LU.;ji'g"'1 c B L0G71L MENTION J. W. I'mkIo was !n tlu illy I lit last of the week (ruin IiU mim k ranch at raulliin, ' I". T. IIIkkIiih wim over from Hind the I t if tllll WM'k In.Vbltf III II load or kniih nr ii, Kriruxiiti. Imoiii Cli-eU returned Hnl ii rt In v from Portland where he !hnd Imimi mim-iiiI- llltf the prcccdllill week nil II IhImIiii mh and pleasure trip. , - , Mr, Mini Mr-, Joseph" Lister enine down from tlii'io I'mIiIiH Valley uk ranch thl wet few ;:ny In the city. Andrew Morrow' n in tli city last Friday iiimI Nnturdny from 1 1 rlxjtl.v to Ik- III attendance lit tin1 N'ovt'iiilii't- term of tin' comity court, Portland Mien linvc Interested tliiMiiMclvcM In the lint spiiuus on the VVnriii Nprluu IIimrviitloii iiml n two story hold In mum to In- creeled t here. I'OU KALI'.; Two stoves. One cook stove ami henter, They ureas jioml a new, A bargain. Iiiijiilrc of .1. r . Ari:it, (irlxxly, Orcitoti. ', Call iiml esntuliic my llm of clilrtx niiil underwear. money mi t lit llm Tailor, en ii hiivc you Uot'lliley II the You Cun Hiivu $ to $'2 on Shoes AtttM KACKKTHiOltK J r'mtik Kniwl ' left the lttMt v the week for I'orthiml when he trot to pitrchmae n imulliie enlne iiml iulitiieuta for pumping water for Irrigation mriMeM on his ranch In-low the city, fleorire I.uckey returned the tin t of the we4"k from the Tiimnlo basin where he hint l'n nt work with the Columbia Southern Irrigation com iniity during the punt Mtitntiier, lie In Kohi to nN'inl the winter In IVIncvllle. f Itmtior Iiim It tuat ii turkey Niioot wilt tw held In tliln illy hi time fur the Ixnt marksman to win hi bird hihI have it baked on TluuiksitlvliiB. It U understood Hint I lie MeliiKcr brother will have the shoot In chaw, but HothliiH; itellulte a yet hit Imvu kI vcu out. Ir, and Mr. J. II. HowiUh-ik entertained ll few relative last Thursday evening nt n dinner given nt their home In thin city In coin- menu irut Inn of their third wcddlllK nuiilverwiry. The attest pretiettt w Mr. mid Mm. J. I Luc key, Mr. Angle itoituey nml John Lackey. I', II. Marlon win In the city from Kriilfi the hut of the week. Mr. Marl i hi lulu recently moved hit family to Lnldlaw where he ha taken up mil ncrcM of laud under the Columbia Southern ditch nml I IniHlty ciiKHKi'd hi ciearlntf off hi land mid get ting It ready for the plow. ' Work "on the McKay irrigation )iroirt ha lieen closed down until next spring. Hherlff Hmlth iitnteil tliU week that nearly n mile of canal line, along the rlde where the work bus Ihhmi extremely dllllcult, had lsim completed and that cotistruet Ion In the spring would Ik curried on rapidly. W TTTT'I'TT T'l T'f'l' tTttTtTTtTt MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I Full Line at City Price. . Call nml examine the Htock. - - - - D. P. Tidamson's The (Vnt nil .Oregon Tranxporta- tlon tUiinpnny hint wwk AUmI a suit iH'fort' the Circuit court nThe Dallen ngaliiHt Morrow & Keenun of Wil low creek to enjoin the firm from Interfering with the rondn right of way, where It itomhch the Httnk llrm'H land nliout two inllcMcaHt of MndniH. An an evhleiico ot w eagerncnn with which lititldlng material 1m nought nt point along the, Dcn chiitou Valley, the lumlief firm of lllghtowcr & Smith, who hnvu n nii w mill In, the Ttimalo bnaln, nhut down on tilling onlcin for n wwk In order to wiw out enough lumlier with which to complete their plantr An nppllcat ion, nlgned by 41) voters of llend, la to be prt'Hented to the county court the last of the mouth, praying that the territory dewiibcd Hhall be ordered Incorporated. The future city of Bend wUl Include the old town Hlttof, Demi, and If ilie petition 1h granted a mayor," bIx alderman, a, recorder, a lnnrnhnl and a trenHuwr. win no etecteu. Owing to the' HiicceHH which at tended the hint , Bon , Hon party, .given by A. lu.-Tcjcila, the latter in ; now ulannimr to uive another one with additional features In, the near : future. The hint .event was enjoyed ' -rreiLtlv bv th oho lu attendance and Mr. Tejoda promlHen a second dnnct - with still more entertaining nuinbern arranged on tho program mo for the - evenlmr In ..oueHtlon. Credit for the Hiiceens of the hmt party In nlno due MIhh Ueorgla Hodges, MIhs Nell(o Kwlng MIhh Stella Hodges, MIhh Maude Vanderpool, MIhh Alice Kogern and Mrs. Julia L.vtlo who served an tho Hour committee. J I'erry Head In In the i lly from Cul ver nt tending to liunlm-n nml tern, . J. II, Zevely, wiim In the city Mon day from hi much ut Howard after HUpllleM, T. J. Pcrum-Hcn wiin In the, city from hi ranch at Crook for n few day during the pant week. .('. A. (illchrlHt nml wife were In the city from Fife yesterday on their wny to Hlmnlko. Mrn. Ollchrlut will go from there to Indiana to 'ii(l nevcrnl moiilliM j, Inltlng with rein liven II. C lCm wan In the city the hint of t he week from lleml looking after the Inleii-Ml of the telepfione Idle which In noon to lie Imllt from thl city to ForeHt mid later to connect with MadriiH. Mr, I'.lll wan making an effort to IntcrcHt nome of the liN-iil liUMlueMMiueii to take up a few of the bond of the company, the latter guaranteeing eight nr cent luterft on nil of the IhhiiIm nultwrllied. A Call for n Free Sample j WlnnvkVrollct Crvam. It 4 I your for the aklug, nud It ft Im good. ft I'rof. Ht range lion m-eutly (lnlheil a vlxlt to all oi the pulillc mhool In the t-lty, lnicctlng the work ac compltdicd and the progrewi iM-Ing made by the pupil, iiiidxtnteM that iNHntioiial huill.-r are advancing very thoroughly nml Matlnfactorlly. The Hiiii Mil thl year have the hct ntaffof ti'iuiier which ha taught hen- ami the mmleiit utulcr their lint ruction are prolttlng accordingly. AwMHor Frank Jolumoii and family left Haturday for Weflfall. Malheur county, where they will n. main until next Summer. Mr. John mou had nhiitit 1NI head of cuttle driven over to that point to lie fed thl winter. Alfalfa hay I Helling then for 1 per ton and Mr. Johimou figured that It wan cheaper to drive the utock overland nnd keep them In winter quartern at Went fall than to feed nt hi Ochoco ranch where hay In worth 1 10. AnJ All Kind Of : School Supplies At 1). P. ADAMSONS , Harry Smith came over from the Ttimalo Imnln Inst vH-k where he linn Ihx'ii employed ' during the Hum mer with the Columbia Southern Irrigation company. Work there Iiiim closed tor the year and canal limn traverse the district In every direction. Many settlers have taken up tracts and large bodies of laud are being plowed nnd put In readi ness for mining crop next year. Next year the main ditch will Is? extended considerably farther and the work of minim lug the segrega tion, do fur nn the company In con cerned, continued until full. K Fjiiverslty Club dinner Is to U given at Head on Thanksgiving and nil of the college men In Crook coun ty are Invited to attend. The Idea was originated at Madras last week when W. E. (liieiin, Jr., and H. C. Kills, A. L. tioodwlllle of 15end nnd I). I'. Hen of Mndros held an Inform al meeting. The above mentioned represent resjiectlvely- Cornell, Ann Arbor, WHIIunm ami Stanford and In tanking a list of other college men In the. county It wiu found that nearly !H) others were Included. In vitations are to ls Hont to those on the committee' list and those who hnve been unintentionally overhnik- ed are requested to notify W. K (luerln, Jr., at llend. While on their way home to Crook from Vale, Oregon, Norrls Morgan and wife were thrown from their wagon during a runaway 1 about ten daysi, ago. Mr. Morgan was thrown to the ground nnd the wagon wheel, parsed over his body aud face. Ills Jaw Avns fractured In two places and he unstained other imlnful Injuries. Hiring another wagon nnd driver In the vkinlty Mr. Morgan nnd his wife were driven back to Vale then t o Ontario where three physicians -operated on the Injured man. v He was under the Influence of chloroform for over four hours while his Ja w was lielng set and holes drilled lii his chin and wires run through them and around his teeth to hold the Joint firm. At present the unfortunate man Is com pelled t o take soft foods and nourish ment through a rubber tube. Mr. au4 Mrs. Morgan will remain t In Vale, where they are at present, until about the middle of the month when It Is thought the former will be well enough to bo moved to his home In the eastern part of this county. J -. r ' -x Special Reduction Sale For a sluji't time only specials-reduction prices on my entire stock of handeiTlilefH,' ribbons, gloves, hols- cry and wnlsts. An opportunity of fered tlie ladle to weence any articles In these line at a very generous' dls. count on regular prices. , , 5 Mr. En BitAiiKORD na . ' While rdnnlilg the" edger at the Compton saw mill last Friday morning, 1,ir lirw-n, one of the employee, caught hi right ha ltd In one of t he saw and In-fore It could bV drawn away the nh-irp ttVth had severed the leader In hi writ and cut through the artery, the wound extending from the thumb to- the elbow. The Injured man wan brought to the city where the lacer ated nrin wn drenned and sewed by Dm. Itom-iiln-rg mid llclknap. Hi the new line of -Silver 4 Vnr nt ft 4 The Win nek Go.'s ft Hs4qurfri foe Msota eimu ft Willi the bUKcbnll . w-linou cloned nud the fan nud playern given an opportunity to air themselves there I forming a proposition to secure ground for next year. These eoul l In-Hcciireil, It In thought, back of the Athletic building mid could be fenced nud a grand stand built at a very nominal exn-ne. Then the receipt from the game next season would do away with the niTesslly of ral. lug a purse for each contest. Keveral of the busbies men In the city have cxprcMscd a wlliliiguesn to take stock hi eae the Idea reachi-n a point of orgaiilxntlon. A thousand head of Uii cattle were-diiven to l'cndlj-toii last Mon lay from points In (irant county ftir shipment to tls Frey-ltriin company of Si-attle. Five hundred of the numlN-r were purchas4-(l from Joseph Coinli of John lay and '31 head of Smith liro. of HiisniivHIc. The stock was pureluiMeil by J. C. I .in le gal! and completed the last heavy buy that Mr. lmcgan will make In that sec (toll thin year. The cattle wen-said to lie In line condition for slaughtering. The steers brought 2.7.1 -r liiiudred ami good ,lt-f cattle sold for'prlces rnagliig from 2fo-Mt. Instructor Shis-kley, of the I. A. A. C, ha nrratigi-d the "evening on which he will give Instructions lu gymnastic exercise. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings will l the men's nights; Tuesday and Friday afternoons, the ladies' days, and Saturday afternoon for the young Indie. During the evening and afternoon mentioned IcsMomr-. In calisthenics, dumli-bcH, Indian club and wand exercise will lie given. Other cveulngn during the week Mr. Shockley will give Instructions In wrestling and boxing and along other line of gymuastk exenise. There Is no charge attach ed and the classe twmM m large and probably will l memlN-r hnve Ihi toward gymnasium comis'tent Inst i . present to tnkecha'. ,s mitii of t ne I i 11 1 I V l)C ) M o loh" .i t i-" .'!. r i .i County Court Proceeding. Sep. U. Warrant ordered drawn on gi-neral fund In favor of J. II. Shlpp, for -VS.o.1 to cover all freight on folding door to I'rluevllle. Ordered that the comity will pay exs-nse of wilding K. L. Bradford to Portland, that 1 traveling and board exiM-nse until Portland Is reached to the amount of ?..', and it is ordered that a warrant 1k drawn In favor of K. U BradfonL for that amount. Ordeml that wnrrnnt lie drawn In favor of J. L. Cllchrlst on road fund for f 14x3.01 In full payment for road machlm' and nil freight. OetolHT Term. Warrant ordered drawn for :!Ti on the road fund In favor of J. E. CnniplH-U to place roml In condition In District ' a i-r report, and work all ietltloner on new roads: the Melton, Don P. Rea and Nlen roads. v jOrdertnl that warrant lie drawn for ."i00 on road fund In favor of P. Chit wood, supervisor of road Dis trict No. 1), to tlx road. To hnve use of grader and also the rond plow lielonging to the Ash wood district. Report of v. U. Allen, roiui suiier- visor, allowed and clerk ordered to draw warrant In favor of C. IJ. Allen In the sum of $75, nnd also to allow use of road grader. Matter of the application of George Summers to erect telephone poles along certain roads, application srrauted and bole to lie placed on either edsre of survey of tlie roads mentioned. Report of C. C Hon, rond suer- vlsor, report approved and ordered that suoervlsor use the fl..iti on hand nnd present bills for balance to $100. Report of O. H. Nye, road super visor, approved and clerk ordered to notlfv suiH-rvlsor to tlx rond Report of 1'. T. Monroe, uHrvi6r District No. 10, approved, ami war rant on road fund In favor of P..T, Monroe tor tl-'2 to cover amount due a ik'P report, and warrant tor 78 ordered on road fund to cover further cost of work. J. W. Wilt, road aupervlsor district No. 5. Clerk ordered to notify J. v Wilt to Hiieclfy where lumber Is to lie used and also report t he use of f loO amiroDriatert to in district; tins snrlnir. . . lieuort oi . k. I'ucuein, roau snoervlHor Dlst, No. 10, wnrrnut ordered drawn for siuu on roiui iuihi In favor of W. E. Duchcln to tlx road Including bridge. v , . C... l'l..l . .-.w IVt'llOI V VII 11 III. ijMilti .ill I Win I work, warrant ordered drawn in favor of Win. Wlgie on road fund for f'.'lTi.:!:! to cover all bill and excuses reported. . 1 ' retuion of v. ii. i-.steiHnei ior change of saloon license, petition not granted n the law doe not allow a transfer. - Report of Henry Cram, road sujier vlsor, warrant .ordered drawn on road fund In favor of Henry S. Cram for 1100 for road work to be done ns per report. v ' In the matter of the road fund City of PrlnevUle, decision of Frank Mene fee, Dlst. Atty., placed on Journal. C. I. Wlnnek agrees to take 2..r0 each for 2 down chairs, and clerk ordered to draw a warrant on the general fund In favor of C. 1. Wlnnek for $(i0 for 2 doen chairs. Heating plant at the High school bulldlnar accented and clerk ordered I to draw two warrants ou High m hoiil fund of f.'OO eiM-h. ' Note on faee nf wurrant; Iu-d nud pay aide according to -otitrnct Is-twwn Crook comity am.' - Kitrrongh nnd tFrnser. Dated K-p, i linit." High m-hoolliiiliilliig Hccepteil ex cept that C. A. liray hkiv.-i to com plete black lioiird hinncilli.'elr In clmlliig molding on lioiird. Clerk, ordered to draw wiirriiutsou High H'hool fund In favor of 4'. A. i raj as follow: ii for $;wf; one for f-VHHi, and one I.VW, making a total mini of tT.VKl, nud each of mild war rant to In-ar on face thereof the following: "Issued and pay a I de ne. cording to contract iH-tweeii Crook county ami C. A. lirny. Dated Julv M, limt. C. A. Uray present In court and agreed to same, 1'etilioii for lm-ul option liquor eleetloli, the far I mid Uniting of the county clerk approved. ' tlrdeivd that Frank Klklu s-ciire crew ami priN-eed to drive pile for hrffcgv over tie- county ami InilM bridges, Man, 4 horse and wagon. fH-r(lM.r wliiie at work. Frank i.lklun f:,.VI n-r day wlillent work, other men not to exceed fi'.i'i 'r day. WHrraut ordered drawn in favor of Frank F.lklun for fl-Vi gi-neral fund tor work. Ordered that C. I Koln-rtsprm-eed and make dam ti turn (rooked river Into old channel nt 1'. 15. Davis rar.'d plnee ami also tlx iirMge. ( lerk to notify Jtoln-rt. In the matter f the bridge ncri Crooked river at the Forest ranch. J. I!. TltlotMoii tigress to give bond for Yi year guaranteeing metal and workmanship of wood work and county, against damage from In. Jurle to anyone. Ck-rk, ordered to draw warrant In favor of J, It. Tll-J lotMon for f'liMKi on general fund, balance of f.Xl I walveil a -r rgreenient If ImhhI Im not hied bv Nov. :. 1!M)4. Agn-einelit filed. Clerk ordered to advertise that court will nrelve applicatioii for nripoliitnienr of county physician. Application to tttnte price for at tending county charge. -Applications to Is- passed on at lO o'clock Nov. '.ii. ItMM. It ap-ariiig to the court that byj"r:i t lie cert inca.te otitic stiN-rinteniiciit of t lie state Insane asylum that Squire T. Irtvln, committed from thl county Septemlier 21, l:4, wan dtscluirgil Oct. I-', VMH, nn cured, clerk ordered to make necessary entry ou the journal. Clerk ordered to inuku nei-essnry Journal entry that Marion Smeltzer, an I usance jhtmoii, cominitted from thl county July 4. I!i4. died Oct. 2-"i, IHo4, a -r ci-rtlllcate from the su--rlntendcnt of the state insane asylum. Warrant ordenil drawn on general fund In favor of Halm & Fried for $.i..Vi for wrongful asstwuucnt for tlie year lWKt. Matter of E. A. Friday wrongful asHcssmeut, claim dlNiillowed as It I swearing off valuation nud not proH-rfy wrongfully assessed. JU-port of Kaniolilli lillwoii, road sii-rvlsor, ajiproved with except ion noted. Heptirt of 11. W. Ilreesc, road su-l-rvlsor, approved. l'etltlon for saloon llivnseof Freil A. Shoiiqucst & Co., iM-titku grnuteil upon tiling boud and recelf?! (or f Kt license for one year. , l'etltlon of W alter Ituble lor couu-J ty road, ctuitlnued for further attida Vt ti tklLUtlllll tllli liUMl llltil MltlltV lmlt snpcrilMor, approve!:- , i't t't'.ei M l.. Lou, e it 't'Tl Uii-1 rett ipi, Jii ..i. l! -.- y-o f 'U'ilUU. Ktynrt ot .1 N litiodt. rts H,ir,.,. ,i; ,n-i . I 5-1 '!..' o, ' Schmidt ou claim hook. :, . lUport of K. H. Caldwfr,.: ir t supervisor, approved. Petition of Si-vert lMilngfurjaloo lhvnse, grauteil upon tiling boud and refivipt for f 200 license tor ti moutli. Kcport of Asst-ssor I rank Jonnson shows f 27S.ti5 collecietl and hi bill I 1)2 leaving due county f s.h,. Aswssor pay SMt.ti.i to treasurer and tile receipt with clerk. . lteport ami resignation uC. A. Liuillng, road supervisor, accepted and C. L. Rols-rts nppolnteil and C. A. duelling to turn over money on hand to C. I Rolierts. - J. 11. Palmer was appointed con stable of Black Butte precinct to tile bond nnd oath of office. W. H. Stoat wn appointed road suiHTVIsor of Bend precinct. Clerk to send tiond and oatn of onice. Thos. N. Balfour appointed Justice of the Peace for Hardin precinct. File bond and oath of otliee. C. Ii. Foster appointed Justice of Peace of Black Butte precinct. File bond and oath of ofHee.i In the matter of riling the semi- an nual report thex clerk to mnke necessary entries In records. Application of J. B. THlotson tor amount withheld on contract for bridge acros Crooked river at and near Prinevllle, Oregon, motion dis allowed. J. U. Tlllotson heretofore Sept. 7, 1!KU, in open court stated ami said In reference to said matter when up for payment and refused by the court that he would- not make any further demands and would not sue tlie county for the money ho withheld as damages Inconstructlon of said bridge. J. B. Tlllotson having agreed- Oct. 24, l!K)4, to tile a bond guaranteeing the Crooked river bridge at the Forest ranch lu certain particulars and In consideration of the payment of f2000 on said contract waa to file (CONTIXl'KIION Paok 4) 1 le ti We have lust received the flnest line of Imported China ever brought to Prlneville. ie. . eo. J The Winnek t tttmaquarters for Santa wait i fc imfmW ik kjAcjAt jAk jAljIIl No Poison in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. From Napier New Zealand, Herald: Two years ago the Pharmacy Board of New South Wales, A ustrnlla, had an analysis made of nil the cough medicine that were Bold In that market. Out of the entire list they found only one that they declared wn enttrel.C free from all poisons. This exception was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, made by the Cham' berlaln Medicine Company, Des Molnes, Iowa, TJ. S.' A. The absence ot nil narcotic makes' this remedy the safest nnd liest that can be had; audit Is Vith a feeling ol security that airy mother can give it.' to her little ones. Chamberlains Cough Remedy i especially recommended by It makers for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. This I remedy Is for stile by D. P. Adamson. Lit. ELKINS & KING r i Li ri t J r i u r i r i u ri Li r t Li r "i Li n Li n L i r i Li r Li ri Li Li r t Li r i Li n Li r t Li r i Li r n Li ri Li L'i L i r i Li ri Li ri Li ri Li r i r i L'i ri Li ri . Li ri Li ri Li ri. Li ri SUPERIOR DRILLS A Cai - I-iOad. Tuist ZESccclTred. The Superior Disc Drill has proved to be the lest iinpliment of this " kind for Crook County soil and climate. . We have 10, 12, 14 and 10 Disc Drill in' stock' and can furnish them with grass sml attachments A FULL LINE OF PLOWS AND HARROW'S ELKINS & Li The Exact Thing Required lor Constipation, "A a certain purgative and stomach purifier Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet seem to lie the exact thing required, strong enough for the most robust, yet mild j enough and safe for children and without that terrible griping so common to most purgatives," say R. S. Wchnter & Co., Cdora, Ontario, Canada. For sale by I. 1. Adam- Toy for the Children. Pcr- ' fume for the Crown l'p"s. nm rr 1 - y.f M lie tVllfCIl ZU HtmlQuarttrn for Santa (Slaua fc Jm. JV A. jftulW. A. A. Jk. . rfW A. rfV jfii M T l, s. i v z:2 on ihov$ J; V V-' V-' -V "r jtk. T - i Complete. Line i I' irei ,v inn" Holiday Goods Sptialties: Stag Horn and Ebony Novelties at D. P. Adamson's. ttiil Nllltary Academy POZTLAJn), OREOOK. t, A Brinu koaMlot end Atf olwoL MB1 tnlnlnc, nUl trj dtodpUM, sllrg pnnara Uoa. Boji of ny s nOouttrd tt cr Un. rn term opcoi ptonlxt It, 10. CUT THIS OUT Ann mill to Dr. i. W. Hill. HfU MUiUkjr Aoiunr. PorUand. Or. .... ar, whom I want to Mod to military artiooL Tkelr 'f r PIhm aanA m arlMt na in ua i miw uiau laacrlutlr aauioiM t (KaM).. IAMmI. NOTICE All parties knowing themselves In debted to tlie C. L. Salohian are re quested to make Immediate settle ment. All payment must lie made to me. n3-lm . Naomi Sai.omax. ANNOUNCEMENT - Mrs. Dwlght Rolierts has taken charge of tny dressmaking depart ment and my patron' are assured the l'8t of workmanship and latest styles 111 this line. -- Mhs..E-Biiaifoiih. J. W. BOONE Maker of the cele- -bra Jed Prineville . Stock Saddle Saddles and Harness Latest Improved Ladle' side and stride saddles, bits, spurs, an gora chaps, quirts x and hackaniores. A Full Line of Stockmen's Supplies Write for Prices OiVgu I KING ELKINS f MealsofallkindsS 31" . 7lnd wi to urtier. w iuncn O'NEIL BROS., Fish and Oysters in Season PJacksniilhiiis Thai I- ! bo jr.?! IS. A Stock of Farm Machinerv aUvavs on haml L'J L J L J n L J ri Li ri L J rs LJ pa C3 LJ LJ T 1 LU LJ ra ri LJ r i LJ ri LJ ri LJ LJ r.i LJ ri LJ AIR TIGHT Now is the Time to buy heating stoves .and our stock is complete and our prices right. It will be to your interest to see our line and learn our Prices before purchasing. We also sell . - .i . - - . " - r:i LJ n LJ r,i LJ I BORN STEEL RANGES B LJ LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ the best steel range on the market P:1 L J r.i LJ ri LJ r 1 LJ ri LJ ri UJ ri LJ ri OUR MOTTO: JOHNSON, BOOTH & COMPANY LU r.i L'J ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ 7 LJ ri LJ r.i L'J r.i L J ri L J r i L J ri L'J ri LJ rinririririririririririjrir,ririr'iriririrliririirir"iri tJt.jCJLjl.JI.JtJi.Jl.JI.JtJLjfi.JkLJl.JkJl.JkJl.Jl.kJL.-JkJUJ iririrriFiriFis"iF.iPiriii!iri-irii1 r ir i L-L i M Li r i Li r i L J r i LI r i L i n L i r i Li r. t L i r i L i r i Li ri L 4 ri L i ri Li ri Li r i L i r i Li r.i 'Li r.i L i ri Li . r i Li r.i Li r.i Li . . .- ri Li ri - Li ri Li r.i - Li ri Li r.i Li ri Li r.i Li r.i Li n Li r.i - Li ri Li . . r-i Li ' ri Li i nr.i L JLJ & KING "irrriririnnr in .ikikMLiLiLiLiLiLiLiLi MMUUSe (Open all liotirs m . msv mt vt.rt.t counter IHanaier. Pluses 'CORXEVr & -ELK1XS-S, r.i LJ ri LJ r.i r.i ' L J r.i lj -ri LJ r.i LJ ri L'J ri LJ r.i LJ . r:.i L J r. i - LJ r i LJ r.i LJ r.i - L J r.i LJ ra LJ r.i .. LJ r,i L J ' r.i LJ r.i . t J r.i - L J ri . LJ . r.i , LJ - HEATERS m LJ ri L J QlICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS r.i L j r.i LJ r.i LJ ri l j . r.i LJ r i L J r.i LJ ri LJ r.i L.J r.i Li ra L-'J ri u r.i L J ri L J r.a . LJ ri ' L J -r.i L J ri LJ r i L J r.i LJ r i VJ