b LOGAL MENTION ' Mr. Will Wanton, of Mill cnrk, nn v lulling In I lie city Hntnrdsy. Mm. I. V, Hpcnr was lu I lie tltjr from McKay Knt unlay. Htitfli Lbiter was lit tln city this Week for a few days from liU Itabblt valley stock rniicli. Michel l Co. Iinv JiimI nrclvnl :Vnhi pound of randy and nut for the liolldny trade. liny I.yfolli'ft lnt week purchased (ho lot mljolnlii tin Otto lr!y lroMrty from Dr. II. I'. Belknap. Or. Oiwner M ill leave the Inst of Im week for Portland ommh1 dm holi days there with hi family. V 4 3 l'rlcs on ('iiiiillitfor('lirlt mns Trees at SPECIAL K The Wlnnek Go.' a 9 I.yn Nicholas wns In (lit city t hi "week from liny CiMk where he snjs the country Itns lain eipcrtcnclim; oil io henry minx. 1IKINZ lioolw In bulk. Dill PlcVels Hour Plckels, Mince Meat nt Michel A Co'. ft !'. !oukIiui of Wrentltnni, Ore., left tint Mini of the wivk for lit liom after mmmu1Iiik several tiny hero at tending to IhimIiicss matter. P. B. l'oliulextcf It U Tuesday noon for Portland where he Iuis lceii call ed for the m-coihI tlmen n wlttie In the tltiilxT litn1 cmm. . 4 Pookot Cultory ) 4 Wti have (hp tie!, brand 5 made. We warrant every blade ntiil hII t lie tn nt moderate prices Tho Wlnnok Co jHoadquartors for Banta Ctaus J Henry Cram returned the. first of the wwk from Klinnlko wlatre ho bad tieen dellvcrhm; ome beef cattle to ttn I'ntnii Mi-A I company's repre sentative. , W, K. Uucrhi. Jr. wm over from Bend the flint of the week, lie went out ti Hhanlko to iihvI bU wife nmt daughter who are ret urnluj; from n trip to F.uroMt. James Hharp came over from Bend lbs first of tho week, lie In hutldlni; a house nt that plavu nml will move hi family there lit n short thnt' to make their erninnent residence. Michel Co. have, tho most coin plote Him of fancy crockery lo the ttty. Mr. ami Mm. Al Coleman returned Tuesday from n visit to his brother In Crook ("ounly. Mr. tilcmnn will tnko cbiiririof tho WlmlHor IuitImt nhop, whli ti tit nni'iitly pmrlunH'il. Itiirim New, In n rtri'tit w of tlio Jouriml the nnnoiuii'ctiHMit wnn nnult thnt the N. Tnylor Hill projHTly In thU city liml ixi'ii noiii. Mr. nm wntHt mh thnt till wnn n iiiUtaki' nml lttt1 nf Miik miM tho property hni only lnvn n'tiUit mjil wiim ittlll forHitle. A foot I n 11 t en m him Ui'ii orjjftfi I nt thi lVtiil ami the nii'iulxr rilMvt to (tuttiu hi"n shortly to Av moiiHlnito their imw'Horlty on the litrtillroii. About tlmt for tlm local pnt hiiMliiMU to iri't toirnt her aul do onirt priK'tlrltitf. Mi. Khiyt-oii U offi-rltiu: n hhiIiiI iviliirlloii on Iht phi In Him of milli nery koihU during the Holiday wiuoti. Niw her illMplny nd In tliU Tlm Hey. O. W. Trlplett returned the Urn t of Hit wivk from MndniM Iutc lie hud lieeit holdlnji; iM-rvd'eo III i'oniliirloii wllh tlm ltcv. V. V. Hnlli-y diiiimr the pajt wix-k. Mr. Trlplett miya nrriiiifetimiiti have nholit lMen i'iinili'ti1 for the eriTt loii of n new llaplUt chiin li nt thnt point. k lliiuli who riiiiui here nrently from lrn.iiK'vllle, Idiiho, Iiik leiiNixl Hie livery Imrn Jimt kOiiiIi of Urn tk'hiH'o hrlilw' nnd lum n-modeled Hie linlldliiK throughout. Other linprovmiienti are In ronteuiplatlon nml Uit liarim nud xliedx wtllit Im ereeteil noon. Mr. U Imyliuc In n Inrjft numlier of fine horn nnd nrrliiireM nud no douht will enjoy n IIImtiiI pntroniKe. Arrnnp'tneutu hnre Ikimi mnde for ('hrUiiniiM triv nt tli Howard Hchool houM Chrtntinn e, A llt- rnry nnd munlcnl pnntrnm will tm rendered and n ptenmint tlnm In hh niired nil thoH who attend. There will Im a Rift of t nndy made to every pernoii iirtent. Mi-Mnannn jnunw Dyir.t; V,. lion nnd C. K. Wrlht were In theelty Inut week pun:hn- ni( the ornament nnd other flituren r I Im t ne. A full cotiHlKnincnt of pnek-nifi'i-andy.K'iarnntiHil fivNli nud nweet, ut nrrlred Monday, nllnleannd prlcin. IU LOWNKV'H. th kind yon advertlHd In thn Dnlly Oreironlnn. Noth luir Ih morpHpproprlnluthnn enny. It nlwaynpiejuM. At ADAM SON'S You Cnn 8av $1 to $2 on Shoes At tho It ACKKT STORE J 4 J 4 4 Unrry Smith entna over from Lnld taw tho nt of tlm week wliero he han t'eon on tho emrtnoerlnir eorim of tho Columbia Southern Irrigation totnpany. Ho mitd Lnldlaw wit iirowtnir rnuldly and In time wan bound to Im nt In rue a phn"o na Port land. It. E. KlmpHou hnn ronnouiint work thin week on tho front of lit, dry food atoro. A portion of tho upper part of tho Imllittn will be torn out o that brmren vnn lw put tn for wlndowH. When tho work In com Rioted tlm enttm front will bo of gin. Worreii Glnw hu given up hla muMlc e.liWMe In tho elty nnd will lertYO noxt week for Phoenli, Arl. whero ho Ih to go on nwount of tho delleiito condltlou of hht health. IHh many friend ii here will repret to oe him leave and hope for a HjHH'dy recover. i ' O'Noll ItroH. have recently com pleted tho coiiHtructlen of a largo wnrehoiiHO on their proixirty at tho I-'ortmt croHHlnir. Tho new building will le uaed for torlo purponeH and In tn kwpln with tho rapidly , rowlntf buHlneHw of the linn at that point. ' Tho I-adlen Aid m-lety of the . Pnubvterliui church will hold tlielr fair In Belknap's hall next Saturday iihrht. Forneverol wevka arrnnRe- ruent have been under1 way and the rent number of "For Sale" bIkus tn thn varlmm hootha on the night tn quoHtlon will no rfoubt prove tlie elllclency of the work .which" hfin "oeen under way. " Tho proceeds of the fair wtll I used In Completing the furnlaldnKB In the new church building. j S. ('. llartrum. ujM'rlntnilint of the ("nm-ado fonut rerve, will lie In ! the city the '.'lili of Ida month at I which time ntlotmeiiu of runs ter ritory will lm made Ut tlm various ntot kinen. A ItieetlilK of the KLoi'k irowem' aKHiH'lutlon ban been railed for that day, not lie which will lie found In another column. The ladlin of tho ItnptlHt church tiii reawsl the fundn In their trvnuury over "il Inat Saturday night nt the lianki't aiM'tnl. A abort prii;rnui wna rendered before tho aalo of lumketa trngnn, vih iiI aelii'tloiiHU'lng given by MImk (Vila Nelma, M1mhh r'ny nnd Hertle HiMlgea and n aextot i'onipoMt of MIhm Mnblo Donk, titMirgla CliH'k, Vivian lllukle, Aver DoblM. Tiny McDanlel nud Klvln Mllllrun. Carl AbrntUM. who traveled over the gwater portion of Crook rounty during the pant aiiinmer nnd fall writing Hketchea of Hoph and pbu'ea for tho Pacific lIonieHU'ad, ladangiT- unly til with lypliold fever nt hi home In Polk county and la not ex- iected to Hve. Mr. Abrutna ha tuvu Ityixlltorof tho Salem StMeatunn foraevernl yeara and enjoya an x teudt Mi nualnUuu-e In thla county. James Turner, one of four men who broke Jail In Portland ou the 2nd of Novomlter. was arretted by deputy sheriff J nines Smith nt Bond laat week nnd brought to the city when? he was lodged in the county Jail until the Multnomah - county otneers could no notified. ' A deputy aherlff came out from Portland and took tho prisoner In charge. Turner hnd been working for one of tho Ir rigation companies nt Bend. I f i i. i P i. ii H i 'I' ' 'I' 1 1HtWH Have you eon thoss j UZZAUU SKISI NOVKLTIES Wo Invito you to cnl and prlc The tiM-mlN'rr of the Lndles Annex have maile their nrrani'iiii'iit for t lie final l'iip Year ball w hkdi will be ulven nt Athlvtle hall Friday evening. Fereinlx'r :m. It Is tlm Indlea' (iIkIiI from itart to tlnUli and the genHemaii will tie eutltliii to kiep their money III their pocket nnd enjoy themwlve. The com mittees have all been appointed nml preparations will Im! made for serv ing upcr In the hall. An admis sion of 2S cents will tsM'harged lady Nctiitors nud the dance tickets will The Interior portion of the county will havo to look elsewhere for Its wood supply In the futuro than lu the deaert dlatrlct lying west of the city nnd under pi ore, of reclama tion by the Dewhutes Irrigation & power company. The latter has pimted tresMpaas notices over II greater part of their appropriation of imid warning' wood cutters to keep off. The district In ijin-stlon Is one from which hundred of cords of JuiilNr wood have Is-en cut nm new field owned by t tide Ham will have to be called upon now to fitrnlh fuel. Kinmiim tlie Urnrxt li k of Porfume ver ilioplaynl in Prtm-villc, wa liave them in bulk fur tilling fnni'jr ltlle li (n rut Kl txrttlr In llk lined Jtl rr. t The Wlnnek Co. fjj Hoadquartwra for Santa Olaua lonel F Smith ennm over from Lnldlaw tho Inst of the week. The surveying of new rnnal lines through tho Columbia Southern Irrigation company's tract of land has Issmi discontinued for tlm winter owing to frost night which have frozen tho ground to a depth o great to permit of tho driving of stakes. The canal line proper have tss-n con structed to Cllne Falls nnd next spring work will tgluontlm later als on the wet side of ('line buttes upon the aurroyed lines which have ticen partially completed. By early summer It Is expirtiit that nil the ditches neeeasary for tho rcelmntlon of tlm entire 30.000 acres will have U-etl finished. " A good many cattle have Is-en drlvwi out of this country for shli ment this fall. The vast herds that crowded tho ranges during the summer have been ouninisntsi to audi an extent that the prti-e of feed ers hns advanced. There hns lsen so many cattle sold thnt a surplus of hay Is on hand In many places and for that reaon feeiters are , In de maud. The prices renllned are not up to the standnrd of other years tint many growers conclude It ts-tter to take J he price offered than to hold over another year. It I more than likely that when the growers have cut their herd down that the demand will Increase and the price ndvnnce. Prairie City Miner. Oixsl . heavy rains, the kind that have S'Miked up a lot of ground ) fore they fpilt. hnve lavn geiirfnl throughout the county during the past week. Asa result tlm winter plowing, which has birn Kivntly de layed owing t' the rout In nod dry weather, has rommennil and both farmers nmt sts-kmeii urn W'-nrluic happy fac-s. Tlm warm rains have started the bunch urns to growing nnd the rniiKlng sections are almost ns.frcah and green ns In the spring. Only on tlm ttltctt mountain rldgi-s Is any snow tols found and Indlratlous point towanN another warm, open winter. In the np'r country there has Is-en no feeding of cattle, al though the season there Is-glns as a rale about the first of Novemts-r. in other sections, too, the stock cih tluues to rustle Its own living on the ranging grounds. ' -. Thomas Jones, who manager of the stage station Is-twecn Itosland and Sliver Lake, Is lu the city settl ing up soiim business inn tiers. The old gentleiiuni, who is HO yenrs of age, conn's Into town about once a year -and the rest, of the tlm is M'tit nthl stage station which Is oim of the most Isolated spots in Eastern Oregon. Mr. Jones Is In terested In the forthcoming ap propriation which tlm state legisla ture will make to pay off tho Indian war veterans nud Iions to draw several hundred dollars as the re ward for tlm hardships which he endured during the early days. He Is a vetcrn n of t he Mexlrn n war, t he Piute war of Km, the Civil wnr and the Misloc wnr In tlm early 7tl's. Beside his honii-stead of 100 ncres which surrounds the stage station the old gentleman own ftW ncres In Orange county Indiana, tn thecrnter of the fruit belt where land Is valued nt several hundred- dollars s-r acre, and Is the owner of loo acre on Rogue river In the valley. Despite his holdings and his advanced years ho says ho can still earn a living and continues to work as If he were as is'iinlless as a church mouse. L Jl.JLJkJCJI.Ji.JkjLJl.JkJkl.JkJkJkJkJ.Jl.JkJl.il.JkJl.Jl.kJI.JI.Ji.JI.JL.JkJkJkJl.al.JWJI.J' i r, ir, i -r Motet from Willow Creek. Mrs. William Josllu has moved to Willow Creek to send her children to school. P. Chltwood nfter a few weeks ness Is Improving very fast. L. Hamilton Is going to move chsier to the school bouse to send his children to school. Wnlter Xewblll and wife left for Washington the first of the week. They will remain there all winter. Mr. Lo volet was seen on thestreets Httirlr.r.ly Monday. X. ! NEW GOODS Comiur rty werkimii'rit-ln fKisitiiui to rave 4ru motiry on all drill,' anil Ulli't urtirlcs t'nll fur a mnirle iHittlr of Wlnnek's ' Toilet Cream U i .youra tor tlm aiiking ., 1 IE 1 1 Tit our goods RDTIMSON'S iiiiiii"ii4"M 'i ! ii r"'t"l' 3 In laat wwVa Issue of the Journal, our ttd man tn setting up the type for tho display ad of Michel & Co and also a local reader for tho aaruo firm omitted a clDtiar Instating tho amount of candy and nuts this firm had received for their Holiday trade. Tho nd should have read that they hud received 3000 pounds of candy and nuts for tho Holidays Instead 1 1 UOO pounds. Notice tho correction In their ad this Issue. Instead of securing rail. nnd equip ments from tho foreign market for tho Great Southern railroad, they wore ordered from . tlm Colorado Fuel and Iron Company through Portland agent yesterday, tho first delivery to be mndo 1n sixty days. This wtll greatly facilitate Work nnd. as W. F. Nelson, out of the Oflicors, told t ho reporter, wo may takoarldoto Dufur on tho Fourth of July. Tho equipment ordered will cost 150,000. Within a few mouths tho road will bo pushed on to Bend. Dalles Chronicle. The Wlnnek Co. Headquarters for Sao ta Claua The Hon. Michael MulvatililWrtt- er, orator, politician and ono of the mostly widely known stock raisers In Central Oregon, was admitted to full memls-rship In the PrtnovllIe Athletic club Tuesday evening. -The usual rule of posting an. applicant's namo for 'a period of one. month Is'fore a vote Is taken upon his eligibility, vrna dispensed1 with and Mr. Mulvahlll , given a unanimous vote ami extended all the privileges of the: association.. In consequence of tho honors conferred upon both tho club and the newly elected mem bor, Mr. Mulvahlll Is preparing one of his Inimitable after dinner toasts j which will be given In the not dis tant future. Filled full of tlm satire and wit, for which Mr. Mulvahlll Is pre-eminently noted, his speech will bo hugely enjoyed. The weather Is looking more winter the last day or two. like 111- Li rt tvi r t tj r i L J r i L J ri u ri LJ r i Li ri VJ n ij ri LJ r i LJ r,i LJ r i LJ n u r i LJ r i i. J r i LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri L.' J ri LJ ri LJ r i LJ ri LJ ri l-j ri LJ r i LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri CJ n LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ rin LJLJ EL KINS & KING Qhristmas Presents That Your Boy Will Like Foot Balls, Striking Bags, Boxing Gloves, Whitley Exercisers . . Skates, Indian Clubs, Dum bclls, liase Ualls, Air Guns, Stevens Rifles, Winchester 22 Rifles. O O O We have a very fine stock of Carving Knives, Silver Table Ware, Nickel Plated Tea and Coffee Pots. O O O O Any of the above will make acceptable Holiday presents. JSk V.S?Ai ui,n Elkins & King Elkins & King r i l J r i LJ r i L J r i i j r i L.t r i L J r i LJ r i L J r i LJ r -i L j r, i L J r i L J ri L J r,.i LJ r i L J r. i L J ri L J r i L J LJ ri L J r. i L J ri l j r. i L J r..i L J ri LJ r.i L J r.i LJ r i LJ r.i L J r.i LJ r.i LJ n L J r.i LJ r.i LJ ri L J ri L J r.r.i LJLJ r riririririrriririrriririririrrnriririririrriririr-7riririr'ir?tr"tr''r7irrirr.i L'JL'Jl.JL'JI.JLJLjLJLJkJLJI.JkJI.JkJkJLjLJl.Jk-a.JLJLJLJL.jLJLJL.JLJLJLJLJLJLjL.-lkJLJLJLJLJ The Key that Dnlocks the Living. Door to Long The men of elKl'ty-flve and ninety yenra of age are not the rotund well fed, but thin, spare men who live on a slender diet. Ik as careful" as he will, however, a man past middle age, will (HTfislonally eat too much or of some article of food uot suited to his constitution, and w ill need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to cleanse and Invigor ate his stomach and bowles. Wnen this is done there Is no reason why the average man should not Tlve to old age. For sale by I). P. Adainson. Urfa?feIrrai-iajr-JrTI- Something New. The OrUriy Lake Lumlr som- piuiy, of Laraontn, Ore., was organ ised Deeemls-r 7, 1WV4, with a com plete plant for making all klims of lumlier. The memlmrs of tho new firm are: W. If. Peck, J. II. Wlnilom and (t. Springer, of Culver; J. H. ami W. J. Hawkins of Prlnevllle. The new firm will be ready for business IeremlK'r 10. 2isH. 'J. H. Hawkins, (leneral Mgr. 1 ' Lamonta. Ore. Sheepmen and Cattlemen Take Notice. There will Ih a meeting of the Crook County Stwk rowers Associ ation IVcemtK'r 2S, 1!M)4, at 2 o'clock p. m. at which time S. C. llartrum, Forest Superintendent, will Is? pres. ent to receive applications for grax Ihgln the Cascade, Forest Ueserve. AH jH'rsous desiring to grane sheep or cattle In . the reserve whether memlMrs of the association or not should ls present nnd make their application. Also there will Is? an election of officers of tho association and such other business as may come liefore It. T. H. Lakom.ktt, President. r Notice of Cattlemen's Meeting. W WWW V New Books Call niid examine our late novels and tmautlfnl gift books In SI1U and Leather . Covers . . trhe WALL PAPER "f many doolRiis, including the liual emlwsstxi styles. . Srveral hundreu haskcta were amonft our last consignment, bankets such ' are used when shopping, a work baskets, want baskets and numerous otlior kinds. From 5 vents up , At ADAMSON'S Witinek Qo. L Headquarter tor Santa Claua k ajs.stauai AAAAAA sVJl In the probate court yesterday af- ternoou the estate of tho late Abra ham Hackleman was probated upon tho iwtttlon of the heirs of deceased, and Frank A. Hacklemati and E. W. Lnngdon were appointed administra tors of tho estate, being reiulred to ttlve bonds aggregating $34,000. The petition sets forth that Abraham Hackleman died tn this city on No vomber 2, leaving real property, in Linn, Crook and Clatsop conntleB valued at 1(10,000,' while tlie persons! urotwrty belonirlug to the estate Is valued at H.tJOO. The -rents' from the property are estimated as being worth 11,854. Tlie, heirs of the de ceased are (riven as follows: Elvira Hackleman, a widow of deceased; Pauline Price, of Tolo, Jackson ,couh ty, daughter, ajred 64; T. P. Hackle- mani son, aged 52; Denver D. Haekle-soni-nired 4"; Frank A. son. aged 81) and 1 Winona Williams, .grand daughter, a daughter of Josephine Hackleman Irvtue, aged 2. : "The last i named " are all resident o f Albany. Albany Herald? . r ' . : - ' I . .. ' ' , Notice Is tiereby given that a meet ing of the Crook .County Cattlemen's association will tie held at 10 o'cUn k December 24 nt tho court house In Prlnevllle, Oregon, for the purpuse of electing delegates to the National Livestock convention which meets In Denver January 10-14 inclusive. Tho range problems will also be thoroughly discussed with a view of settling any and all difficulties. A general Invitation Is extended to all stockmen to attend. A. L. Wigi.k, See'y. I CEQQE CQUKTT Ml OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, Prwldent O. M. Elkins, Vica President Fred W. Wilson, Cashier ft II DIRECTOR8: W. A. Booth. O. . emma. D. F. Stewart, Fred W. Wilson. Transacts a General Banking1 Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt atten tion . I Special Holiday Sale I 6CC,'3. $ s. $ t A special reduction will be made on my entire line 5 b of Millinery goods for the Holiday Trade. You $ will find in my store many useful and beautiful jj S articles which will make appropriate presents for $ s Christmas. A Further Scial Reduction will be S m made on Collars, Infant Hoods and Ribbons. Z I I Mrs. Slayton's 1 Prineville's Leading Hi I line ry Store Lk A. AAAA AAA A JVjJ Grip Quickly Knocked Out. 'Rome wks ago during thesevere winter weather both my wife and myself contracted severe colds which sisjedlly develoied Into the worst kind of la grlpie with all Its mis erable symptoms," says Mr. J. S, Egleston of Maple Landing IoAva "Knees and Joints aching, muscles sore, head stopied up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aid lng the same with a dose of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by Its liberal use soon complete ly knocked out the grip." These Tablets promote a healthy action of tho bowles, liver and kidneys which Is always beneficial when tho system Is congested by a cold or attack of thearlp. For sale by, I). P. Adm-a soii. V ' . ; 7 . ' ' . ' J. W. BOONE Maker or the cele brated Prineville Stock Saddle Saddles and Harness Latest Improved Ladies' side and stride saddles, bits, spurs, an gora chaps, quirts and haekamores. A Fall Line of Stockmen's Supplies Write for Prices Prineville, - , Oregon. r Remarkable values in Fall and Winter Underwear t the RAGKET STORE J. S. KELLEY, Proprietor . - Gall and Examine Them Hand painted Linen Sofa Pillow Tops ,,..,.65 cents Lithographed Sofa Pillow Tops 05 cents Pillow Cords 25 cents Ladies Outing Flannel Night Robes, Nicely Trimmed. 1.50 WATCH THIS AD EVERY WEEK LJLJLLJl.JLjk.JkJkJI.JLJkjfLjl.JkJLJkJi.JI.JVJL.JkJkJI.Jl.JLJ n r.i LJ LJ rt r.i ri x r.T tj . tJ n r.i t j- r.i r.i L A LJ r.i ci LJ LJ ri ri LJ LJ ri ri . LJ LJ ri ri LJ LJ ri , r.i cj . LJ ri , ri I AIR TIGHT HEATERS I I WW w vvvv Mrs. John Cyrus BARGAINS LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ F1 LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ ri LJ r.i LJ Now is the Time to buy heating stoves and our stock is complete and our prices right. It will be to your interest to see our line and learn our Prices before purchasing. We also sell - ... S BORN STEEL RANGES la Jewelry, Silverware, Tlaln and Fancy Collars, Belts and Silk Waists A new and assorted line of Holiday Goods. Notions of All Kinds Special Trices on Silver and Gold . Cuff Buttons, Watches, etc. Agent for Sewing Machines and Needles : Mrs. John Gyrus ltii44i.ti4i.i.Hl44iJiiMi4'iM' r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i L'J ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ . n LJ r.i LJ ri LJ ri LJ. ri LJ u ri LJ r.i L'J r.i L'J ri L'J ri CJ ri L'J r.i L'J the best steel range on the market OUR MOTTO: " sm m 111 LJ r.i ' - LJ SMALL PROFITS LJ ri L J JOHNSON, BOOTH & COMPANY ra . Li'J r.i LJ r.i . LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ r.i - : lj r.i LJ ri LJ ri LJ r lj ririririririririririririrTi r.'ir.ir:iririrgririririririirir.iririr,iriririririririrr.. tatJfcaLaL-JLJLJLJLJLJLULilf LJLJLJtyLJLyLJLJLULJLJLJLJLJ LJ r..i LJ P..t LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i L J ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ ri LJ r.i LJ ri LJ r.i LJ r.i r.i LJ