r B LOCAL MENTION m. Mayor Wurxweller uracil (In lust of tlu wii'k front Portland. (IriM'crli'x clu'iii for cash or pro (lin e, nt (Ii.ovkh's. Italph Klmrp, of th'iid was visit hitf friend tit Prineville Nmidiy, Ntewart iiihI 1IoImoh'h hoinei-invd meats nt MiiitKi. A ( o'n. W. A. Iloolli left Monday for Mend on it business trip. Ammunition of all kinds nt Michel A Vs. Warren Urown, of Haystack who vImHIhk In town Monday. John Urown, of Haystack was In tlu city Monday. Itennle llooth relumed liiNt week front a trip to lrt lanl. I K. UoiiKlaM was vImIiIiik lit tow n from Hay Creek Friday. It. 1'. Miller, of Tout, wiim transact Injr business In town ImmI week. Stewart A Hodsou's pure ltnf lar) nt Michel & (Vs. Wnrrt'ii Urown lit temporarily 1111 liiH tin position of deputy sheriff. Alfred Tipton wan In the city for n few days (IiIh wis-k from his Hay erevk ranch. A. TliouiHon left the first of the for Sisters to sc I.hfe Spark who Is re ported ImIiik seriously III. Ilujih Lister, of Paulina wnm vll tint; with hi family In 1'ilnevllle IiimI week. Mr. iiihI Mm. A. Thomson returned Inst week from a trip lolleppner mid I'ortlaud. Ward ('rant went over to Head Monday to look after hiilsncKS mat tern. A. I Wltfle wan In I tend the first of the week Hi'lllutr some of hi Itcef cattle to the local market there. Johnson, Hi rnth & Co, are making n HHH-lalty of ladle ami p-ut's line slits. Call mid lnect their line. Jack Hayl wiim down from hi lU'nr cnek ranch Friday attending the MaHiiiernde hull. Jerry llnrlH-r wan In from Culver Friday attending; the Mani)iierade (nil. Ij-wIm & Clark neektlen for Indie and gentlemen for sale nt Johnson, llooth A Co'n. Cnrcy Foster returned the Inst of week from a business trip to Maker City. Ovid Itlley was over front IiIm ranch Ih'Iiiw I lend the lust of the week looking after liUHlueHM mat tern. lUiiiemlHT the HA.AAK In head quarter for'frull. confectionery, tobacco and cigar. A. F. Thompnon In visiting: In the city the guest of X. K. Hodges ami wife. Orange Hodge and wife moved , out to their ranch on the McKay Saturday. FotdcrA UorrlKan will pay highest Cash Price for Hood Hide mid Sheep I'eltn. mil - Mm. .1 aiiti'H Sharp arrived Sunday from Head, and In stopping with Mm. I.. X. Liggett. Miss Nellie lay arrived Sunday from Ladraude on a visit to her sls ter, Mm. H. S. Stenrnn, of thin city. (ieorge Cyrus han assumed the inniingcmcnt of the Poludcxtcr Hur ler Shop for the Hummer. Dick Darling went out to 1'owell llutten Monday to look after IiIm spring crop of home. The cut prlcen tiro still on nt the 11AAAU "and will continue until old stock In exhausted. John MeTnggnrt,. of the firm of MeTnggnrt & Uye, of Mail ran wan In town hint week. If you have eggs, chickens or other produce, nee (li.ovint before selling. I EVER SHAVE? " Why not buy a (iOOI) SIIKFFIKLI) ItAZOIt? All klmlH of Hnrhcr Sup plies. :: :: :: j D. P. ADAMSON & CO. j Dr. (lull NewHoine left today for I'ortlaud after Hpendlng tlw pant ten days vlnltlng with htn parentn, Mr. and Mrn. 8. .1. Newnom. lit a few dayn Johnnon, llooth & Co. will receive -otto of the largest nhlpiiieotH of dry goodn ever brought to I'rlnevllle. 11. C. Low and Frank (51nn wore over from Hond the laBt of the week to attend the annual meeting of tho DoHehutoH Reclamation company. J. H. Ilimhum and Chan. Swalloy wero In the city Saturday at tltq meeting of the Denchuk'n Reclamat ion Company. AUK YOU GOING TO T11K FAIH? If you ure you had better purchnHe a jmlr of up-to-date uhoes at Johimon llooth &Co'h. " ' Jan. T. HobhiHon was In the elty from Culver Saturday. Ho stated that tho Culver dlntrlct was getting pretty dry owing to the long spoil of warm weather, but that Indications pointed to a year of general prosperity. l'erry Head, of Culver wit In town thin Week. He state that plowing In the thing of the day In that hit lion. ' We pay the highest market price for frenh egg. Don't nell until you we tin. One door south of Adam moii'h ilruir Htia-e. C. A. (il.oVK.n. liny Countable returned Tuenilay from I'ort land where lie han Invu a wis'k vIhIHiik and hitvluif hln eyen treated. II. I'. J, ohm; mnde a trip to the Forenl ranch hint week, l'erry re port n that the IhimIiichm there In Im-Iiik conducted to hln Mallnfactlon. Joiiiimou, llooth & Co. nre very Iiiih.v iiinkluir room for their large Hue of Hprluft Roodn which w ill ar rive In n few dayn. Work nt tliu Fair ground In (Ulna the track and bulhllnir a uriiiidntiind In Ih'Iiik rnxlicd an fant an ponnlble. M. It. IHkrU" In niiH-iinteuilnir the work. J. M. Lnwercnco came over from Head Saturday to make final proof on hln timber claim. J. N. Hunter mid M. C. Mayllehl nptH-ared an wltaenni-n. Ca In van & Hideout will receive within the next few tlayn a complete Hue of Hie well known Cnpcu Slnn-n for men mid boyn. Mrn. Ida Front' wlnhen to In form the pMieral public 1 lint they can p-t the very lHt menln to Ik had In I'rlaeville at her boardlni; bonne. fNYxt to W. II. YouiiK'nlilackniulthnliop, Call nud Tent them Mm. J. Doiithit, of The DalleM ar rived in I'rlnevllle lant week to le -:it the Inxlnlde of her father. Anion Dun ham, w ho died on March .'Inl. W. II. Slantn, of lliwhuten, panned through the city Monday on hln way Imiiie front a btmlneHM trip to I'ort -html. Farihar Mcltae, who han had the uinnnuvmcnt of the l'olndexter Har Iht Shopn the pant winter left Mon thly for Hciid. where he will take a position In Creed Triplet t'n nltop, llert Holler und Win. Hardin left Monday for Madrnn to look up a little bunlnenn lit their renvctlve linen. (ieorge F. Cyrun, wife and child, of I'rluevllle, were lit Madran Friday to attend the funeral of Manter Hertinrd Wllnoii, their nephew. Madran I'lo licer. J. M. lleukli, of ilrlxxly, who wan In town Mtiiulay ntaten that the warm weather han dried uptheroiidn along Willow creek and that In a nhort time they w ill In an good nn mimmcr roadn. We pay the hluhent eanh prlcen for all kluiln of I'roduee, l'oultry, mid Fn-nli l'.gu. A big Nttpply alwnyn kept on hand when ponHlhlc. I'rlaeville Market, I'ai i. Hkcnzki. Son, I'ropn. Frank O'ltrlau, of Shaulko, arriv ed In the city Friday. Mr. O'lirian who han been employed In theShanl ko Warehoune for the jiant two yearn han renlKiied hln poHltlon und will locate In thin county. The old reliable l'eter Sclmttlcr Wagonn can be found at J. F. Mor rln'n. Unlit build, durability and eany ruunlii iunlitltlen have nold a great numln-r of thene wagonn and will nell more. Jl! You Can Save to $2 on Shoes At the. HACKUT STOKE J. II. Wlmlom was In town Friday from his ranch at Culver. Mr.Wind oin emtio In to move his family who have Itoen residing In town during the winter buck to tho farm. They left Saturday. Dr. Gall S. Nowsont returned last week from Arlington to spend a week visiting with lil parents. He Is In tho service of the 0. It. & N. company and Is surgeon In charge of the crow of men building the Arllng- tou-Condon branch. Church Worker's Society of t he M H. Church ga ve an Ice vren in social at Helknnp's Hall Saturday evening, An enjoyable time Is reported and something over fit) netted, which is to bo added to tho church improve ment fund. J. D. Lafollolto, County Assessor left Monday for Madras and tin northern part of the county to com mence on the- annual assessment of the taxable property. He expects to be busy in that part of the county about 30 days. Tho members of tho Ladies' Auxil iary of tho Haptlst church will give an Icecream social at Helknap Hall, Saturday evening, March lstlt, the proceeds to bo used in furthering the work of tho Boclety. ' Arrangements have been completed for tho dedication of the new Ilaptist church at Head, of which tho Kev. O. W. Triplett Is pastor, to take place on Sunday, March 2(1. An entertain ing program will be given and It Is probable that quite , a number will go from here to attend the services. J. L. Dnnlnp nnl F. D. DryuVn have finished their work of exporting t ho county records and left to-dny for their home In I'ortlaud. The work has coiiniimed five months and the report, w hich l spread over 40 pages of ledger sheets, wan (lied yes terday Is-fore the County Court. It Is said that a Corvalllnlndy who nt tended the reeout chicken kIiow held there, had lcei given a fresh laid egg from one of the piixe hens and lu'cldently let It fall from her hand to the floor. "Oh, I dropped an egg, she exclaimed, " hat shall I do','" "Cackle," restorted a small boy Is-hlui her. Albany Democrat. The official board of the Methodlnt Church at their regular meeting last week decided to make extennlve re- pal rn on the church. The auditor ium In to lc papered, the baneinent lit ted up, a new furnanee Inntalled and other minor details, entailing an outlay of fKNi or $700. J. Frank Stroud han bought out the Interest of J, It. Merrill, and A. II. Scalcn, of Lamonta, han bought the Interest of 11. I'. Seclude In the Head Livery & Transfer Co. These two men now own tne estaiiiinuiiieut. Mr. Stroud has imnumed the active management of the btmlncss. Hond r.iilletlu. u W, Hons, of Albany was In the city the first of the week looking for n location. Mr. J tons In a practical watch maker and Jeweler having worked at the trade for over 17 years. He states that he will muke a trip out to IV-iid this week and see w hat Inducements are offered there, and fully oxMvt to locate lit Crook county. F.d Hodnoit nvently received a standard pressure gauge to test the amount of pressure In the tank. A tent w.ts made Monday by Company No. 1 and the following 'results ob tained: Ordinary pressure 40 pounds; with Inch nozzle, .",0 pound; with Inch noxxle, 20 pounds. This rep resents the tank pressure without the use of the pumps at the engine lion'. Charley Lytic, who represented John II. IH'II, from Colorado, at the Masipierade ball Friday night cer tainly looked an much like the real Dell as Dell himself. Charley had neoured iH'll's clothes, shoen nud other clot lies necessary to represent the part, and 1V11 upon coming Into the hall where the dancers were Imagined It wan the real one and wanted to take himself home. Wull uiht in the neat est up-to-date designs, all weights and prices. If you want wall paper, in spect this stock :: :: U. P. ADAH50N & CO. i 4 4 Dr. Uonenls-rg was 'called to Pau lina Tuesday night to attend Mm. A. J. Noble who met with a serious ac cident In the morning. She had driven to the post otllee and had started home lu the carriage when the homes became frightened nud at tempted to run. Mm. Noble con trolled them for a few minutes and then seeing that they wero ticcomlug unmanageable Jumped from the car riage. The weight of her body was thrown to her leg which was broken by the fall. A HsTt Noble drove Into town to got a physician,, arriving here Tuesday night, O. G. Coliver was In the city this week front Culver. Mr. Coliver, who Is Justice of the Fence In that dis trict, stated that the evidence pro duced at tho Inquest which was held over the remains of F. II. Jackson showed that the man had Is-en tem porarily unbalanced for some time past, and that his self Inflicted death was probably brought about at a time when he "was not responsible for his acts. Jackson had projiorty In terests near Clayton, Washington, for which ho had liocu offered flO.OOO. Jackson's brother, who lives at the pitter place, has Isvn notified ot his brother's death. With IS consecutive days of warm weather and perpetual sunshine as the record since tho l!)th of February, Crook county can well afford to look pleasant and sympathise with less fortunate sections.' The maximum temperatures in Frinoville during the past week have kept well up In fig ures and the average maximum readies the 72 degree mark. All over the county plowing Is being carried on and a continuation of the present weather will' see the work completed before many moro days have past. If present Indications can bo taken as Indicative of the fu ture, tin county will be visited with heavy rnlns during April, May and Juno, Just at a time when most need ed In this section to insure bountiful harvests of grain, hay and In fact nil other produce. The base ball fans hold a meeting Monday evening to arrange for tho games and grounds for the coming season. At the meeting It w-as de elded to try and secure ground for the diamond at the Fair Grounds and If this Is done some good games will be seen here this summer, as an admis sion charge can bo made, thus assur ing the team u chance to offer la uueements to outside teams to come here and play. The rtinevllle team, Judging from those who have agreed to play, will be hard to bent. Sev- oral new faces will be seen in Prlne vtllo uniforms and the Infield will be hard to boat. The outfield will also be extra fast. Taking the line up of the players on paper they look like winners. A BwtoM Bauwy Jjiist Sunday morning T. J. Malloy put a new hack together, and Mrs. Malloy took their children and Mm. George Kirk for a drive. It wan a Is'Hutlful day and they were en joying the ride linmeimly, but all good things must come to an end and no they started for home. Just as they pulled out of Willow creek they saw the team that I'rof. I C-Fulton wan driving commence to run, the tongue drop down; the team Isvome iinntanaguble, break (oose from the buggy and the I'rofi-nn-or dragged out on the ground. Mrs. Malloy, who wan driving saw tlie team was heading for the right rig, so plied the whip and trU-d to get In Is-hlnd a road s rajn-r to avoid them but the team came too fast, and with a mad determination ran right Into them, striking the rig and team a side and rather front blow, over turning the rig and literally Jumping right on It and the occupants. How any of t hem encaisMl alive la a mys tery. The Malloy team tlied broke loose and they all ran away, leaving the rig upside down and the occu pants under It. Mm Malloy was badly shaken up, so much so that her life was despaired of for nearly 24 hours. Mm Kirk has a Jaw brok en and four teeth knocked out; Lon Malloy a badly brained head; Irene a broken arm; lu fact all but the Malloy baby were more or less bad ly injured Irene would have Is-en killed outright but for the presence of mind of Mm Malloy, who at the last moment threw her aside and out of harms way, but almost for feiting her own life In the attempt to save that ofjher child. The injured ones are now on fair way to recove ry Oeth of Amos Dunham Amos Dunham, one of the oldest and Is'nt known residents of Crook county, and for many yearn engaged In the business of stock raising, died at his home In this city last Friday morning at 1-M) o'clock. Iicath was due to a general breaking down of a physique which had. withstood the hardships and privations of frontier life from early yearn until the de cease! had grown to manhood. For twenty yearn he had Is-en a worthy and Industrious resident of Crook county and his death marks again the panning away of another of those men whose business Industry and in tegrity has made Crook county what It Is today. Amos Duuham was born near Clarksvllle, Missouri, In 114. At the age of IS he crossed the plains with nn ox team and settled In southern Oregon, where lie resided for several yearn. Later he moved to Linn county and In ISM he took upJnnd In Crook county lu the vicinity of Hay creek, where he engaged In the stock buslnens to a successful degree. Mr. Dunham-was married In Linn county In 1S02 to Miss Ellia A. Churchill, to whom eight children were born. The widow and six of the children survive the deceased They are: H. D. Dunham, P. X. Dun ham, C. C. Dunha in and Mrs. P. 15. Doalt of this city; Mm. JoeMcCullom, of Ashwood, and Mm. J. A. Douthlt, of The Dalles. One brother of the deceased lives at Graiigevllle, Idaho. The funeral servk-es were held at the Union church Saturday after noon, the Rev. W. P. Jlnnett, pastor of the Methodist Vhureli, conducting the services. Buy Fine Blooded Stallion A sale was made last week by which O'Noll Rrothera and Carey W. Foster lieeome the principal owners of the finest t horoughbred stallion ever brought Into Crook county. The animal Is a black 3 year-old Per- cheron, weighing 1700 pounds, and the price paid for him was f3200. "Shamrock," the dignified title un- dor which the stallion Is known, for merly belonged to J. G. McMillan, a well known raiser of fine stock, of Hock Rapids, Iowa. The animal is registered and comes from the finest family of horses lu the east. Mr. Foster, while In Baker city and Pen dleton last week completed the bar gain to purchase the horse, the sale lieing made through Mr. McMillan's representative who .had lieeu In I'rlnevllle for several weeks previous. The animal will be kept In the city during part of the summer and the balance of time will lie a t.-the O'Noll ranch at Forest. He Is4- a 'magnifi cent type of horse flesh and lias 'ex cited much comment and admiration here In the city. The owners are to be commended and x congratulates upon their purchase which Insures for the future a fine grade of this class of stock from this portion of Eastern Oregon. . A Chicago Alderman Owes Els Election to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, ' "I can heartily and conscientious ly recommend Chamberlain's Cough Ueiuedy for affections of the throat and lungs;" says Hon. John Shenlck, 220 So. Peoria St., Chicago. "Two years ago during a political cam paign 1 caught cold after being over heated, which irritated my throat and I was finally compelled to stop, as I could not speiik aloud. In my ex trennty a triend advised, me to use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. took two doses that afternoon ami could not lielleve my senses when found tlie next morning the lnflani matlon had largely subsided. took several doses that day, kept right on talking through the cam palgn, and I thank this medicine that I won my seat In the Council This remedy Is for sale by D. P, Adamson & Co. ' ' r i Li r i i j L J r i Li n r i Li r i Li ri Li n Li ri Li r i Li r. i Li ri Li M Li n Li r.t Li Li n Li r. i Li ri Li ri Li Successor to Elkins Li Li Li r.t Li - Li Li n Li L3 Li n Li n ' Li r.n Li r.i Li r. Li nn LJLJ kikikikJkJkJL:UkJkikJkikJkJkikJkJkikULJkikikJkikikiLJkikikJkJkikJkJkikJkiLikJI.Jki For an Impaired Appetite. Iaiss of npietlte always results from faulty digestion. All that is needed Is a few doses of Chamlier laln's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will Invigorate the stomach, strenthen the digestion and give you an appetite like a wolf. These Tab lets also act as a gentle laxative. For sale by I). P. Adamson & Co. III FARMERS NOTICE S in I am prepared togrind Chill Plow Shares at 25 cents each. Have Just Installed neur Jiiiwh'mprv Inr thin ' mi j special purpose. el it1 . xifwmrw At Prineville t louring Mills m kii mi r FOR SALE Two New Winchester Rifles. Calibers 38-55 and 22 long. Will sell cheap. Address The JOURNAL WASHINGTON 1 STEEL BOTTOM SCHOOL SHOES Hv a Sol That "Won't Wear Out" Every Boy Went them Because Ho Don't H.ve to Be C&reful of His Shoe ytSK. yovn SHOE M A.4 TOR. THEM Washington Shoe Mfg. Co. Seekttle. We.sh. Si ? For Sale By I.-n ICHEL & CO PRINEVILLE, OREGON. 'VjAl AAA A A AAA & J W. BOONE Maker of the cele brated Prineville . Stock Saddle V Saddles and Harness Latest improved ' Ladies' side and stride saddles,, bits, spurs, an gora chaps, quirts and hackaiuoivs. A Full Line of Stockmen's Supplies Write for Prices Prineville, - Oregon lay y Jf tf 'V V "V "VV 7 1 . . . . . THE EMPIRE STABLES HUGH GEE, PROPRIETOR. IK I Special Attention Clven to Boarding :: :: :: First Clas Teams to Let at Reasonable Prices, : Up-to-Date Outfits Fur nished for transporting: Parties to the wocds or an outside point :: :: Remarkable values htFall and Winter Underwear at the RACKET STORE J.. S. KF.LLEY, Proprietor. We are receiving new and and fresh goods in all our lines every tew days, and our prices are the LOWEST IN THE G I TY for honest goods. When your purse is short come and see us and we will save you money. Gall and Examine Them rt Li J flCAN rt ! YOU I WALK? F.I r,.t r.t r.t rt C'J ' n hj r.t rt F..1 tJ rt lj r,7t t:t rt the best made. We hare them, the famous GOTZIHN SHOES We are making room for the largest con signment of shoes ever shipped to any firm in Crook County and will be prepared to Rhoe any person who wears Shoes. We carry the famous "Health and Walk Easy' Shoes for men and women, which have never been been equaled for comfort, style, fit and wear. . This is a good spring to wear spring goods. We have the largest and snappiest line of Spring Goods ever brought to Prineville, which vill be ready for the good people to select from in the near future, . Do not buy elsewhere until you have examined our line Fit rt t j r.t V'J F1 LJ r.t t J r.ii r.t tJ r.t LJ r.t r.t r.t nt KJ rt nj m rt cj r.n cj r-.x CJ rt CJ H Johnson, Booth & Company CJ ra t J rararanariararjar'aparariararairrpirarr'irariiir-rarararar.a LULiJL JL JLULJL JL JL JL:JLJLv.jf CJLJk.JLjLJL.JL.JL.JL.JLULJL.JLJ n l i n L i M L i r.t Li n L i n Li ri Li n Li ri Li n Li r.i Li r.t Li n Li n Li r,i Li ri Li n Li r.t Li rt Li r.i Li n Li r.i Li r.i Li r.i Li r.i Li r.t Li ri Li r.i Li r.i Li ri Li r.i Li ri Li r.i Li r.i Li r.i Li r.i Li & Kin . o LULi LIVERY, HACK AXD BOARDIXG STABLE MAIN STREET SEAR THE OCHOCO BRIDGE PRIXEVILLE, OREGON CJ Bl L.-J E:T F.I CJ F.fl CJ r,3 CJ CJ F..3 LJ Fj3 LJ rx L J CJ LJ E. H L J r.i l.j LJ L J " r.i LJ F;1 , L J r..i LJ F. ri LJ r.i LJ L J . r.a LJ ra ' LJ RI L J ca - L J L J r:a LJ R.I CJ r.a L J F.3 LJ ra L J r,a CJ ra LJ r.a ' LJ F.a CJ Fja CJ ria : r.a ' LJ ra CJ ra LJ r.a LJ - r.a CJ ra L J Thn you wear Shoes and are looking for r.a L J E3 LJ ra