A L c - b LoeaL MENTION i N. I'. Mi t'ulii w in n IiiinIih-lh orViuit Imiiioiiin IhM Tmi'kiIii.v. Stewart iiml IInil-i'tn'H liuiiii' cini'il 11 11 (1 1 H lit Ml' III I. & ( U K. Sli'Wiirt & Hoilsmi's pun leiifl.iril lit Mlrlii-I & Co'. , W ill Kurd r'tiiriii-il NntHlilny from Htllptit tlio nincli III SI-lrlH, I'lllitiiliiiiiiM II nji.t tntt , iiii'ili' to order awl ivud.v tu wcuriil floriuli'.vV I'. S. Cowli'H wmh In ( In' i ll.r mi a llllHlllfMM ll ll fl'olll Hii.vmIiii'K Tihh- iln.v. . New line of Shirt and Nii-U Wear lit (loriiih'.v'n. , ).), Cl.llwr Mllll Wife Were III (lie city from Cuh rr jeMi'i-dey mi a l.rM vi- It. I. II, UiiwI.IlW va4 It Iii:ii.k vlulior (nun l.nnioiiiit during the pmt .. eek. JllMti rtv'lvei II le.V Hue of Jiillll I'-. NteUoii llaMal U.il'iiil.'yV. Mm, Lue.v Aii'liTM'iii iiii'l Imiiu1iI"T, MUh I.iiIh, relumed In tin city Mint, ilny fruin t ii lr rnm li at 1'oni, Aiuniiiallloii of nil K I ml4 ni MIi Ih I A I'uV, fain IIId'H'lll IliHi piM re- vrlvi'il ii htrun liiu' of l.ndl.V mil it'll In" I'liriilnliliin-, At tin1 l'.uaiir. r.aulnii'r I P. WelM left Saturday fr I'm'iuI after km-ikIIu: tin' week lll'IV KltrVe.Vlllg lll' Street ml'l"C. JiiliUMuii, lliiol Ii ''I, (in- making n HjHvlully lit Indies nml gent's due dines. Call mill itispivt tln'lr Hue. Fouler & lorrlnn w ill pny highest Cimli I'l-I'i'ii for tiool Hides ami SllH ) lYlt, III'.' t C. It i nv ii, of lli I. 1. !'. Ci.. wiii over (nun IIimiiI tli tlmt of tin1 week mi a littNliu'iiM I ilp. Frank Foster r-t ttrttil Monday fruiu l'oril'iiid where In' ha liii-ti Miitiij; till' past U weeks, Tin t'Ul prlee.4 an hi til on nt the IIAAAU nml will eoniiiiue until tM Htm k i rvliailxl''il. l,evlrf & Clark' iiii-kllf fur ladles ii ni 1 gent li'Mii'ii for hiiIi at Johnson. Hoot Ii lV ll'!. ' iAt ito J V V A k A A V JV 1 V a If your lunula or fnee Is js chapped iiiiI f. Winners Cr6am j. Won't rout. $ lont run, Ii yoti a rout, S V V W" V V WAV A tirw tin- of iuin'H liravy work Iiih; hIiim' unil iIiih .Iioph Jut nrrlvnl nt tin Itnsanr, fn ii frw tlayrt Joluifuni, Hooth & t'u. will nrrlvi oin of tin' 1arj;itt nliliiiii'otH of tlry iiuiU rvi r Iu'oiikIiI to rrlnrvlll.. We jwiy tin tiljKhrft mai'krt JHirr fur fiit.li rayrn, I'on't ki11 tintll you h tin, Oin' iloor Houth of Ailaiu huii'ii ilruif kIoi'i', (', A. tii.ovi-jii. JoiiiiMoii, lliioili JJ Co. urn vrry liiiy nuikliu rnoin for tlirlr lar(;t II lit of nu'liijj; fomU whlrli will nr rlvi In ii few iI.i.vh. Alii: Y(l' titUNti TO TIIK FA IK? If you iwvyoii lnul lu-ltrr iuivIimmii jtulr of up-to-iliUc uliot'N nt Joluiwoi ltooth & t'o'H. Warrrii I'.rown It-fL wrok for IiIh rant'li at llayMiack afl'T lllllii); tin lumltloti of deputy Shrrlff iliirluv; tin pant month. MIhm Manili VaiulcriHiol left Turn ilay luiirnliiK to Hpciiil a few iluyn on Iter lioiiu'Hteuil iihovi' lloml. lurliirf Iter aliHi'tifc MIhh lora Ward In tilling the posliloii of operator at tin telephone ollk'C. V. J. Lively, who linn lieeu Hel'l- unly 111 with an al lack of piieiiuum lit ilurlnij tin; pant two weeks, In Jmpi'ovlnu; raphlly and will lie nlile to ui't out of door a.'rniu lu a nhort time. J. (). Johimon and II. 1. Tiiruey, of the ltenellllteH Irrlati; n & 1'owet' roiiipnny, punned t hi'oti:;-!! (he city Monday on their way to lteud from rortlnnd where the annual inert lug of tin eoinpnii.y wan held lant wirk Clilcken Htealliif; doeHti't pay In Ileiid. JiiHtlec Luwrenri. lined a man who ntole five fowln at that place, hint week tlio ipieenly hiiiii of ffitt). A man Kulll.v ' worwe eriinc could relish spring fryn at 1- w head. Fhv, catised , hy a, defect h e Hue, unvo JiiMtleo Ltii'kry'H family a half hour of an.lety last Friday uiornlnn'. 'I'lie hla.u wan Ili-Mt seen eating ltn way aloii);' t he eeillii!; of the dining' room, liut wiih rxtlnjiUlKhed hefoiv It had K.iiitnl much headway and before the department could resiiond to tlio alarm of lire. Preparations have been ronipletcd , by the members of the local ball team fora Hno time at the baseball dance to benlvrn In Athletic hall tomorrow tiln'ht. A lonjj; program of danceH will be K'lven and the youn ladles will presldo a t theHU))er which will btmi ven (lurlnir an Intermission hi the (lances towards midnight. (1. 11. Converse and ,r. II. Vlncrnt, tif Eugene, who own hotnesteailH In the vicinity of Sisters crossed the mountains a week a;;o last Friday. They camo over the MeKen.le route and encountered bfit little snow. This trip was liiade earlier In the vear than any other of which there is a record and is evideueoof the fact that but little snow has fallen hi the Ciwcades during' the past winter i io.l, dry Juitlpi r wood at Mii hcl & Co. IU hiiic niid hear tin' llluxl rated H011414 ut Hie bull Monday met Tiieiil.iy. 'I'ln (livitt Tiiilu ltoblieiy at tic hall next Moiiilay and TiH'H'lny. Tills i.i one of the lx-t of IIUollK illiiiainl is about Kmifii-t lon. A new pout oilier was itabllsh.Ml last week at 1 Irlider and A, It. I .vie linn been appointed poitiiiate;. A " (lines a week 11111II srrvlce Is now In operation from tbrrc to Madras. Jiwepli Combs, lln will known iranl roiiuty rn 1 1 le latvr, U biiyhiK .lecM In this M'i'lloll. lie l offi rllllf ?l I for ,earllu-t, .l'l for two-year. oi!b mid f J'l for tliii e yeal'-o'il. This U tin adviiui'i' f nboiit f ! per hi ad o cr the pilnit paid hist year. Spray ( 'niirlei'. .Ii'i-eph l.iMir, who. was ipilte -erloii;"iy Injured n wn k nuo while ill lvlilu' liolue. Is lei nvi rlnjt ".lowly .-oin Ids Injui !. I'r, Uo'iiber:i: ivl'iriied ll'olil ill-' I.U.ter laiicll Mull day and t-t. iled I Ii" iiijiired ui.ili was 1 '-i-t liu imliil a My, nlllioiiuii frill rally III for if-'Vi-rnl days. You fan Save 1 $t to $2 on Shoes J At tlie ItACKKT STOHK j ,). I', Morris has received a lartc Hlilnui'iit of dry kooiIm. ilrrsN Hoods, 1 le., lunl.lliyr Ids Mo. k III this line of prlli ami suuitlier K"ods as eoiil- ele as any ot her In t he cliy. lb Is ' IliiiiC K"ods at reasonable prices and w III take pleasure In show lnj; Ihriil tojiill hetlieryou buyorilot, Tin Pioneer Association of Oregon has set Jimr la im the day for the an anal lui-cihu; and .lune 111 will be l'l- oiie, r day at the I'WIs ami (lark expimilloil. Mots Lore, wlu Is lo:! .years old, and who was employed by the Hud-ton Hay company In l."a, u III be la I'm ll, m l at thai tine to iiltrlid the ir.eelliis. The difference hrtweeu a poor chair and a irood chair Is only a fcwcrlits. WINM-.K sdls good chairs lit prills close to poor chairs. V 'V W "V V V ''H1 V W U "W The new law which makes -lierp- men pay part of their tuMts In couu tl s Into which tle-.v tak their lloil.s for siiiiiuicr i.inu'e. Is not brlnn re ceived with lunch favor In an.v'of the eonnties affected. It will take prob ably a tliollsaiid dollars a year of t a es from Wheeler county and as lunch front milium, and turn the same overto tiratit and Crook. which will nhe iiothlua; lu return. As in I he past no effort will is made by local olllclals where sins 11 from other counties uresiiot, lopunini tue suoo ers. - -Fossil .lourual. r "VC,V V V V V WW J.frs. Ida Prose wlsh;s to in form the general public that they can get the very liest meals to be hud In Prlnevllle at her boardlm house. Next to W. 11. Voting's blacksmith shop. Call and Test them lkV ifxAi&AAi9ijiVAAAWi GooU Show Next Week. The moving pict u iv concert given by the Steel Fn-eland Company at Coininert'ial Hall on Wednesday night was the best entertainment ever given, In Antelope. They had a large audience both evenings, the s.'allng capacity of the hall being taxed to Its limit and unlike the majority of shown touring the in land country, the entertainment was an good as they advertised. Ante lope I leiald. The StiH'l it Freeland Concert Company will be at the P. A. A. C. Hall Monday and Tuesday, Aprils and 4. Admission 'a and .10 cent's. Ileserved seats at Winnek's Drug St mi tin cents. Street Grades Completed. Fngineer L. J). Wlcst c'anplctcil the work of grading the streets last week and the finished data and pro. tiles will he ill the hands of tin council committee on Streets and Public Improvements: as soon as completed and sent over from llend Willi tills much needed work done the council will be In a position hen n tier to make a gradual Improve ment of the thoroughfares and building penults can be gran led In accordance with the surveyed lines which have been established. In time, t he streets will be cut and filled so that t no waste water can lu handled advantageously , The Ulster to Be Given Saturday Night. A change of date from April 7 to next Saturday evening, April 1, has been made lor the presentation of the High - school comedy, It was thought bettor to give the perfor mance this week Instead of next so as not toconllict with several other entertainments on the calendar. The play Is a humorous one throughout and no doubt will be witnessed by a large audience. It Is safe to remark that every part of the three acts will be thoroughly enjoyed by all who attend. IT. I lllll' Hill Wife MIC H'llll!lli tilt! week on lliclr !o-liiitr nuwli war I In- lower lullji'. I. A. M.HoWill was In tin clly raiiili 011 lower I t Ills Week from Ids Crooked river. Miss Winifred Cllne li ft last Satur day for Howard to brtfin n. three mouths' term of tt'HihliiK. The annua! merlin;; of the I', A. A. C. w ill be held lit thecl'lli house next Moiid ay rvrnlnjf. The regular r !--I Ion of ollicers for the eiisulnjf year will Is' the chief business feature of the meet h:- J v Ik lit Itols rls has . purchased from Dr. Itoseiil'r( the two story bulldiujx North of the lattrr'n rrsl denee. The old striicturi will Im torn down and Mr. Kolwrts will move the 'umber to his homestead properly In the Culver i!!ntl)c(. f V V VV V ""W V V. SPRINCTI M Is 1 here a room In tin houe that does not have the luster and bi'trhl iaMs thut It should have'.' ;: We keep all kinds of Wall I'api r. :: :: D. P. ADAMSON & CO. b Jr f, s, ?m A .'v m rv v m l.ove Halli y vmis lu the clly Mmi day from I'aullna. lie went down to t he Forest ranch to secure Home bridge sti'i'I W hlcll will be Used III t he construe) loll of several new bride's in t he I'au'.lna district of which Mr. liniiey Is road commissioner. The old reliable I'rter Schllttler Wauotis can Is' found nt .1. F. ilor rls's. I.llit build, durability mid easy rumilliK ipialltllles have sold a Kient iiiiiuber of these wagons and will sell more. Jl'J A. ('. Lucas mid (ieorne llobbs were over from the half way station t Ids' morning to get aloud of provis ions. Mr Lucas said a barn .''x.V) fiit had Ihmii comileted mid that I hey would be ready in u few days lo aceouiodate the traveling public. .1. L. Wliidom was In the city from Culver Tuesday. Mr. Whuloni stilt ed that a greatly Increased acreage will be pet Into grain this year lu the AyriH y country. He has rircut ly ch ared and, broken an additional acres oil his ranch, and In doing so grubbed out over Fa Juniper I rers. The members 'if the l'rllievllle band are making arraiigeiitents to give n three act comedy drama entitled, "The Country Kld"ln the near future. Considerable new scenery, made rs pivlally for the play, will be painted, the work to lie done by A. H. Jtollur, The pi iM-ivds of the comedy will he for the betetit of the baud. ""AAA rfka. AV tL . To buy a piece of furniture Isvause It Is cheap Is not ECONOMY r when Furniture that wilt wear cosis only a little more. See Wihuck's Home Makers i i lt!k A. rfk A A A A A. vV jAt ttx M Jl'ST AKUIVKD At Mrs. John Cyrus' store, an assortment of All over lace, F.mbroidcries and n'ady made underwear. Also silk, sateen, Flannel and white waists, embroid ery pieces, pillow toils and silk to work them. Sand silk and spool silks In all shades. Velvet and silk ribbons, collars and handkerchiefs, hose and hose supporters. Crepe and tissue paper. mid We are ready to show you a very complete line of Implements and vehicles Including Hacks, Iload Wagon" and F.nglcs. The largest assortment we have ever had. We are sure we can make prices and terms that will suit you. Come and see as and we will talk the matter over. We handle -the best, for it is only the Ifest that Is good enough for our customers. Our Implements, and buggies are the celebrated John Deer make. The world's best. John Deer plows are made from ease hardned, soft center steel, the best steel that is manufactured for the plow trade. J. F. Mounts. Telephone Line tu Culver. Postmaster Summers returned Monday evening from the Culver dis trict where he has completed the PrlnevlUo-Culver telephone line as far as the. I. II. Wlndoni ranch. Th line will be built on Into Culver as I soon as the balance of the, wire is re ceived and put on the gro'un.l. It 1h e.ipected that connection will be made between the two points inside of a couple of weeks. In the meantime work on the Pae Kle States telephone line from Mad ras to Culver is progressing rapidly and in all probability will be com pleted as soon as the line bet ween the latter place and this city. By the. second week; next month com iiHinicatihn can be had with Mahras and all way points. The wire is strung to a point only 1) miles this side of Madras and the line would have been completed to the latter point this week but a mistake was made at Shanlko and the wire" and insulators held their through an error. The delay forced Mr. Summers to disband the work ing crew for a short time. He states however, that the line will be pushed on to Madras as soon as possible and connection between the latter place and Prlnevllle will be establish ed Inside of the next ten days. Yesterday morning the line was open to the Wtndoin ranch and operated very satisfactorily. Jhs. M. Kelley lenves tomorrow for Portland to Is- absent several ilayn1 oil lillslliess matters. MS'j" A bunidi of keys, consisting of padlock, stole mid post otlleekVN. j Finder will olease leave same tit this ! olllce mid sii-ure a reward. KITI'ATION WA.NTKI-i:y a lady as general hoiiekii"per. Country pr ferred. Address A. It., Care of the Journal, I'rineville, Oregon. Foil NAMi A choice lot of fruit trees from The Hallest Nurseries. In quire of I'. It. I'lilnd-Xter. -uibi James II. (iwlull, of I'endletoll, who for the past five yearn linn Ism secretary of the state Woolgrowers Association has In-cii appointed sec retary of the National Livestock As scxiatloa and ha vlng accepted will leave I'l'lidletoii about the lath of April f..r Denver, where the head ofi). ce Is located. Tie secreiaryshl,) of the national iisHiM'lailon Is .ivi ry Im portant poMliou and Is a 11 honor to l'eiidli'loti to have it fall lo one from that i lly. IHunks for taking the rfuufy I census have lel'll receded bv Ac- rr.L I). Lafollilt 11 ml the wolk of ruiijii. -rating the population in the count ry dlst rlet-t w lills well under way in n short time. As soon as tlds work is complied the taking of the city's census will be coin. Illellced. Probably before tin as sessment roll 1-t completed the population of I'l'liievllle and ail thi ol her towns In the county will have lieeu determined. MARRIED. In thkj city, Wednesday morning, March -', Miss Irene Fresh to Mr. Wm. liuldwin. theKcr. W. P. Jin nett jH-rformiiig the ceremony. Died At Suplep, Oregon, Saturday March 11, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mm lus lelore. At Powell Iinttes, Friday, March 17, Mm. I'niaiiiH 1 Pussett. The re mains wen burieil at the Powell Iluttes cemetery last Sunday after noon, the Itev. W. P. .linnett, nsslst ed by the Itev. (). W. Triplet t, con ducted the services. BASE BALL To Im benefit given for the of the Prine- vi tie llase Hall Club on Friday, March 31st. Tlio Bane Bull Nine will manage the dance and see to it that the music and other fea tures wbieb go to make a dance successful are of tho first class order. The money secured . from the proceeds of the dance will be used in paying for the new outliit recently bought. In addition to the dance the young ladies of the city will serve Fupper at midnight, the pro ceeds from which will " be applied to the good of the base ball cause. Danco will be given in P. A. A. C Ball The Baso Ball Boys need the; money and assure you the best time of tho- season, so you really can't miss this. Remember the ; Place and tho Date Prineviile, Oregon FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 31st. A Chicago Alderman Owes His Election to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "I can heartily nml conscientious ly recommend Ghnniberlnin'8 Cough Remedy for affections of the throat nnd lung's;" says lion. John Sheniek, 220 So. Peoria St., Chicago. "Two .veal's tigo durlnjr a political cam paign I caught cold after being over heated, which irritated my throat and I was finally compelled to stop, an I could riot speak aloud. In my ex tremity a frien.d advised me to use ChainUerla la's Cough Remedy. took two doses that afternoon nnd could not believe my senses when found the next morning the inflani nation had largely subsided. ' took several doses that day, kept right on talking through the cam paign, and I thank this medieim1 that I won my seat in the Council." This remedy is for sale by 1). P. Adamson & Co. ' L J'.JwJ. 1. j r 1 1 J J r 1 L J I 1 L J r 1 L J r ) Li . 1 I I r t L .1 r 1 L I t 11 L -I r 1 k J r i L J r 1 u r.t u r 1 u j ' ) i 1 . J i 1 t. j r 1 . I . " "I J r V J r 1 t j r 1. 1 1 i 1 u t r-i L J "i l A r i 1. J r i t. J r 1 . j r i u ri L J r i LJ n u j n L J mn i. Jk J on Wearing -Ji - For Prices and For an Impaired Appetite. Loss of apis'tite nlwayii ri-sulth-from faulty digestion. Ail that is needed Is a few doses of ChamlKT lain' Stomach and JJver Tablets. They will invigorate the Htomach, streiithen the digestion and give you an appetite like a wolf. These Tab lets, also act as a gentle laxative. For sale by l. P. Adamson & Co. 4 . . tj J K.) C & I Maker of the cele brated Prineviile Stock Saddle Saddles and Harness Lat eat improved Ladles' side and stride saddles, bits, spurs, nn gora chaps, iiuirts and hackamores. A Full Line of Stockmen's Supplies Write for Prices rrineville, - .Oregon. )TP AJF' V 131 VTI Wall paper in the neat- jj est up-to-date designs, all J weights and prices. If you want wall paper, in- spect this stock :: :: 4 L. P. ADAH50N & CO. 1 L.J r.r r LJ r t L J rt KJ Li n r l 1 L J n LJ 1 Li r . - L J LJ ri J r..i L J r i KJ r::i LJ T LJ r i LJ r- LJ n r.rt r .-i .. IL'J r;-i Li LJ LJ ri L J J V Gotzian L JILJL iLJL JL. 'Jk JL-iL'JLJL. JU.LJkJL JtLjk Jk JlL.- We arc 7lents for Grain The Special Features of This Machine Tire A Positive Force Feel that will bow any grain Discs All 1'iht Hand which leaves the ground level Hard Oil Cups on Disc Hearings which insures perfect oiling Chilled IJushingsj for Dine W W A MM-JI-XAXaA f- I, irffiiwpyii List of Styles Carried (8ucc:nr to ELKIN3 ft KIN3) , ' m . THE EMPIRE STABLES HUGH GEE, PROPRIETOR. Si Special Attention Given to Boarding :: :: :: First Clas Teams to Let at Reasonable Prices, : Up-to-Date Outfits Fur nished for transporting Parties to the woods or, an outside point :: :: it,' 'vi vVivtvvtVt'Vi Remarkable values in Fall 5 RaeKET S TORE J. S. KELLEY, Proprietor. "We are receiving new and and fresh, goods ia all our line 3 every tew days, and our prices are the LOWEST IN TUB CITY tor honest goods. When your purse is short come and see us and we will pave you money. - x , Gall and- Examine Them Prineville-Shainko Daily Between Prineviile and Shanlko SCHEDULE - v Leaves Shaniko, C p. m. Arrives at Prineviile 6 a. m. Leaves Prineviile 1 p. m. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. m. u First 'Class Accommodations Yon YES: Then you wear Shoes and are looking for the best made. We have them, the famous We are making room for the largest consignment of ' shoes ever shipped to any firm in Crook County and will' be prepared to 8hoe any person who wears .Shoes. We carry the famous 'Health and Walk Easy Shoes for men and women, which have never been, been equaled for comfort, style, fit and wear. This is a good spring to wear spring goods. We have the largest and snappiest line of Spring Goods ever brought - to Prineviile, which vill be ready for the good people to select from in the hear future. ,' Do not buy elsewhere until you have examined our line. 1 Drills Bearings . in Stock Write LIVERY, HACKAXD BOARDIXG STABLE MAIS STHEET XEAR THE OCHOCO BRIDGE PIUXEVILLE, OREGON S. AVtvvVVVVV and Winter Underwear at the r.a Li fa 111 LJ ra LJ ri LJ ri : LJ r.i - LJ ri L J C.I LJ r.i LJ rii LJ B ri LJ ri L J ri L J ri LJ ri LJ ri L J ri LJ ri L J CI LJ ri L J ri LJ ri L J C.1 LJ ri LJ r.i L J r.i LJ r.i L J ri LJ ra LJ ri Walk? Shoes Li CI . . TM g GO. ri LJ ri LJ nrinrinrinnr'innh','"iririrl :LJLjLjLJLjl.JLJLJLJLJkJLJLJLjLJLjLULJ