6 Notice For Publication. Mml Office at TUr lll-, Orvptn. tk-tolwr27, l;4. Notice b hetvhy fcivm that the folio inv titinvd irtUtt hjui tild notice of her intention l-i I" lnal proof in iiort of hi" claim. Mit t"t Mid r."t will I in.tf Uforv l . lira, I', N, t'oirinitsMt'mrr, al liw tithe in Mtdma, t liron, on the "th ily of lecenilier, W-it: MAI I I'.KOWX ( ItayirtacK . Oregon, tin h.iiiot.nd miry Xe. laws, f. the ?W! It 3 ! Se. tla lHnJ XK' Xtt .rf Section III, T(. IS Smith. llnh U K., W. M. Mhe nauira tlie (..!, inx r itnnxu to rov h continuum mi.lrnre iia and culli ti"n uf aii I land, to it: V. K. Hanm ar, J. 1. Ilnrrit. A. V. IVye and E Hralr, all of ll.tn k, OrrMi. MICHAKI. T. NOLAN, .t liff-ifWr. Notice For Publication. Land Ortiic at The IhilKnt. On'j.nn, XovcmN'r 5, Notice is hcrvl.y given that the following ytiiKil iwtllcr han tiled noliov of hi inten tion to make final Jiroof in iii;x.irt vflii rlnint, an. I that faid proof will tie niaK U fnrv J. J. Smith, County Clerk nl 1'rinc Villc, On-Run, m lniivr ml tit: CHAKLKSlt. PK.U.Y of 1'riuoville, Oregon, on II. K. No. 12174, for the KK'4'I Siviiou 33 and WNW'i tif Nvtion St, T. IS tmlli, Ksnse lfi K., W.M. He nniiiea the following aitnossvsi to n.Te his continuous residence ujho and cultivation ofsnid luitd tit: Francis 15. Iliyn, James A. MotVut, ti. V. Jones and U.v-gv M illii-an. all of lrin villn, On-pon. MICIIAKI, T. NOI.AN. nl0 pl Register. Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalle, Orcsron, Xovemher . VM. Xotic is hereby piven that tte Miow-ing-namcil settler has tiled notice of his intention to make rinal proof in supjMirt of hw claim, and that said proof w iil lie made In-fore J. J. Smith, County t'lerk, at rriiutville, Orec'tn, on the 21th d.-iv of IVwinber, lilot, to-wil: . JAM KS A. MuFFITT of Prhieviiie, Oregun. on H. K. Xo. KM3, for the W,SV'4 of Section 3. XtCV JSK' of Section 4 and XW'.NWW of Section 10, Tp. lOSouth, Ranw lo K W. M. He namea the following witness a to prore his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, to-w il: Jamca U, Harvey, (ieorpe W. Jones, tiarles H. Dealy and Henry Turner, all of J'rineville, Oregon. -MICIUELT.XOI.AX, MO pd Register. Notice For Publ'cation. Iuind Office at The Da.'les. Oregon. Xovemher 5, Notice is hereliy given that the following named settler ha tiled notice of his inlen tion to make tinal proof in stipjiort of his claim, and that said proof w ill be made before J. J. Mnitli, County Clerk, at l'rine viile, Oregon, on the 22ud day of Decctnlier, liW, to-w it: JAMKSH. MESSIXUER of Princville, Oregon, on H. E. Xo. H26. lor the X',XE'4' and XHXV-J of betion 3k Tp. 14 .Smth. Range 14 E., W.M He names the following witiu-ysess to prove his continuous residence urum anl cultivation of said land, to-wit : David Weaver, John Montgomery. George Dodson and Charles A (Jraves, all of I'rinevilie, Oregon. illCHAELT.XOLAX. nlOpd R.fi-ter. D3ert Liand, Final Proof. Notice For Publication. Laud Office at The Dalle- 0r gon. Xoveiii'xr 5. '.ifll. Notice is hereby given that William Wigle, of Prinevilie, C'regnii, ha- tiled notice of liia intention to make proof on his desert-lund ciaim Xo. irMj for the fcWj-f XEj.4' and lot 2, of Section (i,.Tp. 17 South, Range 17 E.. W. M. lefore J. J. Smith, County Cltrk lit Prinevilie, Oregon on, the 24th d;iy of Dei eiuljer, He name- the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of taia .uiid: Arthur Jiaikey, James Cram, Jesse Yancey ami William Mackey, all of I'rine vilie, Oregon. MICHAEL T.XOLAX, nlO pd Register. Timber Land. Act June 3. Df78. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United States Laud Office. The Dalles, Oregon, Muy 23, llvl. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 187S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the istalea of California, Oregon, Nevrida, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1MK, the following named peiwms have on March 2:trd, l'.Kjt, tili-d in this otliee their sworn statements, to-wit: Ole OI m, of Gold Bar, can ty of Snoho mish, state cf Washington, sworn Btateinent No. 2277, for the purchase of ihe .SKJ of Section 24. T. 15 South, Rang.; Pj E.. W. M. Ernest Martin, of Gold I',ar, county of Snohomish, state of Washington, sworn utate ,.o.r V,. or-i: f.. . l v,i-i. i,i, on mr Miieii.,is oi tiie of Section 24, Tp 15 S., li. P.l !",., W. M. That they will offer proof to show that tlie and sought is more valuable for its tiutlierer stone than for agricultural purjmwi, and to establish their claim to taiil land before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on December 13th, P.I04 They name an witiie-ssen: Ernest Martin, Charles Jocheui and Ole Olson, of Gold P,ar Washington; C. A. Duncan, of Piinewllc, Oregon; Thomas Darraw, of Seattle, Wash ington. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are request ad to tile their claims in this ofiice on or before the aid 13th day of December, PJC4. MICHAEL T. XOLAX, Register. Notice To Creditors Notice is hereliy given that the un dersigned lma been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Win. If. Quinn, deceased, in lieu of Mary Qninn, deceased. All persons having claims agaitiHt the estate should pre sent the same to Tie undeiisigned at his oHice in Prinevilie; Oregon. Pated this 20th day of October, 1901. M. It. El.I.T'VTT, Adm. of W. 11. Quinn Ksttite. Brights Disease And Piabetcs We de-ire to id ace in tlie hand-" of those atliicteil with ltrihts lioae and lialielcs a 3i-vaKe pampolct that is saving human lives. It is not an ordinary pai.i phlet, such as is conimonely um1 to ad vertiM1 luedii ines, Imt is principally made up of n ports of soiontilioaily eonducted tests iu a large vi.ricty of caws, showing ."7 per cent of r.H-overica in these hitherto incura'ie di-nsiscs, Th specifics employed in these tests are known as the Fulton Compounds and the results obtained prove conclusively that these dreaded diseases so long fata! tthe deaths from l'rights Disease alone are appalling, over liO.rtV a year, starling a kidney troubles) hate at last yielded to medical science. The pamphlet is free. Write to the John J. Fulton Co., 4'W Wash ington street, San Francisco, Cat. "When to suspect llrights Disease t Pufly ankles or hand-; weakness without apparent cause, kidney trouble after thirtl mouth; frequent urination, (may show sediment ir cloudy on standing); failing vision; day drowsiness one or more of these. Timber Land. Act June S. ISS. NOTICK FOli rCPHCATIOS. Tlie lUlles, Oreg. n. May I'.OI. Xotice hereby given that in coii-pliance with tiie provisi na of the act of Congress of June It, 1S7S entitled "An set for the sale of tinnier lan.ls in ihe Stats e-f Caiifiirnia, lnfc gr, Xeiada and Washiiuton Teriilory," a extended to all the Public Kind States by act of August 4, lS'.ii t"ie follow iu,'-iiaiiied persons have en March !l:trd, l'.1vl, tiieil in tl'.isothec their s nn statements, to-wit- Charles Jochem, of lluhibar, county of Siiiih-'niish, stat of W"ashm;on, suorn state nient Xo. ?"J7'.I, foe the- purchase of the SK XWJ.SWJ XF.land Lola 1 l2 S,cti..n M, Tp. 1 S..th, Range SO Fast. W. M. Thomas larni, of Seattle county of King, state of Wa.-hingt'in, sworn stkteiueiit Xo. 22 for the y unhase of the Iot 4, SK, SW I S,vti.iii V.. X E't X W X X W X KJ of Section 30. Tp. 15 S.ith, Range 20 Es-t, W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Us timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish their claims to said land before the Register and Receiver at The Dalle; Oregon, on lVceuiber 11th. l:o4. They name as witnesses: Thomas Damiw, of Port Angeles, Washington; Ernest Mar tin, Ole Olson and Charles Jochem, ol G.ud liar, Washington; C. A. lhmca,i, uf Iiue ville, Oregon. Any and all rsons claiming adversely the above-described Ltnds are requested to tile their elaiuia in this othce on or before aaid Hth day of December. llXM. MICHAEL T. XOLAX, ocfi-dp Register. Timber Land. Act June 3. 137$. Notice for Publication. United State Land Otfiee, The Dalles, Or., Octolier Hth. I'j04. N tie is hereby gi en thatin compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1-7, en'itie i "A a act for the sale of tiadier Ian.ls in the St ites ot CalifornL-t, Ore gon, Nevaiia, and Washington Territory," as estended U ail t'le i'ublic Iin 1 States by act if August 4, 1S;i2, THOMAS M. OCOXXELL, .f Ptinei!!e, county of Crook state of Oregon, lias August 4'.h, lJUJ, tied in this,i:iir hi suoiu stat?ment Xo. tVJ. for tlie purchase of theWJ.SEj i E'.SWJ of Pix--tion No. 2 in Tp. 12 P.ange 1U E., W. M. and will off' r proof to show that the 1-uid sought is more aittabh.' for its toidsT or st.me than for agricnltur.il piirie. and to t ta'Jish bis claim to said land Isfore J.J. mitii. County Clerk, at Priix ville, Oregon, ol, the 2oid Jay of Jaunar-, psj-". IW nauie a.H aitn..sAes: Walter O'Xeii, Scott Hathaway, Waiter Smsleriy and Perry Long, all of Prinevilie, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versly the i alsive-decri'-ied Ian.ls are reueted to their claims in this otfiee on or lefo saiil I 23.d day of Jaroiarv, V.fo'i. MICHAEL T. XOLAX n!7 np Register. Timber Itnil, Act June 3. 1878. xotick ron publication. United Siatts Ijind Office. Thk iMLLts, tJhtiiox, Oct.ilr 1"), 1II. Notice is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jane 3. V-s, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, arid Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Public I.aml States l.y act of August 4, 1 KM, tiie follow it.g naiaed peixitis have filed in this ottice '.heir sworn statements, to-wit: Imliois Iit;uU, of lol'i l.tth Avenue, Seattle, county f Kin. state of Washington, sworn stateuitnt X. 2.2. hied Aiittust 2'i, i:t, for the purclux; of th yt . yt ' and V XV'i of Section Z,'Tlt 11 South, Hani? I!l Ka t of W. M, Ilachel K. t)'Xeil, of I'rinevilie, county of f'nsik, state of Ortison, sworn statement Xo. iVX, tile i Seteno.er 2, 1:K1, for the ,mrcliase of the SKKXWU, SW4XKK li SV't Si:,'i of Siction 27, Tj. 12 .South, Kan-e V, Iia.st, W. M. That ihey will offer proof to Fhow that the hind Rouyht is more valuable for its limber or ytorie than for aKricultural pur ,'ios'S, arid to c:italili:.h their claims to said lands before !. J. Smith, County Clerk, at ins o'hee in I'imeMlle, l)reoii, on the 2.V1 'lay Deceiiiher, l'.Kjl. They liaise as witnesses; I'yrnn Cady and I'tny I'oiud.xter, of I'rinevilie. Oieon; Louise li. Heath ami James li. Heath, of A;-p,toii, Wisc-.'iuin; (lior-e lXeil, August H. Lii puiann, I. Michel and T. M. -(Con-ii"l all of 1'iineville, Oregon, Any and all persons clalmini? adverwely tfie above-described lands are retiuested to P.le their clalinB In this office on or before the said 23rd day of Ileceinbi-.-, I'.tfi-l. MH 1IAKL T. NOLA.V, "-0 Itegister. Deputy Stock Inepectors. Notice is hereliy given tlia I have appointed the following named persons ue'puiy bock insp(;ctota: J. '. ('artwright, Jim Woods, E. Spat ks, A. Alorri'iv, V. M. Smith Itoscoe KtinX, J. S. Hiioae, Alex Mcintosh, J. I'. Vitnlluuteii, U. S. Cowles, Joe Hinlile, Hay Creek. Aslnvood Sisters. Haystack. I'aulina, Post Koslaiul. 1 1 io din Hay Creek. Hay Creek Stock Inspector Crook County, Kie l M"r M'l H I I HHiltia TIM 'MI II I I HI fl liHl PIhFR fa .a . . . Utll For Salo. J, F. Morris lias shingles, iloors and window for sale t price that will anil you. J F. Morris has a line of the colo hrateil John lVere -tuipcica anil hacks for sale. Anyone wishing- a Imrgain in this !itn will Jo well to call and so him. FOli S.VI.K.A l.ivcry ami Fil ham for jY or rent. Yur particulars address K. C. liokson, nl7 Tip Antchu", tioj;on. I'U SAI.K. A very ilosiraldo ranch consisting of UU acres. A Unit VJ oi which is first class yellow pine timU r and I'.l acres of Xo. I agt ictiltuual html enclosed ly fence, 8 ncioa of which is three year-old nlfalfa nnd 3 iicr-s in clover. A largo stri'iiin of pure cold water tit'iniiig with trotil rnnninj; throtitrli ivntcr of place-, ihxul ditch for irrigation purpose. This is 8 l rgain. For fin her particulars aod price write or call to the joiknai. OtlSoe, I'rinevilie, Dreoii. 1"R SALE: A Clover Ranch. Sit nutod 4 miles cust of Sistei tnilo from county road, 1J tnilc froiiisc!iHd house, lt0 acn-s deeded, fenoetl, divis ion fences etc. Nearly all ran le cultivated, 3(1 acres in clover and timothy, good stand mid can he ir- rigaicu wiin one lonrth the labor re tjuiied to irrigate any like number of acres in this vicinity. Stock in Siiuaw Creek Irrigation IVs ditch, house of 6 rooms, well of goKl water, two b.trns and harnriHiiii for UK) tons of hay. Price JISJO. Call on or address II. E. Olazier, Sisters, Ore. Special Reduction Sola For ti fhurt time only npivial re ductiun priceM on my entire utin k u lijiiKlenhiofn, ril.hons, ojoy,.. lmis ery tun waists. An (iiorttmity f feretl the ladien to secure any nrlli les in tlitx linen at tl very nerotts ilin. cotint on regular pricis. Mrs. F.:i ltiiAiiroun. n.-5 STRAYKD. A buckskin ndnnnl horse with white face gentle, vveighs iiUmt OtM) pounds, linuulod on shcuhicr V. II. U somowhat lame from ringWwos on !iis fore feet. Ohiici rsinested t call for same paying charges incurred. Lower Deschutes- Uridc Slat inn. nil Sip. I'or CUoii-e Homestead Locations Lands ROBT. SMITH, ( Prinevilie, - Oregon. Hill Military Academy P0BTLJ.JID. OEiOOH. v A piirsto boaritlnc mat Ant whool. MannU trulalng. b.I.'I tsrj dtselphu, o!Uk irsp:ri. tloa. bar of snr hi,ir;M t tnr li. 1,11 urm uptut Bpteitsr 14. 10O4. CUT JUlh OUT An4 mall to Ir. . W. Hi:i, UU, KiUurjr Aoftdomr, P-irtUnrt. Or. , boji, whom 1 want to ud tv I blT. mlllttry rbooL TQlr sri Talr srss art Mens send m prliri and trnia; alio llliitrit 4UcrluUr cstsieKua ot our cIka1. (Nm) iA4drM).,. ...... ....... ----' ',.- 1 For Thir The n?me Eldredge has itood for the BEST In (he Scwina Machine World. T . . Here 1st New EldredEei BETTER I nirtV ,h" EVER, and Superior to all oiliers. I'ostive take-up; self wt- Years iniK needle; self threading .Shuttle; Automatic tension release;automatic liohhill winder' Tvisllivi. (i ,nr nr.ilr... li ed; cnpiied ncddle liar; noiseless self adjusliiiK roller liearinif wheel, uteel jitman; five plv laminated woodwork, with a heautifiil set of iiKkelefl steel HttalimentH. Ask your dealer for the Improved Kldredge '11" and do not huy any machine until you have seen it. National Sewing Machine Co. EELVIDERE, ILLINOIS. ft SI Br &)iiijhiavi XOTICK FOR 1T1II.ICA I ION. laoid OlVu-e at The Dalles On gon, Oclols-r 12, I'kU. Noti.v is hereby given thai the follow ing iiaiiictl s'ttlcr lias lihil iiot'ec of her iiilention to make liual pMol In suppoit ol ber claim, and that said proof will W made Ivl'ore J, J. Sniith, County Vrl,, in Princxillc, Oregon, on the 2V.tli day of Xovemlier, l!k(.to wit: I.OI ISE T. K. Kl l'ClUN'ti. of P Xo. 7t, for the XSWi XW,SKi4 and !sW,M-:i; of Section (i, Tp, IS Siuith, Range It! Kat of W. M. ! She names tlie following w itmsxes to i prove hrrcotttiiiuotM risidcuce upon and cultivation of said land, Alt Mo. Kdwanl Harris, P, G, Milliorn ami Ale Uilil.M. alt of Crook, Oregon. MICHAEL T.XOLAX, 2lKlo Register. Notioo For Publtcntioit. ltid OMice at The Dalles, (livgon, October 12, I'.vl. Notice is hei-eby given that the behoving named settler has tiled notice of her Inteii lion to make tinal proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made More J.J. Smith, County Clcik of Crook comity at Prinevilie, Oregon, oil the iuli day of XoveinS-r I'.KM, vi: LKTlIK A RMSTUONU, of Culver, Vrcgon, iui houictcad entry Xo. tiH2. fir the X',si:', SWi, SE, and Mil; ,sV, of Sis-lion :tt, Tj , 12, South, Range II East r W. M. Stic names the following witnesses to prove her com inuoiis residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: RoU-rt Johnson and C. J, M ill' gnu of Lamont t, Oregon: Thomas J. Leach and J. II. Wiudom of Culver, Oregon. MICHAEL f. XOI.AN 02 Yd Register. Notice For Publiontlon. Land Ottice, The Dalle, Oregon. (VtoU-r It. l'.m. Xoti. c is hcrel-y given that the follow ing nanus! settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make timtl proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof w ill In- made ln-fore M. II. lliggs, I". S. Connnis.ioner, at his otliee in Prinevilie, Oregon, on the 2,'ith day of Xovemlier, litoi. ti-wit: LrVIS V. TI-'K. of Cr.sik, regon, on home-lead entry No. l'W-0, lor the K, SKU of Section .3, XVVi, SW, A SW, X Wi, of Section 31, Tp. Ms South. Range 21 Pad of W. M, lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reside ice upon and cultivation of -aid land, to-a it : It. II Pictinctt. of Post. Oregon; Char!r Parrisli and Harry Fumes, of Crook. I'n gou; James Cram, ol Prinevilie, um.uii, MICHAEL T. XOLAX. Register. o-.'Vlo CATA 4' - fkV, I a lav-,jr ,r Ely's Crepji Balm This fkOtrint. in n Specific, Sure to Civo Satisfaction! CIVtS HE Lit F AT OUCS. It 'li-tns , tNKXiu-K, l-a!.., mi l t-.n lf-' t!'.,i dis-a.. ii i:.ci,:lir.v: e. (: drives uw.:v r. '.' .M j:i !' iiesdiires til.' S i if 'I l-atsy to us". Cut-ins n C : me. VI v. ! il I',! :r, AU1 u;to t:. r-ott:i . Ij.roo iV) ee-.l i rt ' Mali; Tr.aKSj.t, lice;:.. I ELY BROTKEnS. 53 Vvi.-r, r ! r, Oyster Mi-iilsofnllkimlH t St-rti'il tuOnlcr. Lunch O'MEIL BHOS., Managers. Fish and Oysters in Season CLOSING (icntlciitcn Shoe i."i.7."i for !?l.."(l -l.."f) for :;.':, :!.;.', fur i'.ihi 2: for 1..KI LuJics Shoes for -l.iiil " ' 5.00 ' f..r :t.7"i " " -I.IIO for :!.K) '' " i.'.7-" for L'.hd Cliildrcn Sliocs 2.:m for 1.MI ' 2.IHI fur l.l.-i 1 . r for I.:'., (icnllcinciis Hats .'..(10 for :.7." :i.."o fur '.7.". " " " 1.7.0 for .mi Gent's Underwear Suits 2...0 for l.t'Mi ' 'J.2"i for 1.77. " " " " " 1.7.0 . for l.ill LuJics Underwear Suits 2.7.". for 2.00 2.0(1 for I.-!.-. . " " " " " 1.75 for 1 .2.-1 All Other DKY GOODS A.T COST N. A. TYIEeiBros. Merchants Priiicvillc-Shaniko Stage Lino jaVWWIVWWWWirU' Daily Between Prinevilie and Shaniko SCHEDULE Loaves Shaniko, 0 p. ni, Arrives at Prinevilie C a'. ni. " Leavi'H Prinevilie 1 p. in. Arrives) at Sluinikr. J it. in. First Class Accommodations AJHiOUNCEMENT Min. Dwlghl LkImiIs bus Inkeil chnrneuf my ilix'Kntuiikliigr D' mi lt -incut nnd my put runs mv nsuii'd till" lH't of Will kill : ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,ltit Kty Iom In this line. Mi;s, Co li; ii'i iiiiii, BEND RESTAURANT R. G. SMITH, Proprietor. Mi hA ill ill Hours Are jirepsire v , urnish lumnl Htil lodging It ifio tiny, week or month. Also keep a frisli line of pastry alwuva on liaiul. I.nnclies for lravelcr will Ih prepared on short notice. Newlv Furuklifil ISnoms IJpiuI, . Oregon. BUSINESS FOR SALE Wo are tetir;ii from hn.siin ss and our entire ftiik of Mer chandise will he sudd regardless of cost. Will jirll entire htisine's at reasotialde lenuM. tN. A. TIE S Ctinipany 1 I hrvt Kt4 PfCJrlPB to u rouri , o.... m.. ,j.;.y Will. IJ tj can nj s.n jtlo.wd to ty t'wit I iKvtr tj j uJ eytSin-: for itusk UM gv Klf , y V mtnd it to all owntrf of itock. J. M. KESJIER. St. LouU, Mo fut st'-k f'f I'lnltty ulionlvl net i-at clteap s! ;sk f ! Buy ii ori than stck I 'l-iu sh iiiLI i ! to l ! cirrd bv t I, vi hen ji ur stock i ami fiMotiv nr.! sick i i-,v then n.isl. M ii:ti!t. I'oii t .'u:l' th.-iu ,;h M lea' st' k f.N!i. Viikw-I th.' 1m f, litiil stir tot the toiToil livi ran. rtli. tl, n nnimiii win oe nr':. it n ;m i i' , bk titcnrrj it. I'.hu k-I-rarf;!it o. k Iliul 1'oUitrV M'slililll! Illil, ,;i,l 4 tiin FJ Iwwplj tlil tir up the toviii'l liwr. It curej every mul.idy i t s a k if j iiinen in ii mi, ,-svmii -.i , em rail q of UlaJl-Ir;iiljfht J-tiHk niel I 'ooi'irv j MisdicinHCielit, will .avf.r itself trii ttmeaovvr. HursciwiukWUi r. Coiva tj BWf more milit. llnifs tfant il.-sh. y An'l l ens lnynifrrf!-i;. It solves ti c fs Tirol. Y ill of lilakiiiif i, nun h t,!,Ml (ih and rnerpy a,-! Jsiiiililo out of me imaiH'si. nmmiiii or fi.l con- umcd. I!uy a can from your ileuler. House l'it nil hours Counter Diiy intl XlKht J OUT SALE CS fit 6 ck SliANIKO WAREHOUSE COMPANY Shinlko, Oregon. (Jeneral gTonlGE Forwarding AND RoiMissiori Merchants leah th in r.'aekMiiitli Coul, Khmr, linrheil Wire, Nails, t'eiiiinl, I, itne, Coal Oil, l'laster, Snlplitir, Wool mid t'ltain, Sack nnd Twine, (iruiil and Feed. Ap'tiU (or Wast o W'areliotise Milling CoV. "White Kivei" and "P.illes ratent" Khmr. Iliolient price paid (or Hides and lYIts. Special Altititioit is paid to Wool (Iradine; and lt.diiif! for l.'astcrn Sliiptuenis, SIih k Yrdn with till the latest and lust (acilitie (or Ihudlino Stm k. Mark Voar Goods in rinr-ir ir ifir-trtrirsnnr W JV. ll.Ji.JI. JtJk.ll.AJl. Soneral ffitacksmiViing lIoUs-sot:tSii,''isii W'oitK, 'TC,, , ' N K AT I V AMI I'liovii-il Y PuSK Wiikn ir it Donk iv : ; : Saoman f 9oorc .Satisfaction Will I'l INt II I I L I. JsLk PoweS! t& Tonsorial Artists- i- I When in a i 1 TJ 1 5 I :i I'cr, Shingles, Mould ing, Doors, Windows or (J lass sec SHSPP l'or Prices on Them. A Complete Assortment of Harness in the Latest Styles and the Celebrated SMITH SADDLES for Ladies and Gentlemen. PRINE VILLE, I THE RECEPTION 1 CHAMP SMITH, PK01 Wines, Liquors, Domestic 3 and Imported. Cigars. - fc Proprietor of the Prinevilie Soda "'rorks, 3 2o 3 Care of -S. W. Co." g -n'yaeaA Jls . AV7J y vy voi vo vy vVi iiririmririrvinrnr inn 4'l.Jl.JI. 4U JsA4k,Jl.Jli AJWJl 4 Uc (iuarantccd rTsririrsrsrsr l. JL Jl. JUJIA ikjkj Cyriis11 i ,1 need of I.um OREGON. a. r i t. 4 t - i. J r - i. a r i r t u J i i. j r i k. 4 r L 4 r t t. 4 r i s J) r i W 4 r t IV. 4 r t t- i r l 4 r i i. 4 r i i. J 4 f 1