f 1 "JI " CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL . PLBLI5HCD BY TliU JOURNAL Pi lU.ISIilMJ CO. I. I. ST EI" FA. S. M. r.AU.KV. I'uI.'.i-IhM every Thursday nt The Journal lluililuig, Vrincville, Otvpon. Term of Subscription: One year, $ l.."il. six Knnn-d at the Prine- j vi'le pest office lit lfti.1 month, 75 cent. Sinjilo eople5 cents each. I rU rjln, OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, I90A. THE WAY CF IT. Centml Oregon i again called. was rn'.itled to the land; lut tho road well, lvrliaps th.it will lv built some time lv the .it i til con road T the man' who guru out Into 'the Powell Butte distri't for the first time in the past two years, i the community present an a-pect totally contrary to it? appearance ' some twenty-four months ago. It jluis been just 'about tint length of time since a percon could travel across the country from the top of j the ridge to the old river led ami even a f:ir as the Beinlh.'ore he came in sight of a bouse, fence, barn or any other sitrn of habita tion, with the exception jierhap. of a couple of the older ranches at the base of the butt e a. But a material change ha taken place since then anil from an open sage brush ll.tt almost the entire district nurr.leiinij several miles nnon. .-Mr.iir.ff to reports, to bite vu worK , . o - - - I - T - " ! .! i - i deeply and caressingly of another j '. Plsl noujiii to ; lmth llJW givw, , ,, j,,llW railroad bait This time the roJim;,fc0 a m owing, ana an excuse ului lta accompaniments of Held : .1. . 1 .. I :. . ;i dangling southward. The Colum- j ., ox ..- ; uo:t ci acres, inn as evervoouv I,!. s...,l I.-,., .1 ,1.1 aunt wnnl!-10''8 ' acres, 1 .1 of it past to the great l-evond, as j K ww l"e it were, so far as immediate extern filling for clitn rf S:a mile ia rstn'r n1 Mini ' people got almost that great body of the Great Southern has a lease on j This tract was not all desert i8heldbyhjmJitDufur,theliiu-;'"rlhe ol5-cials who were giving , fonc,,8 anj houaw. Crops have Uen raised in abundance great areas of land have produced their grain and hay and the woik of tilling more soil is steadily going on, a filent tribute to the fact that Crook countv's land, even at some i ... i i. ..t : -.i. . the banks to the disadvantage !','-uu.vlllau.T distance from water, U just as allcomers. j nne nmoer, mucn oi u was excel- go0li ami ;n uunv far w;,h h r.,l,l,:, R.,fhem ,, ,uuu,K!,-r;,yS nn& 11 I better than that iu other districts ,. , , ., , : nunv streams with valuable Blighted, shoved to one side ami) -., . " -, water privileges: it was a magmfa- m away that is likely to rile up a; ..-.,, , . , ' . ; , (Cent gitt of a rvcklcsg and corrupt iK om ,xt lorn tuir nnJ , ., '..,. . ; government to people who had make silence reign in that quarter i , , . uone uoiui.ig 10 tor some time to come, me uuerior ; or liie jH'opie to i ... . ; . ... 1 ...i . i. . . . i done very little since to com pen- upon the steel rails which are . V . , . i territory. Dalles and Dufur. It is stated , . , , , . , ..,,. . but, as might have lieen expect- that they will be laid to a greater .... . . , , . , . , ' , . , , T , evl, it is not iKXr John Minth, with distance southward and that beiut . . , ., , , .,, , his little 1W) acn9 of arid land will soon be run over by the steam t . . ,, . ,., ... ; over in the valley of the Malheur; horse which, tearing ui everything ; .. . . . . , . . . . ... ., it is not Jim Janes, who can b;.relv in iront oi n, will tveniuaiiy con nect with the line building north-j ward into Klamath county and I sate the people for the iit of the thus give a through line on the east side of the Cascades from the Columbia river to San Franc isco and California points. The Great Soushern, be it said, more favored by natural condi tions. The Powell butte country is a counterpart of the Agency Plains district in man) respects and both have U en settled practi cally during the same jnriod. Neither one nor the other will re main long without its settlers who eventually will claim every till able acre. make a living off his too-drv land, vnd hopes with water to be able to make a living for his family; it is not these worthy, tailing, home- building, state-building settlers who object to paying the cost of this great wotkt, that shall turn a desert into me.'dow, orchards and ; Klamath county is having troubles in its own backyard over the irrigation problem. Some want the scheme laced in govern- iivul hijuii", itlurj prefer that the project U engineered bv a piix.tte corporation. 1 he spirit of mation, however, is in the air rvntm.un comuy is going to ie soaked bv mii nr tin, nil.i.r Tl., government could probably do the ft job as thoroughly as the irivate ! f aN corjvration and vice versa, and the quicker Klamath county settles the quarrel witli herself the bett it will W for the county, ..-it , . , , neigunors ami tlie uuslv c whoso future productix ne-s is at issue. gWURZWEILER & T i Jack Krost with his cold breath has made himself pretty generally j felt around the country durinythe past week. ThrtH nights in suc- cession tlie mercury in the I her- j monieters dioppinl down lo thei vicinitv of a d ,-n points above! rero, which i'- a tritle chiliy for j this time of the year. The warm- sun.-hinv davs, however, have made up for tlie cool and as long as I hi other places the weather man can be thanked for his generous ap plication of "brite and fare" davs in CriHik count v. revcr, have,SJ; of tlie nights j 2 Jj 8 snow seeks J!2f A mm COPVBICMT IKO ev HUH. NATHAN HSCHI O. Our Kail hovving in lress points U the most complete we have ever had und these Intitule many new pieces of line Pdock Iicsh Kubrics seldom found in the o t atted up In il.ile stores " hirt Waists, tlain Coals, Jackets, Skills and Collarctlc,. reign siipreiie hen All in the Season's latest st les and fabrics (let Cash f .'hecks with each Purchase Thoy aro worth monoy to you Confectionery We ai juent sf'ir l.owitey's Fine t'ondvtlonery. tlielx.t t'aml.v made. All slxe pnei.-ny-s til rtllts to ifl.lHl eaeli. The Wlnnek Co. t JfrmJfHartrrt fur iSttmlm Cftf K I WWW GlirPktuie Frames. It'yoil wish to cct it harjalii In filLT Picture I'rtiiuen call at lluolil It, Iteiiliy Mouses- JtflPRINEVILLE'S GREATEST STORE Additional Locals oegan nusmers as u it meant ioi arilensno : .5.,, w v t r stay in the territory for Fonie time j following the same occupation. It kept still and sh rveled dirt. De fore it shoveled dirt it acquired right of way and after it had shoveled dirt it began laying the rails. Then came the announce ment that it would continue shoveling dirt until it had crossed the state, and that kind o' spoiled the whole affair. If it had said -half way of a quarter os the way Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Compl. i,. nd Chni. e Line ..f IV, f, Veal, Mullen. Pork, P.aeoti, f.ard and Country Produce Kept 0.1 h.ud at the City SI eat Market FOSTER A HORRIOAN, Prop's. iviMcviiie, ,t The Old Stand o.cRo.i. or even as far as Button Springs Waeon Ko.id company, to' which our gracious and beneticient government many years ago niadet a present of a few million acres of, land. But, like the horse-leech,; its cry is, give. j And yet there are apparently; intelligent people who know about j these great land grabs and land- ' grabbing grafts, and who read of , the in.-olance of such corporate; beneficiaries of otlicial rascality, ; and who wonder at ti e" erowth of. the populace would have been j BOC:aiji5mat ,j.e gr0winz demand greatly pleased and waited patient- j rti.lt U;e whoIe j,,,,,. j, take ' ly. But this idea of going clear ! l)ack ti,.ir own . lnil. port-; across the state without stopping j ai; ,j journa ; to draw a breath is something un-! ' ! heard of, and borders on night mare. It i9 barely possible that Cential Oregon's kinship to Mis souri is making a hard p. ay for a place, but RESULTS AS EXPECTED. SHOOTING AT hTMAN TARGETS. The casualties during the -20 days of shooting in Wisconsin are reported at 2:) dead and 15 serious ly wounded. Every death and injury is believed to have been ac cidental, the victim having been It is reported that the Malheur mistaken for a deer. This death irrigation project may be defeated and mishap record, if duplicated; by the refusal of the Willamette ! in other states, will place deer ! Given by the Ladies Tiid Society of First Presbyterian Church at Belknap's Hail, Saturday, December 17, 190U. The Fair will be open to the public at 7 P. M. nt The Apron Booth You will rind VA- Apron imd Little Aprons from the ilantiest white to the Cook Apron. I.Milies nnil children Clothe. Fancy Work Booth Will have article for all tlie yoini men ami hi wweelieart Also the Iiachelur, which will not only lioautify the home Imt your self as well at Tae art Studio You w ill linil haiKlrtouie Picture reproduction from tlie liet nrtil at Exceedingly Low- Prices. At The Fish Pond The very Ix-Kt fisherman will ! found and can show yuii the lcr fishing of the season. The Japjntte Bazarr Will look after the Inner man and will serve the Hottest Tea and Nweetitd Cake. Hut diHt Mlsa The Coffee Booth Tin- Ladle In charm- will jjlve you Cnfi'ev l!keyitiri iraiidimdlier used to make. s The Popcorn Booth Will Im-eoiiilileted 1.V lleailt iful Maidens, cm n tell that 1 sure to please. Come alongniid liriiujyoiir money, Driny; your im mey tntlie Fiilr, Then the Ladies w ill raise andeall You !ileHcd in tlie many da. to come. l.e I Tlllutsou returned from I.u.ik. out luouuliilli the 1 11 ( of lite wei'k mid left on Mmi'l.i v's stum' for l'ri. land. Work in the limiteN on the elimaliar pripcitli' liii-t Urn pur siied dU'meiiil y dm ill;; tin' past iHu week mid the n-nulls have sleiwn some very i cmarkalili vein mat let-. The lcd.;e of on, npnii which work ha lieen coal in ncd fr I he p.tt Inn Weeks, ha lieen fntloweil .'I distance i if ."7 di't and ' Hit Imie.s to attain i;rvter width in lli tunnel work I extended, 'i'iie v trk nit I In moun tain has ehiseil fut the l:i: i r mid ll Is not i iMlial.! - i'l ! resinned Until ! " tlie mi. nv has laeitt-d III I he sprh;-;. ! JT--"! Ill the lit li;!ilMill,inl oi ".M ton of rich ore li on tlie ilaniis and ready fur the letults whenever Uiev aiv r -51 FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS Go To (nit ia. Tlie laein!iel -i of I he Pi ine il!c I depart uieiit held li'cir anioi.il ci.- - ' ' linil Monday iiad el-etcd lid llod-'ou elilt-f if t In tlrp.'ii t nit-iit and Harold l'.aldwlu assistant chief. At the reitnl.tr uieel in of K ,art tin i.t ,u. I, Wnrnie Smith w in. . I t fi-d tis fure. in. Ill u till the vacancy ..ill'.-d liV . the reiuu.tlluii of Haru'd I '-. 1 1. 1 w in , Churl, Lytic was i lit led t-i tlie : posUioit of sci ond a 'sUiimt for 'tn. in made vacant hv U it tit! A. II. G GO'S. Valley & Cascades Mountain Wag ill Koad company to accept the government's proposition and pay its due proportion of the cost of the necessary reservoirs, ditches, etc., amounting, it is stated, to about $.'50 an acre. This would mean a large con tribution by this corporation, hut when it is certain that lands now worthless would by irrigation be come worth from $75 to $200 an acre, the reason of this company's refusal is not clear. It perhaps thinks the work will be dune any way, and it will come iri for its big share of the benefits, while the .small land holders will pay all of the cost. This is the usual and expected course of such a concern as the W. V. & C. M. Wagon Road company. Having grafted the government out of an immense area of land, much of it very valuable, it is quite in line with its nature to refuse to expend anything to help improve and build up the country, even though it will itself be the chief beneficiary, so long as there is the least chance that other people, co-operating with the government, will do the work. This corporation is in a poor position to make such a refusal, with even a surface show of grace. It secured a vast tract of the! people's land, alternate sections in a wide strip clear from the Wil lamettee valley to the eastern state line, in consideration of which it was to build and maintain a fine wagon road through that region. Christmas next, then New Year's, It got the land; the department then soup from the hones for a and the courts have held that it 'week, then the city election. hunting in the same category with railroad operation and automobile running, when judged by mortal ity and injury attending it. As deer have become less plenti ful and their haunts more" restrict ed, a larger number of sportsmen seek game in smaller areas, with j a corresponding increase in the danger of mistaking one another for wild animals. In the states where game is still preserved this "mistaken for a deer" problem has become one of the most serious that confronts the public. S o many accidental deaths have re sulted that in many sections the mortality exceeds that from fires, iioods, famine or railway catastro phes. No satisfactory solution of the problem has yet been suggested. Caution to the hunters has proved of no avail. Sportsmen, of course, object to a law prohibiting deer shooting, and express themselves as willing to take chances. But the slaughter of human beings has increased so rapidly that the public demands that eomethirg be done, and in one state it has been suggested that the killing of a person through mistaking him for a deer be made a penitentiary offense. Of course, the difficulty will be settled when all the deer are killed off, as they probably will be, but in the meantime it is unfortunate to lose so many lives. Spokesman Review. The proceoils of the fair will go to furnishing the First Presbyterian Church of Prineville. Jin admission charge of 10 cents will be made at the door. All are cordially invited to attend. 0 Q m i A BASKET SOGML the IIACKKT STOIC I Maury Items. 1 Will be given by the Ladies of the liaptist Church in the Union Church on Saturday, December 10. A unique feauture will be introduced at the selling of the baskets, viz: The age of the re spective owners of each basket will' be made known and with this key the purchaser will have an opportunity, to get the Right One. Coffee will be served free with e;ich basket. Ice Qream, Qake Go f fee, etc. In addition to the sale of baskets there will be Ice Cream and Cake served for 15 cents a dish. Also Coffee, Cake, Sandwiches, Pickles and other eatbales will be served for 2o cents a plate A short Musicil and Literary program will be rendered. Entertaiment will commence promptly at 8:30 P. M. No Admission Fee Wil Be Charged Jeff Slt-wai t wa culled to Prine ville Friday to wait on hi hrollicf-in-law, lionise Nohle, who Is very ill. Mis IC t In-! Munis, tin; Puck creek school teacher, wa viitinj;iil home Thaiikslvinic. Al Stewart, of Paulina, i vIhUIiijj: friend and relative in thi iielu-h- horhood. Uoy, the ten yen r old Hull of Huwad Morris, ha lcen iiille ill for the paMl t wo weeks, hut I now rapidly recoverln;-. Tliauksylvlii'j; is past imd no hiiow yet. The day Itself wa almost an wnrin a ilnrinj; Hie Miliiiiner. e don't often see Mich line fall weather in this count ry. Jolm Price met with it u accident Sunday which aljiiust resulted In Hie Ids of a finder. He wiih ciik'uk'imI In catching n horse and afler throwing I lie rupe over I lie a nimal head caught hi tinker lieltvecn the rope a m 1,1 lie saddle. Tin nail and nearly all the IIchIi front the eeond joint to the end of Hie fiuuer were Ht.rippcd off. C. ij. UohcrtM, our road mipcrv!or, is litiildliiK a lai'ne dam in the south fork of ( 'rooked river to turn flic sli'eam hack into it old channel ahove the bridjc. The ohjeet of tlie work I to protect the road n short dmlniice ahove the itriilyo which the hih water durinu' lasl Mprlng were washing a way. Christmas will nut he coin- hi s -We Sell i it, aoi n. ii .... . ... ...in Hut It coin p.'t me u lil Meet nit Weil licMilny c filing, January I. fur a Julnt luiila t luii of li w at. -nihi i .in.l preparation lire licliiy made for a lira in I celchtntluii on lite nihl in (ptestlou. The hramiiiix lioiis have Ix-cli takeir'from their coi-m is and dusted off aa.l many other instru ment of tori ii re will lie hrunhl into play noon the tend. -t feet who that evening w ill si-e and fi-cl inoiv strange things tliau ever liefoiv. A staif supper Will he Her veil afler the Initiatiuit fur thus-. who fii-l well enough to partake of the pmi t!iln. i'l Vim Can Save "1 gl to $2 on Shoes Lai fSeywoods Furniture Tho Best Grado of Furniture Goods. Known In oil parts of tho World. Call aricL C-ct Qir 2Priccs '0)g) ilacksmilliiiig That Pleases 14 The Kind Vim (ict at-. J. II. AVKJIJ'S (Sticeesnor to) COKXKTT & i:LIvIXS'S A Slock of Farm Machinery alwav on haml 1 Stints JW Christmaai Jor TJho Chihlran 6 a I? Kid Doll, ;i:,.(ue head, Joinieil 1,') cents lo fl.OO Linen Piclurei l!ookn 10 lo ,10 cent HorriH of all kind . 10 to 2" cent Iron Toy, Mechanical Toy 2") cents to If.'J.OO liuihling Block, Card ami Novelty (ianics. . . 15 to 50 cent gR Candy for Chiitiron, Special for Christmas, 15 cts, a pourta r Iil.ic Willi. Hit huh or more of tlioHC licinil.il'ul larhoti Prinls, Ori'Ktiil Hccncry mill ('oloicil Prints. Ui i:es T to cts. cin li I I The m rieauquartorB ior c.unua uiaua hi Winnek Co. A J?or tho Srown 1p's New Book in all the new designs of hindin nilk anil leather. Toilet ch-cm, Manituue Sets, Shaving set, Cuff anil Collar hoxcH, Neck lie and Ifundendiief hoxe, Kino Station ary, (iold Pen and at prices within the reach of all. Christina Tree OrniimeiilH 10 and .1.1 cents each. We have Perfumes a good a offered elsewhere, for To cent an ounce, for 50 cents. We have hetter at 75-S5 and $1.00 ier ounce. We have them in hulk it ml fancy package. In Silverware we have lingers Knives, Korku and Spoon, Salad Set, Berry Spoons, Pie KniviH, Cold Meat Forks, Napkin- Itin, Salt and Pepper Shakers lind iiumcrnim other Silver (lood. We offer exceptional har'aiim in Curving f-eta for thi mamon. A nice present for this eoaHon w tycnr suliKcription to Home good magazine. We are the agent for nil. jj Call and Snspact our Stock and you wilt say with ia & San ia Ciaus JCeadquartcrs B 2 m li ft I If &