Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 17, 1904, Image 3

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C K. Wriglil wiiH in tin city
Tlicitiliiy front bin iluwnrd ninth.
it. I'.. HI in hi u l lii l'orlhmd buy
Inn it new slock n( winter dry jtoods.
I . J. I In t'rU ii ml II. I '. Monger, of
I lie ('line I'm I Im Press, wen-In I lie rll.v
till' lllMt of (In1 week.
E. N. !IIIiimi w ii mm business vlsllor
f n mi Culver several days during the
past week,
W. I. Ililtiniier wim III t lie ill.V till'
liiMtottlic week from IiIm Haystack
J. It. Mellowed Wlix III Die rll.V
from Haystack scleral days during
(lie MlHt week,
H. It. Nliiytiin left the llrst of the
week for I'll rk I'hire, I trefoil, where
ho Will Mn'ii (he M Inter.
It. I". Nhcpphcrd and Charles I'nr
rlsh were In tlu rll.v during 1 li pust
week from the I 'ji nil lut eon n I ry hulk
ing nfu r hl.M k mailer.
J, 11. Cornell was In theell.V from
Slllllllllt I'rilll'le the hisl of the week,
lli einne down to bring the iot
liookM from IiIh voting precinct.
Cull nii'l esiiiinliie my line of shirts
liml underwear, I can nave yon
money on this line, ti.iiniley the
Tailor. n:i
Seville new Hue of Silver
Win : nt
The Wlnnek Go.s
Hmdnuritr lot Hsnta Clout
Mr. iiml Mr, W, I'. Viindcverl
were In theelly from Ijivu Friday on
their wny to AmIiwoimI where they
will netiil the w-i-ek visiting with the
family of Tom Hamilton,
Friday night Im the time Mr. Jar
ley iiiM'iun In the city with her wax
work show. A 1 1 1 to thl ollice
Iiiim It that the figure are goliiu to
Is Nome thing Immense, Itetler go,
Mr. I'M llraiHonl returneil the Iiimi
of the week from Madras. While
t here she purchased a couple of town
lotn uml will kooii erect ii store
building oil one of them.
. I. Alllnghum, n dm! her of Low
A 1 1 1 1 1 u t 1 1 1 1 . nrrlveil In theelly from
Paisley last week mul will take nn
active pari In the tuutiugciiifiit of
the Hamilton stables In this city.
You (,'iin Sine
$1 to $2 on Shoes
I. F. lliiMion wum In the i Ity from
tVonk Monday, lie Minted Hint the
ruiiufe KriiMM va eomluu; np tiiruln
and that IndlcatloiiM pointed to
another w Inter In favor of the cattle
mul nheep owner.
Ii Stii-w, A. L. Smith and CIiiim.
llaneH were In tin' rll.v Tiiendny from
Suplee on laud luiHlueMM. Mr. IIiiiicm
made llual proof on a liomeHtead.
the two former gentlemen um IiIm
Hev. 1. M. Iloolh, preMldlnu: rider
of The DalleM 1 1 lit t ll t . came In on
TneMilay'M Hliip1. He preached at
Item) l.'iM nlitht and will lie In the
city for the ipiarleily iiiit-l liiir next
Sunday, w hen he will preach lit the
McIIioiIImI chmvh moriiliiK and
, Uvl TIIUdMon returned the IumI of
the wei'k from I 'ort laud whein he
Iiiih Ihimi looking after the lutcrcMs
of the 1 kout Itn il n 1 ii III ulck-
Hllver inlneM. lie left for tha latter
proiertlrM Salui'day and Mlaled that
a working fotve would lw kept In
the tuiinelM during t lie entire winter.
JC 4"!' 'I"!"!"!1 il"!"!' "I"!1 'f '''t 'I''J 'i1 M
Holiday Goods I
Fur every liod.v at prln-M
thai you can reach, If .
you want a toy for a
dime or a Rift thatcoHtH
ten dollai'H, we wlllulve
I you value rrrelved.
Tin' MoHHltiKcr brother will Rive a
turkey hIiooI on TueHilay the 2'nd.
The wlnnerH of the prize, wlume
t astcH do nut permit them to par
take of turkey, will he pernillli'd to
carry home chicken luMcnd. All t lit
rrark HportHinen now have an op
portunlty to maintain their reputa
tion. S. Ji. LMiiRhlin. father of H. K.
LniiKhlln of raullnn, wiih In the
city Tuewlny on IiIh way to Fort
laud where hi1 will Hieml the winter.
Mr. Lnuu'hlln han recently returned
from a trip through Jrinit ronnty
whern ho hh.vh (ill the Hheepmi'ii In
Hint Hecllon are Juliilant over the
proHprctH for prlccH next hi'Iihoii. He
Htated that Korn BrotheiH, larye
hIkh'P ownefH of that ronnty, Imd
been ottered lKccutH, ciihIi In advance,
for next HeiiHon'H clip.
CoiiHlderlnu,' (he illlllcultleH under
which tlio fire rompnnU'H labored
Tui'Hday the lioyHiiiadciui exception
ally quick run to the McFivrlaml
property, ltoth comimnleH were
compelled, owing to the fact that
the Ochoco bridge Ih not completed,
to make the descent Into the basin,
ford the Ht renin and then innko n
hard pull up the oiipoHite Hide, lint
they got to the fire In short order
mul the five oral hundred feet of
Iiohh wmh laid in about the qnlckeM
time on record.
It I plainly evident Dial a lml
venture of almoHt any kind pay In
I'rlnevllle. Am evidence of the fact
Htone brother recently ojieued ii
Imker.v on Main street Jtint to see
how much trade could lie drawn and
now they're wishing their quarters
wen-two or three t lines iin law.
The busbies Iiiim paid well from tin1
start mid tin- excellent tins of good
they lire selling liiHiireM them ll
Mteudlly Increasing trade from the
vvvvvvvvvv vv
A Complete Line of
ut nil price, according to
iMallty. If you want a
Violin, lluiijo, (Jiiitar,
Miiiidolin, or anything la
thl line we Invite your In-
What miv other Mute In the I'liloti
has that I worth having, come to
Oregon mid you will llnd somewhere
within the boundaries of tin- Mull1.
While we were aware that Oregon
had Home ImiueiiMe trees, we were
hardly prepared to attempt to rival
California in that regard. A picture
liroiiKht In liy I". 1. Connelly yester
lay, whirl! was taken In moii thw ext
ern Cnmk county, licnr ItiivlM Lake,
liinkeM iih liohl to nay we Is-llcve t ha I
state can't lnl um. The picture
repri'MentM u forest ranker In Mr.
Connelly's party riding through id
hole In an IniliieiiMe tree. It tpearH
that the luruc opening was made hy
lire. At any rate n K"od sliced horse
and IiIm rider were having no trouhle
riding throiiuh when the ruuicru wum
leveled oil I hem. The larue Califor
nia tree llli' Itedwood. while thin Im
Yellow I'lue. Imlli-M Chronicle.
Call for a Free Sample of
YViintck'H Toilet Cicuin. It
Im youi-M for the iiMklliK, mid It
Im Kood.
Tbi Stury of ChtrUy Tong Sing'
Charley Toiik SIiik Im the name of
a ( 'li I mi i ii ii 1 1 who came to the rity
IiihI week from Portland to rook In
I I'Nell lirotherM restaurant. Charley
MM'akM I'tmllsh tl lien liy tun! Im very
reserved In Ids manner and hmivIi.
No one would tor a moment suspect
that Home of the acts of IiIh past life
have received recognition from the
government at Washington, and
yet It is a fact that twice during (he
past twenty years Congress has
awarded him gold medals as an
acknowledgment that I'ncle Sam
appreclateM such acts of bravery iih
this quiet and taciturn Celestial has
Charley Tung Sinn is one 4f two
or three Htm Ivors of the .leanette
exM-dltloii which twenty yea i-m vco
net out to llnd the north pole, and It
probably due to the fart that Charley
poHMesscH a due physique that he
is alive today to tell of the awful
hardships endured at that time.
The story of that exH'dltloii, when
the ship roasted northward and
Dually entered the stretches of Ice
bound waters that were soon to
entomb the vessel and nearly all of
her company, Is told us follows:
Nearly two years were HMnt in
Air tic sens, the vessel often wedged
fast In Ice. Nivesslty comis'lled
strict economy of provisions, audit
fell to Charley's lot to supplement
the ship's store by whatever Ht range
dishes the north seas could furnish.
Polar War, seal and Htrange birds
were killed and added to the mess.
On the night of June 11. 1M, the
.leanette was lost, and the little
company of explorer were forced to
shift for tlieir lives, battling against
such odds as nature seldom brings
to bear against men. Jammed tight
In the Ice, the vessel was already
strained beyond her endurance,
when on thl night a tremendous
Impact keeled her over, and finally
she broke In two In I he middle. The
two part of the ship slowly sank
and during the nlht a much of the
ship's stores and boats and sledge
an the worn out ml veil turi'H could
handle were hauled onto the Ice and
the party begun the long tramp over
Ice and snow to the iiirtheast const
Slls'rla, The dog ickened and died
until In AugUHt but two remained.
nnd thesledgoH were hauled by Home
of the ship's company who had the
Htrength to wear the harness. The
store were soon exliaut.'d and for
weeks the survivor subsisted on
walrus, seals and even on seal skin
and leather of worn out bonis.
Several of the men tiled on the
Journey over the mountain of Ice.
When the open sen wiih reached
the three- bon tH were lanuchetU A
storm sepn rii ted them. One cut tor
wns lost Willi all overboard. An
other in command of Cnptaln De
Long reached land, but all-of its
party perished nilseralily on the
desolate shore where neither food
nor shelter could be found. The
captain himself Htnrved to death.
The third boat, In which w n h
Charley Tong Sing, road the storm
wifely and reached the Siberian coast
at the mouth of a river. After
week of travel they came upon two
F.siiulmaux huts where they obtain
ed food and shelter.
It avuh tin till Journey that the
Chinaman snowed id courage, self
sacrlllce and teudernes. Stronger
than the others, he often mipported
immui. i mimjnv n i'iimiwwwi
them on tliu mail Ii, imd n their
lunlll reliance for Maine to take the
place of the exhausted provision.
Tin I'sipilmnux Ulllded tlie truvel-
ei'M to II JlilMMlaa Met lenient w lien
KoimI uleilyeM were plix illed and II
Mart made iktohm HIIhtIii. llelll
ihiT later took tin' place of I lie Io(;m
until the railroad wum reached and
the voynp-rM wer' eurrliil to Ht.
I'eterMlmrK. thence to London Hint
lo New York when1 they nrrlvml In
the Hprliitf of Isvi. Lieutenant lloii
hueand I wo of the men hecame In-
Millie IIM the reMlllt or tlieir MWIIil
exiM-rlelieeM and Mint thl'UlMelve.
IIoiiIk walu wiih tenderly liurwil liy
Tonu Slii; on the vo.vane ucroMH tie
AUuutle, hut In New York he, too
lout IiIh reiiMon and died In mi
I poll IiIm return to the Culled
KtuteM, the navy department In
recognition of Toiik'm hrnvery, pre-
Meiited IiIm with ii old medal on
which Im Inxerlltcd: "Charley Toiik
MIiik, Arctic HU'iiiimt Jeanet le.tde.
Ity Zeal, ((heilleiice" mid on the
rcvcrcxlde Im the preHeiitmeiit of the
old frltcale CoiiMtltullou.'aiid the
wonlM, 1'iilted KfateM Nnvy." l'.y
MHH'lal net of ContreMM, hepteiuU r
III. JsJHl, a not her medal wum present
ed ami hot Ii of tlie- Charley 1 on
SltlK wenrn iM iiealh IiIm vent tMliiy
iih he faithfully tendu to the cooking
at tt'Nell lirotherM ri'Mtiiuraut.
- ' ' ' I lit'-' I Jiii Jul Ji liAAJiifcifr
Itlfl ISiik, Nmvi'U, New JtiMikt
by ttnmliir.l Autliom, mul the
ork of tin- hct Aiitlnim in
m l, miitii1 le rr yiiiir l.ilirnry.
Independent Packing Plant.
President Dunham, of the Crook
County Cattlemen's association, has
received the following letter from
the oIIIcitm of the liiieM-iidetit park
ing company which Im IH-Ing organ
ised In Portland. The letter contains
In full tli scope of the organisation
and the lines upon which the new
company will work and should
prove of IntcrcM to all the stork
men and a large rrcciitngc of the
business men In this county. The
let ter Is an follows:
111 presenting some of the advant
ages Portland possesses as n park
ing renter and llvestiM-k market, It is
useless to dwell lit length oil the
possibilities a ii stork renter, um
that proposition ha Im-cii thorough
ly exploited and deinoustrii tetl
beyotid all reasonable tioiibt. All
the stock raising districts In the
w hole Columbia llaslu are foeusetl to
this point, from which territory the
whole Culled State I to a consider
able extent tles'inlelit Upon for their
supplies. Moreover, we have demon
strated beyond quest Ion that wearc
prepared to furnish a line a Rratle
of livestock as Is produced in any of
the F.astern Slates, mid In fact much
more sniH-rlor to that grown In any
jif the graxlng section of the Middle
West, willed fact were borne out
by the nwatil rerentl.v made to
Charles K. Ladd of this rity at the
St. Louis Imposition, where Oregon
took tlrst prize for high bred cattle.
The fart that the supply of livestis-k
far exreeds the- demand, '1 too well
known to admit nt contradiction, as
from actual Investigation the supply
of stock accessible to this market on
a ronservatlve estimate for the year
1!0.'S was a follow: Cattle l.tltHl.tKMl,
sheep K.tMMf.lHHt, hous (iVUMHt; while
the number slaughtered by packer
In this dlst lie t during the same
period was, rattle tk't.tNKI, sheep ISO,.
000, and hogs lOl.oon. These latter
tlgure are simply the number
slaughtered by the parkers, although
a a matter of fact the consumption
wa much greater, as conditions
here are rather primitive, for the
reason that the farmers anil local
.butcher are In a great measure do
ing their own slaughtering, as they
formerly tlid In the Middle ami F.ast
ern State prior to the advent of the
modern packing house and central
livestock markets.
We also enjoy a material advant
age In freight rates on livestock over
F.astern packers, a we are situated
at the very source of supply. The
freight charge on the manufactured
product from the Fast, occasioned
by the long haul, I by far the great
est advantage we possess, especially
on cured meat product. You are
doubtless aware that the Chicago
Hoard tif Trade, establishes the price
on these conimodltie for. practically
the entire world, and in making
price for other points they simply
add the freight rate, which, for
example, to thl point I fl.ti2Jj per
hundred weight. Now providing
we purchase our livestock at exactly
the same price as theFnstern pack
ers, and produce tlie muuutacturcii
product here at tlie same cost, we
will reap a net proilt on every hun
dred pounds sold of Jfl.ti:! per hun
dretl weight, which is exclusive of
the natural profits accruing from
the packing business. This under
stand, I not Intended to show, how
much more we will make than the
Kasteru pucker, as : we do not
mention freight on tlie package, ex
cessive shrinkage en route, extra
cost of handling, refrigeration -en
route, etc., but rather what we gain
by producing and dispensing of the
product here at tlie ruling market
price. While at the same time the
stockmen will save on tlie freight
and Hlirinkage to Eastern points at
least 70 cents per hundred weight.
Yet regard le of Hucli excessive
freight charge, Htrange to say the
r.iiMeri! piykern nhnnj iv Milppliiti
annually for roiiMiiuipllon, ami ex
port, Into our market upwHrdM of
iki,(hhi,Ihhi pounds of Pork products
alone. Now It I reasonable to sup
pose that we should w llh ii modern
plant here be able to mi-ure h good
Mhare of Hie present li:islnesM w ith
out, however, lufrhiuliiK up the
trade of tair local packers, or roll-
Mldeiillg the new bllMliiesH wo Would
naturally create. You can readily
mii what this would amount to In
dollar mid rent iin on even ten
million pound at fl. is-r hundred
weight would yield the liaiulsouie
protlt on this alone of $'a,Mt, which
Im over and above the usual profits
accruing from meat parking busi
- Tin local transportation com
panies have very kindly offered their
support to mi enterprise of this
nature whenever they rati consistent
ly do ho, but aside from this, the
present frelKht rate place um In fair
competition with all point In the
territory comprising the Columbia
linsln mid considerably beyond
there, wherein all we have a busi
ness of at least twenty-live million
dollar annually to draw from, ex
cliiMlve of tlie export trade. This Is
ample to support an establishment
hiii-Ii a we propose no build, for
several years to conic and we might
add that the present rate of freight
to San Francisco of 13 rent er hun
dred weight by steamer, 2.1 cents by
rail, will eii up a' new avenue in
which to market our product tu
coniM-tltioii with Kastern packer
of f-'.iHI mt hundred weight, w hich
1 even a greater advantage in
freight than we now have to Port
land. Still there are other advant
age no le Important, which we
might rail to your attention ami
that Is, that the Kasteru packer
a iv tint shipping fresh meats Into
thi territory, width naturally
leave the local packer here la
absolute control of the market on
these products, and hi a position fo
make legitimate prolits on the busi
ness without any Interference from
outside conif tltion. At the present
time, however, there exist a rather
Ht'iillar condition In this territory,
with relation to the consumption of
fresh and cured meat. It I almost
a universal rule that tlie consump
tion of meat I proportioned a
follow: Fresli meat To jht rent,
cured meat :MI iHTccnt; while here
we find Just the reverse, fn-sh meats
:i0 ht cent, cured incut TO jier cent.
and still situated In the very heart
of the rattle ami sheep country.
Thl condition I due to tlie heavy
shipments of Cured Pork products
from F.astern points, and should Ik?
reversed In tlie interet of our home
Hence, never In the history of the
Packing business ha there been. a
time more opportune, or condition
more favorable than at Portland for
an Improved modern plant. Similar
conditions to these do not exist else
where In the country, a while licing
situated at the very source of supply
we are also so far removed from the
principal Kasteru market a to
practically exclude hiii-Ii coniM'tition,
after a market here lia once bee ome
thoroughly etallihed.
Thi city possesses more natural
advantage than at any time did
tlie principal center Fast, w here
from natural causes the packing
business and livestock markets have
grown Into tlie greatest ' industry of
tlie present age. It is true -they have
spent large sums of money to attain
their present state of erfeetion, but
we exift to profit by their ex
lMTlence iH-ing familiar with many
ifthe mistake they have made In
tlie past, ami even will be aide to
Improve In many resects on tneir
present methods.
While this proposition has lieen
exploited to a considerable extent
for some time past, It Is barely pos
sible Ant Hufllcient thought has not
been exercised, to consider It
thoroughly from a strictly commerc
ial point of view. Otherwise tlie
business people of Portland and of
Oregon, would not have Ikhmi un
mindful of the great opportunity
before them.
To embark properly in this busi
ness here it will require an establish
ment fully equipped, to cost In the
neighborhood of f 1.10,000, and should
Ik' constructed ao a to make ample
provision for additional building
nt miv time tlie business will de
mand, nnd Mill not reduce our
facilities for producing the product
at the least possible cost. Tills
would have a capacity of transact
ing a business of live million dollars
annually, and Judging from the pre
sent condition of trade, the first
year should show a business of nt
least two and one-half .million dol
lar, after which all will depend
upon the future growth and exten
sion of Hiich business, through natu
ral channels together with the de
velopment of t ids territory and ex
port trade,
We have simply mentioned a few
of the natural advantage a n d
profits which would accrue to a
concern of this nature here, purely
from point of location, and based
upon absolute facts as they exist.
Cor tills reason atone, we make no
mention of the usual protlt accruing
from tlie packing business a that
might possibly admit of some doubt
to one unfamiliar witli tlie business.
Therefore, to. judge of tlie above
conditions you are not obliged to
stretch your Imagination, or accept
tlie statement of anyone, as tlie fact
speak for themselves. However, we
might state that twenty per cent
net profit under ordinary conditions,
is not unusual in the meat business
and you are well aware from own
Heating Stoves
u , , ur Wilson Heaters
That Will Heat
, , , Are the best Air Tight Heater made
W o havo an unusually large assort-
tnent of Heating Stoves in all of the and give univessal satisfaction.
best styles and makes.
Prices ranging from $2.75 to $25
We guarantee these Heaters to burn
Wc carry six different styles of Steel :
less wood and give more heat than any
Uanges, also cast and steel Cook Stoves.
other Heater on the market.
Elkins Si
observation that the parking busi
ness is a profitable one, from the
L'reat since attained, and wealth
actpiireil by the Kastern packer
during tlie pat several year. ,
In view of tlie prodigloti growth ;
of tlie Northwestern State within!
tlie past few years, it is doubtless if i
anyone who ha not given the mat-'
ter siMt lal attention, ran realize the,
enormous mivanceuieiii in i-n iui,
commercial line. Oregon alone has !
made wonderful strides in coiinm n-i
ial pursuit and has doublet! in the;
consumption of meat food and nil
other state In this section have
shown a rorresponding inrivase.
Moreover, too much cannot Ik said
of our export trade whirh I daily
growing into Immense proportions,
and we naturally look forward for
a much more extensive trade at the
termination of the present diitieutties
in tlie Orient, when business shall
again resume it natural channel.
To tlie wife-of I'.ev. 0. W. Triplett.
Sunday, Nov. 1:1, a 12-pound lmy.
No Poison in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
From Napier New Zealand. Herald:
Two years ago tlie Pharmacy Board
of New South Wales, Australia, had
an analysis made of all tlie cough
medicine that were sold in that
market. Out of tlie entire list tliey
found only one that they declared
was entirel.C free from all poisons.
Thl exception was Chamberlain's
Cough Ueniedy, made by the Cham
berlain Medicine Company, les
Moines, Iowa, I. S. A. Tlie absence
of all narcotic makes this "remedy
the safest and U'st that can lie had:
and it i with a feeling of security
that nny mother can give It to her
little one. Cliiiinlierlains Cough
Ilemetly is esiiecially recommended
by Its makers for coughs, colds,
croup anil whooping cough. This
remedy i for sale hy I. P. Adamson.
IIHI Military Academy
A print taurine Mud it
rhooL ilnnul training, nlll
titr7 dlirlpltM. collpc prepara
tion. Bjjt" ol iny as admitted
at an; Umt. Fall term opu
nVpttmN 14. 1004.
Anil mall to Dr. I. W. Hill, Kill
Military Academy. Pnrtlaud. Or.
. buya. wbuui 1 want to tend to
nillttMrf chonL
Their ace
I'h-aae "r.d m price anil
n nrlM and te
term; alii uiuatratad
ieaorlKtlte entaku l your adwal.
Mrs. Dwiglit Huberts has taken
charge of my dressmaking depart
ment and my natrons are assured
the best of workmanship and 'latest
styles in this line.
Mits. En liKADFonn.
Maker of tlie cele
brated I'rhieville
Stock Saddle
Saddles and Harness est improved
Ladles' side and
stride saddles
bits, spurs, an
gorachaps, quirt
and hackamoivs.
A Full Line of Stockmen's
Write for Prices
I'rlnevllle, - Oregon.
-ajraBrc-ariytiaKaJajjata arar
King Elkins & King
Meal of all kind !
Served to Order. '
Fish and Oysters in Season
fllacksmithiflg That
Is The Kind You
A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand
IT 1
' . r.i
HI n
" - .vJ
r T
r i
Now is the Time to buv heating stoves
and our stock is complete and our prices
' right. It will be to your interest to see our
line and learn our Prices before purchasing.
We also sell - - - . . .
r i
the best steel range on the market
r i
rciririririr:ir, i
f) a1 ho,Inl
Qounter T n 1 Nlsht
(Successor to)
lj -
r.i -
r.i ..
. LJ
' LJ