Unocal and 97i'scettaneous jfcts j?j All AchcrtlKing uixler this head A brand new line of fancy Granite Wre at Johnson, Booth & Co. J. F. Morris 1ms shingles, door and windows for sale at prices that will suit you. A. II. Lippman iias several choice pieces of city property for ale. So him. Hie latest and beet fruit jar on earth is the KCOXOMY. Johnson, Booth A Co. sell them. Just received a full line of rariet tattings, portiere, lace curtains, etc etc. at A. H. Lippman & Co. Pricea on doors and window drop ped 20 per cent August 15th all along the 1'acific coast. See A. H. Lippman if in need of any. J. F. Morris has a line of the cele brated John Deere buggies and hacks for sale. Anyone wishing a bargain; in this line will do well to call and see him. Mot ice To Creditors Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Ym. II. Quinn, deceased, in lieu of Mary Quinn, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate should pre sent the same to the undersigned at his office in Frineville; Oregon. Dated this 20th day of October, 1904. M. It. Elliott, Adm. of W. H. Quinn Estate. XR SALE. About 2000 head of sheep consisting of ewe, yearlings and lambs: about one third of each. Range goes with sheep. Will be ready for sale about the 15th of May. This bunch is in fine condition. J. D. Gibson, Sisters, Ore. FOR SALE. Gom1 horxe and bujcjry and u twid dle horse and middle. Inquire at this office. CATARRH mtimg 50 C.i Elvs Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVES relief at once. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a C1J iu tli Huad q-iickly. Restores the Reuses of Taste ami S'i. il Easy to use. Contains no duu Applied into the nostrils and h' i'h ': Large Size, 50 cents rt Pmc'sits or 1 ' mail; Trial Size, ID eeuts by vie I ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wi.-ren S!., Kew York Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Octoler 27, l'JOt. Notice is hereby given that the follnwing nwied settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aad that said proof w ill be made liefore L ?. Rea, TJ. S. Commissioner, at bis office in Madras, Oregon, on the 8th day of Pecemlier, I Ol, tu-wit: MAUD BROWN of Haystack, Oregon, on homestead entry No. 126K2, for the E SWK. Lot 3 of Sec tionlSandNENWK of Section l!t, Tp. 12 South, Range 14 E., V. M She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, to-wit: W. F., J. I). Harril, A. W. Boyce and E Healy, all of Haystack, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, n3p Register. Timber Land. Act June 3, 1S78. I NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, Mi.y 23, 11104. Notice Is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the ritates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1M)2, the following-named peisorm have on March 23rd, 1904, filed in this oHiee their sworn statements, to-wit: Ole Olson, of Gold Bar, county of Snoho mish, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 2277, for the purchase of the SKJf of Section 24, Tp. 15 South, Range 19 E.. V. M. Ernest Martin, of Gold liar, county of Snohomish, state of Washington, sworn state ment No. 2278, for the purchase of the NWJ4 of Section 24, Tp 15 S., K. 19 E., W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the and sought is more valuable for its timber cr stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claim to said land before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on December 13th, 1904. They name as witnesses: Ernest Martin, Charles Jochem and Ole Olson, of Gold Uar, Washington; C. A. Duncan, of Prineville, Oregon; Thomas Darruw, of Seattle, Wash ington. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are request ad to file their claims In this office on or before the Said 13th day of December, 1904. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. alrntfy five itnts jvr lint. ES Brights Disease And Diabetes Y ilp-ire to in t) lisnJs of those attlii'ied ith HrihM iiisoat ami IHsIh-Ics a 9ti-pag miolt-t t tint is saving luuiian lives. 1 1 is iut an ordinary pam- lllllot. Slll'll A 1 riini fllflllf.) W llwaxl f., All. 1 VOrlis lllfslii'tm hut i iiriitHiutll v m.4.1 up of report of wieiituii-aily roiuluvteit tt i laiye variety of rases, showing ST per cent ol rroveriea ill these hillirrto ineurahie disease. The sjHvilies employed in these tests j are known as the Fulton Compounds ami "-suits oonunevl prove iie results olinunevl prove conelusivelv wiui torse lrealed ilisease so lone ratal (the deaths from 15rij;hts Disease alone are appalling, over 100.IW a year, starting as i kidney troubles) have at last yielded to mediral seieiue. The simphlet is free. Write t.. the John J. Fulton t'o.. ! Wash ington street, San Punrisco, t'til. When to siispevt PrUhts Disease: luily ankles or hands; weakness without apparent cause, kidney trouble after third month; frequent urination, (may show sediment or cloudy on standing); failing vision; day drowsiness one or more of these. Notice For Publication. l-i ml Oilier, The Dalles, Oregon, tVtoU-r 14. I!W. Notice is hervhy piven that the following named settler has tiled not ire of his inteu ti'.m to make liual proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before M. IS. Uiges, I". Commissioner, at his oilier in Trine ille, Oregon, on the iMhday of Novemlrr, 14, to-wit: LEWIS V. TICK, of Crook, Oregon, on homestead entry No. tii, for the K'SK offrVetU.n .3, XWl, S W ' A SV , N W . of Section 31, Tp. IS South. Range 21 of W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, to-wit : 1. K. Bennett, of Post, Oregon; Charles Parrisli and Harry Barnes, of Crook, Ore gon; James Cram, of Prineville, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register, odfclo Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, October 12, I'JOl. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of her inten tion to make final proof, in support of her claim, and that said proof w ill be made In-fore J. J. Smith, County Clerk of Crook county at Prineville, Oregon, on the 2.Mh day of November HUM, viz: LKTHE ARMSTRONG, of Culver, Oregon, on homestead entry No. UU42, for the XS$E" SW; SE" and SSE'i SW' of Sn-tion 31, Tp. 12, South, Range 14 East of W. M. She names the following witness! to prove her continuous residence upon and (cultivation of said land, viz: Kida-rt Johnson and C. J. Milligan of Lamonta, Oregon; Thomas J. Leach and J. H. Windom of Culver, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN 02"i1 Register. Motice For Publication Land Office, Th; Dalles, Oregon. Ocbilier 12, 1904. Notice is hereby given that the foliowint; named setiler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in stipjsjrt of his claim, and that said proof w ill be made before J. J. Smith, County Clerk, at his office in Prine- ille, Oregon, on the 22nd day of November, 1904, to-wit: DAVID X. RIGOS. of Sitters, Oregon, on homestead entry. No. WIS, for the iots 1 and 2 of Section 27, SEJ NEJ and Lots G and 7 of Section 2S, Tp. 11 South, Range U East of W. M. He names the follow ing w itnesses to nrove j l.i i continuous residence up m and cultiva j tion af said land, to-v it: I Edwin 13. Graham, Joe A. Graham, H. M. Street, and A. G. Trahan, all of Sisters, Or. I MICHAEL T. NOL A N, Register. o20clo Timber Land. Act June 3. 1S78. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. The Dalles, Oreg, n, May 23, 1904. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitle ! "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Tenitory," r,s extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, lS'.r2, the follow ing-named persons have on March 23rd, 1904, filed in this office their sworn statements, to-wit: Charles Jochem, of Goldbar, county of .Snohomish, state of Washington, sworn state, ment No. 2279, for the purchase of "the SKj NWi, SWJ NKJ and Lots 1 k 2 Section 30, Tp. 1". South, Range 20 East, W. M. Thomas Darrow, of Seattls county of King, state of W ashington, sw-orn statement No, 22S0, for the 1 urch.ise of the I.t 4, SEJ SWJ of Section 19, NEK X W ,t NWi. NKj of Section . 't0, Tp. 1") South, Range 20 East, W. M. That they will ofl'er proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish their claims to said land before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on December 14th, 1901 They name as w itnesses: Hioinas Darrow, of Port Angeles, W'ashiugton; Ernest Mar tin, Ole Olson and Charles Jochem, of Gold Ear, Washington; C. A. Duncan, of Prine ville, Oregon. Any and all ersons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 14lh day of December, 1904. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, odi-dp Register. Notice of Final Accounting W. N. COX Estate. Notice is hereby given, by the under signed administrator of the Estate of W. N. Cox, deceased, that the said adminis trator bus tiled his lina! accounting of his administration of said estate with the Clerk of the County Court and the Court lias appointed Monday, the 7th day of November, I'm, at one o'clock p. in. at the County Court room in Prineville, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing such lina! accounting, at which time and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and object to said tinal accounting. J.l.ui LAND, Administrator. S22 up Notice For Publication. Land Office at The- Dalle's, Oregon. tV tober l. I!1. Notice b hereby given that the following named settler has oUsl notice of his inten tion to makv final proof in support of Ms claim, and that said pr sf will U- made bctore J. J. Smith. County Clerk, at Prine ville, Oregon, on the ll'nh day of Novem ber, to-w it : ROKKKT F. AUMSTUONt;, of Culver, Oregon, on homestead entry No . for the Lot 4, of Section 3, Lot I of Section 6, Tp. 1.1 South. Range 11 East. SK SK'4 Sevtioii SI and SWv, SWl, Sev. K. Tp. 1'.' South, Range 1 1 Fast of W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience uiou and cultivation of said land, to-wit: RoVrt Johnson and C. J. Milligan, of Laiuotua, Oregon; T. J. Leach and J. 11. Windom, of Culver, Oregon. MICHAEL T. XOLAX. opd Register. NOTICE FOR ITRLICATION. 1-ind Otliceat The Dalles, lrcgon. tVtolier 1., l'.HM. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has tiled notice of her intention to make tinal proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will le matio oeiore j. j. Muttn, t ouuty Clerk, in frineville, Oregon, or. the '.Vtli dav of NovemU-r, 14. to wit: LtU ISK T. K. KITCHIXii, of IVineville, Oregon, on homestead entry No. 78, for the N SV; X Wt.SE,- anil SW,NK. of Serlion S, Tp, IS South, Raug lti East of W. M. one names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Art Moss, Edward Harris 1'. G. Milliorn and Alex Hintou. all or Crook, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, oAKIo Register. Notice For Publication Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. October 12, 1!HM. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled nutice of his internum to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof w ill Is- made before J. J. Smith, County Clerk, at his office in Prineville, Oregon, on the 22nd day of November, l!H4, ti-w it: HENRY L. ORCHARD, of Post, Oregon, on homestead entry No. IK.U, tor the W', NEV. SE; NE'; and NE4' SE'V of Svtion 22, Tp. 17 South, Range 20 East, of W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land to-wit: Diiilrich KiHipman, V. R. Kelley, W. W. Hanis and S. H. Smead, all of Post. Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, oJVIo Register. Notice For Publication. I.and Office at The Dalles, Oregon. Octolier 12, l!4. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof w ill Ik- made before J. J. Smith, County Clerk, at his office in Prineville, Oregon, on the 21st day of November, USH, to-wit: . - - JOHN W. DARNES, of Prineville, Oregon, on homestead en. try No. 7411, for the SWi of Section 22, Tp. It South, Range It; East of W. M. He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: E. A. Poe Lafollette, Gus McCord, J. H. Birdsong and James Ziiniuerlec, all of Prineville, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. o2oio Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dallet, Oregon, Octols r 12, I!i4. Notice is hereby given that the folio ving named settler has filed notice of her in tent ran to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will 1 made liefore J. J. Smith. Countv Clerk- in Prineville. Oregon, on the 2.5th day of November, 1904, to-wit: CORN ELI L'd J. MILLIGAN, of Lamonta, Oregon, on Jiomesteud entry o. UiJl, lor ttie SEX SWK. SWK SE'.' of Section 61, 1 p. 12 South, Range 14 East, and iMt 2 A A of Section 5, Tp. 13 South Range 14 East of W. M. jie names ine following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Robert Johnson, Lamonta, Oregon; Rolx-rt Armstrong, Thomas J. Leach, and J. H. Windom, all of Culver, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. o20pd Notice For Publication. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon. October 12, 1904. Notice is hereby givea that the following- named settler has filed notice uf her intention to make final proof in support of her claim and that said proof will be made before .1. J. Smith, County Clerk, at his office in Prine ville, Oregon, :m the 21st day of November, 1901, to-wit: ANNIE HYNES, of Prineville, Oregon, on homestead entry No 1124, for the SK of Section 2X, Tp. 12 South Range 10 East of W. M, She names the follow ing witneyscs to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land; to-wit: T. M. O'Connell, Aid ren Eastwood, C. E. Campliell, Arthur Welty and Albert T. Bogue, all of Prineville, Oregon. " M ICHA EL T. NOLA X, IbHster. o20clo Notice For Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. October 12, 1904. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in supsirt of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J, J Smith, County Clerk, at his office in Prine- ville, Oregon, on the 23rd day of November, 1904, to-wit: ELIZA J. SUMNER, of Prineville, Oregon, on homestead entry No, 12055, for the SEJ NWK, Y, XXV of Section 2 and NE NWJ-f of Section 11, Tp. 13 South, Range 13 East of W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, to-wit: Jesse L, Windom, Henry J. Windom, (i. Springer and Ralph H. Armstrong, all of Culver, Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register, o20clo For Sale. l('0acrcoffiiiealfalla land under ir. rigation ditch together with one eighth interest in ditch. Also 1(10 acre of hot torn Is ml, M acre under cultivation, all fenced, six mom house, ham and outbuildings. Will sell iK.tli properties at a bargain Address, Tim Joi ksxl. price, FOR SALK. A very desirable ranch consist um or ltU acres. About U!) of which is first class yellow pine timler and (.1 acre of No. 1 agricnltiiaal land ....l.w.,.l I f ..... .1 . "inwii ny irnce, n acres oi winch is three year-old alfalfa and a acres in clover. A larsre stream of iinro eold water teeming with trout rimniiiK through center of place, tiood ditch for irrigation purposes. This is a hsrgain. For futher particulars nod price write or call to the joritxAt. OHiee, Trineville, Oregon. Foil SALE: A Clover Ranch. Sit uatcd 4 mile east of Sisters mile from county road, 1 mile from school house, 1C( acre deeded, fenced, divis. ion fences etc. Nearly all can Ik cultivated, 30 acres in lovcr and timothy, Koh stand and can .e ir rigated with one fourth the lalir re quired to irrigate any like munlicr of acre in this vicinity. Stock in Squaw Creek Irrigation (V ditch, house of C rooms, well uf good water, two hams and haruroom for 100 tons of hay. l'tU-e LS(K. full on or Rddrea II. K. (iliuier, Sisters, Ore. Toth Patrons of the Oregon Nursery Co. I w ill cmiviisi Cr.i(k county (luriiifr the months ,,f K-tolMT. XnveiiiU-r tllld mvemU'r. DwioH r KoiiKitTK. AKetit. ROBT. SMITH, Prineville. - O retro n, Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice in hereby given tlia I liave appointed the following named persons deputy stock inapectora: J. I'. CartwriKht, Hay Creek, .Jim Woods, Aslivvfxid E. Sparka, Kistoni. A. Alorrow, Haystack. F. M. Smith I'auliiia, Itoiicoe Knox, Pugt J. 8. Houe, Itrnlaml. Alex Mclutiish, Hunlin J. I'. Vaiillouten, Hay Creek. U. S. Cowles, Hay Cretk Joe Hinkle, Stock Jn)L'ctor Crook County. TIclo Snaitli BUSINESS FOR SA! K c arc retiring from liusincss J and our entire stock of Mer- ! yTiwa'1 '"TTrV ,;chantlisc will ho hoM reRiirill.'ss j 4jf5V TS ofco.-t. Will Hell entire lousiness , I jf JfWj at reasonable terms. Xv'S1tfev i ttmicmm, i f J For Vhoiee f V M ( fJ J( Homestead j rwfe Timber Desert Lands j V7HITE I Notice tlio KxprcPHion on her llandB and Feet, and the Dimple in Iter Hat She Rides a Saddle SMITH, the Saddler Tlmlier l-and, Act Jim 1, 1ST. NOTK'K KOU ri'HI.ICATIoN. Cnlleil Hlatrs fouul Oltl.e. Tint 1V iks, Oiim.on, tVtolier 1 l'.KH. Notice la hereby alvrn that In compli ance wllh the provlKlona uf the act of dintcrvM of Jim 1, P;s. entitled "An act for the sale of llml-cr hunts In tlie stub's of California. Oreson, Nevada, ami Wash ington Territory," as rxtemlcit to nil the 1'uhllo laonl Hiatcs by act of August 4 IS92, the following named pi'ison. hme tiled ill thia olliw tlirir iWihii statements, to il: Dnlloi. Mit.-liell, of Kll.-:ith Aviime. Seattle, county t King, taU of WashhiKton, worn sUtemciit No. 2:t!H), riUtl August ?i. 1904, for th puivli.i.e uf tlx W N M slid W , SW; of Swtioii S3. Tp 1 1 Soulh, Ran. PJ Kt of W. M, b.krhc K, O Neil, of Prineville, countv of Cnkik, Mate of Oregon, worn statement No, d-su, .. , ......... .. . i.Kt, uiej .-seiieimiiir 3, i:.M, lor the ouremuN- of th SE NWV, S NE NW, of StH tloii 27, Tp. 1J South, RsiiKT Hi Kaot, W. M. That tliey will offer prHf to show llmt the land soiiijht Is mure valuable for Us tlmtu-r or atone thin for aurli iiliiunl pur- IKis.s. Riul to eslahllsh their claims to aid lands Mure .1. J, Smith, County Clerk, at Im olhc in Prineiillc, OiTg .n, oil th 23rl day lVcemlier, I'.HH. They name as wiii!ee: Uyo'ii Cady and 1'erry l'ohulfvter, of Piiiunille. Oregon; liouiiw 1. Heath and damra 1 1. Heath, of Apple ton, WU"niu: tiiiye O'Neil, August II. pnmnn, I. Michel and T. M, O'Coti. nvl, all nt I'liiiriill.', Oi-rgoii. Any ami all persons claiming adversvly rrio atMvve-ili'strlbed lands ar rnuestsl to (lie their claims In this ottlee on or before the said 23d day of lmil,-, l!Hl. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, o20 Register. Notice For Publication Ijonl Oilier, The Dulles, Oregon. October It, l!M Notice Is hrrrby Riven that the following named settler has Hied notice of her inten tion to make linul commutation proof in siipHrt of her claim, ami Hut said prool will lie made before Ifon P. Rea, V S t ommisniuncr, at bis olllce in Madras Oregon, on the Sth day of Noventla-r. pmi to-w il : ANNA HELEN A 1', ol Haystack, Oregon, on homestead entry U7l, for tbeS', SWl, of Serlion XX T II South, Rangr 1.1 Last, and Lois 3 A 4 ol Svtion 4, Tii. 12 South, Range 13 East til W. M. Mie name the follow ing witnesses to prove her continuous n-idence upon ami cultivation ul'said land. t-wil: J. II. Homey, V. Hull Mr. E It i. hard and R. S. Vest, all of Haystack, Oregon. M It 'II A EL T. Nol. AN, Register o-.Hpil MR.S. L. S. ADAMS. Ol, Teaaa. "Wine of Ctrdui ii Indeed a bie.jlng tj tired women. Hjvlni suffered lor seven ycart with weakness and bear-In-down paint, and having tried sev eral doctors and different remedies with no succeis, your Wine of Cardul was the only thins; which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct Irregularities." ISy ''tired women" Mrs. Adams mean iiitvouh women who liavn disordered menses, falltii(f of tho womb, ovarian troubles or ny of these ailmmits that women have. You can cure younwlf at home with this p-eat women's remedy, Wine of Cardui. Wine of t'ardui has curtd thouaands of cases which doi tors have failed to lament. Why not betiin to pet well today? All druggists have 11.00 Iwittles. Fur any stomach, liver or bowel diiior der Thed ford's Itlack-Uraught should be uscl. ForiilTl-iin'IIilmltire,iiililriiM, irlvlrat ayrri lUiina, '1 Iih IaiIii' Aitvimuy fii-iirt. nimit, TlK (;imllniisi .M.-,h, lii,, i i, L liattanoogA, Tmui. a VINEo'CARDUl Cow G-irl made by that SIIANIKO WAREHOUSE COMPANY Sbaolko, Oregon. 5 General Storage Forwarding RoMHissioN Mcnlera in Ulneksmilli i.w, Klonr, Iturheil Wire, Nails, IVmcnt, l.imo, foal Oil, Planter, Sulplmr, Wool ami drain, Sin k ami Twine, Criiin ami Kecil, Alien ta (or Waseo Wan lioiise Milling (, "Wliilo River" ami "Dalles Patent" Fl.uir. Highest jirirr puiil fur lli.lra ami IVIls, Spri ial Attention is paid to Wool Cradin, ami R iliiif; fur Kastern Sliiinents. Stwk Vnnln with nil tl latent ami liest fat ilitieH for Hamllinji Stuck. Mark Your Goods in t JL Jt Jk. JU Jl. Jk JW Jl. LJ r i U J r i -i. i r i L J r i k J r t k J r i k J r i k j r i k J r i k j r i l j r t u r i k j n k j n kj r i k j Sonoral ffilacksmithing Ilultsrillnnvtl, Wiaili WnltK, KTC, N I. ATI. Y Ai PlIdMITIV I)i iK Wiikn it i) I hi.K llv : : : Salomon cf 9oorc Satisfaction Will PltlNKVII I i;, LJkJkJk. Powell & Tonsorial When in need of Linn bcr, Shingles, .Mould iiiK, Doors, Windows or (J lass see SHIPP I'or Prices on Them. XJ 3VE El Photography for the AMATEUR Half its Former Cost V -s . ,S , I American Jr; CAMERA With Double Plate Holder $1.60 Our facilities enable! us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at . prices which cannot: be met. : ' '''! Send for illustrated catalogue telling all about our 27 styles and sizes. Free. AMERICAN CAMERA MFG. CO. 946 St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. 9 Merchants I 9 Care of "S. W. Co." k JW JW Jk JU Jt. 41. Jt. JL. j . r i He Guaranteed OitKiai.v. Cyrus Artists- AND :T1 at The famous Poco, Buch-Eye and American Cameras. Genuinely good in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. fSCSl $4.80 4x5 POCO k J r i k 4 t 1 k J r i k j r i k j r l k j i k j r i k j r i k 4 r i L A r.i k J r i k J r 1 k J r 1 k J r k 4 r i ill