Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 30, 1905, Image 4

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nt.trt instil f t,- Inlrrlor, Krnrral jtnd M
ni-r. W l. "., K. hr-iarr , l'i
Nill- la ni-rrlr bIv.'H that on January .V l'i,
thr Sim Ury '( tlir Inlcrl.'r tvl-. tho I..1
lowii.t t"-ril.t area fmm t.'mv,,rary wiih
itrawala lh'r'tnf..rt nia.le f.r t.trit rvsi'M-,1
Mirip. unit nii.rr,l i aptnemmi nil lh
Vaant n(lir lan.t. mil ..lii. r w nu'rviil.
(In run; a n. I that tho hkI Imi.ta a.i rr-mrtnj !
apttlaniriil on Jannary S. lwti, an.) n.tinituT
w ? fi-acrvd. HI la'.-omi miImH Irt flitrv.
rilnir m1 arlwlion. ii)'l r 1h usual r t rl
K.iia. ai ttii- n i rUr I iiIumI Mai
lloca (nr Ihr loo lund di.trtrla in
lamia hp. vit: Hio IU ami
land i'f-i
hi. n the i
(irmim, mi Sliy ft Imv In Tti lall., land
Walrlrt: In Township i; Ji , Kanv u K . Mi",
for 7. K'j Srt-1. W. M. In "Inn ililp 1 S.
Hangr II K., the nitir kwnsMp; In lontn-lilp
l i . Kann- Hi K.. Sera 1. a ami .1. Kl H5 4,
f.'t !. . mc 10, II. u, 1:1, U and K .V, and
and SKi, Xoe, 2.1. s,va. .'I ami J.V. R, Mi c. a
Vv ati; In t.. nhip 14 s,'l!ane IS K., lh
rnlirp ln nhi: In 1o nshtp is S , Kan W
K . !. I, S. X, i. s.s, 7,. . In, 11 I.'. 1.1. M. 1.x
I, n, and ik, E, s'-. in, Sm-. an. ii. it, si.
'. i. . 2-.'. :ti, .14. S.S. an.l hm: In Township
1 !., Rsiic l K.. .. I, i, s ii a n. I 7, Sf.
. Ci II aa-1 12, S'j mi SK1, Sir IS. Sw.
17, l,li. 20 an.l .! . s ami N, m-o. ?.
'S !'' s"" f. -,t. i-'- . X- ss.
SI, s't Sc.Vi. s.. :,; n rownahip IS S , Kanci
12 K., Iwa. 1. 5, .1. I. . 7, S. , 1, 11, Ii. I 14,
l i. 17. s. 1, jn, J 22. 2. 21, 2.V 2A. 27. X'-S. 2
ami .. Xt Sr. 32. v, si. SI. ; ami .-; In
Townnhip 1 H.. Knurr 11 K . Ih- rnMrr lown
hip; In T.. nhip 1 s , Kane,- In K... Sk-s I.
2 and S. NK'4 Si. In, K, ami fcK't Sn. II.
hm. X 21 . 22. 2S 21. i". . 2T. 5, 2 an.l .
Sw S2. Si-a. :. ii and Si- 12. l.i. 14
ami W. KK'i Cf. U: In Townhhin 20 t., lnft
1 K , Hem, I. 2, S. 4, ,V 7. a, , 10, 11, 12. IH, II
h 1. 17, IX. 2ll 21, 22. 2S, 24, 2.V 26 27, 2S, 29. M,
Sl..iar.1 In Tnwuahip 2i f.. Kanir IS K ,
Kwa. 1. 2, , 4. V a, 7. S. . Ill, 11. 12. 1.4. 14. 1.V 1,
I'MIMN; iiMn-ni.ntp '.V (.. Ka
fcw. 7. Si, and Ntt i s, I. s1,
1, t tSte ai s-. J"!. si. si V
!; In Township 31 s, Kane," l.i
I. ami Is; In T.iirhii. S . Hanc- U T... vi
t an.l w
and :t2. SiV.
1.1 K. si, Soe. 1.
i-tva. i, .. . ami ami N V. S,t. li. - iii-.
K s.c-. . 10, 11, 12, l;5, 14. l.s ami is. F', 22.
Swa. 23,2l, li an.l a. 1 ' Sw. 27. NK- Sim-. S4.
K'iSw. S'. dn'. ;: In liniht 2i J . Ramri
12 E., sii-o I. .V' sw. 2. Sto. ::. s.v 11.
Sw . N't.. 14; 1 T1IK I.AKEVIRW
I AND l!TRICT; In Townlnp24 !.. Kantc S
K , S 1. K. Socl t S mi N K4 S..
. Wj Ser. 1. r Soc II. !. 12 and U. S'
St. 14, S', ami SVH l.v. Seo. 1 and 17.
Soa 22.23aml24,ri.,T.(2.-.s!.:U .Vin.i::
In Towo.hii. 2.. ,,. Kii cr . K . S. ;: and 4.
K Si. S. a. , 10. In. 17. 20 and 21; In
Tum p-hip 24 s.. Kane K s", Sep. 7. S'
lu.Mi'jS'1.. , s--,. I.", ami lii. S, Srt-. 17.
Si a. IS. IK, 3(1. 21, 22, ai d 3X. W, Sim- 24. Sw. ;
. , 2.. 2. 2 and J. St w A. Sea. Si W.
M.&ianil.: In Township 2S S.. Kantrf ..
, . 2. Sf ! .1. I. S. S.f. .
M Kit. II. s, St. l;i. sors. 14. Is ami K N',
Sit. 22 KK, sec. 24: In 1 -wn.hip s Rami
K-. SK', Src 10, Si, 11, til. an.l SW,
I i. Soc. 14. I ami In. , Sf. 21. Spi-h. 22, 2. 24.
2.V to and 27, N', Sep ,2a. Stes. si. xs and
In Town.hip , ;anc ! E . Sp-. I. 2. and S.
In Township 24 S , Hann h E . si, Sit. 12. Spp.
13. 8S Spp. IS, S. 24 and -V SVV4 S- P. 2S. S1,
Spc. j Si o-. St. SI ind 32. Ntt H S. 3U, Spc
In i , .!,.,,, 2A.. H, :,g, u E., s,.,.. 1 2. S, 4
nd V SF'4 s p 6, -p. 7, , . 10, 11, 12 IS. l.i
I ; Sj ar. l S V S,-p. IS. KVj S.p.
y, NS Spp. 24; In Tnwn-iiip 2n S.. Ranire In E .
Spp. 24. i4 and SWi, Scv 2.V, SK- S. SM,
4, Si-pa. ;4S and 3fi; In Township 27 S.. Raner
H E., S"i. Spc. 1, W i, Spc. Ei,, S.-C. S, Si, and
and Xtt l S.T. 11. Spt. 12. Spo. 13, SE', St.
14. At. in. K'j St. 21. . St. N"';. and SiVi,
Sit. 2. Spp. 2?. X E', S". 2S. '4 St. 5.1. St.
S4. KWi4 St. a, S?c. ; In Totruhip 2 S..
Kaair 10 K , Sr. l. Si, St. 2, S 3, El
Spp. 12. aiid XKi, St. is, W. St. If. SK!i
Spp. s-i, St. 24 and 2'.. E. Sr. Sppa. sn j
.ll.SSSr. S2. St. S ami M. S1, and XTi,
S.P. Si, Sr. Si; In Township 2 S . Kaiii 10 F.,
hp. 1... 4. .1 and ; In T..m-hip 22 8
Rang 11 E.. Sts. I, 2, s ami 4. E'i S.t. .V St.
, . 10, 11, 12. 13. 14. 1... io, 17. IS, i. ja. 21 and
22, XK', St. 24. Sra. 27, j 2. so, 31. :2 . :3 acd
S4: In lownship ii S.. Kai.e 11 E.. E' Sr. 4.
Sts. S, 6, 7. e. lii and 17, S-c. IS, xi-pi'ni( Lois
2. S, 4. 5. 6. 7, to. 11. 12, IS. M and IV. sp. 1M,
cxn-Nine lAis. 4. V . H. lj. l.s and 14. W",
Sep. ). and X t'4 Sep. 2. St. 27, S:,
Src. as, S p. 2and :a, nt SI. pjpppiini 1 ot
10. II. 12. It. 14 and l.i. Stp. S2. s. S4. 3.". and as:
In Township 21 s , Ranee 11 K., X's ami SVY'..
S?p. :-, Sts. S, 4 and V S-T. Ii, ex 'Vwiiit Lots
S. 6. 7. 8, . 10, 13. 14. IV 1. 17 and IS. Sr. 7. tx
Pllili UU 2. 3. 4. V. 7, 10. 11. 12. IS. 11 an.1
lo. S-p. H. , 1, n and 16, Xi, Sr. 17. sf. IS 1
nd XI, 8E' St. i. SiM, St. Si, SE, Sr. V
Sec. 36: lu Township 2AS., RanKt' 11 E., Sts. 1.
nd2.Sand X , Sec'. S. Sts. 4 5. t, 7. S.
10, 11. 12. l:!. 14. 15, In. 17 and IV Ls.ts S. 4. 5 and
ol St. 1. S. 2 21, 22. 23 u.t 24. EU ST. 2-i.
"j .., St. 2s: Jn Township 26 g
Kan? 11 E., X'S and Stt i. St 1. Sp,s. 27,
S t. i4 and 36: In Township 27 S , Ran? 11 E.,
'i Spp. 1, Sts. 2, 3. 4. S and 10. S; and XWu
Sep. 11. SWU St. IS, Sj and X Sec. 1 4, Sts
, l i and 16, X- St. 21.ijn. 22 an.l 2.1. S1, ana
X W.. St. 24. Xtt 'j trp. ii. Sees. 2K and 27, S,
St. is, Sk ST. Sts. ;:i and In Town-
hip 2hS., Ransp 11 E.Spp. 1, 2 amis. and
Ni,8c.C 7. Wi, St. , XE!4 s-. 1.
S. 11. 12 and U. E', St. II. Sx-s. W, 17, lit and
1, WitScc, an, N'. Stc. 21, SWi, See. ffl. Sr. 2S.
Si,St. 27. Shs.i,, si. 3a ami:: In
luwnsmpavei.. Rantfll E., Sts. 1. 2. 3, 4. 5
ana e: in Tow nsmp 22S , Ran- 12 E., tt St.
. Sees. 6 and 7, St. , St. 11, St. 17
St. 18. X !, St. IS. St. 2, XiVi ' Sit 1: In
Township 2o S., Rsokp 12 E., SU S' 6 SVVi .
Sec. 2fi. St-s. 27, -A, ::. 31, 32, ii, 34. and :;
In Township 2i S.. Kanpe 12 E.. X', and
Sec. 1, Sm . 2, S. 4. 4. 10, 11, 12, 13. u. V and s
S'SpP. 22. Sec. 23. 21. 2i. 2'.an.i 27. E'4 Sec. 31
-Sees. Stand In Townghin 27 S.. Kance 12
E.. Wi,St. 1. Sts. 2, 3. U, v 13 and 14 S'. Sr.
lv Sec. IB, Si. St. 22. Sets. 2.;, 21. 2-i and ati! FU
Sec.27, SE', StT.33.Si, and XE'-, St. l, XE'I
B T. fc. Sei-. ,'iB; In Township S. Rarnre 12 E..
Vi H St. 2, Bee. 3, El, St. 4. S, and X V 1 s.-.
6. S-s. 7. K. , 10. 16, 17 and 1, X'j S.T. 1M X'
en . ji. en "t sep. 32; in Township 29 8 Ranee
12 E., SU S-p. 4, 8', and XVVtf St. 5. Sts. fi 7
M. 1, 17. IN, ID. 2D, and 3i; In Township 21 8..
RanuelSE , E',St. 1, XU Sr. 12; In Town
ship 24 .. Ranee 13 E.. Sep. ;sti; In Township
2AS., Kanxel4 E.,Snt. 1. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 In 21
22. a, 24, 2V 26. 27, 2, 33. 31, :, and 3d; III
Tow nship 2S S., Kanee 13 E.. Sm-s 1 2 3 4 11
and 12, iVU Sep. Is, Sep. Wij sw. in;' In
Township 27 8.. Ranee 13 E See. 36; In Town
ship 2 S Range 13 K.. XE1, Sr. 1 S", Sep "i
Sen. s.i and 3n; In Township :iu S., Ranee 13 F '
SEi-iSec.21. Sec.ii.SE', St. 26. Sit. Jfr. In
Township 21 K., Ranee 14 E., sjiVVa St 3 Sees
4 and 5, SW" St. 6, Sts, i, 9 ami In; 'x i.
Sec. Li. Sees. It. and 17, Xi,- and SE' St l i
and SWiiSet. l'.i., XVi Sec. 2n, .VE'i S-e""l
KW ec.22; In Town'hipat 8., hmtiee 14 F
W Sec. IS. Sees. 14. IV 1. 2. 21 SI ! ",
36, 27, 2S, w, j, 31. 32. 33. 31. Si anil' 36;' In
Township 2-i a, Kanee H K., Ihe entire town
ship; In Township 2 S., Hanpe 14 E. Si l
2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, , 9. In, 11. 12, 13, II, 13, lfi, 17 18 pi'
20, 21, 22, 23. 21. 2V 26. 27, 2s, and 24, St. ;i; lii
Township 27 Kanee 11 E., SE St. in si.
Sec. 11, SWi; St. 12. Sep. 13. 14. l.i, lt 22 23 21
2.", 26. 27 and 2S, SE' See. 31, Sees. 32 M :i,
and3S; In Township 2SS , Ranee 14 F Sees
1, 2, 3, 4. S, 6, 7, 8, , 10, 11. 12. 13 14, I V l..',,17 and
IS, EK Sec. lit, Sts. 2n. 21 22, 23, 21, ii 26 T
and 25, H'i and KB See. ;io, Sw s. 32 and' X'i,
St. 34, X', St. 36, Sx-. 36; In Township -3 S
Range 14 E., St. 3t; In Township 30 s. Ranee
14 E., N Sec. 1, Keen IS. 17, IK, 111 and l
2ti, See s. 2S, : and 31, X 1 ., S-c. 32, X w U St
SI, See. 36; In Township 3l S., Kanee u E '
Sees. 5, 6, 7, lti, ;, 20, 21, 27, 2S. 29, 30, 3L, 32 :'
34, 3i and aO; In Township .12 K Ranee 14 F
Sees. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, , 10, 11, U, l.i, ti, 17 , pi'
2u, 21 and 22, X'4 St. 2h, Sees. , :ju arid 31 'wu
Sec. 32; In Township 33S., Kanee II E Sep.
tionsOand 7; In Township 21 ri., linnee ii E
kt-j nu rwrt. .m. .e. a. . ami .3li; in lown
snip n., nnnge 10 t., Isef'tlolls 1 and 2, SI
I t.'-'i ST. in, SePUOlls 11, 12, 13, 14, 1
KE'-a Sep. 21, Sei-tiolj! 22. 23 21, 2i, 2t:
ami 16,
nil 27.
i.14 Sec. 31, Seetions :ti and 36; Jn Township
l S., Ranee l.i E., Sections 1 and 2, EK St 3
KK4 See. V), Hectiuns 11, 12, 1:1, 11 ami" 16 "pi,'
Sec. 21, Sections 22, z;, and 21, X'., and W1'
Sec. 2i, XUS.T. 26, Xi Sec. 27. Sec. 36; In
Township 24 8., Range l i E , gWW See. 3o See
31; In Township 'ii s., Kanee l.i E., W'U Sep 5
8-Ttious . 7, K 16. 17, 18, in, 211 and 21 St, s-c" 22'
8'4 Sep. 23, S 14 See 24. Seetions 26, 27 ' -JK
29, ', 31,32, :,!, i and :;-, In Toinsliip 2i
S. Ranite li E., the entire township ; In Town
ship 27 S., Kanee lo E., Si elions 1, 2, 3 and 1, E1-..
Sec. 10, Sections 11, 12, 13, 14. li ami 16,
Sec. 18, Sections lilaild 24, W':, Sep. t, Sectioils
30 and 31, VV'i S;e. 32, See. :;" In Township
S., Kanee li t., S'i anil Stt Sit. .i. Sections
o, , nun . see. in, h '.4 Sue. 13 Section'
11, li, 16, 17, IK, V., 2.1. 21, 22 z.!, 21, 25. 26, 27 a
nn i 2j, Set.-iiii an i.u ; 31, i Sit 32. vu
: !ee "2, .N! Si:
Si, S.-. 31; Ju low ...,..),
nectioiis 2. 3. 11. 12 l.i.
li., I'.'iliee l.i t..
11. S v; and XW'
Sec. 31; In TownhipSOS., Kanee
-'li E ,Sci'tions6
anil , s see. lo. we. ii. s',
. 12. beetlons 13,
II, li and 16, tt'ii Sec. 17, E',
rn-.-. 1 1, r.' . .see. in. skj Si.-,.
ill, ' 2 sec. ai. M1, sec. 21, s-ptious 22, z! and
24, XW and SE'- Sec. 2i, X'i Sep. 26, N'l S"p -r,
Sll'i ee. 2, K'i St. 30, K' and .NEC St! Ill'
8'4 and XE4 Hep 33, SVj Sep. 31. S' :, Sep. h. S-p va
in township 31 S., Rmnre li E , sees. 3 4 ami i
NVj.and SE;4 Sep. 6, XELj See. 7, N" See X
Sec. 9, Xi- and b Sec. lo, E' Sit'Ii. si.0s'
12 and 13, SVi See. li, Sep. iff, .See.
Sees. 23, 24, 25, '26 and 27, SK1, See. 2s, Sees! u
4, Xi and 36; In Township 32 8., Kmine 1 i y '
Se'. S and 4, E!4 Sep. 5, E'i Sep. H, Sees a Vi
ami ii, vi sh'p. l.i, sees. 14, J... 10, 21, 22, and 2::
na p.' j oec. , mts. , 10. 11, 12. 13, 14, li anil
16; KEi-4Scc. 17, VM Sep. 21, Sees. 22, 23, 21 2i
26 and 27, E'Kec.'2f, SWSup. 31, Sep. ai. Xi.!
Bee. 34, Sees. :ti and 36: In Township
Kange 16 E , St. 1, E', Sep. 2. NU and s i
8ec,4, E'Sec.5, Wi-iSee.-, XKi4 W'. 8, t
See. 9, K, Sep. 11, Sees. 12, 13 and 16, S, anil
NE!i8ec. 17, S'See. 18.S.T. P.I, XV Sec. 20, W,
S'T. 21. Sees. 21 and 25, Wii St. 2K, See an
Sec. 81, W'i Sec. 33, El See. 34, ViU 'Sep'
8.i, Sec. 30; In Township 23 H., Ranne 16 e'
Sec. 1, NU Sep. 2, NE4 St. 3, Hi Sec. , Hers i',
12 and 13, KV Sec. IK, Sees. 21, 25 and ; In
Township 24 8., Kanee 16 E., Sec. 1; In Town
ship 25 8.. Range 16 E., Sees. 30, 31 and 32, In
Tow nship 26 S Ranee 10 E , Sees. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 H
. 10, 11, 14. l,i, 16, 17, IS, 19, 20, 21, 21.'. 23, 26 27
2M, 2, 30, 31. 32, 33, 31, 35 and 36; in Townsliip
27 8., Range 16 E., the entire township; In
Tow nship 28 8., Ranee 16 ., Sees. 1, 2, 3 iin.l
4. E'f Sec. S, Bops, d, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, l.i, 16, 17,
19, 20, 21. 22, 2:1, 24, 2V 26, 27, 23, 29, 30 and 32. IV li
Sec. ,'t.l, Sec. 36 ; In Townsliip 29 8., Range 16 E
Sees 4, 5, 7, Sand 9, Sec. 16, Ni.. See. 17, Sit. is,
H1, Sit. :I3, SWi , Sec. 34, Sec. 36; III Township
MS.. Range IHE., Sees. 8,4. 5 and 7. N' and
KW; Sec. 8, Sees, la and 13, E Sec. 14, Sec. 16, 1
Noncr of nfsmiMTmx or
vt sec. 21, vt see. 2u, sers. 20 and 27, S'i and
NE Sec. 2S, XEv; Sec. ;, Sees. at. vi and
In Tow nsliip :S., Kaiiue l.i E., NW'i Sep. 1'
Bees. 2, 3, 4, and 9, X'i S-p. 10, Sees, 11, 12 anil
16; lu Townsliin 21 Kanee 16 E.. s.-i s 1 1 j
. twa
In Twwa-
22, 2V 2. 34 and : In Toanshlp s S .
Kamir In K . Sim J II. 14 and 23. S-. 24 and
2V E' hT 2N E' St, ii St i; In Tow n
ship 3i s , Ranee lii St i; In liinhip
32 S . Kanee IT K . St 31; In Towjuhlp VI S ,
Ranep 17 K . S ts I.J J. 4 , and , K', St. 7.
S.S-. .. . lo. II ami 1. X', Ssv 1.4. S II. IV
lnalidl": In Townsliip XI . Kane 17 K
Sees I. 5, 11. 12. IV 14. 21. V 2. 4. .Viand ;
In Tonlui ii S , Kanee 17 K., IM) St. 2.
Sts. 3 and 4, El, St. Sit 10, , St. 14.
s. 1., in -kau..vl st...- '.M to 4ft Ineltlsive:
r..wiisliiii.iS.. Kanee 17 E. S', and XW,
i a-i j vn- ii vi. st. u.
st. 21 an d!: In Tow nshlti 40 . Kanr It
E.St ;; In Township 41 S . Kane 17 K.,
W i, s.t. 1. W St . Sits 12 lo I inclusive El.
sis'. 17. all thai rl of St. 21, 22, 2 and 21
lvtne in Hip Siate o( In Township 33
S , KanirP IS E . Xi, St J2. X, St. .; Ill
TmrnaliipSI . Ral IS E . Si 1 to ini lnslv,
Xi St. !). X i, St, 20 Si, sst. 2i, K
26 X'i, and SVS St.. js. St. i, X1, Sv. V
St ;; In Tow nship :li S . Kanee is K.. Sit.
.11. S', St In Township s KanKP K
St ,i. Fi, ST, , X F Ss-. 7. Sv. . i Sec.
S. SHT. in. CUT. 1. Jj BIIU r.l
and Xi. sv. vl. K. St. 2K X"
St. 1 Si, and XK', St. f S'-,
SsT. 2. St.
i, NW ' St. ,M. X1, St SI, Sep. S6; In Tviwn-
shin.17 S , Ranee IS K . E1, St. IV E, St. ;
In Townshin : S . Kanee Is E . St. 3S; In Tp,
4HS., Kanei ts E.. Si-s. 1. 12 U. 24 and 4V SEU
St Vi, St : In Township 41 S , Ranee Is
F St I Si, St 10. Sts II lo I ini'lnle. Si,
St. 17, St is, ail that pan ol St l lo 24, in
plosive, lyine in ihe Siale l llrisrim; In
Tow nship i S , Ranee l E , Sees. I lo V In
elusive, Eij St. . Sts, H lo lii. incUistvP. El,
St. 17. Sts. 2.', lo Jn, Inclitsive, St. : In
Township . s.. Ranee l! E., St. 1, 12 and IV
S, St. 14, S , and S i St. IV St. Iri. SF4
St. I?. Sts. 2o lo.. inplnsivc. XiVi, ST. .11,
St. 32 to .16, in.-lnsivp; In To nship .17 S.
Ranep 1 E.. X i, St. 1. St. 2 V . 10, I. 17
and 1. X1, St. 2 W, St, 21. S', St. '.M. X Ei
St. i. St. 34. i and :K; In To nship . S..
Ranee 20 K , Si-s. 1 lo IS. Inclusive XE St.
an. XWi. St 21. W i, St. 36. KS See. 33, S,
St, 34. , St. 35. St 56; In Tnhip 37 s..
Kanee 20 E. Sts. 1 and 2. X, Ssr. 1 1. 'see. 12
and IV Fi. St. II. St. 24; lu Tow nship . S..
Kansr 21 l" . Sts. ,i. . 7 and s, I, St. . Sees.
1 to 20. inclusire, N, St. 21. St. 2s lo K, ill
plustve; In To nship 37 S.. Kanee 21 E., Sts.
i 6. 7. V In 17. is and Is. S', and S St. so;
In Tow nship Si s.. Ranee 21 E . St .16: In
Tow nhin 4C S . Kanee 21 E.. SE'. St. 26. SVI
St. 30. X V. i, sv 3t. X Fi, St. A See. 16; lu
Township 4t S . Ranee 21 E , Si, Sr. 7. Si, St.
S Set's, in to im 'lustre, all thai pari ol Sps.
1M. 20 and 21 lyine in Hip stale of Oregon: In
Tom tishin 36 S . Kanee 22 K.. Sts. 1 lo IV in
plusive. S-i-s. 21 lo 2s. itielllsive. Sts. 3S to a6.
inclnsive; In Township 37 S , Kanee 22 E.,
S't s. 1 to 4. inclusive. Sts. to IV inelushe.
X E Sec. ;1. Si s. 22 to 27. inclusive. Ss-s. sti
a, id :: In Townhtp :is S . Kanee 22 fi.. St.
hi V inclusive. S'. s, lo to l.i, inclusive. Sts. 22
lo 27. iin l'isue. St. 34 to .V inchisiie: In
Township S . Ranee 22 K Sts. I lo V In
p'.usii e. S'es. to to Tv iiiciilsive. ss-cs. 22 to 27.
inclusive. Sl and XFi. St. 31. Sts. 31. 15 and
..; In Township 40 S . Kauee 22 K . XW, St
.1. l. 1.1.1 SH I. Si1 I.Sv -i 11-S'p. 6 ST. li.
8, and S 1 Sst, St. 10. w r sc. i;,.s.t 16
and 17. Sts 20 and 21. l. Sit. 22. S-ps. Jiand
2. X,, S,t. li. XW's. St. 32. Sei-s, Si. nd .16;
111 Township 2 S Kanee 12 K , SM, St. 7,
S-ps. li to 22, Inclusive. W. A. RIi HAKlS.
Approvisd: I'ommisstoucr.
STrvtary o( the Interior.
Notice For Publ -cation.
Land Otticc at The Dalles, Oregon.
Kcliruary 13, HHVis
Notice is hereby jri-ren that the fullom ng-
iiamcil -k'ttlcr has li!sl notice of lier inten
tion t tnalip linal ciiiiiiiiuutioii prvKif in
stipjHirt of her claim, ami that saiil proof
will he mailc before J. J. Smith, County
Clerk, at rrincville, Urcfron, on the 12th
lay of April, 19 Vj, vix:
formerly Susan Mishler, of Iinonta, Ore
gon. H. K. Xo. tHW, for the XJ A
Wi,' ?E'; -section 22, Tp. 12 South, RanRe
14 tast, V. 11.
She names the follow inp witnessess to
prove her conunnous resjiiicnce upon ami
cultivation cfsaul land, to-wit :
William F. Sunn, James M. McMeen
John Kanley and Lorenzo Thomas, all of
Lamonta, Oregon.
m2np Register,
Notice For Publication
Lr.nd Office, The Dalles, Ore-ton.
February 7, 19U5.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settlers have filed notice of their in
tention to make final proof, in support of
their ciaims, and that said proofs will
be made before the Register and Receiver
at the Land Office at The Dal'es, Oregon,
on the 2th day of March 19j5, to-wit:
of Prineville, Oregon, on bomestsad
entry No, 11019, for the NE' of Section
33, Tp. 12 South, R3ii 17 E., V. M.
of Prineville, Oregon, on homestead
entry No. for the SEvf of Section
2S. Tp. 12 South, Range 17 K., SV. M.
Tliey name the following witnesses to
prove their continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, to-wit:
John Ritter, John Kemmling. fieorge
Turner, Arthur J. Decker, Ellen Stall, all
of Prineville, ( recoil.
Timlser Land. Act June 3. !.7s,
United States Land Office,
The Pa! leg, Oregon, February 7, 1905.
notice is neretiy given trial in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands in the States
o California. Oregon, Nevada, and "Wash-
intrton Territory," as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4,
IsCri Joe Smith, of Grizzly, county of
(rook, state of Oregon, has this day filed
in this.olliee hia sworn statement No. 24fi9,
for the purchase of the SV HW'i Section
2, Wl .fc SK NW'4 of Section It,
in Township 13 S., Range 15 E., W. M. and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone tlian for agricultural puriioses, and
to establish his claim to said land ln-fore
J. J. Smith, County Clerk, at his office in
Prineville, Oregon ' on the 12th day of
May, l'4ii5.
He names as witnesses: Robert X'ewbill,
Casper Newbill, Harvey Montgomery and
Joe Montgomery, all of Grizzly, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
lile their claims in this office 011 or before
said 12th day of May, l'JO.i.
2pd Register.
Notice For Publication.
Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
February 21, 1905.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has liled notice of her inten
tion to make final proof in support
of her claim, and that said proof will be
made liefore J. J. .Smith, County Clerk
of 'rook county at Prineville, Oregon, on
the 12th day of April 1905, viz:
formerly Lizzie Miller, of Prineville, Orc
on Homestead Eutiy No. 4012, for the 8
SK-i, NESEifcSEKXK of Section
14, Tp. 14 South, Range 17 East, W. M.
She names tjhe following witnesses' to
prove her continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
J. II. Demarris, H. P. Evans, W. H.
Cadlc, all of Prineville, Oregon, and W. R.
Kelly, of Post, Oregon.
r2pd Register.
WANTED A chance to print for
you or someone elne 2o,ooo IxMvis
and Clark Souvenir envelopes. One
or more colons. Xent, attractive
and up-to-date. At Tin? J ov us Ah
yu r IT. fcrs 1 an 1. ,'
Hi. 24. and in, fi SV 4.
hip 1 Ranee la K . Sim 4.
Petition For Liquor UcwnM
To the Hotiorahle County Court for the
County of Crook, Stat of Oreiroii:
The, mlilenta and legal
voters of lUack ltutle liseitt. Crook Coun
ty Oreiron, re-pevtfii!ly petition your Hon
orable llody to grant a licetis to F. M.
Ziitnwalt and P. S. Miller, partnership, lo
H'tl spirituous, malt and vinous liquor
and fermented rider in miantuics h-sji than
ne gallon iu Hlack ltutte PriTinct, Crook
County, Oregvn, f-r a TriiKl of six months
from and after the Srd day of May, lmiOs
tieo. A. Stcvviiu, G. C. Johnaon, t K.
Person, tV P. Alliiigham, U.C. Foster, W.
X. Cobb, W. J. Ilrjaii, J. . Wilson, J. P.
Taylor. I, H. Frj rrar, John R. Fryrear,
W. ilson, CharKa lUn hinan, C. W.
Thomas, D. W. Farthing, J. 8, Linton, P.
T, Council, M. L. Olive, P. X. Rigga, LW
thit New, Paul Frank, U. AUineliani,
Frank Iknlyfelt, A. II. Poor, Ole Larsen,
Henry Olover, KoU-rt Jordan, J. W. Allen,
W. A. Yanbuskirk, R. Olover, W. F. F.d
umn.lson, L. K. Allingliaiu, R. Jones, F.
Tillman. James Oontter, Wm. Wotxl,
w. J. Woo.i, J. 11. Taylor, F. M. Rooth.
J. Vuibcrg, C. L. liranton, t"orft W, Null,
W. F. Fryrvar, Geo. Stilwell, R. II, Booth
T. J. Fryreavr, H. R. Rud. W. R. Booth,
W. A. Foley, Wm. Edwards, Geo Wright,
Wm. D. Todd. R. lVmarris, G, P. Taylor,
Jasper Johnson, Fred Wiese, W. J. Hin
richs, J. P. Kistner, Ren Falston, Willutm
lXwkand W. R.Cantrell.
Notice is hereby jiven that the fore
going petition for a license to sell spiritu
ous, malt and vinous liquors and bard
cider in lens quantities than one gallon in
Black Butt lm-inct, Crook County, Ore
gon, will ln presented to the tounly
Court of Crook County, Oregon, on the
Srd day of May, 1;5, at which time the
said Court villi be asked to grant a license
as prayed for in said petition.
F. M. ZratwAtT
P. S. Mum
Dated March 23, J.
Rosa Northup, Plaint iff,
Mauruse W. Northup, Defendant, J
lo. Maurice W . Northup,. the above
nameil defendant.
OREGON: You are hereby commanded
to appear and answer the complaint tiled
against you in the above entitled Circuit
Court on or before May Srd, A. P. 1SD6, I!
you fail so to answer for want thereof the
Plaintiff will take a decree against you for
ever dissolving the Bonds of Matrimony
now existing between you and Plain tiff.
for the control and custody of the minor
children described in the complaint and
for the costs of this suit.
Service of this Summons. Is made by
publication in the Crook County Journal
for Six consecutive weeks by order of W.
A. Bell, County Judge.
Dated this 20th day of March, A. P. I9"5.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
March 9, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named set;W has tiled notioe of his
intention to make final proof in support of
111s claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver, at The
Dalles, Oregon, on the 25th day of April,
l.sjo, to-wit:
of Culver. Oregon, H. E. No. 6571, for the
S,W SE Section 21 & NX NE Section 28,
Tp. 12 South, Range 13 E., W. M,
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, via:
George Rodman. . 11. Peck. George
Oslsarn, O. G. Collver, all of Culver, Ore,
Notice For Publication.
Land Otfice at The Dalles, Oregon,
February 24, li)5.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing-uamed settler has liled notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of hi-Claim, and that said proof will be
made before Don P. Rea, V. S. Commiss
ioner, at his office in Madras, Oregon, on
the 10th day of April, 1905, via:
of Culver, Oregon, on H. E. No. 1L580. for
the S E'4 XW'4 and Lots 1, 2, 3, and , of
Section 30, Tp. 12 South, Range 13 East,
W. M.
He name the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, to-wit:
Lee Peck, Charles W. Hunter, Luther F.
itiiiinbcck and l'hmeas E. Noble, all of
Culver, Oregon.
"'-'l1 Register.
Desert Land, Final Proof-Notice
For Publication.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
March 13 1905.
Notice is hereby given that Charles
A. Gilchrist, of -Paulina, Oregon, has filed
notice of his intention to make proof on
his desert-land claim No. 101, for the Wyi
SE'4S'4 and XWSE'4 Hec. 23. Tp.
20 S R. 22 E., W. M.f before J. J. Smith,
County Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on
the 2nd day of May, 1905.
He names the following witnesses to
prove the complete irrigation and recla
mation of said land:
Benjamin F. Shepherd, Beth Rodman,
Thomas N. Balfour and James Street, of
Paulina, Oregon,
n30!"1 l.'e).-i,ier.
For Cholee
Desert Lands
Prineville, - Oregon.
B rights Disease And
V desire to pUi in the liandi of
tho atlliclej with Bright Dlaetue and
Pialvrtea a .Vt-page paiupolct that is savin
human li-e.. It ia not an ordinary pant,
plilct, such as t commonely used to ail
vertiae turd lei ms, but is principally lua.U
up of reports of acieutilically (Hiiidiu-MKl
test lu a large variety of eases, showing
7 per cent of rwoveries tit these hitherto
iiicural diseases.
Th secilics employesl In these tests
are known as the Fulton and
the renulbi obtaineil prove conclusively
that these dreaded diseases so long fatal
(the deaths trotu Brights Disease alone are
appalling, over Uo,ouu a year, starting as
kidney troubles) have at last yielded to
medical science. The pamphlet I free.
Write to the John J. Fulton Co, l Wash
ington street, San Francismo, Cal.
When to susvm-t Brights Disease:
Pufly ankles or hands; veakness without
aoparent eatise, kidney trouble after thit-il
month; frequent urination, (may show
seiilment or cloudy on standing); failing
vision; day drowsiness one or iiion of
these, , . ,
Deputy Stock Inep4ctora.
Notice is hereby given tha I have
appointed the following named persons
deputy atock inspector:
J. 1. Carlwright, Hay Cmk.
Jim Wooi's, Ashwixnl
E. Sparks, Sister.
A. Morrviw, llaystack.
F. l. Smith Faulinx
Hoacsse Kuox, Post
J. S. Itogue, Rotland.
Alex Mcintosh, Hanlin
J. I. Vanllouten, Hay Creek.
U. S. Cowle, Hay Cm k
Joe II inkle,
Stock Inspector Crook County.
HOT Tti aim EMradi has sHsml far ihs
A Wl BEST Is lb Sssrin Machine World.
-T( , Htralsa Ntw Eldrrdrtt BETTER
I h 1 rtT Itiaa EVER. ad Suptrlor 10 all
eibcra. Poallve take iip; sell arl.
ww una nreme; aril inrratiitiK Miuitie;
Y ail fo autiimattplenaitin rrlcnar.auliimiitip
Wi O k,,i,,m witittcr; aaiiivr four inotMin
'ped; cnntaM nedille lair; noisclesa sell ail justing
nllrr hciilititc wheel, steel pitman; live fU
amina'.eit r.-usslvrurk. with a iHmiitlful act ol
aeksl 'eI nttachmrnts.
Ai k vour ilraicr (.-r Ihe Imp-wed Wilreilsre
'H ' unit do nut liny any mactiitie until )uu U
area i:.
Naf'ona! S-wlng Machine Co.
fc; i.vii,tlC. ILUMOI
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy I) a Specific,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects tha
diseased membrane. It cure Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in the Head quickly,
lies tores the Senses of Taats and Smell
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drug'.'
Applied into the nostril and absorbed.
Large 8ize, 60 cents at Druggists or by
mail j Trial Size, 10 cents by mad.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warrsn St., Ntw York.
Mrs. Fred Unrs-ah,
President Country IU, Benlua
llurlx.r, Mi cli.
"After my first baby was born I did not
item to regain my strength although the
doctor gave me a tonic which he consid
ered very superior, but instead cl getting
better I grew weaker every day. My hus
band insisted that I take Wine of Cardui
for a week nd see what it would do for
me. I did take the medicine and ws very
grateful to find my strength and health
flowly returning. In two weeks I wis out
of bed and In a month I was able to take
up my usual duties, I am very enthusi
astic In Its praise."
Wine of Cardui reinforce the organ
of generation for the ordeal of preg
nancy and childbirth. It prevents mis
carriace. No woman who take Wine
of Cardui need fear the coming of her
child. If Mrs. Unrath bad taken
Wine of Cardui before her baby came
she would not have been weakened as
she wa. Her rapid recovery tihou' 1
commend this great remedy to every
expectant mother. Wine of Cardui
ragulate the menstrual flow.
H4 V'sl ,i iajaiss'" ' t
Notion to Creditor.
In the matter of the estate of Klljah M.
Harnett, deeeaaed,
Notli-e ia lierehy given to all Tr.-ona
baring claims against said deceased, to
present the asms to the undersigned ad
mtniatmtor of said Kstate at the olllce of
M. R. Elliott, in Prineville. Oregon, with
the proper vouchers, within six inuiitln
from tha Hrst publication of this notice.
Dated this l'lth day iff March, liatt.
Administrator of the Kstat of Elijah M.
Harnett, Deceased.
All iersons knowing themselves Indebt
ed o the late I.. X, Liggett or to Mrs. Kate
Liggett will please teuleat the nine of M.
R, KUIott in Prinevill. as she Is anxious
to close up all business preparatory to
leaving the city, and all person having
claims against either will present them to
Urn undersigned.
Rati K. Lioum.
Notioe to Orexlitor)
Notice la hereby given that the under
signed lias been, by the County Court of
the Slate of Oregon, for Crook County,
duly appointed Administrator of the
tateof Amos Dunham, deceased, and all
persons having claim agalast said estate
are required to present the same, duly
verillcd to said administrator at the law
office of M. E. Brink, lu Prineville, Oregon
within six mouth Ironi Ihe date of the
first publication of this notice.
Dated and published drat time March lhh
Administrator of the Estate
of Amos Dunham, deer owl.
lu tliU nitil itilJulliltiK territory, to
nnvavnt ami ttilvprtlmj th Vhtilt-
Hiile IVpnrtiuent of an old intnlillHh
hI cnmmerrlnl Ihiiiho of tiolbl flnan
cIhI Mtnitilinir. Stniilo lino. Siiliiry
f.1.50 per ilay, mhl w-kl.v, wlthez
IH'Iihoh ml vniiceil dinvt from licml
qtiartcrs. IIorm iiiul IniiiK.v furnlalt
exl whoti iiwinanrv. Vi furnlnh
everythltitf. I'iihUIou sermni'iit
AdilretsH T UK (ol.l Mill A Holme, KtO
Moiuiii Uliltr., Clili UKo 111.
FOR 8AI.K. A very desirable rancli
ootisistmg o( ll'iO acre. About W ol
which i firxt class yellow pine timlier
and Gl acre of No. 1 grtctiltuaal land
enclosed by fence, 8 acre of which
three year-old alfalfa and 3 ore
clover. A large stream ol pure cold
water teeming with trout running
through renter of place. Good ditch
for irrigation purpose. This is
bargain. For futher particular and
price write or call to tho jourmal
Office, Prineville, Oregon.
10 head of cattle of the following
descriptions: C head of 3-yiar-old
teer; One 3-year-old heifer; Three
yearlings; All branded with a Lazy
L over 1. on tight hip. Marked, tin
dercut in each ear. Small dulap,
Address any information regarding
the above rattle to
C. C. HON,
flfin Prineville, Oregon.
ceqqe mm mi
W. A. Booth, President
O. M. Elkins, Vies President
Frio W. Wilson, Oashiar
w. A. Booth, 0. M. Elkins,
0. F. Stiwart, Frio W. Wilson.
Transacts a General
Banking Business
Exchange Bought
and Sold
Collections will re
ceive prompt atten
tion laaaVaSBSaVaaUaVaVaaUaaBaBBVsWBat aaVsaSa i
The Whole Thing in an Igg Shell I
How to Get
200 Eggs a
Year per Hen
The second edition A Practical Poultry
Manual is now ready. Contains among
other things the famous Sampson
Method of Feeding, which is known to
be one of the best means of making a
profit from poultry. Some of Ihe cliapter
headings are: Brooder Chicks; Profit
able Poultry Raising; Principle DifTi
cutties; Remedies for Roup; During the
Moult; Economy in Feeding; Poultry as
a Business; Trap Nests', with plans and
illustrations. This chapter is worth the
pr o of the book. Tells the practical
way to make poultry pay. Price 50c.
Our paper is a 32 page Agricultural
Magazine with Household, Poultry,
Horticulture and Dairy Departments.
Subscription price $l.oo.
To introduce Our monthly into your
home we will send the paper one year
and A Practical Poultry Manual for 35
The Pacific Tree and Vine I
Park Hotel Bldg., San Jose, California
(Mtt nt 'till lioum 0 ' N E I L " M'N'''
li.v or nlitht. ' Inllly nf putlfiiR up
Menu iI nil kinds B TO t h 6 T S to order I'his mid
ihtvihI to nnlor. ManUgCTS tiiki-afur tin. f mlly
Flah, litn, nud . ""'
o o
(vatiTalu NcitMon, lln-ml Fur Hub
Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited
Dmlt and
Sood tdilliard
s .....
Miiiiif, Urejoi.
Reneral Storage Forwarding
Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Harheil Wire,
Nailn, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Planter, Sulphur,
Wool anil drain, Sack uiul Twine, (train and Feed.
Agents for Wnco WarehouHO Milling Co's. "Whilf
Hiver" and "Palleit Patent" Flour. Highest rice
paid (or Hides and IVlU.
Spet-ial Attention is paid to Wool (IradiiiR and
Rating; for Kantem Shipmrntii.
Slock Yards with all the latent and lnt farilitiea
for Handling Stoek.
Mark Your Goods in
r. ,
i j
L j
t j
Sonera ffilacksmiVung
Whkn it ih Donk Uy : : :
Saoman c 7oorc
L. J
r 1
Satisfaction .Will
Pkinevillk,"r'iririririririr-irir"ir i
When in need of Lum
ber, Shingles, Mould
ing, Doors, Windows
or Glass see
For Prices on Them.
Wines, and If&Zhf Finest Gigars
Liquors, JLDCMM In Stock.
Gountry Orders Solicited
First Door, South of Poindexter Hotel.
Powell &
jr. c.
d "Danlu
HottltMl Hour.
Vabio in Connection &
Care of "S. W. Co."
r i
r i
r. 1
L j
r 1
L j
r 1
L j
r 1
He Guaranteed
& Pollard..
JHtBBBKtJBBkWGWBUKBBK--r aalaaiaaaaahafcaaii haai aatlaali tti ill
"t i l f- w w- ' I I I I1 I1 "rrH Vrl"f'
- ' 1
-Tonsorial Artists-