Crook County Journal. Th J or ai U fiiterwl l the iwnU.flie of l'ri lt!, lrit., tor trnintMin through the I', 8. BiAl M second cl&xa mutter. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1904 THE CITY'S Din. TIip tiny stream o( water, lack ing the force to mid it fix feet fm the nozzle of the hose, with which the firemen vainly struggl ed to extinguish the fire at the McFarland feed ham last Tues day, makes it plainly evident that the city council should establish at once a circulating main on the north side of the Ochoco and especially in lh districts lying in the outskirts of the corporate limits. In the business districts and throughout the greater part of the residence district in the city the circulating system is in vogue, a system which permits of the pressure on a water plug coming from lolh directions at the same time, ro that in case of fire these i way. Quiet and orderly anit ance at a tire id generally recognis ed and appreciated, but the local companies are well organized, they have drilled, have received instructions from the officers elected and in command and it is not often that a dozen or more conflicting orders from fluent by standers are needed. When ;hey are then the general incompetency of the whole fire brigade will l- j apparent and that is yet a long ways from being proved. j ? ? T ? ? T4 ? i? T W T 7 T T ?4 o 2 2 2 p. n. a. e. hull THTUVICSGIVWO HOP E m 5r!.!lJ 0 kM 4S L0MS0N.J8 'IV. FLlXMJCOMMITTKK: M. K. Ukink, Wm. Kin.!. Milt Zki.l, P. U. Howard anp Jamics Cham. RKCKPTIOX COMMITTKK: (irom.K Si mmkhs, M. K.;s, Wm. Diiapki:, II ahold IUiimvin ami Hihyk (!kay.. Additional Locals Ward Koark left on Wednesilay's stage to spend a few days in Tort land on business. W. J. Wright ami wife were in the citv this week from Summit Prairie buying their winter sup j plies Thursday, November 2Utlu ? Sen S Vnion service will be held at the j " !F 4 KV t ' "P-v KvjTl Jj nion church Thanksgiving ' jsO at II o'clock. A special jj I VYl 'Ot music IS lH-ing ar- S All V.ifhnr no. I M.ithora ll,v nn.l (i i U Vl w -V - B. V I w .- - - - w t -.- w u morning programme range The new bridge across iho Ocho co was completed yesterday, the districts are amply supplied with jo!J rilinS removed, and the water which issues from a hose travel once more turned into Main 2 2 with sufficient force to carrv itiprec'" U i A TnrL-pv ilinnor n-iil sirveil i A flagration which may originate.! at Belknap hall at noon Thanks-jj But the district before mention-' giving. A lot of good things are '7 ed is net so protected and the j being prepared for the dinner h' l tf. result ot it was seen plainly at J the Church Workers Society which j Tuesday's destructive blaze. The j has the event in charge. j Toys for .the Children, Per fumes for the Grown I'p's. The Winnek Go. hose was attached to a "dead end" plug in other words, to a plug at the end- of a water main where!? practically no pressure can le ; broucht to bear on the suprlv of ? it .. I,, . , Htmdqaarters tor Snt Glaus j water. About two blocks to the . r k westward is another plug of A same description and from which Ed Harbin left this morning j J water Ior M;Ulras where he will supenn-; V (iHKKTIXG: You arc hoivlv tHumnamloil lv his Majesty, K1US KHINGL1, Kxng'oi the Holidays to call at his regular apiointtl nsitiry aiul select at an early tlato, the ginnl things he lias in store for you. They are yours for the asking. The KING has appointed us his agents, aiul we shall take pleasure in showing you the largest and most complete line of Holiday Good ever brought to Prineville, consisting of Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Fine China, Perfumes, Confectionery, Toys, Useful and Ornamental Furniture at prices to suit all purses. Till: WIXXKK COMPANY, Headquarters for Santa Claus. (t 1--V W "i rrlLl ff" v1 nwh coevmcwr mo v HUM. NATHAN ft ri3GM O. kOur Fall tlinwing in vm imxmN in I In nin't roinplete we have ever h.ld nlul tlirfi iiichlile many new pii-een of line !'!. I, it-.s Kabric siddoin found in t lie m ealN A up to dale f cm Siiirt Waists. Kain font-., .1 hi Cllnn Urn reign reiue here. Season's blot les and fabric-. , Skirts aiul All in the (let Cash Checks with each purchase Thoy aro worth monoy to you I PRINEVILLE'S GREATEST STORE 5s BEND RESTAURANT h CLOSING OUT ' R. G. SMITH, PruprWor. Nab ted it i S s? c- " vr "'ex: ' 'c- vr-rrrtr i a lilc rui'i'ii mivt ivi lc rt ndin would be about the same or less. teml lhe building of a new bridge j The intervening distance in con-! acros billow creek. The workj sequence, anu ior some little nv?jv" u"u'"t''"""m'""' v"" j ANXrf "KVi (H, "t'C on either side, is practically de- about one week. ! $V' 1-1' - S Ik void of fire protection which is u . A. Laidlaw, general manager j " rather a serious situation when ! of the Columbia Southern Irriga- the fact is taken into consideration ' tion company, was in the city ' Q&&9fr9g&9&9&l& t&&9&9Zp2$9& that with another fire such as the ' from Portland yesterday on his one occurring on Tuesday with j way. to Bend to look after com-; the wind in the north, the entire ! pany business. business district would be threaten ed, of the Baptist State Missionary, H T( iKA .lutt. A.w,,,' T 1 1 1.11 : 1 Jl ii, io nit uui; vii me ni, (.uuiiiii . Doaru, who new services nere to take steps at once towards con-. during the past week, left for thpRp il(ml pml nlnos nr : Run.l vtui,lov mwl m ill m (mm BJ r x D ' . J" j . i" nv. " ' w ...'in , in some other manner placing j there to Portland tomorrow. these outlying districts on a water ' circuit which provides the best ! of protection from possible fires. 1 Just at present the city is paying for something it doesn't receive, and the tax payers in these resi-1 dence sections are also paying ' Hj New Iv -mM 3 n r t)?i it t i-? on irtmit ' ' i n wi-i flwvv Ei. V i A Al 1 VJI O p. 7 M S : 4 ; ! . 4 nishvtl liiiuins Ol'CiKUl. ; jt sale; Are prepare! to furnish board and bulging by the day, week or month. Also keep a fresh line of pastry always on hand. Lunches for traveler will be prepared on short notice, (icillk'IMVIl SlllK'N l,4UlicH Shot CliiUIrili Shoes (iwiH Is nu ns II. iU ;cnt I ikKi-m car .suits lulics I iuk i N war SuiU I :ji :i r. ii mi ;..ihi I INI j ;.o 1.7.'. r.iMi ." I "hi .".0 I i "ill ::. ihi 1.7:. f' ir fur fir ( r for lor for for for fur for for lor for for for f. r for for for All OtluT D1IV (iOODS AT COST N. A. TYE S Bros, Met chants V V V V ' V "If V "V V V V V V V V V" w If V V V v v i M."i :i . .MHi I .Ml l.l'iO :t -,: :i In (Ml I. SO I 1 1 I . :i,7'. V I v,u 1.7:. I in .. tin li. I You Can Save $1 to S2 on Shoes At the RACKET STORE Mrs. Jarley's Wax Works It equivalent of which is little, short of a farce. lev Rather HinL-ov t i ill taxes for protection from fire, the!,, ,. . . . , ... , h . , . . . 1 Catholic rinest in charge of the Jl missions in Sherman, ' Wasco, S .The fire of Tuesday .wa3 tne,, ,. . . c, . , H ... . J . i hold services next baturuav dcvuuu iiuic 111 11. j fiuni, mu jciia that the north side of the city has had occasion to witness the inad- evpnmc aoil Sunihv nt the .Mor- HI r J ly i row & Keenan ranch on Willow 5 fr.iitL Tlio cori'loi-tii u-ill Vi in (I 111 equacy of the water service. The ' . .... , . .. '? ' tint lire of a mm pp opmonst ration JJi first lesson should have been . , ., .... ... H . in honor of the fiftieth "Definition it enough, let the last prove its . n.. . ,, T .,,, h ; kji lilt iuiua oi uic iiiiuiiti.uiaii. rji j Concejition," as proclaimed by'jjl ' i ! A wise musical composer not( Those who attended the meeting! ""s 6 -v . "'n1""-"." 01 me local leacners ai me lnsii-i-ni niece of music entitled: "Don't, t. .i, ' ' Jit ft ...... . iitriu. iut neeiw agire iii.xi it ; jm rv.-.w,v ,ii.ffasa ueciueu success anu mai ti this time to state positively just many U8efui an,i helpful hints re- J who or what he was thinking garding school work were advanc- admit at llio limp llip i ncii! i"n i inn , i. i.., , l "v .iii-ruaHVHj as a resuii 01 me umereni ; ill Ktmrlr Viim. linf. it. la liitrlilv liroli. .1: : 1.-1. j 1 1 ' fil o"-j , uisc'unnioiis. j'ieveu leauuers iiiiu , jij aoie inai naa ne oeen witnessing quite a numU-r of parents were i a tire in Prineville he would have present to enjoy the pajiers read "" UB ulTO pong in. 11c ajium;- an(1 llie addresses given. super The first apjiearance in 1'rincvillo of this latest eilkion of Diokcn's -01iI Curiosity Simp." Revised up to date and includes "such char acters as Shylock, Mother Hubbard and the reat American Scarecrow. hi 1 The Most Life Like Wax Figures Ever Exhibited a irr 111 S rr Id Mrs. John Cyrus A m:w i ink or Collars, J Jolts mid Silk Waists Iij Meat, Vegetables, Produce A Complete mill Choice Lino of lleef. Veal, Mutton I'ork r.aenn, Lard and Country Produce Keot on h-in.l at ilm This famous aggregation will appear for one night only, on Friday livening, Novem ber IStli, at the Club Hall. Auspices of Epworth League. Prices 25 and SO Cents Reserved Seats on Safe at Winnek's I.nteKl lleMliiH In Sllver wure Mini .lewelr.v. N'oIIoiih of all klmU. Writing Tnli- lelH, I'i'McJh, Novels, Sewing M ll e Ii I lies, mill NeeilleM. SO.MI. choici: HAH(;.VINS In Holiday (ioods Which Will be in Stock About November lt. Mrs. John Gyrus j ity Ivieat Market FOSTER & HORRIGAN, Prop's. Prineviiic. At The Old Stand OreKon. Mi WW OK I X i- !.4.. 4.x wuiwuvvvvwwtvir Dally Between Prineville and Shaniko sen i;ici.K Leaves SlmniLo, (i p. m. Arriviw ill I'l inex ille (I n. ni. Leaves I'linexiile 1 i. in. AiriviH nt Slmiiiko 1 H. w. First Class Accommodations able to conflagrations than any j intendent Dinwiddie is desirous! other line. If there is ever a ' of u.m-;nrr rc-h lrir,r.r nttr.n,'.! time when the "Butters-In" make' ance of the parents and ! 1 IT lllf I I I 1 IV! F I? V themselves felt it is at a fire, interested in the welfare of the'' h W I Wi I in Warn 1 B3 Ei Uixin that occasion they make ; schools at the next local institute S - - - " their forcible presence felt at all; to be held, the date of which will'! points of the compass; they come be announced later. id Q it ; A its, anu Ko iiKe uie lues oi .uarcn; uiey : t v, 'ft ftic iicic. a.iia at uic oilier 9 ... , . . . ., C fi , ,, . . , i' nc have jiiKt reeeiveil the $ plate all at the same time; they i .. ... , , . , ... . ; , , , , ' J . F finest line of Imported China t issue orders and hand out special h , . An , . ,. , , . , . . C ever brought to I'nneville. S fl train dispatches with an impunity a Vj '4, fitting a prince of the realm and e Winnek Go. j g aniiprinr nntlinriK' u-ith l,om ; t Headauartera tor Santa Glaum x 6i v . . v. . ...v.. .uvut , jj7 - fr i 1 ... l n -. - - . noi recognizeu. nenever a tire-, High (irade CJoods Cheap. City styles and up-to-date ideas in tillinery at - - - - Mrs. Slayton's f'rineville's Leading nil linery Store ml Notice. A. C. Stkangk. man in the confusion which they cause calls out "who's boss here," why, they're Johnny-on-the-spot. ' Any young people of the corn ready to give him instructions in Jmunity who wish to do workjn the art of the effective fire fighting i book-keeping in the High school or in an equally persuasive man- are requested to see me about the ner they are just as likely to take matter before Monday, Nov. 21 the nozzle away from him and souse him with water as they are to carry off a ladder from under a window and leave a fireman on the second floor with no means of escape if the roof begins to cave in or he suddenly becomes sur rounded wiiu uaiiies. If Home were to burn again the Butter-In would he there with his instruct ions. This is all very well in a STRAYED. A buckskin colored horse with white face gentle, weighs about 900 pouniln, branded on shoulder V. If. Is somewhat lnnic from ringbones on hia fore feet. Ownei rgqnested to call for same paying charges incurred. Lower Deschutes Bridge Station. n!7 3tp. Hcinarkablc values in l ull and Winter Underwear at the RACKET S TORE .1. S. KKLLKV, I'iioi'Iiiktok. Gall and Examine Them Ladies Spring Heel .Shoes JjjSl.TT) Children's Velvet Hats worth $2.50. Our Price ,S t .50 Boys Caps, excellent value 05 Cents Men's Heavy all Wool Sox ',25 Cents WATCH THIS AI) KVKKY WKKK ; vie- r ' - 1 .v -" v , c v ' -t ''i x C jl v' w No. 4b(), Full Size, Weight GO Pounds, No Knobs, Price $4.50 No. 490, ." " 75 " -IJrass Knobs ' $5,50 1 OK SALK I$V A. H. LIPPMANN & Company Can Boat T3a.cs