Xocal and Miscellaneous jfds fjj All Advertising omlcr tlii. held .trictly five cent, per Kiw. A brand new line of fancy Granite Warn at Johnson, Dixilli & Co, Mason Fruit Jan at Johnson, Booth 4 Co't. A new, oxlra fancy line of men hirta jnat received at the Bee .Hive. 8iecial in lailiea' Shirt Waista, while akirta, paraaola and fans at The Bee Hive. J. P. Morris has shingles, doors and windows or sale at 1'ricea that will autt you. A. H. Lippman haa several choice, piece of city property for sale. See him. The latest and best fruit jar on earth is the ECONOMY. Jonnson, .Booth i Co. sell them. Just received a lull line of earets, mattings, portien, lace curtains, etc. ete. at A. H. Lippman 4 Co. A big line of Crash and Straw Hsta being sold cheap at Johnson, Booth Co'a. Prices on doors and windows drop ped SO per cent August 15th all along the Pacific coast. See A. H. Lippman if in need of any. J. F. Morris has a line of the cele brated John Deere buggies and hacks for aale. Anyone wishing a bargaiu in this line will do well to call and see him. Notice of Final Accounting; W.N.COX Estate. Notice is hereby given, by the umler signetl administrator of the Kstate of W. N.Coi, deceased, that the sakl adminis trator has tiled his tinal accounting of his administration of said estate with the t'lerk of the County l onrt and the Court has appointed Monduy, the 7th day of Savember, liM, at one o'clock p. m. at the County Court rami in Prineville, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing such tinal accounting, at which time and place all persons interested in Hid estate may appear and object to said final accounting. F. E. HYLAN1), Administrator. 822 np CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is s Specific, Sure to Cive Satisfaction. CIVES RELIEF AT OttCC. It cleanses, aootbes, hrnU, and protect the diseased membnuie. It caret Catarrh and drives away GthJ in the lh-.u quickly. Kestores the Senses of Xante and S-in ii. ijsy to twe. Contains nn iiijiiri it dnii:-. Applied into the nntriln and u!sovmiI. Large Site, GO cenU at Hni-.-.-i-tJ or trt mail ; Trial Size, 10 -c:its by :1 ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New Ycrk Timber Land, Act June S, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. The laUe. Orexn, May i3, 1N04. Natice la hereby iriven that in compliance with the provUiona of the act of Omyret of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of timber lands in the Statea of California, Ore- gun, Nevada and Washington Territory," an extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, lSfi, the follow inx-named peraona have on March 23rd, 1104, tiled in this office their aworn atatementa, to-wit: Charlea Jochem, of Gldbar, cimty of Knohomiffh, itate of Waahinton, -jw.-rn stute ment No. 2279, for the purchaae of the SKJ NWi.SWi NKiaViJ I,U 1 2 Section 30, Tp. U S-.uth, KaLe DO Fut, W. M. Thomaa Darrow, of Seattls omiity l KThr atate of Waohinkfton, aworn Htatement No. 22H0, for the i-urchaw of the Lot 4, HK'-i HV of Section It), XK X WJ & X W'i X KJ of Section 30, Tp. 15 South, Kane 20 Kaot, W. M. I That the v will offer nronf to nbo- that I the bind Nought is more valuable for nt timber or atone than for agricultural pur-! poaea, and to establish their claiuiH to tutid land before the KeKister and lieceiver at The Dallea, Oregon, on December 14th. HHH. They name aa witn: Ihuina Darrow, of Port Angelee, Vfthintj.n; Kmest Mar tin, Ole Olkvio and Charlea Jochem, ol tiold Bar, Vfiwhington; C. A. Diincjui, f PHrie ville, Oregon. Any and all persons cUimin adtmely the above-described lauds are t.uented t tile their claims in this office on or before said 14th day of December, '.H. MICHAKLT. NOLAN, ooS-dp KejfUter. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1K78. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. t. Unite4 Stales Land Otflce. The Dallea, On-K'-n, Mi.y 23, 1)104. Notice la hereby given that In compli ance with the pro vi lone of the act of Congreae of June i entitled "An act for the aale of timber lands In the Hiates of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land fitatea by act of August 4, the following -named peiium have on March 23rd, I'XH, ml in this office their sworn statement, to-wit: Ole Olson, of Gold Bar, courty of 8nohi miah. state of WaahinKton, awm statement No, 22T7. for the pua"e of the SK of Hertioo 24, Tp. 15 South, Kane IV K.. W. M. Krueet Martin, of tiold liar, county of Nuohomiah, state of Washington, aworn state ment Ni. 2?7". for the purchase of the of Section 24, Tp 15 S., K. 1!) F... W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land anujfht ia more vaJ liable for its timber t r ' 3BS8S3SB tun tlin for tvricnHitnU .u.rtnet, and to mUhlinh their claim to mi.) UnJ Wtw the Hester nd Kiwirw at The I-alle, Onv". .-n Ifcremltfr ISth. IWM. Thv nn u witnw: KtTwt Martin, Oliarle Jocheni Mid il Olft-n, of tioKI IUr ft iwliinitMi C. A. Duncan, of Irin ilie, OtviTon; Tinwia lrr,.w, of SiUK Wash myto. Any ncj all prawns claim I nit adverse? y the abovf-oVacHltrtl land ir nuost l to tile their clnlmn In this onto on or More the Mid 13th Uy of ltwtmlwr, HUM. MICHAKLT. NOLAN, li twister. Brights Disease And Diabetes Wcdwirr-to nine in the Imml of those atlli.-Utl will. Itriiiltts ami lhatwtta Si-pap' vaiiipolw that is navinn human livtr. It iMiot an ordinary pain- ptilet, such as is ooinmonoly usttl to ad vert i so mwlifiiuw, hut is principally made up of roports of wit'iiUhValty otHnllU'twt test in a large variety of rases, showing S7Hr ivntf ctmriea in these liillierlo itn'ural'e ili-eae.t. Ths ptvilics employed in these tests are known as the 1 niton t on i pound amt the result.'" obtained prove conclusively that iluite divaded ttiwases w loiip fatal (the tieaths Irvmi Itrijrt.ts Disease alone are appalling, over lut.m. a year, starting as kidney trouhlcxUiave at last yielded to medical soienee. The paniplilrt is free. Write to the John J. Kullon Co W Wash ington street, San Kratteisvo, Cal. Winn to susjHvt liriclit Ihseast?: lufly ankif or hand; weak m without apparent cause, kidney trouble after thinl month : frequent urination, (may show mtt intent or eloudy on standing): failing vision; day drowsiness one or more of thee. IX THK CIRCriT COlKT OF THK STATK OK ORKUOX, FOR CROOK COt'NTY. Clara 11. Caldwell, Plaintiff, ) VS. i V Wintrier O. Cal well, iVtadant, j To Wintriee 0. Caldwell, above named de fendant: IX THK NAME OF THK STATE OF OREUON: Youarc berehy required to ap pear and answer the complaint nlvd again! y.m in the above entitled suit tin or befiTi the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court and if yon fail no to aiuwer, for want thereof the plaintiff will ajply to the court f the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: For a diftschtiV-n of the tuarrtare cm tract now existing between the plaintiff and de fendxnt, that the tame may be t aaMt and 1 held for naught, and for a judgment &Kinit you fur her 'just and dislntrseuicnU, and fr auch other and futher relief a to the court and equity way teem jiut and meet in the I remise. i Thia mTjru'imt is ordered lerved on you by J publication thereof for six consecutive week, fr.m SeiA Irt to and Oct 13th ltdM, by order of Honorable V. A. Bell, County JuoVe for Cruttk County, OreHi, made and dated at Prineville, Oregon, Sept 1, M. 0. W. UAKXK.S, Attorney For i'laiotiff. TiuilaerLand, Act .lune 3, IfA. NOTICE KUK PUBLICATION. United State Iind Offlte. Th Ihllles, Oregon, May 28, l'J04- Xotlce Is hereby given that In comjill nce with the provfaions of the act of Congrewi of June J, lh78. entitled "An act Tor the sale of timber lands In the mates f California, Oregon. Nevada, and Waah intrton Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land Slatea by act of August 4, lc WltLltM MfllcEKIS of Prineville, county of Crook, tate of Or epitn, has on July 17, 1003, lileI in thia off ice ht sworn statement No. &!o6 for the purchase of It 1 of Section 31 Tp 12 South of limine hi Kast V M and will offer proof t show that the land sought i more valu ;ible for its timleror stone than for agri cultural purpoHD, and to establish his rlaini to said land before the County Clerk of Trunk county, Oregon, at Prineville, Or )..! i, on the 14th day ol October, IiNM. Jfe name a witfu-ses: Augu.xt H. i.ipft man and William Treichal of Prineville, Orcvoi), and Samuel Corn Hon and Aldrcn R. Eustwuud of Grizzly, (reion. Any and all per-ona claim intt adverw-Iy the alove descri)ad landare reriie-ted to I tile their claims iu this otiice mii or before : aid 14th day of October, MICHAKLT. NOLAN j iJejHuter. I MRS. L. S. ADAMS, Ol tlalmion, Texas. "Vine of Cardul Is indeed a bit win $ to tired women. Hiving suffered for even yean with weakncia and bear, in-down paint, and having tried sev enl docton and different remedki with no Micuit, your Wine of Cardul wa the only thing which helped mt, and eventually cured me It wemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the lyittm and correct Irregularities." Uy "tired women" Jfr. Adarag means ncrvoua women who have disordered menaes, falling of the womli, ovarian troublei or any of these ailiiienU that women have. You can cure yourself at home with thin (Treat women's remedy. Wine of CVdui. Wine of t'ardui has cur-d thousands of caws which doctorsliavefailedtol" lit. Why not bcirin to get well today? All uVuRtfists have $1.00 Unties. For any stomach, liver or bowel disor der Thedford's Black-Draught should be used. iiriHKHi. lli jt.i' A.lnt.,ry Iuc:.L Tt" CloilUlaWufat McOj.UMi I Ctaixtaman, Teun. ft WINEofCARDU! OONTBST NOTICE IOTARTMKNT OK THK 1NTKKIOH I'nltnl StalM TIi. Omti. Aiwnrt If. Aincinilai.Ult harim bwu Ulnl to tills i.lliwliy KliKD KUKKM.VN, I mmila, Oiwm, c-iU'tnt. Binrt llonw- .loatl Kntry Nn. HUM. m'l Al 10. 1K. lor K, SKV Scti.n 16 KS NKS; SmUon X, Tl. IS South. 1!jh U Kmt, w. Allwrt I.. lUMwin. omtnba, In which It la alle! that th. ni.l Allwrt L. lUl.lwta h hlly aUn.lil th. aaiil tract: thai h. ha. dianiinl hi. iwhlmca thmfrnm li than mx month, .inc. niakiiiK th ml .ntry: that uM tract U ni4 KttM and rnlti' vsti hv uid nartv M reiiuiml by law and that tin cMit.t h totally falM to Iniil.l a houw on th. land and htut mad. nu imlrowtiiita whAtcv.r, and th.,t ich failnrr till it, and ia not du. to naval p mill' tary amice in th. army, navy or marine cor o( th. lnitcd SUtM. Said itw ar hereby notiM to a'ar, mNVnd and otfer evidene tmchina wid lh'ti.n at 10 o'clock a. m. ivn Octolwr fi. 1KH, U'for. M. K. Hiinl". I'. . Craimi!. cr, who i. anthorittnl to tak. th. twtimony in thecal at hi. ortiw at I'rincviH.. tlnvn, land that linal hrariin; will Ix held at It) o'clock a. n. on tVtobrr l lM, Mor.1" the Kevtrter and Keceivw at th. rniteil rftatw IjikI ! in The Kallca, Hrek""!- Th uid contesUnt h.vini:, in a mrr alti.UvIt, tiled June 17. MM, -I forth fact which show that after du. diligent. )rliaj nervic f Ihi notice can a be wade, it U hereby intered and directed that .u.b u4ic. Iw tfivelt by due and )nttier publication. MICHAKLT. Ntl.AX, l(Xitr. Notioe For Publication. Ijvn.l Otticc at The Pallw. Onyon. Aivut a, l!t. Notice U hereby Kiven that th. folloaing nwied wttler ha. tiled notice of hi. intention to make tiual irnof in .uort of hi. claim, uul that uid nroof will b. uifcie before J. J. Smith. County Cl.rk, at I'rin.vill., t)r Ijoa, on Cctolr il,t, ISO), vii: THOMAS K. STIIDITI of Prineville, Oncn. H. K. No. 620, lor theSV, SW'i,,, NKJSWH SW!KHw ti. Tf. H Sith llanife 17 Hut, W. ,M. He naiiica the following witlt.aia'a to tovc bis continuous nidencc tlip and cultiva tion of Haid land, via: Jame. Zeverly, WilliiBt H Kirkhani, Aleiwder Uu.hey.nd Lavid llodwowl, all of Prinevill. Ortvn. MICHAKLT. NULAN, KeKiater. lap XOT1CK KlIK PCHI.ICATIUX. IjiiiJ Offlcat The Dallea, Ureifon. Auitustai, Notice is hereby given lhat the followinf! nainevl settler ha. hie,) notice of hi inten tion to make linal proof in ailpport of hi. claim, and that .aid proof will be made be fore,!. J. Smith, County Clerk at I'rine ville, Uregull, on October SSluL 1H, via: LEE PKI'K of Culver, Onyon, 11. K. No. 10117, fur IheN'S SK'i Section 19 WS S.ction 9). Tp. 128., R. 13 K.. W. M. He name, the followiiiK witnessea to prove bis continuous residence U.m and cultivation of said land via: Jonea Kvins, Iavc RoRers, Frank Hun ler and Wilic Hunter, all of Culver, Ore. IIIL'HAKL T. MILAN, ( slnd Htvistcr. ,-HIIIMi;STEAI CONSOI.IIIATKI) NOTICE FOR PI'III.ICATION. United Stale. Land ortine The Dalles, Oregon. Notice i. hereby Riven that the followinji named seltlers have lihsl notice of their intentions to make proof on their resjiec tive claims, atid that .aid proof will be made before J. J. Smith, Comity Clerk of I 'rook county, Oregon, at Prineville, Ore gon, on September 1901, at the county court bouse, vis: JAMES II . LAM SON' oldil.er, Oregon, II E No. ftiifj, for the lots 12, HVi N K'4 and SKV4 Hwtiou 4, Tp 13 South of RanKe 13 E W M HENRY W. LAMSONofCulver.Ongon H E No.7l. for the HVi' of Section 4 Tp 13 South of Range 13 E W M. They name a. witnesses to prove their continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lida, to wit: Ocorge H. Osliorn, James H a7indoni, WalhT Ruble and Robert Morris, all of Culver, Oregon. MICHAEL T.NOLAN, Register. Felilin t'r l,iqar License. TO THK IION'ORABLB COI.NTV COl HT FOR CltDOK WjfXTV, ORE- We, the undefttiKtied letsi voters of Kukher jrecinct, in C'nxik County. Oreicn, ren;t fully Mtition vour ll'tnoraUe Court U Krant a limnte to M . L. Lvuckft to sell spirit- uoiu, malt and vinua IiUni snd hard cidi in fiiaiititun tm than ne KUn, in fal- iDftin, Kutthr prtfcinct, Crk County, Ore Xm, for s period of fix wmith from snd sfU-r the lrt day of Xoverulwr, NAMES II. C. Dure, f'red iJavin, W. Huiiiner, Ceo. .Huii.ioent, Co. Whit, J. 11. Lochsrd, A. L. Wilti.ii..., F. K. Whuletiiui, V. W. Stone htlwr,. V. I)iH..n, Miki tiard, It. R. YounK, Walter Ixrney, L. A. YoutiK, Yulus lilmn, O. h. flohlfeld, R. M. JoneN, L. HaU-mtfth, F. O. Hutchinnon, Kd Kutcher, lto. R. lawucU, Jifhn Jlsntinx. John l'a iiifiiu, ,Iainen Williams. Eutfene Willjauif, Joe I'sr-l'ar-Kit, Tin hum ClistU-a, Frank Wimn-rxhiit, Cet.rxe I'itt, John O'Koir, J. K. Cauij.l-ell, L. V, l'axton, Alex Rlanchel, h, Limdery, T. M. Hoorlon, Don P. Res, ii. S, Mayee, V. H. O.wle, R. 8. Vet, Haiimel HaLmtah, W. Thielman, J, A. Anicy. C. Ratnrtey, J. Ilatliham, A, H. I'.nker, J. K. Church, Jamea Lee, Ciiaa, Jfarp, John Dil lon, Win. Cookley, JJhokIm Mdirath, E. V. iMv, IKuletf, IVUr KaUva, J. M. Mayes, D. L. Huff mail, W. I. Martin, L. B. Tucks, K. T. Jonea, F. J. RrooU, J. I). Mayo, John Mi am, T. J. MsJIoy, tie,.. Kirk, C. W. RechuHon, C. K. Loucku, M. h. Iiuckt. H. K. Niwien, It. -i. I,ue, N. H. lennini, (). K. Laui(Min, C. C. Fox, Ira InIiuiu, J. W. Jack Kin, Maitin T. I'ratt, S. K. Crsy. Notice is hereby given that the above petition will be present! to the Honorable County Court of the Ktate of Oregon for Crook County, at the next reKular teim there of, to-wit: n the 2nd, day of Novemla-r 11104, or an aooti thereafter m the said Court can hear the same, snd will then snd there sk that auch petition be granted and s license iaiue to the asid M. L. Lourka, to aelt apiri'.u oua, malt sd vinoua lio,uom snd hard cider in (juanitien leu than one gallon at the Precinct of Kutcher town of Palniain, Crock County, Oregon, for s teim of nix montiia. Sep. 1, IWM. M. L. Lotciw. For Sale. 1(10 acm of lino altalta land timlorir. ripiliott ililoh liigclher with one eighth inumwt jn ditch. Aim ltd) aenva ol bottom land, 80 am umlcr cultivation, all fcnml, six rvmin Iioiimv, Ivarn anil uiittiiiltliiip. Will .oil both iMH-rtiM at it Uti'isiiin iri. A.lilrcss, Tho Jot'KKAU All SAI.K. Alwnt StK) hra.l of sheep consisting of cwea, ycarlini;. and laniKs: aUmt one third of each, HaiiKti gvH with ahtf. Will ln ready for aalo about the- l.'illi of May. This Imnoh ia in Knocomlition. J. I). (Iiiuun, SlaTKKH, ihlK. l') SA1-K. A very .loairatilt' ranch consisting of 1(10 ai'na. AUnit !!) of nhit'h ia lirst claaa yellow in liuils'r and lit acre, of No. 1 aKi'rctiltnanl land encloacd by fencrv, 8 acre ol which i. uv year-old alfalfa and 3 acre, in lover. A larjie t renin ol puro cold water teeming with tront rnnning throiich ivnter ol place. (itHvd ditch for irrigation purpoaca. Thia is a hirgttiit. For futher utrticnlara ami price write or call to the joI'Knai. Ollico, 1'rinevllle, Oregon. STRAYED. One tay pi1 on blnt'lc maw. Black or ulwl with triaiiulo am. O on left aliuiildi'r; Imv biniulftl with old Riek-vaM bra ml, U X nn b'lt shoulder. Htrsytnl an Ay front the Muling bdrn Friday, Si'ptiMnbtr 2. Last awn at KrIo Hk. Kinder will he paid iititablo rewnrd. Ki Hkadkohh. Deputy Stock Inspeetora. Nilin ia hatrthv oiven tha I hsi-s ' apptiii.ti-d the fidluwiiin nsuied rxTuma deputy attack inspectors: I J. V. Cart wriK hi, Hay L'rtwk I Jim Woodit, Ahwood E. SiMirka, Siators. A. Morrow, Haystack ; F. M. Smith Can I ma. KaciH Ki)"i, foal j J. 8. HK..ts Hofland. AUi Mclut..h. Hanlin J. 1'. Yatilluuten, liny Crevk. U. S, Cowlci, tUy Crwk Joe Hinkle, Sloi'k luapocttir CriM.k County. Timber I. mi. Act June X IKTS. NoliCti FOK FlIUMCATKiN. Unlled Htales Land otlU-e. Tub Iuileh, Ohhiuh, June 'H, Notice Is hereby given that In compli ance with the provlalons of the act of t'ongreae of June 3, 17X. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Hales of California, Ort'tfun, Nevnda, and Waah inKton Territory." s e tended to all the t'uhlic Ijind Hiates by act of Aiianst 4. IW2, the MltiwjnK named iwrsoaa hae fileil in thi otiice their aworn atateinenta, to-wit; HOWARD It. CHAMBERLAIN of vil Phoenix Huildiiiji, MiimeatlU, o.unty ui Hennepin, atst of Minneaots, aworn atate ment No 21N0, tiM Novemher )', l'-'. for the purchaae of the SV, NE and Lot I k 2 Section tl Tp l'i South, Ranxe H K , W. M. COltNFLU S J. MUdaBiAX of lAiiionts, county of Crook, stite if Oregon, worn aUtement No. 21M, tiled Odfler tl, VMS, f.,rthe purchase f the XV' NW of Section 111, T. Vi Hoittli, ll.,: ge 10 Kant, W. M. That tliey will offer proof to a how lhat the land aoiJKht Is more valuable for Its limber or atone than for flKrlcnltural pur poses, and to eaisbllah their claims to Kuid laud It-fore J. J, Hnillli, Cuunty Clerk at hi. office at Prineville, Oregon, -n October lUth, lUOt. They name as witneaaea: Jamea lielfrich, Kllen I. Taylor, Rulwrt Ann-triHK, Allen Haah, and Jac.b Htroud, of Ijuinta, Ore-it-n; John W. Dee, of (irizzly, Oregon; Powell & -Tonsorial SHANIKO WAREHOUSE COMPANY Skuiko, Oreri. (Ieheral Storage Porwarding AND ? Dealers in Iilackamilli Ctial, Flour, liarliecl Wire, Nailn, Cement, i.iine, Coal Oil, IMaater, Sulpliur, Wool and Grain, Sacka and Twine, Clrain and Feed. AgenU for Wanco '9relioue Milling C'o'g. "White River" and "Dalit Patent" Flour. Higlient price paid for Hides and Pelln. Special Attention in paid to Wtxil Grading and Baling fur Eaiitern (Shipments. Htock Yards with all the lattwt and best facilities for Handling Block. i Mark Your Goods in 58 P.rry 11, l'olud.t.r and Fred T. Illiigins, of rrlnevill., Oregon, Any ann nil peraona clalmlnv adv.r..ly the atHiv-teaerltHHl land, ara miueatatt to nta their chtlma in thia omc an More Hi. Mid lath day of OdoUr, llM. MICIIAKL T. NOLAN', ItcgiMer, jll.VIo E. H. SMITH MAKTK OK titMitiinc VAWKKOSAUDI.KS hImi KADIKS'SAIHH.KS Snmll Ht'ltvU'tl tttmk n( IturntH, Quirts, Mildred. Hits ami Spun-. 1'hinkvii.i.k, Omwiom. '.MEN wanted: To Wink on tlio COLLMBIA SOLTHLKN IKIIIfiATION co.nrA.Nrs okkS ALso ono BLACKSMITH Main Camp on South Sitloot Uliiit) Hiittu C F. SMITH, Supl. BUSINESS FOR SALE U'e lire retiring frnin iitiaini'sa and ntir entire attxk t( Mer clmmlisp will it aulil reunlleaa of cort. Will cnlire litisineHii :it rensniinlilc terms. N. A. TVE S Company For I'lwlre Homestead Locations Timber Desert Land,'s ROBT. SMITH, 11 I'rinevillo, - Orison. Cyrus Artists- 1 Care of "S. W. Co." g l MX Sencral ffiheksnu'thing lloraevliiH'inii, Wood Wotk, ete,, iienlly nml ironidly ilono wliei) ll la ilono 'liy Snlomon O Moore Silt Win I Ion Mill Ito llii.iriinlci'd Alwny I'rincvillc, Orcoii, Metal Melted into 5 pound bars From Old Type. Just runnel! alloy In iniikt" it iihw tliirnlili limn unliimrv nrmU, mid still not Imnl rnniij;li to lifiit wlit'ii in list'. Threshers Slmulil tnko iitlviiiilnu'O of this ofl'rr. ,Sniiy liniilt'il. 1'i'icn luwrr tlinii nnv iiiitatinll nil linliliit .Motnl in IViiifvillf, ' 1 11 v now for tlio foinini; season, ADDRESS: CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL L TJ JUL When in need of l.iim her, Shinnies, Mould" inn, Dtiors, Windows or (.lass see SHIPP For 1'iiees on Them. 5 hefs rn TTT, n TniMViHAXT CHAM I' SMITH. I'KOP. .wme8 liquors, Domestic 3 t and Imported Proprietor of the aFVineville Soda "Works. UiaillmiUiiilUIUiitliWa Photography for the AMATEUR Half its Former Cost American Jr: CAMERA With Doubl Plata Holder $1.60 Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated catalogue telling all about our 27 styles and sizes. Free. AMERICAN CAMERA MFG. CO. 946 St. Babbit j and Mill Men i Clears. iuiiiiulUIUIUJUlUjUIUiaU at The famous Poco, Buch-Eye and American Cameras. Genuinely good In every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. Paul St., Rochester. N. Y. iwavn 4x5 POCO ' i