S' See. 28. Sees. S4, S5 aud a;
In Township 29 8., Kanre 9 E . Sect. 1. 2, aud a.
In Township 24 S . Ranre 10 E.. SW Sec. 12. S.c.
13, 8' Sec. 19. Sees. '24 and 25. Stt'l, Sec. 2S. S,
Sec. 2a. Sees, an, 31 and 32, XW, Sec. a. Sec an.
In Township 2- S. Ranre 10 K.. Seea. 1. 2, a, 4
and 5. KE'i 8c. , Se-a. 7. , S. 10, 11, 12, la, IS
16 and 17, and S V Sec. 1, F-4 8.c.
NS Sec. 24: In Town.hip 26 S.. fiacre 10 K ,
Sec. 24, and SWi, Sec. 2. SE, Sec. 26, SE.4
S4. Seen. S5 and 86: In Township 17 S.. Ranre
10 E.. Nt, Sec. 1, WU Sec. i, E1 Sec. a. SW and
and SL Sec. 11. s'. Sec. 12. sec. IS. SEU Sec.
14. Sec. 16, E See. Ji, Sec. 2S, X', and SW '
Sec. 26, See. 27, XESee. 28. 8K4 SV. 88, Sec.
S4, X Sec. So, See. 6: ID Township JS S..
Raare 10 E See. I, XU Sec. 2, XW Sec. S, E.
Sec. 12, 8i and KfcU Sec. IS. WS Sec. 19. 8ES
9ec. J3, Sees. 24 and 2'., ES See. 2. Sect. 30 and
81, 8U Sec. 82. Sees. S3 and S4. 8'4 and XE'
Sec. .., Sec. S6; In Township 29 S Kanre 10 E..
Seca. 1. 2, S, 4, b and 6: In Township 22 8.,
Ranre 11 E . Sees. 1, 2. i and 4. ES Sec. 5. Sees.
8, 9. 10, 11. 12, 13. 14, 15, 16, 17, IS. ft. JO, 21 and
22, XK Sec. 24. Sees, J7, JS. 29, SO, SL . S3 and
S4: In township 2;) S Rai-re 11 K., E1 Sec. 4.
Sees. 5, 6, 7, 8, 16 and 17. Sec. 1. exeeptlnr Lot
2. S, 4, &, 6, 7, 10. 11, 12. IS, 14 and 15, Sec. 19.
exceptinr Lot S, 4. 5. 6. II, 12-13 and 14. WS
Sec. 20, SSai.d XEWSee. 2o. SS Sec. 27, SS
See. 2. Sees. 29 and SO, Sec. SI. exeeptinr Lot
10. 11. 12. 13. 14 and 15. Sees. S2. S3, St. Si and 86:
In Township 24 S.. Ranre 11 E., N'S and SWS
See. Seca. 3, 4 and 5. See. 6. cxeepiiug Lois
S. 6. 7, 8, 9. 10, IS, 14, 15. 1. 17 and 18. Sec. 7. ex
eepting Lots 2, 3, 4, 5,6.7. 10. 11. 12. IS. 14 and
15. Sees. 8. , 10, 11 and 16, X' See. 17. Sees. 18 19
and 31, SES Sec. 33, SWU Sec. 34, SES ec. 35.
Sec. 36; In Township 25S., Range 11 E., Sei-s. 1.
and 2, SS and XW'.. Sec. 8. Se s. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9,
iu, ii. la a, 14. l.i. 16, 17 and 18, Lots s, 4. 5 ana
W SSec.l. Sees. 2.8.4. 9 and 10. S', and XWS
Sec. 11, SWU Sec. 13. SS and XWS Sec. 14. Sees.
IS aud 16, S'S Sec. 21, Sees 22 and 23, SS "d
XW S W. XWS Sec. 25. Seoa. 26 and 27, SS
Sec. 2 XSSec. S3, Sees. 85 and 36; In Town
ship 28 8., Range 11 E. Sees. 1, 2 and 3, SS and
NWS Sec. 6, Sec. 7. W'S See. 8. SES Sec. 10.
Sees, u, 12 and 13, E' L See. 14. Sees. 16, 17. 18 and
19, WSSec. 20, N'S Sec. 24, SWS Sec. 25, See. 26.
SS See. 27, Sees. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36; In
Township 29 8., Ranre 11 E.. Sees. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6; In Township 22 3., Range 12 E., W'S Sec.
5, Sees. 6 and 7, WS Sec. 8. See. 16, ' Sec. 17,
Sec. 18, X'S Sec. 19, Sec. 20, SW"S Sec. a; In
Township 25 8., Range 12 E., SS Sec. 6, SWS
Sec. 26, Seea. 27, 28,29.30, 81. 32, 33, 34, and 36;
In Township 26 8., Range 12 E., X'S and SW's
Soc. 1, Seca. 2, 3, 4. 5, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15 and 16,
SSSec. 22, Sees. 23, 24. 25, 26 and 27, EU Sec. 34.
8ecs. 85 and 36; In Township 27 8., Range 12
E., W'S Sec. 1. Sees. 2. 3, 11, 12, 13 and 14, SS Sec.
15, Sec. 16. 8S Sec. 22. Sees. 23, 24, 25 and 26, ES
Sec. 27, SES Sec. 33, SS and XE1-. See. 34, SES
Sec. 85. Sec. 36; In Township 28 3. Range 12 E.,
WSSec. 2, Sec. 3, ES Sec. 4, SS and XWS Sec.
6. Seca. 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17 and 18. XS Sec. 19. X"S
See. 20. SW'S Sec. 32; In TowDship 29 8.. Range
12 E., SS Sec. 4, SS and XW'K Sec. &. Sees. 6, 7,
8, 16, 17,18,19, 29, and 30; In Township 21 8.,
Range 13 E., ES Sec. 1, XS Sec. 12; In Town
ship 24 S., Range 13 E., Sec. 36; In Township
25 8., Range 13 E., Sees. 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21,
22,23,24,25,26,27, 28, S3, 34, 35, and 36; In
Township 26 8., Range 13 E., Seea. 1, 2, 3, 4. 11
and 12, WW Sec. 18, Sec. 19, Sec. 30; In
Township 27 S., Range 13 E., Sec. 36: InTown
hip 28 8., Range 13 E., SES See, 1, SU Sec. 25,
Sees. 35 and 36; In Tow nship 30 8., Range 13 E.,
SES Sec. 24, Sec. 25, SES Sec. 26, Sec. 36; In
Township 21 8., Range 14 E-, SW'S Sec. 3, Sees.
4 and 5. SW fc Sec. 6, Sees. 8. and 10; SW'S
Sec. 15. Sees. 16 and 17, XS and SES See. 18, X'S
and SW'S See. 19 XW ' Sec. 20, SES Sec. 21,
XW'V Sec. 22; In Township 24 8., Range 14 E.,
W'S Sec. 13. Sees. 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26,27. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36; In
Township 25 S., Range 14 E., the entire town
ship; In Township 26 S , Range 14 E., Sees. 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 10, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28,27, 28, and 29, Sec. 36; In
Township 27 8 , Range 14 E., SE See. 10, SS
Sec. 11, SW'S Sec. 12, Sec. 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24.
25, 26, 27 and 2S. SE4 Sec. 31, Sees. 32 33, 34, 35
and 36; In Towusuip 2 6., Range 14 E , Sees.
1, 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, li, 14. 15. 16. 17 and
18, ES Sec. 19, Sees. 20. 21 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. 27, 28
and 29, 8'4 and KEU Sec. 30, Sees, to and 33, SK
NS Sec. 35, Sec. 36: In Township 2 8..
Kange 14 ., Sec. 36; In Township 30 S., Bangs
14 ., Sec. 1, Sees 10, 17, 18, 18 and
20. WU
Sec. as, Sees. 29, 30 and 31, SU Set
oet. n v. oe..
33, sec. a; in lownsmp ol nange 14
Sees. 5, 6, 7, 16, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, Si,
84, 35 and 36; In Township 32 S., Ksnge 14 E.,
Sets. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18. 19,
20, 21 aud 22, S'4 Sec. 28, Sees. 29, 3J and 31, WU
Sec. 32; In Township 33 S., Range 14 E Sec
tions 6 aud 7; In Township 21 S., Kange 15 E,
S'4 and NE'-i Sec. 31, Sees. 85 and 36; In Town
ship 22 8., Kange 15 E., Sections 1 and 2, B4 and
N EM Sec. 10, Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16,
NE'-i Sec. 21, Sectioni'22, 23 24. 25, 26 and 27,
El48ec 34, Sections 35 and 36; In Township
23 5., Kange 15 E., Sections 1 and 2, Z'A Sec. 3,
NESec. 10, Sections 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16, TM
Sec. 21, Sections 22,23, and 24, Nu; and 8W4
Sec. 25, N'HSec. 26, S' Sec. 27, Sec. 36; In
Township 24 8., Range lo E , SWli Sec. 30, Sec.
31; In Township 25 8., Range 15 E.. WU Sec. ft,
Sections 6, 7, 8, 16, 17,18, 19, 20 and 21, BV, Sec. 22,
84 Sec. 23, SW'4 Sec 24, Sections 25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 31, 35 and 36; In Township 2C
8. Range 15 E., the entire township; In Town
ship 27 8., Kange 15 E., Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, EU
Sec. 10, Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 aud 16, Stt '
Sec. 18, Sections 19 and 24, W'14 Sec. 29, Sections
30 and 31, WW Sec. 32, Sec. 36; In Township 28
S., Range 15 E., 8', and NWjj Sec. 5, Sections
6, 7, 8, and 9, Sec. 10, BWJ, Sec. 13, Sections
14, 15, 16, 17,18.19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28
and 29, Sections 30 and 31, NVj Sec. 32, XU Sec.
33, 8e. 34; In Township 29 S., Range 15 E.,
sections 2, 3, 11, 12 and 13, Sec. 14, S1 and X Wjjf
Sec. 31; lnTownHhip30S., Range 15 E .Sections 6
and 7, BW, Sec. 10, Sec. 11, S1 Sec. 12, Sections 13,
14, 15 anu 16, W(4 Sec 17, E' Sec. IS, SEU Sec.
19, WU Sec. 20, h E'i Sec. 21, Sections 22, 23 and
24, and SE' Sec. 25, SV2 Sec. 26, N'4 See. 27,
NEJi Sec. 28, EH Sec. 30, Slj and XE4 Sec. 31,
8 and NEfJ Sec 33, S1, Sec. 34, S'i Sec. 35, Sec. 36;
In township 31 8., Range 15 E , bees. 3, 4 and 5,
NU,and8El4 Sec. 6, NE-4 Sec. 7, K bee. 8,
Sec. 9, and Sec. lo, E Sec. 11, Sees.
12 and 13, SW Sec. 15, Sec. 16, Sec. 22,
Sees. 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, SE'4 See. 28, Sees. 33,
84, 35 and 36; In Township 32 S., Range 15 E.,
Sees. 3 and 4, E' Sec. 5, E'4 Sec. 8, Sees. 9, 10
and 11, WJ4 Sec. 13, Sees, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, and 23,
WKi Sec. 24, W Sec. 25, Sees. 26 and 27, SW and
NE Sec. 28, NEJf Sec. 33, Sees. 34, 30 and 36;
In Township 33 8., Range 15 E., KW'4 Sec. 1,
Sees. 2. 3.4. and 9, NUSec. 10, Sees. 11, 12 and
16; Iu Township 21 8 , Range 16 E., Bees. 1, 2, 3
and 4, E,S sec. 8, bees. , 10, 11, ii. is, it, 10 and
16: NE'.iSec. 17. EU Sec. 21, Sees. 22, 23, 24. 25.
26 and 27, EH Sec. 28, SW)i Sec. 31, Sec. 33,
oec. iH, oecs. aim 00; iu Auwiismp 22 n..
Range 16 E , Sec. 1, K Sec, 2, N and SW
Sec, 4, EU Sec. 5, Wi jSec. 7, HEM ec. 8, WU
Sec. 9, EU Sec. 11, Sees. 12, 13 and 16, SU and
SE4 Sec. 17, 84 Bee. 18, Sec. 19, NU; Sec. 20, W
Sec. 21. Sees. 24 and 25, WW Sec. 28, Sec. 30,
KW'4 8eo.81, W 'Sec. 33, E'., See. 34, WU Sec.
85, Sec, 36; In Township 21 8., Range 16 E.,
Sec. 1, NU Sec. 2, NEU Sec. 3, BU. Sec. 6, Sees. 7,
12 and 13, NWUBec. 18, Sees. 24, 25 and :jfi; In
Township 24 ., Range 16 E., Sec. 1; In Town,
ship 25 S., Range 16 E., Sees. 30, 31 and 32, In
Township 26 S., Kange 16 E.', Sees. 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, H3, 34. 35 aud 36; In Township
27 8., Range 16 E., the entire township; In
Township 28 8., Range 16 E., Sees. 1, 2, 3 and
4. EU Sec. 5, Sees. 8, , 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
19. 20, 21. 22. 23, 24. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 32. W'W,
Sec. 83, Sec. 36; In Township 29 S., Range 16 E.,
Sees 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9, Sec. 16, NU, Sec. 17, Sec. 18,
BU See. 33, SWU Sec. 34, Sec. HO; In Township
30 3., Range 16 ., Sees. 3, 4, 5 and 7, NU and
W'H Sou. 8, Kec. l'J and 13, EU. uc. 14, Sec. 16,
ol sec. 19, Sees. 20 21, 22, 2i and 24. ES Sec. 26,
XSSec. 26, X'j Sec. 28: In Township 36 S.,
Range 11 E., y and SW S Sec. 19, Sees. 27, 28.
33, 84 and 36: In TownshlD 27 S . Ranire 11 E.
VU 8ee 17, Sera. 18 and 1. WS See- rr
s. J4. 25 and 2. KS S" Sec- ,D T'"-
hip SI 8.. Kanre I K , S-a 2, 3. 10. 11. 1. I V
22. 2S. 26. 27. .14 and ; In Township 32 S .
Ranre 1 E , Seea J 11, 14 and as, 8-. 24 and
. K' Sec 26. KSSee. SV 8.-C. a: In Town
ship 8 . Kanre 16 K., Sec. : In Township
32 8, Kanre 17 K., See 81; In Township S3 S..
Kanre 17 K . Seew 1. 1. a, 4. S and , K- Sec. 7.
8-a. 8. . lo. 11 and li, X' Sic. 13. 8ec 14. 1
16andl7; In Township 34 S Ranre 17 k
16andl7; In Township 34 8.. Kanre
Sees. 1. 2. 11, 12. I, 14. 2-1, 24. t , 34. Si
In Township .US. Range 17 E., WS
Sera. 3 and 4. E' See. . See. 10. Wi,
Sec.. IS, 1. 22 and J-t. Seea 26 to 86 ln
,m. juauti an;
Sec. 2.
S.. 1.
In Toa nhip 36 8 . Rantre 17 K., 8. and XS
See 1. K', Se. t XKS See. 11, 12.
Seca 24 and :M; In Township 40 8 , Kanre 17
K . Sec :: Iu Township 41 Kanre i R.
WS See. I. i See. . Ses-a IJ U 16 IncliislTe ES
Sec. 17, all that part of Seoa. 21. 22, t aud 24
lvinr in the State of Oreon: In TmDhip S3
S", Ranre 18 K . XS Sec 22, NWS Sc.-. a; la
TownshipS4 , Ranre 18 K. 8e'a 1 to Inclusive,
X S Sec. 19. SWs S.-C. 20. SS Sec. V SKS Sec.
J. S and SWS Se-.. 9. Sv. 30, XS -Sec
36; In Township S S . Rang 18 K., S..
SI. SU Sec. 32: In Township 36 S., Ranre 1 K.,
.V X ES Sec. S E' Sec. 7 Sec. 8. W S Sec.
. See. 16. SS Sec. 1. 8', and XKS S.V. 20, SS
and SWS See. al. KSSee. 2. XS 29.
3D, XW'S sec-31. SSsee SS, See. 36: In T
See. 24;
in 1 1
hlpS9S. Kanre Is K.. See. 36: In Tp.
40 8 , Kanre is E.. . 1. li is, 24 ana ,
S-c. as. 8-e 36: In Township 41 8., Range 18
K.. Sec. 1. SS Sec. 10, Se-a. II to l inclusive. SS
Sec. 17. See. 18, all that part of Seca. 19 to 4. In
clusive, lvinr in the State of Oregon; Itt
Township as 8., Range 19 K , Seca. 1 to A, in
clusive. ES See. 6. Seca. 8 to l. inclnaive, ES
See. 17, Sees. 22, to 26, Inclusive, See. S6; Iu
Township 36 8., Kanre It It., seca. l. a ana ij,
SS See. 14. SS and S WS ee- See. 16. SES
Se-. 19. Sees. 20 to SO, luclustve. SWS SI.
See Si to 36. inclusive: In Township 87 8.,
Kanre 19 K.. XIV1. See. I. Sec. 2. 3, 9. 10. 16. 17
and l I.Sw .30. W U "1. SU See. 1. X ES
See. SS, Sees. St. 35 and 36; In Township 88 8.,
Ranre 20 E Sees. 1 to IS. Inclusive
t.s '
Xi.XWS Si-c JL WijSee. 26, ES See. W. SS
Se. .14. SSe-85. Sec. S6; tn T.wnshlt 37 S..
Ranre 20 C. Si-es. 1 and 2. SS Sec. 11. seca 12
and IS. ESSee. 14, See. 24: ItiTownshio 36S..
Ranre 21 E., See. 5. 6,7 and 8. WS Sec. . seca.
16 to jo. Inclusive. Xi. See 21 Sees 29 to 32. In
clusive; In Township 37 S . Range 21 R.. S-ea.
4. 6. 7. 8. 16 17. 18 and 19, S' and S W ' See. 20;
In Townships 8 Range 21 E., 36: la
Tow nship 40 8.. Range 31 E., SES Sv. 26. SW ,
See. 30. l l Sec. 31. SF'i Sec. 3 Sec. 86; In
Township 41 8., Range2lK.. SS Sec. 7, 8S See.
a St.'t 16 to i inelnsive. all that vart nt Seca.
18. Asnd 21 lvinr intheSiale of Oregon: In
Township 36 8., Range 22 E . Sees. 1 to 18, In
clusive, iin. 21 to 2. Inclusive. See. SS.lo 86,
Inclusive: In Township 37 8 , Range 22
SrV 1 111 A. 1 ttf luxive Seea to 16. inclusive,
X E S Sec. 21. Sees. 22 to 27. inclusive. Sees. 35
audrf: In Township $8 S . Range 22 1
to S. inclusive. Se-. 10 to 15, inclusive, Seca. 21
to 27, iiif-ltisire. Seca. SI to 36. inclusive; lu
Township 39 S. Range 22 K.. Seca. 1 to 3. in
clusive, sees. 10 to 15. inclusive. Sees. 22 to 27,
inclusive. S', and X E' See. SI. Sees. 34 Si and
W; Iu Township 40 S, Range 22 E.. SWS See.
3, X'S and Stt S Sec. 4. Stv. 5. El, See. 6 Sec. 8
SS and S WS Sec 9.S", See. 10. W S Sec. 15, Sj-cs 16
and 17. Sees. 20 and 21. WS See. 22. Sees. 26 and
29. XS Sec. 31. SWS See. 32. Sees, 33. and 36;
In Township 26 S Range 12 E.. SWS Sec. 7.
Seea. 15 to 22, lucluaive. W. A. RICHARDS,
Approved: Commissioner.
Secretary of the Interior.
Ros4i Northup, Plaintiff, )
Maurice W. Northup, Defendant, I
To Maunce W. Northup, the above
named defendant.
OREGON: You are hereby commanded
to appear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled Circuit
Court on or before May 3rd, A. D. 1B, it
you fail so to answer for want thereof tne
tlnintiff will take a decree against you for
ever dissolving the Bonds of Matrimony
now existing between you and Plaintiff,
for the control and custody of the minor
children described lu the complaint and
for the costs of this suit.
Service of this Summons is made by
publication in the t rook: t ounty Jonrnal
Tor Six consecutive weeks bv onler of W.
A. Bell, County Judge.
Dated this 20th day of March, A. D. li.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Timber Land. Act June 3, 187S.
United States Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, February 7, 1905.
Xotice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1378, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands in the States
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4,
1892. Joe Smith, ol Griaxly, county of
Crook, state of Oregon, has this day filed
in this office his sworn statement No. 2-K39,
for the purchase of the 8W SWK Section
2, Wi NWJi SE XWK of Section 11,
in Township 13 S., Range 15 E., W. M. and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought ia more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land before
J. J. Smith, County Clerk, at his office in
Prineville, Oregon,! on the 12th day of
May, 1905.
He names as witnesses: Robert Newbill,
Casper Newbill, Harvey Montgomery and
Joe Montgomery, all of Grizaly, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
tile their claims in this office on or before
said 12th day of May, 1905.
m2pd Register.
Timber Land. Act June 3, 187S,
Xotice For Publication.
I" 8 Land Office The Dalles, Oregon,
September 2nd, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
wite the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory" as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4, 1S92,
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon
has this day filed to this office her sworn state
ment No. 2396. for the purchase of the 8E
NWi;, 8W14 NE14 4 Xy SE'4 Section 27, Tp.
12 South, RaDge 16 East, W. M. and will Oder
proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes a d to establish her claim
to said land before the County Clerk of Crook
County, Oregon, at Prineville, Oregon, on the
12th day of June, 1905.
She names as witnesses: Ocorge O'Neil, A.
H. Lippman, I. Michel and T. M. O'Connel, all
of Prineville, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
12th day of June, 1905.
MICHAEL T. NOLAN", Register.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office at The Dulles, Oregwn,
February 24, 15.
Notice ib hereby given that the tollow-ing-named
settlor has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before Don P. Rea, U. 8. Commiss
ioner, at his office in Madras, Oregoji, on
the 10th day of April, 1905, via:
of Culver, Oregon, on H. E. No. 11580, for
the NE14 SWK apd Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, of
Section 30, Tp. 12 South, Range 13 East,
W. M.
Jle names the following witnesses to
pro ire his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, to-wit:
Lee Peck, Charles W. Hunter, Luther F.
Kiilinbeck and I'hineas E. Noble, all of
Culver, Oregon.
m2pd Register,
Notice) to Creditor
In the matter of Ilia Kstale of J. 11. Har
nett, Peeetised.
Notice is hereby Riven to all Hrnii8
having claims aitninat mi lVi-eassvl, to
present the same to tli umtersiKtiel ml-
ministrator of ait Kstate at the olliv o
0. W. Barnes, in Prinovillo, Orcein, with
the prer vouchers, within six months
from the first publication of this notice.
DatevI this 2Srl dy of March. J.
Administrator of the Kstate of J. II liar
nett, IVwaseil.
Petition For Liquor LJoense
To the Honorable CoiuUv Court for
County of Crook, State of Oregon:
The undersigned, retidcnt.s and legal
voter of Black Hutte Precint, Crook Coun
ty Oregon, respectfully petition your .Hon
orable Body to grant a license to F. M.
Zumwalt and D. S. Miller, partnership, to
aeil spirituous, malt and vinous liiptors
and fermented eider in quantities less thau
ne gallon iu Black Butte Precinct, Crook
County, Oregon, for a period of six mouths
from and after the 3rd day of May . lAVi.
Oeo, A. Stevens, O. C. Johnson, C,
Person, 0. D. Allingham, U 0. Foster,
N. Cobb. W. J. Brvan, J. O. Wilson, J
Taylor, D, H. Fryrear, John 11. Fry rear,
V. Wilson, Charlea Buchanan. C. W,
Thomas, D. W. Fartliing, J. S. Union, D.
T. Council, M. L. Olive, D. N. Uiggs. Dou-
tliit New, Paul Frank, (1. Alliughatn
Frank Bolyfelt, A. II. Poor, Ole lrsen
Henry f lover, Koliert Jordan, J. W. Allen,
W. A. Vanbuskirk. R. U lover. W. F. Kd
ninndson. I. K. Allingham, U. Jones, F.
Tillman, James Conner, Wm. Wooii,
Geo. J. Wood. J. 11. Taylor, F. M. Booth,
J. Quiberg, C. L. Branton, lieorge W. Null,
V. F. Fryrear, Creo. Stilwell, R. II. Booth.
T. J. Fryrear. H. B. Rud. W. K. Booth,
V. A. Foley, Wm. Edwards, Geo Wright,
Wm. 1. Todd. R. Demarris, It. D. Taylor,
Jasper Johnson, Fred Wiese, W. J. Hin-
richs, J. D. Kistner, Ben Falston, William
Doak and W. R. Cam re!!.
Notice is hereby given that the fore,
going petition for a license to sell spjritu
ous, malt and vinous liquors and bard
cider in less quantities than one gallon in
Black Butte Precinct, Crook County, Ore
gon, will be presented to the County
Court of Crook County, Oregon, on the
3rd day of May, VJOS, at which time the
said Court willl be asked to grant a license
as prayed for iu said petition.
F. M. Zcwalt
D. S. Miller
Dated March 23, 1905.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
March!), l'.aVi.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will he made
before the Register and Receiver, at The
Dalles, Oregon, on the 25th day of April,
1905, to-wit:
of CulveT, Oregon, H. E. No. 6571, for the
SVJ SE'i Section 21 X, NE1 Section 2H,
Tp. 12 South, Range 13 E., W. M.
He names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, via:
George Rodman, V. H. Peck. George
Osborn, 0. G. Collver, all of Culver, Ore.
MICHAEL T. NOLAN", Register.
Desert Land, Final Proof. Notice
For Publication.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
March 13 1905.
Natice is hereby given that Charles
A. Gilchrist, of Paulina, Oregon, has tiled
notice of hia intention to make proof on
his desert-land claim No. lfil, for the W
SW, XXSWK. SEJ-iSWJi, hec. It,
NENW and NWNE4 Sec. 23, Tp.
20 3., R. 22 E., W. M., before J. J. Smith,
County Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on
the 2nd day of May, 1905.
He names the following witnesses to
prove the complete irrigation and recla
mation'of said land:
Benjamin F. Shepherd, Beth Rodman,
Thomas N. Balfour and James Street, of
Paulina, Oregon.
m30pd Register.
M otice to Creditors
In the mattet of the Estate of J. H. Grant,
Notice is hereby given to all persons
having claims against said Deceased, to
present the same to the undersigned ad
ministratrix of suid Estate at the office of
M. R. Biggs, in Prineville, Oregon, with
the proper vouchers, within six months
from the first publication of this notice.
Administratrix of the Estate of
J. H. Grant, Deceased.
Dated this 6th day of April, 1005.
B rights Disease
We desire to place in the hands of
those afflicted with Brights Disease and
Diabetes a 36-page pampolet that is saving
human lives. It is not an ordinary pam
phlet, such as is commonely used to ad
vertise medicines, but is principally made
up of reports of scientilicaily conducted
te!ts in a large variety of cases, showing
87 per cent of recoveries in these hitherto
incurabe diseases.
The specifics employed in these tods
are known as the Fulton Compound mi l
the results obtained prove v.hh hi -1 ,-cly
that these dreaded diseases so i.nijr fatal
(the deaths from Brights Disease alone are
appalling, over 100,000 a year, starting as
kidney troubles) have at last yielded to
medical science. The pamphlet ia free.
Write to the John J. Fulton Co., 409 Wash
ington street, Han Francisco, (,'al.
When to suspect Brights Disease:
Puffy ankles or bunds; weakness without
apparent cause, kidney trouble alter third
month; frequent urination, (may show
sediment or cloudy on standing); failing
vision; day drowsiness one or more of
WANTED A chance to print for
you or Hoiiii'one cIho 2o,ooo IwIh
mid Clark Souvenir envelope. One
or more color. Xeat, uttnuitlve
and up-to dutc. At Tim Journal
Notice of Final Aooountmr
X otice is hereby given that the under
signed, the administratrix of the eMslo ol
Saloma Aldrich, divrasrd, h:is Hied her
final accounting ol her aditiiiiistr.ilion of
said estate, ati.l the Honorable County
Court of iV.rnk County, Oregon. 1ms act
Friday, the Mb day of May, l!V at U
o'clock A. M. at the Comity Court room in
Prinevillo, Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing such accounting. At which
time and place, any person interested in
said estate may tile his objections thereto,
if any there be.
Administratrix of the KM ate of
Salotua Aldrich. deceased
a linp
Notico to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate .of Elijah M.
Harnett, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
having claims against said deceased, to
present tin? same to the undersigned ad
ministrator of aaid Estate at the ortlce of
M. .Elliott, in Prineville, Oregon, with
Ihe prper VoucSicrs, within su month
from the first publication of this notice.
Dated this Kith day of March. 1'Jttt.
Administrator of the Estate of Elijah M.
Harnett. Deceased.
Deputy Stock Inapeotorn.
Notice ia lierx-by given tha I have
appointed the following named persona
deputv atock Itiapectora:
J. P. Cartwrighf, Hay Creek.
Jim Vrxxls, AshwiH'd
E. Spirits, Sisters.
A. Morrow, Havaiack.
F. M. Smith Paulm.
Roan Knox, Poal
J. S. Bogue, Uosland.
Alex Mclntoah. Haniin
V. S. Cowlea, Hay Creek
K. If. iVan Hny Croek
Joe Hinkle.
naHH-tor Crook Countr.
The nine Eldrede ttooJ for th
BEST in the Sowing Miichine arJ.
Her It New ldrtdEe; Kb I 1 1 K
tVtk, and buperlor lo au
ben Positive latc u; Mti wt
r mix nrvMir; k-ii iiirriiuwiK
Y Art C nufnnmtk: trnwtitr1r:i'T.uiil
V4l O txtMitn winder; pmitivc f-r
tin nrvMlr; K-lf llirrii(titii( SluitUc;
txmtivr four nioium
:ce!: cnp;atn mdttir; tnisit sen si)i.sunrf
.ulW-i U Tri'ii wtiv1, sttvl IA r yW
tu' S.rU! jitwl Innem
.; ii r tM-ul'-i lr the Improvrd T'MfftJce
it ..-;Jt;- nvii Viy nny nu'lnne ii:;t.l j'.u lmv
-c-u u.
jt :t ?cvin f-'.3f Nine Co. '
t..r v -III:. IwLNOI.
.4 -- Lfl
Consti nation ia notliinir more
Iran a l -.utintr of tb l:n-.-fls 1
and notliiui lesi than vital y.V.i'j-
nation or dirutb. if not relieved.
If every on -it i fated snffi-rer
could r.a!i.:! that he is allowing
p'ii;;ono:M likli to n.-maiii in his
nt' iii, l.i- would S'jon 1,-1 1 relief.
Constipation invitt's all kind of
contagion. IfradachtM, biliona
iiess, colds and many othia1 ail
int'iits din; when consti
pated bowels are relieved. Tlied
Icird's lilack-Dranclit thoroughly
cleans out the bowels in an easy
and natural manner without the
purging of calomel or other vio
lent cathartics,
lie sure that you tret the origi
nal Thedfurd'a llack-Iranji!t,
made by The Chattnnoora Medi
cine Co. Sold by al! dniaifirts in
2o cent and $1.00 pa.k:igt".
Horesn, Art!., Vr,f 2."., 1WI1.
I cans' ri'i iiir.nira'l Thcllurit 's lilai k
Dranciit tuo lilfrhlj. ! drcp It In nj i,i,-j,;
all Oi time an.-i hit- nsnl it l .r t'i- lut
t Jer. 1 nercr t?to injr rlillitrrn
wnr oilier lsnatlm. I i!i'n 1 rcuia
nTrj Jf u wom Killi Mlt It
im arnjunt at telna tn.jl lul irlth
. iintlpallo. Vuur me:il-iiie la .
I ail that Keeps me up.
r. li. , KJ.AMI.
Stock 1
1 ir-l ' I IT awaaaw
ilU. ! Ho
1 .j
lSJltL OiQVl aTTllJtQaP
Prineville's Wholesale Liquor House
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also
Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer and
the Famous Napa Soda
83 lEam-ilsr TzsicLe Solicited.
Clover Ranch For Sal
lVi you want it ranch in tlie
ilcrful IVschutoa vallejf TIhmi
pay an Hont finm (1X) to f.'iOO
ply lor an introduction to tnt
has la nil tor aalo? Mere
have (or aalo ami if von
is what I
can't deal
ttitii mo I'll give you the names of all
my neiglikiri who liava land to sell,
free of all charg, Iwsitloa tcllin; you
tvutiifully wliut tin ootiutry ia ihh
for. I have no i;rft. My ranch ia
l(U) aora deeded land ; 111) acroa aown
lo clover; all can ho cultivated; wcant'
growth of juniper, pine, sago and
chtMiiise brush on uncleared land;
water right; can irrigate with leaa
work than any other ranch her mid
get bigger crop; 4 milea to post olllce
and store; one-fnttrth mile to county
road (rural free delivery); 1 1 tnilea to
achiHil house; outside range; plenty tit
wood; House 6 rooms; 2 barna and
toont for IlK) tona hay; I can clear
upft'sKlou the place thia siltniiiet.
I ask $2,000 for the place all or half
cash. This holds good until June 1,
1W". Call on or address:
11. K. Ul.4 7.IKK, Sisters, Oregon.
w mm mi
W. A. Booth. Praslrfanl
0. M, tlKiNa, Vic Pratldant
M(o W. w.taox, Cashlar
W. A. Booth, 0. a. CcaiHa,
0. f. Stiwamt, Fnio W. Wilsoh.
Transiiots a General
lUmkin Htisiutt
Kxohauo nought
ami Sold
Collt!ction will re
ceive prompt atten
tion The Whole Thins in an Egg Shell I
to Get
200 Eggs a
Year per Hen
IV urcnml r!Micm A I'ruiunl IVmllry
M.tniuil now mily (, untutH among
ollxr ttuii(4 ihr f.tuioiiH Sampson
Mi-thivl of KwttinK, which i known lt
Ironfoflhe Ihs( of making ii
prolit from wultry. S(W of ;!n t liitpti'f
hid'iigs .irr : HrocxU r ( lllck; Oofit
at!r I'oiillry K.tjinii ; 1'rimiplf iffi
tultics; krtiictlfor kmip; Ilunni; ilic
Moult; Kt'onomy in IifdniK: I'ottltrv :
a Hiisiih'm; Trap Nr(, with pUru ami
liiistraltonft. 'I'lii. chapt.T woith tlio
pr e ot the InKik. 'IVIK Ihr practical
way to muke potiltrv pay. Price 50c.
Otir p-i(ktr is a 3'J Agricultural
Magazine with Hotivhohi, Poultry,
Morticultnre and Dairy Devnniiirnta.
Subscription rii:e (l.oo.
To iniroducr tmr moiiihiv into your
home will srm. llie jkijkt onr year
ami A Practical Poultry Manual for 35
The Pacific Tree and Vine 1
f Park Hotel IMdj;.. Kin Jom-, Calif or. ir
.a. - Inliifi I,.! lull it ilniiili Infi
un nui ni
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy la a Specific,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and rrotecU tha
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
drives awav a Cold in the Head quicklv.
lies tores the Senses of Taste and Hrnell.
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into tha nostrils and absorbed.
Large Hizn, 60 cents at Druggists or by
j mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warrtn St., Nsw York
i OVSTI'U HOUSi: and
0hii nt all hiuii-M O'NEIL " ,IMV"
Ijty or tilht. Inllly tl pulllnu tip
Menla of nil kln.lH B TO tlh 0 T S to order I'lea end
aervtsl (.. order. ManagOTS 'kt for the family
I'lah. tlaiiie, and q ,rM,,'-
tlj'Htera In Seaaon. Hread For Halo
.'atroiiagc Respectfully Solicited
n 1T4 iTsf 4 4 ?4 & a
I ffioarc & flany i
3 lino Winof, liiuurs, C-iLjurN, pi
a - m
I)nil. and ltottlt'tl Hcmt. jr
S Sood ffitWard Vablo in Connection 'ff
S &
J Sft 2fark d 77oor't olj tl9J on 9ffwt Sift Jg
rn i iriir a j 1 n r
3IIAniliU H AlAlvllUU Ji; tUJiir An I
(Jeneral Storage Forwarding
Dealer in lUnrksniith Coal, Flour, Ilitrlx'il Wire,
Nails, (Vnwnt, I.inie, l!onl Oil, I'lnnter, Snlplnir,
Wool niul (train, Stickt iiml Twine, (iraio unii Keetl.
Aent for U'iihco Vart'hiiune Milling Co'. "White
Hiver" nml "Pulle ratent" Flour. Iliglieat irit-e
iuiii (or lliileM ami IVtU.
Special Attention va puitl to
Haling (or Kittern Shipments.
Stoik Yariln with all
(or HaniUiiiK Stock.
Mark Your Goods in
n r 1
Sonera ffilacksmithing
Satisfaction Will
When in need of Lum
ber, Shingles, Mould'
ing, Doors, Windows
or Glass see
For Prices on Them.
..Henderson & Pollard..
Wines, and
Gountry Orders Solicited
First Door South of Poindexter Hotel.
Powell &
-Tonsorial Artists-
& n & 4 ? & 4 n
jr. c. vy
11 Ait rr fAiini ltv
Wool (inuling ntul
the latent and lnttt (ncilitien
Care of "S. W. Co."
l)ONK HV 1 ', 1
& 9oorc
He Guaranteed
fL JL.
is? !
Finest Gigars
In Stock.
L. 4
r 1
L 4