which will ultimately giv the room lor her to swing the hammer ml proclaim to the world the fact that within her borders lies an empire filled full of wealth anJ diverse quantitetof productiveness. THANKSGIVING HOP $ P. A. A. G. HULL tt SlVURZWEILER & THOMSON (8 Th Jot aal U tt.UrtA at the imtolHo cf Prinvlll, On., fir trMunuiai through th V. 8. mail u wonnd cbwa mtlrr. Crook County Journal. 2 2 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1904 ) THE COLIMBIA SOITHON EXTENSION. The transfer of the Columbia Southern railroad to the Harriman interest may or may not be a - significant move so far as Central Oregon and its immediate com munication with outside points wih its consequent internal de velopment is concerned. That the road will be extended as far as Heisler station in order to come in touch with the wheat belt of ' the Agency Plains is an assertion that bears the ear marks of feasi bility and reasonableness, and it is an assumption borne out by the fact that another transportation company with its objective district 75 miles to the southward, has made its terminal station at tho point mentioned. j With the wheat Ml in north eastern Crook county tapped, there remains but little else at this time along the line of the proposed ex tension which would warrant a further expenditure in reaching a point lying a greater distance to the south. The timber along the Deschutes, which in a short time will be the great drawing card tor transportation facilities, would not in its present state prove a cyno sure for the expenditure of mil lionB involved in the laying of steel rails. And again, that tim ber must eventually move to the east instead of going over a north and south line. Mr. Harriman himself has stat ed that the great trade of Central Oregon in the irrigation and tim ber regions must be reached through the Willamette valley, the most feasible route being across the Cascades from the terminal station of the Corvallis & Eastern. Vita the control of the latter in his hands and the V ownership of the Columbia South -f ."Uire!S, 1 t:iitUi V that lt rsT?rse hi pn:i8 j t air;' tx;"re; ivu So Of utra Oregon nv- r.ceh ,Inok t-j ih- tifc:tii.s on. te wot tor the road whicb will relieve ih& present raatney in matters Vper ta'iruxy to transportation, rand J (COXTISCED FROM PAGE 1.) Semiannual Statement Of the County Clerk of Crook County, State of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed by the County Court of Said County, for what allowed, amount warrants outstanding and unpaid ffom the 1st day of April, 1904, to the 30th day of September, 1904. both inclusive. ON WHAT ACCOUNT NO. ALLOWED Co. and Com. court 21 Circuit court 58 Justice court 49 Sheriff's office 4 Clerk's office 3 Treasurer's office 3 School Supt's. office 7 Coroner's office 1 Assessor's office 3 Tax Rebate 4 Court house expense 1 6 Care of Poor 21 Expense of insaD j 9 Stationery, Express, telephone, etc. 18 Bridges and roads 167 Election Expenses 165 Printing 8 High school expense 14 Road machines and freight 2 STATE OP OREGON, County of Crook, 343 29 477 88 134 00 237 00 8154 05 1026 35 323 63 13086 47 ' 1535 91 ss I, J. J. Smith, County Clerk of the County of Crook, State of Ore gon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the number and amount of claims allowed by the County Court of said County for the six months ending on the 30th day of September, 1904,5on what account the same were allowed, and the amount of war rants drawn, and the amount of warranto outstanding and unpaid as the same appear upon the records of my office and in my official custody. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of Baid County, this 28th day of September, A. D., 1904. seal J. J. Smith, County Clerk. Semi-Aunual Summary Statement Of the financial condition of the County of Crook, in the State of Oregon, on the 30th day of September A. D., 1904. , LIABILITIES To warrants drawn on the County Treasurer, and outstand ing and unpaid $ 1518 55 To estimated amount of interest accrued thereon Total Liabilities........ ....etc,...$ 1518 55 RESOURCES By funds in the hands of county treasurer applicable to the payment of county warrants 17C62 47 By fund in hands of sheriff applicable to the payment of county warrants 472 43 By estimated unpaid current taxes applicable to the payment of county warrants . . 12550 29 Total Resources , One of the merchants in the city has the following sign in his window: "Working Shirts for Sale 50c Each" If these shirts can lie rented we should like to have a couple come down and work in the oflice tor a week or two. REPUBLICAN LANDSLIDE Dispatches received yeste r d a y indicate an unprecedented. Repub lican victory. Roosevelt has swept the country from one end to the other and the New York World concedes his vote in the electoral college to lw 3'25. Connecticut went Republican by a majority of 25,000. Indiana was carried by a large vote, Roose velt gaining a big lead in that tate and in the city of Indianapo lis over McKinlev's vote in 1900. Parker carried New York City by a majority estimated yesterday at 50,000, but the country gave Roosevelt an overwhelming vote pulling his majority over 100,000 for the state. All through the north the landslide has been com plete, the doubtful states having fallen into the Republican camp. Chairman Baker of the State Central Committee yesterday sent a dispatch to the effect that Oregon would roll up a majority of 40,000 for Roosevelt. From the returns coming in from the localprecincts there seems to be no question but that Roosevelt will carry Crook county bv 500. The vote in the Prineville Precinct stood as fol lows: Republican 180; Demo- But few returns from other cmcta m the con'ity hr.3 jut is up to t Lir of gunc iu .! j 1 he vote at Bend beed a Keprl- (.!:e.'vn auiorivy t.i : i r;r iw, una, f vote of ov jt " 100 in fa"r of t!.e HejiuHHrar. candidate licjuwi- 1 Can majorities were also recorded in McKay and Montgomery - pre cincts. : of warrants drawn, the amounts of ; County records Rent af offices after $ 417 90 court house fire 593 80 Repairs of court 169 45 house after fire I860 33 . Payment on insur 900 00 ance policy 200 00 Miscellaneous 236 19 Parcel payment for 14 60 chemical engine 706 05 Road fund to city of 44 77 Prineville 83 50 33 00 1 1512 95 100 00 56 80 350 00 444 96 : Total claims allcwd 587 $33,042.88 AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING WARRANTS UNPAID Outstanding unpaid County Warrants on e ' September, 1904. $1513 55 Total amount of unpaid County Warrants , $ 1518 55 ." 30685 19 FLOOR COMMITTEE: , Milt Zki.l, P. B. Howard RECEPTION COMMITTEE: Gkorjk Somxkra, M. J R. Bioos, ,.Wm. Drapkk, Harold lUt.nwix anp J ,"J3rIYK t.RAV. m ' & Thursday, November 2Uth. To All Fathers and Mothers, Boys and Girls: GREETING: You arc hereby commanded by his Majesty, KIUS KRINGLE, King of the Holidays to call at his regular appointed repositiry and select at an early date, the good things he has in store for you.f They are yours for the asking. The KING has appointed us his agents, and we shall take pleasure in showing you the largest and most complete line of Holiday Goods ever brought to Prineville, consisting of Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Fine China, Perfumes, Confectionery, Toys, Useful and Ornamental Furniture at prices to suit all purses. THE WINNER COMPANY, Headquarters for Santa Clau3. I WWW&WWW 33it2au33W it- Mrs. Jarley's r A M s Vi i - - ? imr m i .. i m m ... . m i The first appearance in Prineville of this latest edition of Dicken's "Old Curiosity Shop." Revised up to date and includes such char acters as Shylock, Mother Hubbard and the great American Scarecrow. The Most Life Like Wax Figures Ever Exhibited This famous aggregation will appear for one night only, on Friday Evening, Novem ber 18th, at the Club Hall. Auspices of Epworth League. . Prices 25 and 50 Cents . Reserved f Seats on NEW MILLINERY High Grade Goods Cheap. City styles and up-to-date ideas in Millinery at - - - Mrs. Slayton's Prineville's Leading Hillinery Store Remarkable values In Fall and Winter Underwear at the RAQKBT STORE - ' J. 8. KELLEY, Proprietor. Gall and Examine Them Ladies fine Cashmere Underwear, per garment --. 75 cents Ladies fine Cashmere Hose, per pair " 35 cents Gentlemen's all Wool Underwear, good weight, garment $1.25 Childrens Eiderdown Caps , , 80 cent3 WATCH TH1H AD EVERT WEEK M. K. Brink, W. Axn Jamks Cram. Kino, n : I t Wax Works I IT I 1 Sale at Winnek's 1 T and lodging by the day, week or r"SWirP,rTPTrr'5' I "10"1''- Also keep a fresh Hn ! rJPtffyi ';Mf vy n,,a.V8 on ,,iU,,, ; i 1 1 -vKCii- Vf.;! 91 lit If 'TM ff Mmi copvuiokt K04 ay RUM, NATTtAN riSCHB O. tflPRlNEVILLE'S NJCN Mrs. John Cyras A XK.W LIVE Collars, Units and Silk Waists Latent iK-MltfUK in Silver ware and Jewelry. Notlonx (fall kiwi. WrllliiK Tab let, IViicIU, Xovi'KNt'wIiiK Machine!, ami NeeillcM. SOME CIIOICF. HARGAI.NS In Holiday (ioods Which Will he in Stock About November 1st. Mrs. John' Cyrus ? 4 No. 400; Full Size, No. 490, Caa I IS L. IV 1 1 1 1 L. I ft I I 1 1 A fJ I f 4 YVtV WXanMFW 1 ltff 1 ftf4 (I i. 1 2 v ! ; ?4 R. G. SMITH, Proprietor. J - h ) Are prepared to furnish Inmrd ! I S m j,fr i' lor irirnfrj win j n 1 S 4 P 1 I II ... . I X : n ;i.v ruraisipa 00 s 1 . i .7 - ' f M -, i iw!, Oregon. Jt Cy s;v h r k.i : III "J' SJrrtf i r.. . . r-... S Our Full clinwinn in Pits ptMN ix the inVt coiupletii we Imve ever 1 1 I niul tliew imluili' ninny new pieei of line I'huk )n'M Ftil'riiii seldom found ill the m railed ti-l-d.ite ftoreK Shirt WitiMx, IJuin CoaN, .1 i kels, Skirl'' and t'ollnr tit n n in mij -rrir.e here All in ll' Sfuson's l.ilil hlylrn niul f .t 1 n i (ict (lash (iliccks with each Purchase Thoy aro worth money to you GREATEST STOREPrt CLOSING (iciittcmcu SIiocm CliiUlrcn Sluv (VlllU'lllWIIH (iclU'K I'llJcl MCIII' SllilM luidlcM I'liJcrMtmrSiiitx All Othor 1)1 IV (iOOI)S AT COST j-N. A. TYEG Bros. Merchants frvvwrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvti Meat, Vegetables, ' Produce A Complete and Choice Line of Iwf, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lnrd and Country Producn Kept on hand at the v-ity Meat Market FOSTER & HfrfRRIGAN, Prop's. Prineville, At TIlC Old Stand Orco. ' Prinovillc-Shaniko Stage Daily Between Prineville and SCIIKIMLE aves Hluthiko, 0 , in. Arrive!! nt Prineville fi a, nt. Leaven Prineville 1 p. in.' Arrives at Klmniko 1 a. ni. First Class Accommodations H v : t - v ; ; Wcight-GO Pounas, No Urass FOR SALE BY H. LIPPMANN & 33Glt Tlies OUT SALES f..r f.r for for for f..r f..r for for for for for for for for for for for for for I Mi .Mm .' 4 HI :t.7. a. in "J IHI I. Ml 1.1.1 l.:v. a :'.:: .INI l.Ml 17.". I. Ill I'.IHI i.r. :i.7. 11 IHI .'INI J INI 2.1 'J INI i.r. ,"i IMI I. r-i I .. .'.7:. '.'.no I.;:. ft ft ft ft ft Shanlko :. ... ' 'A.'-. L,.iAj; . -t. jr. t-'.i-'-r' 3, . 1,- F7 ' ; II Knobs, Price $4.50 Knobs $5.50 Company