Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 15, 1904, Image 4

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IJUls will le called for at once
for t'liililing the jxirlage road and
the fntratt will le awarded
prohatily within two week. The
McCaho Coiihtruction Company,
which wa to have received the
contract, failed to file the required
$."0,000 hond within the time
lccifu'd, ami negotiations lift ween
that comiady and the State Por
tage Commission and the Open
River Association are off. The
executive eommillee of the nssoeia
tioa will meet at once. The com
mittee in comjKed of Henry
Hahn, of Portland; Dr. X.C.. BU
lock, of Walla Walla; W. J. Mari
ner, of Blalock; J. T. Peter, of
The Dalle, and J. C. Smith of
Sherman County. J. T. Teal, of
Portland, hat loen acting as at
torney for the association.
The McCaiw Construction Com
pany, of which A. J. McCain, of
Tacoma, is the chief member, had
until lust night to give bond. The
hour went by without McCain'
having made pood.
Plans and Fpccifications are all
ready, and bids 'will lie received
proliably inside of ten days.
Several contractors, when aked
.yesterday how long it would take
them to figure on the specifica
tions, replied three or four days
would be sufficient, inasmuch as
the work to be done is simple,
olleetions of money by the Open
River Association to pay for the
road will continue. The sum
needed from that source will be
between toQfiOQ and 140,000.
which, in addition to the 1151,000
of the Oregon legislative appropri
ation, will go to the successful con
tractor. The contractor doing the
work wiM have to rely on the god
faith of the Open-River Associa
tion for the extra money, but that
is regarded as a good risk. Tele
gram. Holiday Goods j
'f have the lnrjwt ami
moat complete stock ever
lirou-fht to Priuevllle
The Winnek Go.
Headquarters tor Samta Clam
Additional Locals
PioeSmead, of Post, is in the
city attending to business matter?
A. Thomson left this noon for
Portland to spend a few d:ivs
looking after huness matters.
Mrs. C. E. McDowell left this
w.ek for Portland to appear as a
witness in the timber land cases.
Rev. 0. W. Triplett will leave
Saturday for Haystack where he
will hold services at 11 o'clock
Sunday moriiing.
Gerald Grossbeck, who was
recently nominated for the mayor's
office at Dend, was in the city this
week on a brief business trip.
' Michel & Co. have received the
lirgest assortment of nuts and
candies ever brought into this
"city. Over 3000 pounds. Prices
County Clerk Smith was busy
Wednesday afternoon listening to
the evidence in the contest case of
Gibson vs George. Attorneys
liiggs and Hell were the opposing
W. II. Post is in the city from
Post. He stated that the riistrict
in the vicinity of his ranch was
visited by a fall of snow early in
the week. About two inches fell
on the higher ridges, the valley
lands getting off with a heavy fall
of rain.
Alfred Yancey and Miss Addie
Grimes were united in marriage
Wednesday, December 14, at the
home of the brides' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Grimes, the Rev.
W. P. Jinmtt, pastor of the
Methodist church of this city
J. II. Hawkins was in the city
the last of the week looking after
business matters connected with
the Grizzly Lake Lumber com
pany which ha3 just been organ
ized. The new company will have
its headquarters at Lamonta and
will find its timber supply in the
belt ljing north and east of this
city. The new company . has
taken over tne interests of the
Hawkins Brothers who have been
running a saw mill some twenty
miles up the Ochoco. j
J. F. Morris haa a line of the cele
brated John Deere buggies and hacks
for rale. Anyone wishing a bargain
In this line a ill do well to call and
ee him. ,
Xotk-e is hereby nlveti that the
MiiilcntlKtic! haa purvlwixnl the In
tetvt uf I- E. Alllnnlintn In the
him ksiulth Arm of Wljjle & Allinjr
httin and will pay all accoiinta
aKiiinxt tlie aaltl firm.
J. II. Wltll.R.
To nil niemW'rs of Priuevllle Camp
No. 216 Wmxlmen ol tin World, you
an Kpeclally re,ueiteil t N prwnt
at the next meetim; of the Camp,
IVeetulter 13th. 114, as liiiKlitetui of
Importance Y111N liefore the camp
at that time.
J. I- XMYi.i.och, (Terk.
Hicks IMS Almaaac.
The Itev. Irl. It. IlkU Almanac for
liC la now rendy, Mnjr the finest
elitlon ever ImkikhI. Thin Rplemlld
ami ctwtly Umk of 200 paea (a a
complete atudy of astronomy and
storm and weather for lidCV. It la
too well known to need continent.
See It and yon will ho decide. The
price, Mtpaid to any address. Is SOe.
jxrcopy. The Itev. Irl. It. Hkka'
solentinV. religion and family Jour
nal. Word ami Wokkh, now abreast
with the Ust itiajraxlnea. U Tie. a
year. Roth Vore ash Wokk hihI
tin Almanac fl.tW per year. Xo
better Investment rnxwlble tor any
pernou or family. Try It and see.
Send to
2lH1 Lrnust St., St. Lout. Mo.
Will Crook County Hare Aa Exaibit At
The Fair?
In order that the jieople may meet
and decide as to whether they de
sire to have the resources of Crook
County exhibited at the JLewi and
Clark Kalr in lHikj. I hereby call a
meeting of the people of this county
to meet at tlte court house In Prine
Tille, Oregon, Decenilier 2t. 1904 at
10 o'clock a. ni. I would suggvt
that each precinct hold a meeting
aud send as many representatives to
this meeting aa poible, and also
select someine in each precinct to
receive and collect exhibits, and
recemmend their name to the meet
ing here December 24. 1904.
Hoping that the people f this
county will take an act I re Interest
in this matter I remain
W. A. Beli,
Judge Crook County, Oregon.
Eights Grade Final Examinations.
Superintendent Dinwiddle ha re
ivived from State Su'ierinteiident
Ackerman the dates if the final
examination for the teacher in the
county, also the program and
sources of qnttlons which are given
as follows:
(A ). January 1 lit, 20, 1!j03;
IB I. April 12' IS. 14, I'M.-.;
((). May 17, is, lit. Hud;
IM. June", , 9, l!i.",.
(A 1. cdneaduya A r 1 1 h m e 1 1 c ,
SiM'lling, Physiology.
1 15 1. Thursdays Mental Arithme
tic, Beading, Writing, Civil Govern
(C). Fridays Ijinguase, History,
Questions in the following subjects
will le taken from the following
(a). Geography State Course of
Study; the coarse print in Frye's
F.lements of Geography; map ques
tions in both course and fine print
of Frye's Elements of Geography.
(b). Spelling Eighty jier cent.
from miscellaneous test words In
Reed's Word Lessons, and twenty
per cent, from manuscripts.
(c). Writing Vertieul; seelmeiis
of penmanship us Indicated in copied
matter and from manuscripts.
(d). Beading From indicated
(e). Language Reed's Graded
Leasona in English, no diagramming.
(f". Civil Government Chapters
1 to 13, inclusive, and .'!" to 43, in
clusive, of the American Citizen.
Timber Land. Act June 3, !s7S.
United States Land Office,
The Dalles, Orego;i, November 2, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the net of
fCongres of June 3, H78, entitled "An act
for tne sale of timber landi in the States
of California, Oiegori, Nevada, and Wanli-
mgton Territory," as extended to all the
Public Lund States by act of August 4
18&2. Arthur P. Donohue, of Hi okane'
county of Spokane, State of Washington,
nas on wooer 2S, 1!W, tib-d in this office
his sworn statement No 2415, for the pur
chase of the SWNW , XAtiV.' ,k HV
XWX ol Section No. 4, in Township No.
15 South, IlungcNo. 19 E., V. M., and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land before
M. It. liiggs, U. S. Commissioner at his
office in l'lineville, Oregon, on the 23id
day of Ptb-uary. 19J5.
He names as witnesses:
Knox Huston, T. M. O'Connell, C. A.
Or.ves, Byron Carty and J. F. Spinning,
all of Priuevllle, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
file their claims in this office on or before
said 23rJ day of February, 1!5.
ul5"P.- Kegistcr.
For Sale.
FOR SAI.K. A Livery and Feed
barn for sa'e or rent. For particular
address E. C. Dickson,
nl7 5p Antelone, Orogon.
FOR SALE. A very desirable ranch
consisting of ICO acres. About W ol
which is tirst class yellow pine timber
and CI acres of Xo. 1 agricultusat land
enclosed by fence, 8 aere of which is
three year-old alfalfa and 3 acres in
clover. A large stream of pure cold
water teeming with trout running
through center of place. Good ditch
for irrigation purposes. This is a
b'rgain. For futher particulars sod
price write or call to the jocrnal
Office, Prineville, Oregon.
FOR SALE: A Clover Ranch. Sit
uated 4 miles east of Sisteis J mile
from county road, 1 mile from school
house, 160 acres deeded, fenced, divis
ion fences etc. Xearly all can be
cultivated, 30 acrva in clover and
timothy, good stand and can be ir
rigated with one fourth the labor re
quired to irrigate any like number ol
acres in this vicinity. Stock in
Squaw Creek Irrigation Co's ditch,
house of 6 rooms, well of good water,
two barns and baruroom for 100 tons
of hay. Price l$00. Call on or
address II. E. Glaxier,
Sisters, Ore.
Christmas will it be com
plete without one or mors of
thos beautiful Carbon 1rints.
Oreiton k-enerr and Colored
Prints. Iriit 15 to 3? cts. c-h
The Winnek Co.
Headquarters for Santa Claus
Notice For Publication.
Land Office At The Dolt, Ort-fon.
Novrmber 5, U4.
Notice U hrrrby grirra thai th fullovinc
named settler hat tiled Botir of ht iatrm-
Uoo to make final proof in ujrt of his
cLuiu. and that said proof will or be
fore J. J. Snuth, County Clerk at Prine.
ville, Oregon, on Dvcvnitwr nd 1M. rii:
of Prineville, Oregon, on 11. E. No,
12474, for the EJ,XKv ot Section 33 and
of Secfon 34, Tp. li l-otith,
Kangw 1 E., W. M.
lie names the following witnesses In
ppve his coiilinu.ius reidrnce uxn and
ctilnvatioii of said land vii:
J-rainis li. Bayn, James A. Mullitt. (1.
SV. Jones and Ueo-ge.Millicau, all of Crine-
ville, Oregon.
nlpd Register.
Notice For Publication.
Land Oliice at The Dalles, Oregon,
November 5, 1!I.
Notice is hereby given that lie following-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that laid proof will be
made before J. J. Smith, County Clerk, at
Prineville, Oregon, on the 24th day of
December. HUM, to-wit:
of Prineviile, Oregon, on H. E. No.
J343, for the WSW of Section 3, SA
of Section 4 and XWSWif of
Section 10, Tp. lfi South, Range 15 E., W. M.
He name the following witness it to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, to-wit:
James R. Harvey, George W. Jone,
Charles H. Dealy and Henry Turner, all
of Prineville, Oregon.
nlO pd Register.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
Novembers, l&tH.
Notice is hereby given that the following'
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. J. ismith, County Clerk, at Prine
ville, Oregon, on the 22nd day of December,
1UU4, to-wit:
of Pri neville, Oregon, on H. E. No.
0120. for the NltfNKj and NUN WW of
Section 2f!, Tp. 11 South, Range 14 E., W.M.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, to-wit :
David Weaver, John Montgomery,
George Dodson and Charles A Graves, all
of Prineville, Oregon.
1)10 pd Ucgi ter.
Desert Land, Pinal Proof. Notice
For Publication.
Land Office at The Pallex, Onon.
November. 5, 114.
Notice is hereby given that William
Wigle, of Prineville, Oregon, lia tiled
notice of hi intention to make proof on
his desert-land claim No. l.')9, for tlie SWJi
.fc-i4 and lot 2, of Section li, Tp. 17 South,
Kange 17 K.. W. M. before J. J. Hniith.
County Clerk at Prineville, Oregon on,
me 24th day of December, 1!W1.
He names the following witnesses to
prove the complete irrigation aud recla
mation of eaid land:
Arthur Maekey, James Cram. Jesse
Yancey and William Mackey, all of Prine
ville, Oregon.
nl PJ Register.
I You Can Save
: $1 to $2 on Shoes
B rights Disease And
W tUdr to pl In the linJi of
th.Mw atnu-ted with Rright DIeM and
lialetea a 9U-pag nil't that li mvIiu
human live. It u not an ordinary pam
phlet, uoh aa ii eommoiiely uaed to ad
vertise medicine, but la principally mad
up of report of acientirirally conducted
tM in lary variety of rasea, allowing
87 per rent of rjverie in the hitherto
inciirahpt diieaaea,
Th (perlUet employed. in Iheaa te't
art known aa the Pulton CoiiihiuiuI and
the remits ohtaiiusl prove coucluaireiy
that those dreadet diaeam o long fatal
tthe deatlia from tlrighta Pirae alone are
appalling, over UW.rtW a year. Marling a
kidney troulUea) have at lat ylehle.1 to
nielit al science. The pamphlet t free.
Write to the John J. Kulton Co, H Wah
ington street, Sun r'rancis), Cal.
When to suspect Priglita Pewase:
Pufly ankles or hand; weakneas without
apparent cause, kidney trouble after third
mouth; frequejit urination, (may show
sediment or cloudy on atauding); failing
vision ; day drvwsineas one or more of
Timber tand. Act June t, la
NoUoe for Publication.
United States Land Office,
The Pslle. Or., tct.ler 6th. tWH.
N itice U hereby gie that in ouoipliaace
Ith the provision of the act ot Cngre ot
June S, 1CH. entitled "An act tor the sale of
timlier lands in the Sutee ot California, Ore.
gon, NevaU, and Washington Territory," aa
exteuded to all the Public Land Sut.-a by act
f Augiwt 4. im.
uf Prineville, tuMnty of Cnsk state of
Oregon, haa on August 4th, filed in
this oRiM his swoin aUtsment N.v 969, Ut
the purebase of the V,SEi k K-,SV M Sec
tion No. In Tk 11 Range 16 K., W. M.
anJ will offer prouf ahow that the laud
tight la more talualJe for ita timber or atone
than for agricultuial purpxaea, and to es
tablish his claim to eaid land beftire J. J.
Smith, County Clerk, at PrimvUia,,
on. the Xtrd day of January, tW,.
He namce as- witnesses:
Walter O, Scott Hathawar. WalUe
Siderlr and Perry Ug. all of PrinevUle,
Any and all ieraina claiming adversly the
above-described land are requested to 1
their claims in this office on or before said
hd day of Janoarv. latt.
n!7 np Rrgister.
Timber Land. Act June t, U7I.
United Statee Land Offloe.
Thi Dauxs, Ouuox, Octolvr IX 1404.
Notice la hereby tfeeo that in compli
ance with the prevision of the act of
Cong res of June 1 Is 74, entitled Aa act
for the aale of Umber land In the state
of California. Orsjiw, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory.'" aa extended to alt the
Public I-ar-4 State by act of August 1
VGZ, Ux fcVlommg naased person hat tied
in tki 4bce thru ewern sutrmsa. t sit;
PB.a yaabi 4 HU-!3lk Aseao.
Seaola, twa:y J Ksng, state ot Wasaiagtiek
on at.tseawt Ns. rt. Cmi Arnrast .
1XH. ft Uw pectMM of taaWSMtH and
S SW of Section . Tp 14 South, Rani
18 Kat .A W. M. - .
Rachel E. O'NrU, of PrinetUle. county of
Cnk, sUt Orairon, swn statement No.
2:ta0, rilej Seitfwnlsu' 2. 1904. f, th(.urche
"f the SKKi XWIJ, SWl NEK NWj,
SE'i of Section 2T, Tp. IS .S.ith, Rnug. IG
East. W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that
i he land sought I mote valuable for it
umber or atone than for agricultural pur-
xs. and to establish thefr claim to
uid lands before J. J, Smith, County Clerk,
at his office in Prineville, Orsgon, on th Xtrd
Isy lwember, lHot.
They natue as wttnsr: I'yron Cady and
IVry Poindixter. of Prineville. Oietfon:
Liiim R. Heath and .lames R. Heath, f
Appleton, Wisomln; (org O'Neil, Augiist
H. Uppmann, I. Michel and T. M. U'Con.
nel, all of l'lineville, Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely
tne above-described lands are requested
io nie tneir claim in this ornce on or
before the said 23rd day of December, lDW.
"20 ' Register.
Notice For Publication.
I.aiid Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
November 9), yjQi.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed not ire of hia inten
tion to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that aald proof will be
made before J.J. Smith, County Clerk
of Crook county at Prineville, Oregon, on
tlie 12th dny of January 1H05, vk:
of Grizzly, Oregon, on homestead entry
Xo. 12544, for the NWJiSWj, WHNW
and NEJtNWK of Section 22lp. W.South
Kange 10 K., W. M.
He names th following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, via:
John Dee, of Oriisly, Oregon; Antone
Fogle, of Oriisly, Oregon; William E.
Wills, of Orizily, Oregon; T. M. OTonnell,
of Prineville, Oregon and lie Dry Mont
gomery, of Grizzly. Oregon.
dHpd Register,
Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Notice ii hereby given tlia I have
appointed the following named person
aepury tocn inspector:
J. P, Cartwriuht.
Hay Creek,
Ash wood
Hay Creek.
Hay Creek
Jim Woods,
K. Npsrka,
A. Morrow,
F. M. Smith
Iloscoe Knox,
J. 8. Hngue,
Alex Mclutosb,
J. P. VauHouteii,
U. 8. Cowlea,
( Joe lnnkle,
Stock Inspoctor Crook County.
We are retiring from business
and our entire Block of Mer
chandise will be sold regardless
of cost. Will sell entire business
at reasonable terras.
N. A. TIE & Company
L a. SMITH, Proprietor.
Mi M M Jill E:::
Arc pirjuire ; to "urninh Ixvunt
aiul liHiging hm tho tiny, mtvV or
month. Also ktc it frenh line
o( tutetry alwnyit on imiul.
Luncltc.i for tritvclcn will U
rcjtrvl on uliort notic.
Xewlv Furnished Rooms
lirutl, . On'sun.
lr t holrm
Desert -Lands
rrinovillo, Orvuon.
Elys Cream Balm
This Rmd Is Specific,
Sure) to Civs Satisfaction,
ctvta ttcuir AT ONOI.
It rlsanses, enolbea, heals, and protart th
dtssnsed membrane. It rarea Catarrh and
dnrea ar n Odd in th Head quirk I v.
Restore the Sen of Tete and Hnirii.
Easytows. CooUins no injur i,m druifs.
Applieil into th niitril and absorbed.
Larve Rite, 60 cent at PrutiK1 T J
mail j Trial Sue, 10 - ants by nail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. It York,
Th aim Eldradfs has stood for th
BEST la th Steins Msctils World.
rp, . Hare It a Nee Bldredfts BETTER
I hlrtV Ihta EVER, aad Suptrlor to ill
A 111 T wkerl. Kostlv takc-op; aelf art-
linn needle; aril thrradluf Shuttle;
automatic tension re leste;sutomstic
bobbin winder: ooattive four motion
feed; capped neddle bar; noiseless self sl justing
roller bearing wheel, alrel pitman: Ave ply
laminated wuodwork, with a beautiful set ot
nickeled steel sttschments.
Ask your dealer for the Improved Rtdredge
"B" and do not buy any machine until you have
tea 11.
National Sewing Machine Co.
I hv h4 ccatlon to uk your
BUck-Drautht Stock and Poultry Mcd.
cine and am pleated to say that I ntver
used anything for stock that Java half as
good satisfaction. I heartily rtconv
mtnd H to all owner of stock.
J. B. BELSHER, St Louis, Mo.
Sick stock or poultry ibould not
eat cheap atock food any more than
lick .persons should expect to be
cared by food. When your stock
and poultry are sick give them med
icine. Don't stuff them with worth
less stock foods. Unload the bowels
and stir up the torpid liver and the
animal will be cured, if it be possi
ble to cure it. Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine unloads the
bowels and stirs up the torpid liver.
It cures every malady of stock if
taken in time. Secure a 25 -cent can
of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry
Medicine and it will pav for itself ten
times over. Horses work better. Cows
5 ire more- milk. Hogs gain flesh,
nd hens lay more eggs. It solves the
problem of making as much blood,
flesh jmd energy as possible out of
the smallest amount of food con
sumed. Buy a can from your dealer.
-vg-- j
(!a i itnf a 11 f inriinitrr rnnni Ttf
1 viitiMiiii 11 a 1 h
JUinilW 11 niLiiiuva;u VUIHI III!
SlailU, Orecii.
RekerIl Storage Forwarding
RoawssTow Merchants
IVitlfr in Hliicksinith (ml. Flour, Ibtrlfl Wlri.
Nails, (Vinent, I,iiin, Ctwl Oil, I'lnnlfr, Sulphur,
Wih1 and Drain, Sacks and Twine,' (Irala ninl Kml.
Ajient fur Waoco WarchoiiMt, Milling CtiV. "Wliito
Kivcr" and "I Ilea I'atciit" Flour, lligbinl prito
aid for Hides and IVIU,
Sjwial Attention la mid to Wool (iradinn
Hilling for Kaslcrn SliinntnU.
Stock Varda Hitli all (be In (est and brat facilities
for Handling Stock. x
U-.L V P.-- 1
ra.rf niri 11 r iiiiifi aj in
lUillft 1 Iff Ul UUUU1 111
r . 1
Sonera ffilacksmithmg
t j
r. n
t J
r i
r. 1
t J
r. 1
r .1
i. i
r 1
HnKfrHHilKIMI, Wiaili WlHlK, aTt",
W'uvs it 1 Ih)K II v : : :
Saioman dc 77oorc
t J
t J
i. j
L "J
c .1
Satisfaction Will
Powell &
When in need of Lum
her, Shinnies, Mould
inn. Doors, Windows
or (J lass see
" 1
For Prices on Them.
(icntlciiicn Sluice
I.adlca Sliowa
Children Shoe
(icntlciiicfiH Mats
M (I
Gcnt'H Underwear Sulta
M ' II ,
I-adics lender wear Sulla
j N. A. TYEG Bros. Merchants j
Wines, Liquors, Domestic
and Imported
; Proprietor of the UPrineville Soda Works. 3
Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line
Dally Between Prineville and Shanlko
- Leaves Blianiko, 6 p. m. Arrives at Prineville fl a. in.
Leaves Prineville 1 p. m. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. rn.
First Class ' , Aooommodatlons
11 1 1 1 1 m iin rnrai
. tir a. at
mwt rv w jv u am - -
LsfllL III n. V At .
k 4
He (iuarantccd
.'..n fur fl.V)
4.M for :v:
.1.7.1 for '.'.mi
2.2:1 for l.Mt
A. 00 for 4.IM)
Ti.tMl lor ;1.7.".
4.(0 for
2.73 for 2.00
2.:fl for
2.ihi for 1.4o
1.73 for 1.23
3.IMI for 3.73
!. for 2.73
1.30 for .INI
2.30 for 1.3f
2.23 for 1.73
1..VI . for 1.10
2.73 for 2.00
2.00 for 1.13
1.73 for 1.23