0 ) fTT f Crook Goimty oMfma o PIUNEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY 0 1905. NO. 4 VOL. JX. 1 it- TYSI TSS CtiJ Mechanical Toys, Automobiles and many others, too, numerous for mention. In fact anything you could wiah for tho littlo folks Christmas Present Wo hava just received 3000 pounds of Oandies and Nuts for the Holiday Trade and our prices are RIGHT For tho older ones we havo a variety of beautiful and useful articles suitable for your friend, sweetheart or relatives a present. To fully appreciate the many different articles we havo in our store for Christmas you should call and see for yourself and wo will take pleasure in showing them to you The Bee Hive The Place That Saves You Money ft The Opera Saloon ROARK & lnOEl.l Proprietor. In The Glaze Hall! ' A First Class House in l'very Kcspcct CHOICEST BKXNDS OF UQOURS, WINKS, and CIGARS NJ - mm - T Professional Cards. (JJJ Si. Ciiioti, Jllurnty-mt-jCaw !Piinvilt; Ortyon. H .. HAUL.'!' .....i t itvimi I'niTVTl.'U K I o,n.i. nt nil hnr f) ' N E I L ' W "ink I IayorlKht. n . l1lty l puttluic P A w RrrttnAP? ... pi..- ..I., i A ! i - 0u at nil hon'r 0 ' N E I L We "ink" IyorlKht. , l1lty ! puttluic P erviKltcn Managers k family Huh, tlanio, and OyHti-rM In S nnon. llrwul For ,MnH I Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited W, fiarnas. ulfttomty at jCa IPrinmmtU, Or, yon. jfHmrmmy-at-Xmm !Prinill; Crtyon, Jjpt Shrink jfitamiy and Cemntmlar at jCaw SPrinntiUt, Orryan. MASKED MEN SHOOT SHEEP Fred Smith Loses 509 Head in Attack Made on His Band Near Paulina. Five hundred head of sheep were killed and ft hundred or more wounded and featured in an at tack nude last Saturday afternoon on tho band owned by Fred W. Smith of Paulina. The butchery occurred on Urindstona creek at the head waters of Crooked river I and on Mr. Smith' ranging ter ritory, oKsession and right to which has never been questioned. The story of the shooting and inexcusable killing of the bind is similar in detail to those which have several times before been re- corded in thi county during the past grazing seauon. The attack was maile Saturday afternoon by a band of six masked men which wle up to the herder with rifles leveled at hi body. Commanding him to throw up bis hands they proceeded to blind fold him and take him awnv to a safe distance. Then the slu lighter with rifles knives and clubs began. During a period of tbree or four hours five hundred of the band were killed outrieht and the wounded ones scattered In every direction with j IRRIGATION WAR the remaining numbers. - The slaughter is looked upon by both sheepmen and cattlemen alike to he one utterly inexcusable in every detail. The sheep were on their own territory and were in no wife molesting tho cattle men's district, and the action of the masked band tends to uphold the article appearing in ft recent issue of the Oreconian in which it was stated that an organize the indebtedneM from last year was reduced only $25.42, but if you take into consideration the the expenses of 11200 paid out by the city for rebuilding the Crooked river and Ochoco bridges, you will find that the affairs of the city have been handled very economi cally. The city expected to re ceive a revenue for building these bridges from the county out of the road money collected during the year of 1902-03, amounting to $1100, which amount, however was refused by the county court. Inasmuch as both these bridges weie unsafe for public travel this indebtedness was involuntary ex pense. "The fire department is one institution of which the city should be proud. The apparatus is all in good condition and the men shou.d be congratulated on their work and the interest they have taken. " 'J call the attention of the council to the management of the water supply of the Prineville Light and Water compauy, and steps should lie taken by you to make the company live up to its contract. "I also call the attention of the council to the fact that the reve nues are insufficient to , meet the City's expenses and I recommend that you take such action as seems best for the city and business in terests of Prineville." BIG AUTOMOBILE ABOUT COMPLETED IN KLAMATH COUNTY CAaa. S. Cdumrdt JV, !P. Simtknap Ctmmty fAy,emm) 32c I knap dc &d wards iPAytict'ant and iSmrymm. 0t Jt-rtr w mf Wimmwft ry Stmrv !Primtvill. Ortgoit. ..Henderson & Potiard.. BP Wines, and Liquors, B Finest Glars In Stock. Country Orders Solicited First Door South of Poindexter Hotel, SPhytteia and Surytcn Cmltt antwml promptly day mr myMt Offirm tmm mfwmr fmf fVmrt' 2rup Smmm. ,$RMrM mww ft mm tymtm !Prinnu'U, Oryn, THE WINNER CO., DRUGS, D AT Ii Incorporated 1003. STATIONERY AND UP-TO-IIOUSE FURNISHINGS. I don't want to sell you the Earth but I do want to sell you a . . . all Oil and Overcoat Call and examine my good and get prices GORMLEYll TAILOR CITY M eat Market ELLIOT 4 LISTER, Prop's. FRESH MEATS and LARD VEGETA BLES, FISH and GAME IN SEASON None but Healthy Animals Killed, Which Insures Good Wholesome Meats. . ONE DOOR NORTH TEMPI-ETON'S OF . The battle between the govern ment irrigation committee and the Klamath Falls Canal company is waging more nerciy. me canai company is making a house to house canvass in behalf of their . project, and the government Jurri-- I . . k .Mi f aa a oAnrlmnr Ant effort is being made to extermi- Kuuu " "6 nate the sheep industry in this circulars ot warning to tne people county. , not to enter into a contract wun Mr. Smith last spring sold a the private company. band of sheep which he had been The principal points of the dis- runaing in the neighborhood of cussien are that the canal com his ranch and only recently pany is making a better offer to bought this band of 5000 which the people than the government; was fired upon and butchered last that it , can construct a system week. The district around the more cheaply ami in a shorter Smith ranch has always been con- time than it is possible for the sidered a sheep district as other government to do. The land own stockmen in that vicinity, besides erg are urged to accept the offer of Mr.-Smith, have used the region the canal company because it has immediately surrounding and that L definite proposition to make, the on the adjoining range of buttes acceptance of which can possibly as a grazing section for their herds. M0 no harm. It is urged that the The cattle interests of late years De0nle should stand by the canal have not looked upon thn district company because it was the first in question as one which belonged in the field. Finally it is argued to them, or upon which they could that the purchase of the system honestly lay claim, and the WOuld be an advantage to the pro- slaughter of last week in conse- perty, could at the proper time be quence is looked upon as a das- turned over to the government and tardly act which lacks a single become a part of its system, point of justification. The canal company says it will Representatives of both the construct the system and turn it cattle and sheep interests, who over to the people for a fixed price have been in the city during the 0 its $15 per acre, on a basis of past week, have expressed in un- 50 000 for the land irrigated. If qualified terms their denunciation this is a business proposition, the of this last criminal act by men price paid for the system must in- ho it is believed are irresponsible clude a profit to the promoters of persons, ana 11 is oenevea mat. the enterprise, ana interest upon etermined opinions, now finding the capital required to do A 4&fforsePower Machine Nearly' Ready to Operate on Crook County Line. Autoinibles will soon be carrying passengers and freight between Shaniko and Bend, over the new road now being finished by Archie Mason, according to the intentions of the Central Oregon Transporta tion Company. The distance be tween the termini of the new grade is 90 miles. A two-ton automible is being finished at the machine sho) of A. G. Gill on Oak street near First. This huge machine will be provided with a 40-horse-power gasoline engine, and will be capabla of making 25 miles an hour over the new grade which is nearly level the most of its length. The steepest pitch on the whole line is but seven per cent. The machine will carry.12 passengers and will beeapab'e.of making the 90-mile run including stops, in four hours and a half. Its tanks will hold gasoline enough to run it 100 miles or more, so there will be no need of Btopping to replenish on the road. The cost of the machine will be about 13500. Another automible to carry freight exclusively is being built for the Company in San Francisco. Bend, the Southern terminus of the road, is a thriving town in the midst of a region now being reclaimed by irrigation. A great has assumed greater proportions eah winter, until the coming sea son promises to see northern Grant stockmen banded together in a way that promises results. "Home grass for home aheep," was the ancient slogan which held first place at the Hamilton meet ing yesterday. Passions of set tlers present roue at the memory of alleged depredations by outside sheep on their very farm, and of occassions when they drove their holdings out to neighboring, range in springtime, only to find then what they bad considered their legitimite pasture devasted by flocks from Morrow, Gilliam or Umatilla county. A formal organization has been effected at Long creek and Hamil ton. Similar organization is ex pected at Monument LAND TRIALS CAUSE HEAVY TIMBER SALES Frederick A. Kribs, the well known timber land dealer, is dis posing of all his holdings in Linn county, says a dispatch to the Telegram.- It is rumored that the methods by which he secured larg? tracts of valuable timber land in that connty are under in vestigation in connection with the land fraud cases, and tnis is thought to be the cause of the sudden sale of his large property interests here. Kribs has ac quired several thousand acres of good timber land in Linn county during the past lew years, being now one of the heaviest taxpayeis in tKa pnnnlr anil mrcit nf hlM deal of money has been expended ... . , : . J , ... , . holdings are m the bantiam re gion, in which so many homesteads in running canals and ditches, and a dense population will finally occupy the level plains of Crook County, which have heretofore been called "desert . lands" and only peopled by a few bheepherders and these only in portions of tha year. The new automobile road will finally be extended from a ooint 10 miles west of Shaniko to have been taken up in the past ten years, and wnich is said to have been undergoing a careful investigation by special Govern ment officers for the past few months. Saturday two deeds were filed in the office of the County Record er, in which F. A. Kribs and wife' WILL EXCLUDE OUTSIDE SHEEP A MATTER OF HEALTH DM 1, 1 . . ."1 a I .1 x . "i ' . 1 : 11 , .nlr ti.'.on no n.nwuro r a 'H voice, win eveiuuiiy icnu worn. XI it is not a uusiiiesa pro- nuiuc piutu itvouou eiv.ivu CTCiTH DAIIWft successful effort in stopping the position, the work cannot be car-1 held over on account of low- prices, j lCrALIl DUlWU lawlessness which is disgracing te& 0n, for private capital is not r Briefly, the comoination represents AVCD TA II1DV oAuntv and ita institutions." I na;iaK1a tnr n.mriAa whiM. An mnm stock and much less ramie. I U!L(ll 1U IUI1 WV vrvWJ - - ICVatAUVAV V ..- . 1 . -J ...vu " I ---- - at not offer a fair margin of profit; The fact that the need for self- especially is this true in private 1 preservation is greater than ever . J0s. A. Steach, the Round Basin irrigation ventures, the reason be- before, in aadition to the perennial sawmill and stockman, and John- ing that practically all of them feeling of hostility toward the out- nie Tribett, of Monument, had a AWIIAI DPPABT have been financial failures. side sheepmen, has led northern preliminary, examination before ll 1 14 V4 1 rp, .,,.nuini nttara trimti rV. I o rfinlr aisprfl to. hfiffi n this Pnxl V to TnoiiAn Poa tt lVf nn n mpn t. Mnn- A ilU gUY?lilUlLIM VV0, llil U UJlt 1 .J.'-'..-- q j I O Uil LIV'VJ i . i- j - -.-.-g " - the reclamation service, to con- prepare to repel the lyuo invasion. MaV) 0n a charge of larcency ot a Mayor Wurzweiler called the at- struct for the people an adequate A meeting was held yesterday at two-year-old - mare delonging to Absolutely Pure IIAS l.'0 SUBSTITUTE The Dallas, following the banks of disposed of about 16,500 acres of the Ueschutes Kiver, according to ,and 0ne deed was to Charles i it. a i' 1 tnose posieu in tue suuauou. Smith, of Hennepin county 'Ibis 180 miles ot umiorm grade M- 6420 cres and tte may tmally become the roadbed oi other t0 Charles J. Swensen, of the a trolley line between the uaues ut transferring several and fertile irrigated fields of Crook . asareaating 10,000 acres. County. Telegram. . j tw deeds Kribs transfer red practically all of his Linn I county timber land, which he has been years in accumulating. A large number of Linn county t citizens living in the vicinity of Sweet Home and Foster, were sub nAnnol in nrvrvAar Iwforft the Ft?d- i r: i I"-"""-" vv "if a special irom wujou -"J' " eral Grand Jury last week, and it recent date says: i wo elements to the Kirbs lands will figure to a greater extent than that they were cailed to testify. ovpr hfirn in the Grant countv A few years ago all the available next spring, and timber laud in this county was taken up, either as homesteads or timber claims, and a great many men of Albany and vicinity and .i el.- l nortnern oar oi uie uuuuiy iu fpnm nthfir Barta 0f the state as take early measures to protect well were located on claims by liomRplves acrainst the 'annual men living in the eastern pait of incursion of outside sheep. These the county who were familar with elements are: irst, decrease in the timber country and who acted rpa nf nnen ranse throush exten- las timber locators while the rush sive homestead and scrip filing for claims were on. the second, increase in the amount of i range situation next spring their presence in exaggerated form is leadiiie the stockraisers of the MAYOR SUBMITS tention. of the city couticu to several important matters in his annual message to that body last Monday evening, and if the sug gestions which he offered are acted upon Manager Gates will be called upon to live up to the provisions of his contract, with the city and furnish a better supply of water in the future In his report upon the financial conditions he showed that the total outstanding indebt e d n e s s amounted to fobSb.lb, and com- memtine upon the figures sub mitted added: "The above will show you that system for irrigation and drainage, 1 Hamilton; where the situation was Geo. Irvin, of Monument. The to turn it over to them at actual cone over pretty thoroughly by the animal had been "found" on the cost of construction, and to allow growers of that section. The meet-range and" was claimed by Mr. them 10 years in which to pay for ing was attended also by several Steach, and had deen branded in it without interest. This system, cattlemen from the Long creek his corral, but not with his brand when completed, will include all section, while all the small Galleys mg iroD, according to. testimony the land in the Klamath basin within 20 miles of that place con susceptible of irrigation, and the tributed delegates. A similar reclamation of large aras which meeting is to be held next week at nf. iVin nresent time are usless. The Monument. One was held last r 1 work done by the government will week at Long Creek be of a most substantial character, Opposition to the outsider for and not of a nature to require a J many years has been largely m perpetual high maintenance charge, 1 dividual, or afleast confined to aa U iiRiiallv the ease with systems illiall communities. In 1UUU in built for the revenue and profits to cipient effort began to get organiz the promoters. - 1 ed resistance together. Ibis enort , 47 - and inbbett.was among the men who helped in the work. Mr. Steach is said to have claimed the the animal until alter the owner was known. Judge Rea conclud ed that Tribbett could not be held and discharged him, but that Mr. Steach had . better be more thoroughly investigated and bound him over to the grand- jury under $500 bonds. Long Creek Ranger.