! c LOGAL MENTION NIlM'k Mlllt lit I'HMl III lilnM-I'V. NhIiIiij; tncklt' III J 'III.. AllkllnUtif Itiuiuir. IrN'irli'M nt lni'iH'k i'lct'fur tiimIi III (iloVI-r'H. Now llni' of MlilrU ami Nerk WVnr nt (loriiiley'. I'niitMluiiim n Hpiilnltv, intuit in order mill ready wi'itrnt (liiriiili-.v' A mil Hue f toliiircuM, cIkm in iiml fancy minUi nt OluvcrV .hint iin i ImmI n new line of Julia It. Hlflmiii llutH nt OhIihIc.v'h. Tlu IhkI ln'ii vy hliiM' intuit' In tin1 CiiK'ii hIiih', for Hiili' nt Tlte Itaximr. WIn'ii In Prlm-vlMe cull iiml p'l our i'rtit I'll ftriieerlcn. T. A, UlnVt'l-, t'oiiii' lii iiimI htv uiir new Kllt'lii'ii I'ihimi. A. II. I.liiinnii & I'o. irvvwwvvww 1 14 tlll'IV 11 ri n Mil III till' IIUIIKt Hint iIimm imt linvi tin1 liiMttr iiimI liHuhtiii'HH that II hIimuM linvc? :: Wo keep all kind of Wall Paper. :: ;: :: springtime: I D. P. ADAMSON& CO kAAAAAAAA AAAAl M. It. IIUk Will OMT III Itfll.l Mill). llilV lo tuk III till' I'llll K'lllK'. Funnel' I'owrll fi'ntil lleml. ri'l iirnccl Muii'lii.v JoIiiinoii, Month & On. are tn : i U I UK H Mvl'llt,V of lllllll'M mill ki'HI " Hi"' hIiim. Cull mil liiHjMH t tlu'lr llni. I-'ohUt & llorrlumi III iny IiIkIhwI CuhIi Prli-c fur liiiinl lllili-M nml Sheep Pelt, in-' If you want tin- bint viiIiii' to Im lift I tor your money, trmlo at Tin' I lax nar. KliliS FOK S.VI.i: llrowii l'Kli. mi V.UK at 75 cent Mr wIIIhk. Mrx, WlllllUH' 1'oMt, 1'ont, Ori'tfoii, l'vln A ('lurk mi'ktli'M for Indie ami ucntli iiii'ii for mile at .IoIhihuii, Ilooth & t'o'H. IVAAAAAAAAAAAJ 1 If your limiiiH ur faro U rliaMi nml Wlnnok's Croam iloii't cure, you a cent. It WOll't OOMt Tim fuuioim Itojnl Chinook hIioc for iiii'it nt tin' Itmtuar. Vou an' Miiit to ui't Uu Intent hIui x If you liny II Itoynl t 'litlioiik. Tin- Intent mIIik, In l.ailliK, MUwx nml CIiIIiIiviih lint Jam received, at lowi'nt prli-e. Mr. NuMe Slay ton-' i Mover. We pay tin Mutual unirket price for freh I'Kttx- I'ou't M'll until you Hit u. One iloor Noiith of Adnm hoii'h tlrujr tor. t A. tli.ovuw. LOST - A bunch of kc.VH, i oiihIhIIiik of jiailliM-k. at on anil pi ml olllri' key. Finder will plfiiM' li'ii vc mime at tlil ollli'e mnl wfiire a rewind, A. II. I.lppninn & Co. have "tH yards of Inlalil Linoleum wltlrli they offer for -'.(HI piT Hipiare ynril. renu lar price fl2X. AUK Vol' (IOINU TO Till: FA IK? If you are you hail lietter purcliitHt a pair of up-to-date mIiim'h lit .IoIiiihoii, I loot h & ('', J. F, Moi'I'Ih Iiiih received a large Hhlpmeiit of ilry goods, divus goods, etc., making lilt stock III tliln line of Mprlntf ami Hiiiuiuer kooiI" an com plete iiM-miy other lu the city. He I nelllntf kooiIm at reiiMoiialile prlcei iiml will take pleiiHiire In hIiowIiik t'.ieiu to you wlietheryflu buy or not. The ohl rellnl.le IVter Siliuttler Wnifoim fan le foiiiul at J. F. Mor iIm'm. l.lnht hullil, iluralilllty ami eiwty riinnluK; qualllltleH have moM u rent .number of thene wiiroiih nml will Hell uore. 1.. K. UuiikIiih wiih lu towtl the flint of Hie wti'k from Hay Creek. Ciiiinty Court will liohl It x reKiilnr May hi hhIi hi next WeilneHilay. Circuit Court roiiveiien next Mun ilay tor tin' rt'Kiilnr May term. M. It. I'.lKixmunl Dr. (Jenner retiirn i'i from I'orthiinl the hint of the wii'k. V. It. Swalhy wim over from IiIm Dt w IiuteH rnili h the I'txt of the week. Ult'iiu Iri'liiml left Moinlay forIe i huleH after Hpeiulluif I he pant wei k vImIHiik Willi Km in .1 1 1 iih it ii-I family. ('iiiiKTi'HHiiiiui WllllnitiHoii nml lr. (Ii'diier returneil the IIihI of the week froiu I'ortlmi'l. Mr. mnl Mr. .1. It. Wlmloiu ami MIhh Winnie Wlinlom were lu town Tni'Mluy from Culver. - It. I-'. Allen reltiriieil ImhI week from Fortlniel where he lwu Imvii Hpemlliiu; t he whiter, You Can Have 4? to 452 on Sftoes At tho RACKET 8T0UK LOST KuHtern Star pin. Star within wreath ami MtiKpeiiileil from tf.ilil bar. Itetuni to Mih. ('. F. Smlih nml rifelve mill able rewanl. (ieui'ue Itny wan ilown from hit rnm h at I.oh(. i n-ek thU week. He reportM HtiM'k ilolni; well In that Heetlmi, The regular monthly iiuvtliiK of the LnillcH Annex will Im helil next Titenilay nfieriiooii. The program eoliimlt tee In aitxlotlM that all uii'iiiberH Im preni'iit by 2:TM o'clock. A mitHiiieraie ball Ih nuiiouuceil to lit'Klveii at .1. 11. MeHHllier'H Frhlay evening; April 5. Super will Ihi Her veil ami a corillal luvllalloii Ih cx teinleil to everyone. Mtm. A. K. (ilate mil iluiiKhter, MIhh Mat;ule (ihue, returneil the hint of the week from KilRcne where they have been Hpemllni; never al moutliH. V. K. (Siierlu Jr... Mayor! looilwlllle ami ti. C. Steliiiiian were over from ltciiil Moinlny. Mr. Ouerln m'hh here to ntff ml the meeting of the HiihIiichh leaicue. Flrv ilfHtroyeil the Hiiloun nml re- taiirant of II null O'Kaue nt lleml Wciliii'Meay iilhf. The blaze htnrteil from n ilefii'tlve Hue nml owlny; to n luck of tire aiiiiaratim but Jit 1 1 o coilhl be 1 lii to Htay the llantcH. Mm W. II. Culp mnl moii AiiHtln t'lltlt, of IliiriH, were vIhii hint week with Mr. nml Mrn II. F. John- Hon. I lie v leil ! ruiay lor lite iiay- Htack country where Mr. Culp oww a wheat ranch. l'crry I'olmlexter titok n crowd of yniinK H'ople to the Hem! Satunlay for the ball jranie. Mr. I.. K. Jortl- an chatironeil tlte party wlilcli wan cumpoHeil ot Mlnm-H r.llU' Iloltlm, Winnie ('line, Jackie ltrmk. Itcrna rolmlexter, Mamie Vanilerpool, Nellie lay, Mrn. S. M. Italley, ami tirnver Youiitf. Base Ball Sunday May 7. 4 1 The illffcreiici) U'twiiMt n poor chair ami a kooiI clmlr Ih only a fcwceittK. WINNF.K hcIIh koi hI chalro lit prlceH clone to poor elm I I'M. i Ueml will play ball hen Sunday, May 7. In thcNiienntline the loenlH nrejiiriKirlnir new Kroumln for tlte content. The ohl (llmnonil ban been aliamloneil owIiik to Hits fact that the Ki'ouuil IIch IiihIiIi! of the city nark ami will noon be plowed. The new tllanioml Im beliiK laid off Home dlHtance north and In better in every iVHpcct. Milt Zell In HuperlntentlillK tlte work and when completed the diamond will be the fantent in Inter ior Oresion, A Ki'and ntnntl with a rifiitiiiK cai'acity of 4it) will be erect ed in time for the next Kame. I. I.. Wlmloiu wih In town from bin Culver rniicli thin week. It Ih rumored ben- that the Oregon KIiik mint! will In pumped out next mouth, mnl that the company own- litK It will n-Hiime oH'rallottH at the mine. Another rumor hii.vh tltitt the itillte will lie piimH"l ilry In order that It may be cxainllti d by a pron- leetlvi' purchiiHer. . AnythliiK look IttK to li reHilltiptloli of aetlvltleM In the AhIiwoimI illHtl let will In welcoiil- eil by the N'oplt of thin Hti tluti who un IntereHtetl lii the camp, ami we lio that the report of the early okiiIiik ni of the KIiik mlim Ihm Home luiiniiatloii. aiiK'Ioih iierani. IU (iood Itntirnor I'oor DruK Which? Ve Hell tlit' 'iood lnun nt the rluht Prices Hpeehtl atti'iitlou paht to Home ForiitiiluH at VINNEK'S LaFullotte Ketchum Nuptials. Tin iiiohI brilliant wed' I lux of the neitHoll lnok place lit the Mi'thodlnt churili lant Mumlay wIiciiIIkh I.lscxlt' Kett'lttim, youiiK't'Ht daughter of Mr. ami Mih I, 1. Ki'tclium, liiilne the bride of iluy l,a Folic tie. The audi torium, which wan prettily decorat ed with Knitter coloni of K'"e-' nn'' white wltii nu abundance of Mien, wan lllliil with the K'ntH and ndatlven. The bridal inan-h wan played by Mm. C. M. KlkliiH, mnl nhortly tn-fore the ecnunony MlmiCeole Kmith imiK "Oil rromlnt' Me." At HSV) o'clix:k the bride, accompanied by her father, ami the uroom attended by Mr. Frank Fouler, who wiim beat man, took their place lu front of the roHtruui. The bride wan gowned In a beautiful tlrenn of white llk, trlmmetL with chiffon, and wort a white veil ami carried a clunter of white carnatlonn. She wan attend ed by her brlilfHtuuid, Minn Clara Homey mid the uialdn of honor were MIhh ltooth, Minn Morrln, MIhh Miik Klii Fonter and Minn llcrthu, Horney who carried botuetM of pink carna tions. The flower Kirl were I tent rice Job iihoii ami lleHnle I'luKey, und Wllfn'd and " Ielaml Itelkuap bore thecunhlonn upon which the bride mi'l Kxoom knelt. Hobart lklknap wan the rluu; iM-arer. Tlieeen'inony wnn jcrformed by the Itev. W. I. Jlnnett, puntor of the M. K. chunh, nnnlntetl by Fn'nitlllig Khler U. M. Itooth, ufter whlci the bride ami groom went to IWlknp'n hall w hen, lHneath an an-h of llow erH, they ncelveil congratulation.. The wedding luncheon of Ice crenin mnl cake wan then Hcrvctl ut the tablen which were decorated with apple bloKHouiH mid Hinilax. I'uncli wnn nlnu nerved. The bridal couple wen the recip ient of numeroun and hamlnonie pn-neutn and the good wlnhen of Hcon-M of frleudn were fnrly given. Annex Entertainment May 14. City Will Improve Park. , . . jf The tract of land lying noiith ami cant of the High n hool, given to the city for park ptiriinen by the Will amette Valley mnl Cancade Mount ain Wagon It. md company, will ln Improved thin year ami converted an rapidly an ponnlble Into recreation ground. Thin work would have been Htnrted prior to thin time had It not Inrn for a iniHtnke Hindu by the Itoiul company In dedicating the laud to the city which nccenHl taten the giving mid m ordlng of a new deed. M. It. Klllott. the comp any' local agent, wild that the com pany IiimI noUned him the deed had lnen forwartled. Mayor Wiirxweller ntatetl the hint of the week theclty would COIiimente noon to fence tlm ground enii other wine Improve It Hp-arniice. Jurori for .the May Terra. The ineinltern of the Ladle' Annex nre arranging for an entertainment to 1m given on. the eventiiK of May 14. A program of Instrumental and vtteal Helectlon will be given, and a one act fanv Iiiih nlno been arranged Summon have leen wrved on thone who will nerv4 m tin Jurle tlurlng the May leru'i of the Circuit court which convene next Monday. The panel of Juror follow: S. ,L NeWMOIll, J. It. McDowell, It. I'arrlnli, J. M. Montgomery, J. A. Itayl, L. V.. Morgan, C Montgomery, J. W. Wilt. A. Zell. Joi- Taylor, J. II. Zeverlv, Dick Mtilhollaui), W. If. Font, W. T. K. Wllnon, A. TIioiiihoii, T J. ItobliiHou, W. II. Stunt, K. T. Slaytou. I. W. Ward, J. li. Hunter, Joe Smith, T. H. Uifollett, J. I. Went. II. J. Henly, II. L. I'rltlny, W. P. Vniitlevert, Ed Merrlt, JameH Tetherow, It. F. Wllholt, T. W. Trip let t and J. O. I'o well. Superior Grain Drills j Annex Entertain. The member of the Lndies Annex entertained at the Club building lant Friday evening and the guentj pnn- ent were tn'aled to an evening full of nmuneineut anil royal good fellow- nhlp. Dencrlptlve article of wniiieu, written by their partner for the evening, were read iiml furnlnhetl many a hearty laugh. Then each one wu given a bit of panteboard, upon one nlde of which wan written the name of a mng, with luHtructionn to draw on the n'verne nltle a picture from which the name of the nong could be gucHned. Thirty-eight card iKiard xvere noon afterward tacketl on the wall and the content for flmt place U'gan. MIhh Ceole Smith woh given the prlzt; for the gn'iitent numler of cor rect nolutloiiH. SherlM't ami waferw were nerved an n'fn'nh incut. The evening was a decided nuccenn and In only one out of Heveral which the memliern of the Annex have In mind for the coming Hummer. The announcement of the next entertainment will be eagerly awaited. BORN In thin city, Thumilny, April 2(1, to the wife of It. K. Simpnon, a Stf pound girl. ' For Sale By I. HICHEL & CO. PR1NEVILLE, OREQON. Jl'ST A It It I V K 1) At Mr. John Cyrun ntore, mi annortinent of All over lace, Embroiderlen and ready made underwear. AlnoHilk, natwn, Flannel and white walntn; embroid ery plecen, pillow top nml nllk to work them. Sand nllk and npool Hilk in all nliatlen. Velvet and nllk ribbons, collar and handkerchief, hone and hone nupportern. Cnpe and tlnnue pnper. mid We are ready to nhow you a very complete line of implement and vehicle Including Hack, Road Wagons and lingglen. The lurgcMt iiHHortment we have ever had. We are h u io we can make price anil term tha t will milt you. Come and hid u ami wo will talk the matter over. We handle the bent, for it is only the bent that In good enough for our ciiHtomers. Our Implements and buggle are the celebrated John Deer make. The world' bent. John Deer iilow are made from cane hnrdnetl. noft center ntecl. the bent Hteel that Ih manufactured for the plow trade. J. F. Mouitw. ' w To liny a piece of furniture 3 becauHe It i cheap 1 not ECONOMY when Furniture that ""will wear cont only a little Thirty-one Finish 8th Grade. LvmuicK. iiotnc iiiuuwi s j kAJki&A&AAAilkAitirj e. See 1 Wlmick's Home Makers The final examination In the 8th grade were tlnlnhed hint week and the corrected paper which have come from Sup't Dlnwlddlo show re markably high average. Thirty ono pupil panned t he examinations nnccennfully, the general average In nil Rtudie for each student ranging between 1X1 anil 1)7. The record made In the flnaln show clearly that the Hchool year Just cloning has been a highly satisfactory one and the 8th grade pupil will enter the High school with the right kind of a. record to aid them materially In their study of the higher branches. The school exhibit, which will be sent to the Lcwln and Clark fair, will be on. exhibition next Saturday In Principal Ford's room In the pub lic school building from 9 a. m. to !t p. m.. The exhibit Includes papers In all Btuilles from the lnt to the 8th grades, besides other interesting features and Saturday will be the hist and only day during which the exhibit can be seen before being scut to Portland. I t t Commencement exercises will be held in the Athletic hall May 1(1. The school entertainment, which will in clude an Interesting program of m;l tntloiiH, Instrumental and vocal selections and several farces, will I b.i given on the evening of May 18, Cooper Parish Nuptials. A unlet wedding took place nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. . It. Parrinh of liny Cnrk on Wednesday evening, April 10, when their daughter, Florence mid C. Knox Coo.ter were united in marriage. The cennnony wa Mrfonned by Itev. W. P. Jinnett, of the M, K. chunh of Prinevlllo In the presence of a number of relative and friends. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Parrlsh. Mr. Cooper 1 well and favorable known In Portland. A number of useful and .beautiful present were received. The "young couple will make their future home In Portland'. Among the guest Hvesent were Mr. anil Mrs. Parrlsh, Itev. and Mrs. Jinnett, Mr. and Mr. Walter Parrlsh, Mr. and Mrs. James Allen, Miss Myrtle Hanta, Miss Rose Booth, Miss Maude Philips. Miss Rolla Par: rlsh. Miss Grace Pnrrish, Emil Brooks, Lee Curtis, Jack Chureh, Ralph Allen and ChiVs Parrlsh. Camp Meeting At Madras. A camp meeting, which will con tinue for two weeks beginning with today, has been arranged nt Madras and will bo In charge of the Rev. M Civrinichael assisted bv several other Pneltle coast pastors. A boarding tent will be on the grounds where meals will bo served tit reasonable prices and visiting ministers will be entertained free. Free pasturage will also be furnished for their horses. Particulars of the meeting may be had by writing to 11. J. Pontius, Culver, Oregon, The BELGIUM STALIJOI owned by C. E. Dart of Grizzly, Oregon, Will make the season of 1905 at the JKewbill ranch at Grizzly. The Horse is a dark dapple bay, weighing about 1300 pounds. FOR SALE Any one desiring to purchase this horse can secure a bargain by writing or calling at the Newbill ranch-at once. Notice to Contractors. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids for the construction of a two story wing on the school building In District No. 1 will bo received until May 13, 1!M)5, at 2 p. m. and accomp anied by certified check ror 5 per cent of bid. Construction must be In accordance to plans and specifica tions prepared by J. B. Shipp and on exhibition at the ofllce of the school clerk. Board reserves right to re ject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Directors. . M. It. Elliott, Clerk. r ir i 1. WJ n L J L J r L J r i L J r i u n t J r i L" J rt r i Li r i tJ r i L J n LJ 1 L'J rt L J r i LJ ri u r i LJ ri lj n L 4 r i L J r i L-4 n t j ri i;j rt t"j ri ri n r.n LJ ri n LJ ri L J r i i J ri L'J ri ri LJI.J We arc 7ents tor L J r 1 r i L. A r i The Special Features of This Machine Are A Positive Force Feed that will sow any grain Discs All Right Hand which leaves the ground level Hani Oil Cups on Disc J'earings which insures perfect oiling Xon Wearing Chilled iJushings for Disc IJearings i ( 0 For Prices and List of Styles Carried in Stock Write No ini'dlcliie can njilace food but (.'hmnlM-rlaln' Ktomach and Liver Tablet will help you to digest your foot). It Is not the quantity of food taken that give strength ami vigor to the sytem, but the amount di- gented and nnnimilrtetl. If troubled with a weak digest Ion, "don't fail to give these Tablet a trial. Thous and have been benefited by their nee. They only cost a quarter. For sale by D. P. Adumnun. vv (SuccMior to ELKIliS KINO) -r rr T rrr' r "T r LA.L.L.L.L. LJ r i ri LJ r i L J r i L J n LJ r.i LJ ri L J r i L J r.i L J r.i LJ r.i L J n LJ r.i L J r i LJ r i L J ri LJ r.i L J r.i L J r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i L J ri LJ r.i LJ ri L'J ri LJ rj LJ C.I LJ C3 CJ ri LJ n r- ri LJ r r For a Weak Digestion. J. W. BOONE Maker of the cele- brated Prineville. Stock Saddle Saddles and Harness Latest Improved Ladien' side and stride saddles, bits, spurs, an gora chaps, quirts and hackmnores. A Full Line of Stockmen's Supplies Write for Prices Prineville, - On'gon. j yt 2 z y? Sp I5 I St THE EMPIRE STABLES HUGH GEE, PROPRIETOR. It 1 - P. Special Attention Given to Boardlns :: :: :: First Clas Teams to Let at Reasonable Prices, : Up-to-Date Outfits Fur nished for transporting Parties to the woods or an outside point :: :: LIVERY, HACK AXD BOARDIXG STABLE MAIS STREET KEAR THE OCHOCO BRIDGE PR I SEVILLE, OREGOX Tj. rrr r-r rrr - r.- r.-. . . r.t , 'N. n WVVVWtVVFB,VV1M Wall paper in the neat est up-to-date designs, all weights and prices. I! you want wall paper, in spect this stock :: :: D. P. ADAflSON & CO. IT 4 4 Remarkable values in T-all and Winter Underwear at the RHQKET STORE J. S. K EL LEY, Proprietor. We' are receiving new and and fresh, goods in all our lines every tew days, and onr prices are the LOWEST IN THE GITY for honest goods. When your purse is short come and see us and we will save you money. Gall and Examine Them Prineville-Shamko Silage line Daily MIB WWWWWm Prineville and tAAAAAAAAAAAAl Between SCHEDULE Leaves Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrives at Prineville 6 a. m. Leaves Prineville 1 p. m. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. m. First Class Accommodations Shaniko trinnrinrinriin Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular "Mothers buy it for croupy child ren, railroad men buy it for severe ami elderly people buy It for la grippe," say Moore Bros., Eldon, Iova. "We sell more of Chamber lains Cousli Remedy than any other kind. It seems to have taken the lead overseveral other good brands" There Is no question but this medicine Is the best that can bo procured for coughs and colds, whether It be a child or an adult that Is fflkted. It always cures and cures quickly. Sold by D. P. Adamson. I.J r..T r.rt LJ r. LJ LJ m LJ LJ LJ rn LJ L'J ra L J F.3 CJ r.a LJ ra LJ ta LJ r.a L J r.a CJ r.a , LJ ' r.a LJ r.a CJ CJ ca L J r.a CJ r.a CJ r.a CJ ra CJ ra CJ ra CJ ra CJ ra CJ ra CJ r.a CJ r.a CJ r.a CJ ra CJ ra L'J Can You Walk? YES: Then you wear Shoes and are looking for the beat made. We have them, the famous Gotzian ocs We are making room for the largest consignment of shoes ever shipped to any firm in Crook County and will be prepared to Shoe any person who wears Shoes. We carry the famous 'Health and Walk Easy Shoes for men and women, which have never been been equaled for Qomfort, style, fit and. wear. This is a good spring to wear spring goods. We have the largest and snappiest line of Spring Goods ever brought to Prineville, which vill be ready for the good people to select from in the near future. Do not buy elsewhere until you have examined our line, - JOHNSON, BOOTH S GO. LJLJLJLJLJLJLJl-JLJLJL-iLjLJw- I CJ r.a CJ ra CJ ra LJ r.a CJ ra L J ra CJ r.a CJ ra LJ ra L J r. i L J r 1 . CJ 3 CJ r.a CJ ra LJ ra L J ca CJ r..a LJ ra LJ ca LJ ra CJ r.a CJ r.a CJ r,a CJ ra LJ ra CJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra CJ ra - LJ r.a CJ ra LJ ra : LJ ra LJ ra L J